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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1919)
RIEF RIGHT REE Z Y ... BITS OF NEWS OMAHA GOLDEN CITY OF GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES OF THE GOLDEN WEST The Omaha - : ..-..' Bah; Bee "JIMMIE" SHORT $60,000 BUT GETS ANOTHER CHANCE. Chicago, Jan. 3. Short in his accounts $60,000, James Grannan, cashier of a grain brokerage firm and well known in La Salle street -as '"Jimmie," surrendered to ther police today. Grannan, who started with the firm as a boy, lays he spent the missing money in- speculation, but he and his family lived modestly and he was not dissipated. Emmanuel Rosenbaum, head of thefirm. has declared he will give . "Jimmie" another chance. SOLDIERS OF FRANCE ENTER HUNGARY'S CAPITAL. Paris, Jan. 3. Two thousand French soldiers have entered Buda ii.. u...:. ... i i ing to a telegram from Zurich to the Temps. One detachment occupied : the castle of Count Karolyi, where Field Marshal Von Mackensen of the German army is interned. MICHIGAN RATIFIES DRY NATION AMENDMENT. Lansing, .Mich., Jan. 3. The Michigan legislature - today ratified' the amendment to the United States constitution providing for a dry nation, only three votes being against the proposal. Michigan is the sixteenth state to ratify the prohibition amendment to the federal constitution. Twenty more states must take like action to adopt the amendment as proposed by congress. .'BLACK POPE" PERMITTED TO RETURN TO ROME. Rome, Jan. 3. Father ' Vladimir Ledochowski. general of the So c.ietv of Tesus and known as "the . Black Pope." has obtained Dermis -sion to return to Italy and reside in K. . ... .1. A 1. . KOmc on ine grounq inai jic is a f Polish citizen, according to' the t Italia. . Father Ledochowski is a nephew nf the late Cardinal Ledochowski. He was elected Iead of the Society of Jesus in February, 1915, in suc cession to. Father Wernz. SALESMEN ORGANIZE SOCIETY OF ORDER HOUNDS. Chicago, Jan. 3. A national or ganixation known as the Exalted Society of Order Hounds, composed 'of order salesmen from all branches 'of commerce and industry, was formed today with the installation of Kennel No. 1. The society, semi secret and fraternal, was formed to develop scientific- selling methods and higher ideals in the lives of the members. Kennel officers are senior watctv junior watch dog. of ficial growler and big barker. "Woof, Woof is being considered for the slogan, V 1 VKJU. 40. riJ. Hi. oh f. 0. act t ifarek 3. 1179 OMAHA, : SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1919. Dally ant Sua.. SS.W: ItuMlda Nak. tftmf antra Bit Mall (I tr). Oallj. H.JO; Soaau. S2.M: TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER; Fair and Warmer Hourly Imirluri. - 5 a. in IS 1 p. m. in 6 m.. ...... IS t p. m '. 7 a. m... 17 1 S p. ni. .... .. H a. ni 17 I 4 p. m. ...... .4 t a. ni 17 i p. in. . 4 10 a. m IS S p. ni 4 11 a. m ...IS) 7 p. m. ....... 4 1 m. 11 1 S p. m. .-...,.. mm rn UVL PRESIDENT ifiniAfi.iir' Abduction of Step-child Vharged Against Woman its HER WILL mm Mm wimmro entire VfHlllil ur ouum ;SREDICTION rmpefture of 18 Below Zero : Recorded Friday Morning; ' Cord Spell isWide- " ! . spread. v.Nbraska was about 50 degrees polder than Wyoming yesterday, ac cording to reports at the Omaha weather bureau. Shortly after 8 o'clock Friday morning it was 18 de grees below zero in Omaha. At the same time it was 32 degrees abve rero in Sheridan, Wyo.. and 20 de gress above in' Cheyenne. Some Wyoming towns reported almost 40 iegrees above zero. "Colonel". Welsh, in charge of the local weather bureau, promises rap idly, rising temperature by this morning. The temperatures in Wyoming rose in quick jumps after .the old snap there and officials say that normal temperature will return here in ft surprisingly short time. Temperatures in Nebraska ranged from 26 degrees be!ow zero at O'Neill to 18 and 15 below at Oma ha and Lincoln, respectively. Reports show similar weather conditions prevailing in South Da kota and western Iowa. At Sioux City, la., the thermometer regis tered 20 degrees below the zero mark, while at Mitchell. " S. D., the temperature was 35 below zero. .? r ; Spreads to Gulf. Washington, Jan. 3. The western pold wave spread southward today to the gulf coast and northwest rlonda and eastward over the Ap palachian