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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1918)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1918. SPANISH "FLU" IS MAKING HEADWAY : IN ARMY CAMPS More Than 20,000 New Cases and 277 Deaths Reported; Danger at Great Lakes Decreasng. By Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 30. More than 20,000 new cases of Spanish influ enza were reported from army camps during the 48 hours ending at noon today. Pneumonia cases rt- orted numbered 733 and deaths ff r.t ... . ine total pneumonia cases now is 5,766 and deaths 1,577. Great Lakes Free. Chicago, 111., Sept. 30. The Great Lakes naval training station was , delared practically free from influ- cni uy apiaiu vviuiam A. aiouci, commandant tonight. "We now probably have less influenza here in poportion to our population than any place in the country," he said. Only 54 new cases among the sailors were reported in the last 24 ours, a decrease of 34 cases from the day before. The total number now on sick list is 1,527. Use Hospital Train. Boston, Mass., Sept. 30. A spe cial hospital train, fully equipped with 40 beds for the car of influenza patients, .arrived at East Braintree street station near Quincy, early today and will be put into immedi ate service under the direction of the state department of health. SENATE FAILS TO REACH VOTE ON SUFFRAGE BILL (Continued From Page One.) two less than the requisite two thirds majority. Opposition lead ers "declared that despite the presi dent's action none of the 34 mem bers hereofore classed as opposed to the resolution had given any in dication of voting for it. With nine senators absent and paired six for and three against th rpcnlittinn thp spnatp was said to stand 56 to 31, respectively, with change of two senators necessary to carry the amendment. In spite of the fact Chairman Jones of the suffrage committee planned to press fcr a final vote. Before the president left the cap itcl today, attack on the resolution from the democratic side hrcan. Senator Underwood of Alabama told the senate that the resolutions adoption could not affect the result of the war because the war proba bly would be over by the time the proposed constitutional amendment -1 i .i r . . - . Aouiu uecome enecuvc. f Senator Phelan of California, democrat, referred to the president's action as a "compliment" to the senate, declaring the executive had answered the question of Senator Benet of South Carolina as to whether the resolution was a war riicasure. Senator Phelan called up on the senate to respond to the president's appeal, while Senators Smith of South Carolina and Beck ham of Kentucky, both democrats, insisted that the resolution was not a, war measure. Debate is expected to close early tomorrow as only a few senators have indicated a desire to speak. They include Senator Martin of Virginia, democrat, who is reported not to have disclosed his position on the resolution, but who has been counted by opposition leaders as among their forces. Senate leaders 1 1 . I- - C f 11 ii - uopc-iu reacn mc niiai run can ue- ore adjournment. ARMISTICE TO STOP WAR MOVES (Continued From Page One.) the war, American officials have carefully refrained from exercising any direct influence in this mo mentous event. Since the United States never has declared war on Bul garia, the government has not felt at liberty to make any suggestions to its co-belligerents at this stage, which is regarded as purely mili tary. ' It is believed, however, that in the final adjustment of the im portant political questions involved in the conditions to be imposed upon Bulgaria at the conclusion of the world war, the United States will be invited to discuss this subject with -the entente allies at the peace council ' It was stated today that no in structions had been given to any American diplomatic representatives in the Balkans to extend the good offices of the United States to either Bulgaria or the allies. In notifying the State department that his gov ernment had requested an armistice, however. Stephan Panaretoff. the Bulgarian minister here, undoubt edly save the impression that such action would be gratefully received ,by Bulgaria. It is considered possible that Minister Panaretoff may have ex- it a u: rtn no small mnuence wun ins friends in Bulgaria to bring about the decision to quit the war. . Great Forest Fire