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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1920)
22 4, THE BEE: OMAHA; THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1920. WANT AD RATES (Cash with order.) 1 Its per word. 4a per word , ,. on day .,, two cgnncmiT " (a per word ......three consecutive days ,. (a par word ........four eonaacutlva days To par wora .rive consecutive nays la par word ......... .alt eonaacutlva days (e par word. aevon eoneeoutlve daya and one Insertion. ceajtper word lor each .additional No ada taken (or leaa than K total of 25c. 14c par line . ,. 24o par line ... 13c per line ... lOo par Una ... 2.70 par Una.. CHARGE . .; one day ... ..two eonaeeutlve daya .three eonaeeutlve daya , consecutive daya .thirty eonaeeutlve daya Card of thanks and funeral notices 12o per line each day. Theae rata apply either to the Dally r Bunday Bee. All advertlaementa ap .' pear In both morning and evanlnc dally papera for the one charge. Contract Bate on Application. For convenience of advertisers, want ada will be accepted at the following of fices: MAIN OFFICE... Bee Building Ames Office 4410 North 20th St. Park Office ills Leavenworth St. ' South' Side 1311 N St. Walnut Office Ill North 40th St. Co. Bluffs Office IS Scott St. THE BEE will not be responsible for ' , more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more tban one time. PHONE TYLER 1000. Evening Edltlona 1!:00 M. Morning Edltlona ... 10:J0 P.M. Sunday Edltlona 10 P. M. Saturday. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. -STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." PIERCE-ARROVV AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Har. 14 FRED E. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, Lady Attendant. 1 ltd and Cuming Sta. Phone, Douglaa til. Auto ambulance. ir HEAFEY & HEAFEY, I . , i Undertakers and Embalmera. ,j f' Phone H. lit. Office 2611 Farnam. nuLiStt cs itiE.rr.iN. Pioneer Funeral Director!. T0I So-ith lth St Phone Doug. 1001. h TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS ' i Telephor.r Douglaa 714. 2211 Cumtnggt. "DUFFY & JOHNSTON - UNDERTAKERS. TIT 8. llth. Tyler 117. FLORISTS. CEE l. larmon w I . 1114 Douglaa St Douglaa I2 nelle Florists. . ... I . 1414 jail tJuuiy pl. mwi.. .H '-. ' . . v. i ...a j r i. Im H.nqerson, lain rarnam, fomm JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D. 2000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES, THE largest display of monumenta In the United Statea. FRANK 8VOBODA, 1211 8. 13th. Phone Douglaa 1876-6216. MARRIAGE LICENSES. i The following couplea have been laaued licensee to wed: Name and Address. Age. Albert W. Bellwood, Malvern, la 26 LILa,. M. McNeill,-Omaha....... 28 Peter L Mcintosh. Dunlap, la 23 I.ucirt May Erlewine, Dunlap, la 16 John I.. Kdllha, Schuyler, Neb over 21 Anna K. K.omout, ocnuyier, nu....' Forrest I,. Latroe. Omaha.,, reari Bauer, uraiii Stanley L. Keller, Kearney, Neb.. Florence McCrann, Omaha Glenn1 E. Moore, West "Branch, la llnul- Hamilton. Wellman, la "Kvefett Jonee. Omaha .v... Florence Bronttrtow, Omaha Z3 MatU,Cvetas, Omaha 27 Maggie Jacovtc, Omaha z OscjlTj. White. Omaha 25 tl.l.n - Martin. Omaha. " t .. xr xrvr Manner. Neb.... ; Helen m! Miller, Hooper, Neb.... Herman Michael, Omaha Gertrude. Carroll, Omaha Frank J. Mlsta, Hinckley, Minn.'. Anna Hudecek. Omaha JohnV Laubenthal, Rodman, la.,.. Mary' ,. caroerry, umaim Jacob. H. Llberman, Omaha. daCQ0t XI. Uiuwwau, v....- - Fannie Uotsdiner, Omaha BIRTHS AND DEATHS. i 'Jt Births Joseph and wnoie Nicnois nao i Worth Twenty-aecond street, boy: Charles ayia una sirnaa, oi ooum street, gin; r.oe .., North Eighteenth street, girl: Frank and Mary Morrow, noojjuai, Frances Zaracki, 2761 Dupont street, boy)' , l.eo ana oiena luhih. ",""r. ; apartment, boy: Raymond and 1 Madeline KODerts, Aaision, "J,', . , w Rrewnter. 4521 South Nineteenth F istroet, boy; William and Marie Galsche, ifll708 Missouri avenue, girl; Charles ana t't' e Q..,ith seventeenth I hov; Edwin and Alice Slovek, 2717 foolworth avenue-r glri: George and JKhS? d 'IS. MirsSuth Sev: Ef. .i.iifKff.r mnt Edna r enieenm tren, aii . iKouna, 1511 Blnney street, girl; Frank and iMartha Johneon. 810 North Twenty-f fth lavenue. girl; Anton and Frances Vldlak, 3T1 Blnney street, ooy. I . . . i irtMAn c atenhennnn: 60. lo9 I iWth Twenty-thlrd'atreet; William Henry ldtreen, 72. ai unvrawwm iu I'Vlllie Swetala. 24, 2903 Elm street; Gula Ithna LaMta. I months. 1757 South N nth '.treet; Mary Leehy, 65. 14tl North Elgh 1 teenth strret: Charles Rasinuen. 79, 812 South Nineteenth street; CUymont Ware 6, 2021 California otreet: t arollna i A, Schneider, 45. 2347 North Sixty-f.fth I avenue. V - SPECIAL NOTICES. NEW LOCATION CROSBY NEW FUNERAL HOME 201S WIBT MBtM AWAT FROM THE NOISE OF, TH E TtLEPHONE WE?. 47. T.nRTFOUND REWARDS LOST Ladies' black, handbag e"""1": ing two 15 bills, some slfcrer and ! tnfee logo aeata for "SoWlers of Fortune" k Finder may keep bag and money, but ; "pleas. rTtura'th? ticket.. Call Douglaa 6342. Win ARTICLES LOST on atreet care tele I Tvler 800. We are anxtoua to re- ' lost artlclea to rightful ownra. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST RT Fort Friday. Dec! i6, bead recklace, W TS'nd "ateel be.da, hand .trun,; reward. Mra. L. H. Green, riolel riai- v ron. . i f Hot Tan leather brief caa; Initialed W B. V. R Reward. Return to 115 Union Paclfto Bldg. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 125,000 stock of furniture to be eoia; 100 . atovea of all kinds, ruga, linoleum, phon ograph, duofolda, tables, chalra. china '- and kitchen cabinets, dresaera, chiffon ten, beds, springs, mattresaea. trunks. ' aultcaaM, bedding, linen, etc Open till I p. ra. Credit If you wish. 1131-47 . znn at. weB. jsoT. WE aaH new and near-new-' furniture, atoves and ruga at lowest prlcea; cash or paymenta. Amer. Furn. Co.. 101 N. II. 8TICKLET living room, oak dining table, chairs, rockera, iirasa bed; other furnl- ture cheap. 4916 Underwood Ave. WANTED Five rooms turnlturei or will buy by piece. Tyler f3f7. y Pianos and Musicif Instruments.. BARGAINS in slightly used planoa: una jiany urana. One mahoganytiprlght. One Mahogany player plannc:' All at half price. C. H. Tfcateher x"ano Repair Factory. Dg. 470S. A. HOSPE CO. Pianos for rent, 14.00 .Everything In art and music, per month. ESTEY UPRIGHT PIANO, mahogany ease, bungalow site, for ctan. Harney . WE CAN save you $50 to 1100 on a phono- 1104 Dodge Bt. grapl?. 