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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1919)
IT Un't often that Boo readers hare such an opportunity a is bar proaontod to witneta one of the "Star" shows of the yoar aa our guest. Generally, the people of Omaha actually fight to buy tickets to tea ' "The Passing Show" but here's a chance to aee it free. Simply fig ure out the number of time that the word "The Paaaing Show" can be made from the ad vertisement printed on this page and aubmit your estimate. Prizea will be awarded aa fol low in the order of cor rectness, n e a t n e a a, promptness in submit ing the answer First prize, one stage box ( for 8 people. ) Second and third prizes, two or chestra chairs each. Fourth, fifth and sixth prizes, two balcony seats each. AH answers must be in to the Con test Editor, in care of The Bee, by Friday of thia week. ' . " ;' 1 4 : .. ... "Z CX- 1 " ' " ' L - - r ' -i - - t- , .i ; ; : ... , STARTING Sunday, at the Boyd The ater, "The Patting Show of 1919" will do light the eyas of Omaha theatergoers for one week. - "The Passing Show" 'The Paaaing Show" requires no explanation to anyone-it is known' the world around for its girls, music and jollity its appeal it universal. Full of color, youth and" gayety, it is, in truth, a spectacle that will put a new outlook on life to the most jaded disposition. Critics have remarked that "The Passing Show" gets bet ter every year, and to those who have seen the performance in other cities, the present cast and plot is no exception to that remark. All that'a new in music, in the effects that go to make up a colorful pros entation, are embodied, in this whirlwind per formance. It really can be described in no other terms. h For' the, Theater As Well as All Other Occasions Stylish Clothing For Men and Women ON CREDIT Rialto Theaier Building NAKEN 15th Street Side O IIIIMMIIIIIMIIIHMIIIIlim iiiitmuiunmiinuitiuuitiiiiiiuuiiuiuiiinmiuimmtHtmnii ii il 1 i i ii IIIWIIIItlHIIIIIUIWIIMIiamilMIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIU I ii ii il ie I II ii II ii WHAT tir..u rL vv uuiu . vnituia ii Be Without the THEATERS? What Would the Theaters Be A Without tKe THEATER PROGRAMS? Ii THINK IT OVER ' ' : For AdvertUing Space in the Program of Omaha's Fit Bif Thaater, Phone Douglas 3796 or Harney 1243 THE MILLS ADVERTISING CO. . 640 Brandeit Building. I ' i!ffliiniiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiimim tinraiiniiiii iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiilj IiuuniiiiiiiHimniiitiuiiHmnmiiiitiiimitmmiiiimitniiintpitmiiimmi nnwi ninim iitiinmwHiciiiniimtiiiiiHiriiimnniiHininmmiiiiHniinniifmniiitiitHmiit u ii li il Is 11 H Where Medicine Fails Chiropractic Succeeds On has but to look over the records of Chiropractic to realize the extent of the humane and effective work that is being done silently and successfully by Chiropractors. ; . ' , It no phase of their work have Chiropractors accomplished so much in the helping of weak and under-developed children who were doomed to a quick death, or to permanent illness, deformity and suffering.;,! '. ' '' ': '' , It is pitiful to see some of the emaciated specimens of childhood a that are brought under the Chiropractor's attention, and just won derful to note the Chiropractor's watchful, human interest as these children are literally snatched from death and slowly but surely re stored to health through- , ; CHIROPRACTIC , ' The Better Way to Health. Mothers and fathers who have sickly, weak, puny or under developed children should investigate this wonderful, drugless and knifeless health-method, for it offers permanent relief, even in cases that have been pronounced "incurable" or "beyond hope." ETHEL THRALL MALTBY. D. C. CHIROPRACTOR (Palmer Graduate) 312 Bee Building Douglas 3072 iiliiiiiluiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiliiliiliiiiiliiliiiniiiiiilHiiiiiiiiniiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiitiiiiiiliiiiilHiiiiniiiiiiliii H a v e Y ou Ever Been to Phelps' Hut Omaha's Finest Confectionery Shop. Don't fail to see the novel confections on display daily in our windows. . THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL Cream Dip Brazil Nuts y Regular price $1.00 per pound. Sale price, in half pound boxes, ' 25c per box. , ' V 4 . PHELPS HUT Omaha Athletic Club BIdg. ntiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii , 0 p 43 o O ' 2. - - " Omaha's Most Beautiful Store - Omaha's Most Beautiful , Store ELECTRIC - F.AL.CAItLCN. To better acquaint the public with our new store and 6ur quality service, we offer as prize your choice of $15 discount on the purchase price on one of our Whites' De Luxe Washers, or an American Beauty Electric Iron free to the person writing us the best, shortest and most "to the point letter why they like the Blue Bird Electric Shop, Omaha's prettiest store. If you have not made us a visit, do so, and write us your opinion. ; Let us demonstrate the Whites' De Luxe Electric Washer to you. A ma chine built for service. The practical washer for the home, because it washes the clothes cleaner, quicker and without injury to the finest fab- V rics. It does ALL the work, both washing and wringing. Has swinging wringer no tubs to move safety guards on wringer no chance for injury. ; " , ' One of these washers in the home means ease and comfort for the housewife, on wash day; clean, sweet clothes for the whole family, and untold satisfaction. You don't need a mechanic with a White Lily Washer. SEE US TODAY 308 N. 16th St. . , Phone Tyler 5050 IOUX TIRES Our Perfection Is Your Protection AT REDUCED PRICES And in order to introduce "Sioux Quality" to automobiles own ers in the Omaha territory, we will sell at the following prices: SIOUX TIRES i Driving Size Tread 30x3 9.35 , 30x3l2.i 11.88 32x3 12. 14.03 31x4" 18.75 32x4 ......... 19.09 33x4 20.18 34x4 20.50 36x4 ..I.. 25.75 33x4..........' 26.18 Non Skid a 12.48 14.80 ,19.75 20.07 21.33 21.61 27.55 V Driving Non Size Tread , Skid 34x414... 26.40 27.77 35x412 27.45 28.93 36x412.. 27.77 29.26 35x5 32.12 33.77 " 37x5 ...... ... . . 84.04 35.80 ' . tubes . r ":,l 3 and 312 Gray Tubes, .-.-rr. .$1.35 4 Gray Tubes . . . ; 1.55 41 and 5 Gray Tubes....... 1.75 Sales Co. 214 South 18th Street, Omaha, Neb. Douglas 5397. Every G ood Show is Enjoyed V i many good shows are missed, because Mother is tired her house hold duties have been too great' a drain on Jier strength.' Do this for her . . ; , , Get Her An Electric Washer during our great 30-day sale ; then take her to . , The Passing Show and you will be doing two things for her which she will ever remem ber and appreciate : X You Haye Turned Her Wash Day Into Wash Hour and given her a day of rest and an evening of pleasure. ' v Places either a Thor or Clarinda Guaranteed Electric Washer in your home $125 Time Payment $118.75 Cash Cash Rebate Whan 100 WmW. ar sold tha sum of $1.00 will ba ramittad by cback to aacb of tba hundred purchai art) whan 200 ara told total of, $2.00 will ba remitted to each of tha two hundred pnrcha art) when 300 ara told m total of $3.00 will ba remitted to each of tha thraa hundred purchas er) when 400 ara told total of $4.00 will ba remitted to each of tha four hundred pur. chaieri. Sao Window Demonitra tion at tha $85 Time Payment $80 Cash ELECTRIC SHOP RETAIL NEBRASKA POWER CO. "Your Electric Service Company' Phone: Tyler Three One Hundred South Three