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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1919)
" . K ft 8 A Sciutti Side LIQUOR IN JOE BOX BIT COSTLY FOR JOHN O'H ARE Just' to Please Friends, Liquid. Was Cooled and - Then Judge Imposed $100 Fine. John O'Hare, proprietor of a soft "rink parlor, 4516 Twenty-seventh ,trft, pleaded not guilty to having - pitcher of intoxicating liquor in is ice box. "Two men came m with the "iimr" O'Har tnlrl the nnlic idge, "and asked if they could cool off in my ice box. , They said ."tey'd been carrying it all. day and lat it was too warm Jo drink. I lid yes, and the detectives', found there." A' "Just S100 and costs fot you." said ie judge, , ; , , , ' ves Frincl and Hellar the day he jtained a license for his soft drink Jirlor, 1 twelve Brothers and.-Sisters- Sine, Mass ; at 'Wedding Ceremony i , V Twelve brothers and sisters of iss Sarah Bevins will sing the :pital mass' at her wedding in St. arys church, June i; The weddine . of. Miss Sarah :vins,.' daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. rah ; Bevins, and George L. 'lompson, son- of Irs. Anna .lompson, is one of several pretty :ne weddings scheduled to take ice on the South Side. Miss Bevins has chosen Miss . -celia Bevins as her bridesmaid . 'd her four-year-old twin sisters, 'mice and Bernardettti, . as ring " "ircrs. Getorge Bevins, brother of ss Bevins, ,wi.I sing O Promise and Miss Mary Bevins , will ' g "Ave Marie." ' aks Goes to Show , and There Meets Old Friends From Russia l. Vaks, 4824 South Twenty-sec-.1 street, came to America 12 .rs ago from Odessa, Russia. He t many Russians after his arrival, V during the 12 years of his resi de in this country failed to et anyone from his home city :il yesterday, when he attended a iw. ; fter watching Mr.' and Mrs. Sa- in Russian dances, he went to : manager and asked to meet m. To his surprise, he found Y were not only from Odessa, but I lived on the same street as he 1 had come to America the same r. : ler Twenty Months in .Army,numn BacK Home William Rubin, 4328 South Six "rtth street, arrived home last j jk; after receiving his discharge .'m 'army service, Camp Dodge. Mr. Rubin had 20 months' army vice with the 89th division, 12 nths of which was with the army occupation in Germany. He was t by his brother Charles when he detf in New York. .itcher League Has Three" Games for Today Three games are scheduled for etcher Workmen league teams to played in Armour park, Twenty- jt and S streets, today. The first me will start at, 10 o'clock this -rning. V A formal opening o the Butcher 'orkmen league will be observed ' xt Sunday. A band will lead a rade through the business district id to the Armour ball park. 5vel filusicale at Store of Burgess-Nash Co., Saturday A "rather novel musicale in the ture f. a Leooold Godowskv- HI M t npfco : recital will be arranged lesday evening at 8:15 o'clock on i fourth floor of the Burgess ish Co. store by Dr. Cuthbert D. nith, special representative of the :opold Godowsky master school. .. amith will outline the work to v don in the master school at insas City, Mo., from September to October 11. inclusive. mum LIBERTY BONDS - Received as s savings deposit at FULL FACE VALUE - or Cash paid for them at MARKET; VALUE. Packers National Bank V r;? 24TH and O " First Foreign-Born Citizen Gets Creighton Law Diploma Claudio Detftala Came, to This Country From , Italy Only Five Years. Ago. Claudio Delitala, who was grad uated yesterday fr6m the Creighton College of Law, is the first foreign born citizen to, receive a diploma from this institution and to be aa-V mitted to the bar of this stale. " Mr. Delitala came to this' country : frpm Ialy five ears ago and became, a resident of Omaha in 1914, when" he established an Italian newspaper. "La Stampa."'of which he is still managing editor. He carried -the study of law along with his news paper work. . . v . lie was in military service for eight months at Camp Funstoin be ing discharged" last January. -While iji.the army he became an, American citizen, .which makes him eligible to be admitted to the practice of law.. He' obtained a college education in