mountains, with indica tions that it. would reach all parts of the east tonight and tomorrow A decided drop in temperatures was predicted. Its duration will be brief. -, Moorhead, Minn., with a minimum reading of 34 degrees below zero, held the cold weather record in the northwest. The cold extended generally to the south, Jackson, Miss.,- reporting a foot of snow, the heaviest in 20 ears. 1 '7 Below in Chicago. Chicago,, Jan. 3 Chicagoans scur ried to their various vocations today in a temperature of 7 degrees below zero, with assurance from the weath er forecaster that it would be cold er before it became warmer. To add to the. discomfort of those out of doors a stiff wind was blowing from the west. , The health commissioner and oth er physicians declared the cold weather had brought a lessening in the number of influenza cases. a Beyond "slowing up" street traf fic the weather bad no effect on transportation. One hundred fire alarms were turned in since last night, due mostly io overheated furnaces.and flues. French President May Visit . ; the United States in August Paris, Jan. 3. President Poincare -may visit the United States some time. in August. writes Charles Qmessa in L'Infonuatiou today, OF ITALIAN ROYALTIES Party Reaches Eternal Shore for Three-Day Visit and is Greeted by Cheering -Throng. - Rome, Jan. 3. President Wilson arrived in Rome at 10:25 o'clock this morning. He was received at the station by King Victor Em manuel and Queen .Helena, mem bers of the government and repre sentatives of the local authorities. An immense crowd welcomed the president with great enthusiasm. King Victor Emmanuel has ac cepted an invitation to have lunch eon with President Wilson and fam ily at the residence of Ambassador Puge on Friday. The program arranged for Presi dent -Wilson's entertainment today included a luncheon with Queen Jilother Margherita, a reception by tlu Parliament and a state dinner h Tfincr Virfnr TTmmaniipl fr1- it jaV III Jibuti or MRS. ELLA CAMMENZIND AND HER STEPDAUGHTER u-itn loA'ing the visit to the president of a deputation from the quinnal. To Confer Citizenship. . In the evening the citizenship of Rome will be conferred up the American executive. On Saturday there will be a lunch eon at the American embassy in hot-r of the-, president. This also is the day set for his visit to Pope Benedict' and for his reception to Protestant bodies at the. American church. He will take dinner lWitb the court. The president expects to leave for Genoa on Sunday and possibly i will go to Mjjaih-tn Moi'jdsy he will arrive at Turin, wheie hewitr-ffialcehWTrstt; on- .Monday leaving for Paris night ' Pisa. Tan. 3. When Pisa was reached by the presidential special" train last night Mr. Wilson and his party had retired. Count Di Cel- lere, Italian ambassador at Wash ington,' and Thomas Nelson Page, American ambassador to Italy, de scended to the station platform ana conversed with officials. ' ; The oeoDle were asked not to . dis turb the nresident by cheering when the train passed through towns and cities. : Bonfires in honor of Mr. Wilson were lighted in many places. Dinner in Genoa. Genoa Jan. 3. President-Wilson and his party arrived here last night in time for dinner. Mayor Massone was at the station to meet the train and made arrangements for Mr. Wilson to visit points of in terest when he arrives here on his return from Rome Sunday morning. On that occasion he will present the president with a set of richly bound volumes of the works of Mazzini and will conduct -Mr. Wilson - to 'tne birthplace " of Columbus and the tomb of Mazzini. The '. president will soend three hours ;n Genoa on Sunday. An autographed portrait of M.-. Wilson has . been given 'a place of honor in the city hall . ITALIAN PRESS EULOGIZES. AMERICAN , PRESIDENT. Rome, Jan. 3. The press throughout Italy published today eulogistic articles regarding Presi dent Wilson and the United States, virtually all of the newspapers de voting their entire front pages to the visit of the. American presi dent. "It is our intention to honor the whole American people in honoring President Wilson," , says Italie, which alludes to the people of the United States as "the most demo cratic, progressive and powerful in the history of the world." -The Tribuna's article says: "One might say that President Wilson, having left the