Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Bee
Th Aaenciaurd Preaf. of wkloa The Bt I a number. If x
dual rely entitled to the um for publlcatloo of all nom diapatche
credited to II or ot othrwi endued la thli paper. Md ale
Ik local news publlahad kereln. Ail rltt si publication at out
apeolai ditpatckw are 1m naened,
Print BranoS luntnn. AU for tuTvl,i 11)00
Department or particular Pimu Wanted. JFCr lw"u
For Night and Sunday Sorvico Calli
riltorlal Department - . . Ty! 1000L.
Circulation Iprtmot Trier 1008L
AdTtrtielai Department -' Tyler 1008 L.
Rom Office, Be Building, 17th mad Firnam.
RrAfih Office! :
Ann 4110 North J4tn Park
Voiiaom 11 Military ae. South Bid
Council Bluffi 15 Scott BL I Walnut
Out-of-Town Office.
New Tort Cltr M Fifth Are. I Washington
Chicago Seeger Bid. I Lincoln
2615 Leavenworth
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Daily 66,084 Sunday 61,893
Avenge eireolatfon for the aiontk lubeorltxd and mi to kf
H. B Baiaa. Circulation Manager.
Subacribar leaving th city chouM bav ths Be mailed
to them. Addr changed a ofUa a required.
.You should know that
Omaha terminal elevator have
a storage capacity of more than
18,000,000 bushels of grain.
What The Bee Stands For
1. Respect for the law and maintenance of
2. Speedy and certain punishment of crime
through the regular operation of the
3. Pitiless publicity and condemnation of
inefficiency, lawlessness and corup
tion in office.
X4. Frank recognition and commendation
of honest anttjsfficient public service.
5. Inculcation of Americanism as the true
basis of good citizenship,
How does the old time feel today?
Omaha grocers know how to make a display.
Emeralds at $1,000 a karat are now-within
the reach of the honest toiler.
Scotland going dry? Weel, weel! D'ye ken
ony thing like that, mon?
Business in Mexico of seizing American citi
zens and holding them for ransom shows no
falling off, ;
Maybe after a few more practice games, the
Cornhuskers will win one but the season will
be over by that time. '
If some of the eminent supporters of the
league of nations were as accurate as they are
dogmatic, their arguments would be more convincing.
"T. R." once settled a great strike of anthra
cite coal miners by a simple process that is open
to the present administration, if it can be induced
to adopt a precedent.
School teachers may come to the Omaha
convention with no dread of not finding! ac
commodation or haying to submit to extor
tionate prices at any point.
Subscriptions to The Bee's free shoe fund all
f o one way to furnish shoes for school chil
dren who otherwise will have none. It is 100
per cent charity. Come on!
One thing may be said in regard to the
flirtations between the soldiers and the town
girls around the court house no one has tried
to conceal any of the goings-on.
The president might have expressed an
opinion at to the merits of a controversy in
which the facts are so plain. This is no time
for the executive to mince matters.
Administration senators have asked the presi
dent how to vote on the reservations, thus
demonstrating their fitness, as, members of a
tp-ordinate branch of the government.
Including Florence . within tne Omaha
"switching zone" should mean a considerable
expansion of certain activities, but may not be
especially welcome to the suburbanites who have
Sought quite out north.
First of the Pacific coast flyers 1o reach
home was Captain Smith, whose record in the
rsce will be second only to that of the "flying
parson." Results have' not been tabulated, but
that the aviators have achieved something for
the good of the service is admitted by all.
If the present ' legislative committee on
profiteering has no better effect than the inquiry,
made six years ago, it might as well go home.
The legislature then adopted a resolution direct
ing the attorney general and the county attorney
to get after the food manipulators, but neither
ever made a move to carry out the order.
Scintillations by Sorrenson
The Examiner.
The Bee's numerous roasts of the manage
ment of the police department in particular and
the demoralized condition of the department in
general are 90 per cent true, and then some
more. It's The Bee's truth that stings. Truth
i squashed to earth will get up again, and keep
a-moving along with The Bee. No newspaper
' ever told the truth without making enemies, and
The Bee should congratulate itself for the
'enemies that it has made. Say, Victor, keep on
. hewing to the line, and don't you give a tinker's
damn where the chips may fall.
