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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1920)
8 THE BEE: -vaHA, SATURDAY. JANUARY 10, -1920. FINISH HEARING OF 10 ALLEGED RADICALS HERE No Statement On Investigation Until the Reports Are Re ceived Back From Washington. The hearing of tlie 10 alleged Ornahi radicals waj completed Thursday at the federal building by Immigration Inspector Warren E. Long. The reports will be sent to the attorney general as soon as they are completed. Inspector Long re fused to state whether or not he would recommend deportation for atiy of the alleged "reds" and stated that no information could he giveif 'tit until the return of the reports frnm Washington. The alleged radicals were arrested in Omaha last Friday night by fed eral authorities on warrants issued by the Department of Labor. Those examined here were: Mike Vitclich. secretary, 280.1 T street; Mike Dasoyh, 2801 T street; Mary Mrmos, 2624 Y street; Tom Lrrzh. 2624 Y street; Frank Ivan, 2814 T street; Tom Solar, 2815 T street; Anton Blaha, 3612 V street; David Lichterman, Avenue K, East Oma ha, and Frank Billot, Poppleton. The last two men are alleged to he the members of the communist la bor party of America. . Inspector Long yesterday left for Des Moines, la., where he will take up the examination of the 15 alleged radicals arrested in that city the night of the nation-wide campaign. He expects to return the first part of next week, at which time all the reports will be forwarded to Washington. AMI'BKMKNTS. LoocaxHToRwA 6 j 15 P.M..Today-6:15 P.M. FRED STONE The World's Greatest Entertainer JACK O'UITEII Mr. Stone has agreed to this extra performance so that .the many who have been unable to secure seats will not be disap pointed. Usual matinee at 2:25 P. M. Extra Supper Shew at 8:15 P. M. Specially priced $1 to $2.50. You save enough for supper at 8:30 P. M. Regular evening performance at 8:30 P. M. Sunday, Matinee and Ni(ht and Men day Night Cast el Original Favorites THE COMEDY THAT WILL lift FOREVER Seats Now 50c to $2.00 . Sunday Matinee, 25c to $130 I KISIia.-JliibUd LAST TIMES TODAY HAWTHORN'S MINSTRELS, WAL TER BAKER at CO.. RICH A LENORE. LEHR EDMONDS TRIO Fheteeliy Attraction. "The A. B. C. of Low" Featurlaa MAE MURRAY Mack Comedy DANCING! PRAIRIE PARK Twenty-sixth and Ames Ave. TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAY By the Ben Hur Dancing Club Colfax 4923 THOTO-PLAVS. I AT THE THEATERS JACK SINGER will bring his Behman show, which is on its 15th tour, to the Gayety the ater starting this afternoon, and at the head of it he will have Harry Lander, who as a tramp comedian, has few equals in his line. One of the nine scenes in the two-act bur letta, 'Tutting It Over," shows the Erie canal where Lander and his brother, Willie, go fishing. In the company are found such stars as Ameta Pynes, Marie Sparrow. Law rence and Virginia, Harry Watson, Bobby Moore, Ada Vamp West, Elizabeth Rogers, Florence Atkins, Gladys Owens and the Singer all American beauty chorus. The "Re volving Star" is sure cto create a furore -watch for it. Tomorrow's matinee starts at 3. Frank Herbert, one of the two po licemen in "Jack O'Lantern." dives through a window after Fred Stone, recalls the days when he was one half of one of the greatest acro batic teams of the time Caron and Herbert. He began in the show business before the day of the ac tors' unions, when there was nothing to do but work, and he, like Fred Stone, who went through the same experience, and Colly Lorella the other policeman, has been at it ever since, with many years of activity still ahead, if 'one can judge by ap pearances. Wfth tonight's performance, which starts at 8 o'clock, the excellent bill at the Orpheum for this week will terminate. The incoming show, which starts with the Sunday mat inee, will be headlined by Evelyn Nesbit, assisted by Jimmy Dunn, in a new and exclusive song revue. The Amaros trio, jugglers of exceptional skill, are to present one of the fea tured acts. Princess