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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1920)
) . . . w : , . r ' . " ' ,..' ; ; . . ' - - - ; . ' - THE ' BEE: ' r " I - OMAHA. THURSDAY, ' JANUARY V 1920: 23 AUTOMQBlLBS For Sale. EXCHANGE CARS AT ' ; GUY L. SMITH. Are worth more than is asked for them. , HUDSON SUPER-SIX i Touring Cart HUDSON SUPER-SIX Sedan. HUDSON SUPER-SIX Speedster. ' ESSEX Touring Car. . WILLYSKNIGHT OVERLAND KING ; -KISSEL CROW-ELKHART FORD in Touring Cars, Sedans, Roadsters. GUY L. SMITH, "Service First." I SO J Farnam Street, S. E. Corner 26th. BRINGING UP FATHER- See JicS and 1 Magsjio is Full Page of C)or In The Sundav Be Drawn for The Bee by McManua . Copvnvht. i VIS International Nw Sorvtoa, , "YOO KEEP VINO i BROTHER 1 OiSHONTSt I JOT WANT TO -how vou WHAT A HEARTED OOY; HE ! jStfrt,. Mi i II I 1 wry 1 ME-TO ;,vfc 4f TOfoU Vfr;1,QL-5 s COVJNTERFElT ' T SflB! Y "'1-"7rfp TTfa mother ( ; .O, dPSSfl iMM.m iMf!5 a cat aaa a n BIIU i(BV,v'n v 2'T ,J Ry Brly t l.S&t.OO , i.. IUuui City IJt Stock. Itnni City. Mo.. Bc. II. ttt eclptn. k.T9 Mad; rnarkt trcn to uu rtnly lower; cilvti, (0 cnu lowri f'A or aiocr. rnoio ana prime, "? 11.60; mrdlum and coo(T I.K1 bi llfhtwtht, too& anv common. SltlOOU Ii And ahnlA. lIlTKAiltTR rnminon msiiium, 8.ivj!.7ti cannera ano J,;Vit li t2te.S; val ealv, 1.01.. U fwd.r tr, l7.76Olf.00; atoskar atra M . . u. bmIhii ifano h..i- mark' I teady; bulk. 114 .OOtfM.40; haK. ! 014.50; tnaJlum. 114. 1 to 1 4.60: s HHn- U.I04S14.S5! light lithtv 1 . T. i .1 -racklns aown. $ia.00Ol!.75: pl. $11 U.K. ... . . ;. J Hhoap and I.imtit-BofIiu. n-'J ateady to 10 onta hlhr; lamlia, ' 1 ' 17.45: eulla and common, l.?l0,8',i Marlln wothora. H.I6OU.10t 11.6(010.(0: cull and common, M-w J.iOj brwdlnir awos, IS.00jHJ.00; reod-r lamba, 11.7(gU0O. Market and Industrial News of the Day CMC bafalna In uaod Ford oars. Mo Caffray Motor Co. Tha Handy Ford gtrvlca Station, Ktb and Jackaon. pouriaa ioo. VKRLAKlD 00 roadster, lat lasa cotilt tton, (Its CRSh, balanca on easy ttrma. Call Mr. Hunt, Harnty 3(1, or Colfax l Uil. -. OVERLAND touring, rood condition; must b sold at onea; rsih or tlma paymcnta. Call Mr. Bmlth. Harnay FOR TERMS OH 17ED CARS VAN BRUNT'S Look for th rd aoal on wlndihlsld (100tor any mMneto wa can't repair. Fora mart racnarKa, fuar. aironger than n aw. O. Baysdorfar, 10 K lllth. JAKVA isn fitnalbl Rti. MARSH OAKWWP CO., i3oo rarnam r. THIS DIXtS FLTEK W. R. HICHOLS MOTOR COMPAKT. z(30 Farnam bc WANTED For apot caah. tOO oaad cara: Oulck action; no delay. Auto Bxehaota Co. 20BI Farnam t- P6ur 0i(. FORD MARKET. !:3 Farnam. Caah. Time. Liberty Bonda. H17 BUICK tourlnc. In fair condition. Raaaona for atlllng-, am !avn city. Box T-H3, Omaha B-. fARTIN PALMER ante, In ood run ning order. 1115 cash; leAvlng city, I0tt i)catur st. SAXWPLL SEDAN, almoat naw, tlrat olaa oondltton, priced low. or mm trad. : HI lth St. Pou. 2914. KEDI'MAdE garaarra for aala or rent. Easy aat up- Rd 8667. Wanted. OVtftLAND. to, C. C. body, wanted. State prloa. Bo H, Burke, g. P. A Antd Livery and Garages. FVk reliable truck service, caTTHartunj' Tranafgr. Tyler 1976. Tires and Supplies. In food ....7.00 .... 1.00 USED TIRES ever si second hand tirea , condition: 0i3 ., $3.7 S-x44.... aiilH i.. 4.00 ,.... Other alaea ially lnr. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 N'o.16thSt. l)ou. 8830 USED tTrES rIRT CHICAP. SOxS. $4 00: S0x3V. 15.09. All slice In proportion, look over our rebullts. Open BnnBayB. Tyler 2988. ton N. 14th St Keyatone Tire Simp. N'GW TIRES " " DIRT CHEAP r.0JH Flrk..$ll. I 6x4 124.95 SOxa , i.5 4x4 J0.4S KA1MAN TIRE JOBBERS. JOJSFARNAM Al'TO electrif-al rpnlrs: service etatTon for Ravflpfd carburetor and Columbia atornge hstteriws. Kdwnrds, 2418, N 19 Repairing and Painting. V " R A I Dl A fdR CORES"'TNSTALLED" Manufactured In Omaha. 24-houf eerv. Ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing: body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AL'TO RADIATOR MFO. CO 7 SI 9 Cuming St ' Tyler 917 Motorcycles and Bicycles. II A Bll.ET DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES- Bargalna In used machines. Victor H. Rooe. the motorcycle man. titb and Leavenworth Sts. PERSONAL. YH E SALVATION Army Industrial n.,m solicits your old clothing, furnliure. magasinea. We collect. We dlatrihute Phonw Doug. 1135 and our wagon will Call. . Call and Inspect our naw b"W 1110-1113. Ill Dodge Slraet. , DUMP 1.000 loads of ashes and cinders at S102 So. 13th ft. (nofilth). J j POULTRY AND PET STOC X. i'KRRETS FOR SALfe Rat and rabbit hunters, also braeders; circular free. Henry Ronald Peck. Pea Moines, Is WHEAT screenings, J2.60 per hundred, delivered. SOI North IStb Hi" Wagner. Douglas 1141. MIXED GRAIN S3.t par hundred, . ltvered. A. W. Wagner. 