capitol at Washington to be received in the capitol at Rome, has not . changed his rostrum, so similar are the feel ings and aspirations of the two countries." In the Epoca Prince Giovanelh, a deputy, publishes a leader in which he represents all Italy as "paying homage to the great American re public of noble ideals which brought it into the fight, side by side, with the peoples of the entente." Soldier's Wife and Unknown Man Found Shot to Death Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 3. Attired in silk pajamas, the body of a young woman, believed by the police to be Mrs. Irene Hayford, 25, oi Col orado, was found on the floor beside the body of an unidentified man, aged about 35, in a Penn avenue boarding house this morning. The woman vas shot through the abdo men and the man through the head. A revolver was found near by. The man was fully dresstd. Letters, from the woman's hus band, now in France, found in the room, failed to throw any light on the tragedy.- . '.,; Mrs. Ella Cammenzind of Har rison is Held on Complaint' of Husband; Is Suing for Divorce. Mrs. Ella Cammenzind, 722Vz Cuming street, was arrested today on a warrant issued in Sioux county and booked as a fugitive from jus tice. It is alleged that she enticed her 16-year-old stepdaughter, Mary, from her home at Harrison, Neb., bringing her to Omal.a. Charles Cammenzind, Mary's father, came to Omaha four days ago with his attorney and has since been searching for his lost daughter. He appealed to the police Thursday and Mrs. Cammenzind was found today with the daughter. The girj was also brought to the station. According to Mr. Cammenzind, his wife and daughter left for Oma ha on November 7, ostensibly to visit his cousin, Mrs. Matilda Cam menzind, 5135 .Emmet street. He received no word from them and finally wrote his cousin, who replied that , he had seen nothing of .them. "4- Sued for Divorce. ':' ' 5"otcHfiiTtrat zind found, through an Omaha pa per on December 7, his wife had sued for ft divorce iti the Omaha courts, charging him with great cru elty andasking for $20,000 alimony. ''When they left for Omaha I gave Mrs. Cammenzind a bank book with a large deposit at her disposal. I drove them to the deppt from my ranch in a car which I bad bought only for. their use." said Mr. Cam menzind. "I kissed them goodby, and told them to have a good time. ,1 have been married , to this woman 17 months. I met her at Douglas, Wyo., through a cowboy friend of mine. She came to my ranch as a cook. She told me she had been married before but that her former husband was dead. I'm of the Cath olic religion, and verified this before I married her. Now I find that she had been marfted twice. Her first husband is dead, her second di vorced. "My first wife died many years ago, and since I have taken care of my daughter, Mary, on tne ranch. She has learned to ride and 'shoot. She has had good care. All I want is my daughter back." Wife Tells Story. Mrs. Cammenzind has a different story. "He was brutal to me," she said, "and once when Mary didn't round up the cattle to suit him he kicked her. He was always com plaining that we sat in the house doing nothing while he worked. I have a mark on my head now where he struck me. "It was not religion that came be tween us. He could not have mar ried me if my former husband was not dead, so I just told him the truth about my first husband, and didn't mention the second one. I was raised in Omaha, but-1 won't tell you my former name. I was a cook at Douglas when I met him, and anything lookcjdgood tookj.nie away-from-that- I-went to church with him till h beat me. ; "He took us to the train when we came to Omaha, but when I offered to kiss him goodby he said 'damn your, kisses 1' I love Mary as if she were my own daughter, and she loves me." Mary said she would go back with her father. She said there had been some quarrels, but that her father had never abused her. The sheriff of Sioux, county has been wired to come to Omaha to take Mrs. Cammenzind back to answer the charge of abduction. Attorney J. E. Porter, of Craw ford, Neb., will file a cross petition in the divorjee suit. Setting the Pace EMBARGO IS PUT UPON SHIPMENTS FOOD TO EUROPE i Shipping is Not Available for ' Quantities of Supplies Now Accumulating on Docks on Atlantic. 