Raging. Aberdeen, Wash., Sept. 30. Four loggers are reported missing in a .forest fire raging near Matlock, where a tract four miles wide by 20 miles long has been burned, accord ing to reports today. It is said the fire is one of the worst on record here, All camps in the district Aberdeen continue under strong soldier guard today. Conference of Parliament Heads New Austria Move Amsterdam, Sept. 30. A proposi tion that the presidents and vice presidents of the parliaments of bel ligerent and neutral states shall be invited to meet for an unbinding discussion of the basis of peace has been introduced in the lower house of the Austrian Parliament. The motion, says a Vienna mes sage, was introduced by Herr Neu mann, a liberal deputy. It would empower the president of the Cham ber of Deputies to convey the invi Jation to the parliaments of the bel ligerents and neutral states. The meeting vould be held at a place agreed upon. American Casualty List The folio .ing Nebraskans and Iowans are named in the casualty list given out by the War depart ment for Tuesday morning, Oc tober 1. KILLED IN ACTION. John F. Ellis, next of kin, W. B. Ellis, R. F. D. 1, Centerville, la. Clell Hiatt, next of kin, Mrs. A. M. Hiatt, East Peru, la. DIED FROM WOUNDS. Floyd K. Mathis, next of kin, Mrs. Cora Abraham, Elkhart, la. WOUNDED SEVERELY. Corp. Ralph H. McGee, next of kin,.T. H. McGee, Blanchard, la. Corp. Frank Norns, next of km, Mrs. Nellie Norris, Gravity, la. Corp. Roy L. Hicks, next of kin, M. Hicks, Clarinda, la. Corp. Theodore E. Upton, next of kin, James E. Upton, 513 Hedge Ave., Burlington, la. Corp. Albert C. Wells, next of kin, Mrs. Arthusa J. Wells, 719 Linden Ave., Dubuque, la. Corp. Glen C. Wells, next of kin, Mrs. Cora Wells, 815 Victa Ave., Shenandoah, la. Ralph A. Archer, next of kin, Mrs. Julia A. Archer, Imogene, la. Floyd J. Doty, next of kin, Mrs. J. W. Doty, 4015 S. Center St., Shenandoah, la. Herbert L. Larson, next of kin, Mrs. Gus Larson, Kiron, la. Owen W. McCue, next of kin, Charles H. McCue, Scottsbluffs, Neb. Ralph U. Voorhees, next of kin, Mrs. FaithVoorhee8, Prescott, la. Glen E. Waugh, next of kin, Mrs. , Waugh, 819 Seventh Ave., Coun cil Bluffs, la. Theodore Wedeking, next of kin, Henry Wedeking, R. F. D. 2, Clarks- ville, la. Melvin D. Baird, next of kin, Harry Goldia, 218 A Ave., East Cedar Rapids, la. John T. Birdsall, next of kin, James Birdsall, R. F. D. 4, Kearney, Neb. Warren Wheelock Blanchard, next of kin, Stillman Blanchard, Melrose, la. Dewey E. Bohl, next of kin, John Bohl, Merrill, la. Elton E. Burch, next of kin, Mrs. Sadie Peterson, 110 E. Cherry St., Cherokee, la. Benjamin H. Gee, next of kin, Mrs. S. Gee, 714 Main St., Knox ville, la. MISSING IN ACTION. Lytle Thompson, next of kin, Mrs. Eva Griffiths, Eagl4 Grove, la. The following casualties are re ported by the commanding general of the American expeditionary for ces: Killed in action, 62; missing in action, 8; wounded severely, 218; died from wounds, 5; died from ac cident and other causes, 3; wounded, degree undetermined, 1; wounded slightly, 3; prisoners, 4. Total, 304. Killed In Action. Sgt. Peter Bayens, Sheboygan, Wis. SBt. Walter 8, Goddard, Cleveland, O. Sgt. William O. Hewitt, Southern Pines, N. C. Sgt. Clifford Kennedy, Detroit, Mich. Sgt. Oscar P. Lippe, New York City. Sgt, George M. Reuse, New York City. Sgt. John L. Ross. New York City. Sgt, Duane Salesbery, Dunmore, Pa. Corp. Frederick W. Buchanan, Atlantic City, N. .1. Corp. Phillip J. Cavan. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Corp. Alonzo Cudwortn. Milwaukee, Wis. Corp. Albert Hlnton, Cleveland, O. Corp. Charles H. Keeler, Philadelphia, Pa. Corp. Rutherford H. Nesblt, Beaver, Pa. Corp. William PetenlUe, Little Ferry, N. J. Corp. Allen Reynolds. Damascus. O. Corp. Thomas R. Rose, Pittsburgh, Pa. Corp. Newton M. Roy, Bessemer, Ala. Corp. James F. Webb, Philadelphia, Pa. Bugler Charles H. Francis. Chicago, 111. Mechanic Wlllam Knotts, Bldwell, O. Mechanic Napoleon Morln, Blddeford, Me. Wagoner Patrick J. Geary, Westchester, Ta. Wagoner Alexander MacBrlde, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. Horseshoer Helmer Arthur MIchelson, Virginia, Minn. Irwin C. Albrecht, Waterloo, Wis. I.ulgl Aqullo, Leominster, Mass. .Tsmes Armstrong, Watervllet, N. Y. James Armstrong, Rochester, N. Y. Wfsley C. Barger, W. Monterey, Pa. Alfred M. Batta, Lawrence, N. Y, Charles Blaselle, Conshocken, Pa. James