101 No. ISth Bt Douglaa 1141. k Horses Live Stock Vehicles. 800 Sets of Harness, ADDLES ANT COLLARS at It par cant discount; free list price Midwest Harness Co., 70S N. 14th St Omaha, Neb. 4-YEAR-OLD Durham, fresh with calf; ona Jaraey. fraeb. with calf: on Ouern sey, ona Holsteln Jersey and on Jersey. Will be fresh within a, week. (218 N. J 8th. Colfax 4140. GOOD work team, f 200. Broadwall-Robert Co.. 4714 S. J4th St. LEGAL NOTICS. " ' NOTICE. The regular annual meeting et the stock holders of Tha Be Building Company will b held tn the office of said company In the Be (Building, Omaha, Nb.. at four o'clock ft. m., Tuesday. January 20th. 1930, terlth purpose of electing a Board of Dlnlora for tha ensuing year and tranaefig. auch' other business a inay r roper I: I come before the meeting. By tier of the President. "r N. P. FEIL, ft-H to J-19. Secretary. LEGAL NOTICB. To the Stockholder of the Conoervaffv Savlnga and Loan Association ef Omgha, Nebraska : As provided la Section 1 ef Article 1 of the By-Laws of aald Association, yon are hereby notified that tha annual meeting of the stockholders of the Conservative . Savlnga and Loan Association of Omaha. Nebraska, will be held January 11, 1930. at tha office of said Association In the Conservative Building, 1414 Harney Street, Omaha, Nebraaka, for the purpoe of elect ing three director for a terra of five year, to receive the report cf the officer and director, and for the transaction of each other business aa may properly com btfor the meeting. The poll will be open for the reception - vi iwiiuis irum e r. ai. id e r. 1 or aid data and the busmen meeting of the Stockholders will Immediately follow the closing of the polls. THE CONSERVATIVE SA VINOS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF OMAHA, " NEBRASKA. - By PAUL W. KUHN8. President. iK'v . . .3: MTONS. Secretary. . " ll-ls II-I4. ' MONEY TO LOAN. vn t DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS . M rate. Private loan booth. Hsm Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 44 H. Es,H94 FAB MS and elty loan. " LIVE STOCK Receipts were Cattle Official Monday 10,i Official Tuesday .7jT Estimate Wednesday. 4,200 Three days this week.;i.l .Same days last week 17 01, Same two week ago.iS,G31 Kama tl.Te.e wkt. ago. 22.S67 Same days year ago. 22, 237 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha. Neb., fof 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., De cember 31, 1919: Hogs. 12,423 12.94 15.000 42.10" 49,376 33,393 15,676 S0.234 Slieep. 14 7i6 1 2,813 i') oJ.083 15,207 i,399 36.fS1 2H 25 RECEIPTS CARS: C. M. St. P Wabssh Mo. Pacific Union Par C. 1 N. W., west C. U N. W., west C, St.. P., M. & O... C, BA Q . east C, h. & Q, west... C, R. I. & P.. east... C, R. I. & P., west.. III. Central Chi. Gt. West Cattl 2 3 19 83 83 14 24 10 Hgs 16 3 7 59 48 48 IS C 31 16 11 Total Receipt 113 205 DISPOSITION H EA D. Cattle Ho Morris & Co 454 324 Swift & CO 743 3.141 C'udahy Pack. Co.... 1,642 3,185. Ar. & Co 816 2,474 Schwartz St Co 91 J. W. Murphy 3,211 Lincoln Pack Co.... 40 S. Om. Park. To.,.. 22 ITIigins Psck. Co.... 5 .Tohn Roth A Sops.. 3 Mayerowlrh & Vail.. S GlasRberg? 35 P. ODea 7 Wlson A Co 141 W. B. V. Sunt 4 Co. . 10 Benton A Van Sant.. 100 W. W. Hill & Co.... 47 F. P. Lewis (2 J. B. Root St Co.... 16 J. H. Bulla S Rosentork Bro 145 F. Q. Kellogg...... 24 Worth. A Degen.... 1S2 A. Rothschild 81 Mo.-Ksn. C. C. Co. I0S ..... E. O. Christie 34 .Tohn Harvey 498 Dennis & Francis 35 Om. Pack. Co 11 Midwest Pack. Co.... 2 Morris, Sioux Falsi - 259 Other Buyers I.S09 Mrs Slip Mis 10 50 1 Sheep 2,395 1.917 1.051 about steady with yesterday's general market steady to 19a higher covering most of the day' ' trade. Hulk ot sale was W3.70$14 00 and top, 114.10. Sheep Receipt or sheep rnd lambs wore of fair size but demand from pack ers wrs rather backward owtu$ to the fr.ct that killing gauge will l idle to morrow. Fat lambs and sheep rrld on a rlow trade at figures weak to u much quarter lower. Good lambs broujlit 118. 