Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1919, Page 15, Image 15
REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES. SIX.ACREPLACR 7 Two mile of Council Bluff with eev eral fond roads to lb city; good I -room bouse, large barn: nice yard with larita walnut trees, about oa arra upland, balance) creek bottom had vary rich garden ao'l: heir want to divide and Offar for 13.000. McOKK REAL E STATIC CO., 106 Pearl 6tvCouricU Bluff. REAL ESTATE WANTED. AM AUTHORIZED TO BUY FOUR GOOD HOUSES WITH FOUR TO SIX ROOMS. MUST BE WELL LOCATED AND IN GOOD CONDITION, AND WORTH THE MONEY. W. NATHAN WATTS, 518-19 PAX TON BLK. OIL LEASES. Wa buy and aall oil stock and leaaea. Our Hating Includes leasea In Tillman county. Okla. ; Wllbarirar county and tha Panhandl eeetlon of Texaa: alao Turum carl, N. M. Wrlta ua for prices and fur. thar particulars. Oreutt-Harrla Co., In.. lt Southwest Reserve Bank Bid.. Oklahoma City RUNOALOWS WANTED. Wa hava cash Duyere for well-located bungalows and residence) worth tbt money For quick raanlta. Mat with O'NKIL'S RE INS AOENCT ( H- Brsndels Thtar Blda HA VB a man who will buy your Im proved property and pay eaab for It but th price muat ba right GEOROK F JONEfl. REALTOR. J Cttv N'at Pk Bldg Doug. 14. HAVE Inquiries for good homaa In good locations. Do you want to aall your property T List It wltb 'C A. Gtmmel 4 Omaha Nat'l Bk Bldg LIST i-ur property wltb ua Wa have oalla for homea and Inveatmenla. MeCAOUB INV CO Phone n 411 16th and Dodae LIST vour property for aala wltb J. B Robinson for quirk sale. 441 Baa Bldg Phone. Pouirlas Hull Tel. Tvler 1M WE hav tha cuetomere and can aell your property: Hat 'with John W. Robblns. Iftl Rrandels Theatre, I 52I IP your prr.p, r; for sale or rent. Mat It with the A FRO-AMERICAN REALTY CO 870 i.ake Wehster 640 POP quick if. lea Hat your property with W U. 8HR1VER. '47- Oin Nat BkBld Doug Hit LOW rales without delay C. O. CARLBERO. 311 Branded Theater Blda PRIVATE party with eaab wanta to buy 7 or 8 room Dundee homa at one. Phone Walnut 1621. KIVK to aevau-room houaea from owner for colored, wetmier ia. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. SHOPEN Private Money. x it COMPANY. Doug. 4818. CITY or Farm 6-year Loans. &Va and t par cant. No delay. See us flrat DAT A MAYNE. 605 Kealln'e Bldg., Omaha. Doug. t4. 34 P.arl St (Grand Hotel) Co. Blfa. 101. MONEY t lend on Improved Raal Batata Interest payable semi-annually W. H THOMAS & SON. 228 Keellne Bid;. tiT'v un.i furiii Inana: 54 and 4 per Cant: no delay. J. II. Dumont St Co., 411 Keenne mur. 1100 to 110.000 MADE promptly F. D. Wead. Wend Bide, 18th and Farnam, D. E. BOCK. Loans. 442 Omaha Nat Miscellaneous. SAFR INVESTMENT. Wanted 18.000 loan on $3,000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan Is beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who Is G7 years old and In poor health Will arrange matters ao that entire 13.000 will bo paid to note holder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums on Inaurance Chance to make from $500 to $1,000 In short tlma. Address Bee. Uox M-3 OMAHA Mi'MKK EAST NEB FARMS O'K KEFE REAL KSTATB Co J01 Om, Na t. Bk. Bid g. Doug . 871 S. FARM ANlTrANCH LANDS Arizona Lands. BEST cattle ranch In Graham county. .Arizona; 1.600 cattle go with place; will take up to $50,000 In trade; write for particulars. ' W NATHAN WATTS, MS-19 1'axton Blk. Canadian Lands. 320 ACHES 3 to miles from town, south eastern Saskatchewan. Unimproved, best of soil, all can be flowed. Will sell this on crop payment! plan. Only nine miles to United States boundary. Two miles to Manitoba line, In well settled neighborhood. lOnly $500.00 cash required. Balance half srop each year. No crop failures. This Is In tha rain belt. TODD A CARROLL, Inc.. Owners, Merchants Bk. Bldg, St Paul, Minn. Colorado Lands. A GOOD INVESTMENT. ' 160 acres Improved dry land In Logan county. M mil from railroad an town; now under cultivation and producing under care of reliable share rentar; land In thla vicinity rapidly rising In value; a anup at $50 per acre. Deal direct with owner. H M. Batcheldsr. 8terllng. Colo. 240 acrea near Elizabeth, Colo., aeven room house, very large new barn, other , good Imorovementa: best of land with springs; noma timber; finast dairy coun try; 31 miles southeast of Denver; terms. J. B. Hansen, 314 Wilkinson Bldg.,Oniaha. tnna aV.dco .... . Imnravi1 gains. Easy terms. See J. L. Maurer, Arriba, Colo. Iowa Lands. IOWA FARMS. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands FARMS AND RANCHfcS. For bargalna In either large or small farms- or ranches, writs or call on CH AS. N. SNIDER. Curtis. Neb. Eastern Col FOR Wsatern Nebraska and orado lands sea , HELD LAND CO. 414 Rrandels Bide WRITE ma fjr pictures and price of my farms and .ranchea In good old Dawes county. Aran L. Hungerford. Craw fordjNah. PRICK and terms right on northaast Na. braska Improved corn and alfalfa farma C V Nelson. 11 Om Nat. Bk Bldg IMHHOVrD and unimproved wheal farma. Kimball coanty. Nab. R B. Holmee. Pt.hnell. Neb North Dakota Lands. 1(0 ACRES Roletta county. North Dakota. Partly Improved. Only $500.00 caah re quired. Balance half crop each year. Best of soil. No crop failures. Thla Is In the rain belt. TODD 4 CARROLL. Inc.. Owners. IH Merchants Bank Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. Nevada Lands. FOR SALE Stock ranchea for sheep and cattle, along the Humboldt river; many pioneer stockmen and alfalfa growers are retiring and disposing of stock, stock ranches and farms at reasonable prices. Loveloek, county seat of Per shing county. Is the winter feeding point for this and surrounding states; great quantities of alfalfa of besqusllty for stock grown here, and alfalfa farms pay from 20 to 35 per cent on the Investment. For particulars address T. C. Davidson, Lovelock, Nevada. AUTOMOBILES Cars tor Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR KIRK. Drive yourself, at very reasonable prlcta; no extras to pay. Nebraska Service Oarage, 11th and Farnam. Doug las tsio. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORKS INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 14-hour serv ice, for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. 3 11 It Cuming St. Tyler tlT. F. P. BARNUM CO., 1115 Cuming. Doug. Ua 2544. High-grade automoblla painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLET - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargalna In used machines. Victor H. Roos. tha motorcycle man, 17 th and Leavenworth Sta. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army industrial homa solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will , call. Call and Inspect our new homa, 1110-1111-1114 DodgeSt. TWO girls for adoption,' one 12 and one 6; country home preferred. Wrlta Box M-58. Omaha Bee. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. TEAM, harness and wagon. Seven-Oaka Farm, three blocks west of Florence car. I South Dakota Lands. port sAl.K For a short time only, one of the best sections in Aurora county. Bouinn Dakota. l'4 miles from Stlckncy; wen Improved, fenced with woven wire and steel posts all around; crossed fenced; must be seen to be appreciated. Ad dress owner, E. A. Wolff. Bagley. Ia. BROOD SOWS. Buy on Blrdhaven Profit Sharing Plan. Phone Web. 1884. O. 8. Pettis, agent Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK 1.(47 1,207 1.045 1,570 1.(01 S1.43! 4(.10 45,134 4M51 11.000 14,10 111,435 14.540 17,184 14,111 18M03 11, 4 1(7,134 $5,111 161. $70 CHOICE 4S0-acre Improved Spink county farm for sale; one mile from goon iow... price and terma reasonnhle. Sterling and Crlnlte, owners, Redfield, S. D. Miscellaneous. Bargains In Improved FARMS & RANCHES 180 acres Seven miles from Ardmore. S. 1)., Just over the line, no sano. Improved, 55 acres plowed. 10 acres alfalfa; $25 per. 10 Acres Improved, six miles from Silver Creek, ii5 acres plowed, running water; $165 per. t,$00 Acres Modern, stone Improvements, luo c,res rirmea, zvu acres uiia, balance bottom hay laud, l',4 miles runnlnn water, near town and school, snap. asv torms. 4,!00 Acres Beaver Vslley, seven miles from town, cuts 2,000 tons nay, im proved, running w.-iter, best balanced ranch In state; $45 per. 1,180 Acres Near Dunning, hay and pas tura. fenced, only $10 per. (40 Acrea Improved, four miles Stuart, 140 acres nay, naiance paniure; mi per. 800 Acres Near Stuart, Holt county, highly Improved, 240 meadow, 40 acres alfalfa, balance farmed and pasture, running water; $65 per. 1,100 Acres Improved, near town, Sioux countv. running water, hay; $53 per. 480 Acres Virgin soli, four miles Bassett, mostly hay land; $26 per. Mr. Land Buyer, It s to your Interest to know that we specialize In farms and ranchea, having fully organised force of expert land men, that know land and Its real value, osk for our CHAPEK, LAND MAN Brand. Thea. Bldg., Omaha. SOUND, new, coarse hay. wagoner, 80 1 N. 16th. $15 per ton. MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $10 6 mo., H. goods, total, $3.50. PROVIDENT LOAN SECURITY. ' 432 Security Bldg. 16th & Farnam. Ty. (6. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, ETC. EAGLE LOAN OFFICE. 1301 DOUGLAS ST. FARMS and city loans. B. H. LOUGEB, INC. , 628 Keeling Bldg. WILL buy a few good contracts, second mortgages, or mech. liens. Chas L. Pease, 111 Brandels Theater Bldg. LEGAL NOTICE. IF looking for good soil, I have It If looking for fine laying land, I have it. If looking for one thaf la priced right, I have it. , A. W. TOLAND. ' n. 8575. 410 Bea Bldg. For Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota farms and ranches, see ALEXANDER & GIPE, Doug. 008. 22 PaxtonJBIjr FARM LANDS FOR RENT, per TEACHERS WANTED. South Dakota needs mora than 1,000 rural school teachers at once. Salary ranges from $100 to $125 per month, and up. Do not apply unless you can certifi cate under the South Dakota certifica tion laws. Normal school graduates or holders of good second grade certificates are In vited to write direct to S. K. Clark, As sistant Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, Pierre. S. Dak. Send certificate and credentials with application. FRED L. SHAW. Septll-13-14-15-16-17. Superintendent. YOUNG LADIES We offer you a well paid position. Pay you while in training. Permanent work'. Rapid advancement. Investigate our working conditions. Operators' Employment Bu reau. 613 New Telephone Building, 19th and Douglas Streets. 125 acres at good corn M-66. Omr' Niobrara; and grain Bee. $250 land. year; Address FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your farm; timely sales; quick returns. Held Land Co., 6(4 Brande'.s Bldg AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVEnYOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MILE. YOU ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 60 NEW 191 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO. DOUG. 3622. 1314 HOWARD. Real Estate Transfers REBUILT auto cars; also Republic two-( ton. Sandow IV, ton, ZM ton. Dumps Vidlana 1H ton. Kelly Springfield ltt ton. All these trucks have been re built and are first-class mechanically and In appearance; terms ranging from $200 to $600 down and balance on easy monthly paymsnts; Investigate these trucks quick. THE ODELL HAMILTON CO.. 1415 Jackson street. Omaha liva Block. Omaha, Sept 13, lilt. Reoelpta wars! Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 19.542 Official Tuesday 17.735 Official Wednesday.. 1,141 Official Thursday .. 7.10 Estimate Friday.... 8.200 Five daya thla wk 54.445 Same daya last w'k 45,481 Same dys 2 wka ago (0,174 Same d ye 1 wks a'o 61.110 Same days jr'r ago 41,111 Receipts and disposition of live stock at tha Union Stock Tarda. Omaha, Neb., for 14 hours ending at t o'clock p. m., September 12. 11. RECEIPTS. Horses and Cattle Hogs Sheep Mules Cars. Cars. Cars. Cars. C. M. St. V 1 Missouri Pacific .. 1 Union Pacific C. Sc N. W., east C. & N. W., west.. 36 C St. P., M. O.K. 1 C, B. & Q., east 1 C, B. & Q., west.. 31 (, K. I. a east. . . Illinois Central .... 1 Total receipts ..II DISPOSITION HEAD, Cattle. Hogs. Shee a i i it l l It 1 2 6 7 io 'i 40 61 12 Morris . Swift A Cudahy Armour J. W. i Co Co Packing Co... ft Co Murphy. . 681 V8 680 798 "0 24 11 Lincoln Packing Co. So. Omaha Pack. Co Glaasberg p. U'Uea 3 F. P. Lewis 82 Huntzlnger & Oliver.. 201 J. B. Root ft Co 3 Rosenstock Bros 5 F. G. Kellogg Ill Werthetmer ft Degen. 411 Ellis ft Co 28 Sullivan Bros. .-. 88 A. Rothschild 62 Mo. -Kan. C. ft C. Co... 301 E. O. Christie . 21 John Harvey 460 Other buyers 1,410 200 533 247 1,314 (Jl 1,478 2.108 631 18,782 Total ..1 285 2 24 33,6(0 Short Term Notes Quotation furnished by tha Peters Trust company: Bid. Asked. Amer. T. ft T. (a, 1114 100 Vi 100 do (s. m$ Amer. Thread Is, 111 93 i 101 Amar. Tobacco 7a. 111 100 10U do 7s, 120 101 4 102 do 7s. 1921 102 1034 do 7s. 121 1024 103H do 7s. 1:S 101, 14 Anaconda Copper la, 129.... ( Anglo-French axt. 6s, 130.... 17 17 Armour ft Co., conv. deb. (a 1120 ....101 101 do (s. 121 101 101 do 6s. 1922 101 10S do (s, 121 114 103 do 6s, 1924 101 103 Beth. Steel Co. 7s, 1912 101 102 do 7s, 1923 103 102 British (. 1921 H ) Canada 6s, 121 8i 8 Canadian Pacific (s, 1924.... 