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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1918)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY,-DECEMBER 27,1918. WILSON DEEPLY TOUCHED AS HE FACES VETERANS Pledges American Soldiers He Do His Bit to Pre serve Fruits of Their Sacrifices. Pretty Girl Held By Police By Associated Press. ''- Chaumont, Dec. 26. President "Wilson yesterday pledged himself 'to the Amer.can troops in the field to attain a peace which would pre serve the fruits of the sacrifices they have made. Standing with bared head in a field near Langres, over which Caesar marched with his legions centuries ago, the president told 10,000 American infantrymen that now that they had done their ' part to win the ideals for which America entered the war, they could ' depend upon him to see that they were preserved. The president came up from Paris to spend Christmas clay with the men who have done such a great . part in winning the war. Historic old Chaumont, headquarters of the American army, did itself proud in its reception. In its homely way it rivalled Paris and in the depth of its sincerity it fully equalled it. . . The oldest inhabitant was out with his age-old silk hat, the pret tiest little girl was out in her best gown. The streets were lined with American and French troops and the sidewalks were choked with Frenchmen cheering themselves hoarse. The moss-grown roofs of the houses were loaded with folks from the countryside who cared nothinp (or the raw, chill wind that swept over the land or for the occcasional rain or the touch of snow. ; ' Chaumont Civilians Wild. Cold, gray cloud banks shut out the sun and the ground was wel and sodden. But there was no damp, ness in the welcome. Chaumont simply went wild. The American troops, muddy, cold and soaked, but happy, seemed just as enthusiastic as the country people. The president's train arrived at . o'clock in the morning and the . party went at once to the city hall, where there was a formal reception, speeches and the presentation of dowers. i '. Less than a tenth of those incited cpuld crowd into the small room, which already had in place a tab let commemorating the president's visit. There were speeches, all in French, by the general commanding the district, the mayor and the pre lect. , The president nodded apprecia tively and smiled from time to time. Just as he began to make his reply, the military band in the square out side broke into the strains of "The ! Battle Hymn of the Republic" and kvthe president spoke to the dramatic accompaniment of the notes of the famous old American fighting hymn .5 The preliminary ceremony was soon over and the president and his jparty took motor cars to Langres, where selected, troops from six di visions were waiting to be reviewed, liiey were'gathercd in a field which might be likened, geographically, to the battlefield of Gettysburg. It lies' on a gentle slope between two elevations, with a range of hills on either side and a road running along j the top of one of them. Makes Speech to Troops. General Pershing opened the cere mony with a brief speech in which he presented "the victorious army"to the president The president addressed the troops as "My fellow countrymen" and a silence, which he characteriz ed as the quiet of peace, settled down over the spot as every man of the 10,000 stood at attention and strain ed to catch the president's words. -' For a moment as he spoke the sun broke through a rift of clouds and lighted up the scene, the massed troops, in their khaki, looking like great waves of winter killed grasses in the fields, then like long flashes of dulled winter sunshine. .Some persons of the party remarked that they were, indeed, the sunshine which had dispelled the gray mist. The president spoke for about five minutes earnestly and as loudly as he could. Probably half the troops heard him. They all seemed to recognize the historic significance of the occasion. There stood by thm an American president, the first in history to re view an American army on foreign soil. There stood a president for whom no like privilege had been available since Linclo'i stood on the firing line with his troops north of Washington. Certainly no other president of modern times, has re viewed so large a body of fighting men fresh from the battlefields. : Langres is not a battlefield; it is not a devastated section of France. As a matter of fact it has not seen a battle for more than a hundred years. It is one of the portions of this country saved from the ravages of the invading hordes by the men who were reviewed by the presi dent there today. War Crosses Plentiful. That this reviewing place does not stand on the rim of the crater of the volcano did not diminish the sig . nificance