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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1919)
THE' OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 5, 1919. 8 A' BIG GAS TANK BURSTS CAUSING INJURYTO ONE Windows Broken and Walls Cracked Wben Huge Nitro gen Gas Plant Ex plodes. Windows in the Cudahy hydrogen plant were ihattered and the walls cracked by the explosion of an im mense hydrogen tank 60 'eet in di ameter and 30 feet long, outside of the building at 11:10 yesterday Anton Yost,, an employe forking near the tank, was cut about the face and body and badly bruised. 'The explosion was caused by too much ' pressure being forced into the tank, according toA. M. An derson, master mechanic. The ex plosion was not heard but the shock was felt throughout the entire packing district. Windows in adjoining buildings wer shattered by the force of the explosion and a frame building near the tank knocked down. Officers of the company were unable to esti mate the damage until a careful survey can be made of the damage done the buildings. The hydrogen plant is situated back of the main building which es caped serious damage. It is a two story brick building and the walls are badly cracked. About 20 employes were working near the scene of the explosion, but all escaped injury except Yost. An oil tank was punctured by fly ing fragments of the tank. Shingles Blown from House. Shingles are reported blown from the home of Al Frank and other houses on the county line more than a mile from the scene of the acci dent. Windows were broken in the school house at Thirty-third and J streets. The Fenton Drug store at Thirty sixth and Q streets, near the scene of the accident, was badly shaken. The windows were broken and bot tles and packages shaken from the shelves. The entire telephone system of the Cudahy Packing company was put out of order and in some of the offices typewriters were thrown to the floor by the force of the shock. Solon JBorglum Sets Up Canteen in Ruins of Rheims Cathedral Solon Borgluin. celebrated artist and sculptor and a former Omahan, has set up a Y. M. C. A. canteen in the ruined cathedral at Rheims, ac cording to word received bv Omaha .i. ir. t 1 ":ij red triangle, worker last April. Mrs. Alfred Darlow is a sister and Arnold and August Borglum are brothers. Madame August Borglum and the wife of Solon Borglum, who1 lives in Norwalk, Conn., are sisters. McMillan Asks That He Be Correctly Quoted J. F. McMillan, chairman of the executive committee of the street car employes, speaking before the Central Labor union last night asked that a statement in which he was misquoted by another daily paper be corrected. He was quoted in that paper as saying he favored a 6-cent street car fare. McMillan said he made no such statement. But what he did say was that "If the street car company would show by its books and thereby prove that a 5-cent fare is not adequate to make the company fair returns, I believe not only the employes, but the public, would favor a 6-cent fare. But if they won't show their books I would take it for granted that the company did not have grounds for asking for an increase." v . Quarantine Not Broken by Donahue, Says Manning Ti t anrtinflf ' ritw nVlVCirian SaVfi that reports circulated about the breaking of the quarantine at the home of Tom Donahue, 2340 South Thirtv-second avenue, are false and that there have been no irregulari ties in regard to the quarantine at the home. Mr. Donahue took sick with the disease several weeks ago and was quarantined in the third floor of the home. The other members were vaccinated and the house carefully fumigated, according to Dr. Man ning. Later the two small children were taken sick. They are now