99 100 C, B. ft Q. 4a, 111 95 95 C, R. I. ft P. a. 111 7 ( Cuban-American Sugar (s. 121 9 100 Cudahy Pkg. Co. 7s, 1121 101 101 Oen. Elec. deb. s. 1920 100 100 Ot. Northern Ry. 6s. 1920 99 99 Inter. Rapid Tran. 5s. 1921.... 85 87 K C. Terminal 6s, 1923 100 Lehigh Valley 6s, 1923 101 101 Liggett ft Meyers 6a. 121 100 100 Philadelphia Eleot 6s. 192.. 9 100 Proctor ft Gambia Ta. 130.... 100 101 do 7s. 121 101 101 do 7s. 1922 102 102 do 7s. 121 103 103 Russian rubles 5s. 1936 80 (4 Southern Ry. 6s. 1920 6i 7 Swift ft Co. 6s, 121 99 100 Union Pacific 6s. 1918 102 102 V. S. Rubber 7s, 1928 104 104 West. E. ft M. 6s, , 1920 100 100 Wilson Conv. 6s, 1928 98 98 First Liberty 3 99.90 Liberty, second 4s 93.12 Liberty, first 4s 94.84 Liberty, second e 93.0 Liberty, third 4 la.2 Liberty, fourth 4s 93.40 Liberty, fifth 99-64 GRAIN MARKET ALFALFA, WINTER WHEAT AND CORN. All or part of 1,360 acres known aa the Clark land In the famous Whiting settlement of Monona county. Iowa, three miles northeast of Whiting. Six complete sets of buildings, fifty miles of tile. Land Is all f . nced lanfl cross- ; fenced, hi flrsHclass shape fnd all In : cultivation. This tract of land has Just been placed on the market and is one j of the finest tracts of land In northwest Iowa. It can he divided ana sola in farms of 160. 240 and 320 acres to suit purchaser. Prices range from $226.00 to $300.00 per acre, on very easy terma FRANK L. KILBY. 340 Bea Building, Omaha, Neb. Harney 6193. Douglas 4311. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used cars bought, sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and sell on tlma. Full line to select from. Middle State Oarage. 2026-8 Farnam St. n0ug. 4101. USED cars-of txceptlnnal value. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay Auto Ex change Co.. 206 Farnam St. D. 6035. CADILLAC type 65 touring; latest model; appearance and mechanical condition and tires like new. W. F. Bruett. 1415 Jackson street; during business hours, Tyler 1715; evenings, Harney 2562. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS. NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS, MGR. TYLER 1787. 1407-31 Capitol Ave FOR QUICK SALE A bargain In a 1918 Hudson Fiper six touring car. Has been newly gone over.. Must be sold at once to settle an Insurance claim. Call Douglass 200; 140 acres, eight miles from Council Bluffs, close to school and small town; all un der cultivation, except 30 acres which Is in pasture: land lies level and of the best of soil: Improvements are In good condition and consiat of saven-room house, alfalfa barn, horse and cow barn ate; this farm la an exceptionally good buy Box Q-31. Bee. Missouri Lands. CHARITON COUNTY, MISSOURI, FARM Consisting of 1.110 acrea 3 miles from main lino Santa Fe railway sta tion; 10-room brick residence, two large new barns, grainary and out buildings; level limestone soil, all In cultiva tion axcopting 100 acres of timber pas tura; no better farm In central Mls sourl; crop Income this year $49,000: prlca $200 per acre. O.J.GOULD,. BONFILS BUILDING, KANSAS CITY, MO. STEVENS DURYEA touring car. six cyl inder, starter and electric lights, at a bargain. Owner leaving city. Pbona Tyler 141. USED cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 156S Farnam St Dqog. 170. H vnRn In crnnri ennrtltlnn I.7G0 '17 Hudson Coupe 11,600 17 Cadillac "8" $2,000 TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 110 Farnam St. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES STANDARD MOTOB CAR CO. 1020 Farnam St Omaha. Neb. Nebraska Lands A REAL HOME. 160 acres .all valley land, lays flna. g-ood black soil, one-half mile from ' railroad town of 800, 33 'mllea from Kearney, 120 acres cultivated. 10 pas ture, 30 alfalfa; good two-story 8-room house; barn for 1 horses and four cowa, granary In barn, crib 8x26 with drlve ' way. small orchard, wash house, cob r house cement cellar, fenced In 40-acra r ftelds,' 2 hog pastures, new hog house. Price $185 per acre. $1,500 back on place. If you want to buy a farm ' then coma and look at th(s and If ,: you don't ssa a good farm and Just as represented, I will stand your axpenses. ABEN TIMMERMAN (owner). Arnold, is'ebraska. ONLY ml. Chadron. county eeat of fa mous Dawes county- (20 acres, nearly - all farmabla. All fitted up and run tng dairy. Nicest placa around Chad . ron. Fenced and cross-fenced. Into T or 1 fields, ' 200 acres under plow. Excel lent solL $91 per acre. Wrlta for list of other farms and ranchea. Arab L. -Hungerford, Crawford, Neb. AT A BARGAIN. Tha northwest quarter of Section II. Township 12, Ranga 63 west of tha ( P. M.. Kimball county. Nebraska, located In a well settled nelcboorbeed. Thla la choioe quarter; land Ilea IsVel; all tillable. If Interested get busy at nra. Address M. A- LARSON. Cantral Ci ty, Nebraska. 160 acres finely Improved stock and grain farm r elegant land; mile from paved - street; flva miles northweat of atock vards. J. B. Hansen, 214 Wilkinson Bldg.. Omaha. - FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. 31 Karbach Blh Tyler 64 DERRICK COUNTY. Improved corn alfalfa farma at the right erica, H. A lUbu.N, Crutrat City, Nea- DUMP TRUCKS One new 1-ton Davla, cne 8-ton Keliy-springtieid, just over hauled. Going out of truck business. Terms If required. Tyler 1419 FOR SALE Cadillac Eight, Model 65; overhauled and repainted. In excel lent shape. Mighty good bargain. Wen dell Jones. Sanford hotel. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO., 2033 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. THE DIXIE FLYER W. R NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 1520 Farnam St. FORDS, BL1CK8, DODUB, NEW AND USED CAKS, KURD BOD1H3. O'ROT'RKE-OOLDSTROM AUTO CO. $100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair, sola mmra or new sen-spacing af finity spark plug. Bsysdorfer. 210 N. 18th BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. 15th ft Ja;kson. Ford Agents, D. 1500. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 2563 Farnam St. Doug. 170. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfteld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnsm. Cash. Tlma Liberty Bonda OAIN mora miles; treaded by O. ft Q. 2416 Leavenworth. have your tlraa re Tire Co, Tyler 1261-W. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS- VAN UKUNT'S , Loo- for tha red aeal on wind ajtleld. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2J00 Fsrnam St. MUST sell at once, late model Ford tour ing car, cash or terms. 1611 Dewey Ave. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. 