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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1918)
7 MnyJ The merchandising policy of. this store provides that all seasonable merchandise must be sold in season hence this annual Year jid Clearance Sle. The drastic price reductions effected on Goods of all kinds clearly demonstrateshe sincerity of our pur pose. Frjday, the second day of these even ts, brings to attention in a forcible manner 3) it re A the importance of our Big Department Downstairs. Five windows on Sixteenth Street are now displaying some of the offerings, those who seek to participate in one of the most unusual bargain events of the year should plan to attend Fiiday. A part of the items are advertised on this page. 5randeis Stores Crochet Cotton u and a good assortment White, Ecn of colors, 10c size ball, three for -Fancy Goods- Odds and ends of stamped pieces, such as scarfs, pillow-tops, centerpfeces, aprons, etc., 25c to 1.00 values, in two lots,' 1 n and choice , lul. 39c -Outing flannel Genuine Amoskeag, 27 inches wide, in White, Gray and fancy styles. Year End Clearance Sale price, ool per ard , J2C -Remnants- 5,000 Yards of Wash Goods Remnants, such as Gingham, Calico, Challis, Etc., all on sale Friday, whrle the 1 OJL lot lasts, at per yard l2v Window Shades Size 29 to 31 inches wide, 6 fjt. long, complete with fixtures, while Ofr-, one hundred dozens last, each OOC Scrim in White and Cream only, 36 to 40 inches wide, a lot of three 111 thousand yds., on sale special A 1"2"C T Cretonnes- In a splendid assortment of col- o g ora and design, special, yard OQ In a good Men's Muffler1 s assortment of styles, 75c valvtes, a lot of forty dozen AQ in the Year End Clearance sale, 1 1 C Overcoats For Young Men Good winter styles, in sizes 32 to 38, regular1 13.50 to 15.00 value, "7 QP small lot of 75, choice at JO Overalls alid Jackets For men, broken sizes, in Blue Denim, Hickory Stripe and Khaki 1 ff color, 1.50 values, choice, at 1 U Untrimmed Hats Choice of 500 new shapes made of Silk Velvets, in the popular models, major ity in Black, some colors in- 7Q eluded, choice at C i Handkerchiefs for Women Fine cotton in fancy embroidered cor ners, initials, corded' and colored bor ders. Year End Clearance sale C special at, each 'r Handkerchiefs for Women and Children Of fine cottons, slightly soiled. O Year End Clearance saley,price C -Dress Goods- 36-Inch Silk and Cotton Brocaded Fab ric, good heavy- quality, in a splendid variety of colors, about 40 lie-half pieces on sale whilo it lasts, E9cvalue, per yard ; Mercerized Poplin In the 36-ineh, width, for house dresses nd aprons, comes in several colors; regular price 39c, while .20 O C g pieces last, per yard Cotton Crepe Genuine Japanese Cotton Crepe, colors absolutely fast, requires no ironing, regularly 50c per yard, while 15 OCf pieces last, per yard t3 Percales 36-Inch Dress Wrapper and Shirting Percale, Light Grounds with new fig ures, etc.yjengths to 15 yards. OCr Worth 35c, at Jy Dressing Sacques for Women, of excellent quality TiaUis, choice of fancy patterns, 1.00 EQ, values, at Knitted Princess Slips for Girls, in 2 to 8-year sizes. Light and dark shades, worth 1.50. Year Q. End Clearance sale price Vlyl Knit Petticoats for Women, knee length, light and dark shades. $9c values. Year An End Clearance sale price " -BandAprons- for Women, in light and dark percales, several styles of. the 39 9f kind, choice Fancv White AoronsN for Women. Choice of a variety of styles, loraerly priced at OC 29c, 39c and 49c. at, -5 Wash Goods- and Cotton Crepe de s;iV nri Cotton Crene de Chine. 86 inches wide, in an assortment of pretty hades. 69c values.. Twenty-one pieces on sale, while theTot lasts, AtL per yard, at . 