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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1918)
-Snch lands. BRINGING UP FATHER r Copyright. 1917 International vrei Service. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus FINE InmrAVAil U .alinn tk... 1 1 .. irom uconio; I7t per acra; 14,000 cash; balaaot tan equal payraenta. Farma and ranches la and adjolnlnt Wood Rlvar Valley; no rock; no aand; eoma and wmm u. w, MCKlnney, Octonto. Nab. I CHOICE quarter section, unimproved. - Cheyenne county, Nebraaka. well located in food neighborhood; price I2S40 per aera, 11.100 cash, balance three yeara at ' "- per CBnt- Bo ,,8S- Omaha Bee. SEVERAL good Lucas county, Iowa, farma to exohaage (or good clean Ne braska land; aaswer at onca with full ' description and price. W J. Good. Charlton. Ia. HELP WANTED. 100 corn huakera In Henry county, Iowa; yield 10 to 10 bushels; buaklng atarta October IS. Apply to County Agricultural Agent. Mt. Pleasant. Ia. WK can deal your acreage. Call Mr. Brown, acreage specialist. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. 1S16 City Nat. Doug. 62t(. A FINE IMPROVED RANCH ' 100-acre ranch: will sell on good terms, wife sick and have to move; no aand or rock; good black soil. E. Comba, North North Pintle, .b. VALLEY FARM " t jcrea, new buildings, pure spring water, fruit. 130 per acre Other farms, views free nm Y-iy Omaha Bee. WRITE ine for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In good old Dawes county, Arah L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neh ALFALFA hint mid corn lrrlKald farma and ranchea, 115 to $170. Send for list Cover tt Co, Coaad. Neb MERRICK COUNTY. Improved corn and .alfalfa farms at the right price M A l.ARSiiN, Central City. Neb Oregon Land. Irrigation "In the Heart of the Range" The Jordan Valley Project. Malheur County, Oregon . An empire In the making, land 11.00 per acre plua the cost of (he water You can file on grazing homestead entries nearby Literature and particulars on request Next excursion October 50th. HARLEY J HOOKER. HO First Natl Bk Bldg Omaha. Neb. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farma, 150 pef - a., Including paid up water rights Henry Lv C M Rylnnder. HM Omaha Nat'l FARM LAND FOR RENT. Buy Direct From Owner, " Save Commissions. $45 PER ACRE. 040 acres. 4 miles from Bushnell, Neb. 175 acres fine winter wheat, up and look ing fine; 10 acres clover; 10 acres al falfa, hog tight; barn holds 100 head cattle, 12 head horses; good garage; 7 rocm house; water In house; 2-room small house; good well, wind mill and supply tank; granartea for 1,500 bushels. sec tions all fenced; 600 acres tractor ground; 12 atacka wheat on place now shows what 1. will produce. Place will sell Itself Owner must positively sell by November lEth. One-fifth down, balance, S years, at 6 per cent. Wheat will easily clear first paymtnt. Kimball county wheat Is ho talk of Nebraska. Address E. U GRIFFITH, Bushnell, Neb. AUTOMOBILES. SAFETY FIRST ( Buy your car where you can get a GUARANTEE. This Is the way we , GUARANTEE every car we SELL. Pick out the one you want, then DRIVE It twenty-four hours YOUR 8 ELF. If you are not SATISFIED Bring tt In, we will give you your MONEY back. ; TRAWVERAUTO CO., 1810 Farnam St. Douglas 0070. SAVE 40 PER CENT ON YOUR TIRES HAVE THEM REBUILT 3.000 MILES GUARANTEE Plain Non-Skid JOxl t 8 00 $10 00 v 10x3Vi 10.00 12.60 33x4 13.00 17.50 AGENTS WANTED TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRING. DOUGLAS TIRE VULCANIZING CO. New Location. 3857 Farnam St ; RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiators on hand. Mashed tenders and lamps repaired like new. New atock of Ford honeycomb radiators. ' OMAHA RAPITOR AND TIRE WORKS 1M Cuming St Omaha. Neb FOR SALE OR TRADE 60-h. p. Mitchell . fhumm rnnrtsfnr. hlffh sneed and now- er. Will accept Ford in Al condition as part payment A bargain. B. E. Frank. Route 0, 75A, Benson, Neb. BARGAINS- IN-WED CARS All makes. With snd without starters 35 to pick from. Phone D. 1241 or call at 1511 Davenport BOTLAN AUTO CO. FOR SALE At a bargain, 1918 7-pasaen-ger Cadillac, practically new, car on display. West Farnam Garage. Inquire Mr. Cohn, Blackstona Hotel. FOR SALE Oldsmoblle Sedan; car Is new; would not be for sale only on ao count of sickness. Car at Strehlow garage. . GOOD USED CARS. OUY L. SMITH. gfth and Farnam Sts. Douglaa 1970 WANTED Auto finisher and striper, good