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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1918)
THE BEE:- OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1918. SIGNAL CORPS SEE ACTION ON WESTERN FRONT Omaha Soldier Tells of Thrill ing Experiences in Dugout Keeping Up Telegraph Communications. Among the first of the Omahans to enlist and go "over there" was John E. Ingoldsby, a telepragh oper tor who worked in Union Pacific headquarters, and who since being in France has been in the signal corps. Writing home from "Some- October 8, he says: When we left the Chateau-Thierry front they sent us down to the St. lliheil sector. The -Germans re treated so fast there that my com pany saw no action at all, so they moved us ud to another front. Of course, I can't tell you where we are, but I can most solemnly assure you that we are seeing the hardest serv ice and fighting we have thus far experienced. We have been in the midst of a continuous bombardment for so long thai we are so frazzled , that a man who whistles becomes very unpopular. ,The whistle sounds too much like a shell approaching. I am stationed in a semi-dugout, which is fair protection against fragments of she'll, but which will make a first class grave if Heinie ever lands a direct hit on us. We have a telegraph office here and bunks for the operators to sleep in. They ace pretty crude bunks, but we keep dry and warm, which is something we haven't been ac customed to for some time. As you probably know, there are less than 100 days when it doesn't rain in France. We have some rain every day or night, which makes it inter esting for the soldat when he has to sleep out. Shell in Doorway. We had both doors of our office open yesterday morning when a shell landed right at the front door and another at the back door. One of the men had his head out of the rear entrance when the shell ex ploded there and he immediately came in clawing dirt out of one ear and almost strangled. Incidentally, he had a slight wound in the shoulder, but he didn't know it until later. The smoke from the shells filled the room and we immediately grasped wildly for our gas-masks. I've smelled the smoke from a good many shells but the odor from that one was new to me. It smelled ex actly like arsenic such as you in- Via1 rrnincr tVi tiridcp when the smelter is going full blast and the wind is blowing from the north and it hurt our lungs, and made us weep bitterly. We promptly hiked back to the first aid station, where the medico tested us and pro nounced us "not gassed." We were very much relieved for we had all swallowed enough of the smoke to kill us if it had been gas. (There is a deadly gas with an arsenic base, j and you die ;in great agony four or five hours after you inhale it.) ' The lady or gentleman who wrote the Irish song which pro claimed that Ireland was "the most distressful country" didn't know what he was talking about. This is the most distressful, desolate wil derness the world has ever seen. The other fronts we have been on were a couple of paradises. We haven't seen a house in a month. There are fragments of houses, but there wouldn't even be fragments if the houses hadn't invariably been constructed of stone. The fields ire so pitted with shell holes that they resemble gigantic honey combs. It is difficult to even walk oyer them and I have been vainly trying to figure how the farmers will ever it able to plow them again. Germans Fight Hard. The Germans have been putting up a remarkably stiff fight along this front, but we have at last got them retreating, although they are taking their time about it. Perhaps they have heard that Austria has asked for n armistice and are getting out from under. We just got that news yesterday, but we are paying little attention to it. I have had just seven small drinks of water in the last 18 days. The shell holes are about the only places on this front where water can be ob tained and the doctors won't let us use k because it may have been gassed. Our water carts have to go long distances for pure water and we get it in the form of coffee. I generally drink two quart cups with each meal, so I don't feet the need of aqua pura. Almost every well or spring we run across in the battle area has a printed sign reading "This water must not be used unless it is chlorinated," or "Do not use this water until It has been treated or bailed for 20 minutes," or some such words. One well we came across on another front had these simple .words: "This water is not fit to drink." Some wag had printed un derneath it with a pencil:. "No water is." Emperor Charles is Planning to Abdicate, He Tells Conference Basel, Nov. 4. (By Associated Press.) Emperor Charles of Austria-Hungary is determined to abdi cate and will retire to Switzerland, German newspapers say. The emperor made this announce ment, it is added, during a confer ence on Saturday with the new Austrian government and other in fluential leaders in the dual mon archy. German Airplane Drops