of the event tor everv man taking part in the review had seen action. War crosses were plentiful, the men had been through all and were veterans in eveiv sense of the word. There was an unmistakable flash of wholesome pride in the presi dent's eye and a- catch in his throat as he looked' at them and remarked what a privilege it would be to have been one of them. The moment the p'fsident finish ed speaking the review was on men, guns, horses tnd dogs. The headquarters' band began with a French air, then switched to "The Stars and Stripes Forever," "The Suwanee River," "Maryland and .Dixie." . ,The notes of the American airs were swept over :he bleak fields to the blue hills in the background i as the men began to move, march ing in company front formation wheeling past the reviewing stand, - eyes right. ..ft. ' First came the men of the Sixth division, veterans of the Meuse and , Argonne offensives; then infantry and machine guns of the Twenty ' sixth,' veterans of the Chemin-Des Hamt Chateau JkUrtv and the r POLICE LOCATE 2 PERSONS WHO SAW THE HOLDUP Ruth Lloyd at Whose Horn Murdered Man Wat Visitor. Argonne. The men of the Twenty ninth, also in the Argonne offen sives, were next and a composite battalion of the Seventy-seventh. Detachments of the Eightieth, who were in the fighting at Verdun last October, and detachments of the Eighty-second followed. The review was brought to an end by a long train of ammunition wagons, dragged through the mire by the inevitable army mule, who seemed to be the least interested of all, and a company of IS whippet tanks, which slewed and skidded, about in the mud and made every one wonder how the man inside must feel in battle. At the close of the review General Alexander stepped up to the stand and presented Mr. Wilson with one of the little silken statues of lib erty, which the men of the Seventy seventh wear on their shouldrs to denote their division. Dinner Plan Changed. The president and party then re entered the motor cars, going to Christmas dinner with the officers of the Twenty-sixth division, com posed entirely of New England troops. Dinner was served in one of the empty wards of an old French hospital several miles away. It had been the president's wish and plan to dine with the troops them selves, but in the crush of arrange ments something went wrong and the plan was not carried out. The president seemed to enjoy the dinner none the less. It con sisted of army bread without butter, roast turkey with dressing, boiled onions, . French lettuce and coffee without cream. All was served in the simplest style and with little ceremony. The headquarters band gave the president four ruffles and four flour ishes when he came, and when he went away he simply waved his hand to all, and with a smile said: "Well, goodbye. Hope to see you again soon." From dinner the president went on a tour of billets in the nearby neighborhood, all of them on the road returning to Chaumont, and inspected personally several of the places where the men live with old French families, some of them in thatched huts. The president told those about him that he had passed through the greatest day of his life. ' The French thought it was a great day for tjjem and the Ameri cans were sure it was no less great for them. All' the American troops in the vicinity who were not con cerned in the review were some where to see what was going on. Pope Pledges His Support of Peace Congress Decisions Rome, Dec. 26. In reply to Christmas, greetings of the Sacred college, Pope Benedict expressed a wish that the decisions of the com ing peace congress not only would re-establish order, but would give a new birth "to human sentiments which will render communion- with our brothers and the sacrifices made for them sweet." The pontiff declared that he would do all in. his power to facilitate ac quiescence in the decision of the congress in order to insure a just and durable peace. General Fayolle Given Medal. Paris, iDec. 26. (Havas.) Gen eral Fayolle of the French army, re cently received the American Dis tinguished Service medal. It was given him by Col. Bentley Mott, who went to Kaiserlauten as Gen eral Pershing's representative. WEATHER WORN TARS OF FLEET GIVEN WELCOME (Continued From Page One.) cd to the bridge and doffed their hats to the lighting men. Then getting under way, the May flower moved along with the trans port and after a sailor had wig wagged to the larger vessel the compliments of both secretaries the yacht's band played the "Star Spangled Banner." Instantly those abroad the Saxonia, who were able to stand came to attention and then at the end of the anthem, broke'into a prolonged cheer. In beginning its tour of the fleet, the Mayflower first reached the Florida, last to anchor. As the yacht