job and steady. Barnum-Smlth Co., 2133 Cuming St USED CARS AND" TRUCK8 AT BARGAIN PRICES, STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 3020 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam. Harney 41J. OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam St BARGAIN 1917. four-cylinder Stearna Knight 5-paaaenger touring car. Call Harney 2H77. BARGAINS In used cars. ORR MOTOR BALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co.. llth and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 3800 Wanted for spot cash. 100 used CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto , Exchange Co.. 2069 Farnam St. D. 4035. QUALITY USED CARS, VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 2404 LEAVENWORTH ST. OWNER drafted; must sell dandy Ford touring car. Cash or terms. Har. 4563. Tires and Supplies- ' " .SPECIAL SALE ON NEW AND USED TIRES Ftsk, Goodrich, General, Carsprlng. Piamond. Congress, National, Star. Me- Graw. Portage, Kent. Lee, Keystone, Goodyear. Mention alxa and wa will send prlcea. OMAHA RADIATOR TIRE WORKS. . 3044 Farnam St 1S1 Coming St REAL bargains in slightly used tires; new , Urea at very low prlcea O. and G. Tire , Co 2415 Leavenworth at. Tyler 1241-W " NEW TIRES AND TUBES ON 8ALE. Ford tubea.-r.. $2.35132x3 $15 76 10x3 $9 951 33x4 $23 45 SOxStt .......313.35134x4. non-sktd $24 75 rireatone. MoGrau, Republic Congress. Lea Pullman. Fish Send for circular K AIM AN TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming " TIRES AT HALF-PRICE. Writ us for particulars. Agenta Wanted I-ln-1 VULCANIZING CO., 1514 Davenport Phone D. 1241. and eliminate your tire troubple Powell Supply Co 3.051 Farnam St. Windshield one 191s Maxweiiiwtnd- .... shield for sale. Colfax 131. . Auto Livery and Garaged. " , BENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF ... IS par mile. 35e per hour mlmlmuro charge. Sundays and holidays. 40c par hour. . - FORD LIVERT CO.. V Doaglaa 3423 1314 Howard St Servise Stations. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; aervle. station for Rayfteld rardaratora and Columbia sto, use batiWlea . Edwards t14 K. lUn. y Wabatsc 1101, I NOW-1 KNOW YOOU. Liana" 1 BY OU.fl MU&TtOT I I ), S B zK I HOPE DUAN 41 1 W77. M HESZ. WHrX I , I , OOTTONHT AOiHTY Hj JPSVS PLACE CPriiAC lgn v WVU SETBACK- ( J&V MOORt.tXilVIN'A fJ . 1 yPfeji. V- OPPN- f W f HIT ) Market and Financial News of the Day LOCAL LIVE STOCK f Cattle Trade Steady Market for Hogs Uneven, with Few Shipper Purchases Sheep Steady. Omaha, October IB, 1918. Receipts were: Cattle. Hotfs Sheep. Official Monday 19,932 4,036 40.124 Estimate Tuesday ...10.700 4.700 40.000 lambs and steady to 25c lower on feed ers. Trade was a little late In getting started today but there were quite a number of buyers In the yards and in quiries Indicated a generally steady mar ket on feeder lambs. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $15.00 !fj 15.75 ; lambs, fair to good, $14. 10015.00; lamb feeders, $10.00014.00; yearlings, good to choice, $ 1 1.00 1 1.50; yearlings, fair to good, $10.0011.40; year ling feeders, $10.0012.0U; wethers, fat, $9.00011.35; wether feeders, $11.7512.26; ewes, good to choice, $8,00 48.50; ewes, fair to good, $7.00ffi5.00; ewe feeders. $.007.60. Chicago Live Stock. Two1 days this wk SO. 432 8,735 K0.126 Same days Inst week :S. 641 12.263 64,701 Same days 2 wks. ago 30,066 9.S6& 87.229 Hame days 3 wks. ago 31. 729 10.338 106,868 Same days year ago. 33,629 8,236 68,493 Recelrts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'a C, M. ft St. P.. 3 1 Wabash 3 Union Taclflo ... 89 16 7T C. & N .W east 4 3 C. & N. W.. west 176 20 26 C, St. P., M. & O. 6 6 6 C, B. & Q., east 9 2 4 ... C. B. ft Q., west 144 12 112 C, R. I. & P. east 6 6 C R I & P west 1 Illinois Central ..1 4 Chi. at. West.... 1 1 Total receipts ..442 68 $24 1 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. !iforris ft Co 808 590 1,341 Swift ft Co 2,264 1,252 4,390 Cudahy Packing Co 1,791 1,229 4,056 Armour & Co 1,668 1,208 3,822 Schwartz ft Co 339 J. W. Murphy 634 Lincoln Packing Co 93 Wilson Packing Co 34 Hlgglns Packing Co 34 HoZman Bros 24 John Roth ft Sons.. 35 Mayerowlch ft Vail 11 Glassbsrg 4 P. O'Dea 24 Chicago, Oct 15. Cattle Receipts, 20,- 000; boef and butcher cattle unevenly steady to 25c lower; steers with weight selling upward fromi $13.00 holding up best; slockers and feeders neglected; beef cattle, good, choice and prime, $14,250 butchers stock, cows and heifers, $IS.50 13.00; canners and cutters, $5.660 (Qi 6. 