Bond, Dennlson, Tex. Glen Butch, Indianapolis, Ind. Henry 3. Cooper, Frankston, Tex. Barney E. Crouch, Gray Ridge, Mo. Thomas Custer, Westernport, Md. Connie Lee Dodd, Meldon. Tenn. Paul T. Elliott, Pittsburgh, Pa. John F. Ellis, Centerville, la. Rosolino Favata, Buffalo, N. Y. Henry Perry Furtado, Fall River, Mass. Thomas Guest, Pottstown, Pa. Fred C, Guth, Evensvllle, Tenn. Joseph Hartel. Jr., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Harry J. Healey. Minneapolis, Minn. Wagoner Owen M. Carroll, West Fair, view. Pa. Alfred F. Black, Traversa City, Mich. ' Stanley Hermanonskl, Hartford, Conn. Clell Hiatt. East Peru, la. Byron A. Htckerson, Walker, Mo. Arthur A. Hill, Oxford, N. Y. Joseph A. Hill, East Downington, Pa. Aden Henry Ingham, Franklin, Pa. John F. Ingram. Brooklyn, N. Y. Earle C. Ireland, Attica, Ind. James Claude Jarboe, dasette, Mo. Arthur J. Jeffre, Clinton, la. Alfred Lee Johnson, Jacksonville, Fla. Ar'hur E. Jones, Wiiislow, Ark. Edward Jones, Dover, O. , Snowden Kesse!, Kessel, W. Va. Llnde S. Kinney, Winston-Salem, N. C. Berr.ard Korte, Beckemeyer, 111. Died From Wounds. Peter Dominic Glacoma, Milwaukee, Wis. Arthur D. Loeslng, 8anfod, Fla. Floyd K. Mathis, Elkhart, la. Otto Pusarl, Ely, Minn. Tony Rose, Pedage Cassenia, Italy. Died From Accident and Other Causes. Sergt. Homer M. Brock, Knoxville, Tenn. Missing In Action. , John H. Mallahn, Camden. N. J. Calvin C. Mastln, Provo, Ky. Tony Menduccl, Dubois, Pa. Jasper E. Shear, Brock, Ind. Thomas Stalnsby, Philadelphia. Pa. Russell Starkey, Parkersburg. W. Va. Frederick De W. Stelffer, Harrlsburg. Ta. Lytlt Thompson, Eagle Grove, la. Prisoners. Lt, James Clarence Graham, Webbs, William Aldrldge. Derby. Pa. Jack Owen, Kinston, Ala. Harvey Walker, Coffee Springs, Ala. esident of Casey Killed. Mtic, la., Sept 30. (Special Vrrj.lClifton Hayworth of as kinea yesteroay rm,:. esviTa Mnmliirtf. which he was rid- " - ain southeast A quantity et morplnne was cupants of the stolen from Dr. T. J .goloman s drug red. -f Hayworih store, 2115 Cuming street, late bun- iree children, t day night . . Government Plans to . Instruct All Its Men In How to Be Healthy General Crowder, through the medium of the gigantic draft ma chinery of the nation, will seek to raise the standard of health of the country and, as far as possible, to reclaim the physical unfits of the draft, by sending health circulars to local draft boards. The circulars have been compiled by eminent military physicians and are based on the findings of the physical examinations of the regis trants. Authorities assert that 60 per cent of the rejections are for causes that can easily be remedied. Spare Tires Stolen. Motorists are advised by police to watch their spare tires. J. N. Everson, 2003 Maple street, reports a tire taken from his car standing in front of 2016 Lake street last night, and Sam Goldsmith, 2619 Farnam street, experienced the same loss from his car standing at Seventeenth and Harney streets. Carnival Stand Tickets. Tickets for grand stand seats for the electrical parade Wednesday night are on sale at the Unit-Doce-kal Drug store, Seventeenth and Farnam streets. The price is 50 cents a seat and a 5-cent war tax is charged. AMERICANS 'MIX' WITH HUNS USING MANYUADES Hand-to-Hand Fighting on St. Quentin Sector; Yankees Holding Captured -Positions. By Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 30. American troops have maintained and consoli dated their newly captured positions from the Meuse to the Aisne in the lace of counter-attacks and heavy artillery bombardment, General Pershing reports in his com munique for today, received tonight at the War department. With' the American Army on the St. Quentin Sector, Sept. 30. The Americans on this front have been engaged in heavy fighting through out the day. There was much hand-to-hand fighting and large numbers of Germans have been killed, many by grenades and bombs dropped in to their deep dugouts of the Hinden burg system. The Americans found it necessary to clear up portions of the Hinden burg line through which they smashed they way. They advanced so quickly in their operation of yesterday that many Germans were left in the dugouts and some of these proved a serious menace. Severe Weather. During the night the British at tacked on the American flank towards Vendhuile, to protect it, and this operation was entirely successful. The