1 New York, Jan, 3. Shipment of all classes .of freight, and particu larly foodstuffs intended for Ameri can troops abroad and Europe's starving people, was embargoed from other parts of the country through the ports of Boston,' Phila delphia and New York for export by order of the freight traffic com mitee, north Atlantic ports, repre senting north Atlantic railroads, at the suggestion, it was stated, of the federal food administration. Food and supplies are accumu lated on the piers of New York to such an extent that it is impossible for it to be handled or for cargo space to "be provided for its trans portation abroad. Similar conditions are declared to exist in Boston and Philadelphia, with the situation be coming more serious. Strike Hinders Shipping. Three principal causes are as signed. One is the strike of freight handlers,7 which was reported to be spreading today. Another was a dis position on the part of ship owners to put their vessels in drydock'upon being relieved from the war strain, instead of continuing the ships in trade. Still another was the holi day season with consequent decrease in labor facilities regardless of ex isting strike conditions. It was declared that vessels for use byeJthe food administration had cot becormvavailable in the tonnage that had been expected. The embargo began yesterday on shipments from interior points to New York over the New York Cen tral railroad, due' to the strike by freight handjer9. Today virtually every piet here was affected. ; .'" The "freight handlers have been receiving 42 cents an hour for a 10 hour day.! Their demand now is 50 cents an hour for an eight-hour day, with time and a half overtime pay for the ninth and. tenth hours, . PERSHING MADE SPEECHES FOR G. A.jUEADER Captain . Adams Tells of Part the General Took in Campaign at Closest Spanish War. ' 1 A discussion in the Chicago Trib une of General Pershing's politics in its bearing on him as a possible presidential candidate, has elicited from Capt. C' E. Adams, national commander of the G. A. R., his testimony gojng to establish Persh ing as a republican. Captain Adams last night sent the following dis patch to the Tribune: "Notice your Washington dis patch in today's Tribune regarding General Pershing's politics. In 1898 I ran for congress in the Fifth Ne braska district against Sutherland and was defeated. General Persh ing, just returned from the Philip pines, made several speeches in my behalf and for the republican ticket in my district, aj Red Cloud, Nelson and other places. I have kept up my acquaintance with the general ever since and he is a republican and I have known him as such since 1893." The article to which Captain Adams refers calls attention to the fact that General Pershing married the daughter of Senator Warren of Wyoming, one of the wheelhorses of the republican party, and secured his principal army promotion at the hands of President Roosevelt. On the other hand, the democrats de clare, that General Pershing was born in the democratic atmosphere of Linn county, and that his family connections are democratic. Per shing, himself, has been quoted as saying "I am not a politician, I am a soldier. My whole duty is to be loyal to my government and to the administration which directs it." Congressman Rucker, the Mis souri democrat who represents the district including Linn county, Js said to be making further inquries, but to express himself as "afraid fiSfiH.1! JIi.uK h Lepnblicaa' THAT'S 8CAIS rrvT Bit ti ALWAYS SO XHDA8U AND teliABte. ) , r -j3taB TOCAI, DISPLAY I r TttT IN" INC1?? ) 1 Afc results I vRi X2fSr LrV,l even Uter I Livl jf ME 2,041 SOLDIERS REMOVED FROM . STRANDED SHIP Transfer of Remaining 2dQ ' Wounded Veterans Will Be wwm-Today if m Weather Is Favorable. Fire Island,' N, Y Jan. 3. Except for 200 wounded .men, every one a veteran of European battlefields and more than half of them helpless on their cots, all the 2,500 soldiers who were passengers on the stranded army transport, Northern Pacific, were safe ashore or aboard naval vessels tonight. at the close of the second day of4ne of the most re markable marine rescues in the his tory of the Atlantic coast. When darkness began to fall, en forcing suspension of trans-shipment operations, craft of the naVy and coast guard had taken off the liner 2,041 troops, in addition to 259 sol diers and Red Cross nurses carried ashore yesterday