., f
" . Commissioner Ringer is well qualified to
make a successful poker player. He knows how
to put up a shtt blurt on a tour Hush.
5 The fact that bonding companies are mighty
skeery about taking risks on Omaha policemen
is pretty good 'proof that there is something
.-. rotten in the management of the department
i The Amalgamated Union of Omaha Pulpit
Pounders No. 1 has indicted The Omaha Bee
" for "in a large measure (exact dimensions not
specified) instigating arid augmenting by sensa
tional, misleading and malicious statements" the
infamous riot of Sunday, September 28, 1919.
c: The Amalgamated Union of Pulpit Pounders
charges that the "vicious criticism indulged in
by The Bee leads only to anarchy and riot."
, The Bee, having given bonds for its appear
ance for trial before the august tribunal of the
pulpiteers, is allowed meantime to pursue its
- devilish and anarchistic career. "I should
smile," remarked Editor Rosewater,- when
- served with notice of the indictment
Whatever effect the president's orders to the
soft coal miners may have, it will be .palliative
and not corrective. To declare unlawful the
threatened stoppage of work in all mines, with
its attendant possibility of disaster to the social
and industrial life of the country, is justifiable
and may cause the miners to desist, but it does
not touch the root of the trouble.
Mr. Wilson is eminently correct in his
characterization of the proposed strike as im
moral and unjustifiable. The men base tfleir
claim for the thirty-hour week on the fact that
with 80,000 .miners in the military service,! those
employed produce under a forty-eight-hour
week 135,000,000 tons of coal more than peace
requirements call for. They ask, therefore, that
the working time be cut down and the wages
increased in order that sUjnay live well and
happily on less production. This rests squarely
on the socialistic doctrine that happiness is
found only In idleness, and that production
should never exceed consumption.
At this time, when the utmost is required of
every man, when steady work at big wages is
being offered on all ide.s, it is unreasonable
that the coal miners should insist that the day's
work be shortened by 25 per cent and the
we k's time by 37.3 per cent, in order that more
men may be engaged in bringing up the lessened
amount of coal called for. The economic felly
of this must be apparent to any. Society needs
output now, and all should be eager to con
tribute to relieve the situation. When plenty
comes again, it will be time to curtail effort.
The miners should also understand that it
will be impossible to meet their demands with
out increasing costs to everybody else, which,
in turn, will react on them and leave them no
better off. They are in the "vicious circle,"
along with the rest of us.
Nor will the miners' program have any
effect on the fundamental fact that wealth is
unevenly distributed. Injustice in this direction
is not to be met by the process they have in
mind, that of shutting off production. The
president and his cabinet may head off the
present trouble by some method not disclosed,
but they will not undo the mischief that began
when the Adamson law was passed in 1916. It
is time to give over the practice of old Mo
kanna, who found "heavens to suit the wants
of all," to stop preaching inverted principles of
economics and politics, and get back to a solid
foundation of human experience. The world is
not a glorified loafing place.
Ohio's Governor and Canton's Mayor.
Something refreshing in the message Gov
ernor Cojc of Ohio sent to Mayor Poorman of
Canton, where a strike riot is impending: The
press dispatch says: ,
At the same time Governor Cox sent a
telegram to Mayor Charles E. Poorman of
Canton, notifying him that he would be ex.
pected to bring about immediate order. The
telegram stated that if this were not done,
Mayor Poorman would be summoned to the
governor's office Monday to show cause why
he should not be removed from office imme
diately. Suppose some such order as that had been
sent to Omaha on the afternoon of September
28, would the riot and lynching have taken
place, or the court house have been burned?
Just a difference between Ohio and Nebraska;
that's all.
Was the Armistice a Mistake?
A thought that has lodged in the back of a
great many heads has been voiced by General
Harries, who says the armistice was a blunder.
No one who has studied the war in its broader
phases disputes the. great moral effect that
would have been produced by the spectacle of
an Allied army marching down Unter-den-Lin-den.