05 ; stockers and feeders, good choice and fancy, (10.25 13.25 ; Inferior, common and medium, $7.0010.25; veal cattle good, choice, $15 75(3116.75; western range, beef steers. $1 3.25 17.00; cows and heifers, $8.0012.25. Hogs Receipts, 27,000 head; market on butcher and light hogs, 10c to 25c higher; packing gradea steady to strong; butchers, $18.4001175; light, $17.75! 18.65; packing, $16.85 18.10; rough. $16.50 G16.75; piga, good to choice, $16.60(2) 16.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 31,000 head; fat sheep steady, others and lambs weak to unevenly lower; many fat lambs selling 26c to 40c down; lambs, choice and prime, $15.25 15.75; medium and good, $13.2515.25; culls, 37.5012.00; ewes, choice and prime, $10.00(5)10.25; medium and good, $8.7510.00; culls, $3.6007.00. Benton & Van Sant 241 F. P. Lewis 389 Huntzlnger ft Oliver 118 J. B. Root ft Co 224 J. H. Bulla 191 R. M. Burrusa ft Co 13 Rosenstock Bros.... 684 P. O. Kellogg 183 Werthei'er ft Degen 710 Ellis ft Co 47 Sullivan Broa 12 A. Rothchlld 93 ..... M. K. C. ft C. Co... 674 E. O. Christie 5 Baker 9 Banner Bros 98 . .... John Harvey 1.227 Dennis ft Francis.. 96 Cheek ft Krebs,... 81 Other buyers 3,111 33.330 Total 14,863 3,263 36,438 T? war nnt as lara-a as yesterday, but liberal, estimated at 10.- 700 head, and trading was ver stow, dui nh.ii mtomAv with vesterdav'a decline on beef and butcher atock and feedera show ed some strength over yesieraay s ue cltne. Choice to prime grass beeves were n..,aKla fmm S13 lift tft 815.00 and ITH" dium grades were selling around $12.00 to $13.25. Packers were navmg irouoie 10 killing cattle, not being able to keep sufficient help on hand, and they claim that .i.m heef marketa are. more or less demoralized by the epidemic. Beat butcher stock was sailing around $8.50 to $9.60, medium grades from $7.60 to $8.50. Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime beeves, $17.00 18.25; good to choice beeves, $16.2616.60; fair to good beeves. $13.25015.00; common to lair dobvos $9.0012.75; good to choice yearlings. 16.0017.60; fair to gooa yearunar. $I2.0016.60; common to fair yearlings. t nan on. rhnlca to Drlme grass steers, $14.6'o16.50; fair to good grass beeves, $iz.ootrn.uu; common io grass beeves, $8.50011.50; Mexican beeves, $9. 00011. 00; gooa to onoicv nvuvrw. ff.T, 11.60; good to choice cows, $8.5049X0 50; fair to good cows, $7. 5008.25; common to fair cows, $6.0007.28; prime feeders, $12.00014.00; good to choice feedera, $10.00012.00; fair to good feeders, $8.60 10.00; common to fair feeders, $6.00 T.50; good to choice stockers, $9.0010.S0; Stock heifers, s(.uujis--i); siock cuw, $6 2507.50; stock calvea, $6.50010.50; veal calves, $7.00013.50; buns, stags, no., 17. 6O0.t H..Rpi-.lnti tnflav amounted to 4.700 head, making supplies for the two days 8,700 head. Btilppera purcnasea a lew 10 day but a negligible quantity as far as kDVin. ,nv ffer.t on tha market The packer market was rather an uneven af fair with little cnange from yesieroay s prlcea. Plain and rough heavy hoga went as low as $17.40. On the other hand bet ter grades were a trifle higher than yes terday, the bulk of today's salea being $17.40017.65, a wider spread In tha bulk than we have had for aometlme. Tops went to $17.90. The general market la steady to 6c higher. Sheep There were 40,000 sheep In to day, receipt for the two days amounting to 80.100 head. Yesterday's market con tinued at largely steady price on fat Motorcycles and Bicycles. . HARLET-D A V I D S O N MOTORCYCLES Bargalna In used macninee. victor a Rooa. the Motorcycle Man, 37th and Leavenworth. PERSONA THE SALVATION Army Induatrlal Home sollctls your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect We dlatribute Phone Doug, 4115 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home 1110-1112-1114 Dodae St MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without s surgical operstlon. Call or write Dr Frank H Wray. 106 Bee Bide; LIVE STOCK VEHICLES FOR SALE Three wagona, which have been used for short time; if Interested please call. William Dlttman. South 3440. FOR SALE Sound 4-year-old mare, weighs about 900 pounds. Doug. 537$. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SALE Gray mare, weight 1.100 lbs 3510 Valley St. Harney 1742. WHEAT screenings 12 60 per hundred del A W Waggner, 801 N 16tt D 1143 FOR SALE! Thoroughbred English bull dog, age 9 months. Bos 66. Carroll. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Buslneaa Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as secur ity. 840 4 mo.. H goods, total, $3 60. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 431 Security Bid? . 16th ft Farnam Ty. 461 Lowt-st rates Private loan booths Harry MalesnocK. ism image L ftGIS Est 1S1 PIAM'NI ANn JEWRr.RYl.OANS LOANS ON DUMONDS JEWELRf AND s 1 1 C LI11ERTY BONDS. O r 12 iP W . Ft.ATAt . 8T l"93 " till. i'LK. SECURITY. BLfO. Tt. lit. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Oct, 15. Cattle Receipts, 26,000 head; market steady; prime fed steers, $17,60019.10; dressed beef steers, $12.00017.00; western steers, $9.00014.00; cows, $6.00011.50; heifers, $7,000 18.60; stockers and feeders. $7.00013.00: bulls, $6.608.50; calves, $7.00012.60;. Hogs Receipts, 20,000 head; market steady to 10c lower; bulk, $17.25017.85; heavy, $17 25 l'S.OO; packers and butch ers. $17.25017.90; lights, $17.00017.75; pigs, $15.00017.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,000 head; market steady; lambs, $13.00015.35; yearlings, $10.0011.00; wethers, $9,000 10.25; ewes, $8.0009.60; stockers and feeders, $6.00019.00. GRAIN JARKETS Corn Prices Are Two to Ten Cents Higher; Considerable Around Extreme Advance ; Other Grains Also Up. Omaha. October 15, 1918. Rerelpts of grain today were very light Arrivals totaled only 92 cara, of which 21 cars were of wheat. 27 cars of corn, 35 cars of oats, no rye and 9 cars of barley. Corn prices ranged rrom 2o to 10c higher, with a larpe amount In both the good grades and offerings of poor quality sell ing around the extreme advance. The limited' number of aamples were taken readily. qats were H4c to 2 s up and rye ad vanced lo to 2c. Wheat was unchanged to ftc up. Barley was So to 4c higher. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts: Today. Wk. Ago. Yr igo Wheat 21 SO 117 Corn 27 64 84 Oats 35 13 101 Rye 2 13 Barley 9 14 11 Shipments: Wheat 7 8 '20 Corn 59 60 65 Oats 83 43 41 Rye 1 8 Barley 11 12 6 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago 263 787 464 Kansas City 135 32 17 St. Louis 62 48 17 Minneapolis 695 ... ... Duluth 570 Winnipeg 1,142 St, Louis live Stock. St. Louis, Oct 15. Cattle Receipts, 9,100 head; market ateady; native beef steers, $11,504( 18.25; yearling steers and heifers, $9.50015.60; cows, $7.60012.60; stockers and feeders, $8.60012.00; beef cows and heifers, $7.50016.00; native calves, $7.75017.36. Hogs Receipts, 12,200 head; market lower; lights. $17.60018.00; pigs, $14.76 16.75; mixed and butchers, $17.60018.35; good, heavy, $18.25018.83; bulk, $17.60 18.30. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,600 head; market steady; Iambs,-, $16.50 16.75; ewes. $11.00012.00; canners and choppers, $5.0009.00. Sioux City Live Stock.- Sioux City, Ia., Oct. 15. Cattle Re ceipts, 8,000 head; market lower; beef steers, $7.00013.00; canners, $5.5006.50; stockers and feedera, $6.75013.00; cows and heifers $5.5009.00. Hogs Receipts, 5,000 head; market (c lower; light, $17.50 17.70; mixed, $17.40 017.60; heavy, $17.20 17.40; bulk, $17.35 017.60. Fheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,500 head; market steady. St. Fool Live Stock, South St. Paul, Minn., Oot. 15, Cattle Receipts, 6,000 head; market lower; steers. $5.50016.50; cows and . heifers, $5.6009.60; calves, $6.60015.00. Hoga Receipts. 5,700; steady; range, $16.00017.45; bulk, $17.35017.45. Bheep and Lambs Receipts, 5,700 head; market steady; lambs, $10.00014.60; wethers, $7.00011.60; ewes, $3.0009.00. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 15. Cattle Re ceipts,. 6,000; market lower; steers, $7.50 1S.00; ' cowa - and heifers, $5.60 0 1 6.00; calves. $6.00013.00. Hogs Receipts. 