Within the Yankee Lines With the American Army North west of Verdun, Nov. 4. (By Asso ciated Press.) A Germap two seated airplane crashed into the American lines. The pilot was killed, but the observer was unin jured. Officers and men of the big gun artillery claim that the German was downed either by being struck by t big gun projectile or that the plane was damaged by falling into the vacuum caused by the projec tile. Just as one of the guns was fired the German airman appeared. The machine immediately crumbled and fell. The observer was unable to say what caused the accident. All that he knew was that the plane suddenly dropped into space and then turned upside down and glided to earth. Many Railroads Pay Big Dividends to Government Washington, Nov. 4. The rail road administration has made public a list of 26 railroad companies which apparently are prospering to such an extent that they are able to turn over surplus earnings to the gov ernment administration without ask ing for a return of part of thjese or additional government help. Nearly $78,000,000 has been paid in this manner. Roads with this record include the Atlantic Coast line and Louis ville and Nashville, which together turned over $14,050,000 from their surplus funds; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, $9,200,000; Central of New Jersey, $2,500,000; Pullman car lines. $2,000,000, and Los Angeles and Salt Lake, $1.050.000. Congressman Charles. Sloan Will Vote in His Home Town Congressman C. H. Sloan passed through Omaha Monday enroute from Washington to his home in Geneva to cast his vote at the elec tion Tuesday. "NOTHING RELIEVES MY RHEUMATISM" That's nonsense! Get a bottle of Sloan's Lini ment and change your tune. It pentrte, quickens tne circu lation, helps to scatter the conges tion, imparts a warmth that brings back the feel-good and promotes comfort. Good for stiff muscles, too, sprains and most other exter nal aches and pains. Economical, reliable, clean. Don't ask your druggist for just "lini ment" say '"Sloan's Liniment" Keep it in your "First Aid" kit Get it today. LOOK AT CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK ROSS, FEVERISH When constipated or bilious give "California Syrup . of Figs." Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, it is a sure sign that your little one s stomach, liver and bow els need a gentle, thorough cleans ing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act naturally, or is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, ive a teaspoonful of "California yrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, un digested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels with out griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn t coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love its delicious taste, and it always makes them feel splendid. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which hag directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine, ask to see that it is made by "California Figs Syrup Company.'' Refuse any other kind with contempt Adv. ooooooooooooooooooooooon WHO NEEDS THIS MEDICINE? Only One Way to Know, De clare Writer. Seeks to Educate Public the j Value of Good Health. Recommends Tonic Under Certain Conditions. oooooooooooooooooooooooo A well-known physic ian is quoted as saying that "Careless habits, evil habits and ignorant habits re suit in fatalities whenever an epi demic disease appears in a com munity. It should be well known that ex cesses and indulgences of whatso ever kind bring about a condition of low vitality. To have low vi tality is to be partially sick; to remain, so, gives entry to fatal disease germs. It is duty and com mon sense to remove low vitality. Do you catch cold to easily? Are you weak, irritable, nervous and worn out before the day is half over? Have you aches and pains of unknown origin? Are you too thin and seemingly "bloodless?" Do you have tremors and unsound fears? Do you lack energy and ambition? Are you despondent without reason? Is your digestion faulty and your appetite fickle? Do you suffer with dreadful pains in the back of head and neck? Do you have shooting pains like neu ralgia and rheumatism? If any or all of these symptoms are yours then a tonic medicine like Cadomene Tablets should bring relief, health and. strength if taken regularly with meals. Three grain Cadomene Tablets has often been called the "miracle medicine" because it is so quickly effective in restoring strong, rugged, "happy" vitality. Sold in sealed tubes by druggists everywhere and each package is guaranteed to please the buyer or money refunded For Your Boy in the Army Consult our Over-seas Booth as to how and when to send Christmas pres ents to your boy "Over There." -ianaas Stores For Your Boy in the Navy Don't forget the Christmas present for your boy in the navy. Consult our Over-seas Booth. Your Government Urges Early Christmas Shopping Notions and Needle Helps Practical Assets to the Woman Who Sews Now that winter is almost with us, women are beginning in earnest to prepare their winter wardrobes, so here are a few timely suggestions in the way of notions that will help, at v moderate prices. , Every Item in this Sale at a Price Worth While. heavy Skirt Fast colored darning cotton, two spools for. . 