moved through the lane of fighting craft with the home fleet to port and the veterans to star board each ship was dressed and from each of the new arrivals came the strains' of the national anthem, played by the ship's band as the Mayflower came abreast. Line Extends Six Miles. Under the shadow of the New York shore, 300 yards apart, the "bridge of steel" extends six solid miles from Fifty-fifth street to Fort Washington park, where, in revolu tionary days an iron chain was stretched across the river to bar the progress of hostile craft. A touching scene was enacted in the main salon of the Mayflower, where Mr. Daniels welcomed his guests. Among those invited to witness the review from the presi dential yacht were the wives of naval officers home at last after 18 months' service in foreign waters. If the officers devoted no more time than courtesy demanded to paying their respects to the secretary before greeting their wives, Mr. Daniels showed no disposition to chide them. Rodman Leads Parade. The reception ended, Mr. Daniels and Admiral Mayo landed, entered a machine and drove to the head of the long column of sailors formed on Broadway. Rear Admiral Rod man led the line on foot. With a detachment of marines at its head, the colun moved down Broadway to Fiuy-ninth street, crossed to Fifth avenue and then swung down that historic thorough fare. At the public library Mr. Daniels and Admiral Mayo left the line to take their places with the other members of the Mayflower's party, who had preceded them to the reviewing stand. Following the marines were pla toon after platoon of sailors from each of the ten ships which came home today. Each contingent ca -ried the ship's flag at its head and each received round after round if applause. Fully 10,000 men were in line and in many instances dogs taken aboard in England as mascots, scampered along with their shipmates, gaily decorated with American and Brit'sh flags. After the parade the men im mediately embarked for their shir j, there to receive shore liberty. Tonight a remarkable spectacle was seen on the Hudson. Each ship was brilliantly illuminated w'th electric lights, making the river a sea of fire for more than six miles. The New York shore was ablaze with roman candles. Wilson Stops Motor Cars For Aged Woman's Flowers President Notes Distress of French Grandmother Along Road and Sees Her Desire Granted. Chaumont, Dec. 26. Just as the presidential line of motor cars on the way to review the U. S. troops yesterday gained the crest overlook ing the men, a very old French wo man standing at the roadside waved frantically at the passing cars to take in; a boquet of flowers she wanted 4o give to Mrs. Wilson. Jhe long line of cars had swept 0 r on, showering the dismayed old woman with mud, when the presi dent caught the situation and stop ping the line he sent a colonel back through the mud to get the flowers. A temporary walk Had been built over the quagmire of the reviewing field to the stand and then the presi dent toob'his place, surrounded by General Pershing, Mrs. Wilson, Rear Admiral Grayson,' General Liggett, General Alexander and General Hale, commanding the Twenty-sixth division. . A raw wind swept the place with a vicious bite, and while the band was playing the members of the presidential , party, were glad to stamp tine. (Continued From Fair One.) . tery. Glynn was shot near his heart and the condition of his overcoat and flesh indicate that the shot was fired at close-range. No motive for the crime has beenascribed, other .than the holdup story. When Glynn's body was found, his pockets contained a watch, a diamond ring and $11 and another ring was dn a finger. Mr. Anderson, one of the Wednes day night celebrants, stated that he1 is a sheep rancher at IrvingtOnj that he came to Omaha to beguile the time in a fancy-free manner. He told Chief Briggs that he happened into a soft drink parlor at Thirteenth and Douglas streets, .known as "Skin ner's." There he met a party of men whom he joined. He said they were all strangers to him. Two of the men were Glynn and Bruce and the other man is the fourth man now being sought by the police.' After several l.ours of pleasantries in the , soft drink place, Anderson related, they engaged a taxicab from the Paxton hotel stand and then all drove to the Drexel hotel, with no particular ob ject in mind. From the Drexel hotel they proceeded to the Lloyd woman's place on Twentieth street, near Nicholas street. Chief Briggs ventured his opinion that the chauffeur "had the number" of ,the Lloyd place and was accom modating his passengers by going there. Drink Some Booze. Briggs has checked up the fact j that the men were served whisky in j tlie Lloyd woman's place and that tne JJavis woman was tnere. Alter a convivial