85017. 00 with toppy ewes moving at 10.00. Wethers and yearlings continue scarce Feeder outlet 1 still btoad and jood . fleshy lambs are selling on country account arpund 115.60 and batter. pc slrabln medium walght feeders ara bring ing 114.76 15.25. with the lighter grade on down the list according to weight tnd quality. quotations nn sheep: Lambs, good to choice, 816.860 17.16; lambs, fair to good, 16 50ff'id.85: fleshy feeders, $15 26015.75; good to choice feeders, 314 7616.26; fair t good feeder. I14.J61H4.76; cull lamb. 18.0O414.CO: yearling. 114.0016.75; ewes, good to choice. 19.750 10.25; ewes, fnlr to good. 19.0009.(0; good feeding cuts, ;. 2597 00; es cull and tanners, J5.00f 6.00. C hicago Live Stork. Chicago, Dec. 11. Cattle 4.00J head; esti mated tomorrow, 11,000 head: market firm; beef steers, medium and neav," weight, choice and prime, $18. 7520 00; medium and good, 110.75 18.75; common, 18.76 910.76: light welKht, good aid choice, $13.50 19.26: common and medium, 18.00 S13.6u; butcher cattle heifer. 16.40i 14.75; cows. $4.1$13.60; canners and cut ters. 15 254.26; vesl calves $16.75y 17.00; feeder steers. J7.00cyH2.26; stock er steers, Hogs '17,800 head; estimated tomorrow, 60.000 head; market weak, at loe to !(. advance; bulk. $14.2014.45; tap, 114 50; heavy, 14.20ei4.4b: medium $14.30 74 50; light, $14.2014.45; light light, $IS.861480; heavy packing; sous, smooth. M:'.45l&!4.10; packing sows, rough. 113.00 W 11.60; pigs, I13.00iil4.00. Sheep nd Lambs 8,000 hetd; estimat ed tomorrow, 18,000 hesd; market firm ; lambs, 15 6018.60; cull an 1 common, ll2.00rS16.26; ewes, medium and good, $!. 2510.76; culls and common, $4.505 b.00. . . Total 3.478 6,335 12.485 8.436 BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 7 1072 $10 25 21 1020 $10 $0 20 974 10 SO 28 805 10 7,5 I" 1000 11 00 12 964 11 40 24 894 11 50 . 16 1086, 11 60 21 1092 11 Si i'0 1131 11 75 21 1130 11 90 12 1230 12 00 IS It92 12 75 COWS. It 1077 9 60 11 1080 10 25 HEIFERS. It tit 10 00 9 94? 11 00 CALVES. 4 216 10 OS S 346 10 54 1 150 12 60 1 80 13 76 7 157 14 00 FAT LAMBS. No. Av. Pr. No. ; Av. Pr. 157 fed... 73 1S 85 227 fed... 70 $17 15 60 fed... 75 17 25 FEEDER LAMBS. Utfed... 51 14 25 Slfed... 41 14 25 FAT EWES. 204 fed . .107 10 00 39 fed. ..110 10 00 HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 40. .215 1-i0 $13 30 34. .167 ... t!3 40 "I7..m 180 13 60 29. .268 ... 13 60 31. .259 240 13 65 81. .223 70 13 70 1 . .24 70 IS 73 46. .1li3 ... 13 80 62. .269 70 13 85 SO. .204 ... 18 90 66. .238 ... 13 95 74. .233 ... 14 00 4..22S ... 14 OS 64. .284 ... 14 10 Cattle Arrival of cattle were rather 1'ght. there being 4,200 ir-ssd, according to estimate.-which makes the tota, for tho three day 21,600 as compared with '7, 101 the corresponding tim? Iat week and ?2 -200 the same days last :'uar. There was quite a little activity, jn the beef market, with outsiders doing mist of the buying. On accou-.t of the holiday ir. the packing plants twnorrow packer buy era only filled small orders: ss a result price were no more than steady to ntroiir. Th butcher stock market wa similar that of the beef market, with a few early i-ale at the start to oulHirier.. at prices tin' were a nuart'r hluhtr 1 ackers were s)o"' buvers at steady to strong price or bjltci. and good no more than lOtif 15a abov yen terday. The feedc- market contt'.iU-d strong, with ad-ante-; of a quarter or more for the three day?, uoon, liesny ieri-"- re iri Rood demand. Quotations on cattle: Choice to nr'u.e bt.eves. S14.501U.60; good to olio..e beeves. 113.0014.50: fair to good beeves-. $11. 00(81.1.00; comm"P to fair beeves. S9.00 (ftll.oo: choice to prim yearnngs. n.. 151)16.25: good to choice yearllilKB. H3.004I 14.75; fair tu good yearlings, 111. 0001:5.00: common to fair yearlings, is.vucpii.vii; choice to prime heifers, tll.604D12.60: good to choice heirers. 9.uopii.on: cnoice to prima cows. l9.60Hpll.00: good to choice row. $8.009.50; fair to good rows, $6.75 IT 8.00; common to lair cows, so.uo'ckj.'o; ?bolc to prim heavy feeders, sii.ooir $.00; feed ts choice feeder. S9.S0O11.00; Iriadlnm to good feeder. $8.00 O 9. 50; com mon to fair feeders. lt.7SOS.00; good to chole stockers, $9.04 10.26; fair to good stockers, $7.(003.00; common to fair stockera, $6.0007.21; stock heifers. 