Italy. Thousand Omahans Join Organization of Colored People The Omaha branch of the Na tional Association for the Advance ment of Colored People , has en rolled 1,000 members during the past week. The Omaha quota is 5,000. . The drive ends June 15..;.,; The drive is national in its scope. It is the purpose of the organiza tion to have members protest against alleged ill-treatment of the negro. The association is at pres ent composed of 50,000 members. John R. Shillady is secretary of the national association. Local headquarters of the organ ization are located at the St. John Methodist church, Twenty-fourth and Grant streets. Rev. J. A. Wil liams is president of the local chap ter and Jessie Hale Moss, secre tary, y 100 Children to Be Confirmed at St. Anns Church June 15 Next to the dedication of St. Anns Roman Catholic church. Twenty-fourth street and Poppleton avenue, which took place a year ago, the most important event in the historv of the church will be the confirmation of 100 children of the congregation by Archbishop Hartv at 4 o'clock Sunday, June 15 This will be the first class of chil dren to have been confirmed in the historv of the church, and the music and decorations, with other festal features which will accompany the ceremony will make it a very beau- titul ana impressive event. South Side Brevities WANTED A delivery clerk. Hlnchey Laundry Co., !309 N street. SalesRlrls and salesmen wanted to clerk Saturdays. . See wag jaroiners. Aav. The Packer's National bank at 24th ami O pays the highest prloa for Liberty bonds. LAWN mower sharpening and repairing a specialty. Ptone South 18. Residence phone. South J314. Ws are paying the best prices for furnl ture. clothings and rags. We pay 214c a lb. for rags. Call South 3011. Mrs. C. W. Martin-s division of the Grace Methodist church will give a 1 o'clock luncheon at the church Thursday for all members of the society and friends. Mrs. E. B. Towl, Twenty-third and E streets, member of the City welfare board reported to the police yesterday the de struction or tier flower and vegetable gar dens by Borne vandal. Mrs. George II. Payne will tell stories at the South Side settlement children's hour today. Mrs. R. B. Macdougal and her group of campflre girls will furnish music. The funeral of Miss Bessie Slapntjka will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home, 1316 Prexel street. Burial will be in the Oraceland park ceme tery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Malnelll enter tained William Rubin, Mrs. Mainelli's brother, and John P. Malnelll, both just returned from trance, at dinner ivrllay night. A reunion of the 1918 class of the South Side High school was held at the home of Miss Evlyna Bird, 4016 South Twenty third street, Thursday night. Orchestra music, dancing and refreshments helpd to make the evening most enjoyable. Frank Pitha and Miss Frances Tomlsek were married Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. I). Weir, 4534 South Eighteenth street. Rev. A. H. Marsdcn officiating. A few of the bride's closest friends were present. For Sale One 10-room house built for two families: all modern except heat. Lo cated on paved street and alley. Cement walk, good shape, house well built and easy to heat. Price, $3,500. Phone, South 8j u. i. Harding coal company. , For Sale One 10-room house built for two families; all modern except heat. Lo cated on paved street and alley Cement walk, good shape, house well built and easy to heat. Price, $3,500. Phone, South 33. G. E. Harding Coal company. Mr. and Mrs. George H. McCormlck, 4301 South Twenty-third street, are entertaining as house guests, Mr. Mccormick s sister, Mrs. O. H. McKinnie, Belott, Kas., and Mrs. McCormlck s sister, Mrs. Grace Pin nell. Phoenix, Ariz. The two guests expect to spend the summer in Omaha. FOR SALE 5-room house, electric lights, gas, toilet. One block from car line. Gobd location. $2,250.00. a-room house, gas,' water. Nice corner. Only $1,800.00. 7-room house modern except heat, cor ner lot, paved street, $2,500.00. 7-room modern brick house, hot water heat. Corner lo TBxl20. Best of loca tions. Now vacant. Corner, lot, pavod streets, two 6-room houses, modern except heat, 1 block Xrom car. A splendid in vestment for income. Only $4,600.00. 