period in the Twentieth street house, the party drove back to the Drexel hotel, where the men conversed for a few minutes. Glynn Anderson and Bruce agreed to re turn to Miss Lloyd's house for more conviviality. "When Glynn, Bruce and myself mentioned that we were going to return to the Twentieth street house the chauffeur and the fourth man of our party left us and that was the last I saw of them, Anderson re lated. Anderson stated that he, Glynn and Bruce started back to the Lloyd house afoot and reached Sixteenth and Cuming streets when, just as they turned the corner to go into Cuming street, two men commanded them to stop. "One of the men was masked. When they searched me they told me to run, indicating south on Six teenth street. I started back," An derson continued, "and at the cor ner I met" a soldier, who told mc that he had witnessed the hold-up. I went back to the Drexel hotel with the soldier and did not witness the rest of the hold-up." Heard Several Shots. Anderson stated that while re turning to the Drexel with the sol dier he heard several shots fired. The police are endeavoring to lo- I cate the soldier for the value of in formation he may offer to assist in clearing up the affair. Bruce, who is said to have been with Glynn when the latter was kill ed, is being investigated by the po lice. Chief Briggs will not allow newspaper men to interview Bruce. Anderson is not able to give a very definite account of the hold-up to the time that he did a quickstep back to the Drexel. He is unable, ac cording to Briggs, to stte whoithe highwaymen were. Hefde'clared, however, that the general appear ances of one of the gunmen tallied with a description of a man he met in the earlier hours of the night. Ruth Lloyd at first denied that the men had been in her house, but later admitted the fact when quizzed by Crief Briggs. She stated that the party of five had been entertained in her apartments and that whisky was served. , Alvin Wick, arrested in Ruth Lloyd's room, told the police that he is a baker. Two Men Saw Holdup. Twooccupants of the Reo hotel, North Sixteenth street, told the po lice that they were awakened by the sounds of shots at 3:20 o'clock. They looked out of a window and saw a man standing at Sixteenth ""and Cuming streets, holding his hands up while two men were searching him. i A clerk at the Drexef hotel report ed that a few minutes before Glynn, Anderson and Bruce left the hotel on the second early-morning occa sion he observed two men talking to them. He gave accurate descrip tions to the police who are inclined to believe that these are the same men who have been robbing drug stores in Omaha for several weeks. In his investigation of what oc curred in the Skinner soft drink place Chiet Briggs stated that An derson said nO liquors were bought there. "The men in our party had bot tles of liquor while we were at Skinner's, but they did not buy them there," Anderson said. French Killed and Missing in War Nearly 2,000,000 Paris, ' Dec. 26. Announcement was made in the chamber of deputies today by M. Abraz, under-secretary of state that France's losses in offi cers and men killed up to November 1 of the present year aggregated L 071,300, .divided as follows: Officers 31,300, men 1,040,000. The number of dead, prisoners and men missing was given as 42,600 officers and 1,789,000 men. The missing aggregate 3,000 offi cers and 311,000 men. The prison ers still living total 8,300 officers and 438,000 men. German War Profiteers Removing Booty Out of Country by Airplanes Munich, Dec. 26. The Munich Post, today prints a startling charge that German war profiteers, unable otherwise to get their, booty out of the country, have re sorted to the use of airplanes. Ac cording to the newspaper, several airplanes have taken securities of enormous value from Frankfort to Switzerland. ! The Post urges the government to seize capital where it is avail able, especially in banks, RADICALS SEIZE WAR MINISTRY IN HUN CAPITAL (Continued From Page One.) sailors with machine guns as soon as it arrived. u The sailors then attacked the headquarters and captured Wels and his aides. Theywere detained in a palace, but were released ultimately. Ebert Summons Guard. About the same time a crowd of sailors marched to the chancellor's palace for the puropse of interpel lating the Ebert-Haast cabinet. The members of the cabinet were de tained for two, hours. Premier Ebert, fearing that an attempt was being made to overthrow the cab inet, summonded the Potsdam guards. .Three companies of infan try and a battery of field artillery presently appeared before the palace, behind the iron gates o which were 80 sailors with machine guns. The troops demanded that the sailors disarm and disband. It. appeared for a while that a serious