in quar antine. Mr. Donahue, who has re covered, is living at the Omaha , Athletic club while the home is in quarantine. Directors for Chamber of Commerce Nominated The nominating committee of the Chamber of Commerce has prepared the ballot Jor the elction of direc tors for the coming year. The elec tion will be held January 8. At that time 7a directors will be chosen, consisting of a specified number from each different class of business The list of names to choose from is one of the largest ever presented, and officials of the club are anxious that every member vote, that the ones chosen may be the actual choice of a majority of the Chamber. The new directors will meet on the 11th, and elect the president, sec retary and treasurer, also the mem bers of the executive committee for 1919. .. Rescue of Last 200 Troops from Transport Under Way Fire Island, N. Y., Jan. 4. Re moval of 200 wounded, the last of ,the army transport Northern Pa cific's soldier passenger list aboard the stranded liner, was begun early today under clearing skies and in an even sea. Submarine chasers and" naval launches, carrying the men to the hospital ship Solace, were expected to complete the oper ation before noon. v Hosiery at Special Prices women s wool Hosiery Fleece lined, come In black only, ribbed tops, double soles, heels and toes, pair, at 594 Women's Silk Hosiery Fore thread silk, some silk to top, others lisle tops, double soles, beels and toes, in black, white and the wanted shoe shades, for 1.50 Men's Phoenix Wool Sox Fine make, reinforced heels and toes, in gray, brown and other colors, regular 1.00 values, for 75 1! WIS Stores Kayser Double Silk Gloves .. . 1 ft A EXCELLENT well-fitting Gloves, which we can afford to retail at the price mentioned below because we bought these Gloves almost a year ago. They come in black, white, brown or gray and will sell while a limited stock lasts, at 1.50 a Pair Main Floor Coats at Special Reduced Prices i mm i c i REDUCTIONS have been made according to styles and fabrics. The garments in these various lots are of qualities superior in every respect and the savings are unusual; all sizes. $25 and $30 Coats Reduced to 18.50 Warm Winter Coats, trimmed with fur fabric, plush or beautiful fur collars and cuffs, in all the new and attractive shades, and all desirable styles. $35 and $39 Seal PJush Coats, 22.75 Colors: Black, wine or the new green. Also splendid velour coats, heavy and warm all the classy new models with plush or fur collars. $45 and $50 Coats Priced at 33.75 The most exclusive models in all the smart materials of the season, trimmed with fur collars and cuffs; some have rich, deep fur borders. All desirable shades. Girls' 17.50 to 20.00 Coats at 12.50. Fine quality of velour, pom pom, zibeline, cheviot. Some tailored, others more dressy trimmed models. Also many with the large fur col lars so popular now. Second Floor The January Sales of Lingerie Crepe de Chine and Tub Satin Garments in a Wide Variety of Styles TAILORED or Fancy Skirts with georgette and lace flouncings, etc.; gowns with dainty fine lace insertions and ribbon finishings; envelopes in ribbon strap or high shoulder effects, trimmed with in sets of lace or georg ette, etc., all in the January White Sales 5.98 SKIRTS, Envelopes and Gowns too numerous to mention; lacy, fluffy skirts and gowns, with lace insets, or plain effects; the en velopes cut with strap or high pointed shoulders, with effective laces and ribbons; OO all sizes. Special, JtQ at Beautiful Envelopes of Crepe de Chine, 2.98 An Attractive Showing of White Undermuslins. Fashioned of fine, durable materials, with laces, em broideries and ribbons, including: Gowns, Envelopes, Skirts, Combina tion Suits and Cotton Crepe (towns. All sizes, new and original styles, at the following prices 1.95 1.35 and 95 Philippine Gowns and Envelopes, hand embroidered, all hand sewed, grouped in three lots. Special, choice, at 1.95. 