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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1918)
10 I THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1918. FIRES IN STARTUP AFRESH McGrath, Winn., Reported Burning; Other Villages Menaced; Bodies of 742 Victims Recovered. i . Duluth, Minn., Oct. 15. Fanned by a wind increasing in velocity, forest fires broke out afresh tonight on a 25 mile stretch between Lawler and McGrath, about 60 miles southwest of here. Adjutant General Rhinow and Gov ernor "Burnquist left Duluth for Lawler and Aitken with 1Q0 home guardsmen to aid in fighting the flames. McGrath is reported to be burn ing and the fire, reports said, was advancing on Solona, White Pine ind other villages. General Rhinow is considering calling out the entire guard forces df the state to hold the flames in check. In addition to the towns men tioned, Wahkon and Pillager, Minn., were said to be threatened by peat fires, but so far as is known their danger is not great. People Prepare to Flee. Late tonight an army of fire fighters took to the woods ahead of the fire. They" were instructed to backfire a sufficient strip to'pre; 7ent the spread of the flames. Pocket in which embers have been smouldering during the past two days are said to be developing in many directions due to the in creasing winds,. Fire fighters de clare a brisk wind would without doubt cause serious fires over the entire burned district and possibly in areas as yet untouched. In all threatened cities, trains have been made ready to take out the inhabitants should the fire con tinue to spread. Reports to the office of the Minneapolis. St. Paul and SanltoSfe. Marie railroad train dispatcher said many persons, fear ing' to remain in their homes; were sleertiw? . tonight in box cars to which engines with steam up have been atnehed. - 725 Bodies Recovered. Reports from the burned area tonight were to the effect that the bodies of 725 fire victims have been recovered with much of the devas ' tated section still to be explored. Officials continued to estimate the number of. dead at close to 1.000. Coincident with the announcement that state officials will hold a re habilitation conference tomorrow at Moose Lake, scores of refugees who have been quartered here, started back for their homes. Nearly all expressed the intention of rebuild ing their farmsteads. The fir's t steps to be taken, it was said, will be to provide funds, under a re cent amendment to the state con stitution permitting loaninsr of state trust funds to farmers for long "terms. Already local dealers are -receiving -large orders for lumber and other building material to be used In the work of rehabilitat:on. General relief measures, it was announced, have been inauffuraVd under tbe direction of state public safety commission, the state' calam ity board and relief committee, the governor and the adiutant ceneral. ' Sailors Redy for Rescue Work. Chicago. Oct. IS. Three battal ions of sailors were, being held in readiness to entrain at a moment's notice at the Great lakes naval - training station tonight to go to ' Minnesota ' for rescue duty in the sections swent by forest fires. Cant. , W. A. Moffett. commandant, was waiting a replv from Governor Burnnufst to his message , which stated that the navy would nay all the exoenses of the men if they fnM of a?stance. t Vo Our boys n Fraiife will pay more than a dollar for one piece of apple pie, according to a letter received by Mrs. J. J. Cobry, 2821 Davenport street, from her son, John, who is in France with the 25th aero squadron. He writes: "We had apple pie for dinner last Sunday, the first since leaving the United States, and some of the gang sold their piece for 6 francs, nearly $1.20. What do you think of that for war prices? I ate mine" J. M. Harding of the Harding Cream company and Edward Simon of Simon Brothers company, leave Omaha Tuesday for Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky., to take the artillery officers' training course. Edgar S. Morris of Omaha has been transferred from Fort Stevens. Ore,,, to the officers' training camp at Fortress Monroe, Va. Out of 75 men at Fort Stevens recommended for officers' training, Morris was one of the 14 who passed the examina tions. Charles R. Perrigo, Colonial apart ments; Arthur Peterson, 3429 Pat rick avenue, and Lawrence Louis Lange, 1621 North Twenty-fourth street,, will leave Omaha., soon fot specialVraining in the department of military aeronautics at Post field. Fort Sill, Okl. Mrs. Paul Moore, 1144 North Eighteenth street, has received word of tbe safe arrivaj of her husband overseas. "Life on the ocean deep," is hap py and wholesome, according to a cheery letter which Frank Ross, former employe of The Bee, has written to his mother from San Francisco, where he is in the serv ice