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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1920)
f THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JANUARY 10, 1929. 4. I: P 1 n TRADE UPSTAIRS -SAVE NewBovs' Clothes Shop Opems New Way of Buying New Way of Selling New Way of Saving PI p .1 1 I I KER To Introduce This Department to Omaha fl Boys We Offer Saturday 1,000 Suits and Overcoats at Less Than Actual Cost of Making Over nine months ago we started planning and buy ing Boys' Clothes for this Shop, and every day has seen an advance of price until today we offer suits and over coats that are a great deal under the wholesale prices. m if Boys' Two-Pants Suits Market value $18.00. Our Upstairs Price, sizes 16 years. $10.00 Boys9 Coats Market value $12.50. Our Upstairs Price, sizes 2 to 10 years $7.50 All-Wool Suits With two Pair of Pants, Market value $25. Our Upstairs Price, sizes 7 to 17 years. . $15.00 iBAR m Second Floor JUNIOR SHOP 16th and Farnam Securities BIdg. OMAHA SCHOOLS LEAD 84 CITIES IN SPELLING BEE Astonishing Number Found to Register 100 Per Cent On List of National Test. 95.1 6.9 6.2S Boy and gifls of the Sixth A, Sixth B, Eighth A and Eighth B classes of the Omaha public schools are better spellers than pupils of the same classes in 84 other cities, according to a test given this week by. Leon G. Smith, assistant super intendent of schools. The tests--were given to 4,204 boys and girls, and the words were the Same that were used in other cities. Omaha's average percents are compared as follows: Othr Citln, Omaha. Sixth A S. O 83.0 Sixth B 81.4 V.lgttl A 88.0 Eighth B 81. Separate lists of 20 words were used for the two classes of each grade, these words having been se lected from- a list of words most commonly used in 2,000 business and personal letters. The most difficult word in the list submitted to the Sixth grade children was "view," the transposi tion of the vowels being the com mon error. The Eighth grade chil dren misspelled "impossible" more times than any other word. The following number of each class scored 100 per cent: Sixth A, 288 out of 1,245; Sixth B, 286 out of 1,029; Eighth A, 369 out of 1,155; Eighth B, 275 out of 775. Seventy per cent of the Eighth B pupils scored 90 per cent or higher. j Gets Five-Year Contract; To Haul Garbage 22 Miles Henry Pollack, who was awarded a five-year garbage contract by the city council recently, states that he will begin Saturday to haul garbage to a 200-acre hog-feeding yard lo cated on the Burlington railroad, be tween Cedar Creek and Cullom and on the boundary lines of Sarpy and Cass counties. "We are going to haul this gar bage 22 miles on railroad cars, and I don't believe that Ornahans will complain of the odor, he said, Persons who have complaints to mnke may advise the city health de partment. m y. ' Store Hoars: V f 8 A. M. to 6 I M. J Saturdays, rn 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. I n ' : ' t i h & . ..'is. jjjjjj '' ViUii.N1 X U V's 3 i C! . 1 1MK1 Take Elevator Save $10 Store Hours! 8 A. H. to 6 P. SL Saturdays, 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Extraordinary Mens O' Coats m I'- i All Colors All Weaves All Styles All Sizes Sizes 32 to 50 v Made From the Finest All Wool Through the co-operation of the manufacturers that make our clothing we are making this exceptional offer. These Coats are worth wholesale more than the price we are offering them at. This Is Not a Sale , Just One of Our Second Floor Strictly Cash Savings - We advice buying Overcoats for next Winter at this price. They will be higher by at least $20 and possibility of better ' quality than will be offered for another season. GUARANTEE If you can duplicate these Suits or Overcoats' for less than $10 more in any ground floor store, COME BACK AND GET YOUR MONEY. ' mtfiy fket above f he ygj.ensf 9 ofine op 2nd Floor JUL 1 6th & Farnam Sec urities Bldg. m rra 111 I n VBKRO SlTITS MK" off oijl Suits O'Coats 1 4 Off geii Mine: Economy Overcoat and Suit Sale 4 OFF a4 Clothing is "going up" all the time 20 to 25 is the advance for next spring. You'll do the wise thing to buy a full year's supply uovr At the present price plus the spring advance this if ONE-QUARTER OFF SALE OF SUITS AND OVERCOATS Makes this opportunity equal to our Old Half -Price Offering All broken lines and odd sizes of SUITS AND OVERCOATS i Off- C. O. DSKO CHARGES SSI AIL CHARGE FOR ALTERATION'S. $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 $45.00 $50.00 $55.00 $60.00 $65.00 $70.00 $75.00 $80.00 Suit Prices SUITS NOW $22.50 SUITS NOW $26.25 SUITS NOW $30.00 SUITS NOW $33.75 SUITS NOW $37.50 SUITS NOW $41.25 SUITS NOW $45.00 SUITS NOW $48.75 SUITS NOW $52.50 SUITS NOW $56.25 SUITS NOW $60.00 Overcoat Prices Overcoats- $35 Overcoats $40 Overcoats $45 Overcoats $50 Overcoats $55 Oyercoats $60 Overcoats $65 Overcoats $70 Overcoats $75 Overcoats $80 Overcoats $85 Overcoats $90 Overcoats- -NOW -NOW. -NOW -NOW -NOW -NOW -NOW -NOW -NOW -NpW -NOW -NOW -NOW $22.50 $26.50 $30.00 $33.75 $37.50 $41,25 $45.00 $48.75 $52.50 $56.25 $60.00 $63.75 $67.50 Buy Now Next se'ason you will appreciate this economy suggestion. 1415 farnam Street 1415 Farnam Street Garment Army Clothing Special Pure Wool Amy Underwear Buy 2 or 3 suits; you'll never have wool underwear, per fect shape, no holes or tears, sterilized and laundered by the U. S. government, of fered again this cheap. Drawers, 30 to 38 shirts, 34 to 42. Olive Drab Army Shirts These are shirts with small defects, all repaired. We're; sacrificing them to clean up the lot Sizes, 14 to W2. Dyed Array Overcoats These are in dark blue and brown and complete with buttons of that fine army quality. Sizes 40 to 42. Scott Army Goods Store Omaha N South Omaha Council Bluffs mi WbileThey Las) 1 RUE! -every word of it" " I know it is, because I have tried it ! " If you are suffering as I did with a skin-trouble that itches and burns like mad, and is so unsightly that you dread to be seen ; if yon-lryinj as I did treatment after treatment without real help, then you can imagine how Pfelt when Resinol gave me instant relief and soon 'healed the eruption completely. My doctor prescribed it. "Why don't you try Kesinol ? Evwr druccitt " Resinot Ointment r4 Rett not Soap. Samplea tnr, write to Drpt 42-R, Jteai not, Baltiotore, Ud. Rimrmim I Gti ; Resin for thai skin troubled Progretsive Women Use The Omaha Bee Advertising Col umns Their Shopping Guid