2.95. 3.95 pREPE de Chine Gowns are a feature of this sale, spe., while they last 3.59 Camisoles of wash satin and rrepe de chine 1.35. 1.95. 3.98 Bloomers of crepe de chine, wash satin and jersey silk. Specially priced at 1.98. 2.9$. 3.9S One group of high-class Lingerie, in crepe de chine, wash satin and georgette, at 8.75 to 14.75 Large Size Skirts In a Special Selling Monday at 6.95 These skirts come in 30 to 38-inch waist measure they are designed for perfect fit over hips. Excel lently tailored, of a splendid wearing heavy weight mohair; in plain dark shades "or pencil stripes. At 6.95 the values are unusual. Second Floor Women's and Misses' Sweaters. TpINE all wool knitted Sweaters, in good length, plain or fancy weaves, deep rolling collar, pockets and belt, in a variety of styles, plain colors or fancy color combinations in light and dark shades; all sizes. Made to sell for 10.00. Special, at 6.95 Warm Underwear w Women's Union Suits. OOL or silk and wool, low neck, sleeveless, ankle length, with band top, regular and extra sizes; regular price 4.50. on sale, at 3.95 Women's Union Suits Heavy or medium fleece lined, in high n.eck, long sleeve; or Dutch neck, elbow sleeve; or low neck, sleeveless, ankle length; regular and extra sizes; regular prices 1.95 and 2.25; on sale at 1.50 Women's x Union Suits Cotton or fleece lined; high neck, long sleeve; or Dutch neck, elbow sleeve, ankle length; regular prices 1.25 and 1.50; on sale at 98 Boys' and Girls' Union Suits Wool; high neck, long sleeve, ankle length; sizes 10 to 18 years; regular 3.75 and 3.50 values; on sale at 2.95 Boys' and Girls' Union Suits Heavy fleece lined; high neck, long sleeve, ankle length; in white, peeler or gray; some with patent topped buttons' sizes 2 to 16 years; regular 1.50 and 1.25 values; on sale, choice, at 98d Third Floor Galli-Curci The Famous Soprano Is Coming TJ HEAR Galli-Curcl Is a rare treat indeed, and an oppor tunity which every music lover will want to embrace. Attend the concert and hear this coloratura soprano, the wonder-woman of grand opera, recognized as the Greatest Soprano of the day. Come In and hear the Victor Records by Galli-Curci. There ire some twenty selections, all recorded with absolute fidelity '.hat emphasizes the supremacy of the Victrola. This suprem acy Is readily recognized and ac knowledged by the world"s greatest irtists. UTl'BALLI, GALLI-CUBCI MAKES VICTOR RECORDS EXCLISIYELT. Victrola Department, Pompeian Room. Special Sale of Corsets Affording an unusual opportunity to purchase at almost half regular selling price the famous Bon-Ton Corsets at 5.00 in low top styles, made of fancy silk and mercerized broehe, Wal hon bone, elastic gores over thigh, six garters. At 5.00 Brassieres in front-closing styles, lace trimmed top and bottom, at 55 Bandaux in front and back-closing styles; wide elastic strip in back. 39 Third Floor- CorSetS Front-laced, long over hip, elastic band at bot tom, in back. 2.00 Bed Sheets, Sheeting and Pillow Cases, Fruit of the Loom Pillow Cases, 45x36, each, 45 Size 42x36, each, 420 West Farnam Bleached Sheets Thoroughly bleached, torn and ironed, hemmed ready for use; priced as follows: 72x90-in. size; each 1.39 72x99-in. size; each 1.52 81x90-:.!. size; each 1.57 Slx99-in. size; each 1.65 White Nainsook 36 Inches wide, our popular Queen Anne quality; sale price, yd. 25c Tulip Sheets 72x90-in. Bleached Sheets, with French seams in center; 3-in. hems; ready for use; sale price SSc Beautiful Utica Bleached Sheets Utica Sheets are consid ered by many keen judges of staple cotton to be su perior to Pequot. 