in surf boats and the breeches buoy. Sailors Serve as Life Savers. The operation was completed without an accident, except for the capsizing of a life boat, and without the loss of-a single life. The Long Island coast guard won the honors in yesterday's rescue work and per formed valiant service in assisting the navy 'today. But it was the sailor men, skilfully maneuvering in a choppy surf, who carried their khaki-clad brothers to safety today. From early morning until dusk the rescue craft plied between the stranded troop ship and the flotilla of cruisers', 'destroyers and tugs an chored just outside the treacherous sand bars that brought the Northern Pacific to grief within a mile of Fire Island light. Light-draft submarine chasers nosed against the liner and took off,150 men at a time. The launches carried 10 to 30 at a trip and the whale boat and life savers' surf boats a lesser number, according to their size. Wounded, Lowered In Baskets. Sixteen ladders were dropped over the transport's bow. and down these able-bodied soldiers scrambled. The wbunded were lowered over the side in baskets, or in a few cases where shattered limbs had not knitted were carried down gangways to launches. Hour after hour the trans-shipment went on with a cold wind driv ing and spume drenching all hands. The wounded were hoisted aboard the hospital ship Solace without the injury of a man, naval officers said, and the well soldiers climbed the sides of destroyers, six of which steamed toward New York before nightfall. If the present weather continues a north wind was blowing off shore and the surf was moderate as nights set in the transfer of the remaining 200 men will be completed before noon tomorrow, naval officers said. The Northern Pacific, standing al most upright in the sands 200 yards off shore, was in no danger tonight, according to Capt J. D. Meade, coast guard officer. Britain and Holland Arrive at Agreement on Ex-Kaiser8 Status Amsterdam, Jan. 3. The Brit ish and Dutch governments have' arrived at an agreement regard ing the status of the former Ger man emperor,-according to a dis . patch to the Telegraf, from the Hague, , i BRITISH WANT TO KNOW POLICY TOWARD RUSSIA Press Asks Clear Statement Regarding Ultimatum Said. - to Nave -Been Pre- k sented to Germany. London, Jan. 3. Reports from German and Scandinavian sources of British naval and military activi ties in the Baltic provinces have created a demand by the British press for a clear statement of tht government's policy regarding Rus sia. I According to the Deutsche Tages Zeitung of Berlin, tne British have presented an ultimatum to the Ger man command that the German troops must not only prevent a further advance by the bolshevikl, but must retake Valk and Vlendin. If this order is not carried out, the German newspaper says, the'entene will march into Germany. There is no confirmation of these reports from any official source. Germans Refuse to Fight. Copenhagen, Jan. 3. The German troops which recently were forced to evacuate the Russian Baltic port of Riga hav retreated a few miles from that city, according to Berlin advices today. They are occupying the heights in the region. A-Riga dispatch to theVossiche Zejtung of Berlin gives a very pes simistic account of the situation in the Baltic provinces The bolsheviki, it is said, are well equipped with guns, ammunition and food, while the forces opposing them are vir tually without the very necessities of life. The German soldiers, the dispatch Continues, refuse to fight and even those defending the rail ways are deserting their posts, mak ing an orderly retreat of the Ger man troops impossible. s The correspondent says the Li thunians appear more interested in creating a number of small insignifi cant posts than in organizing a real defense against the invaders. It is reported in Berlin that 10,000 German volunteers, well supplied with war materials, .are on their way to the Baltic provinces. Confer on Campaifn Plans. Washington, Jan. 3. General Pole, commander of the British forces at Archangel, has arrived at Kkaterinodar in southern Russia, according to a cablegram received today by the Russian embassy from the Russian ambassador at Paris. Representatives of the Denikine government and other groups of loyal Russians met General Poole at Ekaterinodar vfor discussion of th campaign against the bolsheviki. Renowned Artist Dead. Cincinnati, Jan. 3. Frank Duve neck, internationally renowned ar tist, died here today of a complica tion of diseases, after a six months' illness. He was 71 years old, but up to the itme of his illness was an active figure in American and Euro pean rt circles. The three works from his hand that art experts be lieve to be his. best were "The Whistling Boy," "Portrait of Professor Lotffts," and "Girl and Forget-me-not." I Tjisondari Stuck Fast. 