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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1918)
ROPHIES FROM FIELD OF BATTLE SENT TO PETERS Nephew from Grand Island Sends Book of Deceased Aviator to Omaha Man. A piece of aluminum, part of the ody of a boche aeroplane, and the ktdler book" of the Hun aviaU, iristian August Baule, who owned ie book, and from whose body it ?as taken by his nephew, Sergeant SlugcC. Peters, Company D, 108th i: Queers, of the 33d division, A. E. t , commanded by General Wright, formerly stationed at Omaha, are V the treasured relics received from the battlefield by Herman B. Peters, Ui UlC mci mama "'lier owner ,Wrhe souvenirs, with a copy of : The Aussie. the Australian sol- tilers' magazine, came in a letter vnt by Hugo, whose home is at Mnd Island, and who is one ot 3r nephews of Mr, Peters who pnt into the servtce of then untry. Sergeant Peters writes that he had been in the first line trenches for wo "months and just after he had Itarted the letter to his uncle he had deceived word to be in readiness to go back with his company on a few minutes' notice. The piece of aluminum forming part of the enemy airplane, was V taken in No Man's Land bv the Ne- Mraska soldier. The dead aviator was lying by his machine. Accord ing to his pay book the Hun aviator was 25 years of age, had been born in Linden, Hanover, Prussia, and was a member of the Third com pany infantry regiment No. 202. He had been transferred several times. -He" -had been vaccinated against smallpox, cholera and typhus, the latter three times. The book i i .I. . . . i snowca inai ai one lime ne was a member of the "Flying circus." Trench Paper. ' "The Aussie," the Australian sol diers' field magazine, is a peculiar taype of battlefield publication, and some of the jokes contained therein have a British flavor. The con tributors seem to have a penchant for verse and there are a number of :. really meritorious poems dealing of home scenes in the Antip des. i ; The most clever contribution is from a soldier who signs himself "Mud Moralizer." Amonz his mor- l jflizings are: "A mi s is as good as a mile, pro- vvled you don't get shell shock. '"A 'vise head tells us to be a stake in the stream. What about a bit more steak in the stew? -Since the stoppage of the rum is , sue I feel like the queen of Sheba STORAGE Automobile durinc th SAR-BEN FESTIVAL. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 1,000 CARS VACC v Service Garage V 16th and Leavenworth SU. 3 47 Phone DouglM 7000. V W. F. GERKE, Mgr. f J ALWAYS OPEN lll!lllllllllllllllll:lllltIIIHlll!lllllnlllI!!ill!l!lll!ll jnouflage I Clothes I m the gentle art of fixing last year' garment BO " they look like the newest thi season's styles. Let's 5 show . you what we mean. Phone Tyler 345 and we will 5 I send for your clothes. I DRESHER I I BROTHERS f I i Dyer Dry Cleaner I 2211-17 Farnam St. IiiliiliilHliili!ili:lii:iliiliiliiliiliiinl!iliili!li;inilil!!lillir SALTS FINE FOR ACHING KIDNEYS We eat too much meat, which clog3 Kidneys, then Back f hurts and Bladder Bothers you. when she saw Solomon-there was no more spirit left in her." Illustrations in the magazine are evidently wood cuts, some of which are very crude and others showing rare skill and artistic ability on the part of the engravers. First American Woman Soldier Ccries to Omaha Sergt. Ruth Farnam, the first American woman soldier in the war will visit Omaha in the interest of the Fourth Liberty loan. She will appear at the First Presbyterian church Sunday evening, October 13, and at the University club Monday noon, October 14. Mrs. Farnam was in Serbia when war broke out and was active in caring for the wounded. She was decorated by the king of Serbia and made a sergeant of the first cavalry regiment of the Royal Serbian army thus being the cmly American woman actually to be attached to the army as a soldier. Sergeant Farnam was attached to the general's staff during the famous battle of Brod, and was decorated for valor shown while stationed with the staff in No Man's land. Army Horse Endurance Contest is Declared Off The army horse contest commit tee has declared off the endurance contest from Lincoln to Omaha on Saturday, October 5. The committee first endeavored to promote a contest from Kansas City to Omaha, but could not get enough horses. An effort was then made to secure enough horses for a one-day contest, but they were not to be had.- The horse buyers of the United States and allied armies have combed the country for cavalry horses. SLL . T - J T THE BEE:' OMAHA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1318 BUY BONOS AS THOUGH BUYING A PHONOGRAPH Building and Loan Association Arranges So That Every One May Easily . Purchase. The Fourth Liberty loan driv in Omaha is on with full steam ahead. The city is so thoroughly organized that not a man, woman or child will be slighted. All will have an opportunity to get some of Uncle Sam's valuable securities, which are fhe safest on earth. "Can't afford it" is no excuse. In fact, such liberal terms are offered that Liberty bonds can now be bought with no more effort than it takes to buy a talking machine or a plush photograph album. They are offered "on the installment plan." The building and loan associations of the city have come forward with a proposition that means virtually that they will loan money without interest to people who haven't the ready money to buy a few bonds. They will help people buy bonds and give them the interest which accrues on the