Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1918, Image 10
" 'a iK-f H !, r "-fm --s-.-vaw a" Hp-HP r 4 2 -srrs?ji'-82 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1918." ,Conducied by Ella Fleishman. SOCIETY VICTORY, Peace, Thanksgiving, all in one short month 1 If the great American holiday which comes in the drab month of Novem ter were not a gay one this year it would indeed be strange. Ihe par tie will be of the merriest, but not so large as formerly, merry because the tension of th world war is broken and small because the men have not yet returned to their native land from their victorious encounter ivith the Hun. Many of the soldiers in the train ing-tamps where thexJiave been lirding on the armour of prepared ness, will be forced to spend j Thanksgiving away from home for I Uncle Sam has not yet released them from their obligations to their flag I nd country. I Family dinner parties "will be the -rule. in the . majority of Omaha f h6rres, but the hotels will be the scene of many parties m the evening. The foot ball game in the afternoon will lure many of the "Tans as this outdoor sport will soon be con cluded for the season. Theater par ties followed by supper and a little dancing will close the most joyful of Thanksgiving days since the time of the Pilgrim fathers. " V . Nurses' Dinner. A Thanksgiving dinner will be given by the Misses Rabina Gunn and , Grace Smith at the Nurses' club Thursday evening. , Chrysan themums will be used on the dinner table and miniature turkeys will mark the places of the following guests, including nurses and medical students: Misses Dorothy Lyons of Glen wood, la.; Helen Cameron, Ethel Pepper, Vera King. Dorothy Williams and Bessie Harris Reed, ,and Drs. A. E. Bennett, M. E. Kirk patrick, C. F. Heider, C. G. Amick, R. D. Balcom, H. Hoffman and E. F. Camp. Dancing Parties. ; Several dancing parties are sched uled for Thanksgiving eVe. Temple. Israel Sisterhood will entertain at a dancing party this evening at the Blackstone, and the regular party of the Cinosam Dicing club will be given at the Scottish Rite cathedral. The Central High school set will give a dance at Harte hall, Robert Downs and Ralph, Campbell having charge of the arrangements. ; Clubwomen to France. One hundred women will carry the Standard of that (treat organi zation, the General Federation of Women's Clubs into the devastated regions overseas. ' These workers will be sent January 1 to work in the furlough area where the Feder ' ation is to establish furlough homes - for the men in the service. Two women will be sent from each state. Nebraska applicants will be received by Mrs. J. N. Paul of St. Paul, Neb. From these Mrs. Paul selects six to be sent to the v General Federation, which will choose two from that number for overseas duty. - ( For Miss Phipps. ' Miss Dorothy Phipps of Denver, the attractive guest of Lieut, and Mrs. Edwin Kasseler, at Fort Omaha, will remain another week at the post. Miss EmilyKeller will entertain at luncheon in Miss PHipps' honor Monday. Flying Cadets Entertain. . flying csrdets from Fort Omaha gave a farewell dancing party Tues day evening it Harte hail, when the girls, whom -they have met while stationed here were honor guests. A large number of the men left this morning for their homes. A dancing party for the cadets at Fort - Crook is being planned for Satur day evening, and will be given at Harte hall. ' ' 'Baby Appears On Tickets! Tickets for the Victory ball bene fit for the ChiId Saving 'institute cafTy the picture of a tiny baby, one of the helpless bits of humanity. ; for whom the affair will be given December 7, at the Auditorium. All week members of the entertainment committee will pass mailing several I thousand tickets for the ball. in cluded in the group of workers are Mesdanies Arthur Remington, D. H. Wheeler, T. T. Stewart, Charles T. Kountze, E. H. Sprague, A. L. Reed, W, A. Redick, Osgood T. , .Eastman, Barton Millard, and Miss Erna Reed. . . Flags and other patriotic emblems will be the decorative feature! v Thanksgiving Party. , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W Truman, of Lincoln will entertain at Thanks giving dinner at their beautiful new home. Following the dinner the guests will attend the John Mc Cormack concert. The party will "include Mrs. Truman's sisters, Miss Reba McNamara and Mrs. J. D. Shields and Mr. Shields of Chicago, Mr. Gene Cohn of Omaha, Lieu tenants Phillips and Lawton, and Messrs. and Mesdames John Win ner and Frank Pickett of Lincoln. A Negligee of Coral and Pink By GERTRUDE BERESFORD. Coral chiffon cloth, falling over flesh pink meteor, makes a lovely negligee. In this model deep