1920 MODEL cabinet phonograph, bargain. 3110 8. 28th. 8. 1721. . Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS. AND ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, aold. rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prlcea ' before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Dong. 4121. !iJLE'a: REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone D. 603L OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. 106 North 15th St. j . BIG reduction In slightly used and re built typewrltera. Write for Met Mid land Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three, montha for 16.00. Oliver Agency. 1905 Farnam St., City. - , Lumber and Building Materials. TRY H. M. KEVAN, 644 SOUTH 30TH ST. Store and Office Fixtures. SEVEN four-drawer quartered oak letter fllea flS each. Mr. Gamble, Carpentc( Paper Company, Omaha,Neb; FOR SALE Rlalto Shoe Btore flxturea. Apply to Mr. Brandels or Mr. Herman. Miscellaneous. OMAHA Pillow Co., feathers steamed, renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. WE buy, aell and make deska, aafes, ahow eases, shelving, eto. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 11th and Douglaa. P. 2724. SELLING furniture and household goods; too numerous to mention.' D. 4951. 2421 Cuming 8t REGULAR grocery Icebox, priced reason able. 1202 North 24th St. Phone Web ster 4378. TWO LADIES' SUITS, size 36, for sale. Walnut 2396. AMERICAN adding and listing for sale: practically new. I66 Ty. 2760. SLIGHTLY used $125 electrlo washer at a bargain. ' 4521 Leavenworth St. FOR SALE CHEAP A wardrobe trunk, good aa new. Harney 6066. FOR SALH: A new red fox $50. 9578. Doug. CORD wood, reasonable and green, cut any size. Fence posts. Doug. 7961. MINK THROW, 8-skln, for sale. Phone Tyler 2079. WE buy used hats. Lerner, 209 So. 12th. SWAPPERS' COLUMN. 4-ROOM cottage, full basement, $15,00. Want Ford. Balance like paying rent Walnut 8196. WANT to exchange may new Ford road ster for 10 reserved seats for VSoldiera of Fortune." Call Douglas 6342. WANTED TO BUY. Victory and Liberty Bonds We want 3d. 4th and 5th Issues this week. Beat prlcea paid. See us before you sell. Security Investment Co., 639 Securtles (RoBe) Bldg. Tyler 2786. Highest Cash Prices Paid for LIBERTY BONDS and Partial Payment Receipt. NATIONAL BOND CO., 610 World-Herald Bldg. n0ugla' 801J. LIBERTY BONDS Coupon and registered: full N. Y . market and accrued Intereet to date MACK'S BOND HOUSE v INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1421 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 8144 DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 6146. SPOT cash paid for Liberty Bonds. Room 300 McCague Bldg. N. W. Cor. 15th and Dodge Sta. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Tyler 2698. A. Zavett, 705 North 16th St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. K. TRAYNOWtCZ, 6524 U St., So. Side, wishes to announce the opening of his grocery and meat "business January 6. Accordeon Pleating. , ACCOKDEON. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttcna, all stzea and atyles; hemstitching, plcot, edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 30O-S08 Brown Bldg. Phone D, 1935. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS G. U. Van Arnam' Pleating Co. 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. 3101. LOST Pearl beada in Brandels lavatory, tV.t afternoon. , Liberal reward. Douglas H7. LOST Sunday afternoon, long gold pin, io? with sapphire and pearli; reward. Harney esse. tSTdKtnrdav afternoon on Harney car. . ygyaay .Vindw w.mut 1395. It out In Florence, a bundle of clotnee n ear line. -Call Colfax 3981. OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. tirniture ana iouscnoq woaa. "FORSALE . .. .:,. .a .i.lra a rnrlcera. 4 rd chairs, z Daie - , irtode, I mahogany oeas, 7 . i.T.j.. 2k bed. china cabinet, box aprlng. bird a ' , - . . urn m nna anil ne(l. -H?..P" a""T.J". wf. Iron! .a,mring..D,rUplaYden refrigerator, roll Mr-hand painted jcreen , card tunica,' copper iwiio. -" ,b'tnia0$nilture la owned by J non resident client who has askej! that It he so d. It IS or nusu " iood condition and can be purchased at tna Dundee theater, J wood avenoe. on New Year'a day. or by noolntmer.t therearter. r,,r .u.u,.,. T ". ... mn itnr ns business , ..""" X-P" PALMER. , vi:rTinitf f . AUCTlOiN. machines, rugs, electric WRI,nn'vm.": -nine, linens ana """"":-" tood homea, in my hf";.Sa.t" . a .M.i vhiittir rt&. sat is, corner : M rday, January 'I. Starts at U i hla la a big aare .wi . atch the Papers for details . JAMES L. DOWD. . Auctioneer. J If Vu have anything to U call Red i. Tyler yes or vuhq (ALE OF HOLIDAY FURNITURE - e hniidav turn ture .I... l-i. to be l.irrketed This tnpletj shipment will bo sold at actual Slu B na early buyer. Gat first at lee- a- ...... 'isnrrmi( fry. Corner 14tB and Dodg" Stieela t , J Opp. U. F. Mcaaquor;rr. I ! t-ri stnr. of Better Valuee I" i -- t .. . j i. , . liwino room inn TTI1 UK. VWlw , ,,g room tm-nlture: window draperlea. VrH2Ii JiB P'nop Daren pott. earns eee i if. Baggage and Express. 'The Only Way'oV Omaha Transfer Co. HAULING, any kind, best a-irvlce, best rates. Hartung's Transfer. Tyler 1971. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHEI.L CO. 17th and Martha Sta., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. ' Contractors. CARPENTERING, repairing, rebuilding ana storm sash put up. wai. isjt. Chiropodists. Cerrle J. Burford. n20 Paxton Blk. R. 4587. Dancing Acadenyrg. TT?T TJTXTT71 School iViJJU-X AXIJL 2424 Farnam for Dancing D. 7850. LeafW-to dance for 14. Claaa at I and dancing at I p. m.. Monday, Thurs.. Bat. run mm School and Dancing Academy, ai trains rtix, ma ana m Fancy, stage and ballroom dancing classes Tues., Thurs. and Sat., 7:10 p. m. Dancing 8:46 p. m. Colfax 4922. Dentists. DR. SECOR. 1st Nat l Bk. Bldg. Ty. 2188. Dr. Brad bury. No pain. 121 W. O. W. Bldg Detectives. JAMES ALLAN 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases, -v Tyler 1131. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING and ladles' tailoring; men's shirts a specialty. Webster 8002. DRESSMAKING, remodeling and rellnlng coata and dresses. 