of the United States navy. Frank says that he has gained 10 pounds in weight in the last three months and he is in enthusiastic about his work. " Mrs. T. M. Baumann of the Hotel Keen has received messages telling that her son, Earl Russell, has ar rived safely overseas. Mrs. Baumann wears three stars on her service pin, the other two for another son, Em mett, at Fort Sill, and for her hus band, who is also in France. All three are in field artillery. This is an unusual instance of stenfather and sons both serving Uncle Sam. Maj. E. W. Crockett and Mrs. Crockett of Fort Crook entertained in honor of Col. Jacob W. S. Wuest and Mrs. Wuest of Fort Omaha Sunday afternoon. Because of the Spanish influenza epidemic, the num ber of guests was limited to the offi cers and their wives from Fort Omaha and Fort Crook. South Side CLASSIFICATION OF DRAFT LISTS NEARLY FINlSliED Questionnaires Soon Will Be Sent to Youths of 18 and Men Between 37 and 46. Washington, Oct. 15. Classifica tion by local boards ot men of the new draft regulation has been so rapid that questionnaires soon will be sent to youths of 18 and men be tween, 37 and 46 years of age. With their enrollment, the work described by Provost Marshal General Crowd er as the "unclassification of the United States," will be complete Reports today showed that 555 local boards o it of 4,543 in the United States had classified all registrants between 19 and 37. Influenza epidemic conditions are srcli, in the opinion of the general staff, as to continue the indefinite suspension of the October draft calls, but it is intimated that the next call will be of unusually large proportions. Under new regulations men fit for general service are to be noted as class A men on military records, while men fit for such service, if cured by treatment, are to be noted as class B. Below these are estab lished class C-l, in which men fit for "general limited service," which is defined as being in the service of supplies overseas, or in general serv ice within the United States, and class C-2 to a certain men fit only for restricted duty within the United States in capacity anproved by med ical officers. Class D is for men un fit for any service. Brothsr of Sheriff Clark Seriously Hurt in Accident L. J. Clark, teamster for the Casco Milling company, and a brother of Sheriff Mike Clark, re ceived a fractured lower jaw, and ether severe lacerations, when the team he was driving ran away and threw him from his seat to the rail road tracks at Fourteenth and Pal streets late Tuesday afternoon. Clark was taken to the Lord Lis- hospital by the police ambu- ance, where he was attended oy Dr. Johnson. His condition is re ported to be serious. Kearney Men Leave Monday; Bowje Bunch Off Tuesday Selective service men called to go to Camp Kearny, Cal., will leave Omaha Monday morning on a spe cial train. The contingent that is called to go to Camp Bowie, Tex., will en train at 6:30 Tuesday night. ter ran Watch the Tongue of your Young! four little Pets need Cascarets Children think Cascarets just dandy,' They are safe and mild cathartic candy Sell for a dime "work" every time r - MOTHERS! Clean the dogged-up places. Do away with the bilei lour fermentations and constipation poison which is keeping your tittle one cross, feverish and sick. Children love Cascarets because to them is like eating candy. Cascarets act better than castor oil, calomel oi ys on the tender stomach, liver and bowels. Cascarets never gripe, v Captain A. Overton Loses Life Friend in Captain Brown s Death Among those who grieve over the death of Capt. O. M. Brown of i-Council Bluffs is Capt A. Overton, his friend for more than half a century. Captain Overton, like Captain Brown, secured his title by commanding Missouri river steam boats. Although Captain Brown was 86 years old Captain Overton is his se nior and had several years' more experience in the rugged life of riv er navigi.on than his friend. He also encountered more hardships and danger and lost five boats by wrecking, while Captain Brown never lost any, due somewhat to the fact that Captain Overton was always engaged in heavy freighting while Captain Brown commanded boats designed for the first class passenger traffic. Captain Overton recalled yester day one of the many incidents that attached him warmly to Captain Brown. He rescued Captain Over ton and part of his crew after the Iatter's boat had been wrecked and the mate drowned. The catastrophe happened July 4. 