whole bond while they are buying it. The proposition, as outlined by Paul W. Kuhns, president of the Conservative Building and Loan as sociation, is this: The buyer pays the government's required 10 per cent. After that he pays $4 a month on each $50 bonds. He gets the interest on the whole $50 bonds while paying for it. This offer ap plies to bonds only up to the value of $250. All the banks are also offering liberal terms to buyers. The bond is not considered sold until 10 per cent has been paid on it. Street Railway Completes Plans to Care for Crowds The street railway company is prepared to handle the Ak-Sar-Ben crowds with great rapidity as soon as the parades pass over the streets this week. All of the old cars have been run through the local shops and have been put in good condition for service. With these the new cars that have gone into service since last fall and the regular equip ment, officials feel that they are bet ter prepared than ever before to move people off the streets. In handling the crowds after the parades pass, practically the same methods will be pursued as in for mer years. As many cars as possi ble will be laid in on switches in the down-town section and these will be the first out. Then cars will be brought in from the switches farther out, aud, in this way it is figured that it will be possible to clear the streets inside of half an hour after any parade has passed. Alien Enemy Wojmen Must Register with U.S. Marshal All alien enemy women in Omaha j who live or are employed any place within a half-mile radius of Fort Omaha or Fort Crook or the army supply depot must apply for a spe cial permit at the United States marshal's office before October 5. Failure to observe this regulation is punishable by arrest and intern ment for the period of the war. This new precaution is a part of President Wilson's last proclama tion concerning alien enemies. Danish Brotherhood v Hold Annual Meeting and Buy Liberty NBonds The annual meeting of the execu tive committee of the Danish Brotherhood of America, a fraternal insurance organization, is being held in Omaha this week at the office of the supreme secretary, J. Michael sen, 719 Omaha National bank build ing, to audit the books of the organi zation. The members of the executive committee are: T. P. Nielsen, su preme president, Seattle; S. Iver sen, supreme vice president, New Haven, Conn.; J. Michaelsen, su preme secretary, Omaha, and R. Rasmussen, supreme treasurer. There are also three supreme trus tees: Alfred T. Jorgenson, Oakland, Cal.; Chris Nielsen, Minneapolis, and John Christensen, Cincinnati. The committee also plans to in vest their entire surplus of over $100,000 in Liberty bonds and to pass a resolution urging all local lodges and individual members to invest to the utmost in Liberty bonds. The members of the committee will march in the Jacob A. Riis pa rade on Friday evening, after which Mr. Nielsen will speak at the Auditorium. New Police Chief Will Commence Duties Tuesday Marshal Eberstein will begin on Tuesday morning as chief of police, succeeding Michael F. Dempscy, who has been appointed as assistant chief. The new chief has been in the government service' here, in the de partment of justice. The mayor and city council, when confirming the appointment made by Superintend ent Ringer, announced that Eber stein should be given full charge of the police department and would !e IipM resnonsihle for the effi ciency and discipline of the department. Frank Heyer First Victim of Spanish 4tFlu" in Omaha The Spanish "flu" found, its first victim in Oniaha. Frank Heyer, Ma jestic apartments, died Saturday night from what the doctors believe to be a form of the disease. He had just been married vfive weeks, and is survived by his wife. Funeral services were held at the St. Peters church and internment was in the Holy Sepulcher Monday. Police Commissioner Says Recall Petition is Next City Commissioner Ringer stated on Monday morning that recall pe titions against him will be circu lated within a few days. "I suppose that they intend to re call me for doing my duty. Do I look worried?'" was his comment. "My order against games of chance still stands," he added. LEMON JUICE WHITENS SKIN Sirls! Make beauty lotion at home for few cents. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best bleaching and skin whitening lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of Or chard White for a few cents. Mas sage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how tan, redness, sallowness, sunburn and windburn disappear and how clear, soft and rosy-white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless. Adv. BETTER THAN CALOMEL Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Oilve Tablets Are a Harmless Substitute. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the substitute for calomel are a mild but sure laxative, and their effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. They are the result of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. His efforts to banish it brought out these little olive colored tablets. These pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel does, but have no bad after effects. They don't in jure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. They take hold of the trou ble and quickly correct it. Why cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the gums. So do strong liquids. It is best not to take calo mel, but to let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its place. Most headaches, "dullness" and that lazy feeling come from consti pation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets when you feel "lqggy" and "heavy." Note how they "clear" clouded brain and how they "perk up" the spirits. 