4 lots, small house. 2 blocks from car Una, $2,500.00. Lot 120x146.. 8-room house. 4 blocks from car line, $1,850,00. One 8-room. one 4-roem house, modern exeppt heat, corner lot, on car lines, $3,750.00. ' , 8-room modern house, garage. , cora?r lot. $3,800.00. . . ' I J. H. KOrlETo, 4733 South Twenty-fourth street. J D ?1 CfauJioJDeltfaU : Three Hundred and Fifty Students to Be Given Their Diplomas About 350 students from the four Omaha high schools gradu ated Friday night at the joint com mencement exercises in the city auditorium.' Dr. Charles Flint of Cornell will deliver the commence ment address. 1 Central High will graduate about 241;. South High, 61; Benson, 16; and Commerce High about 35 TheT Central High baccalaureate sermon will be delivered at the First Methodist church, by Rev. Titus' Lowe. His subject will be "Build ing a Life." Services will begin at 11 o'clock. Rev. C. C. Wilson, Grace Metho dist church, South Side, will preach the South High sermon in the school auditorium. His subject will be "The Foundation," Services will begin at 8 o'clock. The junior-senior reception will be held Wednes day night at a local club. A class picnic and theater parties are other events for the concluding week. 'The Lion and the Mouse" will be presented by the .class Tuesday. A dime, matinee will be given in the afternoon beginning at 3 o'clock and the second performance at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. Calvert of the Benson Methodist church will preach the Benson High baccalaureate sermon tonight at 8 o'clock in his church. '.'True Strength" is his subject. Rev. Anderson of the Benson Baptist and Rev. Moneymaker of the Benson Presbyterian church will assist at ihe services. The South High class set a new record in scholarship by maintain ing a standard of work during the semester that exempted 32 per cent of the class from one or more final examinations. President Expects to Return Home to Confer With Cabinet by July 1 (By I'nlversal Service.) Paris, June 7. An apparentlv well founded report as to President Wlison's plans is that he expects to return to the United States in' time to confer with his cabinet before July 1. The president i.s said to be grave ly concerned over the' news of the bomb plots in America. Mr. Wilson is being besieged with appeals from America to prevent the carrying out of the war time prohibition act. An official close to him repeated today, however, that the president is unable to act fur ther in the matter in view of Attor ney General Palmer's legal advice that Mr. Wilson has no power to set the act aside. j ne president expressed warm satisfaction today over the adoption by the senate of the suffrage amend ment. He voiced his conviction that the states would ratify the amend ment and would thus allow the wo men to vote in the coming presiden tial election. Lieutenant Nielsen to . Take to Air This Week Lt. A. J. Neilsen, military airplane instructor, who was injured and his plane damaged when he tried to avoid cows on the landing field in Omaha after a 300-mile flight from Waterloo, la., is billed to do some thrilling air stunts in the sky above Council Bluffs this week. He will take the air Tuesday or Wednesday u repairs on ms piane are-nnisnea. Joe W. bmih, Mayor Zurmuehlen and a score of others are interested in Lieutenant Neilsen's work and are aiding him in carrying out his plans for, the Chautauqua season. which indoles 70 flights and lectures at as many., different assemblies. Council Bluffs will be his headquar ters. The flights this week are to be exhibitions ot his skill. The exhibi tions will be given directly above the center of the city. High School Principal Is Fined $5 In Police Court J. G. Masters, principal of Central High school, was fined $5 and costs in police court yesterday morning bv Judge Foster on a charge of speed ing. Motorcycle Officer Emery testified that Mr. Masters was driv ing 30 milesao hour on ihc Dcdge street road at" 10 o'clock Friday night. Adheres to Allied Powers. Paris, June 7. Admiral Kolchak, head of the