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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1919)
mm i cm KM The Christmas Shopping Important Notice i, Upon th recommendation of the FueT Administra tion, aa a measure of coal conservation v Our Store Hours Will Be 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Effective Monday, Dec. 1st, and until further notice. D Many Folks Will Give Linens And where is the house , keeper who will not be delighted v . to receive them. We feature for N Monday several impor tant Towel items, very suitable for Christmas ' Giving. ' Fancy Towels and Towel Sets, 69c Full bleached, with fancy and elaborate borders; In pink, blue, hello or yellow, ' ) hemmed ends, 69c. Fancy Towels, 08c Made- of a fine, yarn, hemmed ends, plain or Jac Quard effect designs in very pretty colorings. Special , for Monday, each 9Sc English Towels, 1.50 These towels are made of a fine selected yarn, in pretty colorings of pink, blue and so-called rainbow effect, hemmed ends, size 22x44 Inches. Will make an appreciated gift, each 1.50 Tpwel Sets, 1.75 These sets consist of one hand towel, one guest towel and one face cloth embroid ered In pretty .designs, also rainbow effect' colorings; put up In a neat box, and will make a fine gift Per set fl.75 Face Goth Set, 49c These sets are three shell , stitch edge face cloths, em broidered in colorings of blue, pink or yellow; put up In a box of three, per set . 49e Brandeis Stores Main FloorSouth J: SRTS THE PACE W ;-v v . Winter Favorites Season Ope ores Monday FO CROWING OMAHA ns J Parcels Wrapped ' Regardless of where purchased, we are wrapping parcels for shipment by parcel post or express at the ACCOMMODATION DESK, in our Basement. This service is without charge, of ceurse. J - Brandeis Stores Basement 3 :) 21 Ohoppintf Days 'S vnriTn ag Coats of Plushcand. Art Seal -For Gifts- : ' ' New arrivals of interest are the wonderful sample coats shown in Yukon and Baffin Seal, Velour de Norde and Plush, in Black as well as Beaver and Mole shades. Handsomely lined in fancy, silks. Fur trimmings, collars, cuffs, borders and novel pockets of various furs Beaver, Opossum, natural and dyed Raccoons,' , Nutria and Skunk. , , . - Warm, beautiful garments that may be secured at a noticeable saving. Every favored model of the sea-! son from the short flared backCoatee and the knee t length Sports model to the full length garment for evening and dress wear. A complete line priced at $55, $75, $95 to $150 Brandeis Stores Second Floor West : ' - i ... Sweaters for Little Tots There is a large assortment of new shades, and such a variety of models ; belted models with pockets and sailor collars ; slip-on styles, coat effects and va rious other desirable childish modes. All made of finest quality woo and wor steds. At reasonable prices, ranging from , ' ' 1.98, 2.98, 3.98 up to $7.50 f 1 ' Sweater Sets In 3 pieces; colors are oxford, cardinal and rose; three sizes, 1, 2 and 3 years; Monday at ' ' 3.50 Crib Blankets For infants, white with pink or blue bor , ders, nice warm, comfy little blankets for baby's crib 1.00 Brandeis Stores Third Floor East j V Very Special Monday A Sale of beautiful DRESS TRIMMINGS Sample Pieces and Over-stock of Large New York Importers Wm. Rice and Ernest Boschen 1 - Offered at'.&to V2 of Regular Prices Every, item in this special purchase which Ve were fortunate enough to make consists of only the highest grade pieces from America and France. Many delightful creations are shown the kind that add the finishing " touch, and without which no costume is complete. 