10,000; market lower; top. $17.90; bulk. $16.917.66. Sheep Receipt 4,000; market steady; lamb. $10.00016.60; ewea, $3.0009.60. New York Coffee. New York, Oct 16. There waa a sale of December at the full maximum price of 8.80o In the market for coffee futures hers today, but otherwise no business was reported, with the market opening and closing net unchanged. The announce ment of the food administration placing the control of Importations and distribu tion of cofee In the hands of the sugar equlllsatlon committee and appealing to the country for economy In the use of cof fee In order to release tonnage for mili tary purposes seemed, if anything, to in crease the uncertainty of sentiment Spot coffee firm; Bio 7s, 10 c; Santos 4s, 15c Omaha Bay Market. Receipts light On both prairie hay and alfalfa. Demand fair to good. Market firm and ateady with prices unchanged. Choice upland prairie hay, $27; No. 1 upland prairie hay, $25 to $26; No 2 up land nrairl- hay. $21.50 to $23.60; No $ upland prairie hay $14 to $16.60; No. mid land prairie hay. $25 to $26; No. 8 mid land prafrl hay. $21.60 to $23.50; No 1 lowland prairie hay. $19 to $21; No. 2 lowland prairie bay. $14.60 to $16.60; No t lowland prairie hay. $11.60 to $13.60. Choice alfalfa. $30.50 to $31.50; No. 1 alfalfa, $2 60 to $30.60; atandard alfalfa. $37.60 to $29.60; No. 2 alfalfa, $25 to $27: No. I alfalfa, $21.t0 to $24. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruits. New York, Oct 14. Evaporated Apples Dull; California, 13014c; state, 14 15Hc Prunes Strong; California. 90 and 200s, lO01Oc; Oregons, nominal. Apricots Firm ; extra, 20c; extra choice, 22c; fancy, 34c. 1 Raisin Firm; loose muscatels, c; choice to fancy seeded, 10S4llc; seed less, ll12c; London layers$2.00. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Oct 16. Barley, 83 90c. Rye $1.6601.67. Bran $28.77. Corn $1.3001.85. Oats. 64H65ViC. Flax $3.45Vs3.48. New York Cotton Futures. Net: ?ork, Oct 18. Cotton Futures opened firm; October, 31.40031.60c; De cember. 31030 80c; January, 80.45c; March. 30 17c; May. 19 92c New York Cotton. New York, Oct 15. Cotton closed barely steady at a net. decline of 15 to 37 point. New York Metal. New York, Oct 15. Metal unchanged. ",. New Tot Segar. . -Mew York. Oct 14. Sutar Unchanged. Corn No. 3 white: 8 cars, $1.43. No. 4 white: 2 cars, $1.25; 2 cars, $1.24; 3-5 car, $1.24. No. 5 white, 1 car, $1.2.1; 3 cars. $1.20. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, $1.40; 1 car, $1.38; 1 car, $1.38. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, $1.27. No. 5 yellow. 1 car, $1.25; 1 car $1.23; 3 cars, $1.20. No. 6 yellow: 1 car. $1.25; 1 car. $1.20; 1 car, $1.16; 3 cars, $1.15. Sample yellow, 3 cars, $1.12; 1 car $1.04. No. 3, mixed: 1 car, $1.37. No. 4 mixed, 2 cars', $1.25. No. 6 mixed. 1 car. $1.20 No. 6 mixed, 1 car, $1,16; 2 cars, $1.15. Sample mixed: 2-6 cars, $1.12; 1 car, $1.10; 1 car, $1.09. Oats Standard: 1 car, 67c. No. $ white oats 1 car, 67c; 13 cars, 67o; 2 cars, 66 He No. 4 white oats: 1 car, 66c. Sample white oata: 1 car, 67c; 2 cars, 66V4c; 1 car, 66c. Rye No. 2: 2 cars, $1.62; 1 car, $1.61. Barley No. 3 barley. 1 car, 92c. No. 4, 1 car, 90c. No. 1 feed, 1 car, 88c. Sample: 1 car, 87c ; 1 car, 85c. Wheat No. 1 hard: 1 car, $2.18. No. 2 hard: 2 cars, $2.16; 2 cars, $2.11 (smutty). No. 3 hard: 2 cars, $2.13. No. 6 hard: 1 car, $2.06 (smutty): 1 car, $1.97 (smutty, musty). Sample hard, 1 car. $2.03 (smutty). No. 2 northern spring, 1 car, $2.16. No. 1 mixed: 2 cars. $2.15; 1 car, $2.14; 1 car, $2.04 (11 per cent rye). No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $2.11; 1 car, $2.06 (smutty). No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $2.07. Chicago closing price furnished The Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street. Omsha; Art. Open. I High. Low. Close, Yesfy Corn Nov. 1.33 1.26H 1.22 1.2444 1.21 Deo. 1.20 1.23 1.20 1.21 1.18 Oats. Nov. .68 .69 .? .67 Doc. .68 .69 .67 .67 .67 Pork Oct. '. 33.07 34.37 Nov. 36.25 35.27 34.27 Lard Oct. 26.73 26.75 26,60 26.65 26.50 Nov. 25.62 25.60 25.60 25.62 25.25 Rlbe Oct. 22.25 ' 22.21 21.95 Nov. 242O 122.45 22,20 22.42 21.95 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Corn Offerings Light, Demand From Short Lively and Price Advance. Chicago, Oct. 16. Sharp new advance In the corn market today resulted largely from President Wilson's note to Germany. Lateat quotations, although unsettled, were 2c to 4c net higher, with No vember. $1.24 to $1.24, and December L$1.21 to $1.21. Oats gained c to c ana provisions 10c tu i. Corn traders appeared to be nearly un animous In drafting bullish conclusions as to the effect of the president's stand. In addition, the deflnate understanding that the federal government might quick ly come Into the market as a liberal buyer tended further to discourage specu lative selling. Accordingly offerings were light, and there was a lively demand throughout the day from short and com mission houses. Pit operations, however, did not popsesl anything like the magni tude that has