8MITH WILLYS-KNIGHT coupe. Call Webster 2729. good condition. SIX-PASSENGER Cadillac for sale. 1110-W Phone S. 3345 FOR SALE Cheap, a seven-passenger Paige car In fine condition. Tyler 116. WHEN you think of used caee. think ot TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1110 Farnam. Maria Brown et al to R. H. Clarke, ne. cor. 19th and Wirt it., 100x124. William C. Hartnett and wife to Peter C. Cramer, Emmet St., 266 ft. w. of 24th St., a. a., 60x86 2,850 Elmer E. Froshier and wife to Wil liam Hartnett, Pratt st, 100 ft. e. of 25th ave., n. , 60x128 4,600 May C Gates and husband to Oeoge Edward Toy and wife, Vin ton st, 150 ft. w. of 29th St., n. s., 60x128.1 .- 2,200 Adelbert B. Steele and wife to Martha Johnson, Farnam at., 108 w. of 48th St., s. s, 50x150 8,(00 Lucie C. Harding Pollock and hus band to Jeremiah J. Harty, bishop, nw. cor. 84th and Grebe St., 264x660; nw. cor. 34th and Mormon. 264x660 '. 14.000 Walter Herren and wife to Joel H. Wright, Jr . se. cor, 64 ,h and Har ney st., 97.7x135 3,000 Mltscurl H. Brown to Thomas J. ' Ne;!hnm, se. cor. 32d i.nd Dudge St., 136x155 17,600 Edward Johnson and vifn to Al bln A. Johnson and wife. Grant St., 100 ft. e. of 43d st., n. s., n. a., 100x120 " 2,000 August Conrad Davidson to Mary Ford, 10th St., 687 ft. i. of Ban croft st., e. a, 66x132 and other property g 009 Harry Rachman and wife to Bertha Snow. 19th at., 113 ft. s. of Locust St., w. s., 60x81 1,100 John R. Condon and wife to Charles Plslnger, se. cor. 28th ind E sts., 60x75 2,125 Minerva M. Fuller !o Abraham Levey, 24th st.. Ill ft. n. of O st t. s., 6$xl50 20.000 Joe Kansler and wife to Paul Grazls and wife, 33d st., 133 ft. a. ot S St., e. s., 44x125 ,00 Adoiph Benak and wife to Mike Havley and Wife, 13th St.. 120 ft. n. of O St.. e. s., 40x130.. 1,950 Lillian L. Schlffbauer and husband to Charles L. Burmester, 64th St., 50 ft n. of Lake at., w. s., 50x128 50 DeWltt C. Howard and wife to Union Investment Co., se. cor. 48th and Capitol ave., 47x106.5.. 1,000 Charles S. Goodrich and wife to Pe- ter B. Walker. 41st ave.. 60 ft. n. of California St., w. s 60x128.. 2,8601 WmA ...... l . - w ' 1 . v i,n,iciiD6ii nuu -tin ig xvivron Le Quatte et al, 17th Bt., 222 ft. n. of Oak St., w. s., 46xl27 4,200 CarolinevH. Forsch and husband to A. 8. Steele, sw. cor. 61st and Farnam St., 65x135 , lo George Doane Keller and wife to C. Homer Shearer, Davenport st , 250 ft. w. of 60th St.. a. s., 60x136 6500 Andrew Van Lorn and wife to Pat rick Grady, 47th st., 125 ft. n. of Maple at, w. a., 40x126 7 509 Carl A. Carlson and wife to George ' T. Morton, Dewey ave., 46 ft. a. of - 42d at, s. a., 46x140 1,159 Martha Stone Adams and husband to Charles H. Sevlck, 38th st. 101 ft. a. of Marcy at. e. s. 40x165 ft. 4,000 F. W. Clarke and wife to Commer rial Savings ft Loan association, 14th st. 120 ft. s. of P st. e. s. 60x150 ft 900 John L, Good nor and wife to George Bond, 17th st 316 ft. n. of St. Marys avenue a. a. 12x128 ft 2,000 rvimam . Anmanson ar.a wife to Robert P. Hamilton. Jr., s. w. corner fsth and Poppleton avenue 68x91 ft. and other property.... 14,500 ,aitn uuncan, et at., to Fatsr C. Cramer, n, e, corner 25th avenue and Manderson st 60x128 ft .... 1,689 r ranees ruocn ana nusosna to George Kaltna. n. a. corner Gold and Bancroft sts. 40x90 ft i iso Jamea Le 'Forbes and wlfto Wil liam C. Norris, n. w. corner 16th and Fort sts. 150x297 ft l,(ofl Edward A. Benson, et al., to Wil liam C. Norris, 10th st. 100 ft a. of Clark st. e. s. 100x150 ft .... 1,699 Clyde C. Sundblad and wife ta Martha Postle, s. e. corner 8th and William sts. 60x67 ft 4,850 Minnie M. Chapman 1 and husband to Zella L. Delaney, Evans st. 138.5 ft. e. of 25th avenue n. a. 46.23x124 ft 4,800 Lewis Balcmbe Reed to Erlck Yar sonj Fontenelle boulevard 200 ft a oTlrt at. w. a. 40x125 1ft 850 Charles O. Anderson and wife to Claude R. Pflasterer, Laurel ave nue 103.5 ft w. of 28th avenue a. a. 46x117 ft 1,200 Edson O. Walker and wife to Philip C Hebrew and wife, 14th st 49 ft a. of Ellison avenue a. a 40x 110 ft 4,400 Robert A. McFarlana and wife to Marine S. Desher, Davenport at 109 ft. a. of 52d at w. a. 60x135 ft 7,000 Katharine K. Baxter and husband to Carl Chsngstom, Burt at 112 ft a. or 36th at n. a 110x150 ft T.I00 Nathaniel J. Busza and wife 10 Dale P. Hascall, 46th at 177 ft n. of Military avenue w. a. 60x143 ft (,009 Augusts' Raschka to Ellen O. Rascnke, unto at 141 it w. 01 10th it n. 45x11 ...f. Cattle Receipts of cattle were aa usual on a Friday, about 2,200 head being re ported In. There waa little or no demand for any claasea of atock and trade in all classes was extremely . dull and weak at the week's decline. Butcher atock la closing; largely .50c $1.00 lower than a week ago, even good to choice eowa sell ing 25 (fjiSOa lower at tha close. Feeder trade Is practically demoralized at de clines of 50c$$1.00, and In some casea the break amounts to even more than that. Good to choice western beef Is quotable up as high aa It waa a week ago. but medium and Plain kinds are largely 60c lower. The general quality of the week's receipts haa been tha commonest of the season. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $16.604$17.60; good to choice beeves, $15.00016.(0; fair to good beeves, $13. 60014. 60; common to fair beeves! $11.00fail3.50; choice to prime yearlings, $17.0018.60; good to choice yearlings. $15.50917.00; fair' to good yearlings. $18.0016.00; common to fair yearlings. $10.0012.50; good to choice heifers. $8.5011.0O; choice to prime cowa. $10.00 011.25; good to choice cow, $8.50 9.75; fair to good cowa, $7.008.00; com mon to fatr cows. $5.25 6.76; choice to prime feeders, $12.O014.00; good to cjiolce feeders, $10,606(12.00; medium to good feeders, $8.604910.00; common to fair feeders. $7.00(g8.60; good to choice stock era, $9.0010.00; fair to good stockers, $7.008.60; common to fatr stockers, $6.007.00; stock heifers. $6.608.00; stock cows. $6.007.00; stock calves, $7.00 9.50; veal calves. $7.00914.00; bulls, stags, etc., $5.6998.50; choice to prime grass beeves, $18.504315.25; good to choice grass bvea. $11. 00f 13.00; fair to good grass beeves. $7.00(1)10.50; common to fair gras beeves, $7.008.60; Mexican beeves, $6.008.00. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1112 $14 75 COWS. 40 6 1114 $1 16 HEWERS. 00 13 4(0 I (6 7 00 l4rlbs rounds. No. 20.. 33... tot 625 627 CALVES. 1 7 31 1 200 DFEEDERS. 4.;.... 7t 10 00 11 00 13 25 I It 4 117 (50 1 363 10 85 1 260 12 25 STOCKERS AN t 630 8 00 Hogs There was a slight falling off In hog receipts today, estimates calling for 44 loads estimated at 2,800 head. Shippers were liberal buyers and the general market active and fully 16060c higher than yesterday. Few heavy and thin hogs sold down to 115.26. Bulk of sales was $16.50016.00 wltb well finished grades on up to a top of $16.75. Representative sales: HOOS. No. Av. 23.. 