Nor is it questibned-4hat the great mass
of the Germans, in and out of the military serv
ice, cling to the belief that their acceptance of
the terms presented by Foch was an act of
magnanimity, graciously conceded Ay an un
beaten army.
Did not Marshal Foch and those associated
under his command have a higher purpose than
to give the purblind German people an object
lesson? Foch knew, as did Ludendorff, that
Germany was beaten. The military could only
prolong a struggle, the end of which was ad
mitted. But to bring that end about meant the
expenditure of thousands of lives and millions
of money. It has been explained that Foch
generously foreclosed his opportunity for win
ning a triumph in the field in order that he
might bring an end to the fighting. He did not
want to accept . responsibility for further
slaugher, and in many an American home this
sentiment of his is appreciated as only the family
circle can. -
Conceding that the Germans regard them
selves as unbeaten, hate the nations opposed to
them, and look ahead, to "the day" once more,
is it not quite within the range of probabilities
that the inexorable logic oKevents will drive
home the truth? With their navy destroyed by
their own act, their merchant vessels taken over
by the victors, their emperor a fugitive, their
armies disbanded and generally disarmed, their
constitution revised by a War council at Paris,
it must be plain even to the most stolid of
them that something went wrong. As they di
vide the fruit of their toil through generations
to come wif.h those they despoiled in their
hour of triumph, they may realize that Ger
many did not win the war. Teaching the lesson
in this fashion is quite as effective and much
more humane than shooting it into them.
Common Sense Will Save Us.
"A little common sense would have avoided
this litigation," writes Mr. Justice Preston of
the Iowa supreme court in handing down an
opinion. He is right on that point, and his
terse comment may be equally applied to a
great many things that now disturb the public
mind. A little cool reasoning, a disposition
see the other fellow's side of the case, will
make comparatively easy what has the appear
ance of being-' an insurmountable difficulty.
When a thing is too high to climb over, a
workable plan is tojfb around it. Passes exist
in the loftiest mountain ranges. Always a
way out of any trouble may be devised, if only
common sense be applied, and it is on the com
mon sense of most that the American people
must now rely. Too little of it has been ex
hibited of. late. Many things have occurred to
excite people, whose easily aroused emotions
or sympathies have been played upon until
they are all upset Stop till the dizziness has
passed, and then let reason, not self-interest
be your guide, and the wav ou will sooji ap
Remembering Roosevelt
From the New York Times.
Roosevelt week brings an opportunity that
comes but seldom in the life of any nation.
A great historic figure is passing from the world
of contemporary-act, the world of the morning
paper, and into the Vorld of memory and of
history. Such a little time ago men loved and
praised a fellow-citizen, or disagreed with him;
it was always as man to manX The intensely
personal feeling shut, off the larger vision.
Even when some ranked him next to Washing
ton and Lincoln, the judgment which purported
to be historic was mainly partisan. Now we
know, or are beginning to know, the great pa
triot and leader of men in his true and per
'manent proportions.
We use the flag as symbol of the nation's
tribute 'to all our heroic dead; but we are using
it today with a difference. Others have been
shrouded in it and laid away amid the hush of
awe. For Roosevelt we gave it to relays of
swift-footed, clean-limbed youngsters, who car
ried it across the great state he loved, and then
fronf post to post in the city of his nativity.
Of what other American has youth and swift
strength and the mounting of joy of life been
so fit an expression? At the stations where
the flag lay overnight it was guarded by boys
who were often chosen because they were not
born of our people, but had made themselves
Americans. Among our great men no one has
expressed so vigorously our hospitality to all
who love freedom and the solemn obligations
of those who accept it. At each station a new
star was sewed upon the flag by a group of
girls and young women. In one of our schools,
of the five who sewed each an angle of the star
.ftfur were descended from veterans of the
Revolution, the Civil war, the Spanish war,
and the Great War, and the fifth was daughter
of a naturalized Hungarian. That would have
meant much to Roosevelt, for he was the first
great American to express for us the transcendent-dignity
of all womanhood. Others of
our leaders have been reverenced , devoutly,
mourned in the deep heart of the-nation. The
memory of this man lives in the spirit of manly
youth and vigor, of feminine beauty and stead
fastness. In the final stage of the flag, which
will bring it to the grave at Sagamore, it will
soar aloft in the sky. In that, too, there is a
memorable symbol.