14.00 7.35; stock cow. S6.25OS.S0; stock calves. lt.35Qilt).Z5; veai caivea. 5.6ojri.&o; bulls, stags, etc.. $5.25 011-501 choice to nrlme graas beeves. $12.50013.60: good to choice grass beeves, S10.t0O12.S0; fair to good grass beeves, is.T&epiu.&o; common to fair grass beeves, $7.2S0S.6; Mexican beeve, $6.5008.00. Hogs There wa anotner uoorai run of beg here today, eat 1 mates railing for IS. 000 head. The market opened active and ItOlSe higher than yesterday with the emphasis on the dime. After a liberal proportion of the hops sold, the market weakened and prlcea slipped to St. Louis Live Stock. East St. Louis, 111., Dee. 31. Cattle Receipts, 2.(00 head; market, steady; beef steer, medium and heavy, choic end Frlme, none; medium and good. tI1.50 6.50; common, $8.25911.00; lightweight, good and choice. $13.75016.76; common and mdlum, $7.73013.50; butcher cattle, heifers, $7.00 16.00; cows, $7,00I2.50; cannsr and cutter, $6.60lrj6.75; veai calves, light and handy weight, $14,000 18.00; feeder steers, $6.76012.00; stocker Steer. $6.25016.76. Hogs Receipts, 14,600 head; market, steady; top, $14.80; bulk of sales, 14.56; heavy, $14.25014.50; medium, $14.30 4114.60. light, $14.00-914.56: light light, $13.60cfJil.56; heavy packing sews, smooth, $13.00013.60; packing sows, rough, $13.60 13.26; pigs. $13.0013.60. 8tvep and Lambs Receipts, 3.000 head; market, steady to 25c lower; lambs, $17.00 fa 18.00: culls and common. $7.60014.50; marling wethers, $17.50015.75; ewes, me dium and choice, $7.09 10.00; cull and common. $4.0OQS.6t. Sioux City Lir Stock. Slaux City, la., De. SL Cdltle Re ceipts. 2.000 head: market steady; beef ateers. choice fed, $15.00O18.,"6: ahort led, $13.0015.00; warmed u!. $9,50 0 12.50; fair b?ef stesrs, $7.0608.25; fat cows snd -heifers, $8.6013.20: cannera, $5.0007.00; veal calves, cholco $6.001 16.00; common calves. $6.60S.0c; stock ers. $6.509.00; feeders. $8.00011.00; feeding cow and heifers. $6.00 t.00. Hogs Receipts, 10,000 heal: steady; light. $13.2(013.10; mixed. SIS 60018.90; heavy. $13.35013.76; bulk of tales. $13.61 13.85. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, I.OOChead; market, steady. St. Joaeph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. 31. Receipts. ".200 head: market steady; ateers; $7.C0(f 16.00; cows and heifers. $5. 50 Q -14.0(1 ; calve. $6.0ia 14.00. Hog Receipts. 12.000 head; market slow, weak: top. 114.60; bulk, $14,000 14.83. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 4.004 head: 25 cents lower; lambs. $12.001 '-SO; ewes, S0.0010.00 Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Deo. 31. Corn prlceo broke shsrply today after scoring a' advance. Tightening of the rate for tall Man had n depressing effect. The close was heavy, ic tu Tic net lower, with Ja-iUHry $1,33 Vj to $l.;'3Ti ind May 81,31 to $1.32. Tin; finish in oats ranged fro-.n 2"4c dfell'ie to advance. In provision? the out come was unchanged to 86c dowL. At first the corn market was largely dominated by continued scantinves of re-i-lptB and by the fact that a "Old wa e U'reaU-i-ed to curtail further the arriviM" if supplies. On the adviince, however a Lumber of longs fearing possib!" adver.,.. developments in connection with tin-yc.-ir end, sought to realize on holding Prospcots of fair-sised deliveries on flu comber contracts tended furtner to In crease selling pressure. Then only such, a bearish factor as 26 per cent money vs required to wipe out the early advance In prices and to bring about mat-Hal losses, with December especially wsk from be lated liquidation. Oat paralleled the action of corn. Tern porarlly, however, 11th homr covering by shorts carried the December delivery up to th highest price on th crop-. Provision wer weakened at th last by talk of heavy ' dellverle on January contract. Earllar th mark-it bad rlaen with hogs and grain. Subsequently, belief that there would b heavy deliveries of lard on January contracts led to considerable weakness. Chicago Produce. Chicago. Dec. 31. Butter Unsettled; cieamary, 624 68c. cmeeiiiM: receipts. i,io cages; t9i79e' ordinary firsts, 60O6$e; at case Included. SSOSSc. FINANCIAL Nw York. Deo, 31. On the stock ex change tho final session of a memorable year was attenjed by a vigorous buying movement. Th advance comprchendeil an unusual variety of Iteues and Was almost unlterrupted in the fac of a 26 per cent rat for demand loans, an