all-Russian government at Omsk, in his note answering pro posals made by the allied and as sociated powers, declares that in in general he adheres to the orin- ciples outlined- by the allied cowers. v'HE OMAHA SUNDAY CIRCUS MAY NOT SHOW IN OMAHA BECAUSE OF TAX Ringling- Agent Says Omaha Tax Bars Reputable Shows . and Favors Grafters and Gamblers. There is only one great three ring circus touring America today, and that show, the con&olidated Barnum & Bailey and Ringling Brothers organizations is liable to sidetrack Omaha this season because of a new ordinance which imposes a tax said to be excessive on circuse's of this class. , ' S. V. Beckett, advance man of the circus, was in the city Saturday, -o arrange 'for the appearance of the rig aggregation here sometime n the "future. ; f Tax Now $500. ; He was under the impression that old occupation license of $300 per year was still in effect J but he learned that a new ordinance, oper ative June ,20, has been passed -ly the city commission and the license for first class shows will then !;e $500. "This," said he, "is prohibitive and may render it impossible for our circus, the only large one now FRANKLIN CAR BEE i JUNE ' 8, 1919. touring America, ' to appear in Omaha this season. We are only showing in the largest cities of the country and I find that Omaha now has the largest license tax for b'g circuses in America. New York city only charges $150 a day, while Omaha has puj the tax up to $500. - "Theatres are only taxed by city ordinance $100 per year, and the new rate fixed by the city commis sion would appear to be rank dis crimination and passed for the pur pose of excluding first-class shows. Favors Small Shows. "Smaller circuses, with ' many objectionable gairbling and ' graft features, and with their crimint! hangers on, are permitted to show at the old license and they charge the same prices for inferior per formances and attractions as the only big curcus in America." Mr. Beckett said Omaha would not be 'included in the itinerary of the circus as lor.g as the present icense fee operates and this will bring grief to circus loving person", young or old. The circus had ex pected to come here in August Two Boiler Companies on. Labor ''Unfair List" At a meeting of the Central Labor union the C. G. Johnson Boiler com pany and .the Drake-Mount-Williams company were placed on the unfair list. W. V. Angell, international or ganizer for the boilermakers, as serted that both companies had at tempted to befog the issue. While professing a willingness to meet their men, they have never done so, he said. ' Franklin Performance Newly Defines Motoring Comfort There are few motoring novices today and. most people know what comfort the average car gives. Now they are fast learning how much more they have long been entitled to. Growing familiarity with Franklin per formance is giving a new standard to many. Comfort as defined by the Franklin Car consists : In being able to ride relaxed, mile after mile, day after day, over rough roads or smooth; in being able to drive without conscious effort for hours on end; in feeling confident that no inherent fault of principle can be a cause of trouble. Scientific, well-balanced, light weight smothers road shock and ends tense riding. It also gives sure, safe, effortless control. Direct air-cooling no water to freeze or boil gives confidence in the Franklin Car's ability to start any time and go anywhere despite heat, cold, hills or heavy going. Day by day and year by year, the Franklin Car proves its ability to serve every motoring purpose, finely, comfortably and economically, by steadily delivering: 20 miles to the gallon of gasolint 10,000 miles to the set of tires 50$ slower yearly depreciation A demonstration over roads of your selection will fully convince you of the unlimited motoring possibilities of the Franklin Car. We will be glad to place a car at your service at such a time as you suggest. M II if 1019 Farnam St 2025 Ss l Brief City News Have Root Print It Beacon Press. Elec. Fans $8.50 Burgess-Granden Going to Lake Okonojl Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fleury leave this morn ing: for Lake