'in this exceptional sale you have an opportunity to make a decided saving. - j v " Included in This Sale Are Beaded Flouncing Bands and All-Overs Priced Wonderfully Low Metal Embroidered Vesting, in gold, sil ver, and colors. Many styles of all silk dress fringes. Hundreds of styles of flouncing, bands amj allovers in sequins, -spangled and beaded. - 1 Values up to $12.50, at 6.50 Iridescent and Jet Flouncing, tunic width. s Black sequins, all-overs and bands. Bead cdjunics, handsome color combinations. , Values up to $18, at 12.50. Beaded Allovers, All Silk Dress Fringe, plain and uncut, colored bands. Values up to $4, at -A 2.00 Silk TriagesPlain knotted and uncut, black and all dress shades. Beaded bands, white and colors, suitable for trimming widths. r Values up to $3, at 1.00 Chenille and Silk Embroidered Bands and Edges Beaded band.4, black and colors. Silk embroidered and metal thread em broidered H-esting in x gold, silver and colors. j Values up to 7.50, at 3.50 Dress Fringes, All Silk Black and col ors. Beaded edges and bands in all .color combinations. All silk and beaded medalions. - Values up to 1.25, at 50c r , Narrow Beaded Bands Suitable for dress trimming and braiding. Values up to $1, at 25o Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center ' and Suggestion Christmas will soon be upon . us. There are'only 21 shop ping days left, la which to plan your Christmas Giv- s log. Here Is a section of Ideas and Buggestlons-Xor your benefit In making up your li3t. Cameras No. 2 Brownie box camera, size 2 14x34. special &83 No. 2 Brownie box camera, Blze 2x44, each 48 Vest Pocket- Autographic folding, special, each, 8.49 2-C Autogfaphlc Brownie Kodak, size 2x4, at , each 1S.04 ' BRANDEIS STORES MAIN FLOOR WEST . Placques "; Attractively displayed ,1n our Picture Department, . make very acceptable gifts, for Xmas. ' These are all subjects from Old Masters, Including Jra. Angelicas and Hoffman v Subjects. A Moderately priced from 00 to 17.50 J3KANDEI9 STORED THIRD FLOOR SO C T31 Crumb Tray gets . ' Of Aluminum, nicely em bossed figures. Sets consist of crumb tray and scraper in Holly box, 1M BRANDEIS STORES BASEMENT. EAST Celebrate Gold Ware Line, Always $1.00 , r Of which we have exclusive sale. , ' ; Put up In fancy silk lined boxes and fully guaranteed to wear.v Cuff Links, Hat Pins Bracelets Tie Pint -Lingerie Pins Barrattea Bar Pins Baby Pins BRANDEIS BTORES BASEMENT SOUTH ' Rugs of Quality , Make Sensible Gifts , WILTON VELVET RUGS, 57.50 . , 9x12 Seamless Eugs, closely woven, in Oriental and conven tional designs, harmonizing color effect. Very durable. " SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS, 52.50 9x12 size, rich lustrous colorings, deep soft nap, and newest designs." Woven, in one piece. No seams. . , ' AXMTNSTE& RUGS, 27.50 6.9x9, for small rooms, reception halls ;, a splendid assortment of desirable styles. N - ' RUBBER DOOR MATS, Each" 59f Heavy quality, generous size. Specially priced for Monday. Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor West . mi 1 1 1 1 1 mi Tv j for Early Winter Dress Goods APParei - Specially Priced Monday When you buy dress goods at our store, you can feel assured of get ' ting the most reliable goods your money can buy. We feature ' for Monday three items which are specially priced, affording you an op portunity to purchase the most desirable fabrics at a very good saving. ' -50-inch French Serge, Yard, 2.95 Fine twill, all wool. In all the wanted shades, including plenty of Navy; blue; just the right weight for tailored N dresses, at per yard ALL WOOL TRICOTINE, 60 Inch es, wide. Most desirable for tail ored suits and dresses; in all the newest shades, at, per yard MS 2.95 CHIFFON BROADCLOTHS, pure N all wool, fine quality. In a lus trous' satin finish, sponged and shrunk; In all the season' most wanted shades, at, per yard " 4.95 Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center Georgette Crepe Blouses Specially. Priced , BLOUSES MEAN MANY A MERRY CHRISTMAS ' ' 4 What a splendid Christmas Gift is a pretty Blouse or two. We have them as,unusual as they are giveable., Favored shades, of course, are in these assortments. These are hand embroidered, trimmed Blouses, with real filet laces; some round neckswith rows of lace down the front; roll collars, trimmed with lace and hand embroidered the collars are white, flesh and bisque. Very Special 1250 v Striped. Wash Silk 'Waists, convertible collars best v quality rilk, in gold, blue, rose, colored stripe ' - 7.50 Brandeis Stores Second Floor SoufA Fine Stripe Wash Silk Crepe, heavy quality, big range of colors, specially