utter lack of time money and yet anotner rise In dis counts by the federal reserve bank. An unusual feature of the extensive deal ing wa the heavy cash selling of many popular Issues, this being necessary to establish Income returns for ihe expiring year. Among the factors which contributed visibly to the upward surge of the mar ket was the announcement of the United Slate Sttel corporation of its intention to adhere to the schedule of prices fixed by th war Industries board last March. General news pertaining to the steol-industry was again very encouraging. It wa pointed out, however, by trade author ities that the expected demand for rails and railway eautmpment 1 likely to pre clude the acceptance of orders for other finished products. Steels and equipments worn the out standing feature.! of the session at ex treme gains of 2 to 10 points, but their leadership was illp. cd at times by oils, motors and specialtiij. Foremost among th tatter wa Ameri can Woolen, which added 17 lk points to its recent spectacular advance though forfeiting a considerable part of Its cain In the final hour when realizing tor profits was In active progress. Sales" amounted to 1,376,000 shares. Tha bond market was strong on another large turnover. Liberty issuea and inter national war flotations sharing In the general improvement. Total Hales, par vale, aggregated $24,660,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. Sales. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar... 200 96 94 94 Am. Can 6.900 H 51 'i 66 Am. Car F 2,300 141 H 13 , 140'i Am. H. & I,., pfd. 2,300 I19i 117 119i Am. Locomotive. .10, loo loji 101 joi Am. Smelt. & Rig. 4.600 69 7 8.100 .23,700. Am. sugar Krg. .. 7,uou Mi'.x Am. Sum. Tob. . . 4,700 98 Am. Tel. & Tel. .. 7,300 ! Am. Z., L. & 8. .. S.f.OO 184 Anaconda Cop. .. 8,f00 63 Atchison 5,300 H3't At. 0. & W. L S. S. 2,100 170 Baldwin Loco, B .Si O Beth. Steel "&' Butte & Sup. Cop. 4.900 cal. Petroleum Canadian Pac. Con. Leather . C. & O C. M. A St. P. ... 8,000 C. N. W 8,300 C. H. I & P 6,000 ChlrtB Copper .... 4,6110 Colo. F. A Iron. . . 3,00v Corn Product . . . 5,000 Crucible Steel 1,000 Cuba Cane Sugar. 1.700 Dig. Sec. Corp. ... 4.600 Brie 2.900 Gen. I'lectrio 1,000 Gen. Motors Gt, Nor., pfd 68 1U8 HO b 97 i 9.-' 96', 16 i :s'2 63's 6S4 82 SS'4 167 '4 n;si 31.6 00 114 74 1117, 113'i 32 98H-2714 1.900 43 900 132 VI 16.900 101 ti 2,300 55 37 i 86 11H 38 43-4 864 ,.)0 7.3 79U 12 1 1 31 9 5 'I 9.1 H 26H 26H 43 43 U 130i 132'i 98H lOOi 54 65 3oH 3fi 8,900 342 500 ,14k 38 74 Gt. Nor. Ore. ctfs. . .1,900 Illinois Central .. 3.400 TnsDlr. Cooner int. M. M. pfd.... 6.300 109 4i Inter. Nickel .... 3,301 24S Inter. Paper 17.900 80 K. C. Southern .. 400 16 Kennecott Copper.11,400 29 Louis. A Nash. Mexican Petrol.. Miami Copper... Midval Steel . . . Missouri Pacific. Montana Power. Nevada Copper.. N. Y. Central. . .. N. Y. N. H. A H., Norfolk A Wait., 'Northern Pacific 0,300 Pacific Mall loo 87 4,800 60U 9.201 217 86 36 37)4 41 84 U 216 53 76Ti 12-:i 170 33S 77H 37 i - 8 19 86 26i 38 42'i sr. :17 52 78 12-i 171 338 784, 38 "j 84 60 U 108 109 23 24 76 7t4 15 15 1,400 8.200 4,200 600 2,600 3,100 4.1UO 2,400 24 4i 51 26 Si li 70 27 97 80 38 2 34 H 49 2S74 63 U 1474 68 Vi 26 4 95 73 !97 109 217 24 50 26U 63 15 69 26 97 79 S8 GRAIN MARKET Ornalja, December 31. 191$ Grain rclpt todav wer light. Wheit was again much higher, the range bsnij 5 to 8 cents up. Corn was a cent off to 2 cents up, th bulk at ar advance. Out prices were generally cent lower. Rye was off a cent and barley up 1 to 8 cents Wheat No. 2 hard: 1 car, $2.70. No. 3 hard: 1 car, $3.70 (eylolw); 3 car. $2.68 (smutty); 1 car, 12.66; 1 car. $2.63 (smut ty). No. 4 hard: 1 car, $.6; 1 car. $2.64; 1 car. $3.63; 1 car, $2.60; 1 car, $2.68: 1 car, $2 65 (yelow). No. 6 hard: 1 car. Si.SO; i car. $2.55; 1 car, $2.45. No. 3 mud: 1 car. $2.6. Corn No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.33. No. 6 white: 4 car. $1.30. No. 2 yellow: 1 2-5 cars. $1.61. No. 8 yellow: 1 car, $1.43. No. 4 yellow: 1 car. $1.34; 3 car. $1.46. No. 5 yellow: 2 cars, $1.81: 6 3-6 cars, H.aO; cars. $1.29. No. 6 ySllow: 2 cars. $1.26. Sample yellow: 1 oar, $1.15 (heating, sour). No. 4 mixed: 1 oar, 31. 