1857, and was of an extraordrntry character. Captain Overton had tak en a commission to transport a car go of coin from thelower end of the Peru bend to Omaha. The riv er made a huge bend where Peru now is located. It was 20 miles around the bend to the point where the corn was to be loaded and less than half a mile across the narrow neckpf land. The Overton boat, the John Bish op, had steamed around the bend and had tied up at the lower side of the narrow peninsula where the cargo was being taken on. The work required some time and the boat remained over night. Several thousand bushels of corn were aboard the next day, July 4, when the river suddenly burst through the neck. Trees, earth and a torrent of water struck the boa', carried it out into the stream and capsized it. Without steam pres sure it was helpless. The first mate, a St. Joseph man, was lost, and Captain Overton and other members of the crew were clinging to the smokestacks. There wexe no small boats to rescue them and they appeared to be doomed. About the middle of the day, after hours of peril, Captain Brown, com manding a powerful sidewheel pack et, hove in sight, and by skilful navigation saved all of the men. The Bishop and her cargo was a complete loss. The two captains had been acquaintances for a num ber of years. After the incident they were comrades. Among the many who will pay tribute to Cap tain Brown today none will lay a flower on his bier with greater rev erence and affection than Captafn Overton. WALTER L WOOD DIES 0NV8SITT0 Death of ProminentSouth Side Resident Is Unexpected; Had Large Circle of Friends. . W injure, and do not disappoint the worried mother. Give harmless i'carets to children one year old and upwards, Eadi ten cent bo fains full directiuos. . ' ' " 1 L. J. Smyth of Washington to Tour State for Navy League The Nebraska Section of the Navy League of the United States is engaged in a state-wide campaign for new members. Arthur C Smith, president, says that arrangements are being made for conferences and luncheons in the better towns and cities of the state. These meetings will be attended by Field Secretary L. J. Smyth, who is detailed by the Washington office of the league to make a tour of Ne braska and other states. He will address these meetings settimjMifcrth the objects and purposes of the Navy League, and telling what it has done in recent years and is do ing today to promote efficiency in the navy and to look after the welfare of the sailors. The league is also advocating a merchant marine, and is doing its utmost to make sentiment in favor of encouraging the Shipping Board in every possible way. Meat Packers Cleared Of Bad Meat Charges Washington, Oct. IS. Wilson & Co., Chicago packers, were cleared today of charges alleging sale of unfit meat to the army, which have been pending before the federal trade commission since last March. The commission announced today that the charges were dismissed for lack of evidence to support them. Sub Warfare to Bring Crisis, Think Teutons Amsterdam, Oct 15. There is good reason to believe that the Ger man submarine warfare will reach i climax during the winter, accord ing to the Rhenish Westphalian Ga zette, which says that it -will pro duce an economic crisis of unantici pated dimensions in entente coun tries. ! ' Walter E. Wood, one of the first commission men in business in Oma ha, died Monday at Riverton, Neb., of heart disease while on a visit there to some of Mrs. Wood's rela tives. Mr. Wood was in his usual health when he visited his many friends in the Stock Yards Exchange a few weeks ago and his death comes as a shock to them. Walter Wood was born in Mis souri in 1863. Shortly thereafter the family moved to Chicago, where his father, James Wood, was one of the founders of the firm of Wood Broth ers. He came to Omaha in 1885 to establish a branch of the Chicago house and was continuously in bus iness here up to three years ago when h$ sold out and retired. Mrs. Wootf was with him at the time of his death. Besides the widow he is survived by two brothers, Charles and George, and one sister, Mrs. L. Coy, all of Chicago. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at Ashland, Neb., at 3 o'clock. Mr. Wood was probably as well and widely known as any man in the Omaha market- He .was an inde fatigable worker, of an affable dis position, courteous, liberal warm hearted and loyal, and the news of his death will be received with re gret by many in all walks of life. South Omaha Contingent Leaves for Lincoln Camp Twenty-one men are leaving the South Side Citv hall this sffpmnnn for Lincoln, Neb., on call A-1406,1 Wiiere ttiev Will tpke nn wnrl- in th auto school at the University of ieiraska. following are their names: J. A. Jamison. 