5c American Maid Crochet Cot ton 6c Sanitary Napkins, 12 in a box, at .' 50c Elgin Maid Crochet Cot- One book free with each 12 spools. J. & P. Coats Thread, 8 for 25c Rubber Sheeting, a yard. .49c 50-yard spools of Sewing Silk, a spool 5c Best Wire Hair Pins, large box, fl at 5c Ocean Pearl Buttons, card37ac Markers, 9c Extra each . Rust Proof Dress Clasps, a card lc Wood Coat Hangers, each.. 4c Ladies' and Children's Strong Garters, a pair 15c Large pieces of Garter Elastic, each 4c Carmen and Sylvia Nets, 6 for 25c Real Human Hair Nets, each 5c Sanitary Aprons, best grade of rubber, each 50c San-Silk, all colors, spool, 372c Darning Wool, large size card for 5c Dressing Pins, all brass, pa per 3c Good Safety Pins, card 5c Sewing Machine Belts 21c Black and Tan Shoe Laces, all lengths, a pair 4c Shoe Trees for all shoes, pr., 5c Inside Skirt Belting, 25c value, at 10c 12-Yd. bolts of rick- t-l rack at, a bolt. .18c frsjd 10-yd. bolts of bias jMS tape at, a bolt . . 4c Men's Shirt Bands, all sizes, each 4c Boys' Pants Bands, all ages, 5c Best Grade Eyed Needles, a paper 127c Steel Crochet Hooks, best grade 7&c West Electric Hair Curlers, a card at ,, 9c ..5c Girls' Braid Holders, each COLLAPSIBLE DRESS FORMS The "Model" Form in 16 Sections This form is the last form made, and is adjust ed at the neck, bust, waist and hips, also over the shoulders, and down the front, and across the bust. These forms are all collapsible and may be put away in a small box when you are through using them. These are our regular $15.00 forms on sale for one day only at $10.00 Black Jersey Covered Dress Forms These are full forms with or without wire skirts, the forms being perfectly proportioned and can eas ily be adjusted to any height. Regular $5.00 forms on sale for one day only, something every woman who does her own sewing should have; aAn QQ great saver of time; a wonderful help fitting PJ70 Main Floor. r Rugs, Draperies and Curtains In Our Semi-Annual Home-Furnishing Sale A great many people are taking advantage of this sale, which began Monday morning prices are so astonishingly low that they can't help it. Rugs are offered at less than today's factory prices and many items in Draperies and Curtains are reduced to half price. Embrace this chance for saving money, and come while the assortments are complete. 9x12 Brussels Rugs. Good range of designs and patterns. For. din ing room and living room there are al lover tans and browns; for the bedroom there- are two-toned blues and blue and brown and tans, with chintz borders. Worth , today $35. On sale at $16.98 9x12 Velvet Rugs. Suitable for any room in the house; blues, tans and browns, some in conven tional and some in oriental pat terns. Worth today $40. On sale at ' $27.98 r 9 2lzx4 Axminster Rugs. Smith Axminsters; wide assortment of good patterns; the kind that should sell at $3.50. On sale at $2.39 3x5 and 3x6 Axminster Rugs. Smith Axminsters, in large variety of good patterns. Should sell at $6.50. On sale at $3.98 Axminster Rugs. One of the best service rugs you can buy. We have for this sale a limited quantity only, and as the price quoted is Jess than the factory price on the same rug today, you should make your selection at once. Latest designs and patterns 9x12 size , . . . . ... ,T. . f . . . . . . .$31.98 8 ft. 3 in.xlO ft. 6 in. . .... .t. . . . ... ....... . . .$29.98 Draperies and Curtains at Special Prices Curtain Nets, Fringed Scrims and Figured JQq Voiles, worth 35 yd. Plain Scrims, several hun dred yards, white and ecru, worth 29c, q special Plain Marquisettes, 29(J worth 49c, special. HIP-" hob Curtain Nets, in white and ecru, worth AQ 69c, at Regular $1.00 Curtain Nets, new pattterns, 7Q c large assortment.. Drapery Fabrics, a large assortment in plain and -figured styles; many have sold up to $5 a yard. sp-;$1.75'$3.75 Curtains in Four Groups. From 300 to 800 Pairs in Each Group: Curtains worth up to $3 a pair. ...... Curtains worth up to $5 a pair. . Curtains worth up to $10.50 a pair. Curtains worth up to $16 a pair. . ....... ..... . .$8.50 .......$1.50 .... ...... $2.75 ............