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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1919)
13 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1919. ST. LOUIS HOST TO PRESIDENT ON LEAGUE TOUR Wilson Defends Article Ten and Shantung Provision in Speech to Chamber of Commerce. (Contlnntd From Tmgt One.) be "physically ready for trouble. The nation must become," he said, "a nation in arms." "You can't afford to be unfriendly to everybody," he continued, "unless you can afford to have everybody unfriendly to you." Germany was not the only nation which had a secret service, Mr. Wil son said, but every other nation in Europe also was, spying on its neighbors because they all had to be ready for schemes of conquest to be sprung. The league of nations without the United States, the president said, would be an alliance and not a league of nations." Will Lead League. "There can be no league of nations in a true sense," be continued, "with- out the partnership of this great peo ple. And if we are a partner, let rue predict will be the senior part ner. The other nations are looking to us for leadership and direction." It was a clear choice, said the president, between "armed isolation" and "peaceful partnership." He said he had heard it asserted with "anoy ing ignorance" that this league would be a league for war. "I wonder," he continued, "if ; some of the gentlemen who are commenting on this treaty have read it. There isn't a phrase of doubtful meaning in the whole docu ment.' When the president said if some body would give him the name of "one of these gentlemen" he would send him a copy, several people in the crowd yelled "Reed." The president laughed. Not a Quitter.. The league opponents, said the president, seemed to be "figuring out how soon we could get out of it." Then he added: "I for one am not a quitter," and got a cheer from the crowd. . All the arguments of the opposi- j tion, Mr. Wilson said, were on an assumption that everyone was go ing to break the covenant and that bad faith was to be ,the universal rule. He described the arbitration of the covenant and said if any na tion went to war after these means had been exhausted it meant that that nation was determined to run amuck anyway . The president declared there was no party politics in the treaty and asserted that both the republican and democratic national platforms in 1916 advocated such an arrangement as the league of nations. So at Paris, he said, he had been obeying both parties. He said he was glad to get away from Washington, where he "heard politics until sometimes I wish both parties were smothered in their own gas." The American people, said Mr. Wilson, are to "see it through to the end, and the end has not come yet." If the United States keeps out of the league, he declared, another war like the last "will come soon," but if it went in "it will never come." It was a square cut issue, he said, whether the United States will redeem its pledges. Refers to Notes. For the first time since his speak ing trip began, President Wilson re ferred to notes, having a small type written sheet in his hand. Mrs. Wilson sat near the president at the luncheon and was on the plat form at the Coliseum. During the day many bouquets were sent to her and tonight she pre sented them all to a local hospital. After the evening speech the presi dent's party motored to the railway station and went directly aboard their train. It did not leave for some lime, however. Held back a little dis tanciJ by police lines was a crowd which repeatedly shouted to the president for a speech, but he smil ingly declined. Encounter Gunmen in Vacant Building Where Fight Rages Kansas Citv. Mo.. Sent. 5. One policeman was dangerously wound ed, another injured and three of their alleged assailants were wound ed in a downtown street skirmish here early today. The officers, members ot a newly rrpatpH nolice snuad to curb motor car thievery, were searching for own ers of a car said to have contained rifles, ammunition and a ouantitv of nitro-glycerine, and had entered the dark hallway of an old building in the business district when the al etrp handits onened fire, and a run ning fight of several minutes' dura tion began. Among property said to have been found by the police in the alleged bandit headquarters were Liberty bonds worth $38,000. Stops Coal Export. Antwerp, Sept. 