clash was impending, but Ebert finally mounted a motor truck and an nounced that the government want ed bother armed iorces to with draw. The cabinet, he said, was satis fied to dispense with further pro tection. A long coniroversy as to which side would mcve first was settled by the simultaneous depart ure of guards and sailors in opposite directions. ' , Wels, the military commander, had been particularly obnoxious to the radicals and there had been strong rivalry between the republi can guard under his leadership and the public safety police organized by the independent socialists. Both organizations probabiy will be sup planted by mounted troops which ar now stationed in local barracks. Herman Molkenbuhr, former head of the soldiers' section of the ex ecutive committee of the soldiers' and workmen's coancil, has been appointed military commander in Berlin in succession to Wels. Mutineers Hoist White Flag. J-onuon, JUec. Jo. I he mutinous sailors who had been holding out in the Red palace at Berlin have hoisted tlie white flag and have been allowed to leave under goard, ac cording to advices from Berlin sent by the Exchange Telegraph cor respondent at Amsterdam. Govern ment troops, the messags adds, now occupy the palace and the royal stables. Nearly 100 persons were killed in the street fighting which began in Berlin on Tuesday morning, accord ing to the latest reports from the German capital, transmitted by the Exchange Telegraph correspondent at Copenhagen. The republican guards tried several times to take the royal stables and the headquar ters of the revolting sailors, but were repulsed. Many soldiers belonging to the Berlin guard and a. few of the re publican guards joined the sailors, vorwaerts reports. Civilians Join Sailors. When these reports were sent a large number of armed civilians w,ere continuing to join the sailors, not only at the royal stables, but in the Koenigstrasse. This street, with all its houses, was reported in the hands of the Sailors, who were supported by the Spartacans. They demanded that Premier Ebert and Secretary Haase resign and be re placed by George Ledebour and Dr. Ivarl Liebknecht. Further fighting was anticipated, was added, as the Spartacans and the sailors had decided to attempt to force the guards to return to Potsdam. The guards were sta tioned in Unter Den Linden and on the Werderschen platz. Seize Royal Castle. According to an Exchange Tele graph dispatch from Copenhagen, a force of 800 sailors on Monday formed a guard and seized the Red castle, one of the former royal pal aces. They blocked the main streets and entered the public buildings and arrested Herr Wels, the military commander of Berlin; Herr Fischer, his adjutant, and Dr. Bongard. The republican guard, with ma chine guns and artillery bombarded the castle. Holes were made in the walls, the porches were destroyed and all the windows smashed. The balcony, from which former Emper or William once made a speech in which he declared: "I know' no parties," was partly smashed. The guard eventually occupied the castle, but the sailors were still holding another large building at the time the dispatch was filed. The square in front of the castle was littered with stones and missiles. ONDON GREAT L CROWDS SHOUT FOR PRESIDENT 500,000 on Roll of Italian Dead in European War New York. Dec. 26. Italy's losses in killed, wounded, dead of disease, disabled, missing and prisoners ag gregate 2,800,000, according to Col. Ugo Pizzarello, of the Italian army, who arrived here recently on a mis sion for his g-ernment. He gave out figures today amplifying an an nouncement made in Paris Tast Sat urday by Salvatore Barzilai, a -former member of the Italian cabinet, that Italy had lost 500,000 men in killed or dead of wounds in the war. (Continued From rg? On.) - dent Wilson traversed the streets of London to Buckingham palace today was a short one. There were intervals of 100 feet between the units. As the procession paed through Pall Mall, Dowager Queen Alexan dra, Queen Maude of Xm way, Prin cess Victoria and Priine Olaf un ceremoniously came cut of Marl borough house and stood on tlie j pavement. The crowd fell back. As the presidents carriage passed 'he leaned forward to salute the royal group, who waved a welcome to him. The same act of welcome was repeated when the carriage with Queen Mary and Mrs. Wilson passed. Appears on Balcony. As soon as President Wilson and his party entered Buckingham pal ace the crowds outside, including several hundred wounded soldiers in the palace yard, began cheering, Then came shouts of "We want Wil son! We want Wilson!" In response the president and Mrs. Wilson, together with King George and Queen Mary, appeared on the second floor balcony. Mr. Wilson laughed "and waved his