3 Sale Begins Friday, 9 a. m. Brandeis Stores All Lots on Sale while they last The Year-End Clearance in the Basement of Women's and Misses' Dresses Women's and Misses' Dresses, Silk, Satin, Serge, Etc. All the better dresses in-the Basement grouped into this lot. Every dress is new, right up-to-the-minute fctyle, street dresses, party dresses, wedding dresses, all in this very low price assortment; 10, 12.50 and up to 18 values; over 300 to select from, at unheard of price of Women' and Misses' Silk and Cloth Dresses Made to tell up to 10.00. Taffeta, Silk Poplin, Wool Mixed Serge, Chif fon and Satin Party Dresses, Etc. All good "styles. Choice Villi" 4.85 The Year-End Clearance in the Basement of ilk and Cotton Blouses Jap Silk, Tub Silk, Crepe de Chine, Blouses, Regular and Extra Sizes, 2.00, 3.00 and 4.00 Blouses, Slightly Mussed from Handling, S e v ej a 1 Hundred to Choose From, Choice" 1.89 Women's Fancy Col ored Cotton Blouses. All Sizes, Dozens of Styles, Made of Japo nica Silk, and Fancy Colored Novelty. Look Like Silk Wash Ma terials. Made to Sell at 1.25 up to 2.00. Choice, at 69c Odd and Endi of Colored Cotton Waitti. to Wear for Cleaning Days, Etc. Women's 1.00 to 1.25 White Cotton Blouses. All Good Styles, Slightly Soiled .. and Mussed from Han dling. The Material Alone Is Worth the Price. Choice 50c Good 15c The Year-End Clearance in the Basement of I Winter Goats for Girls Two Big Bargain Lots Lot No. 2 Girls' Coats, Ages 2 to 6' and 6 to 14; made to sell at 5.00, 6.00 and 7.00; hundreds to select from; all good styles and ma terials; choice, at Lot No. 1 All tha Better Coats, Former prices up to 10.00; ages 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 years; all new and up-to-date styles; good materials; choice at 4.95 3.69 The Year-End Clearance in the Basement of Womens'ai Hisses' Dress Skirts Every Skirt in the Basement is included in this sale all in three lots, as follows Wonderful Bargains at each price Lot 1 Hundreds of Splendid Dress Skirts at This Price. All Wool Serge, Fancy Plaid, Novelty Cloth and Silk Skirts, Made to Sell at 5.00 and 6.00. Good Bar gains at These Prices. Real Bargains at, Each 3.69 Lot 2 All the Odds and Ends of Cloth and Corduroy Skirts. Worth 2.00 to 4.00. Good Skirts for House and Ordinary Wear. Special in the Year - End Clearance Sale, at L69 Lot 3 AU the Better Skirts, at This Low Price, Good Cloth, Silk Pop lins, Jersey Cloth, Etc. Made to Sell at 6.00 to 9.00. Real Good, Skirts at a Very Low Price 4.85 Women's Shoes A Clearance of all our 3.50 and 4.00 Show Lines, regardless o price. Come in Vici Kid, Gun Metal, Calf, Button and Lace styles, low or high heel. Wonder ful values. Sizes from 2 to 8 1,500 Pairs in this Lot. Choice V" - 2.65 The Year-End Clearance in the Basement of Shoes for all the Family An opportunity for everybody to Viy one or more pairs of good shoes at ridiculously low price. Read women s anoes Sizes in this Lot are from 2 to S only. 1,000 Pairs, and worth from 4.00 to 6.00 per pair. Patent and Dull Leathers, Hand Turned and Wplted Sole, Lace and OCA Button. Choice, pair, at 7WC ft Men's Shoes Gun Metal Calf Bluchcr and But ton Styles, Half Double Sole, Wide Toe or English; s!zes 6 to 12. 300 pairs in this Lot; values A )E to 4.50, at LmtjV Boys' Shoes Box Calf and Gun Metal Button and Blucher Cut. Leather Insoles and Outsole. Every size from 2M, to 5; 400 pairs,' A OP values, 4.00, pair at .VV Little Gent's Shoes Sizes in this Lot from 9 to 2. Box Calf and Gun Metal Calf School Shoe that will Stand for the Wear. 250 pairs in this Lot. Pair at v Children's Shoes 500 Pairs, Sizes from 4 to' 8, Vici Kid and in Dark Tan, Hand Turn ed Sole, wedges Heel Tlain or Tipped i vi a mil 1.15 Men's Overshoes One Buckle.