In his lifetime fortune's buffets and rewards
came to him in inverse order. There were dec
ades when, in his public appearances, the heav
ens never once failed to smile on his robust
and joyous face. He had only to will a thing
and it happened. Then came a time when it
seemed that nothing he touched could prosper.
The greatest crisis which the world has ever
endured came in his prime, and he had no active
part in it, though the moral effect of his influ
ence on the issue may some day be reckoned
as his greatest accomplishment. To realize
what that meant one would have to be .as am
bitious as he was as eager for the larger life,
as full of the flame of patriotism. But long
before, with the bullet of an intended assassin
in his flesh, he had expressed the thought that
now sustained him. A man's happiness is only
"to spend and to be spent." To its last pulse
his great strength was spent for his country.
That is the thought which men will remember,
which will carry his fame forward through the
High Prices for Higfy Times
How shall we define a "normal price" to
day? Are these times normal? And prices,
moreover, have no fixed relation to prosperity.
What we call the cost of living has actually
no real relation to prices. For while the pres
ent price level is high, the human effort that
must be put forth to live, which is the actual
"cost of living," is as low as it ever has been
far lower for us than ever in any one coun
try in the history of the world simply be
cause in most cases a day's work will buy as.
much and sometimes more than before the war
and because a given' amount of labor will str
cure an amount of necessities and luxuries
that men, say 25 years ago, never dreamed of
There is no doubt that salaried people and
unorganized laborers have suffered from the
fluctuating dollar and that' speculators have
made temporary large winnings, but, by and
large, the cost of living in the sense of this
country's productiveness, the yield of its nat
ural" resources, the accessibility of its supplies
brought about by the vast network of distri
bution, is on an excellent basis. The Nation's
Business for October.
T3qlrtnur "Brooks "Baker
The men who write the league of peace to
make the nations tame are claimants, we should
recognize, to honor and to fame. The gov
ernors are citizens of brilliance and display;
we joy to view them once a year on Decora
tion day. An admiral may not inspire the ordi
nary heart, but feeds the eye because his dress
is such a work of art. j
But who should be the center of our vision
and our dream, if not the head and forefront
of the local base ball team? We find in Mr.
William Rourke. whose other name is Pa. the
' choicest gilded idol of the mass in Omaha. He
owns and manages the team on which our hopes
are Ijung, though often by the ""Wasp of fate
those gentle hopes are stung.
For mathematics teaches us that logic has
no scheme by which the pennant winner can be
made of every team; and our religion teaches
us we should not play the beast, but let the
rival cities have a chance for it at least, experi
ence instructing us that when they win it, Pa
will always have a soothing, sweet excuse for
Omaha. ' -
Grand Island claims the honor of his former
residence, before he climbed to glory, both
effulgent and intense. Had they but glimpsed
the future of So fine and flossy shape, they
might have lqcked the gate and have prevented
his escape. Bu.t while their early training may
have aided his advance, the credit comes to
Omaha for giving him his chance.
I (Next Subject John H. Beveridge.)
The Day We Celebrate.
John L. Kennedy, vice president United
States National bank, and former congressman,
born 1854.
J. Van Rensaelaer, superintendent of the
Pacific Fruit Express company, born 1856.'
Gen. Christopher Columbus Andrews, one
of the few surviving general officers of the
Union army, born at Hillsboro, N. H., 90 years
Giovanni Giolitti, noted Italian statesman and
former premier, born on Piedmont, 77 years
ago. -
Hon. Walter Scott, former premier of Sas
katchewan, born in County Middlesex, Ontario,
52 years ago.
Edwin F. Gay, who has resigned as dean
of the Harvard graduate school of business
administration, born in Detroit, 52 years ago.
Viola Allen, long a leading actress of the
American stage, born- at Huntsville, Ala., 50
years ago.
Thirty Years Ago in Omaha.
Mr. John O'Keefe and Miss Grace O'Keefe
left for Strong City to attend the Cushing
Langtry wedding.