1'homa.i o. Lucas. C. J. Klrkpatrlck. W. F. Goodro. B. W. O'Brien. Vlada Honclk. Wm. J. Barnes. P. P. Yost. J. V. RouUup. frank Uzel. J. J. Charvat. P. W. Kasner. Fred I. Jlegel jr. re. .1. wtehnp. E. S Maule. M. J. Williams H. H. I.elghty. fQufs Cinek. I'.oy nillogly. Holllirook. C. IV. McMasters South Side Resident Loses Wearing Apparel C. J. Ilysham. who lives just out side of South Omaha, reported to the local police the loss of a quan tity of feminine apparel valued at $175 which he savs has been miss ing since about October 13. South Side Brevities John Martin, 1515 M street, is sick with Spanish Influenza. Mercedes Mangan, clerk at the South Side postofflce. and her sister, Eusebla, 2805 Callforla avenue, have just recovered from a severe case of Spanish influenza. G. M. Winahlp, 8434 South Twentieth avenus has received word from his son, William, who Is in the 127th field artil lery, battery B, that he has arrived safely overseas. H. O. Lind, 1413 South Twentieth street, letter carrier at the South Side postof flce, has returned from Wausa where he took the body of his wife for burial. Mrs. Llnd died of Influenza. E. A. Goo, who gives his address as Galena, Kan., was picked up wandering around the streets and taken to the South Side police station Monday night. The police say he is demented. The old one story, frame coal barn lo. cated on South Twenty-eighth street, be tween I and J streets, which Is owned by Krattey brothers was destroyed by fire Tuesday morning about 10 o'clock. The loss Is slight. The Kensington of the Adah chapter of the Order of Eastern Star which was to meet at the home of Mrs. A. D. Major, 2021 P street, Thursday afternoW has been postponed on account ot the pre vailing influenza. Allen Tift, who Is wanted In Dakota City, Neb., on a charge of stealing a Heiler and Franc, and was taken to the central station, frie gave his' residence at South Twenty-eighth and T streets, and said he was a teamster. Mrs. Francis Pokorny, aged SO years, died early Tuesday morning, October 15 of Spanish Influenza at her home, 5831 KnilNh 1f eht&Jktith atraot flh. I. aiif..,!,,,! by her husband, Charles Pokorny, and iwo ciiiiuren. runerai services, wnicn wilt be private, will be held In the Korlsco chapel Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Huns Agree to Replace Spanish Ships Destroyed Madrid, Oct. 15. The govern ment after a long meeting of the cabinet council today gave out a note stating that after prolonged and friendly negotiations between Ber lin and Madrid, Germany had ac corded Spain the cession of several of the German ships internejj in Spanish ports. The vessels named are the Eriplua, Euthania, Olden burg, Klio, Matilde, Trinfield and Rudolph, with a total tonnage of 21,600. Spain, it was added, could also claim at a later date tonnage to make good "previous losses An other torpedoings. The Weather Comparative Local Record. 1918. 1917. 19115. 1915. Highest yesterday 86 70 69 t 66 Lowest yesterday ...65 48 62 ' 65 Mean temperature ..76 69 66 6(y Precipitation QV ,uu .zz ,02 Temperature and precipitation dpattt sshhhhhssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhe inrdluaoln Temperature and precipitation depart ures from the normal: Normal temperature 55 Excess (or the day 21 Total excess since March 1 779 Normal precipitation .........0 09 inch Deficiency for the day 0.09 inch Total rainfall since March 1.. 13.05 inches Deficiency sinoe March 1. .. .13.00 Inches Defjcieiicy -for cor. period, '17. .645 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, '16 11.74 Inches BcporU From Stations at 7 P. M. Station and State Temp. High- Rain- of Weather. 7 p. m," est. fall. Ph, yin. part elorrty 66 74 .00 Davenport, p't cloudy 79 83 .00 ....nti.'. clear 74 74 .00 Dodge City, p't cloudy 76 64 .00 Lander, part cloudy.. 68 74 .00 North Platte, cloudy.. 76 82 .00 Omaha, . part cloudy.. 83 86 .00 Pueblo, cloudy 78 83 .00 Rapid City, p't cloud 70 74 , .00 Salt Lake, cloudy.... .68 74 .' Santa Fe, part cloudy 64 64 .00 Sheridan, clear 68 V H , .00 Sjouxf City, ndy....76 60 .00 ValerftiO. clfildy 74 80 00 U A. WL3H. MeloorologUU Skinners Purchase Block of Stock in Metzger Baking Co. An important business deal was made last night when the Metzger Baking company of Council Bluffs sold another and very large block of its stock to Paul F. Skinner and his brother, Lloyd M. Skinner, Omaha, and the Skinners took over control of the business. A Louie, founder and heaviest owner, sold the A. Metzger interests and all of the holdings 01 the estate to his son, Gus Louie, for $100,000. The name of the plant changes with the change cf control. The action passing the control of the plant was taken at a meeting of the stockholders last night, at which all were present. Paul F. Skinner has been president of the company for several years. It will hereafter be operated under the name of the Skinner Baking company. The re organization was accompanied by election of new officers, Paul . Skinner, president; A. Metzger, vice president; Lloyd M. Skinner, treas urer, and A.Louie. secetary. The Metzger company is one of the largest bakeries in Iowa, the volume of -business this year has gone, far above a quarter of a mil lion dollars. The plant already