-Sizes 6 to 12 and only 400 Pairs in this Lot. Just think of buying a Man's Over- 4 M A shoe for this Price! I.'l'v Boys' Arctics Sizes from 10 up to Size' 6 in Youths'; Good Grade Rubber. Come early if you want your 4 A A j size, 300 pairs in this Lot By9 2.75 SThe Year-End Clearance in the Basement of A -a Bill I El I doans 5 uasn n? Ewoers ru 4c Whit. Borax Naphtha or Pearl White Soap, bar,-at Fels Naphtha or Ivory i Jjl bar, at O2C diamond "C" Soap, bar 3V2c Larf. Packasj. Golden Rod Borax Naphtna Washing Powder. i . .17c Small Packace Golden Rod Borax Naphtha Washing Powder J. .4c Victoria Cleanser, 3 cans ). .'. ...... .8c tWe reserve the right to limit quantity purchased by any one customer. No phone or mail orders accepted.) . Calico Genuine American and Simpson's Dress Calico, Light and Dark Colors, in a big variety of neat patterns and colors suit able for House Dresses, Cg Aprons, Etc. Regular 22c value DzC Cretonne 34-Inch Comfort Cretonne in a Splendid Assortment. Pretty Persian Designs for Comforter Coverings. War- Og ranted fast colors. Special 40C Remnants- of Linings, Sateens, Percales, Founda tion Linings, Velveteens, Etc., in al most every color. In lengths from 1 to 4 yards. Values 35c to 35c' OQp per yard. Special, yard aSJC T Remnants- of all Wool Challis. In both light and dark grounds, Stripes, Dots, Buds, Scrolls, Etc., from 1 yards to 7 yards lengths. Values from 50c to OP 1.00 per yard. Special, yard, at OOC Remnants- of Wool Dress Goods, in almost every wanted weave and color. In lengths from 1 to 2 yards. Many pieces match. This lot to be Sold at a Frac tion of Their Worth. While the Q L lot lasts, each piece vi7t Hosiery for Women- women's Black Cotton Hosiery, in Hem and Rib Tops. Worth 25c. I P- Clearing price, per pair Women's Hose Fiber Silk Boot Hosiery, with Double and Rib Tops, Black and Colors. Sec onds" of 50c quality. Clearing OQg price, per pair Children's Hose- Black and White Cotton Ho siery. Clearing pryce,. per pair 19c Men's Socks Cotton Seamless Socks, Black and Col ors. Clearing price at, Q per pair 1 57 C Women's $ilk Hose White and Grey Fiber Silk Hosiery, all with Double Soles and Lislex PA Garter Tops, 69c value, at pair OUC Cotton- Embroidery Cotton, odds and ends of White and Colors, 4c value. C Three for O C Sleeping Garments Children of a good quality fnr Tennis Flannel. Come in various sizes. 69c values. Special, each 45c Year End Clearance Sale oi notions 3-yard Bolts of Cotton Tape at 2Hc. 10-yard Bolts of Bias Tape, at, each 5c. Fast Colored Darning Cotton, 2 spools 5c Rick-Rack BraW, white and .colored, 5c. Fast-Golored Wash Edging, bolt at 5c. Rust-Proof Dress Clasps, 12 on card, lc Ocean Pearl Buttonss card 3 He. Large pieces of Garter Elastic, black, 2c. San-Silk Crochet Cotton, ali.colors 3Jc Large pieces of Belting, each 6c. Good Safety Pins, 12 on each card, at Sc. 50-yard Spools of Sewing Silk, spool 5c Ladies' and children's garters, special 15c American Maid Crochet Cotton, tall 7c. Large boxes of Wire Hairpins c. Kid Curlers, all sizes, bunch, 10c. , Sylvia Hair Nets, each 4cj v , Wooden Coat Hangers, each 3c. Shoe Laces, black and tan, pair 3 He. Crochet Pooks, veryspecial, rch 2c. Bone Knitting Needes, all sizes, pair 10c Pot and Pan cleaners, each 10c. Children's Skeleton Waists with Gar ter 25c. ' Large bolts of Hat Wire, black and white, each 3c. Girls' Braid and Ribbon Holders, each 5c Collingbourne's Best Machine Thread; someCoates Thread, per spool 4 He. Year End Clearance Sale of Drugs Aspirin Tablets, 100 in a bottle, 59c. Epsom Salts, one package for 8c. White Pine Cough Syrup, 25c size 19c. Pound can Talcum Powder, 10c. Peroxide Hydrogen, 8 oz. bottle 10c. Hand Scrubs. 