8015 Miami St ANNOUNCEMENTS Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES ' Ws rent, repair, aell needles and parta, miCkelsv - 18th and Harney. Doug. 1171. ' Painting and Paper-hanging, PAINTING, cleaning. paperhanglng and Call Douglaa 6328. paper Printing. i Wedding Stationery " U. 8. Printing Co.. 422 8. 16th Bt, COCKLE Printing Company, 1811 St. Mary's Ave. Douglas 2831. Patents. , . PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In- ternatlonal Patent Co.. 182 Brandels. D. 6691. , i ' , ' Tailors. - Dledrlck. P.Lrll 8. 20th. Tailor. D. 2132 M. KEI8ER. 6l South 18th. D. 1187. Shine Parlors. BHINEt SHINE! . Hate cleaned and blocked. Special ladles' parlor. 1607i2 FARNAM ST. Stationery. - 6MAHA Stationery Co.. 807-t South 17th. ' Towel Supplies. FRONTIER Towel Supply. 1815 California Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. P. 628. Wedding Stationery. tVEDblNG- announcements and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 644. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Soft drink parlor fixtures and stock. Inventoried about $5,000; terms, cash: aealed bids received until 6 p. m., Jan. 6, 1919. Right to reject blda reaerved. Certified check for lb per cent with bid. Object, to close es tate. Write me, Pender, Neb. Paul A. Pinion, Special Administrator of Carl A. Nansen Estate. HARDWARE atock and Warren fixtures located in best town in southern Min nesota; Invoice about 842,000. Will sell at a big bargain If taken at once. No trades. Also 120 acres land In Mower County. Will sell or exchange lor mer chandise. G. H. Mundt & Co., Austin, Minn. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. Get in business for yourself. See our list of BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. QUICK SERVICE 6ELLING EXPERTS, 614 Brown Block. FOR SALE Dental office and practice of from 8460 to 2600 a month; price, $1,500. Address, 401-402 Boone Nat. Bldg., Boone, la. OUR business la to buy and sell your busi ness. QUICK SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS. 614 Brown Bldg OMAHA PILLOW CO. made from your of and winter sides. 19 -Feather mattresses 9 feathers, summer i7 Cuming. D. 2467. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque' cos tumes for amateur theatrlcale and par tlea for rent at T. Lieben & Son, Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailor and marires who will show their discharge papers at our office In the lobby of The Bee building. Seventeenth and Farnam. DISCHARGED soldier who Is an expe rienced auto mechanic or truck driver wishes position, preferably In city. Ad dress Y 831, Omaha Bee. 'WANTED Position In Omahn by mar ried man, experienced 'n clerical, solicit ing and sales work. Address b-x Y-830, Omaha Bee. ACCOUNTANT and general office man, now employed, wishes position offering good future; best of references. Address Y-817, Omaha Bee. BRIGHT young man wants position as theater usher. Prefer theater that will show "Soldiers of Fortune," as I want to see this several times. Call Doug. 6342. PIE foreman with 15 years' experience, wishes position. John Doollttle, 1419 Third Ave., Council Bluffs, la. EXPERIENCED salesman: steady posi tion; reference. J. Helphand Clothing Co., 314 N. 16th St. POSITION wanted .Call Walnut 1057. by licensed engineer. Female. BEAUTIFUL blonde young lady desires position as theater cashier. Wants to work In theater that will show "Soldiers of Fortune," aa she loves to be where the crowds are. Call Douglas 6342. FOR nurses bv the hour and for massage call Tyler 4986 or Walnut 4293. Laundry and Day Worn. COLORED woman wishes day work; per fect in cleaning: city reference; 45c an hour. Colfax 4984. BUNDLE washing wanted; work guaran teed. Webster 2221. 3327 Emmett. COLORED girl wanta Ironing or will stay with children. Webster 1897. COLORED LADY wanta day work; ref erence. Call Webster 2145. LAUNDRY or housecleanlng wanted; perlenced. Webster 3680. BUNDLE washing wated. able. Call Webster 2127. Prices reason- UtTNDLE washing. Webster 1646. Work guaranteed. I'LAIN aewlng. alao crocheting. 20th. Red 459. 125 & FOR flrat-claes work, gowna and wraps, call Harney 6101. 2872 California. . Film Developing. FILMS developed free. Mall orders ao llclted. THE ENSIGN CO.. 1607 Howard. Electrical Utilities. "HTTP V TM Electric washing machines) electrlo irons and reading 2511. lam pa electrlo lrona and 2222 Cuming St. Doug. ELECTRIC heaters, 110.60; vacuum clean era. 137.60, Mola washing machine. Lalley-Wllson Electric Co.. 1307 Farnam. HOOVER eWxrlc sweeper for rent; the best: delivered. Webster 4282 Jewelry. DIAMONDS STOtftiWSS back at small profit GROSS JEWELRf . CO.. 402 N. 16th St. ReC 608 L W. C FLATAU." Jeweler Established 1812. ' Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON 820 Neville Blk. T. 2960. H 4741. Rag Manufacturing. WEAVING and old, rugs remade. Tyler 1432 - Phone Remodeling Contractors. LESSARD A SON. 2021 Cuming. SAFES 12. Safes! BARGAINS, llth 'rarnam, T. J. Delight Safe Cs. , 1 r V rrr. , . lz HELP WANTED-MALE. Stores and Offices. EXPERIENCED man to take charge of buying and selling of draperies, rugs and linoleum. Position now open. Answer, stating positions held, what capacity and how long. Age and salary expected. Be ' explicit. Kaufman & Co., Colorado Springs, ColOj COST accountant and typist experienced. Steno., bank, eastern Colo., three steno., 100-$125: gen'l office men, 1100; office mgr.. tires, 8150; clerks, bookkeepers, typist.'' COMMERCIAL REFERENCE COMPANY, 1516 City Nat. Bank. YOUNG man with some training and ex perience In advertising for position as Advertising Manager for local institu tion. Salary to start approximately 1.800 to 12,400 per annum. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N. 736 First National Bank Bldg. BRANDEIS STORES WANT EXPE RIENCED LINEN SALESMEN; STEADY 'POSITION. GOOD WAGES TO RIGHT MEN. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. ' THREE grocery specialty salesmen, 1150. Retail shoe salesman, Columbus, 1200. Bank teller, Bohemian, $125-8160. Bookkeeper, $125-1135; cashier, $100. Stenographer. Colorado, $126. THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, $160; bookkeeper, $125; steno, $125: office clerk, $110-125. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY 1138 First National Bank Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED, EXPERIENCED TAILOR FOR MEN. APPLY SUPT., BALCONY, BURGESS-NACH CO. WANTED Newspaper makeup, linotype machinist, machinist oporators and floor men. Nonunion. References required. Addreaa Ft Smith Printing Publishing Fraternity (comprising two dally news papers and seven job shops), Ft Smith. Ark. . TAILOR WANTED I have an extra good 10b for coat maker who .wanta work year around. Will pay best of wages. Address, Y-815. Omaha Be, WANTED Experienced harness maker es pecially ahoe repair workman. Must be honest: state salary per week la first letter. John Fry. Crofton. Neb. WANTElJ Good shoemaker. - Repair or new work man. $5.00 per day the year round. Write J. E. Graber, 14 W. First St., Tulsa. Okl. IJRARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIR, VUL CANIZING. LOS ANP-ELES Y. M. C A. Auto School LEARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIR, VUL CANIZING. LOS ANGELES Y. M. C. A. Auto School. W A N T ED A young man to learn the printing trade. Apply to foreman of Bee press room, SHOEMAKER wanted. Shop. "Finest in State." Modern Clarinda, Shoe la. Salesmen and Solicitor ROAD SALESMEN We have openings for several experi enced road saleamen on salary and com mission basis. Anply by letter, etatlng full particulars as to past experience, etc. Address Rchmelier Arms company, Kansas City, Mo. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. HELP WANTElTMALE .SALESMEN AND . -SOLICITORS We require the services of three solicitors to represent us in city terri tory, experience not absolutely necessary, but men who have had soliciting or selling experience will ''find this an easy selling proposition, backed by the best premium offer on the ' market, weekly drawing account and commis sion. .Apply before 1:30 a. m. and after noons, 4 to 6. MR. BROPHY, Bee Office, CIRCULATION DEPT. SALESMEN 1,500 to 7,000. Ws furnish salesmen for a big list of employers. To get more men we teach aaleamar.shtp. This Instruction makes expert salesman who get big salaries, study during your spare time. Be an expert Write for openings and particulars. Box T-45. Bee. 10 MEN, who are rapab.e of standing prosperity, as adverttslntc aollcitora on labor proposition; long steady work and good money for capable advertising men. If you are making less r.han $100 per week, write me. C. A. Darrmgton, Don igr.Colo gen, del. SALESMAN Wanted House-to-house men selling Brussels fiber brooms and sani tary brushes, are coining the money ' with old reliable firm. See J. W. Wlg gerj, dlst sales mgr. from 6 '30 to 7:30 P. m, salaofflce,2866 Farnsm,clty. WANTED Live stock, remedy and feed salesmen for 1920. Services required In proflt-aharlng organization of 16 years' continuous standing. . State qualifica tions In first letter. Address. Wynne H. Harris. P. O. box 78. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Stock aalesmen $2,0 10.000. cor poration, selling in Iowa and Nebraska; stock 8 pt;i cent prferred ,rt full par ticipating. Best proposttloi in Omaha. Room 6, Wead fldg., 18th and Farnam Sts - INSURANCE salesman desiring to better their condition will do well to call at Room 6, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam fits. SALESMAN wanted to casry easy side line. Fort ( Dodge Sales Co., Fort Dodge, la. Miscellaneous. WANTED 15 PLASTERERS on SKINNER PACKING PLANT. COLLINS BROS., General Contractors. SALESMEN WANTED High grade stock and bond aalesmen by reliable concern. excellent proposition by the right vaxtrtv M II VmSBS, - ; FIELD Labor Guide, a book for farm hands, harvest hands, oorn huskers and others: new organization plans. Send 26-cent money order to W. Barto, Box 1067, Lin coln, Neb. . VAUDEVILLE ACT WRITTEN TO OR DER The latest and best I write for the big ones. Tell me what you want A chance to get a vaudeville act that Is new and up to date. Address Henry Jacob, Grand Island, Neb. Gen. Del., POSITIONS, lorattona. etc., for doctors. dentlats. druggists, veterinarians, nurses F V Knlest 212 Bee Bldg- Oms hj MEN, aged 17 to 71. who have not seen the biggest picture of the ear, to see "Soldiers of Fortune.' Call Doug. 6342. WANTED Experienced furnace man. 611 o. Z4tn Bt. Douglas 7110. MEN wanted to set pins. Farnam Bowling Alley, r arnam. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. TO GIRLS AND MOTHERS OF GIRLS. To YOU and for vou this story Is written, especially la it meant for girls who are about to embark upon a busi ness career. 'V Perhaps through necessity you have had to give up the Idea of a higher education. Here Is your cpportunlty our rchool of Instruction offers you a sup plemental course with remuneration. This course Is given by the American Telephono and Telegraph Company's school which Is maintained In Omaha find operated by a ataff of efficient In structors. , The work Itself Is very fascinating and a full-fledged long lines operator Is the Important link In weaving the speech of the nation. You are cordially Invited to visit our office where questions concerning this unusual opportunity will be answered in detail. Room 318 New Telephone Bldg. ASK FOR MISS BELL. . THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO.. The National Organization. BRANDEIS STORES Want experienced saleswomen In mus lin, underwear, linen, shirtwaist and white goods 'depts. Steady position and good wages for those who want steady employment. Apply auperlntendent'n office. STENOGRAPHER, private secretary, $116. f 130. ' . Stenographer,' wholesale and retail, $100-1110. Stenographer. Implements, $100-1111. Elliott Fisher operator, $90-1100. Typist and billing clerks, $65-$IO. Comptometer operator, $66-$70. File clerk, 27 or 28 yeara old, $71. THE MARTI COMPANY, EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. -'' ' 1126 W. O W, Bldg. - COST clerk and " typist, Iowa, $125. ' Stenographer. Sidney, $100. Typlat, $80; Council Bluffs; clerk. $60: " bookkeeper. $90; blller, $80; many other good, positions open for Immediate ac ceptance If you qualify. LOW CHARGES HIGHEST SERVICE. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE COMPANY, 161 6 City National Bank. OFFICE clerk, no experience necessary, $15 Office clerk, neat penman, $76. Bookkeeper, $25 week; asa't book keeper, $80. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N., 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $125, $110. $100, $90. $85, $76. Ledger clerk, $75. Steno. and bkkpr., $100. . Elliott-Fisher opr., $90. Office clerk, $65. Typist, $66. File clerk. $50. , WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, , 1138 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Bright voting wonwn bp salea ladtxerin our perfume and xurdrlrn de partments. ADnlv t5" a-eneral office. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 2d floor, 19th and Farnam Sta. BRANDEIS STORES WANT EXPK UTKNCED WRAPPERS AND JNSPEC TORS; GOOD- SALARY. STEADY PO SITION. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. V FIRST CLA8f lady atenograoher. Only experienced one need apply. Steady em ployment and good salary. Hartmaa Furn. A Cpt. Co., 413-16 So. 16th St. YOUNG lady wanted at once for office work; aome atenognphlc work required. Apply Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Harney Sta.- STENOGRAPHER for small Insurance of Xlce. Will consider beginner. Salary $761 736 First National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER WANTED Some gen eral office work. No srlvats secrevtvry, Edea Robe Tanning Co., $101 a, Ilia St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED 2 neat salesladies for steady work In easdr section. Aoolv Mr. Phelps, Pompelan Room, Brandels Stores, WANTED Woman clerk for bakery store. Carter Lake Bakery, 1511 Lothrop St Phone Webster 484. Saleswomen and Solicitors. HELP WANTED, FEMALE Immediate positions for several bright women Bosaeaslng selling experience, and tbe ability to meet people; this Is an outdoor position, offering an exceptional chance to make good money. Can also use sevsayi married ladtea for part time. Weekly drawing account . Apply by letter or In person before 9::i0 a. m. . i MR. BROPHY, Bee Office, Circulation Dept LADY of good appearance to solicit adver tising among morchants of smaller towns. Prefer road experience aa I travel. Expenses paid from atart. A good thing for a worker. H. R, Ken snedy. Red Ooak. la.. Gen. Del. Household and Domestic WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family; no children; no conking. Can go home nights If re quired. Referencea required. Webster 3998. 4- WANTED Woman for housework, In ex change for fc-oms and small wages. 220 Neville Block, week' daya; 2635 Daven Tort on Sunday. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Must be good cook. 410 South 39th St. References. Harney 876, EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. References required. Cood wages. Walnut 1099. 106 South 51st St. CAPABLE white girt for general houee- worK. two in family. 604 So. 26th St. Harney 4355! GIRL or woman for general housework. iiotn employed. Call before 6. Doug. 876. 2569 Leavenworth. EXPERIKNCED housekeeper wanted; must furnish good references. Apply Millard -hotel. WANTED Nurse girl about 15 years or older. Catholic preferred. Call Tyler 4956 or Walnut 4293. WANTED Young girl to take care of 2-year-oia taoy irora 1 to 7. Call Wal nut 1954. WANTED At once, an experienced cook. Mrs. n. u. updiKe, 3614 Jackson. Har ney 2934. WANTED Laundress. Must have refer ences. Wal. 1099. 706 8. 51st St. WANTED Whits cook for plain cooking. juo o. srn Bt wai. s&4. EXPERIENCED white cook. Mrs. Barton Millard, phone Harney 47. GOOD girl for general housework. Douglas 8989. Call WANTED A cook. Phone Walnut 626. Mrs. John L. Kennedy. Falratres. WANTED Girl for general housework- whole or part time. 132 S. 88th. Hotels and Restaurants. 8 GIRLS WANTED TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES. APPLY SUPT., BALCONY. BURGESS-NASH CO. WANTED Neat white women to aerve soda lunch tables; full or short time; no Sunday work; good pay; ateady work. Apply Mr. Phelps, Fompelan room, Bran deis Stores. WANTED At once neat appearing colored gins ror waitresses and bus girls. Ap .ly Green Room Cafe, Brandels stores. WANTED Neat colored girl to wait tables. Good wagos. South t647. MAID wanted. Apply lecelvlng room. Ei Beudnr Apartment Hotel Miscellaneous. GIRLS WANTED NOW FOR STEADY WORK In various departmenta of the Snow White Bakery. Good pay to good workers. Must be 16 years of age or over. Apply at once. ' ITEN BISCUIT CO. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th Sts. Office Entrance Middle of Block. EXPERIENCED POWER MACHINE OPERATORS. ALSO GIRLS TO LEARN. BEST OF WAGES WHILE LEARNING. F. P. KIRKENDNALL CO., 11TH AND HARNEY STS. THE BIG SISTERS will help any girl or . woman needing assistance during the s present emergency. Telephone. Harney 6734 day or evening or Tyler 1138 In the evening. WANTED Rough dry workers, shakers, and machine operators. Good pay. Evans Model Laundry. 11th and Doug las Sts. - GIRLS AND WOMEN of all ages, who en Joy a good love romance, to aee "Soldlera of Fortune." Call Douglas 6342. EXPERIENCED bindery glrla wanted. Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam St. tilRL wanted to wait on table at soda fountain. Beaton Drug Co. HELP WANTED. Male and Female, WANTED Men. ladiea and boya to learn barber trade; big demand: wages while learning; etrictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. RAILWAY mall examinations, January 17; $1,300 year; list vacancies free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 230 Y. Ro chester. N. Y. EDUCATIONAL, MIDWINTER TERM, MONDAY JAN. 6. DAY SCHOOL. NIGJIT SCHOOL. "BOYLES COLLEGE Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, abo.-t-hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 156S for large HluatraMl catalogue. Addrtes BOYLES COLLEGE. Boylee Building. Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha Nstlonal Bank Bldg. Douglas 6810. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and plana 101 Karbach Blk. Studio phone. Red 11. 209 South 16th St Musical. EXPERIENCED graduate teacher on piano, will go to homes. Colfax 2381. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. UNUSUALLY desirable, newly furnished rooms, for 1 or 2 gentlemen, near Colo nlal apta.; references. Harney 1438. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms for 2 or 2 ladles, modern, private home, 10 mln- utes' ride to town . Call Tyler 2535. ELMS HOTEL, 19th and Harney, under new management; nice, clean, modern rooms, $5 per week and up. CLAREMONT INN, 17th and Jackaon. Rooms at special rates to permanent guests. Dtfbglas 2735. NTCELY furnished corner room In private home; walking distance Harney car line. Harney 4370. NICELY furnished rooms, with bath, mod ern. Consider couple employed. Block to car. Harney 3737. FURNISHED room, private family, suitable for 2: breakfast if deuired. 