5. M. Jaspar, minister of economics, announced today that exportations of coal from Belgium had been strictly prohibit ed, the step being taken to safe guard Belgian industries. llllllHnliitlll:::;iii lUMiHi!:!:!,,:,,,,,,,!,, ilHliiini.iiiiiiiiiilMlniiiliJiiliil;!!! f Mitwm tr - IS I Going Out of Business I J Our Lease Expires October 15th I Every Garment and All Fixtures and l Equipment Must Be Sold Before That Date i Hundreds upon hundreds of exquisitely tailored coats, suits and dresses will be sacrificed in order to sell them all before comes that we lock our doors. I ' Every garment offered is of the usual : House of Menagh quality. : . A great many women have always want l ed to wear our clothes, but have felt they : could not afford them. This is your ; chance. I : The stock consists of thousands of dollars : worth of the most authentic Fall and t - Winter styles. ' Suits for Women and Misses Z , College suits for the miss. I Tailored suits for the business ; woman. : Dignified suits for the woman of af l fairs. ; Dress suits for afternoon wear. : Coats of Every Type Leather coats. I : Plush coats. Rain and service coats. Cloth coats made from the softer and finer fabrics. Dresses For afternoon wear, - evening wear, office wear, morning wear. Remember Every Garment Must Be Sold Absoliitely Nothing is Reserved The Fixtures A complete setting of French room, tables, carpets and draperies. They all match. All Charge Accounts Are Closed. Accounts Due Us We Expect Settled by September 15th. No C. O. D.'s and No Approvals. All Sales Are Final. I s s i- .. ; ' ' 5 '. it e - :' 8 i ! - Armstrong and Brigham Held on Murder Charge (Continued From Page One.) signed by Beulah Scott, wife of the murdered man. Must Answer Charges. Following an investigation of the murder of Scott by the county at torney, which lasted all day Thurs day, including a conference with Police Chief Eberstein, it 'was con cluded that Armstrong and Brigham with Holman should answer in the courts for the death of the bell boy, who was shot down in cold blood without cause following an illegal raid by the morals squad on the Plaza hotel.. Paul Sutton, who was the leader of the raiding policemen, was not held. Neither did the county at torney implicate Detectives Thes trup, Herdzina, Crandall or Craw ford, other officers who participated in the raid. According to the testimony of Mrs. Margaret Roberts, who wasi talking to Sutton when the bell boy was frightened by the officer and be gan to run, Sutton ordered the men under him to "knock his head off; shoot him." A half dozen witnesses at the in quest declared that Armstrong yelled, as he followed the negro down the alley, Kill the Plot of Confidence Men to "Mike" Rancher Out of $8,000 Is Nipped in Bud One of Two Men, Who Wanted to Make Fortune for Grand Island Cattleman, Arrested by Authorities Stranger Writes Check for $10,000 and Makes "$64,000" Discovers That His Check Is Not Pro tected and Tries to Borrow Money From Farmer. It also was declared on the stand that Brigham fired directly at the fleeing boy. County Attorney Shotwell is said to have taken Poljce Chief Eber stein to task severely for the care less manner in which the men on the fore use their revolvers. "You either have not properly in structed your men in this regard, or they ignore your instructions," Mr. Shotwell is quoted as having said to the chief. Chief Eberstein several months ago issued orders to his men to shoot to kill any person who at tempted to escape. Police Commissioner Ringer and Chief Eberstein, despite the number of lives sacrificed because of the unlawful and careless use of fire arms by policemen, have yet to sus pend a single policeman for such an offense without being forced to do so. Have Not Been Suspended. Armstrong and Brigham have not yet been suspended. Detective Knudtson was sus pended only after he had been ar rested by the county authorities for shooting Charles Coleman, the sol dier, last March. In spite of the fact that the officer is charged with shooting with intent to commit mur der, and his trial still is pending in district court, Knudtson returned to work several weeks ago with the sanction of Commissioner Ringer and Chief Eberstein. Detective Sutton was the first po liceman to approach Scott while the bellboy was busily engaged in dis charging his duties. Sutton frighten ed the boy into