15c value 8c. ne lot Toilet Soap at, per cake 2c. One lot Toilet Soap at, per cake 4c. ' Pure Coco Castile Soap, 13c bar for 8c. French Face Powder, special 15e. Odds and ends of Talcum Powder 10c. Abonita Vanishing Cream, 35c size 19c. Benzoin and Almond Cream, 25c size 19c Maroon 2-quart Hot Water Bottle, Special 59c. Assorted . odors, Perfume Special, the oz. 29c. . Odds and ends, Face Powder Special 10c The Year-End Clearance in the Basement of Women's Warm Winter Coats Hundreds of coats to select from. Every one a new this s .season styre. Values fe remarkable. Choice of four lots: Lot No. 1 Salt's Fin Silk Pluih Coats. Plain and with large fur collars. Worth up to 35.00. i 90 Lot. No. 2 Women's anil' Masses' Imperial Plush and Fine All-Wool Cloth Coats. Values to 30.00 iS-oo Lot No. 3 Dozens of Styles of Women's and Misses' Good Heavy 'Winter Coats. All up'to-date sVyles. Many are all lined all-wool coats. Some have large fur collars, etc. Made to sell at 15.00, 17.50, 19.00 and 22.50. Real bargains 1 2 Lot No. 4 Women's , and Misses' Winter qoak, ' All new, 'up-to-date styles. Hundreds to choose from. Many are alt lined, Most of them are 15.00 vues. These are good coat's at the price 85 The Year-End Clearance in the Basement of Women's and Misses' Suits Former Prices up to 25.00 This season's right up-to-date style. Many are fine, all-wool materials, heavy satin linings, etc. Pretty suits that are real bargains at this price. If you want a suiffor immediate and early spring wear, here is your phance. Also two styles for stout women, bizes up to 53. Choice at r Women's and Misses' 12.50 and 15.00 Suits. All Good Styles. Odd and Broken Lots, all grouped at this Small Price 8.95 The Year-End Clearance in the Basement of Fur Pieces at Bargain Prices Neck and Shoulder Fur Pieces that are worth from 10.00 iip to 20.00. Large Red Fox pieces, large Jap Mink pieces, large Isabella Fox, Beaver collars, etc. All perfect in every way, well made, good style. Neck and shoulder pieces. Are wonderful bargains at 6.95 Splendid Neck and .Shoulder Fur Pieces. Both Large and Small, such as Red Fox, Jap Mink, Beaver, Kit Coney, China Black Fox, French Coney. Many made to sell 5.00 to 10.00. Choice , 3.95 The Year-EnS Clearance in the Basement of rjarjn Knit Underwear Women's White Cotton, Lightly Fleeced Union Suits, Clearing Price 1 'wW Boys' Cotton Fleeced Union Suits, peeler color, sizes 2 to 7Q 16, Clearing .Price, each Girls' White Cotton Fleeced Unioa Suits, sizes 2 to 12; - 7Qf Clearing Price, each Vw Children' Fleeced Vests, in gray and peeler colors, all sizes, 50c values, each ' ! Suit's, Children's Cotton Union Clearing Price 50C Women's Pink Lisle Ribbed Vests, 59c values, Clearing 9Qa Price, each v Children's Cotton Knit Waist Suits, sizes 2 to 12, ( 7Qi special, at, each ' M 9 Children's Cotton ' Knit ' WaisU, sizes 2 to 10, Clearing OC Price, at, each sfcwl The Year-End Clearance in the Basement of Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Mackinaws The Overcoats come in button to the neck, convertible col lar and military styles. The Mackinaws are in plaid com binations. ' - The Suits, besides being good looking garments, are made to -resist, tne wear j)i actrve boys. Some cpme with two pan a vi pam. noice irom cuuuuroys, ' serges, cheviots and cassimeres.. Sizes for all. Values up to 12.50. Clearance Sale Price N- 500 Boys' 1.50 and 1.98 Sweater Coats with Shawl Collar and Double-Stitch Pockets. Year-End Clearance V v Sale Price, Choice la7 7.75 The Year-End .Clearance in, the Basement of -Dresses for Girls, 2 to 14-Year Size Hundreds of Splendid Dresses (or School and Dress Wear. Perfect in Every Way, Big Plaids, Fancy Stripes, Plain Cloths, Light and Dark Patterns. Many are just Right for Early Spring Wear. At much less than Spring Prices. . There are Two Very Special Lots and two Re markably Low Prices At 95c arid 1.49 We have grouped hundreds of prerty right up-to-the-minute Dfesses into these two special lots. Very special in the Year-End Sale. All the better dresses for girls in the Basement up to 6.00, novf, your