S. V. B. Holloway. traveling salesman, has
Resigned his position with the Omaha Rubber
Mrs. Nels A. Lundgren was taken suddenly
Moses R. Redmond is ill and off duty.
Mr. Herman Kountze has returned from
the east
Just Suppose.
Omaha, Oct. 22. To the .Editor
of The Bee: We would like to ask
the members of the Ministerial'
Union of Omaha what they would
have dona had soma other man than
Ringer been at the head of the pot
lice department and had-phown the
same lack of good Judgment and of
nerve and hftxj carried out the same
policy exactly that Ringer did on
the day of the riot? Would they
still have adopted resolutions com
mending the action of the head of
the police department for efficiency
and good judgment?
If Mr. Ringer was riot at the head
of the Y. M. C. A. of Nebraska
would the preachers have rushed to
his rescue when he 'did not show
any better Judgment than he did to
allow a leaderless gang of kids to
gather Into a mob, when a little
nerve and determination could have
stopped the mob as late as 3 o'clock
in the afternoon of that day.
AH unprejudiced citizens think
that Mr. Ringer showed a woeful
lack of nerve and good Judgment
when those qualities were the most
A man la generally at his heaviest
In his 40 th year.
Nearly all shoes worn in Japan
are made of straw or wood.
Sugar has been eaten in China
for at least 3,000 years.
The Chinese language has 30,000
characters and there are six dif
ferent styles of writing it.
The "clocks" on stockings, now
merely ornamental, were originally
the cover ' for awkward-looking
Platinum was so named by the
Spaniards on account of its silvery
color, "plata," signifying silver. It
was discovered in the sand of the
River Pinto, In South America, and
was unknown in Europe until 1741.
One of the largest copper mining
corporations in America has taken
out an Industrial Insurance policy
covering the lives of all of Its many
thousands of employes. The face
value of the policy exceeds $10,000,
000. The Indians on the banks of the
Orinoco river assert that an alliga
tor, previous to going in search of
prey, always swallows a large stone,
so that it may acquie additional
weight to aid it in dragging cap
tured animals under water.
A wonderful substitute for coal,
made of a compound of straw, has
been discovered by a Spanish en
gineer. The composition is said to
develop sufficient steam for a loco
motive in, 30 minutes, and the ashes
t leaves has been found to make an
excellent fertilizer.
Despite the present high prices,
King George's tailor bills are prob
ably half of what King Edward's
used to be In a year. The late
king rarely wore the same suit of
clothes more than half a dozen times
and often only once or twice, whilst
King George usually wears a suit
many ti.mes before it is removed
from the royal wardrobe.
Railway ties used in southern Rus
sia are salted for preservation. The
discovery of the efficacy of salt for
the purpose was made accidentally
some 80 years ago. The telegraph
poles of Sebastopol soon rotted be
low the ground, and one of the work
men tried the experiment of putting
a. quantity of salt into the hole pre
pared for the reception of the base
of the pole. JThe wood lasted five
times as long as usual, and the ex
periment was repeated and extended
to railway ties.
In factories where needles are
made the grindstones throw off
great quantities of mirmte steel par.
tides, although the dust is too fine
to be perceptible to the eye. Breath
ing the dust shows no immediate
effect, but gradually sets up irrita
tion, usually ending in pulmonary
consumption, and formerly almost
all the workmen died before the
age of 40. Ineffective attempts
were made to screen the- air by
gauze or linen guards for nose and
mouth. At length the use of the
magnet was suggested, and now
masks of magnetized steel wire are
worn by the workmen, and effectu
ally remove the metal dust before
the air is breathed.
"What did they lynch that feller over
at Straddle Ridge for?" asked a citizen
of Sandy Mush, Ark.
"For his Initials," was hi reply.
"For his p'tu! which?"
t ',,i?'"m,.r'ltl;"' Tney hPPened to be
I. W. W." Kansas City Star.
"If I sell you a lot in this suburb you
agrea to build a house costing not less
than $20,000."
"Yes, If that Is the rule."
"And I might suggest that my brother
Is an architect. He'll see that you ob
serve the rule." Philadelphia Bulletin.