3021 Marry; after 5 p. m. NEATLY furnished room for. 2 glrla, mod ern, private home; referencea Harney 1372 NICELY furnished pleasant front room In private family on, Lincoln blvd. Harney 1712. ROOM In modern home to young ladles, employed. 1539 Park Ave. Harney 1698. BA8EMENT room, suitable for 4 gentle men; tiear postofflce. 220 N. 17th. NICELY furnished room, private family, close In. $5 per week. Harney 1679 NICELY furnished rooms, walking dis tance. 2656 Harney 8t. Red 9540 v FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. SJSt4t MIVI4VU )vvaMsi MODERN sleeping roouul 502 S. 2 2d St .1.. I1 1J Iff I- 0 I . A. - . Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT 2 modern convenient fur nished light housekeeping rooms. - Call 1424 North 19th. STEAM heat electric light, everything fur- nlshed. Douglas 1279. 6 22 So 2 4 1 h A ve, ONE large room for housekeeping. Dallas Apts., 2564 Marcy. . ' Board and Room. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board; walking distance; elec trlo lights and heat; reaaonable; alao garage. Tyler 26s, EXCELLENT board with room In private ' home, near Farnam car Una. 2883 Cap itol Ave. ttarney 7U3. BOARD and 2 nice front rooma, modern, for 2 working men. Call Harney 6909. BOARD and room; 2 meals a day; gentle man preferred. 2601 St. Marya Ave. Unfurnished Roomt. TWO or three extra large rooma; modern, steam heat. Webster 3429. TWO rooms on third floor. 7101. Call Harney Hotels ELMS Hotel. 19th and Harney, under new management; nice, clean, modern ropms, $5 per week and up. FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. " EL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS. 18TH AND DODGE STS. Two and three-room apartments com pletely furnished. Hotel service. Tyler 200. ' ROACHES, etc., exterminated with one application, by contract or sold out right B. B. B. EXTERMINATING CO., OMAHA. 807 Brand. Thea, Bldg. Doug 1370. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. TEN-ROOM house, with engn.e house, chicken coup and 6 acres of Isnd, 1V4 acres set In fruit. 7 2d and Pacific Douglas 7161. South. EIGHT-ROOM flat, modern but heat, fine for rooming houae; all new; $27.60. I70S Q street. Tyler 1910. Miscellaneous LIST, your property for rent or aale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. Tyler 721. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Aoartmert management FOR RENT APARTMENTS. North. FOR RENT Eight-room brick flat, 1142 8. 82d St $55.00. C. D. Armstrong, Realtor. 825-6 Securities Bldg. Miscellaneous. 642 hi SOUTH 24th St., rear, 6 rooma, $16. H. A. Wolf Co. Tyler 85. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. GOOD store rooma. Moon Theater Bldg. Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY, Phone Douglas 6342 Office and Desk Room. DESK room, stenography and phone serv ice. Desk furnished, exceptional loca-Y-827, Omaha Beo. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY CO. STORAGE AND VAN 16T II AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APARTMENTS. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service In -hauling or atorage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338 Auto or wagon service. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooma for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. J OMAHA VAIM AD ClUtlflUr, -., 806 South 16th. DoUg. 4168 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co Ty. 8400. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davennor Doug 2908 MOVINO OUR SPECIALTY. TYLER 1976. HARTUNG'S TRANSFER ft STORAGE. STORAGE rooms for rent reasonable, close In. Tyler 1976. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Houses & Apartments. WANTED To rent turnlshed apartment, by family of 4. Box T-48. Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. MONTCLAIR BARGAIN Nearly-new 6-room bungalow, 6 rooms and bath downstairs, all finished In oak; one bedroom upstairs., in white enamel. Full basement on paved street; 1H blocks to Harney car line. Price $6,500; $2,500 cash;- bi'ance easy terms. Call Walnut 2S12. , HOUSES FOR SALE. REALTY SYNDICATE COMPANY, 202-317 Wilkinson Bide. Doug. 6611 S. W. Corner 12th and Farnam. WEST Farnam District Beautiful 8 room residence, two baths, newly decor ated throughout. Two large paragca. J. L. HIATT CO. nnn first national thone BANK BUILDING. TYLER 63 NEW 6-ROOM STUCCO. On Lincoln Blvd. In Montclalr; large living room with fireplace; dining room and kitchen on first floor; S bedrooms and bath on second; all specials paid. Price $9,CO0. Walnut 2812. SEE THIS. Beautiful 5-room stucco' buncalow In Leavenworth Heights, before you buy. Phone Walnut 212. OMAHA Real Estate and Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL. 200 Brandels Theat Doug. II. WE have cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homea. 'Phone Douglas 6074 and we will call and Inspect your property. Bhuler ft Cary. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN. , 121 PBxton Block. 'Phone Tyler 4880. For good homes on good terms OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 480 Bee Bldg. Tyler 491 FOR BARGAINS IN homes, Investments and farms. Tebbens Co., 606 Omaha Nat'l Banlt CLAIRMONT BARGAIN. Five-room frame residence, Just com pleted, only $6,000. Call Walnut 2812. IT'S HERE 1920. List your property for sale wit a A. ,T. Davis Webster 839. North. NEAR MILLER PARK A REAL BUNGALOW New, 6-room, strictly modern stucco bungalow at 2734 Bauman Ave. Oak throughout, bullt-ln features, decorated, shades etc. Full light basement; Torrid Zore furnace, south front, 1 block to Park and Club house. Paving paid., A real home all radv to move Into. It would cost about $7,000 to dlpltcnte this beautiful home. If sold . this week owner ' has Instructed us to quote same at $6,500 on reasonable trms. , Will be pleased to show at any I time. J. L. MATT CO. QAA FIRST NATIONAL WW BANK BUILDING. FHONE (to TYLER uo ONE sleeping room, suitable for 2 gentle men. 905 S. 20th. Douglas 6921. NICELY furnished south room n modern home;teasonable. Webster 2003. WARM, quiet sleeping room, for day or night sleeping. Harney 12 81. LARGE, modern, warm front room, 1101 Webster St Douglas 109 i. FURNISHED room, suitable ff2 gentle- men. Call Harney 18 2 1 .J 1112 FARNAM; Bjodsra ilsevlas rooms let gentleman. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT BUY A HOME In Montclair Addition Beautiful new five-room pallstone, semi-bungalow; nicely -finish. d ir oak and white enamel; large living room across front of house. On paved street, Javlng paid and one-half block ti Har ney car line. Price $7,000, easy terms. Call walnut 2812. WE need five houses. Have R F. Clary Co. 1TI. snd islx-ronm, buyeit. Csll us 2404-01 Ames modern today Colfax 4-ROOM cottage, full basement, $1,500 1290 down, balanoe like paying rent REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. - MODERN I-R.. brlok, east front, Kountse Park. r" , Modern T-R., close In. If"- ... Modern 7-R., Hanscom Park, IJ.tO. Modern l-R.. close In. $4,000. - Modern l-R.. new, dak finish, $8,000, loth ndvCMOREARTT ft CONBOY. Bee Building. .... n. S841. Tvler 4677. Webster lltl. ., STUCCO BUNGALOW Just" being completed, I flna rooms on one floor; oak and enamel finish; oak floora; complete In every ds'sll: snap at $5,750 Benson & Carmicnael, Tyler 1540. I40x Paxton Block. YOUNO &DOHERTY, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 122 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1161. , POSSESSION NOW $500 CASH 6-room cottage, near 20th and Willie; strictly modern. $3,760. p. 420. A FEW homea 'and lots' for sale In Park wood Addition; a safe pines for Invest ment. Norrls ft Norrls, Doug. 4270. NEARLY new bungalow, fine location, near car; all large rooms, east front; snap at $4,850. Terms. Douglas 1734. daya. M7NNE LUSA homes and lota offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. 'Phone Tyler 187. BARGAIN In nine-room thoroughly mod ern house, 22d and Wirt streets; cash or payments. Telephone Colfax IH. Miscellaneous. FINANCIAL. Financial Wanted. WANTED For southern lows stock sn ' grain farm, stock merchandise - ol hardware, 110,000 to $11,000; will rrr , balance back on farm long time; farnj . laya 4 nillis to county seat town ana ' well Improved; an ideal country homej am owner of farm. Address, T-tll . Omaha Bee. x .. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. 10,000 acres choice row or linproveed Lin coln co., Colo., laada. Bargains Easy terms. See J. L. Manrer. Arriba. Pols. Iowa Lands. 15-ACRE FARM. I miles east of Council Bluffs, pr tlcally all farm land. Four-room cottage, small barn, vineyard snd few fruit tree Good road to city: $4,000. v M'QEE REAL ESTATE CO. , . 101 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Ia. Minnesota Lands. 40, CORN LAND 10 or 160 acres, good hear soil, well itttsd Dart of Todd county Minnesota: good roads, schools and churches; will produce good crops of corn, oeta, clover, potatoes, etc.; price 116 to $22.60 per acre; terms $2 per acre cash, balance $1 an acre a year; 6,000 acres to select from. SCHWAB BROS.. 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Nebraska Lands REAL BUNGALOW BARGAIN Excellent location in restricted residence district on paved street; stucco construction. Six fine rooms 011 first floor; one finished room on second floor; finely fin ished in oak and enamel; oak floors throughout: ' tastily deco rated. Owner is leavine city and for quick sale has made price of $6,500. This is at least $2,000 lass than it would cost to duplicateJ this, bhown by appointment. Call Walnut 1580 evenings or Tyler 3540 days. J Your Farni or Ranch Turned quickly Into cash by. on unique method. Write for booklet. Ne braska Realty Auction Co., Central City, Neb. . . BARGAINS In homes Ittvesment prop erties snd acreage near Omaha. Harrt son ft Morton, 110 Omsha Nat. Bk. Bldg. BIRKETT & CO. .VnV. "rVnW snd Insures. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 88. LIST your houses and lots for quick sale with Hastings ft Hey den. realtors, nil Hirney street, hone, Tyler 10. WILL build a nice modern 6-room house lor you. 1 nave materia 1 purcaaeru. Call Wal. 127. - We Have Property for Rent or 8ale. A M G.K 11 AIM BKCUKIXI IU N. W. Cor. 18th and Dodge. Doug. IQlt. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. FARNAM, HARNEY, LEAVENWORTH - AND CUMINO STS. PAYNE ft SLATER CO., DOUO. 1011. REAL ESTATE-Buslness Property BUSINESS property snd Investments. A. P. TUKEY ft SON. 40 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE. FOR DESIRABLE TRACKAGE PROPER TIES AND WAREHOUSE SPACE. SEE Ot.OVER SPAIN. Realtors DoucIbs 392. 918-20 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. GOOD trackage lot. 113 feet front paved street. $3.5n0. S. P BOSTWICK. 800 Bee Building. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. INCOME FOR LAND We have 11 houses listed In Omsta. Owner wanta land. S. 8 ft R. E. MONTGOMERY. 215 City National FOR SALE or exchanged as first pay ment on a 5-room modern bungalow In south or eouthwest part of city 2 Iota 50x150 near new addition. Aaaress x 828 Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. West. 25. Webater St. iust west of 60th, tfuvei alley and streets; all special paid: price right G A" Grlmmel. Phone Douglas 1616. DUNDEE lot 50x1 South. B-IQ BARGAIN LOTS. 1100 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK, buys fine garden tract, 47x182; only t blocke frera West Center car line and one block to paved street: high and alghtly, black soil; price, $29$ and $340. THE BYRON REED CO. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE Regular Bargain regular Dar- A 4809 Underwood Ave. gain In a 7 -room house of the lateat type and conveniently arranged In every , respect. Immediate possession. For particulars call Porter-Wendell R. E. Co., C80 Brandels Thea. Bldg. Doug 8084. HAVE several brand new, reasonably-priced houses in Dundee. Many pleasing features in these artistic , homes. Ea ' terms. Phone Douglas 7412. We specialize In Dundee homes. C. B. STUHT CO., $12-14 City National. Douglas 8787. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE served the Omaha publio In buying and selling real estate for over 36 years. We have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. ' We will serve you to your best. Interest. McCague Investment Co., iVJLLi pay cash for good- six or aeven 100m home. Must tie well located and priced right Reply giving full de scription. Box T-8 BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyers for well-located bungalows and residences worth the money. For qul'-k results, list with us. O'NEIL'S R. E. A INS. AGENCY, 623-6 Brandels Theater Bldg. I HAVE a man who will buy your Im proved property and pay cash for It, but the price must be right. GEOROE F. JONES. REALTOR, 926 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1141. FOR real estate and all kinds 'of Insur ance. HERMANSEN A COa 748 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR quick sales Hat your property with W. O. SHRIVER. 1047-1 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Dour 1I3. WILL buy a few good contracts, second mortgages, or mech. Hens. Chas. L. Pease. 211 Brandels Theater Budg. LIST your property with THEO. E. PETERSON COMPANY. 468 Omaha Nat'l. Bank. Doug, 7024. WE have the customers and can eell your property; list with John W. Bobbins, fil Brandels Theater. D 821. CAN PAY 11.000 down on a modern, I or 6-room house. Give location, price, terms. Box 678, Omaha Bee. LIST your property for sale with J. B. Robinson for quick salea, 442 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 8097. LIST your property with W. FARNAM SMITH A COMPANY, 1320 Farnam St Doug. 164. WANTED 6 to - 7-room houso, modern preferred, for colored. Webster 41S0. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans. Mortgages. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS & SON. 228 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NFB FARMS O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO. 101 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2716. CITY and farm loans; 614 snd 6 per cent; no delay. J II. Dumont A Co.. 412 Keellne Bldg PRIVATE MONEYi , SHOPEN COMPANY. Doug.J-22l. Stocks and Bonds. SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted 12. 000 loan on 83.000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan is beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who la 61 years old and In poor health. Will arrange matters so that entire 13.000 will be paid to note holder upon death of Insured, and will keen up premiums In Insurance. Chance to make from 1600 to 11.000 In ehort time Address Bee. Bos M-3 . 1100 to 110.000 MADE promptly. F. D Weedy Wead Bldg., 18th and Fartiam. IV E BUCK Loans. 44S Omaha Nat. Financial Wanted. SIX per cent farm mortgages for sale In 1500 to 18.000 plecea; conservatively made, gilt-edge Investments; we attend to collection of Intereet and principal without charge. Writs uv Bank ef IMvUtt, Mean. J. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS IMPROVED; IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at tire right price. Write for list. LARSON A CARRAHER. 1 Central City, Nebraska. WRITE me for pl4yrea and prices of my ' farms and ranches In good old Dawes Co Aran I- Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. GOOD Imp farms In N. E. Neb.; noes. Mar. 1. For Information and farm loans. C. V. Nelson. 1021 W. O. W. For Neb. Farms snd Ranches aee , Graham-Peters Realty Co.. t82 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Omsha. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS 8 EH A. A. PATZMAN. 801 Karbach Blk. Tyler lit, IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms. Kimball county. Busnnell, Neo Neb. R. .JG. Holman, Miscellaneous. LAND SEEKERS Our 125 excursion ts the Rio Grande.valley ts now on. W. . Frank. Neville Blk., Omaha. AUTOMOBILES For Sale. CADILLAC USED CAR DEPARTMENT A Safe Place. to Buy Thoroughly rebuilt Cadil lacs( actually RE-NEWED, should not be considered used cars. They are as good in many cases as brand new Cadil lacs, and perhaps better for you fo buy than used cars, or even cheaper new cars which would not stand the service you demand from the use of an automobile. Prices on automobiles are constantly increasing. Take advantage of our wonderful sale, at which you will find every size of nearly every make of good motor car. Besides the Cadillacs, we have reconstructed many cars of miscellaneous makes.. We have been months in pr-paring these cars for this sale and are confident that , when you see them and try them you will realize how good used cars can be made, how well they can be made to operate and how satis factory a really "rebuilt" car can be made and how nearly new it can appear. You can save money hun dreds of dollars by buying a used car from us now, even if you have no use for it right at this time. The best pick is yours now in the middle of the winter when used car buyers are scarce. Come inspect our display and see for yourself what ( we "offerl t We Are Not Satisfied Until You Are Open Evenings Until 9 O'Cloci and on New Year's Day Until 1 P. M. " N J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. , i Farnam at 26th. Harney 710. ' CLOSED CARS. IMS Ford aedan. wlttt starter, demountable rim., shock aosorners, v large stearins whee and extra tire. 1918 Hudson cabriolet, fun 2,000 miles, has all cord tires. ; 111 Bulck coups, first-class condition! slso has cord tires. If 18 Maxwell, with winter top) price (til MEEKS AUTO CO., 2021 Farnam Street Douglas 1411. RENT A NEW FORD! DRIVE IT YOURSELF 124 CBNTS PER MILE, OAS AND YNSURANCK EXTRA. OUR CARS ARB COMFORTABLY HEATED FOR WIN TER SERVICE. DRIVE-IT-YOUR SELF-COMPANY. . FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1314 HOWARD STREET. tjOVO. ttjt. ( WOOD'S ELECTRIC First-class condition new paint snd batteries; will aell cheap, as I am leav ing city and must dispose of It at once. Call Miss White at Tylnr 1000, or eve nlngs, Council Bluffs. Red 22'. DODO E" coupe, like new, Willi I new tires. 21,260. This coupe has Been used but very little and la like new In every way. I can arrange to take one-third cash, balance In 10 monthly paymenta. -Call Room 821 Conant hotel. ' it RELIABLE automobile school; best elec trical and self-starter eoursea; day and night school; come now; free catalogue. National Automobile School. 2814 Nor IS Twentieth. Omaha. ' PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODEL! NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED D. C ROGERS, MGR. TYLER HIT. 140J-21 Capitol Ave. USED care of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, tlH Farnam Bt Dong 1IT. t-PASPENOER touring oar. Al condition. I tires; will sell on easy t.rme. Cell Xles White. Tyler 100s. ex Co. Bluffs, 7 1 i -rtz-r