Radjah, in her Cleopatra dance, is also featured. A matinee this afternoon and a performance . this evening .will end the engagement of "Scandal" at Boyd's, where this daring Cosmo AMI'SKMKATS. nw kit m in vauoc viluc LAST TWO TIMES MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 EARLY CURTAIN TONIGHT AT 8:00 SARANOFF WINTER GARDEN GIRLS. AMELIA STONE ARMAN KALIZ. VENITA COULD, Kitner A Reaney, Basil Lynn 4 Howland, Leo Zarrell A Co., The Pickfords, Topics of Day, Kinograms. Next Week EVELYN NESBIT ia conjunction with another big vaude ville bill. RAVI. TODAY, 2:30 W I 1 TONIGHT COSMO HAMILTON'S MOST DARING COMEDY SCANDAL MAT. TODAY 50c to $1.50. Boyd4:SunJan.11 Popular Mat. Wed Best Seats. $1.00 First Time in Omaha Greatest Laughing Hit on Record. All WflArlx Presents the Sensa- "WBOe tonal Comedy Success One Year in New York Six Months in Chicago Superior Cast Complete Production Ni(ht Prices. 50c to $2. Seats Now. Bf January IS, 16, 17 W I if Matinee Saturday. A. H. Wood Presents the Piquant, Pajama-CIad Hilarious Rolllc Parlor. Bedroom and Bath With Eda Ann Luke. Walter Perkins and Will Archie. OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Daily Mat. 1S-2S-50C Kvnrs.. 25-50-7SC, 1 Jack Sinter's Here With His worandu4u. BEHMAN SHOW Crowded with distinct novtltlei: everflcwlna with fraih hits. HARRY LANDER. MARIE SPARROW. AMETA PYNES. Ths Ravolvlnf Stsr; th Laugh. Isf Elephant; Arabiaa Nljhti Ballat. DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS PHOTO-PLAYS. EUGENE O'BRIEN Robert Edesoa and Lucille" Lee Stewart in , "Sealed Hearts" Pathe News Christie Comedy Path Rewievr 1 3l DOROTHY GiSH in "ATTA BOY'S LAST RACE" A charalai alrl ( a rtaarkablt Dene stakt thlt drama el the race track oora with start Intarut. Seeead ehapter "Advaatarat sf Rstt." Comedy. "Weee et a Wemin." I flTUD n D 24th end w v MARY PICKFORD in HILLS." Aad in "Hard Lothrop "HEART O THE Harry Luck." Pollard Read The Bee Want Ad pages every day you are sure to find bar gains there not found clsewhtif Hamilton comedy has been delight ing large audiences all week. It asks a question you may want to an swer in your own way. Mr. George Arliss, the noted Eng lish actor, will bring to this city, almost directly from a protracted etigagrment at the Blackstone theat er, Chicago, a new play entitled "Jacques Duval." It is an adapta tion from the Danish, and has proved a sensation in several Euro pean capitals. 'George C. Tyler is the producer of the attraction, which will be seen at the Brandeis theater for four nights, beginning next Wednesday evening, with matinees on Thursday and Saturday, v Concluding performances will be given today for the current bill at the Empress which has as its fea tured act, Hawthorne's minstrels. A pleasing musical number is offered by Rich and Lenore, who play the accordeon and banjo besides giving some excellent voraf renditions. "Friendly Enemies," which A. H. Woods will present at the .Boyd Sunday for an engagement of four nights received not only a historic public endorsement from President Wilson ajid from other notable peo ple, but a whirlwind of praise in the press that has been accorded to few plays. "Turn to' the Rigtit." the comedy of mirth and mother-love comes to the Brandeis tomorrow with Samuel Reed, William Foran, Sylvia Field, Charles W. Goodrich, Maude Hunt ley, Rita Ross, Jane Ellison. Mike Donlin, theh former base ball star, and other favorites of the original New York-Chic -ast. "Parlor, Beih- and Bath." the big farce success at Boyd's for the three days commencing Thursday the 15th reverses the usual order of farce, precedure the hero is a hus band not trying to conceal his love affairs, but striving desperately to live up to a false reputation as a Don Juan. . . Drive for Air Mail Hangar Slows Up, Committee Reports Money is not exactly rolling in to pay for the newly-constructed aerial mail Jiangaf at Ak-Sar-Ben field, ac cording to H. G. Conant, chairman of the aerial navigation committee of the Chamber of Commerce, which is "putting on" a drive for $50,000.