been rule of late. Reactions which took place from the top , levels reached seemed to be due altogether to collection of profits. At the highest point of the session the November option show ed an advance of nearly 16e a bushel compared with the Inside figures of 24 hours before. Oats went upgrade with corn. Domes tic shipping demand wa good. Word of probable, big export require ments gave decided strength to provisions and so likewise did upturns In the value of corn and hogs. Cash quotations: Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.47; No. 3 yellow, $1.3501.42; No. 4 yellow, $1.271.33. Oat No. 3 white, 6970c; atandard, 7071c. Rye No. 2, $164. Barley 90$1.01. geeds Timothy, $7.00 10.00; olover, nominal. Provisions Pork, nominal; lard, $26.90; ribs, $22.26 023.25. New York General. New York, Oct 15. Flour Dull; springs. $10.75011.26: winters, $10.36 10.60; Kansas. $10.75011.16. ., Wheat Spot, steady; No. t red, $2.84 track, New York. Corn Spot firm; No. I yellow, $1.88, and No. 3 yellow, $1.54, cost and freight New York. , Oats Steady; spot standard. 79c. Hay Easier; No. 1, $2.2002.25; No. 2. $2.1002.15; No. 3, $2.0002.05. Hops Dull; state medium t choice 1918, 1923c; 1917, 16018c; Pacific coaat 1818. 1416o; 1917, 10012c. Pork Steady; mess. 40.0O4948.00: Timtx lly, $53.00055.00; short clear, $42.00 5Lard Firm: mlddl west $26.80 24 90. , Taliow Firm; city special, loose, 9Ja Rice Firm: fancy head. 1010c; blue rose, 99& St. Louis Grain. St Louis, Oct 15. Corn October, $1.3 bid; November. $1.27 bid. Oats, Octo ber, 68 cf November, 69a STOCKJPKET H'gh-Priced Specialties Under Pressure; Changed Atti tude of Traders Reflect ed in War Shares. New York. Oct. 15. Judging from the uncertain and Irregular course of today' stock market speculative Interests wsre less Inclined to Jump at hasty conclusions regarding the result of pending develop ments In the war situation. With the exceptions of Oils, In which fluctuations were most bewildering, shares favored In the preceding session, notably rails, shippings, tobaccos and high priced specialties were under constant pressure United States Steel, which promised yes terday to get Into Its stride on the up swing, was among the erratic leaders, re acting 2 points from Its best and clos ing at a loss of l'i points Marine preferred was under the Influ ence of realizing sales, reacting 2 point after an early show of activity and strength, while standard rails, especially Pacifies, forfeited 1 to 2 points Coppers and leathers were consistently firm to strong, the demand for melals centering about American Smelting. Ana conda and Utah. Hides and Leather pre ferred made an additional gain of 3 points, but fell away later. War stocks reflected the changed atti tude of traders, some of the more dis tinctive Issues of that division rising 1 to 4 points, with Industrial Alcohol and the tood shares. Railroad and Industrial Issues were tha strongest features of the broader bond market, the' liberty group showing vari able tendencies, while Internationals were neglected. Total sales par value aggr gated $9,350,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and quotations on lead ing stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Beet Sugar 200 68 68 68 4 American Can .. 2,400 46 44 ',i 441 Am. Car & F'dry 7,600 86 85 86 Am. Locomotive 1,700 66 65 65 Am Smelt. & Kef 31,300 82 79 82 Am. Sugar Ref.. 600 111 110 110 American T. & T. 600 107 107 107 Am. &., L. & S 14 Anaconda Copper 22,000 71 70 71 Atchison 3,200 90 89 R9 AG&WISSL 600 107 ins, 107 Bait. & Ohio.... 1,800 6(! 66 65 B. & 8. Copper.. 900 24 24 24 Cal. Petroleum.. 700 21 20 20 Canadian Pacific 3. son 17;i- lT0-,4 ni Central Leather 1,900 68" 67 67 Ches ft Ohio.... 600 69 68 68 C, M. & S. P.. 600 49 48 48 C. N. W V 400 97 97 97 C, R. I. & P. o 1,200 26 26 26 Chino Copper .. 1,800 40 39 39 Colo. Fuel & Iron 900 43 42 42 Corn Prod. Ref... 900 14 4:1 43 Crucible Steel . . 3,300 67 66 66 Cuba Cane Sugar 2.800 29 28 29 Distiller's Sec... 2,300 49 48 49 Erie 3,900 ' 16 16 15 General Eleetrio 700 1 "7 iss 156 General Motors 4,600 122 119 121 Gt Northern, pfd 2,300 93 92 92 Gt. N. Ore. ctfs. 800 32 31 31 Illinois Central.. 200 98 98 98 Insp. Copper .. 7,900 '65 64 64 Int. M. M. pfd.. 63,100 120 116 117 Int Nickel 1,200 30 30 30 Int. Paper 2,100 34 33 34 K. C. Southern 200 19 19 19 Kennecott Cop... 9,900 35 34 35 L, & N 300 117 117 117 Maxwell Motors 2,000 32 30 31 Max. Petroleum 77,200 144 134 144 Miami Copper .. 