choice' at 2.60 and 3.69 The Year-End Clearance in the Basement of Blankets and Comforters Sateen Covered Comforters; Sizes 72x84 in:, Heavy Winter Weight 5,95 Vsilk Mull "Comforters, Light and Warm. While they last 3.95 28x38 in White 29c Baby Blankets, with borders Beacon Bath Robe Blankets,..72x 90, 4.50 values 2.95 Army Bfcnkets in the regulation Olive Drab Colors. Choice, - , 4.95, 5.95 and 7s95 Genuine Beacon Bed Blankets, 6G xSO.'in tan, white or gray, Heavy and Warm, tt 4.49 Woolnap Bed Blankets, size 6x 76-in., in white only 3.49 Beacon Plaid Blankets, size 66x 80, for j 5.69 -rloi mse Dresses for Worwn Of fihe Gingham and Percales' in light and dark shades, a clearance ef all 1.00 to 5.00 values, in one lot QQf choice &V OivC -Kimonas for Women- Full length, made of faiicy flowered Kimono cloth, 1.50 to 1.75 OQ values at Kimonas and Bath RobSs For. children to six years, choice of I plain or fancy ' patterns Crt I rat fWW specia' "PetticoaTs for, Women- Fine Cotton Petticoats, In black or fancy colored patterns, 1.Q0 Y Q to 1.25 value at OJC Sweater Sets- For children two to six years of age, Cap, Leggings and Sweater Coats to match, choice of varied colors, 1 on the three pieces at 1 sOJ Sweater Coats for Children - In white and colors, Bizes one to six years, 1.00 values, Year-end Cf Clearance, Salo'ppcial v QlC Night Gowns for; Girls- Excellent Tennis Flannels, come .in all sizes to 14 years, choice of 'Aa 1.00 values at . OJC -Aprons for Women- choice of several styles, with the Bun galow predominating, made of gtfod quality Percale, in light or dark y O ' patterns, i.00 to 1.25 values at ' OC -Storm Rubbers- For men, women and children, choice of 1,500 pairs all on one big table, every size, low or high heel, plain or rolled edge, American and Jeney make, choice per pair, J. , A Q at -Canvas Leggings- For men and . boys, good quality duck, over knee leggings in lace style. Men's Sizes, 14 to 17; boys', 9 to Z, .while 200 pairs last, per y pair 49c -Filet Nets- r In hosts of pretty designs. Come 86 to 40 inches wide, bpecial, per yard 29c -Drapery Madras- . . Pretty colors for overdrapes and door hangings. Twenty-five pieces CQ on sale at, per yard fJSC -Sweater Coats for Men- Wool and part wool mxed in medium, and heavy weight, V-neck or shawl col lar styles. Sizes to 46. Values to 4.98. A lot of 300, f A g choice at A : 1 6'.40 Und erwear- Men'i heavy weight, fleece lined Shirts, in sizes 32 to 48. .Values from 89c to 1.25. 100 dozen Thursday in flft. the lot, while they last, each 07 C , -Hen's Gloves- Lined Jersey, about 1,100 pairs of the 75c and 95c grade in the Year-end Clearance Sale. Special pej CQ pair, at . OcC 7 -Mackinaws- for Men and Young Men. Wind and Rain-Proof Material. Come in plaids, with Shawl cojlar andPatch pickets. Sizes up to 48. 6.95 values. OQC 175 in this lot, while they last 3O0 -Men's Duck Coats-Q. Blanket lined, in sizes 36 to 42. Values 4.50 and 5.00. in a lot of 75. Y &na Clearance Sale Bpe- cial, at 3.85 -Brboms- A Good Quality 4 Tie Parlor Broom,' oi quality usually sola at 75c to 85c only one Broom to a Customer -Q v no phone orders. Selling at rCx Novelties- Pingocroft Wood Novelties for yon to Decorate. About 175 Pieces, includ ing Boxes, Telephone i Screens, Twine Holders, Etc. 1.00 and 1.50 t fk , values for, each 1UC -Mill Remnants- Fine Dress Gingham, Genuine Toile du Nord and Amoskeag make, in a variety of pretty PJaids, Checks and Plain" Col ors, 2 to 10 yards in lengths, rjn 1 -i worth 35c, at m2v -Dress Silk Remnants- www wiin viiiiiuiiitj Hundreds of Remnants of Silk accumu- lations of recent heavy selling. Lot consists of 36 and 27-inch Messalines, Taffetas, Poplins, Foulards, Satins, Et M to 6-yard lengths, plain and novelty effects, suitable for waists, dresses and trimmings, value 1.25, AQ per yard T C