cream lice is turned up on the waist to meet the shoulder straps of coral chiffon. Long, loose, graceful sleeves of chiffon drape tha should ers and hang at the sides A belt of deep coral velvet ribbon encircles the long, rather loose waist and ties in the front. A little bouquet of flowers in shades of peacock blue and yellow are attached to the kce just above this ribbon sash. The skirt is knife pleated to give two tnnQ trt til rrtral rliiffnn wlifrli shades beautifully over the pinkl underslip. A dainty cap 'of cream lace is spanned with a ribbon of pea cock blue gros grain. In the center front is a tiny coral velvet flower. This robe is extremely picturesque and will be eagerly donned by the ,war worker after a long, busy day. . Will Ask Transportation for Dismissed War Workers Washington, Nov. 16. Secretary Baker expects soon to submit to congress a request that an appro priation be made to relieve war workers' who will be released when reorganization of the War depart- ment to a peace basis begins. . Thousands of employes will be dis missed then, and Mr. Baker plans to ask that each be given transpor tation home. it If it! Satan?' Thanksgiving Parties at Y. W. C. A. Monday evening was "club night" at the Young Women's Christian as sociation. Five clubs, the General Pershing, Many Centers, S. O. S Victory and W. D. T. girls gave their Thanksgiving party under the direction of Miss Helen Smails, ex tension secretary. Separate tables were placed for each group of girls who sang their club songs and gave individual cheers, college fashion. Miss Smails. toastmistress, intro duced the spirits of Thanksgiving and Victory, now that the intoxicat ing and autocratic spirits are gone, and the spirit of olden times. Miss Etta Pickering, general secretary, and Miss Doris Whited of Many Centers club, responded to toasts. Miss Agnes Reptowski of General Pershing club gave a Spanish dance in costume; Miss Jessie Ferguson of Victory, sang Highland lassie songs in kilties; Mrs. Helen Calkins of the drama department, gave read ings; and Miss Anna Wenke recited original poems. Following the banquet the 115 girls present placed hands on shoul ders and wound their way down the five flights of stairs and through each nook and corner of the build ing, singing patriotic songs. Cha rades were giyen in the auditorium and dancing and Virginia reels in each club room finshed the evening. Tonight five more clubs give their Thanksgiving party. The Burnasco, Foch, Lafayette, Lohache and Lyrik club girls' are included. Victory Thanksgiving Prayer is Suggested, As a victory Thanksgiving serv ice,! the woman's committee, Council of National Defense, is urging that there be a community sing of the Doxology at 12:30 Thanksgiving day. The statement issued by,, the committee is as follows: "Millions of hearts are rejoic ing in the victory which is as sured us. In our spirifNof thank-' fulness do not let us forget the millions of hearts that are mourn ing, the millions of people who are starving. Let us not have this merely a day of feasting, but rejoicing as well as gratitude. "Let us all unite on Thanks giving day at 12:30 in singing the Doxology, a hymn of praise and thanksgiving. Let the church bells and the chimes ring out to call our attention to the hour. "Let us all keep on working to gether for the betterment of con ditions and not relax in our ef forts, There is plenty of work for all. Let us stand back of the boys-as long as they need us and show our gratitude to them for the wonderful service which they have rendered." A patriotic sing at 4 o'clock is included in furthec plans for Thanksgiving day. Red Cross Notes Recruiting for overseas motor drivers will stop for the present. " Christmas padket office will be closed all day Thanksgiving, but will be open Friday, Saturday all day and in the evening. Omaha chapter received a quota of 2,000 paper-lined vests, to be worn by the troops in Siberia. . These must be completed in two weeks by the hospital garment department, Mfs. Arthur Mullen, chairman. Following young women have been recommended by Mrs. C. T. Kountze, head of bureau of person nel tq the Central division, for over seas work. Canteen workers in clude Misses Davida Montfort of Randolph, Neb., Marie Schofield of Council Bluffs, Margaret Madsen of Clarks, Neb., and Mildred Barre. For hospital hut service, Helen Nason of Omaha and Hortense Sniith of Em poria, Kan. My Hat Diary -BY f Carita Herzog Heroes' Mother Writes on Coming of Peace A tragic letter from the mother of two heroes of the war, one of them reported killed in action, is one of the belated contributions to The Bee's letter contest of war brides and