2,608 28 27 27 Missouri Pacific 1,900 25 24 24 Mont. Power.... 300 74 74 74 Nevada Copper 1.100 20 20 20 N. Y. Central.... 2.900 75 75 75 N. Y., N. H. & H. 3.400 41 39 40 N. & W 600 108 107 107 Northern Pacific 1,400 91 90 91 Pacific Mall .... 300 32 31 32 Pennsylvania ... 5.200 44 44 44 Pittsburg Coal .. 600 44 48 44 Ray Con. Copper 1.500 24 24 24 Reading 14,100 91 89 90 Rep. Iron & Steel 5,600 88 87 88 Shat Ariz. Cop. 300 16 15 15 Southern Pacific 5,600 92 90 90 Southern Rall'ay 16,400 30 29 $0 Studebaker Corp. 42,100 65 58 65 Texas Co "1,200 194 190 192 Union Pacific... 10,700 132 131 132 U. S. Ind Alcohol 6,400 105 103 103 U. ,S. Steel 107,800 110 108 108 U. S. Steel pfd.. 300 110 110 110 Utah Copper .... 2,700 85 83 83 Western Union.. 700 93 92 92 Westlng'se Eleo. 3,500 45 44 44 Bethlehem 12,300 73 72 72 Total sales for the day 740,000 share. Deaf Institute Defeats Commerce Team, 25 to 19 The .Deaf Institute foot ball team defeated tlu Commercial high team in a hard-fought battle at Fonle nelle park Tuesday afternoon by a score of 25 to 19. This was the first game played by the commer cial team and they showed lack of practice. The institute was defeat ed by the Central high in the first game of the season and show a irreat improvement over their ini tial game. Chicago Produce. Chicago, Oct. 15 Butter Market hlgh r: creamery, 51fi'57c. Eggs Receipts, 6,349 cases; market un- ( hanged. Potatoes Market unsettled: receipts, 68 cars; Minnesota and Dakota bulk, $1 50 1.60; Minnesota and Dakota, sacks, $1.75 ifM.80; Wisconsin, bulk, $1.4001.55; Wls consln. sacks, $1.6001.75. Poultry Alive, market higher; fowls. :!3ff!26c; springs. 27c. New York Money. New York, Oct. 15. Mercantile Paper f'nehanged; sterling dny bills unchanged ; 1 'tnand, $1.7545; cables, $4.76 9-16. Krancs Unchanged. tlluldei s Unchanged. Lire Unchanged. Mexican Dollars Unchanged. Time loans Unchanged. Call Money Strong; unchanged. New York Produce. New York, Oct. 15. Butter Lower; creamery, higher than extras. 60jp61c; creamery extras, COc; first, 67590. Eggs Firm; unchanged. Cheese Firm; unchanged. Poultry Firm; turkeys, springs, dress ed, 40 43c. Others unchanged. Kansas City Provision Mr.rket. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 15. Butter and Poultry Unchanged. Eggs Firsts. 4Sc; seconds. 42e. Ducks and Chickens Reported Very Plentiful Parties coming in from the north western part of the state report that the annual fall flight of ducks and geese has started and that birds are more numerous than in many years. It is said that in Cherry county many of the lakes are fairly alive with ducks, while morning and evenings there are large flocks of geese feeding in the fields. Reports indicate that while there have been a goodly number of prai rie chickens, they have not been so numerous as during other years. Foot Ball Made Compulsory At University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb., Oct. IS. Partici pation in foot ball practice by stu dents of the University of Nebras ka who are members of either the student army or naval training corps, has been made compulsory by order of Capt. E. J. Maclvor, commandant of the university's mil itary detachment, it was announced here today. S South Side Merchants Looking for Game Sunday The South Side Merchants foot ball team is looking for a game for next Sunday, October 20. They average 135 pounds and challenge any team wishing a game for that date. Managers with open dates should call South 2485 and ask for William Deaver. CENTRAL HIGH MEETS NORFOLK HIGH SATURDAY Local Grid Team Expects to Find the Up-State Players Easy Picking in This Week's Contest. Central High's gri dteam will fight its first battle on hostile ter ritory this Friday when it meeta the Norfolk High team at Norfolk. Since Norfolk is said to have a rather weak team this year and wa9 badly defeated by Grand Island Sat urday, the local team is expected to emerge from the contest vic torious. Coach Mulligan has been using the same men in the practice lineup during the last two weeks as he used in the second half of the South High game. Campbell is being re tained at quarter and it is the cen tral mentor's belief that the new quarter will come across with the goods for the rest of the season. Turner and Feters are playing end with Konecky as substitute. Although the team did not " show up so well in practice Monday