weather today has been bad for all operations; the troops fought in rain with a cold wind blowing. The British are on the western edge of Le Tronquoy tunnel, a few miles north of St. Quentin and are approaching La Fosse. Other troops have made good progress south of the canal. The lines in this locality run well cast of Nau roy and Bellicourt and just west of Bony. A further advance has been made around Cambrai. In the north the Anglo-Belgian victory is of great importance and the enemy has been so staggered by the blows delivered here that Tie has not launched a single counter attack. The Belgians hold all the ground gained. The British have established posts on the Lys river north of Pont De Nieppe. rioegsteert wood is now firmly in British hands, as is also the Warnefon-Comines rail way. Charged With Stealing Bonds Frank Enochs of Oklahoma City, Okl., was arrested in a local hotel Mondy night by Detective Turner and a sheriff from Oklahoma City, where he is wanted for the alleged theft of $4,000 worth of Liberty bonds from a grocery store. The Weather Comparative Local Record. 1918 1917 11 1915 Highest yeaterday 65 71 7S 66 Lowest yesterday 42 4U 60 Mean temperature ..48 6ft 62 68 Precipitation 34 .00 .00 T. Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 61 Ief1rlency for the day ... 13 Total excess since March 1, 1918 665 Normal precipitation 34 inch Excess for the day S4 Inch Total preclp. since March 1 ..11.22 Inches Deficiency since March 1 13.61 inches Deficiency for cor. per., 1917 . . 4.24 Inches Deficiency for cor. per., 1916.. 10.76 Inches Reports from Stations at 7 p. m. Station and State Temp. High- Preclp- of Weather 7. p. m. est ltatlon Cheyenne, pt. cldy...46 46 .01 Davenport, pt. cldy...62 64 .00 Denver, cloudy 46 4 !i .00 Des Moines, cloudy ..64 66 .01 Dodge City, pt. cldy... 66 74 .00 Lander, clear 62 64 .04 North Platte, raining. 44 48 .02 Omaha, cloudy 49 66 .34 Pueblo, pt. cldy 62 70 .00 Kapld City, cloudy ..48 48 .78 Santa Fe, cloudy ....72 74 .00 Sheridan, clear 56 66 1 00 Sioux City, cloudy ...64 64 .02 Valentine, cloudy 46 48 .72 L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist. 'OVER THE TOP' IS CREDITED IOWA IN LOAN DRIVE First State to Complete Its Quota, According to Unof ficial Reports; Sub scrptons Progres. Chicago, Sept. 30 With sub scriptions of $148,920,000 against a quota of $147,900,000, Iowa went over the top tonight in the fourth Liberty loan campaign, it was of ficially announced at the headquar ters of the seventh reserve district. Unofficially it was claimed that Iowa was the first state in the union to complete its quota. Iowa is preparing to claim the honor of being the tirst in the union to fill its quota for the fourth Lib erty loan. Late afternoon reports ihowed the state had secured sub scriptions of $110,000,000 and this total did not include returns from many counties which are expected to put the state over the top. "As soon as we get complete re turns I think they will show that Iowa will have reached its quota some time today," said C. II. Mc Nider. Polk county, of which Des Moines is the leading city, started its subscription campaign today and half its quota was raised by noon. It is estimated $15,000,000 has been subscribed in Chicago, b Bulgarians Trapped London, Sept. 30. Charevo, east of Veles and six miles from the Bul garian border, has been captured by the Serbians and the retreat of the Bulgarian troops has been cut off, says the Serbian official statement of Sunday. More than 700 prisoners and 20 guns were captured at Why not bjy that Liberty Bond today? An excellent investment and a patriotic duty .e, avsv NeVMctorReco: October Brilliant new duet by Caruso and De Luca A highly dramatic number from Forza del Destine These two great voices blend with wonderful effect and result in a record of extreme beauty. Victrols Bed Seal Record 89087. Twelve-inch, (4. Gluck and. Zimbalist present "The Lost Chord" Sir Arthur Sullivan's beloved old song touched to fire by the glory of Gluck's voice and the pathos of Zimbalist' s violin. Victrols Red Seal Record 88593. Twelve-inch, $3. "The Dance of the Goblins" by Jascha Heifetz A violin solo that fairly dazzles by its brilliancy that dis plays the amazing technique of Heifetz. Victrols Red Seal Record '4570. Twelve-inch, $1.50. Victor Herbert's Orchestra plays two delightful numbers. Two appealing wartime songs by Reinald Werrenrath. "Good-bye, Alexander" cleverly sung by Marion Harris. Four Good Dance Numbers. Two Spirited Band Marches. Seven Stirring Soldier Songs. Four Breezy Popular Song Hits. Heai these new Victor Records to-day at any Victor dealer's. He will gladly give you an illu.trs.ted booklet describing these new records and play any music you wish tohear. Saenger Voice Culture Records are invaluable to vocal students ask to hear them. Victors and Victrolas in great variety from $12 to $950. Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. Important Notice. Victor Records and Victor Machines are scientific ally coordinated and synchronized in the processes of manufacture, and their use, one with the other, is absolutely essential to a perfect reproduction. Naw Victor rUcordi demonstrated at all dealers on tha 1st at aach month 1r 1 Vici VictrolaT is th. Rcgistarad Tradamark of the Victor Talkinc Machine Company dcaicsatins tbs products of this Company only m SI Iowa Boy Killed Wfyn . Motor Car ToppJes Over Atlantic, la., Sept. .50. (Special Telegram.) A fatal automobile ac cident occurred yesterday near Fis cus, when a car which contained four boys upset, killing Forrest Jacobson, jon of Ole F. Jacobson and wife living north of Kimballton. One other boy was injured slight ly. One of the boys took his fath er's car while his parents were at church and invited the others to go along and as near as can be ascer tained the accident occurred when they were transferring the steering wheel from one to the other. Yankee Soldiers Cannot Stop to Vote, War Decision New York , Sept. 30. Iiecause constant movement of our military forces in Europe would make it im practicable at present to attempt to secure in any manner the votes of our soldiers abroad, the War de partment has declined to permit the state of New York to send a com mission abroad to take the votes of the 2(10,000 New York men now serving with the American expedi tionary forces. British Flyers Down 35 German Planes In Sunday Air Fights! London, Sept. 30. Thirty-fiv German airplanes were put out of action and IS balloons destroyed i the air fighting of Sunday, accord ing to Field Marshal Haig's repor on aerial activities tonight. Nine teen British planes failed to retur to their bases. The atatemet reads: "On Sunday IS hostile balloon were destroyed. Twenty-six plane were brought down and nine other driven down out of control. Nine teen of ours are missing. Thirty six tons of bombs were dropped on railway stations and junctions. 1 he air force, in co-operation with the navy, bombed enemy de stroyers and raided Zeebrugge. Os tend and Bruges and airdromes in the vicinity of Ghent. Twelve hos tile machines were destroyed and fourteen driven down out of con trol. Ten of ours are missing." THOMPSON.BELDEN - CO yJhe fashion Center Jor Woman0 The Greatest Privilege Is the opportunity to subscribe your full share in Bonds of the Fourth Liberty Loan. To offer your money to the government of the United States to aid in prosecuting this war to a victor ious conclusion. But the greatest of all means to victory is something money can not buy something you get with your birthright here and something you give without asking the rate of interest. Put Tlat Into Your Liberty Loan Do You Select Apparel Because Its Price Appeals Or do you choose apparel of distinctive style and re putable quality? To follow the appeal of price is short sightedness because the value of your purchase depends en tirely upon the length of the service and the satisfaction and pleasure it gives. Quality Always Pays For Itself ' And in relation to apparel, the best is always the most economical and decidedly the most satisfying. Thompson-Belden's reputation for fine wearables is being upheld in the face of unusual circumstances. Suits, Coats, Dresses, Blouses, Furs Of the finest characters are now being shown. Priced in moderation. NEW BANDED VELOURS The latest fashion in beautiful hats for street wear is the velour and it's singularly attractive. In seasonable shades of brown, plum, taupe, terra cotta, khaki, navy lue, black. Some of the shapes are very mannish, others are soft side rolls and pretty droops. A Fine Display Tuesday $7.50, $10, $12.50 and $15 l Omaha's Brush Industry WATCH US GROW ! We Manufacture Brushes of ALL KINDS For EVERY PURPOSE J! j0t VIENS OMAHA BRUSH COMPANY i Corner 24th and Boyd Sts. Phone Colfax 31.