400 61. .291 61. .238 52. .267 68. .241 58. .237 Sheep Today's Sh. Pr. ... $15 2$ 150 15 60 70 16 76 70 15 99 150 16 It 150 16 35 run No. Av. 43. .263 63. .201 67. .253 47. .284 50. .160 26. .233 of 16,000 Sh. Pr. 110 $11 50 ... 16 65 140 15 85 110 It 00 14 50; stockers and feeders. $7.00013.00; feeding cowb and heifers. $5.00 8.60. Hogs Receipts, 3,000 head: market 25 to 50c higher. Light, $16.00(8)17.00; mixed, $15.25015.75; heavy, $14.5015.0O; bulk of sales, $15.00016.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 4,600 head; market steady Kansas City Live Stock. KanBas City. Mo., Sept. 12. Cattle Receipts, 2,500 and 600 calves: steady to lower; steers, $16.0-17.60; heifers, $6.36 14.00; cows, $6.16jj12.00; calves, $14.00 O1H50, stockers. $6.6010.25. I Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 6.0001 head; market lower; lambs. $11.60 0 1 5.60; ewes, $6.508.75. OMAHA PRODUCE Wholesale prices of beef cuts: No. 1 loins, 43c; No. 2 loins. !2c; No. $ loins, HAsC No. 1 ribs, 81 c; No. 20c: no. s rins. livtc o. 1 28c; No. 1 rounds, 22 c. No. 1 rounds. 17c. No. 1 chucks. 19c: No. 1 chucks. 14c: No. I chucks, 10c. No. 1 plates, 16c; No. 2 plates, 12c; No. I plates. 9a Quotations furnished by the Ollnskv l"rult Co Vegetables--Potatoes. Northern Whites. 160; Colorado 1160; Ohlos, 160: Texas New potatoes, tc Cabnage: Texas and California crstea, ec; small iota, c Onions. California Reds. 7o. California head lettuce, 13 50 crate: California bead lettuce. 11 it dozen: leaf '.ettuce. 40c dozen; H O radish $5-360 dozen. H O onions. S6-16C dozen. eg plant. !? 50 dozen spinach, market price, hot nouse cukes 116 dozen; busbel basket Texaa eifkea, tl 60 basket .market basket aukea (about asparagus H O.. (0-75c dozen; Florida tomatoes (6 baaket crates) '7 60 crate, was and green beans, peas, market price Nuts English walnuts, sack lota. 34o loaa 16c: No 1 raw -peanute 10c; Jumbo raw peanuts. 12e; roast No 1. 12o: roaat Jumbo. 15c Fruits Oranges: VaieeiMae. S8-100. 16 50 116. 16.00; 160-288-324 l.i0; 176 100, 116 160, 17 00. Lemons Sunk!;, 100-260 16 7t; Red Ball, 100 2m., (tit. Grape fruit' California (all sizes) $6 26 Bananas 1 to 8c Strawberries- Missouri. $7 to Pineapples- 42-48. $5 60- 24-30-36. $6 no Plates No, 1. 16o: -No. 1. 14c: No. 1, Uc. Boston Wool. Boston, Sept 12. The Commercial Bul letin tomorrow will say: "Business has beear exceedingly quiet during the past week, although one or two houses report a slightly Improved demand. Prices, however, have shown no further easing. The auction at Philadelphia Thursday waa unsatisfactory, withdrawals amounting to 84 per cent. The English, marnets are awampea very here Omaha Oram. Omaha, September 13, Mil. Grala arrivals today showed larger for wheat with 121 cars against tl cars yeater day. Corn receipts were It cara and oats 18 cars. The corn market was practically demoralized, pncea being oft from T to 10 centa Oats were generally unchanged. Wheat waa up 1 cent or mora oa the good grades. Rye waa some easier. Cash aalea today were: Wheat No. 1 hard: 1 ear. 12.11. No. 1 hard: 1 car. 13.23 (dark); f cara, 12.18; t cars. $1.17: cars, $3.16; 1 cara. 1 car, ta.14 (smutty); 7 cars, 11.11 (smut ty); 1 car, $2.11 (yellow); 1 car, $2.11 (smutty); 3 cars, $3 10 (smutty). No. 1 hard: 1 car, $3.11 (dark); 1 car, $3.14; 5 cars. $3.13: 2 cars. $2.12; 1 car, 13.12 (yellow); 1 car. $2.11 (smutty); 1 car, $2.10 (dark, smutty); 1 car, $3.0 (smut ty): 2 cars, $2.0$ (smutty): $ cara. $2.07 (smutty); 1 car, $2.06 (yellow, smutty): 1 car, $2.04 (yellow, smutty); 1 car, $2.01 (heavy, smutty). No. 4 hard: 1 car, $2.13; t cara, $2.10; I cara. $2.0; 1 car, 13.01 (yellow): 1 car, $1.07 lyellow): 1 car. $3.0t (yellow, smutty); 1 car, $2.04 (yel low, smutty): 1 car. $1.01 (smutty). No. 5 hard: 1 car, $2.08; 1 car, $2.06; 1 car. J2.04 (yellow); 1 cars, $2.03 (yellow). No. 1 northern spring: 1 car. $2.6$ (dark). No. 4 northern spring: 1 car, $2.20: 1 car. $2.10. No. 5 northern spring: 1 car. $2.06. Sample spring: 1 car, $1.15. No. 1 mixed: 2 cars. $2.11 (dark): 1 car. $1.0 (dark, smutty). No. 3 m(xed 1 car, 11.11; 1 car, $3.12; 1 car. $2.10: 2 cars, $1.08 (dark). No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $2.10; 1 car, $2.06; 1 car. $2.04 (durum). Corn No. 3 white: 1 car, $1.43. Sam ple white: 1 car. $1.38. No. 2 yellow: 2 cars, $1.43; 1 car. $1.42. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, $1.44. No. 2 mixed: 2 cars, $1.41, No. 8 mixed: 1 car, $1.43. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.40. No. 6 mixed: 1 car. $1.40. Oats No. 2 white: 2 cars, 68c. No. 1 white: 1 car. 66c; 4 cars, 66c; f cars, 66c. -NO. 4 white: 1 car, 6c; 1 car, 66c; 1 car. 6c. Sample white: 1 car, 650." No. 2 mixed: 1 ear, t5e. Rye No. 2: 2 car.s $1.34. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley Shipments Wheat Corn Outs i.. Rye Barley RECEIPTS Today. ...122 ...'36 ... 18 ... 1 ... 1 Week Year ago. ' ago. 114 SO 27 46 31 66 7 t 11 ,30 45 97 37 63 19 75 28 1 I 6 IN Chicago Kansas City St. Louis ... Miuneapolta Duluth Winnipeg . . , MARtCETS. ' Corn Oata 193 98 It 16 14 45 fine $1.60 01-06; mld ; southern, $1.30O 1 staple, $1.80O $1.6001 55; valley 140 16 25 16 75 head of sheep and lambs makes the weekly total more than 200,000 head. Quality of of ferings this morning was rather common and good killing grades wars scarce. A backward demand from packers featured the early trade and fat lamb nrlcea dropped to levels 25040c lower than yes terday. Most or the best fat lambs here landed at $15.00 but something choice would likely bring $16.26 or better. Fat sheep sold at generally steady figures, best ewes are still bringing $7.7508 00. with $6.7507.60 taking the common to fair grades. Culls and canners at $2.50 04.50. Small bunches of native wethers are selling up to $9.0001 60. Yesterday's feeder trade closed consid erably lower than tha early market and opening prices today were practically steady with yesterday'! close. Best close wooled lambs were none too active at $12.76013.25 with good useful feeders at $12.00013.50. light grades $10.0012.00 and feeding ewes $3.3606.25. Quotations on Sheep Lamba, good to choice, $16.00015.25; lamba, fair to good, $14.3514.85; choice feeder lambs, $12.75 13.25; medium to good feeders. $12.76 12.00O12-60; common and light feeders, $10.0011.76; culls and throwouts, $6.60 9.60: yearlings, $8.60010.25; wethers. $8.7609.50; ewes, good to choice, $7.50 08.00; ewes lair 10 gooa, i.i.", goodN feeding ewes, $5.2506 25; ewe and canners, $2.6004-60; breeding $7.60013.00. Representative aalea: FAT LAMBS. 