33; 1 tar, $1.33. No. S mixed: 3 cars. $1.30; 1 car. $1.29; 3 cars. $1.28; 2 cara, $1.26. No. S mixed: 1 car, $1.27 (sour); 1 car, $1.25. Oats No. 3 white: 1 car. 83c; 1 car, 82c: 6 csrs, 82c. No. 4 white: 2 cars, ic. No. 3 Mixed: 3 cars, 82c. OnS car oats and barley, 82c; 1 car bats and wheat, Sic. Rye No. 2: 1 car, $1.73. No. 3: 3 car, $1.70. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts Wheat Corn Oats Ry i Barley Shipments Wheat I'orn Oats Rye Earley Today. Wk Ago. Tr.Ago. SO 46 S 5 7 t 45 12 1 33 73 IS 4 50 15 'ii 35 10;i 40 4 14 69 )01 93 iii RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 50 110 63 Kaneas City 163 44 11 St. Louis St 65 62 Minneapolis t46 Duluth 7 Winnipeg 219 Omaha GrAIn Inspection. Th number of ear of grain of th sev eral grades inspected "In" htr during th past 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 2 hard, 7; No. S tard. 6; No. 4 hard. 9; No. $ hard, 3; sample hard, 1; No. 3 mixed, 2; sample spring, 1; Total, 33. Corn No. 3 white, 1: No. 4 white, 3; No. 5 white. 2; No. 3 yellow, 2; No. 4 yel low, ; No. 6 yellow, 16; No. S yellow, 2; No. 4 mixed, 7; No. 6 mixed, IS: No. mixed, 1: Total, 64. Oats No. 3 whit. 11; No. i whit, 2; Total, IS. Rye No. , 3; No. 1, 2; Total-. 6. Barley ,No. 8, 1; rejected, ; Total, 7. PRIMARY RECEIPTS and SHIPMENTS. Year'Aso Today. TodaA Sft.SOO Holiday 896.000 Holldiv .....079,000 Holiday Reoelpts Wheat Corn Oats Shipments Wheat Corn Oats . . . . ..752,000 ..629,900 ..620,000 Holiday Holiday Holiday CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES Art. Open. High. Low. Close. Yeat'y, Pan-Amer. Petrol. 7,700 105i K.3 94 104 Pennsylvania PUls & W. Va. Pittsburg Coal.. Ray Con. Cop . . . Heading .20,900 1.600 600 3.300 4.800 40 28 62 2174 ;6 40 : 62 ?1 75 firsts, mark Bar Silver. New York, Dec. 31 Bar Silver $1.31. Melcan Dollars $1.C0. Rep. Iron & Steel. S4.100 125 117 -Shat.-Aria. Cop.. 10 11 11 Sine. Oil A Ref. ..46.500 44 42 Southern Pacific. 9.100 103 102 Southern Railway. 5,300 22 :1 fJtudebalt. Corp. . .61.8 0 0 110 74 1 08 Texas Co 3.900 228 222 Tobaccu Products. 2.100 93 91 Union Pacific... 6.200 124 123'4 United Cigar St.. 25.000 94 22 U. S. Ind. Alcohol.1f-.900 114 111 112 -,i U. S. Steel 29.800 107 .103 1064 u. s. steol pra... Jo nt Hi' lia i'th Copper 8.700 ,7 Western Union... 100 87 Westlnsh'se. Elec. 4,300 55 Wtllls-Overland ..36,100 32 .Vatio-.ial Lead.... 1,000 82 P.oy'l. Dutch N. T 1.300 102 Bid. !Extra dividend. 40 28 'k 62 i 21 76 122 117, 43 102 22 109 226 92 123 93 7? 87 53 28 81 100 70' 87 6T. 32 8:' 102 r, Corn. Dec. 1.13 May 1.3'! July 1.31 Oat. Dec. .88 May .84 i July .76 Pork. Jan. 36.75 May 87.20 Lard I Jan. 123. "7 May 124.86 Ribs ! I Jan. 19.00 May ,19.90 I 1.44 1.37 1.33! 1.31 1.3) I 1.31 .87 ! .84 .77 I 36.90 37.20 3.70 124.80 19.15 19.90 f4 .82 .7674 I36.7S i 3 6 . b 5 !22.S7 '24.16 118.95 '.19.70 1.39 1.32 1-30 .87 .83 .76 36.90 i36.85 I 123.63 124.63 119.00 '19.70 1.42 1.S3'! 1.31 84 .83 .76 32.26 37.06 22.67 21.43 Il9. 16 119.85 OMAHA LARGEST PRIMARY GRAIN MARTIN WORLD Total 64,585,000 Bushels Re ceived During Year Ex pect All Records to Be Broken In 1920. ceipts and shipments surpass all pre vious records. ' A table showing the total receipts and shipment of grains during the past year as compared with those of the precefdinp: year, follows: Htcciiri -"UUBTI'W) Wheat .. Corn -... Oats .... Rye .... Earley .. 1919 .21,000,000 13,000,000 .14,606, 000 . 1,460,000 . r.636.000 1918 18,368,000 44,729,600 23.449,000 1.600,700 2.660,600 Onialia lived up to its reputation &s the largest primary grain market receiving al! receipts from the coun try durinjr 1919, in- spite pf the fact that total receipts and shipments for the vcar w.-re lower thau those of 1918.' A total of 64,585,000 bushels of grain was received at the Omaha market and 60,450,000 bushels were shipped from the Omaha market during the nast year. Although both receipt and shipment totals for the past year ::re lower than those of the preceding year they are as large as could be expected when adverse conditions are taken into considera tion, grain men say. Gram men blame low receipts principally on a shortage of railroad cars for transporting grain, although the recent coal shortage and early winter weather also interfered greatly with transportation facili ties, they say. Optimism for the coming year is current on rhe Omaha market, how. ever, and predictions are that re- Liberty Bonds and Victory Notes Bought and sold at the New York market prices less a small commission. IHE OMAHA TRUST CO. 1 (round Floor Omaha Motional Bank Bldg, , Flion. Tyler 100, Omaha, Nebraska Affiliated witJi the Omaha Rational Bank. New Tork Produce. New York, Dec. 31. Butter Easier; creamery higher than extras, ?0sii7ie creamery extras. 