covers half a city blockand plans are being prepared for extensive en largement. Flu Cases Decrease But Deaths Increase, Is Report of Manning "There is a continued reduction in the number of new cases of Spanish influenza reported tohis office, but the number of deaths has been increasing," Health Com missioner Manning reported Tues day morning. He stated that he cannot yet offer any specific information as to the probable lifting of the closing order. x During the last 24 hours he es timated that 150 new cases occurred in Omaha. During the same period 19 deaths from Spanish "flu" were reported, in addition to six from pneumonia. The total influenza deaths this month have been 79. The health commissioner takes an optimistic view of the general sit u?tion. Joe Dawson, Chauffeur, Hold as Booze Merchant Police became suspicious of the ac tions of Joe Dawson, chauffeur for Dr. Tarry, Bee building, Tuesday morning, while driving a roadster' belonging to the doctor, and after a long ch'se captured both driver and car. The car vras found to con tain a large quantity of whisky. After chasing Dawson from the corner of Seventeenth and Webster streets south on Sixteenth to Deer Park boulevard, the police finally succeeded ii overhauling him, after he had wrecked his car by running into the curb. The car was de-molisl-ed and the whisky smashed in the wreck. As near as could be estimated there were about 55 pints in the car. Another man who was with Dawson at the time made his escape. Dawson was, arrested and is being held at the police station on charge of owning and transport ing liquor contrary to law. 80,000 Men Are Wanted by Motor Transport Corps A call by the government for 80, 000 men for the motor transport corps of the army has been received by George Kleffner, director of gov ernment employment bureau in Ne braska, with offices in the court house. Nebraska's quota was not stated in the call, but it is' expected that this state will be asked to sup ply a great many men. - Entrance into this branch can be made by induction or enlistment, the lrtter route being open only to, men between 46 and 56. A few of the men will be used for work in this country and the balance will be sent overseas. Among- the positions to be filled are clerical, stenographic. blacksmiths, machinists, auto re pairmen, electricians and laborers. The men are wanted immediately. BIG TRANSPORT SINKS WITH U.S. TH0QPS ABOARD Former Garman Liner -Goe! Down in Hoboken Harbor; Five Soldiers and Two Sailors Missing. Hoboken, N. J., Oct. 15. Shortly kbefore the American transport America, formerly the German trans-Atlantic passenger steamship Amerika, was abou to sail today for Europe with soldiers and sup plies, the vessel foundered at its pier here. In the early morning darkness, while the troops aboard were sleep ing, the America settled with its keel in the mud, leaving only three of its eight decks, together with parts of its funnels, above water. Three privates and two sailors are reported missing. Troops Guard Pier Troops were placed on guard out side the pier and details regarding the sinking were denied to inquir ers. The cause of the accident re mained a mystery even to Navy de partment officials. A theory ex pressed in some quarters that water poured into the holds as a result of uncompleted repairs apparently did not conform with the fact that the ship was ready to weigh anchor to day for a foreign port. It was learned that a gang of ma chinists was at work at the time the vessel settled and it was suggested that one of these men inadvertently opened a sea-cock under the impres sion that he was closing it. The submerged America, snext to the largest of the government's transports, was within sight of per sons crossing the lower Hudson on ferry bats. , Was Big Vessel. The America, of 22,622 tons gross,, has a capacity of carrying 8 000 troops and a crew of 1.200 men. Of the troops, it was said that only 200 or 300 were on board at the time. All the coal had been placed in the bunkers except a small portion to have been loaded today. Inasmuch as all the troops and crew are reported to have escaped, it was believed the vessel 1 sank slowly. The sinking of the America makes the second transport thus put out of commission in New York har bor since the war. On April 25 last the liner St. Paul sank while being warped into its pier. Water poured into an open coal port and it turned over. The St. Paul was not raised until about two weeks ago. May Develop Scandal. Hoboken, N. J... Oct. 15. The America sank in about 35 feet of water and the raising of the ship is not regarded as difficult. Six weeks ago it was learned to day an explosion of a steam pipe on the America cost the lives of two men, several others being in jured. No fire or explosion accom panied today-s mishap. A board of