priced Monday 5.25 SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING From Our Greatly Enlarged ' ART DEPARTMENT ; CANDLE.J3HADES of silk, Old rose, gold, blue and apricot; trimmed with gold braids, French ribbon roses and old French- 65c to 3.00 prints, 4, 5 and 6-inch size; SOLID MAHOGANY candle sticks. A new shipment Just re ceived these much wanted ar ticles for the home; about eight different styles, each ; L25 PLAIN AND FANCY CANDLES of many varieties, Jblue, old rose, Mulberry, greenfed, mahogany, pink, etc.r 5c to 60c SILK SOFA PILLOWS, round in shape, blue,' gold, lavender, old rose and flame colors, at, 6.50 Larger pillows, fancy showing, same colors as above, at 8.00 FANCY. FLOWER BASKETS. Large assortment with tin lin ings, each 50c to 2.75 Hand Painted Candles, each, 85c to 4.50 Brandeis Stores Third Floor Center r She Would Surely Like Gloves There will be many other things which she will receive that will please her im mensely, but no matter, a pair of gloves will .be sure to come in for a share of the smiles and praises. We have them in the size she takes and in just the style you know. she will like, at these prices: Women's Cloves, real French Kid In all the desirable shades of gray, taupe, light and ' dark tan, white and black; self or con trasting embroidery) twcclasp ef-Q Cft fects at palrOUU Gauntlet Gloves for Women , with large, roomy cuff, especial ly desirable for auto weir, warniv fleece lining; to tan O OC and black, pr Real Duplex Wash able Fabric Gloves; ' popular Slip-on style, wool combinations of beaver and brown, white and gold, ox- iford and light gray; v strap at wrist; very practical, at,Q PA N the' pair, , Li.OV Brandeis Stores Main Floor West ; A Graceful Figure s She Wears a Madam Lyra " , - , -.' J What more need you know? Nothing else it is all sufficient. "But ,this is addressed to the woman who has never worn a Madam Lyra, and I we. want to tell her that by reason of the exact designing and pliant lines -.1 of a Madam Lyra Corset she may have the tigure sue covets. . . A Madam Lyra model is no or dinary corset. It is made upon the most scientific lines we know and we have made a study of corsets. ' Our insistence upon these models is based upon personal experience resulting from our daily fitting of Madam Lyra- corsets. It's a corset that never fails to make a better figure and it corrects fig ure defects. . S t . , All beautiful, in pink and bluesilk and satin hrocades. ' " jLsk to see our new fall models of Madam Lyra corsets - , . Priced at $4 to $35 Brandeis Stores Third Floor East OUR TOYLAND Has Thrown Open Its Gates to the Children Here is Merry Santa Claus himself with the keys. The glitter" and sparkle and movement of toys rand that means ev erything the year has brought out. Airplanes and troop trains and bridges and ' Warships,' bugles and soldiers brave, mili tary dolls and games, wild, wooly animals r and guns to hunt them down. . ! , AH the old favorites, too, as a matter of course. Tiny dolls and others as tall as little mother herself and all sizes between,. Dolls , to dress and dolls fully arrayed in gorgeous raiment. Brandeis Stores Fourth Floor East Electrical "Comfort Bringing" Uses of Appliances it is a delight to "realize th e convenience and time saving that Electrical Appliances catn bring into your home. ' Percolators, Grills and Toasters belong mainly to morning hours and help to start the day in a cheerful mood, because of me caou wim which a lasiy meai is quicKiy prepared. I x We Are Showing . Electric Toasters, 6.50. t Electric Curling Irons, 5.75. ' i v Electric Grills, in round and square pat- - terns, 10.00 and 12.00. V, Electric Chafing Dishes, 17.50 o 22.00. " Electric Irons, 5.50 to 7.501 Casseroles A large showing of Cas seroles, in all shapes and insets, made of fancy Gurnsey ware and Pyrex ware. Priced 2.50 to $12 Thermos Bottles We are showing a large assortment of Thermos Bottles, in japanned and Nickel finish. Reasonably priced from 1.89 to 9.50 Brandeis Stores Basements-South Universal' Electric , Percolators and Coffee Machines v at 12.00 to 25.00