$5.00 Third Floor Tuesday Thrift Sales Little Bargains in the Basement that Mean Much Beautiful Crepe 36-inch silk and cotton Crepe de Chine, colors and white, nile, lavender, rose, canary, purple For one day's sell ing only. 69c AKn values Tuesday for C Sateen Slippers Tuesday only, 480 pairs of Women's Sateen Slippers, in black, white, pink and gray. Also sizes from 2 to 6. Tuesday, OQ at, per pair OJC Draperies 100 pieces of pretty Mar quisettes and Voiles and Fil let Nets; 36 and 40 inches wide; a Thrift Day Special and a real bargain QP at, a yard OC Chemise Women's $1.00 and $1.25 value Envelope Chemise to be sold at a very special price during the Thrift ast": 69c Mercerized Poplin 36-inch mercerized poplin in light and colors. A very good weight. This is ab solutely a 48c value. To be sold on Tuesday QC for . . . . faJC Women's Spats About 300 pairs of Spats in white, black, brown, red and blue, 6 to 8 buttons. Extra good quality. If you need a pair come OQ Tuesday. At pair ..OJC Window Shades 50 dozen Window Shades in light and dark green col ors; 36 inches wide and 6 feei long, all complete with fixtures ready to O, put up, at each . . . HJC Fibre Silk Hose Women's Fiber Silk Hose, in black, white and various col ors. Specially priced in this Tuesday Thrift sale. A bargain 39 C Waist Union Suits Children's Waist Union Suits ready taped for hose sup porters. In sizes up to 12 years. Special for Tuesday selling, at, per CQ suit oyc Sweater Coats Made of good weight wool mixed in Oxford and Ma roon, with pockets and shawl collar and "V"-neck style. All sixes d0 QQ up to 46 P0 Curtain Nets One table full of attractive curtain nets, sample lengths, suitable for many things be sidts curtains, special for this thrift sale, 1 C each IOC Rain Capes Girls' 6 to 14 sizes, fancy, Check. Rain Capes, with hoods, just the thing for girls to wear to school in bad weather, dl Thrift Day price V 1 OI Union Suits Ladies' pink band top shell knee union suits, worth at least $1.00 the suit, to be sold Tuesday at the very special price nn of OJC Fancy Scarfs One lot of lace trimmed Scarfs, . also scalloped and prettily embroidered ones, plain white or fancy color ings, a suggestive CQ Christmas gift ....OJC Scrim 2,000 yards of Scrims, fan cy colored borders, pretty for bedroom curtains or to make dainty bed covers, 36 inches wide, a real f n bargain, a yard .... 1 V C Men's Kerchiefs Men's colored Initial Hand kerchiefs. An excellent val ue for the money. Special selling in the basement. Thrift Day sale -I f price, each ...... 1 vr C Sleeping Garments We have a few dozen chil dren's Sleeping Garments in good sizes. These are to to be sold out Fine for the cool nighty For spe- EQ ial selling Tuesday OJC Wall Paper Plain 36-inch Oat Meal Pa pers in tan, green, gray, blue and brown sold with handsome cut-out borders to match, special for 11 Thrift Day, roll ... 1 1 C Pongee 32-inch Pongee ia a var iety plain shades, highly yarn mercerized, with a per manent lustrous finish, pretty lor chldren s dresses, etc., per yd. 29 c Boudoir Caps A wide assortment of la dies' Boudoir Caps. You are sure to find a pleasing style. Prices range from 65c ?r.... .29c Women s Hosiery Women's black Hose in very good quality. This is to be a very special item, and to be sold Tuesday for the low price of, per -l Q pair LU Outing Flannel 27-inch gray Outing Flan nel, genuine Amoskeag make, heavy, warm, fleecy nap. A good, durable flan nel, one that will OO 1 wear well, per yd. "2v Kimonos Long Kimonos, for women and misses, in light and dark patterns. Good, heavy fan cy kimona cloth. Different styles. Worth d 1 Af $1.69 to $1.95, atP 1 Gift Shop- Manufacturers stock of sol id nickel silver; will wear well; knives, forks, table spoons and many fancy odd pieces, all at one IP price, . X O C Children's Hose We have on hand a small lot of Children's Hose which we intend closing out. This lot .will be sold in our Tuesday sale, at, per pair 15c Gingham Mill remnants, 32 inches wide, fine Zephyr Gingham, suitable for school dresses for little ones all winter, in beautiful plaids, ' Of checks, etc., per yd. OOC Sweater Coats Girls 2 to 6 years. Sweater Coats made to Bell up to $3.00. Many are samples. These will be special for Thrift Sale $1 29 Hand Bags genuine leather Hand Bags and Strap Purses; some leather lined, some fancy lined; fitted with purse and mirror, . each 97c "Renown"; Ranges Every Renown Range is sold under a guarantee that it is made from the best materials obtainable and by the most skilled workmen. We guarantee them to operate perfectly and to do their work under proper and reasonable conditions. A Renown Cast Iron Range Will Outlast Any Steel Range Made They Do Not Rust Out Renown Plain Finish Cast Iron Ranges Upward from ' $33.00 Renown Nickel Finish Ranges With polished tops, upward from $65.00 Renown Black Nickel Fin- pish Ranges .$62.50 Cast Iron Cook Stoves Excellent values at $18.00 Oak Heaters Which we especially reccommend upward from . . . .$10.50 Perfection Oil Heaters Fine for cool niffhts and mornings, at $5.75 Six Big Bargains for Tuesday's Selling In the Hardware Department fiUM Six 5c Rolls of Elite Toilet Paper for ... .18c Full, size Wash Board ,with white metal rubbing surface for. 39c One quart Cedar Oil Pol ish, for 39c 12 oz. bottle Cedar Oil Polish for 19c Extra large package of Golden Rod Borax Naptha Washing Powder .... 17c $2.19 size New Standard Food Choppers, while they last $1.49 No 'phone orders accepted on any of these six items and we reserve the right to limit the quantity to each customer. '