'Philadelphia, Jan. 3. The Dutch steamer Tjisondari, which went aground Monday night about a mile south of Fort Delaware on its way to this city with 70 enlisted men and 18 officers aboard, is still stuck fast. All the service men havfe transferred from the vessel. .been WAR BOARD ORDERS FEW CHANGES; UNION NOT VITAL FACTOR Ex-President Taft Reads Findings that Order Slight Changes In Working Conditions; Corporation De- :' clared to Be Too Chary in Dealing With Men From Fear of Recognizing Organization. HARDSHIPS FOR MANY FORESEEN BY LABOR CHIEF The hearing of the Omaha street railway controversy before the National War Labor board joint chairmen, WiU Ham H. Taft and Basii M. Manly, was concluded at 5:45 p m. yesterday, when Mr. Taft read the decision which he and his colleague had dictated. The taking of testimony in support of the grievances made by the carmen, and counter-testimony by the company, was started at 4 o'clock Thursday af ternon and was resumed at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, wtyh a brief interval for noon. fday lunch. The decision went against the car- men in the matter of night runs' which the men charged had been arranged by the company to avoid the application of a bonus-pay fea ture. Provision was made for re ( opening this phase of the contro- ... l. : . 1. , , r- . vciy uciore ine war ooaru on ren ruary 1. v - Provide Further Hearings. The joint chairmen stated that they had not been sufficiently ad vised of the actual rulings of the examiners to pass on the minimum wage complaints. .Thev held that ! the wage of 42 celnts per hour, i r r r.t.1 A n A -f mi .M iltA ltA..J'. ... - I pivv.uu iui 111 uic uudius award, was intended to apply to adult male employes, and added that it would require the attendance of the board's examiners to investigate and pass on specific cases complained of. i With report to short-piece ; runs, which are from six and a half to seven and a half hours, the men complained that such a run does not yield sufficient compensation and requires employes toake trip per runs. This arrangement, th decision states, appeared to have been made to evade the bonus fea ture, and it was further, stated by the chairmen that the company neglected the consideration of fair ness. An amendment of this feature of the working conditions was directed to avoid injustice. If a conference between employes and company dots not get results, it was suggested that the matter should be referred to the examiners. . fin conection with the complaint by the men that the company-has shown discrimination against union men, the decision finds that ' the company is now endeavoring to comply with the orders of the war labor board. On the subject of collective bar gaining, it was found that the com pany is conducting an open shop: that the. roles of the board require that the company shall place no ob stacle or interference in the way of the union men, and requires that while the company must deal onlv with its own employes, it does not! prevent the employes from selecting! their own methods of representa-i tion before the company. v i j The company was found to have been within its rights in declining to' enter into a contract with the union, as the piles of the board do not re quire that the company shall deal by contract with a union, and in that sense is not required to recognize a union. ;;5 Employer Too Technical. Employers were cited as having been too etchnical intreatment of committee of employes in the mat ter of the latter's union identifica tion. Pride of union men and te;h nical sensitiveness of employer were mentiontd as factors which have led to troubles. The application of the men for a modification of the award as relating to increase of "ages, was denied; also the application for a funda mental change of schedules was overruled, as both of these features may be brought before a full board hearing on February 1 on which Hat tpctimnnv talrn in flmfi. this week, and such additional testimony as may later be submitted, wU be considered. Text of Decision. The text of the decision follows: "In this case the employes have presented hree applications. The first is an appeal from the rulings of the examiners in the interpreta tion of the award made by the joint chairmen of July 31. The second is a complaint that the company hat violated the award and a request that they be directed to comply witli it in the particular instances of al leged violation, and the third is for a modification of the award to in crease wages over the amount fixed in the award and for the substitu tion of the schedule for the dpera-. tion of the cars of the defendant company a new schedule, devised on a different asis, which will make the daily operations of service of the empldycs less burdensome. "Coming to the first aonlication the complaint is against the ruling of the examiners in what are called early and late runs. The daily rurt is now begun in the evening of on day and concluded in the early morning of the next day and the spread is calculated from the. begin ning of the service in the evening Gompers Would Not Demobil ize Army so Speedily as to Put Soldiers into Com petition for Jobs. Washington, Jan. 3. With Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, as the first witness, hearings were begun today under the resolution introduced by Senator Kenyon of Iowa providing for an investigation by the senate ed ucation and labor committee for the purpose of recommending legislation intended to bring about better so cial and industrial conditions. Mr. Gompers said that any at tempt by law to prevent labor strikes would be futile. He con demned legislation for compulsory arbitration and asserted that labor had prevented any considerable leg islation by the states looking toward this end. Thesudden transition from a war to a peace basis in industry may re sult, he said, in hardships to work ing people this winter, adding that many workers already had been thrown out of employment. He be lieved that the army should not be demobilized so speedily as to put soldiers into competition for the jobs held by men and women in the industries while they were in the military service. Labor will not take kindly to a "bread line" this winter after enduring hardships and sacrifices of war, Mr. Gompers said, when congress could help solve the problem, t As a substitute for compulsory ar bitration he proposed a system of conciliation and mediation. Mr. Gompers approved the plan included in Senator Kenyon's reso lution for extending the provisions of- the soldiers' and sailors' insur ance to the civil population and ad vocated a system of 'insurance against sickness, disability and old age. He did not approve the pro vision for establshinig a national tribunal to review and adjust; diffi culties -between workmen and em ployers, saying that was akin to compulsory arbitration. Mr. Gom pers will continue his testimony to morrow. Admiral Rodman Believes Huh Capital Ships Should Be Sunk Washington, Jan. Destruction of all capital ships of the German navy surrendered to the allies was recommended to the house naval af fairs committee today by Rear Ad-1 mirai Koaman, wno commanded the American fleet in the North Sea during the war. He said the German ships would not be needed, that they were of different types than those of the allies, and that it would be a waste of money to pay to maintain them. The admiral thought all the ves sels except the capital ships should be kept. Asked how officers and enlisted men of the American navy com pared with those of the British navy, Admiral Rodman said that In many respects American personnel as well as our ships had shown points of superiority. Premier Asked to Release Conscientious Objectors London, Jan. 3. A petition signed by a number of prominent English men has been presented to Premier Lloyd George asking for the re lease of conscientious objectors. It says the signers, who hold widely different political views, are united in the opinion that the time has come for the release of 1,500 object ors now in prison. Seven hundred of these prisoners have served two years or more, says the petition, (Continued on 's Two, Columa Om$-