915Wyo...61 15 50 41 Wyo...51 466 Wyo...67 12 It FEEDING LAMBS. 1061Wyo..56 12 25 682 Wyo..6T 782 Utah... 41 10 50 304 Wyo..6t FAT EWES. 264 Wyo...ll I 10 tlWyo...l05 7 75 FEEDING EWES. HWyo..l01 6 71 1574Utah.lO FAT WETHERS. I Wyo...l0t I 10 FEEDING WETHERS. 41Wyo...7l 09 culls awes, 14 00 11 00 12 15 1 Tl 7 00 Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES AT HALF PRICE. Firestone, Bull. Lee. Republic, Ftsk. Write for prices. Mention sizes. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 Farnam. NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS! SEE US FIRST and SAVE MONEY. FARNAM TlRfl A VT Rt'BBfiR CO., 2914 FARNAM ST. U, 5751. 1,000 Mew York Money. New York, Bpt 13. Mercantile Paper I 6. Sterling Demand, 4.16 ; cables. 4.17. Francs Demand, 8.62 : cables. 8 60. Guilders Demand. 37; cables, 37. Lire Demand, 5.76 ; cables, 9.74. Marks Demand, 4; cables, 4. Time Loans Firm; all dates, 6 per cent. Call Money Easy; high, t; low, 6; rul ing rate, (: closing bid, 6; offered at 6: last lvu, f Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Sept. 11. Cattle Receipts, 5,000 head: market unsettled; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and nrim. si k ?R (Ri 17.60 ! medium and good. tll.00O16.60; common, $.75011.OO; light weight good and choice, $13.7517.76; common and medium. $8.00013.50: butcher cattle, heifers. $6.50l.7t; cows. $6. 25011 10; cannera and cutters, It.S&O 6.26; calves, vsal, light, and handy weight, $20.00021.001 feeder steers, $7.00 12.25; stocker steers, $6.25010.00; west ern range, beef steers, $1.00911.00; cows and heifers, 16.I5O13.50. Hogs Receipts. 1,000 head: market slow, unevenly ateady to toe higher than yesterday'a average; heavy, $10.00017.76: medium, $lt.76U15: Iljrht Ilt.7l5ll.t0; light Hsht, $14.60017.76: heavy packing sows, smooth, $16.00Olt.7t: Peklns sows, rough, $14.00014.71; plga, llt.lOO 17.50. Sheep an4 Lamba Receipts. 10,100 head; market steady; lambs, 14 pounds down, $13.50Ol-75: eut and common. 18. 00013.76; yearling wethers, $10,500 13.25; ewes, medium (ood and choice. 17.ooot.t0; cutte and common, 11.310 4.75. markets are with orders and prices are holding firm. The manufacturing situation ia unchanged. " Scoured basis: Texas Fine 12 months, $1.1001-70 I months, $1.3801.40. California Northern, die county, $1.40 1.60 1.35. Oregon Eastern No. 1.86; eastern clothing, No. 1. $1.601.70. Territory Fine staple, $1.861.90; half blood combing, $1.7601.80; three-fourths blood combine. $1.3601.40: fine clothing. $1.6001.60; fine medium clothing, $1,400 1.(0. Pulled Extra, Ji.vssspi.du; aa, si. sow 1.70; A supers, $1.6501.60. Mohairs Best combing, 60 Oboe; Dest carding, 66 60c. Bradstreet'i Review. New York. Sept. ll.--Bradstreefa to morrow will aay: With the advanoe of the fall buying season and the activity engendered by active purchasing by retailers from west ern, northweetern and southern Jobbers, there la a rather more pronounced tinge of optimism in the trade advlcea this week. This of course doea not conceal the fact that In some big primary lines and markets In the east there Is quiet, this having Us rise largely In the con tinued unsetllement of labor, the threat of new strlkea, the doubtful outlook in the exchange markets and the further shading of crop prospeots. It la Inter esting tor note, however, that the rather unsatisfactory crop yields Indicated -In acme stataa, notably of cotton at the south, accompanied by receding prices and of spring accompanied by reecdlng prices and of spring wheat and oats In the northwest and west, seem to find little reflection In the trads report at Inter ested nearby markets. Weekly bank clearings, $7,565,137.000. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga.. Sept. 13. Turpentine Market firm, $1.58; sales. 126 bbls.; re ceipts, 310 bbls.; shipments, II bbls.; stock, 1.391 bbla. Rosin Firm; sales, 122 bbls.; receipts, 1,064 bbls.; shipments, 478 bbla.; atock, 48Quote:b"'B, $15,70Ol-&0i D, 116.65: E. $17!0617.16; F. $17.30017.40: G, 17." 17.10; H. $11.10018.30; X. 1'?P.1,',: K $19.40l.7t; M. lJ3O.5O02O.86; N, $21.10; WO. 112.10; WW. $22.71. New York Metals. New York, Sept. 12. Copper Quiet; electrolytic, spot and September, 23c. October and November, 33 24c Iron Steady; unchanged. Antimony 1.87c. . Lead Firm; spot, I.ITe bid; October, 5.85c bid. t.lOo aaked. Spelter -Weak; Beat t Loula, apot, T.30c; October, T.ltc. . . At London Spot standard copper. 100 la 6d; electrolytic, 109; tin. 283; lead, I2S 6s; spelter, 40 16s. Liberty Bond Price. New York, Sept 12. Liberty bond prices at 11:10 a. m. were: $s. I9.S6: first 4s, 94.80: .second 4S, va.uo; ursi eu-..", second 4eT 3.12; third 4a. 96.24; fourth 4s, 3.36; Victory 3s. 89.74; Victory 4s. 91.61. Liberty bond final prices: 3s. 8; first 4s. 14.80; second 4s. 93.10; first 4s, 16.00; second 4s, 93.20; third 4 a. 96.20; fourth 4s, 93.20: Victory ls, 11.78; Victory 4s, 11.70. ..110 .. 46 .. 11 .. 4 .. 1 OTHER Whet ,.49:i ..304 ..240 ..640 ..73 .. 43 Omaha Grain Inspection. The number of cars of gratn of the sev eral grades Inspected "in" here during the past 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hard, I; No. 1 hard, ; No. 3 hard, 17; No. 4 hard, 20; No. 6 hard, 5; sample hard, 1; No. I mixed, 2; No. 2 mixed, 1; No. 3 mixed, 2; No. 4 mixed. 6; No. 6 mixed, 1; No. 1 spring, 2; Noo. 2 spring, 1; No. 4 spring, 1; sample spring, 3; Total 79. Corn No. 1 white, 2; No. 8 white, 1; No. 4 whit-.. 1; No. 6 white, 1; No. white, 1; No. 2 yellow, 1; sample yellow, 1: No. 2 mixed. 3; No. 3 mixed, 3; Total. 20. Oats No. 3 white. 12; No sample white. 1; Total, 17. Kye No. 2, 1; Total, I. Barley Rejected 1; Total, 1. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today. Year Ago. Wheat 2,02,000 3,139,000 corn 20,000 Oats (82,000 Shipments Wheat 886,000 Corn 282.000 Oats 69,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Today. Year Aro. Wheat and flour 197.000 612.000 Corn 6,000 41,000 Oats 140,000 Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago. SeDt. 13. Althnurh f(r the corn market had an unward lnni today, buying power soon became exhaust ed, and liquidation on the part of dis couraged holders brought about a decided semacK, especially In the September de nvery. rices closed weak, 2c to net lower, with September $1.44 to ana December $1.22 to $1.23. Oats lost c to lc. The finish In nrovlalnns ranged from $1.05 decline to a rise of 30c. .temporary aonearancea of strenortb in the corn market resulted ehieflv from higher prices paid for hogs here. Specu lators, however, did most of the buying of hogs at the advance, uackera refualnsr to follow. Under such circumstances, demand for corn was soon restricted to shorts, who were in position to collect profits. For the remainder of the day, bearish senti ment was virtually unchecked, owing to disturbed economic conditions. On the ensuing breaks, December, the principal trading month, showed a decline of 6O0 a bushel since July 2. oats descended with corn. Exoort call was lacking. All provisions were lifted bv tha advance of hogs, but pork and ribs dropped later when grain turned weak. Lard held firm on account of belief that lard would be the first commodity bought here for Ger many. 4 white, 4; 71,000 1,299,000 1,13,000 387,000 781,000 FINANCIAL New York. Sept 11 Deallnas In stocks today centered largely In specialties, pools resuming their operations In several ot the better known and closely held Issues, while standard shares reflected the op posing views or sentiments vf the trad tng elemant The labor outlook continued. to restrain operations In United States Steel, which fluctuated within a contracted area and closed at a slight decline. , (.special objects of bullish attention from professional Interests embraced the oils, motors and their various subsidia ries, tobaccos, leathers and food shares, notably augers. Features of pronounced atrenxth in cluded Fisher Body at an extreme ad vance of 22 points; Cubun American Sugar, 19; Lorllllard Tobacco, 1$; Savage Arma. 7: Mexican Petroleum. 7: Worthinrton Pump, 4. and American Woolen, 4. Metals eased on reports of a reduced Inquiry and rails were untv occasionally quoted at recessions extending from frac- 110ns to 1 pointa In the Investment di vision. Salesamounted to 776.000 shares. Among the Interesting developments of the session were the movements of gold, London cablea announcing receipt of fur ther consignments from 8outh Africa, partly for shipment to thla country. Easier tendenclea for some of the lead ing rails and Industrials Imparted an Ir regular tone to tha bund market. Liberty and foreign Issue also shading. Total sales, 113,760,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on catl. Sales'. High. Low. Close. 900 88 86 87 Am. Beet Sugar Am. Tin 2.100 64 Am. Car ft Found. 3,600 136 Am. H. ft L.. pfd. 3,600 129 Am. Locomotive .lS.800 100 Am. 8. ft Rfg 800 77 Am. Sugar Rfg. .. . 2,300 130 Am. Sum. Tob 4J600 87 Am. Tel. ft Tel... 600 101 Am. Zinc 100 22 Anaconda Copper. 900 68 Atchlsor. 700 90 At)., O. ft W. I. 8. S 600 160 Baldwin Loco. ...66,ii0li 130 B. ft 0 1,100 40 Beth. Steel "B" . . . 2,300 91 Butt & Sup. Cop. 600 26 Cal. Petrol 11,60(1 54 64 135 127 98 76 137 86 100 22 67 90 159 127 40 90 2 63 600 161 161 2.700 100 99 200 56 42 93 . 24 44 44 87 184 200 100 200 700 600 6,600 7.500 34 . 1,200 82 . 300 16 . 30OJ67 . 1,700 238 . 800 86 .' V.400 60 , 7,900 121 . 1,600 26 . 1,400 66 . 1.300 16 .'37,966 211 . 100 27 . 3.200 800 100 200 1,100 400 66 42 98 24 44 44 86 180 82 81 15 166 236 86 60 64 135 137 8 77 129 87 101 22 67 90 160 137 40 91 26 63 151 99 bo 42 93 24 44 44 86 is: 34 82 15 106 136 86 93 60 Art I Open. High. Low. Close. YesTT Corn i Sept 1.64 1.54 1.44 1.46 1.S3 Dec, 1.26 1.26 1.22 1.23 1.25 May 1.24 1.24 1.20 1.20 1.23 Oats. Sept .61 .69 .67 .67 .68 Dec. .71 .71 .6 .69 .71 May .74 .74 .72 .73 .73 Pork. Sept 41.95 42.00 Oct 31.40 36.40 34.71 35.05 36.10 Lard. Sept 26.00 . 2J.00 11.70 Oct. 25.61 25.90 25.68 25.60 26.60 Ribs. Sept I 20.02 30.60 Oct. 20.60 20.70 20.02 20.02 120.60 Canadian Pacific. Central Leather C, ft O C, M. A St. P. C ft N. W .. C, R. 1. ft P... Chino Cop. . . . Colorado F. ft I Corn Products Crucible Steel . Cuba Cane Sugar. 11,300 Dis. Sec. Corp. . . Erie General Electric. General Motors.. Gt. North., pfd . . Illinois Central . Insp. Cop Int. M. M., pfd.. Inter. Nickel .... liner. Paper Kenne. Copper... Louis, ft Nash.. Mex. Petroleum. Miami Cop Mldvale Kteel ... .Missouri Pacific . Mt. Pow. (ex. dlv.) Nevada Copper . . . N. Y. C N. Y., N. H. ft H. Norfolk & West. North. Pacific .. Pac. Mall Pan-Amer. Pet . Pennsylvania ... Pitts. & W. Va.. Pitts. Coay Ra Con, Copper. Reading Rep. It an ft S. . . . Shat. Ar:. Cop.. , Sin, Oil ft Refih. .35,300 Southern i-oific ... 3,000 100 100 100 soutnern r.auway. 600 24 24 24j Studebaker Corp.. 19. 100 117 115 116; Texas Co., Ex. D.. 3,300 267 264 266U Too. products. .. . 2,700 99 Union Pacific .... 1,100 121 Vi United Cigar 8 II. S. Ind. Alcohol. 2,600 134 U. S. Steel 99,600 104 U. S. Steel, pfd. . . 400 114 900 86 2,100 300 61 27 62 18 72 31 120 128 25 25 56 56 35 35 108 205 207 61 67 27 27' 62 62 18 II 71 7: 31 s: 600 100 66 38 86 38 .28,800 123 120 600 43 43 100 1.100 900 8,800 1,100 60 24 78 91 14 61 60 24 78 90 14 I0 97 121 Local Stocks and Bonds Quotations furnished by Burns, Brinks . Co.: .. . S- Sleeks Bid. asi-- Burseaa-N'aah T pet. pfd.... ... -j . Cudahy Pack. Co 107 101- . Flak Rux, 7 pet pia "J Goorh Food Pd pfd., bonua ' 100 Harding Cream, 1 pot. pra., . Nicholas Oil pfd., bonus It nm.l.a Flour Mill 7 net. pfd. ... Orchard A Wllhelm 1 pet pfd Quaker Oat Co., 0 pet pro. T. A . retora Mill 7 pci. pia.. 138 100 II 6s. ,1. E. Smith T pet .pfd., 131 lit Swift Co I'nlon Stock Yds., Omaha, Un. P. A Lt. 7 pet. pfd., Bonds ' Lincoln JL Stk. Ld. Bk. 1H23-38 Lincoln Traction ta, 110 .... Omaha Athletlo 6s Om. ft C R St. Ry. ta. 1931. Omaha City cf , various .... Union stk. Yds-, uuiana, 111 6s, 1931 .., Lx. Dlv. 101 ... ' ttt' 100 1 iSh 103 100 101 10 100 ill pot ' It ITi York Bund List. . IM!llnola Cen ts l tral ref. 4s lint Mer. II Marine ta IK. C. 8. ref. 1L ft N. un. 106 M.. K. ft T. New U. S. Is, reg. V. 8. 2s, coup U. S. cv. Is, reg 17. 8- cv. la, coupon . , . . it H. 4a. re:. U. S. 4a, coup. 1 us' 1st a ... Am. Tel. A IMtsxourl Pa TeL cv. 6 ...1001 clflo gen. Anglo-French 5a 3IMontana Armour ft to. roww . 4a 83 IN. Y. Cen- Atchlson gen. 4a 771 tral den. B. A O. cv. 48 Bethlehem Steel ref. 6 Central Lmlher 5s .. Cer.tial Taclflc 1st C. O. cv. ts. . C. B. & Q., J.lnt 4s C M. ft St. P. cv. 4s C, R I. A P. Ry. ref. 4s . . . C. A S. ref. 4s 78 Chill Copper 74 86 cv. INorthern Pa. 71 clflo 4a .... Nortnern ra clflo 1 Oregon Short Line ref. 4s.. Paclflo Tel. ft Tel 6a Pennsylvania con. 4a ... 95IPennsylvanla I aen. 5a Reading gen. 4a II St. L. ft San ; Fran, ad I. tl II H Southern Pa cific cv. ta . .ICl 74 68 IT - .. tttj . ta 71 ., ia"' 4s ; ,. 10 13 ' II 63 City of Paris 6s 97 D. A R. C, ref. bs Dom. of Can. 5s (1931) ... Erie gen. 4s . Oen Elec. ts. Gt. North. 1st 4 . .U7ISouthern tl Hallway ta Texaa Com. pany cv. 61. .101 Texas and 95 I Paclflo 1st. 51 r. P. 4s 95.IIT. 8. Rub la.. 17' ITT. S. S. 6s .... 19 80 ! Wabash 1st .. 