mothers, which closed Satur day. "What does the coming of peace mean to you?" was the question The Bee put Mrs. Charles Brinda, of Valentine, Neb., mother of Sergt. John Brinda, who won the distin guished service cross, and of Pri vate Leo Brinda, age 27, who. was killed m action October 16, writes as follows: "How did we feel when the great news of peace came? Here is one mother that thought how glorious the news was, because she had two boys over there, and when she read her son's name awarded a' distin guished service cross1 for heroism, in the paper of the 19th, her joy was overflowing, but like many a mother, not thinking of the cost, just thinking the war was over, and planning every hour for the boys' return. "But the joy did not last long, for on the 21st came a telegram telling of one of her boys killed in action October 16, five weeks before we heard, and always waiting for that letter with the, Christmas coupon, that the stilled hands could never send. Then came a bitter sorrow that can never be effaced, but we must still feel the joy for the brave one we hope that is to return. "Maybe there is many a mother like myself that thought the war was Qver, but did not think how many poor boys laid down their lives in the last battle. We did not hear from our other boy yet so do not know if he is alive or not." . My, but it's cold! We were going on a wiener roast, but it turned cold so suddenly that our party had to break up. I'm so sorry, too,, because 1 am wild about winter picnics. In stead of the picnic we took our eats over to Turner's and had our party indoors. We really had oodles of fun. Trixie Montgomery was the life of the crowd. She is an adorable girl and quite good looking. She wore a stunning hat, -fam shape, but not a real soft tarn. It was made of wonderful purple chiffon velvet. The odd paft, of it was that there was not a speck .of trimming on the whole hat and yet it looked attract ive. I think purple is such a won derfuv,rich color. It is especially becoming to blonds. . DREAMLAND ADVENTURE By DADDY "The Phantom Army (Billy Belgium and Peggy go to France to rescue Ben and Bill Dalton, who are In danger of being captured by German. Mads Invisible by Oollckety Leaves, the children capture a machine gun nest.) CHAPTER IV. Peggy Crosses "No Man's Land." ffOOD work, Peggy," shouted I y Bijly Belgium as the fat German sergeant, both hands high in the air, danced around to avoid the sharp bayonet with which Peggy threatened to jab him againi - "Good work," cried Homer and Carrie Pigeon, hopping up and down in their joy. The eyes of the German soldiers bulged out as they saw the quick Thanksgiving Day Sing - The department of education, Ne braska Council of Defense, of which Miss Alice Florer is chairman, ap proves the program suggested by the National Council of Women as a suitable program for music to be sung all over the LJnited States, on Thanksgiving day, at 4 o'clock. Every church, school, camp, club, institution, hospital and every home will join in this service. National Anthem "Star Spangled Ban ner." Invocation. Songs of Thanksgiving ."Come Thou Al mighty King," "The Holy City," "Qod of All Nations" (Quartet), "Song of Liberty" (Solo and Chorus). Songs of Home "Keep the Home Fires Burning " "The Long, Long Trail," "Wom en of the Homeland" (Solo and Chorus), "The Old Folks at Home." Songs of .- Victory "To Victory" (Solo and Chorus), "When the Boys Come Home," "When Pershing's Men Go March ing Into Plcardy," "Three Stars." Defense Council Reorganizes. The Council of National Defense in Washington has reorganized and created a field division, which will absorb the women's committees ex tant heretofore. Each county coun cil has been asked to appoint as a member of its body, the chair man of the woman's committee in said county. The council is further asked to appoint a woman on each committee for war or reconstruction activities. Mrs. A. L. Fernald, chairman of the woman's committee for Douglas county, will probably be named to conform with the Washington plan. War Mothers to Elect. The American War Mothers will elect officers Tuesday, December 3, at 8 p. m., in the board of education rooms, city hall. Mothers of sons in the army or navy have been in vited. Mrs. Visa A. Bell is presi dent. The War Mothers of America, at their last meeting Friday evening, voted to disband and join the Amer ican War Mothers' association. Personals A son, Arthur, jr., was born Sun day to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fitz patrick. ' Born, Monday, to Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wood, at the Stewart Maternity hospital, a son. Mr. and Mrs. A. Di De Lopg bf Los Angeles, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Webster. Miss Donna Matthews, a student nurse at Camp Dodge, has been se riously ill with the influenza. William Castleman, editor of The Unionist in Chicago, is passing the4 week witn relatives in the city. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Gray an nounce the birth of a son Monday, at the Stewart Maternity hospital. Mrs, Emil Rothschild has returned from Davenport. Ia., her former home, and from Chicago, where she attended the wedding last Sunday of her sister. Miss Pauline Moritzand Milton Wallenstein of Paducah. Ky. Mr. Wallenstein is stationed at the. Great Lakes Naval Training sta tion. . y. and threatening punishment of their sergeant They bulged V bit farther when they saw the queer jubilifica tion of the Birds. And they bulged farthest of all when Billy Belgium, swinging the machine gun menac ingly back and forth, warned them or unseen dangers. "You are surrounded by an Amer ican phantom army," he shouted in a gruff tone. But he wisely did not tell them that the phantom army consisted of only two persons, him self and Peggy. "If you resist or try to escape, you will be struck down at once. John, search the prisoner in front of you." Peggy looked around to see whom Billy was talking to. He mo tinned that he meant her. Step ping forward, she quickly searched the Hun nearest her, securing a b.ig knife. "Now, Pete," shouted Billy, and Peggy, acting as Pete, searched another man down the line. And so it went on, Billy calling a different name, until the Germans must have thought a whole company of phantoms was in the shell hole. They looked decidedly scared, and very well content to stand meekly still with their hands in the air. As Peggy searched each one, he trembled and muttered "Ka meradl Kameradl' until she wanted to laugh. After a few hops in the dance of joy, Homer and Carrie Pigeon searched out a loaf of black bread among the Germans' supplies and ate it eagerly. "We haven't had a thihg to eat in two days," they explained (as soon as they had a few bites. "You know they don't feed army pigeons when they are on duty. That's so they will fly straight back to headquar ters where they know food is wait ing. "Neither have Ben nor Bill had any food," exclaimed Peggy, re membering the plight of the young soldiers. "I'll send them a note telling them we have captured this shell hole and that we will send supplies right away." t In the pocket of Peggy's khaki suit was a notebook and a pencil. In a moment she had Scribbled this note: "Billy Belgium and I have cap tured the machine gun nest and 20 German with their supplies. If you'll promise not to shoot, we'll send food to you, rairy. This note she fastened in the ring on Homer Pigeon's leg, and the two Birds darted over the top headed itr the refuge of the Ameri can soldiers.' In remarkably, quick time the Pig eons came back with a reply, which said: "We don't believe in fairies ui less they bring us food. Ben and Bill." Peggy though fast. She wouldn't dare let the German prisoners take food to Ben and Bill. Billy Bel gium couldn't go, as he had to guard the prisoners. Homer and Carrie Pigeon couldn't carry more than scraps. She'd have to go her self. Gathering up a , loaf of bread, a couple of sausages and a canteen of water, she darted up the side of the shell hole and across No Man's Land toward the shell hole .at the top of the hill. On the way she discovered that she and Billy had by no means captured all the Ger mans in the forest, for 1 bullets zipped all about her. The Germans couldn't see her, but they could see the supplies she carried and they were so nervous and suspicious that they blazed away at these without waiting to figure out what it was about. - The bullets flew so thick that Peggy spurted fast, and when 'she The Abandoned Room By Wadtworth Camp. It was too dark on the other side to detect any traces of a recent hu man presence in the thicket He couldn't quiet, however, the feeling that he had a glimpse of a woman clothed in black who had studied him secretly across the stagnant stretch of he lake. On the othr hand, there was no logic in a woman's presence here at such an hour, no logic in a stranger's running away from him. While he pondered the night invaded the for est completely, making it impossible for him to search farther. It had grown so dark, indeed, that he found his way out with difficulty. Ihe branches caught at his clothing. The underbrush tangled itself aboutN his fee It was as if the thicket were trying to hold him away from the house. As he entered the court he no ticed a discolored glow diffusing it self through the curtains of