be cause of a three-day rest, it was back in form yesterday. Coach Mul ligan is striving to build up a team equal to last year, but is hampered by lack, of players who are good passers. Harper appears the most apt pupil in this department of the game. , It is unlikely that the Council Bluffs game will be played. The boys from across the river, jubilant at the defeat inflicted on Central by South High, planned to repeat the per formance. Now that it will be im possible to play the game until after Thanksgiving the Iowa lads are not so keen on meeting the Purple squad when the setback encountered at the beginning of the season has been overcome. If, however, the Cen tral team is repeatedly defeated and Council Bluffs wins its 'game with South High on Thanksgiving, they will ask Omaha for a post-season game. The Norfolk team has not been affected by the Spanish influenza and expects to play. North Des Moines High will come here next week for what is expected to be the best game of the season. North Des Moines has practically the same team this year that caused such a sensation last season. The quiet comradeship of evening hours is doubly pleas ant if one's reading or knit ting is done under the right sort of light. Mazda IS just right We sell them. NEBRASKA POWER CO. o o H Fl ? n IT 33 25 5 50 5 s 2? X it a S U B" a ? Bu 0 o e i rr o B a 5" i 5 B a i n 73 PI O 70 W c) CD S33 Kansas City Grata. Kansas City,' Oct IS Corn October. I1.M; - November, ll.ilHl December, SKINNER PACKING COMPANY POULTRY BUTTER EGGS Hi 5-1118 Doudlas Sir Tel-Douasl!2r I' 1 ,1 11 ytts&.A.sgir.'fl M1 , l-rf1-.1Il!Apl1l .M fi . , n ' : : : r?J CT 19 Is ISPERSI0Q S OLO onday Night, October 21,8 P. Florence. Nebraska Sale to Be Hold in the Florence Auto-Taxi Garage, at End of Street Car Line Sharp !! 55 S 5 mi head of the tops. Every thing must go. Boys in the draft and I cannot carry on 11 .,., , the work. Have purchased j nothing BVit the best and 11 have always been successful in the SB I big shows of the country. I feel the Poland China fraternity will 11 appre ciate the offering I am making If at this time. m SB SB II Everything immune. Send for I Catalog now. Farmers and Breed- , II ers invited. Come to Omaha and m m 1 1 take a car direct to sale. s m m a m Remember We Stand Back of Our Goods m m -'. ji D. C. LOLMERGAN i; 8i SOUS. jj H..S. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. ! 'iliti'liili'iiin ii.ii rif.ll'iti l'i''lnl't''r'i!iii'iiiiii i:!nsu,().iiii,r.ilni'i "ii'''''ii.ii.i"l".J.J.Jj1:!:i1:lJi,t;iiiliiui(l,1,;.(l:.l:i,ii:i:ii,i;;!l,j;i; We hope the Poland China breeders and friends will assemble at the ringside of the D. C. Lonergan sale and buy the entire offer ing at let live prices, for there will be sold in this sale the cream of the herd, which has taken years to build up. Lonergan has meant much to the promotion of better Poland Chinas, and it is only because of the two sons being in the draft that he is com pelled to disperse his herd. In this sale of fering will be ten choice tried sows, among them being Big Bob's Queen by Big Bob and out of Bob's Best by Long Wonder. We con sider her to be one of the best things- sold this season. Another attraction is a March yearling, Jumbo Wonder Lady by Big Wonder's Jumbo and out of a dam by Her cules. Mr. Lonergan selected what he thought the top of the Hancher sale last season in Hancherdale 5th by Rancher's Big Price and she will be sold as one of the largest April yearlings to be sold anywhere. Hancherdale 14th is another great yearling and is a half sister to the noted Hancherdale Orange. A pair of good yearlings by E. Big Price, jr., are included. The fall sows are big and good, sired chiefly by Big King Bob. A chance for some good man wanting fall sows for his bred sow sale. The spring boars and gilts are the best he ever raised and arff sired by such boars as King Omaha, Big King Bob, Big Bone Bob, he by Caldwell's oB B?, Hancherdale Orange, Handler's Smooth Wonder, McCoy's Big Gerstdale by the noted Gertsdale Jones, King Golden Gate by Golden Gate King, and Mark's Big Timm by the Big Timm. Is it any wonder we ask you to attend this sale? Be sure to come, as I think the offering is the best ever made from the Lonergan herd, and that is saying a good deal. RAY DAVIS, Ex. Sec. American Poland China Record Association. S B - i 5 3 art 9 5 S9 5 - if, 1 1 I h r II. !l;ilnlulliiinai, inn. ,.,...,.-...... - . " ''"""SflSIII