10 81$ New York Coffee. New Tork ,Sept 12. An early decline j In coffee futures was followed by rsl-i, lies, but prices failed to hold the hat provement, and the market was unset-' tied In the late trading. December sold i off to 14.90a at the start, rallied to 16,to and closed at 14.19c, while the general list opened at a net decline of 40 to to ... points, sold about 10 to 20 pointa net -higher during the middle of the day and closed at a net decline of IS t 10 pointa. 4 . There was a good deal of covering n V the early decline, which carried prices i more than I centa per pound below the high level of June and some buying- on? reports of relatively firm apot raarliat. In Brazil. Otherwise there was very little r demand, however, and tHp decline later In the day waa accompanied by reports of J. Irregular firm offers and a poor spot de mand. Closing prices: September, It.tlo; October, 15.19c: December, 14.9o; Janu-k ary, 14.96c; March, 14.90c; May. 14.tOj July, 14.80c, Unseed 4)11. Duluth. Minn., Sept. 13. Linseed Oil, OB e track, 15,0306.06: to arrive, 14.74, ' , 7 Utah Copper West. Elec. ... Western Union. Westing. Elec. Wnlys-Overland Nat. Lead .... Ohio Cities 64 85 133 103 114 85 54 85 Royal Dut., Bid. 3,700 100 6,300 33 79 54 N.Y..68.000 99 32 7 53 New York Dried Fruits. New York, Sept 12. Evaporated pics Dull. Prunes Firm. Apricots Easy. Peaches Quiet. Raisins Steady. Ap- The World's Greatest New Invention Wanted One man in each county in the United States with a ear and some knowledge of the farm, to sell the greatest time, labor end money-saving machine ever in-1 vented ; machine doea the work of three to Ave men on the- farm; weighs only IB pounds, retails for . $18.60; automobile owners, fanner and ranchmen buy on eight; aver age sales per day, five; any man can easily earn $300 per month at home; don't wait to write: coma and see this wonderful machine at work and secure tha general sale agency for your homa county. THE AMERICAN -MACHINE CO. 220 South 14th Straat. ' 9. St. Joaeph Ut Stack. St. Joseph, Me., Sspt II. Cattle Re ceipt. 1,000 head; market steady: ateers, $8.00017.10; cowa and heifers, 11.609 It 50; calve. $7.0617.0. Hog Receipt, 1.500 head; St higher; top. $l7.t0; bulk. tlt.lOffil7.tO. Sheep, and v Lamba Receipt. 8,000 head; market alow; lambs, $8.00015.75; ewts. $6.5081.00. SlouVCity live Stock. Sioux City, Ia., Sept. 12. Cattle Re celpta 1,600 head: market "weak: beef . . . ' M-A 11, AAA1I tA araaa. II.OftdK 13.00:' fat cows and belfrrs. $7.oo12.00:-r-'tie; futures, unsettled; October, canners. $5.00S7.00; veal calves. $1.00 a j December, 14,9c Cetton Futures. New Tork, Wept 11. Cotton Futures opened steady; October, 18.90c; December, 21.00c; January, 11.00c; March, 29.05c; May. m Cotton future eloaed steady; October, 11.65c; December, U.t5c: January, 28.78c; March. Il.ltc; May. 81.00c. New Yark Cotton. New Yorki Sept. ll.-Cotton closed bare ly steady, net unchanged lo 10 point lower. New Yark Sugar. New Tork, Sept 13. Raw Sugar Steady 1 centrifugal, 7.18c; line granulat ed, I.00O, Bar Silver. New Tork. Sept. 13 Bar sliver. $1.12; Mexican dollars, ltc. Spot Cotton. New York, Sept. 12. Cotton Spot, quiet; middling. 21.15c. New Tork Coffee. New York, SepL ll.-MToffee No. 7 Rio, 16.3c ; New York Grain. New Tork, Sept It. Flour Quiet; spring clears, 9.0010.0O. Wheat Spot, quiet; No. 8 red, 12.15, track New York, to arrive. Corn Spot, weaker; No. 3 yellow, $1.63; No. 2 white, $1.64. cost and freight New York. Oats Spot, easy; No. 1 white, 81c. Lard Firm; middle west, 826.462f.t5. Other articles unchanged. Minneapolis Grain. Mlnneapolle, SepL 12. Flour Un changed. Barley $1.07. Rye No. 2. $1.11. Bran $40.00. Corn $1.46 01.47. Oats 64 66c. Flax $6.015.0. St. Louis Grain. Sept 11. Corn September, St Louis, $1.46; December, $1.24 Oata September, 69 e 51 c. December Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 12. Corn September, $1.43; December, $1.12; May. $1.19 1.20. Omaha Hay Market, Receipts of prairie hay heavy and de mand quiet. No. 1 upland prairie. $22.60022.00; No 1, 117.00020.00; No. I, $10.0018.00. No. 1 midland prairie. 120.00 22.Q0; No. 2. $16.00 011.00. No. 1 lowland prairie, 814.00Olt.00; No 2, $11.0013.00, No. 3. $8.0010.00. Choice alfalfa, $27.0029.O0; No. L 126 0027.00; standard. I24.00&26.00; No. 2, $19 0022.00; No. 1, $14.00011.00. Oat atraw. $9.010.00. Wheat atraw. $8.0001.00. Chicago Produce, Chicago, Sept 12. Butter, firm; cream ery, 47064c Eggs Higher; receipts, 1.114 eases; firsts, 44ffi45c; ordinary first. 38039c: at mark, cases included, S8j43c; storage packed, first. 46 041c. Poultry Alive, lower; springs, 27c; fowl, 26010c V. Chicago Potatoes. Jhlcago, Sept 12. Potatoes Steady ; arrivals. 62 cara; Minnesota Early Ohlos, bulk and sacked, I2.I5O3.00; Minnesota and Wisconsin round whites, hulk and sacked. U. 8. grade No. 1. IJ.90flsi.00: Maine Irish Cobblers, No. 1, $3.6001 76; Idaho Rural, aacksd, U. S. grade No. 1, $3.6003.75. New York Produce. New Tork, Sept 11. Butter, firm; un changed. Ergs Irregular, unchanged. Cheese Easy; unchanged. Poultry Alive, weak: chickens, 26 O 39c; fowls, 27012c; roosters, 19020c; tur keys. 26 030c. Dressed, steady and unchanged. Kansas City Produce). Kansas City, Mo.. Sept. 12. Butter, eggs and poultry unchanged. London Money. London, Spt. 12. Silver Bar. !0d per ounce; money unchanged. Never Agak t, will you be able to buy P. O. after September 15th, 1919. ft K. Co. stock at par value of f 1.00 per share ' Midnight Sept. 15th, 1919 the price of this stock goes to $2.00 per share, with the prospects of another sharp advance after our second well comes in abcut October 10, 1919. . Our First Dividend Earner ifiliftililili Si -' : v 'gfej1-"'- 2 The above is an actual photograph of our No. 1," F. M. Daniel well, which cam in August 28th, 1919, making 1,000 barrels of high grade oil per day, valued at $2.25 per barrel. Do a little figuring and see what this well is worth. Oar second well is expected in about October 10, 1919, and our third about -October 25, 1119. THERE ARE SEVEN MORE TO FOLLOW. CHRISTMAS DIVIDENDS We expect to pay substantial dividends on al outstanding stock before December 25, 1919, and thereafter regularly every quarter " IT'S UP TO YOU Get on the wire at once and telegraph your reservation for what you want at $1.00 per share. It i too late to use the mails. Follow wire reiervat'on up immediately with check, draft or P. O. money order, which mut reach u ? not later than September 22, 1919 otherwise we will be compelled to cancel ' your reservation and return remittance. Pullman Oil & Refining Co. Horn Office, Reynolds BciMine, El Paso, Tc:;as. '2