the room of death. He opened the front door. Paredes and Graham alone sat by the fire. Then they're not through yet," coDDy said. . . Graham arose. He commenced to pace the length of the hall. "They've had Katherine in that room. One would think she'd been through enough. Now they've sent for the servants." . Paredes laughed lightly. "After this," he said, "I'm afraid, Bobby, you'll need the powers of the police to keep servants in your house." Muttering, frightened voices camel from the dining room. Jenkins en tered, and, shaking his head, went up the stairs. The two women who followed him, were in tears. They paused, as if seeking aft excuse to linger on the lower floor, to post pone as long as possible their en trance of the room of death. Ella, a pretty girl, whose dark hair and eyes suggested a normal vivacity, spoke to Bobby. "It's outrageous, Mr. Robert. He found out all we knew this morning. What's he after now? You might tlitnir wp'd mnrHprfH Mr Rlarlf- Wn." Jane was older. An ugly scar crossed her cheek. It was red and like an open wound as she demanded that Bobb.y put a stop to these in quisitions. "I can do nothing," he said. "Go on up and answer or they can make trouble for you." Muttering again to each other, they followed Jenkins, and in the lower hall the three men waited. , Jenkins came down first. His fae was white. It twitched. "The bodyl" he mouthed. "It's moved! I saw it before." He stretched out Ws hands to Bobby. I "That's why they wanted us, to find out where we were this after noon, and everything we've done? as Your'GoodJif we might have gone there, and uiaiuiucu Angry voices in the upper hall in terrupted him. The two women ran down, as white as Jenkins. At an impatient nod from Bobby the three Servants went on to the kitchen. Howell's, the coroner, and Doctor Groom descended. "What ails you, Doctor?" the cor oner was squeaking. "I agree it's an unpleasant room. Lots of old rooms are. I follow you when you say no post-mortem contraction would have caused such an alteration in the po sition of the body. There's no ques tion about the rest of it. The rtfan was clearly murdered with a sharp tool of some sort, and the murderer was in the room again this after noon, and disturbed the corpse. Howells'says he knows who. It's up to him to find out how. He says he came to the "shell hole she plumped right down into it without waiting to be. a bit formal. And as she did so slie got a shock, for she found that two razor-sharp bayonets were at her breast and two desperate, hollow-eyed young soldiers were be hind the bayonets, retdy to jab them right through her. "Don't stab," she cried. "It's I, Princess Peggy 1" (Tomorrow will be told how Teggy and Billy do a little "cleaning up" of the Ger mans to make way for the American army.) NORMAL BLOO ANEMIA THE BLOOD By LEE HERBERT SMITH, M. D. In the above drawing from the human btoocTin health (Fig. A) and in dis ease (Fig. B) we see how the blood changes, as seen through a microscope, when a person is thin-blooded as ia anemia (Fig. B). Daring the long fainter months most omen are housed np in the horqe, office or factory, getting little good air or proper exercise. Therefore the following spring or summer they feel weak, nervous, look pale, or the skin breaks out in pimples, eruptions or boils : one feels " bine and without energy. Sometimes hands are cold and U clammy." Women often are so pale they look almost green often called "green sickness." At such times there is a large decrease in the red or white blood corpuscles and the blood cells instead of being round and healthy take on irregular shapes, as in Fig. B. 1 What's to be done in such cases ? fat iron in your blood, and the cells be come round and red; they lose the irregular shape and yon gain in vim, vigor and vitality. By experiments and actual test, I have fonnd that the best com bination of iron with hsrbal extracts is to be found in an iron tonic, called "Irontic," and sold by most druggists in tablets of one hundred for sixty cents. Yon will find that instead of pale cheeks, feelings of. lassitude, tired, worn out before day is half done, after taking "Irontic" your cheeks will have color, yon will feel strong And vigorous, and "ready for the fray." Start now and yon will be sorpriged bow full of im, vyor and yitatfto Yoa wiU led to a fa ahorfr wnnka. has plenty of evidence and that the guilty person's in this house, so I' i not fretting myself. I'm cross with you, Howells, for breaking up my holiday. One of my assistants would have done as well." Howells apparently paid no at tention to the coroner. His narrow eyes followed the doctor with a growing curiosity. His level