72x90-in. size; each 1.49 72x99-ln. size; each 1.65 81x90-in. size; each 1.(1!) 81x99-in. size; each 1.75 SlxlOS-in. size; each 1-95 36-inch Iileaclied Mus lin, our popular maple leaf brand, full spring water bleach. Kegnlar 27c quality at, per yard, 18d Bleached Seamless Sheets 81x90-inch, easily laun dered; special, while 100 dozen lasts, each 1.19 Genuine "Bridal" Bleached Sheeting Fine quality soft finish, round thread cotton, free from dressing, sale price way below today's mill cost. Sheetings 10-4 width, 90 in, yd. 79c 8-4 width, 72 In, yd. 70c Aurora Sheeting, . Half Bleached A good supply has been the reward of diligent effort upon our part, and we are able to offer these prices: 10-4 width, 90 In, yd. 02c 9-4 width, 81 in, yd. 58c Bleached Pillow Tubing Extra fine quality, in as sorted widths, specially priced for this sale. 30 In, sale price, yd. 40 in, sale price, yd. 45 in, sale price, yd. Basement 34c 37c 39c A Sale of Very Fine Lace Curtains In Four Groups Arranged for Monday Selling Imported and Domestic Curtains. Some placed on sale because of small quantity, others slightly soiled. The display includes Brussels, Irish Point, Duchess and Novelty Curtains. Lot No. 1 Duchess and , Irish Point Curtains, 50 inches wide; in white, jrory and ecru; 2 yards long; reduced from 12.50 per pair to pair, at 9.00 Lot No. 3 Lot No. 2 Duchess and Irish Point Lace" Curtains ; reduced from 15.00 per pair to pair, at 12.00 Brussels Lace, Duchess and Novelty Curtains: reduced from 20.00 per pair to pair, at 15.00 T C "NTn X et' et Curtains, some 1AH IN U. rr plain, or plain centers with borders; others with lace edges; 36 to 45 inches wide, 22 yards long; reduced from 5.50 per pair to pair, at 3.75 5000 Yds. Curtain Nets in Lengths from ? to 10 Yds. At Half Regular Price Quaker Lace Curtain Net 36 to 45 inches wide. Colors, white, ivory and ecru. Former price, 75c ; now vard, 50. Former price to $1 yard, at ' C5 Window Shades Odd lots of Window Shades, to close, at, each, 75 Brass Extension Curtain Rods, 25c kind, special at 10 Ball Fringe, in assorted colors, worth up to 19c, at, per yard 5 Third Floor. Noteworthy Values in Linens 4.50 Table Cloths, 3.98 Made of a very fine quality Belfast damask, in the 70-inch size, in a beautiful range of round designs; wears and launders like the best linen. Each 3.98 All Linen Napkins, Doz., 3.75 Full bleached, Irish damask, all linen Napkins, in the 18-inch size; hemmed and unfinished ends; in a beautiful assortment of patterns. Choice, per dozen 3.75 Towels, 10c Full bleached, hemmed ends, In the Bird's-eye weave, soft and ab sorbent. Special, each 10 59c Fancy Linens, each 39c One lot of sample pieces, consisting of lace trimmed scarfs, with filet motives. Choice, each 39d 8.50 Table Cloths, 6.98 A limited quantity of very fine and superior finished high-class, all linen Damask Table Cloths, made in Ire land; 72x90-inch size. (No napkins to match.) Each 6-98 12.50 Table Cloths, 9.98 These are in the extra large size only, 72x144 inches; extra fine qual ity Irish damask, in a range of very pretty patterns. Each 9.98 Madeira Linens and Filet Lace Pieces 3.50 Filet Lace Scarfs, 2.25 Very pretty patterns, copied from filet pieces, slightly soiled and mussed from our holiday display, 18x 36 and 18x45-inch sizes.' Choice, each 2.25 Embroidr'd Tea Napkins Beautifully embroidered, with scal loped edge, 134-inch size, while this lot lasts, 4six for 00 25.00 Madeira Cloths, 16.98 All linen, hand embroidered Ma deira Lunch Cloths, in the '54-inch size. Very elaborate designs. (No imperfections.) Wonderful values. Each 16.98 5.00 Madeira Scarfs, 3.98 One big lot of high