hand, indicating that he would ra ther not speak. Mrs. Wilson waved a small union jack. The crowd, however, insisted on a speech, so the president waved the chorus of voices to silence and then addressed himself especially to the wounded soldiers. "I do not want to make a speech," he said, "but 1 do want to tell you how much I honor you men who have been wounded in this fight for freedom and to thank you all for the welcome you have so generously given me. I hope each and every one of you will come safely through to enjoy the fruits of the victory for which you so courageously fought." As soon as the president's speech was concluded the party re-entered the palace, where King George re ceived a large group of American newspaper correspondents, includ ing those who preceded President Wilson to France on the steamer Orizaba. Leave Cards for Queen Mother. Later President and Mrs. Wilson and Rear Admiral Grayson drove out in a motor car and called at Marlborough house, where they left cards for Queen Mother Alexandra. They drove thence to the residence of the Duke of Connaught, where cards also were left. English country folk gathered all along the railway from Dover to the suburbs of London to see Pres ident Wilson's train go by today. They sat on fences and clustered on tree tops and roofs despite the bit ter cold for a glimpse of the train. They waved and cheered as the train went by at 60niles an hour. Welcome at Dover. Dover, England, Dec. 26. The weather was bright and crisp this morning and Dover wore a festal ap pearance with its decorations and its animated throngs ready to welcome President and Mrs. Wilson. Their arrival was signaled by the firing of a royal salute. Large crowds lined the admiralty pier and its approach es long bctore the president came ashore. The duke of Connaught, with his suite, accompanied by John W. Davis, the American ambassador; the earl of Reading, British ambas sador to the United States; Lord Herschell and the mayor of Dover, were ori the pier to meet the visitors. The mayor presented an. address of welcome to the president. President Wilson then reviewed the guard of honor from the naval 'garrison of Dover. v The scene in the harbor as the presidential vessel entered was an animated one. Airplanes and sea olanes in large numbers circled over head, while the warships in the har bor, which joined the shore batteries in firing the salute, were gayly dressed with bunting. The crews manned ship and cheered as the presidential boat passed into the har bor. In reply to the address of wel come, President Wilson said: "We have come through many se rious, times . together and therefore can regard each other in a new light as comrades and associates, because nothing brings men together like a common understanding and a com mon purpose. "It is, therefore, with deep emo tion and peculiar gratification that I find myself here afforded tlfe op portunity of matching my mind with the minds of those who, with a like intention, are proposing to do the best they can anl that can be done in the great settlement cf the strug gle." Ship Has Quick Passage. The steamer Brighton, on which the president crossed the channel, had a quick and smooth passage and arrived at Dover just about midday. The steamer was met at Calais by Sir Charles Cust, the king's equerry, and Vice Admiral Sir Roger Keys, .who accompanied the party to Dover. Fodr French de stroyers escorted the Brighton , to mid-channel, where British destroy ers and a dozen airplanes took over the duty. The president, who appeared in splendid spirits when he stepped ashore, was immediately greeted by the duke of Connaught and the other members of the welcoming party. After reviewing the guard of honor, he passedi through the covered way to the station, where the mayor and the corporation of Dover in their scarlet robes of of fice extended a formal welcome. The address was read by Sir A. Bodking, the city's recorder. The president replied briefly. As President Wilson walked to the train a dozen girls wearing the American colors strewed petals of roses in his path. All this time the airplanes had been hovering over the pier and thd station and as the special train bearing the president left for the capital the airmen ;lso headed for London, accompanying the train all the way. Fourteen Hundred HI Arrive. New York, Dec. 26. Following the homecoming battle fleet into port today came the British liner Saxonia, trom Liverpool, with 1,400 sick and wounded officers and men, mostly surgical cases. U. S. Destroyer Flotilla y Starts on Homeward Voyage Queenstown, Dec. 26. Ten Amer ican destroyers, flying their. long "homeward bound" pennants, steam ed out of the harbor today arrid the roar of whistles from shipping Seaplanes dipped over them as they