- The drive was started Monday with about 100 workers on the job. The committee and workers met yesterday at the chamber to report progress, and although the exact amount raised is not known, reports show that it does not exceed $15, 000. ' Mr. Coiipnt will take immediate steps to cc:iil;iue the drive on a larger scale, he says, and when workers report next Wednesday at the chamber the amount should be nearly the required amount; in his opinion. Noted Violinist Married In Omaha to Pianiste Rev. Charles W. Savidge of this city performed one of the most no table of the marriages for which he is widelv known when he yesterday united William F. T. Moflenhauer, a famous violinist and a son of ' the late noted German vio linist and composer, Edward Mol lenhauer, in marriage to Miss Luella Crandall, a pianiste of Springfield, Mo. The couple are on a tour from New York to California. PHOTO-rUYfl. PHOTO-PLAYS. A Whole Truckful of Jazz Music Your Last Chance to take a Joyride with CHARLIE CHAPLIN and have "A Day's Pleasur e" Meet him at the in an afternoon or evening "The Cinema Murder" A mystery story of the state that will thrill you. Look! Look! Look! Don't fail to be at the corner of 16th and Farnam at noon Saturday.. t An extraordinary sight 101 BALLOOCI SPECIAL. 2,000 Free Tickets to "Doug" Fair banks', big new picture, "When the Clouds Roll By." Shows at Moon and Muse all next week. ) Don't Get a Divorce Until You Sea y Husband's Other Wife Last Times Today SUNDAY DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in '"When the Clouds Roll By" LAST DAY OF ' THE WONDERFUL soues OF FOfJTUfJE SUNDAY MARY MILES MINTER in the Story That You All Know "Anne of Green Gables" IP "PHOTO PIAV. OFFERJ NGT FOR TODAY" PEALED HEARTS," a photo production starring Eugene O'Brien, 'will have its last showing at the Strand theater today. The screen version is by Eugene Walter and tells the story of a father and his adopted son who love the same woman, one of the deepest and most intricate dramas O'Brien has yet attempted. Moon A photo-play out of the ordinary is "My Husband's Other Wife," the offering at the Moon theater today. It presents a famous actress who loves the glamour of the footlights and will not give them up for her husband, who has sacri ficed his ambitions, becoming merely the husband of Adelaide Hedlar. Rialto Judging from the number of people seen entering the Rialto, one would think eggs were selling for 20 cents a score, but they're not. It's onlv Charlie Chaplin that's drawing them. In his new $1,000,0(10 comedy, "A Day's Pleasure," CJhap lin keeps his movie fan friends in a continuous uproar. .It will be shown for the last times today. Sun "Soldiers of Fortune" will be shown at the Sun for the last time today. With its many wonder ful scenes and having sufficient ad venture woven into the picturization of this screen story, it cannot help but meet with your approval. Muse Tf your money is placed on a race, the horses brought out on Neighborhood Houses LOTHROP 14 th and Lothrop MARY PICKKORD In "HEART O; THK HILLS." and HARRY POLLARD In TOUGH LUCK." HAMILTON th Hamilton LOUIS BENNIBON in 'THK ROAI' CALLED STRAIGHT," and Harold Lloyd comedy. APOI.lO tth and Leawn worth JUNK ELViDGt In 'THE POISON PEN." DIAMOND 14th and lake JESS WILLARD in "THE CHALLENGE OF CHANCE," and RUTH ROLAND tn "THE ADVENTURES OF RUTH," chapter one. the track, the barrier , is dropped and you hear the starter yell, "Go." you naturally get somewhat excited. Well, that is how you will feel dur ing the greater part of the time you spend at the Muse, watching "Atta Boy's Last Race," a screen produc tion having its last showing at this movie house today. Empress Always a sight to glad den the eyes, Mae Murray, appearing at the Empress in her newest pic ture, "The A B C of Love," fairly scintillates In this pretty little love story of a naive country girl. Miss Murray wears a number of gowns designed to please, anil Dorothy Green, in the role of the actress with