inquiry composed of seven members, whose names were withheld, began an investigation of the circumstances surrounding the sinking of the transport. Howard DeLametre III with Pneumonia at Fort Omaha Howard DeLametre. son of Mi. and Mrs. C. W. DeLametre, 1824 Spencer street, is ill at Fort Omaha hosoital with pneumonia f olio win cr an attack of Spanish influenza. He was stricken a week ago and is re ported in a serious condition. DeLametre is a graduate of Oma ha hich srhnnl anH nf thi TTnivi. ity of Omaha. He enlisted last De cember and is a member of the For ty-ninth balloon company. Withhold State Quarantine In Iowa for Influenza Des Moines. Oct. 15. (Special Telegrari.) Dr. G. H. Sumner, sec retary of the State Board of Health, today proposed a state quarantine because of prevalence of Spanish in fluenza, but Governor Harding ad vised against it. Dr. Siimner issued a statement asking all citizens to refrain from public gatherings for 30 days. HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied in Nostrils X I Opens Air Passages Kight Up. J Instant relief no waiting. YouH clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, head ache, dryness. " No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Ap ply a little of this fragrant, anti septic, healing cream in your nos trils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen -mucous mem brane and,, relief comes instantly. It's just fine. Don't stav stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh. SHE USED TO U GRAY Society Ladies Everywhere Use "La Creole" Hair Dressing The t;ell known society leader's hair was prematurely gray, perhaps just like yours, but Mrs. J heard of "La Creole" Hair Dressing how thousands of people every where had used it with perfect satis faction. It is not a dye, but a preparation designed especially for the purpose of gradually restoring colorto gray or faded hair, .and which is easily applied by simply combing or brushing through the hair. "La Creole" Hair Dressing positively eradicates dandruff, keeps the scalp in a healthy condi tion and promotes the growth of new hair; brings back a natural, soft, even, dark shade to gray or faded hair, and makes it lustrous, full of life and beautiful. USE "LA CREOLE" HAIR DRESSING to prevent your hair from growing gray and to restore a beautiful dark color to gray or faded hair. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores and all good drug stores everywhere. Mail orders from out-of-town customers filled promptly upon receipt of regular price, $1.20. "La Creole" Hair Dressing is sold on money-back guarantee. Adv. A New Principle in Complexion Treatment Most creams are injurious when used habitually. They clog the pores and eventually form a permanent, soggy, stif ling film which interferes with eliminative action and makes the skin sickly and pasty. There is an application mercolised wax which acts upon an entirely different prin ciple. While perfectly harmless, it has the peculiar property of removing by absorp tion the dead and half-dead particles of scarf-skin, as well as unhealthy matter in the pores Thus it takes away from in stead of adding to the complexion. diffr ing in this respect from cosmetics. The result is a perfectly natural and healthy young complexion. Mercolized wax, pro curable at any. drug store (one ounce is sufficient), is applied at night like cold cream and washed off in the morning. The correct princinle in the treatment of wrirklea is to t;rhten the skin, which naturally irons out the lines. A face bath, remarkably effective in this direction, may b made by dissolving an ounce of pow dered saxolite in a half pint witch haieL Adv. i Jefferis for Congress "SURRENDER" IS GREAT BRITAIN'S W0R0T0 TURKS Ottoman Government Will Be Required to Negotiate Ar " mistice With General Allenby. London, Oct. 15y Great Britain's reply to Turkey, the Evening News says it understands, will be a de mand for unconditional surrender. The Turks will be required to ne gotiate an armistice with General Allenby, commander of the British forces in Palestine and Syria. Paris, Oct. IS. The political sit uation in Constantinople previous tr the retirement of Enver Pasha Talaat Pasha, as indicated in a dispatch from the Turkish capital in th Ficaro. was such that force was threatened unless the cabinet resigned and peace was secured on any terms. One hundred and fifty members of the military club, the dispatch rnnrts. submitted the followine program to the sultan: Closing ot the union ana prog rci rlnlv dissolution of the cham ber of deputies; resignation of the ntir rahinet and the formation of a liberal government; concession of rights to the population; general demobilization and signing of peace on any terms. 1 The authors of the manifesto de mand immediate satisfaction in de fault of which the army and the oeople would employ force. 