smile seemed to have drawn his lips into a line, inflexible, a little cruel. The doctor grunted: "Instead of abolisning coroners we ought to double their salaries." The coroner made a long squeak as an indication of mirth. "You think unfriendly Snooks did it. I've always believed you were an old fogy. Hanged if that doesn't sound modern." The doctor ran his fingers through his thick, untidy hair. "I merely ask for the implement that caused death. I only aslf to know how it was inserted through the bed while Blackburn lay on his 6ack. And if you've time you might tell me how the murderer entered the room last night and today." The coroner repeated his squeak. He glanced at the little group by the fire. "Out in the kitchen, upstairs, or right here under our noses is al most certainly the person who could tell us. Interesting case, Howells 1" Howells, who still watched the doctor, answered dryly: v. "Unusually interesting." The coroner struggled into his coat. "Permits are all available," he squeaked. "Have your undertakers out when you like." Graham answered him brusquely. "Everything's arranged. I've only to telephone." I The coroner nodded at Doctor Groom. His voice pointed its hu mour with a thinner tone. "If I were you, Howells' I'd take this hairy old theorist up as a sus picious character." The doctor made a movement in his direction while Howells con tinued to stare. The doctor checked himself. He went to the closet and got his hat and coat "Want me to drop you, old saw bones?" the coroner asked. Savagely the doctor shook his head. "My buggy's in the stable." The coroner's squeak was thinner, more irritating than ever. "Then don't let the spooks get you, driving through the woods. Old folks say there are a-plenty there." Bobby arose. He couldn't face the prospect of the man's squeaking again. "We find nothing to laugh at in tliis situation," he said. "You're quite through?" The coroner's eves blazed. "I'm through, if that's the way you feel Goodnight" . He added with a sharp maliciousness: "I leave my sympathy for whoever Howells has his eagle eye on." Howells when the doctor and the coroner had gone, excused himself with a humility that mocked the others: (To Be Continued Tomortpw.) . The Cash Store f Will Close ALL DAY THURSDAY Thanksgiving Mere words would fail to adequately express the extent of the thankfulness we feel at this time. Thankfulness that the great world war is at an end. Thankfulness for prospects of most bountiful harvests and scores of other things. Among them, thankfulness for the public confidence demonstrated by the most prosperous business we have ever known. We thank you. .It Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Payi Why Not Buy the Best? Advo Gold Medal Coffee 40c Quality Unchanged. Why Not! " - "'. ! - i " i - "' " "'n -'rrrrnTmmmmwnmmmmwTmmcjm An International Service Built on Tiny Profits Per Pound Some industries have been able to get in step with war demands more quickly than others. In many cases mighty plants have sprung up but at a prodig - ious cost - The packing industry was able to adapt itself to unheard of demands more quickly, perhaps, than any other industry. And this was because the vast equipment of packing plants, refrigerator cars, branch houses, etc., had been gradually developed to its present state of efficiency, so that in the crucial hour it became a mighty international system for war service, v And how had this development taken place ? Not by making vast inroads into the capital wealth of the country, but largely by using, from year to year, a portion of the profits, to pro vide for expansion. Swift & Company's profits have always been so tiny, compared ' with sales, that they have"had practically no effect on the price of meat, (amounting to only a fraction of a cent per pound). And yet the owners of the business have been content with reasonable returns on their capital, and have been able, year after year, to put part of the profits back intothe business to provide for its' expansion. ' V ' These fractions of tiny profits have been repaid to the public many fold in the form of better service, and better and cheaper meat, and made it possible for Swift & Company to meet, undaunted, the sud den cry for meat for overseas. - ' Could any other method ofnancing a vital industry involve less hardship to the people of the country ? Could there be a better instance of true "profit-sharing" than this return in added usefulness and in national preparedness? Keep Your Pledge Make Good for Our " Fighting Men ' BUY WAR-SAVING STAMPS Swift & Company, U.S. A. . Omaha Local Branch, 13th & Leavenworth Streets . , F. J. Souders, Manager ..... .4