70c; firsts. 61ii9e packing stock, current make, No. 2, ERgs Unsettled; unchanged. Cheese Irregular; unchanged. 47c. Veiv York Bond List. U. S. 2s reg.100 if'.. Northern U. ri. 2s cou.100 l 1st 4 74s U. S. cv 3s reu 88 T. C. ref 4s... U S. cv 3s Unt. M. M. .. ro- 88 jit. C. Southern I. (!. 4s reg. .105! ref :. L". S. 4s cou. .105!L. A N. un 4s Am. T. & T. cv ts 98 Anglo-Frenches 9t Armour A Co. 4, 8174 Atchison gn 4 82 B. A O. ev 4s 60 Beth. Steel ref 6 86 o;!;. Cn. Leather 6 96 Cen. Paelflo lat 7774 C A O. cv 6.. 734 C. B. A Q. joint 4. 94 C. M. A St. PT cr 4 74 C. R. I. A P. Ry. ref 4 47 Colo. A South'. ref 4 74 Chill Coppr cv 7s 107 City ef Paris 6S 92 D. A R. O. ref 6 45 Dom of Canada 6s ((1931) ... 90 Htt gen 4s ... 39 urn. Kiec. it.. 14 68'..- 69 4 M. K. A T. 1st 4s Mo. Pac. gen 4s. 5S Mont. Power 6s. 86 N. Y. Central deb s , 92 Nor. Paelflo 4. SO Nor. Pacific Ss. 66 Or. Short Lin ref 4 84 Pacific Tel A Tel. iM 85 Penn. con 4. 90 Penn. gen (s... 98 Reading gen 4. 81 St, L. A S. F. adj Ca 61 Southern Paelflo cv 6a 104 Southern Ry 6s. 86 Toxa CojfV ts.101 Texas A Pkclflo 1st 84 Union Paelflo 4 86 U. S. Rubber S SO U. 8. Steel Ss... 97 Wabash lt ... 90 ( 'Bid. Burl C. Fowler and Charles B. McDonald announce the opening of a Real Estate Investment Office, January second, nineteen hundred and twenty, in Suite 1120-1122 City National Bank Building, operating under the firm name of 1 FOWLER AND McDONALD REALTORS , Telephone Douglas tt6 Owned and Recommended by Home Builders, Inc., Omaha, Neb. WE OFFER 6 First Mortgage Bonds Tax Free in Nebraska. $260 $800 fl.000 Secured by Omaha basin prop erty centrally located. Interest 6, payable semi-annually. Maturity 1924 t 1818. Owner will occupy th building. American Security Co. 18th and Dodg. Omaha, Nab. n Jt i PAYMENTS monthly buys outright any stock cr bend, hrefattr stains ttJMeteJ! Mitts tor spteiaty. Writt for site tt4 Ost oft lull particulars - rKtt CHARLES E VAN RIPER Member Cmtolidoled Sleek ticnanj Q BUOAP ST. HfW YOB THE TEN PJHKEHTl Buy an Income Month by Month Open Season For Bargain Hunting Investors and traders will find it distinctly to their advantage to write for a copy of The Current Mar ket Review dealing with fundamental conditions and prospects, as well as con taining interesting: data on the more active of the listed stocks. Special attention is given those stocks of merit considered in the bar gain class. Address Dept. OB-18 for free copy. E. M. Fuller & Co. Member of Consolidated Stock Exch, of N, SO Broad St., New T York o Vr7TrTTrMTTQ) PURE FOOD PRODUCTS PORK AND BEEF ' PACKERS PROVISIONERS PRODUCF DEALERS WHOLESALE BAKERS MACARONI MANUFACTURERS THE SKINNER COMPANY R. C. HOWE, VICE PRESIDENT and GENERAL MANAGER. OMAHA, U. S. A. Tfci gnat independent food product e fay to waaw by ram 8,000 tckholder. . altMing mm of the west' greatest ilv si producers ta- stock Total 64,186,000 - SHIPMENTS Ml'HHttl 1919 Wheat 19,760.000 Corn 21,o6,O0 81,707, 900 1918 18,528,800 37.044.800 IJberty Bond Price. New Tork, Dc. 31. Prlc Of fclbert bond t 11:30 a. m. today war! 8. on on. rirat Ss. fl:t JO: second 4s. 81.40: first- 4;s, 93.41; second 4, 91.96: third 4'a, 84 84; fourth 4V4a. 81.92; Victory 34. 89.00; Victory 44js, 99.00. Prlcea on Liberty bond at lt8 p. nj- today wr: 3, 19.80; first 4. 81.00. second 4s. 8160; first 4s. 93.10; second 4s, 91.94; third 4. 94.T4: rourin 82.30; Victory 144. 88.01; -Victory. . 98.96. ' Minneapolis Ormln. Minneapolis, Minn., De. . flous-". Unchanged. ' , ' . Barley 81. 26O1.S0. Rye No. . 