1 he eiiltan nf nnr rnmmnniratpd the demands to Talaat Pasha, the pre mier. General fiornas is Put Back on Active List Washington. Oct. IS. Recall to the active list of Maj. Gen. William C. Gorgas. former surgeon general of the army, and his assignment to active duty in the samerank of the medical corps war, announced today by Secretary Baker General Gor gas will complete the inspection of medical facilities in France and England upon which he now is en gaged Burlinnfon Rilrd Hoes "Over the Too" Monday Officials of the Omaha headquar ters of the Burl:nrton, Monday made a trip to the Favelock shops in the interest of the Fourth I.ibertv loan. As a result, several thousand dollars in subscr'ntions were addd. Prince of Denmark Is Guest at Ship Launching Seattle, Oct. 15. In honor of Prince Axel of Denmark and his staff, who are guests in Seattle, ths Skinner & Eddy corporation today launched the 8,800-ton steel steam ship West Eldara. Mrs. Hakon H. Hammer, wife of a former class mate of Prince Axel, was sponsor. On the launching platform the Dan ish flag was displayed beside the Stars and Stripes. Famous ' Old Recipe tor Cough Syrup Easily and cheaply mad at hoin, bat U beat them aU for quick retulw. Thousands of housewives have found that they can stive two-thirds of the money usually spent for eoujrh prep arations, by usinir this well-known old recipe for making cough syrup al home.' It is simple and cheap but it really has no cqiml for prompt results. It takes right hold of a cough and gives immediate relief, usually stopping to ordinary cough in 24 hours or less. Get 2 ounces of Pinex from anv druggist, pour it into & pint bottle, and add plain granulated sugar syrup to make a full pint If you prefer, use clarified molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, it tastes good, keeps perfectly, and lasts a family a long time. It's truly astonishing how quickly It acts, penetrating through every air passage of the throat and lungs loos ens and raises the phlegm, soothes and heals the membranes, and gradually but surely the anndVing throat tickle and dreaded cough disappear entirely. Kothing better for bronchitis, spasmo- . die croup, whooping cough or bronchial asthma. i Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway Iine extract, known the world over for ts healing effect on the membranes. Avoid disappointment by asking your druggist for "216 ounces oi Pinex" with full directions and don't accept anything else. Guaranteed to gi e absolute satisfactioi or money promptly refunded. The- Pinex Co Ft. Wayne, Ind. msatmm a Thirty Feet of Danger The intestinal canal is an important part of every individual, important every inch of its thirty feet The upper portion of it is intended for the diges tion of food and absorption of its useful portions. But the lower part is concerned with the elimina tion of waste material It is, in other words, the great sewer of the body. The more food eaten, the greater the waste. If a sewer becomes closed up, its contents stagnate and become more and more dangerous. Constipation means more than failure to evacuate the bowels regularly and thoroughly. It means stagnation, increased fermentation, putrefaction and germ action. Increased amounts of irritating and poisonous substances are formed. Absorption of these into the blood follows. Self-poisoning results. Danger, disorder, disease, or even death follow. Pills, purgative mineraf waters, castor oil, salts, etc., do not cure constipation or prevent its con sequences. They make it worse because they do not only irritate the bowels, but they "wear out" in effect and so must be taken in increasing doses, , making constipation a habit But the Nujol Treatment for Constipation over comes constipation by helping Nature re-establish easy, daily, thorough bowel evacuation as "regular as clockwork." Nujol prevents stagnation and self-poisoning. Nujol forms no habit, except a natural, healthy habit After Nujol has trained the bowels to act, it can be dispensed with. l Nil! Ol for constipation- 1U. U- Pit. OsT. Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) SO Broadway, New York Wnvinif Nujol ii sold only ia rrujmng, ,led bottlel bririn2 the Nujol Trade Mark. Insist on NujoL You may tujfer from lubiututes. "ReguTres Clockwork" After each mea! YOU eat on I ATOMIC VFOn YOUR STOMACH'S SAKE J and full food value and real stom. ach comfort Instantly relieves heart burn, bloated, gassy feeling, STOPS acidity food repeating and stomach misery AIDS digestion: keeps tb stomach sweet and pure EATONIC is the best remedy and only costs a cent or two a day to use it You wilt be de lighted with results Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. Please tall and try it "Follow the Beaton Path," 15 th and Farnam Sts.. Omaha. i f