Her Soldier Husband One of the first
things I learned in the army was how to
carry a 70-pound pack on a 20-mile
Mrs. Sububs How lovely I Now I must
Insist oil your going shopping with me
this afternoon. Houston Post.
Friendly Constable Come, come, sir;
pull yourself together; your wife's calling
'. Convivial Gent Wha' ah call-calling
me, Pllly or William?
Constable William, sir.
Convivial Gent Then- Tm not going
home. London Blighty.
"What's th matter with you and your
"We had a tiff. I told her I waa go
ing away forever, and she told me to go"
"Well, If you're any man at all you'll
stay away at least two evenings." Louis
ville Courier-Journal. '
"Are yoo a lawyer?", asked the wrathy
"I am, lr. What can I do for you?"
"I'm In the grocery business. A woman
called me a profiteer. Is that word ac
tionable?" "It certainly Is if she can prov It."
Birmingham Age-Herald.
"- A bov was presented with ome young
guinea pigs by his father's friend. Meet
ing the boy soon after, the friend in
quired about the pets.
"Well, Bobbie, how ar th guinea pigs
getting on; are they In good shape?"
"They are Just the same shape, only
bigger.", Osteopathic Magazine.
niND mm WORKS'.
yip jp
How Study
How to Finish Your Tasks.
Francis W, Parker School.
You are always .studying some
people, some country, some scien
tific question. You are never
through with it when you have
learned the facts. You are never
through with it that is, till you
have expressed your feeling about it
in some way. Write a poem, make
a play, deliver an oration, or com
pose a story; draw a picture, make
a son?, take vour tools and build
something, take your clay and
model something.
Mary spent a month studying the
Indian question. The more she
looked up histories and government
reports and books on mythologyt
the more she sympathized with the
Indians in their losing struggle with
the civilized white man. Here is
the speech she imagined a Black
foot chief might have made to his
people. She tried to use metaphor,
as the Indians did. "They are vul
tures." She tried to use adjectives
that expressed feeling as well as
picture, "cold eyes," "sleek hair,"
"pale skin." But the most impor
tant point is that he was not
through with the Indian question
until she had expressed her feeling
in some way.
.The Blackfoot's Warning.
"My people," began the Blackfoot
chief, "there is a dreadful plague
come to our country which -our
medicine men cannot cure. I have
returned from the lodges of the
pale faces. They are vultures, wait
ing to prey upon us. They have a
look in their cold eyes that I dread.
Their skin . is pale as the rising
moon, an evil sign; their hair is
sleek as the serpent's skin. This
means sorcery. Surely they are a
new kind of devil.
"These men are to be feared. The
pale face carries in his hand a stick
that speaks fire and death. It flashes
lightning and speaks thunder. They
come to us with smiling faces and
take our lands and lakes and streams
where we and our forefathers have
played and hunted and fished. They
kill our buffalo and trap our beaver.
Beware of them! Heed my warn
ing! These men are to be feared.
This is the sign that the Great
Spirit has sent us."
(Next week, "How to Use Map.")
Bovs' and Girls' Neewspaper Service.
Copyright, 1919, by J. H. Miller.
Fitted for tlie Job.
Women bank cashiers are Increas
ing in numbers In London. Doubt
less women's alleged inability to
keep a secret fits them to be good
tellers. Boston Transcript
. .
A voice cries from the ground,
A soul goes on before
To guide us o'er the bitter path,
The hard path, -
The stony path;
To hold us on the old trail
Our fathers trod of yore.
He lives, though he b dead,
Our orlflamme this day.
An emblem for the brave heart,
The stout heart,
The lion heart; '
To keep us to a high resolv
Along the sacred way.
He makes the blind to ee,
Through his magician's rod, '
Who follows him, our great knlgh
Our true knight,
Our pure knight;
Who goes behind Sir Galahad
To find our fathers' God.
Shame, If ye fail him now.
All ye within his ken,
If weakly in the dust y trail
The hlprh hope.
The strong hope;
If now ye blast the golden hop
That flames in sons of men.
B. V. Rils In the Brooklyn EagI.
Veteran Fishermen.