1.7tet.Tm. Bran 143.00. Corn 11.4348 1.48. Oat 8048344. Flax 14.844.S9. . - Dry Ootid. - New York, Dec. 81. Dry good market closed quiet but firm today. Thr wa general rising tendency. Higher prlec were reported for rw silk, cotton good and yarns. Th general trenJ of gellert was to limit acceptance of order. becu4 f th volume of buiinea slready on hand. Investments FOR January Funds The United States Trust Company to pleased to offer and ommend mSny sound securities yielding from 1 t 9 t tto seeking high class investments. We quota yon, herewith, a few et the securities that are now offered at attractive yields: LIBERTY BONDS. At prevailing prices Liberty bonda and Yietory .notea,, the highest form of security obtainable; and with ex cellent tax free features, are available at prices to yield as .high as 5.25. These notes are obtainable to all issues and denomina tions at the current quotation, plus accrued interest. . NEBRASKA FARM MORTGAGES. Nebraska farm mortgage ia a security of such merit that risk ia virtually eliminated. Those wfa desire above all els an investment that insures safety of their principal and a reasonable interest return, will find the farm mortgages and farm mortwe bonds as offered by the United States Trust Company tha Ideal investment These are available in various denominations, espec ially the first farm mortgage bonds, which may bo obtained 1b da nominations of $100, $500 and U.OOO.-Tka Interest yield Is rem 5 to . , FOREIGN CrOVTIRKMENT BONDS. United Kingdom of (treat Britain aal Ireland 3-year 54 notes and 10-year bonds. Interest and principal payable In gold in the United States. These bonds possess a convertible feature, dependent upon tie return of British change to normal, that will yield the investor a handsome return. Pe to yield about W. ' . ... Government of Swltserlaad t told bonds, dated August 1, 1010, due August L WCT. Price at market, to yield about 1. Swedish Gereraneat 20-yetr gold bonds. A direct obligation of the government ef Sweden. Price at market, to yield ' about 7. . : Angle French 5 external loan, due October 15, 192. Price at market, to yield about 9. MUNICIPAL BONDS. (Exempt from Federal Income Tax) City of South Omaha (obligation of City of Omaha) 5 bonds, due June 1, 1935. Price to yield 4.80. City of Fairbury, Nebraska, water bonds, 5, due August 1, 1930. Price to yield 5. Bant County, Texas, 5 bonds, due 169. Price to yield about 4.90. Joint Stock Land Bank of Lincoln, Vefersska, 5 bonds, due May 1, 1939. Price at market, to yield about 4.00 to optional maturity, 5 thereafter. RAILROAD BONDS. New Tork Central Lines (Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis Railway Co.) 10-year S gold bonds, due 1929 Price at market, to yield about 7.50. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. 6 secured gold bonds, due July 1, 1929. Price at market, to yield about 7.40. . . . Hocking Talley Hallway Ce. 6 collateral first gold notes, due March 1, 1924. Price at market, to yield about 7.25. Chicago, Burlington & Qsincy Railway Joist 4s, due July 1. 1921. Price at market, to yield about 7.50. Chicago, Bock Island & Pacific Railway first and refunding 4 gold bonds, due April 1, 1934. Price at market, to yield about 7.90. INDUSTRIAL BONDS. Wilson ft Co. 6 first mortgage bonds, due July L 1941. Price at . . market, to yield about 6.10. . Wilsosi A Co. 10-year eoavertibl a bonds, dae December 1, 192.' Price at market, to yield a out 6.60. Swift Co. gold notes, due August 16, 1921. Price at market to yield about (. American Telephone t Telegraph Co. 6 notes, due October 1 1922 and February 1, 1924. Price at market to yield about 7. General phonograph Corporation first mortgage 7 gold notes Maturities October 1, 1920 to 1924 inclusive. Price to yield from 7 to 7.25, according to maturity. LOCAL UTILITIES. Nebraska Power Co. first mortgage 30-year 5 go'ld bonds, dae June 1, 1949. Price to yield about 6 .7 Omaha A Council Blnffs Street Railway Bonds, due January l ?T mortgage). 5. Value of mortgaged property about $19,000,000, outstanding bonds $9,619,000. The company was recently granted a substantial increase In fares, thereby im . proving its financial condition and rendering these bonds a very attractive inTestment They are tax free to holders in Ne braska, and the company pays 2 of the normal income tax. Price to yield about 7.75. 0m"?Qo BJttff' 4 due JanuarJ l, 1028. First mortgage on Omaha A Council Bluffs bridge anff the railway properties ia Council Bluffs and vicinity. Price to yield about 7.75. , INVESTMENT SERVICE. We trust that you will feel free to utilize the investment serv ice of the United States Trust Company, and especially the atvice of its officers, who are always available for those seeking consul tation. The United State Trust Company renders a service that Is ever efficient, economical and courteous. United States Trust Cof Affiliated with United States National Baak. llt Farnam Street. Omaha, Kebraska " Telephone Douglas 7. ' mm