class, hand em broidered Madeira Scarfs, slightly soiled and mussed from display; won derful values. Special, each 3.98 Embroidered Lunch and Tea Cloths At Special Prices Monday Round thread linen,' in the 45-inch size, at 36-inch size ' 54-inch size i 54-inch size 1.98 1.75 3.75 4.98 Main Floor White Silks At Very Special Prices KHAKI Kool, Sport Tns sah, Crepe Tussah and suiting weight Shantung, 36 and 40 inches wide, for separate skirts, dresses and suits; worth 3.50 yd. Special, a yd. 1.95 JAP Habutal, 36 inches Hide, the kind that will wash and wear; regular 1.25 per yd., for this sale, yd. 89d JAP Habutal, 27 Inches wide, beautiful, soft, drapy fin ish, good weight, 89c quality, at this sale, yd. 59 . Main GEOP-GETTE Crepe, 40 inches wide, pure dye, all silk, a quality that will tub and wear, good weight, very firm, a splendid 2.00 value; on sale, yd 1.39 RADIUM Silk, 40 inches wide, very brilliant fin ish, suitable for blouses, dresses and underwear; regu lar 2.50 kind, yd., now 1.95 SILK Crepe de Chine, 40 inches wide, all pure silk, soft crepy finish, good weight, priced, yard, at 1,10 Floor White Goods Long Cloth and Nainsooks Values of Particular Note Imperial Longcloth Chamois finish, snow white, free from filling; wears and launders perfectly. 36 in. wide, 12-yd. bolt 3.G 36 in. wide, 12-yd. bolt X49 36 in. wide, 12-yd. bolt 1.98 42 in. wide, 12-yd. bolt 3.9S Imperial English Nainsook 40 inches wide, fine, light weight quality, pure white, contains o starch; J2-yd. bolt 3.95 White India linon, good weight, per yard 15 Imperial Sea Island Nainsook, 40-in. width No. 1910, in 12-yd. bolt 5.49 ' Colonial Nainsook 36 inches wide, soft, sheer, fine white; a splendid number for infants' wear; 10 yard bolt, in January Sale 3.98 Chimosa Nainsook 42 inches wide, a pretty, soft fabric, for extra fine, dainty undefmuslin; 10-yard bolt, in January sale, at 5,49 Chimosa Shadow Stripe Nainsook 3!) inches wide, for dainty Lingerie; 10-yd. bolt 4.85 . Imperial Nainsook 36 Inches wide, chamois fin ish, pure white; contains no dressing, 12-yd. bolt 2.98 Laces, Embroideries REAL Filet Edges and Insertions. All hand madej at, per yard 59 IDEAL hand made French and Chinese CJuny Laces, all linen; excellent for centerpieces and fancy work. At, pet yard, 85 CAMISOLE Laces, beading top and bot tom, shadow and filet pat terns, full widtli for en tire camisole, yd. at 79 IMPORTED Swiss Or- gandy Flouncing, 18 inches wide. Dainty, em broidered edges. Variety of designs; at, yd., 59 Main TTAL Laces, Edges, In- sertions and Bead ings. All widths; at, per yard, 5 OlLVER Lace Sands, 5 to 8 inches wide. Heavy embroidery on silk net foundation. All the new styles; at, yd., 1.50 IMPORTED Organdy Flouncing, 27 inches wide, beautifully embroid ered in eyelet and blind patterns. All crisp, sheer, new styles; at, yd., 9S ILET Laces, white and cream, 6 inches wide. Excellent copies of the real. Per yard. 25d Floor The Fancy Goods Sale Royal Society Package Goods. The new spring line, including chilflien's dresses, women's underwear, baby pillows and robes, scans, etc., now displayed and on sale in our Art Department TABLE Squares, 2Sx28-inch size; in hemstitched, blue print Japanese patterns, choice 59d SCARFS to match the bine print squares; size 16 x 52 inches, at 594 CCAEFS, stamped lace trim- med, in three dainty and attractive designs, excellent materials, at gf) Third STAMPED Linen Gteit Towels, dainty designs, some of these with hem stitched ends, others for cro cheted edges. Each, 49d and 894 pBETOXNE Knitting Bags, large variety of patterns, all trimmed with silk orna ments. Each 59J Floor ' 1 -- - --- --..I, ; .I,,,, r ,;w;..y : -.- Ti - J; 7, . . - .;.7mr ;r, " - - - - . ... .....-.- ; ; J