They don't use fishing pole or
tackle, these veteran fishermen, and
they catch no more fish than is
needed for themselves and their
families. From that you may know
they are not men,
There is a little, brown veteran of
Manitoba, the "North Woods, and
Yellowstone Park named mink, who
is worth watching if you have a
chance to see him. He is only
about two feet long and his wife is
smaller, but they can fish. He has a
white ,chin, a long, bushy tail and
short legs, snd belongs to the
weasel family.
When he fishes he is apt to settle
himself on a convenient rock in mid
stream and there await the coming
of a fat trout or delectable salmon
the best is none too good for him.
Then suddenly he will dive and
come up with a good sized fish in
his mouth, half his own length, per
haps. When he regains his footing
on the rock he lays the fish down
and quickly stops its struggles by a
sharp bite at the back of its head.
You may sometimes trace another
veteran fisherman, called Otter, by
the broken shells of the shell fish,
of which he Is very fond. He leaves
the scattered fragments on the
banks of streams and lakes, and
among the rocks. His coat also, is
of brown fur, and it is so valuable
that, in order to prevent men from
taking it from him, he hides away
near secluded lakes or water
courses, far from human habitations.
' '
He is almost twice the size of fish
erman mink, being often 40 inches
long, and looks something like a
seal when he is partly in the water.
Fisherman Otter is the champion
of all the veterans who wear ,fur.
No fish is too swift for him, none
too adroit He is an expert swim
mer' as well as fisherman and he
darts about under water with won
derful speed. He dives, swims or
floats as occasion requires and he al
ways catches his fish.
(Next week: "Four-Footed Thrift.")
Boys' and Girls' Newspaper Service Copy
right, 1919, by J. H. Millar.
A new utensil for beating eggs or
whipping' cream has a heavily
weighted bottom to hold it steady.
Nearly 5,000 commercial motor
vehicles in England have been con
verted to the use of coal gas as fuel.
Nearly 73,000 patients, without
means tb pay their way, were treat
ed free in New York's hospitals last
Complete collectios of official re
cruiting posters, window cards and
war loan posters issued in Great
Britain during the war are now sell
lnfjfor more than 3500 each.
Mrs. Ella Sprague of Fairbanks,
Me., picked 700 boxes of strawberries
in six days, working seven hours a
Business Is GooD.THANKfaf
I.V. Nicholas Oil Company'
"TN the midst of life there is death."
Our years of experience have
enabled us to complete a thoughtful
service that has made many hearts less
When the physician leaves, the mor
tician arrives, and it is largely a matter
of his service that lessens the shock to
the family.. It should be remembered
that the living also should be consid
ered. That is when our thoughtful serv
ice is most appreciated, as we soften as
much as possible the shock of the blow,
and relieve the nervous tension by tak
ing from the family the many little
things that are so hard for them.
itfurservice alwdvs"
i si as
23 So v
.U 4a.
13 '
3 '
48 .
l ,8 -49
6 4 ? 57
, fyl.
S5 .l"5
Lives on reptiles, fish and mice,
And thinks everything is nice.
Draw from one to two .nd ao on to the
day. One day she picked 132 boxes
the next day 126 and the third day
The length of silk In the cocoor.
of a silkworm is about a third of
A new form of swing for childrsr,
consists of a car .that runs back anJ
forth on a semi-circular track.
Mrs. Robert Cleaves of Soutl
Presque Isle, Me., has 50 quarts ol
preserved field strawberries stored
away for winter.
Sunflower stalk pith, which it
about 10 times lighter than cork, is
used in a life-saving apparatus in
vented by a Russian,
From the source to the mouth ol
the Rhine there are to be fonn-l
nearly 800 castles, formerly th'
homes of warlike chiefs.
Even pianos have been made froin
paper, and one specially manufac
tured for the late sultan of Morocco
cost over $5,000 to put together.
Long Wear
A former news
boy who has made good
in a big business way
in this city gives us the
following bit of advice:
"You can't put
your expense money
and the money you
want to save in the
same account, if you
really mean to save any
thing. As long as the
money is in your check
ing funds you are so
liable to let your ex
penses increase to ab
sorb it."
Make a deposit
today in our savings
department; 3 inter
est, compounded semi
annually, is sure to
prove the sensibleness
of this method of saving.