running and Sutton gave the first order to shot him, ac cording to the testimony at the cor oner's inquest, and Armstrong ech oed the command, which was heard by Holman, the man charged with firing the fatal shot. Brigham also was obeying the instructions issued by Sutton, when, according to wit nesses, he took deliberate aim and fired his revolver point blank at the racing bellboy. Paul Sutton's Case. "I have gone over this feature of the case very carefully with my dep uties," declared Mr. Shotwell. "The matter has been investigated and weighed from every standpoint in the light of the law. It is my opin ion that Sutton was too far removed from the scene of the actual shoot ing when he is alleged to have given the command to shoot Scott. Only one witness testified to this, which was denied by several others. "I believe the testimony at the coroner's inquest shows plainly that Holman fired the fatal shot. I be lieve Holman fired the shot at Scott because he was told to do so by policemen, who also were firing at the negro. Holman evidently knew the men pursuing the boy were po licemen. He had a right to assume the policemen were engaged in the discharge of their legal duty, when he heard the reports of the police men's revolvers, saw the fleeing ne gro and his torn garments and then heard the command of one of the policemen to 'shoot the . .' Says Should Stand Trial. "A number of witnesses declared they heard Armstrong say this. Yet Armstrong and Brigham were so close together it is possible Brig ham is the man who used this lan guage, although I do not regard it as very probable. Brigham admits that he shot twice and witnesses de clared one of the shots was aimed directly at Scott. "I think both Armstrong and Brigham should stand trial for the killing of this negro boy." The police never have attempted to show that Scott was guilty of any crime. They have not contend ed he even was suspected of any wrongdoing. Sutton declared that when he approached him on the second floor of the Plaza hotel his purpose was simply to talk to. the boy. Every member of the morals squad, who participated in the hotel raid, declared in response to the SAYING AND DOING Our Motto: We tell you that we will be at your service at a given time and we are there to move you to your desti nation. It pays System Service Efficiency OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. Phone Douglas 4163 806 South 16th Street 1 An alleged swindle with dazzling details of sudden wealth was nipped in the nick of time and yesterday Deputy County Attorney Ready pre pared a complaint charging W. G. Kelly and Jay Miller with conspir acy to defraud and obtain money under false pretenses. Their alleged intended victim was George Falman of Grand Island, a young farmer. He barely escaped the loss of $8,000. Falman came into Omaha with a load of stock Tuesday. After he had disposed of it, he took a trip up town and was standing at Sixteenth and Farnam streets, when a stranger approached him and started a conversation. Eager to See Yards. "My, I haven't been down to the stock yards for years," said the stranger, who introduced himself as Mr. Kelly. "I believe I'll just go along down with you." The farmer gladly welcomed this company and the two men went to the stock yards where Kelly "rem inisced" about his own old farming days down in Missouri. - In the afternoon the two men re turned up town and were walking along Harney street, when they found a large pocketbook on the sidewalk. Kelly picked it up. It was full of papers and he said they must take it to the police. Asks for Pocketbook. They started for the station and were met by a breathless man who wildly inquired; "Did you gentlemen find a pocket book here?" Kelly said they had but he stood for honesty and made the man de scribe the pocket book minutely be fore he handed it over. The gratitude of the new stranger who said his name was Jay Miller was touching. But both men re fused the $20 bill he offered them. Wants to Pay Reward. "I am determined to reward you in some way," said Mr. Miller "Let's go somewhere where we can sit down and talk. Mr. Falman suggested his room at the Sanford hotel, and thither they went. Mr. Miller proved to be a wealthy operator in copper. He showed a certificate of deposit question put by County Attorney Shotwell that at no time was Scott ever told he was under arrest. According to the admissions of the police themselves, Scott was chased out of the hotel, down the alley fom Fourteenth to Thirteenth street and killed following the or ders of Paul Sutton to shoot him. It is not believed the negro boy even knew Sutton was a policeman when he was commanded to discon tinue his work and engage in con versation with the detective. None of the policemen told Scott that the unusual behavior of the seven men in the house was because they were officers. in the "International Stock Ex change." "If you hadn't found my pocket book, I would have lost $15,000," he said. "That is the same as cash. Do you blame me for being grate ful." Tia on Copper. Mr. Miller explained that he had a tip that "Utah Copper" stock was due for a tremendous rise. The of fice of "Utah Copper," he said, was in the Grain Exchange building. Mr. Kelly wanted to put in $500 and Mr. Miller took it and wrote a memorandum and Kelly went out to the "office" of the "Utah Copper Co." He came back and later Mil ler suggested that he go and see how his investment was going. Kelly re turned in 15 minutes with $1,560. "Over $1,000 profit on $500 isn't so bad," said Mr. Miller. "Now, boys, I'm going to show you some real gains. A thousand is just small change," quoth Mr. Mil ler. "And I'm going to put my own money in this and give each of you boys one-fourth of the profits and keep half myself. That's fair, isn't it?" Both agreed that it was, especially Mr. Falman. The copper magnate wrote out a memorandum and gave Mr. Kellv a "check" for $10,000 and sent him to the "office" in the Grain Ex change building. The three men walked about the city. Mr. Miller proved an enter taining ta&er. About 5 o'clock he suggested that they drop in at the "Utah Copper" office and see how much they had made. Says Made $64,000. Miller and Falman stayed outside the building and Kelly went in. He returned soon with a roll of bills and the farmer's eyes bulged out when Kelly said: "Sixty-four thousand dollars 1" "Not half bad," said Mr. Miller. "Now I can reward you boys right." But just as he was about to di vide the money, a clerk came rush ing hatless from the Grain Ex change building with Mr. Miller's check. "Say they say you haven't this much money on deposit at the bank. We can't take this," said the supposed clerk. "I'll have to take that $64,000 back to the Interna tional office until you get the money on deposit to make that little check good." "Tough luck," said Mr. Miller, handing back the $64,000." The three went back to the room in the hotel to talk it over. "I can raise about $2,000," said JUST BEFORE RETIRING Take Horsford's Acid Phosphate Relieves thirst and fatigue, refreshes the system and rests a wearied brain. Adv. Buy Paint at HARPERS East End Flatiron Bldg., 17th and Howard. Hurry Mothers and Outfit Your Boy for School Guarantee Boys' Department offers splendid se lection in Boys' Apparel, whether for school or dress, and are offered at substantial savings. School or Dress Suits Patterns of dark and light va riety in many novelty mixtures. Styles that are sure to please the boy. Built to stand hard wear. Sizes 6 to 17. 7.50 $().50 Two-pants suits, all-wool mix tures in the nobby waist-line and belt-all-around models, full lined pants with double seat. Sizes 6 to 17. $ 12o$i8J2 Shirts and Blouses A very unusual offering of school shirts and blouses with collar attached, made up in strong, de sirable material in either dark or light patterns for all ages. . 98c $1.25 up SCHOOL SHOES, at AND DRESS $2.50 HATS AND CAPS Large assort, of C and styles at. up ODD KNEE PANTS Unusual selection at $1.00 to $2.50 STOCKINGS, very special . . 25c YOUR BOY'S PHOTO, FREE ! If you buy your son's fall suit at "The Greater Boys' Store" we will giv you an order for one handsome cabinet size photo of your boy to be posed for at the studio of Omaha's leading photographer Sandberg Studio, Douglas Block. There is, of course, no charge for this. It is with our compliments and desire to introduce you to the largest and handsomest store for boys in Omaha. Mr. Miller. Then he had a bright idea. "I know what I'll do." he exclaimed. "I'll wire to my brother in Akron, O. He'll let me have $8,000." He sent Kelly out with the "wire." They waited an hour and then an answer came, stating that Mr. Mil ler's brother was absent on busi ness in Pennsylvania. Willing to Lend Money. At this point Mr. Falman spoke up and said he could lend the re quired $8,000 if they would take it the next morning. The following day he went to Charles Cox, South Side commis sion man, who had handled his live stock. Mr. Cox questioned the farmer. Then he 4ook him to the Stock Yards National bank, where he called James Owens into con sultation. The two called the police and Kelly was finally located and ar rested. Mr. Miller, the "copper magnate," had disappeared. Salt Lake Man Named Minister to Bolivia Washington, Sept. 5. S. Abbott Maginnis of Salt Lake City, Utah, was nominated today by President Wilson to be minister to Bolivia. Mr. Maginnis will succeed John D. O'Rear, who died at La Paz more than a year ago from smallpox. The United States has not had a minister to Bolivia since the death "of Mr. O'Rear. the legation being in charge Wilson to Try to Prevent Strike of Steel Unions Washington, Sept. 5. President Wilson has agreed to undertake to bring- about a conference between representatives of the steel workers and of the United States Steel cor poration in an effort to avert a threatened strike. The president was asked in a tele gram sent him today by Samuel (iompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, and the com mittee of steel men, to say whether a conference could be arranged be fore next Tuesday when the presi dents of the 24 international un ions in the steel industry will meet here to take such action as they might deem necessary. to ThompsonrBelcieii &Qx . J Established 18 8 6 TTLeT&sJiion Qenter orvomeii New Bags... Velvet bags in brown, navy, taupe and black. Tops are of tortoise shell, velvet and silver a love ly assortment. Priced from $4 to $20. Gold mesh bags, either . misers' purses or plain styles. Prices vary from $5 to $20. Fall Gloves... The girl who is going away to school soon will appreciate the effect that correct, well-fitted gloves may have on her costume as a whole. The new line of Bacmo gloves are espe cially fitted to her needs, offering a very swagger, soft cuff gauntlet in tan and brown for $5.50 a pair, as well as street gloves in gray, tan and brown for $4. All gloves will be expertly fitted. The New Suits for Fall Occasions If The woman who accepts only ap parel with a degree of perfection attainable through clever designing and careful tailoring, will undoubtedly approve of our extensive collection of suits. If The exquisite fabrics and shade which mark the Autumn season are embodied in tailleurs of the utmost distinction. If A Thompson-Belden suit possesses an air of exclusiveness seldom seen in ready-to-wear apparel. Saturday A Splendid Display Haberdashery for Fall THE MIEN'S SHOP - Neckwear of Silk Wide end and narrow four-in-hands, colorful scarfs knit by hand, and bat wings, too, in num bers. Fall shades are much in evidence in combinations you'll find alluring. Newest Eagle Shirts Await your viewing. Beauty of pattern, in genuity of weaves and artistry of color charac terize these better shirts for the coming season. We offer Eagle shirts because they are our kind and yours as well. The makers weave their own fabrics to give them quality and distinctiveness. A rep resentative selection is now ready. $2.50 to $13.50. Jewelry for Men Pins for soft collars, new styles, from 25c to $1.50. Attractive links for soft or starched cuffs, 50c to $5. Kre mentz, sterling silver and pearl collar but tons. Full dress and Tuxedo sets. Sterling belt buckles. Inexpen sive jewelry in perfect taste. Bath Robes New arrivals 3 oft, beautifully patterned robes of the correct weight for Fall. Nice ties of workmanship lift them niif. nf the nrrlinarv To the Left ' As You Enter class. Priced $6 to $20. Madbwy 0-2403 "What Shall We Do For the Servants?" THAT oft-recurring and perplexing problem of bathroom accommodations for the servants is easily answered if you know these things: How easily a new bathroom can be fitted out in the old home. How reasonable in cost it will be. How little fuss and mess it will create, rjow Thomas Maddock's modern, sani tary bathroom fixtures save repair bills. All this and everything you want to know will be explained to you if you will visit our showroom where these fixtures are on display. Come in and see them, anyway. You'll be under no obligation. United States Supply Co. Ninth and Farnam Sts. Omaha, Neb. or Consult Your Plumber