siren charms, displays some bizarre costumes. Eastern members of the rules committee of the American Wres tling association want the toe hold barred, while the western members desire to retain this particular grip, j Woodman Circle of City Federation Has Election Woodman Circle of the city fed eration met at the home of Mrs. Kate Remington Wednesday eve ning and elected officers as follows: President, Mrs. Dora A. Talley; vice presidents, Mrs. Mary E. La Rocca, Mrs. Kate Remington, Mrs. R. E. McKclvey, Mrs. Cora Runce; secretary, Miss Louise Walsh; treasurer, Mrs. Naomi King Gul gard; directors, Mrs. Mary D. 'rr ty, Mrs. Lillie Lentz, Miss Llla Kent, Mrs. Fannie Coffee. Sitl'iSiiS. :itiiril.i.(..tllliiiiil:iti IM I li! I QUICK DELIVERY iReal Hard Coal a! I - From Pennsylvania. All Siiss. m iPEOPLESCOALCO. I Phona TyUr 3424. llli'!iMii!ii!ili:t:li;(Uliliii'iii I .i , 1. 1' I'll LACK OF REST worry, over-work or imperfect nourishment, all in a measure contribute to and are the be ginnings of nervous prostration. SCOTT'S EMULSION is a decided help to those who are nervous, in that it provides an easily assimilated food that quickly builds up the general health by nourishing the whole body. Give less attention to worry; enjoy regular rest and sleep 4Hst and take Scott Emulsion regularly after meals. ocozt M never fans iu ivun uim uw'si".' The eaeluslvt grade of cod-liver oil used In Seott'e Emulalaa is the famous 8. & B. Process." made fn Norway end refined in our owa American . - laboratories. It ts a guarantee oi puruy anu paiaiaumv uiiu. Scott & Bowoe, Bloomficld, N. J. iiiSiiiiiliiliiiiiiSliiiil lii!alttlttii!i!l!!!I!Iiffl !.. .11 IlliiUllil iiiliiiliiiiiiillii l!MI No Cash Down Payment Asked of Beddeo Patrons p .i FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY 24TH ONLY, we will extend the unusual privilege to ILXtra OpeCiai--- anj nag natrons of this store who have maintained satisfactory accounts. the opportunity of selecting merchandise m this sale with JNO CAhHDU Wis rAiMtiN I. AFFORD TO ALLOW SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY TO PASS UNHEEDED? CAN YOU No Charge For Alterations All necessary alterations are , made free of charge. Every sale will be considered final. 1417 Douglas Street Buy Clothes on Payments During This Great Clearance Sal Saturday A Wonderful Bargain Feast in DM Second Floor What a response there is sure to be to this great ncivs. From ever); corner of this great cifj? Tvorncn will flocl( to this store to share in these extraordinary offerings, the equal of rvhich is jd to appear, j - DRESSES WORTH TO $45 AT Styles that will win your admiration at first glance, cleverly fashioned from Serges, Tricotines and Silks, in PVfrv npw rnlnr I ' Sizes for miss and matron. We cannot urge you too strongly to be here when the doors open. DRESSES WORTH TO $65 AT Dresses of Serge. Tricotine, Taffetas, Georgettes, Jer seys, Satins and smart combinations. The styles are delightfully attractive. All the new wanted colors. Choice of this lot, only DRESSES WORTH TO $95 AT Our most beautiful Dresses are included in this won derful clearance group. Fine Satins', Jerseys, Taf fetas, Tricotines and Serges. Navy and all wanted colors. A size for every woman. Your choice at only $24 $29 Omaha's One Big Overcoat Sale Now On It's so important that ho man living within a buying radius of this store and in need of an Overcoat should ignore this saving appeal. LOT 1 Jaunty Overcoats for Me.i and Young Men in plain . and novelty mixtures, belted and patch pockets. Many colors. Coats for every sort of wear. LOT 2 From the conservative Ches terfield to the most daring styles of the season; are included in this lot. Plain fabrics and fancy mixtures. All Better OToats to Go at Every Overcoat in the house that sold at a higher price than $75 will be sacrificed in this great clearance event at exactly Half Price. Dressy Coats, Great Storm Coats, Fur-Collared Coats, all go at Half Price. O'Coats to $45 at O'Coats to $75 at $gg)7S 2 P R I C E k .-