Okobojl for the sum mer. Visits Sister Mrs. C. D. Cooley and son, Tampa, Fla., arrived yester day evening: to visit Mrs. Cooley's sister Mrs. F. H. Turney. Manlcy to Speak Robert H. Man ley, commissioner of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, will address (he Advertising and Selling: league Monday night. The address will be preceded by a 6 o'clock dinner at the Hotet Fontenelle. The subject of Mr. Manley's address will be "The Best Advertising Assets of a City." Arrives From Ovcrsoas-rWord has been received from New York by J. M. Taliaferro, 4512 Lafayette ave- nue, of the arrival there from over seas of their son, John T. Taliaferro. Taliaferro was connected with Com pany 249, military police, and is ex pected to arrive in Omaha within the next few days. He was in the army 21 months. To Speak on Experiences Dr. Cecil Johnson, son of Dr. and Mrs. John P. Johnson, will address the Omaha Theosophical society on "Im pressions and Experiences in Over seas Service" Sunday night. The meeting will be held at 8:15 o'clock in the rooms of the society, 201-202 Kennedy building, Nineteenth and Farpam streets. Arrested on Insanity Charge George Flokas, a Greek employed in a shoe shining parlor at Sixteenth and Howard streets, was arrested Friday night by Deputy Sheriff Lindsay on an insanity warrant MB worn out by Herbert P. Boss, Thirty-first and Webber streets, Florence, who said Flokas had been following his wife. D-Hioe and Card Party The worn en of St. Rose parish will give a dance and card party Thursday eve ninp at 8 o'clock at Father Flana gan's Boys' Home,-4206 South Thir teenth street. Knichts of Zlon Meet The Toung Knights of Zion will hold a regular meeting this afternoon at the Y. M. H. A. club rooms. 301 Lyric build ing. A big program is planned for the day. Kennebock to Salt Lake Lambert R Aennebeck will leave Omaha next Sunday t otake a position as sales manager of a drug firm In Salt Lake City. Kennebeck has been connected with the E. E. Bruce Drug company, Omaha, for six years. Fined on Liquor Charge! Joe Canpavno, 1113 Martha street, proprietor of a soft drink parlor, was fined $100 and costs in police court Saturday on a charge of un lawful sale of intoxicating liquor. State agents made the arrest Friday and testified that Canpayo sold a bot tle ff whisky to one of their num ber for $4. Paved Roads to Bs Topic of Both Cheek and Gillan Paved roads and all about them, as a starter for the paved roads campaign for Douglas county, will be the topic of speakers before the Good Fellowship committee of the Chamber of Commerce Monday noon. All members of the Good Fellowship committee have been urged to attend, and all others in terested in paved roads will be wel come W. B. Cheek and J. , M. Gillan will be the speakers. elton 8,000 Overseas Soldiers Arrive at American Ports Boston, Mass., June 7. The bat tleship New Jersey arrived here to day from France with the 313th and 314th machine gun battalions and casual companies, a total of 1,351 officers and men. On the Mongolia were Maj. Gen. Charles H. Martin, commander of the 90th division, and Brig. Gen. U. G. McAlexander, commander of the 180th infantry brigade, with head quarters outfits and the 358th and 360th infantry regiments complete. The Mongolia's total was 4,54 of ficers and men. New York, June 7. The trans port Kentuckian arrived today from St. Nazire, bringing 1,860 troops. They comprised the headquarters, first, second and third battalions of the 345th field artillery. 90th divi sion; three officers and 268 men of the 315th sanitary trains, 79th di vision, medical supply detachment, headquarters detachment, field hr pitals' Nos. 357 and 359, and am bulance company No. 359, and e. officer and 47 men of the 323d nntor transport company. Return of National Guard ' Completed, Officials Say Washington, June 7. Return of the National Guard and national armv divisions from France has beer completed, the War depart ment announced, and the homeward movement of the regular divisions began this week with the embarka tion of the principal units of the 6th division. The 4th and 5th divisions also are scheduled for return this month. it