disappeared in the fog. In the returning flotilla were the destroyers Stockton, Wilkees, Beale, Duncan, Rowan, Khubcrley, Allen, Downes, Davis and Simpson. They were accompanied by the tug, Genesee. With the departure of the squad ron the harbor of Queenstown was cleared of all American vessels ex cept the flagship Melville. The trjp home will be by way of Azores. Senate Holds Short Session. , Washington, Dec. 26. tFhe senate held a brio, session today and ad journed until Monday. ..Formulation of a definite government policy rela-! tive to the construction pf ships and their cost, in order to increase the' American merchant marine to meet our needs after the war," was urged' during a discussion of the ship question. Look for This Mark ILiuj' JI Innumerable medicinal prod ucts are sold in the form of plain white tablets. Plain white tablets are sometimes offered when Aspirin is called for. Don't buy in the dark look for the Bayer Cross ' every time you buy Aspirin Tablets or Capsules. ' It appears on every labtl and on the Ublet itself. It is placed there for your additional protection, so that you may be sure that you are receiving tfumu'ne Aspirin.' Tka(i(l.Mik"AMi" UUf . V. S. Pt. M.)lilwuM that the moootcetfcad muc uucrlna m mm Ubwaud apmkt u of the reliable Beye, muuiaoun. Boy er-Toblsof Aspirin Th Daysr Cross f g) y BR rour 9uarantM ' "ty B ft 5 sr.. 7,r,Vi' Fry Fitted Shoes for Men and Women means ease in walking and at work means satisfaction to every wearer means buying a good shoe at a moderate price. See Our Window Display. ".JiJ It's Too Interesting to Pass By Unnoticed , V7 WIBA.DOUGlaSLa. i Chamberlain's Cough Remedy "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is by far the best medicine for colds and coughs we have ever had in the house' writes Mrs. Benjamin Blaheney, Decatur, 111. WEST LAWN CEMETERY Bttutiful, modern park plan ctme tery acceasibl to Omsha'i twit resi dence section. Family lota on partial payment at time of burial. Telephone Walnut 820 and Douslaa 829. Our fret automobile ia at your lervice. WEST LAWN CEMETERY. 58th and Canter. Office 13th Harney Clear Your Skin withCuticura Mldracrtete;8oMK.OtnmMitXtn. TslonmS. Sample each free of "Citmia. Dept. S. Beeton." DON'T WASTE put your moving prob lems into the hands of a thoroughly organized and completely equipped mov ing, packing and storage in stitution. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. Phone Douglas 4163 806 So. 16th St. Hotel Dyckman Minneapolis FIREPROOF Opened 1910 ' Location Moat Central. 300 Room, 300 Privata Bath. Rate $1.75 to $3.50 Per Day H. J. TREMAIN, Prea. and Manager. notice Retail Druggists Ik More UapoSub Direct; Buy It From Your Jobber! Effective Immediately. No More Direct Shipments Will Be Made Retailers. All Shipments Now Go to Jobbers for Redistri bution. When the influenza epidemic struck the country and wiped out our warehouse and. jobbers' stocks almost over-night, we were faced with the problem of distributing to the stricken districts in the quickest possible manner our daily output of VapoRub. We solved this by offering to ship di rect to the retailers in these influ enza districts, by parcel post pre paid, quantities of not more than three dozen VapoRub in any one shipment, and by shipping what was left from our daily production to our jobbers by express instead of freight This was costly, but it solved the problem for the time being. Now, however, we find that these small shipments are constantly increas ing we have received as many as 1,306 in a single mail. It is becom ing impossible for us to fill these promptly, and instead of 'distribuU'i, ing our goods more quickly, they are really slowing up the process. We believe that we can serve you better now by reverting to our for-,;-' mer policy of shipping exclusively through the jobber, and, effective" immediately, no more drop ship-'5 ments will be made. , ', While we have put on a night ' shift and have, thereby, about -dou-" V. bled our production, we are still ' unable to fill our back orders and ? won't be able to give each jobbeV '.' all the VapoRub he wants. Hence, it will be necessary for the jobbers to continue distributing VapoRub in small lots only. But we will be able to furnish each jobber at least twice the quantity of VapoRub that I he purchased for the corresponding i," month last year, so there should t4 not be any difficulty in' your get-' ;, ting your pro rata share. t We feel that the public appre-: ciates the service that the retail and wholesale drug trade have ren- i dered the country in. this time of j stress. We wish to express to both T branches of the trafde our thanks, for the kind co-operation extended J us in our efforts to meet this erner-; gency. . THE V1CK CHEMICAL CO., Greensboro, N. C j