10c and 25c a box. All druggists. Adv. WHEN NEURALGIA ATTACKS NERVES Sloan's Liniment scatters the congestion and relieves pain A little, applied without rubbing, will penetrate immediately and rest and soothe the nerves. Sloan's Liniment is very effective in allaying external pains, strains. bruises, aehes, stiff joints, sore mus cles, lumbago, neuritis, sciatica, rheumatic twinges. Keep a big bottle always on hand for family use. Druggists everywhere. lessor :lliltl.!:ii!'l:::il:ir!iinllllll!lllllll!!tllllllllllllllj - THE NATION NEEDS your 2 best efforts. Proper lighting 5 - enables your employees to do i 2 the best and the most work I I without effort or strain. Use Mazda Lamps. For sale by 5 ? NEBRASKA POWER CO. !: r!li'i:li;li.ili!!inl!lni!Hiiiii!iiiill!l When Writing to Our Advertisers, Mention Seeing It in The Bee. Iliil!il!ilill!iinilii:il!il!inli!liil!)iiitiilii;illiiiiiiiiiiniw .i:liiuiiiiKi:!'il,-i'..-r I! I it:'l.!ntii.'!il;:li!l l!ili'l:i'!!l;:nl:iliil!nlii;iliilii!iliiliiill!il!illillll!ili!lilllllMIM Most folks forget that the kid 'neys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing oc casionally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney re gion, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, ; sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. . , . . You simply must keep your kid neys active and clean, and the mo ment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four , ounces of Jad Salts from any good ' drug store here, take a tablespoon fal In a glass of water before, break- fast for a few days and your kid Beys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal, activity. It also neutral ity tha acid in the urine so it no V 1 iTTnfntoa. thus endinsr bladder C V V.A w 9 disorders. XL Salts Is harmless; inexpen oiu"3 delightful efferves Nter drink which every tf now and then to an, thus avoid ions. Ldruggist says alts to folks unine kidney Jnly trouble. What .Do Yoi Meam Afford ? By GEORGE ADE We come to another big task. This time we need not call for helpers. The volunteer workers stream in myriad hosts along the main highway leading to victory and vin dication. All patriots, by confession. The grumblers are awed into silence. If the taint of disloyalty remains anywhere it is hidden as a shameful secret. The heads are wagging and we hear many old assurances: 'Til do all I can." - "I'll go as far as the next fellow." 'Til take all I can afford to take.' We are speaking, of course, of the Fourth Liberty Loan and the willingness of the war backers to subscribe. This time we do not explain a Liberty Loan and how it works, or why we battle with Ger many, or that a war costs money. It will just about require a search-warrant to find a man who does not say that he will take all the bonds he can "afford" to take. But, O, my countrymen, we need night schools and correspondence schools, private tutors and chauta'uquas and special informa tion bureaus to enlighten Mr. A and Mr. B and Mr. C as to the real meaning of the word "afford." Are you penciling around to find out how much money you can set aside without the slightest inconvenience to any of your pet pri vate projects? t Are you trying to decide how many bonds you will have to take in order to escape the charge of being a slacker? Are you getting ready to answer in hun dreds a country that has endowed you with thousands? As you squint your eyes and try to' decide upon the sum which will fairly represent your individual quota, are you acting as attorney for the United States of America or have you gone in for technicalities in order to protect special interests? In reasoning with your conscience, are you trying to be generous or trying to play safe? It is up to you. The buck cannot be passed. It is for each man to decide whether he is going to be a thoroughbred or a squeezer of 50-cent pieces. For the sake of your own self-respect, come through to the limit. If you live to be a thousand years old you will never have another chance to start your iron dollars upon such a noble mission. Do you wish to deepen the wrinkles upon the brows in Potsdam? Would you fortify the courage of every; soldier in France? ' Shall we set in such a stack that the kaiser can't see over the top of it? All right! You are appointed a Special Agent. Don't wait for a committee to hunt you up or run you down. Hurry to the bank and break through the line and order so many Liberty Bonds that the man inside will be dazed and all of the neigh bors surprised and all of your relatives proud. 4TH liberty uu a Don "and ' Keep ft "It's Up to You" Omaha Liberty Loan Committee How to B uy a Fourth Liberty Loan Bond Subscriptions Open Monday Morning, -October 7. Authorized salesmen will take all sub scriptions and will .collect the first pay ment of 10 per cent. Balance of payments may be made through Banks, Trust Com panies or Building, Savings and Loan As sociations. Salesmen will explain how you can buy a $50.00 bond for $5.00 down and as little as $4.00 a month, if necessary larger de nominations on like payments. The Government terms are 10 per cent at time of subscription, 20 per cent on No vember 21, 20 per cent on December 19, 20 per cent on January 16, 1919, and 30 per cent on January 30, 1919. BUY BONDS AND KEEP THEM .: