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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1918)
rJ-A t A i if - m ,V. THE, OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 29, 1918. ft K-SAR-BEN WEEK USED AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS An Automobile Priced Within Your Grasp Read These Exceptionally Low-Priced Bargains TO AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS Be sure to visit ouj used car exhibit." We have the nicest stock of near new used cars in Omaha. took them over whether in the market or not. Our stock is complete and at prices less than you expect to pay. We carry in stock, Buicks, Dodges, Sax ons, Hudsons, Grants, Maxwells, Chev- f rolets, Studebakers, Cadillacs, Overlands and others. We make a specialty of used Fords. Visitors always welcome. This is where you get a guarantee of money back if not satisfied after a 24 hour ride. TRAWVER AUTO COMPANY 1910 Farnam. Douglas 9070. OUR AK-SAR-BEN ' BARGAINS We have a good stock of Fords all in good shape and they are priced right. One 1918 Chalmers Touring Car, run 3,500 miles $1,000 One Overland Roadster, a snap for 100 pne Hupp Roadster, very classy. .. 250 . One Studebaker Touring 500 One Mitchell Roadster, very classy 250 One Maxwell 1917 Touring, in fine condition 350 One Overland Touring, in the best 'of running order 350 One Overland Touring car, in good running order 200 One Chevrolet Touring 1916, new ly painted 400 ' One Studebaker Touring 6-cylin- ( der, electrically equipped 350 One Ford Panel Box Truck. .... '350 BOYLAN AUTO COMPANY Douglas 1241. 1516 Davenport Sts. TIRES! TIRES! TIRES! Save 50 on your Tires 3,000 Miles Guarantee. 30x3 Non Skid $11.40 30x3y2 Non Skid $13.40 32x3 12 Non Skid $16.40 '33x4 Non Skid .$18.20 'Agents wanted. Second Hand Tires andf Tubes. Write us today for particulars. ' 2-in-l Vulcanizing 1516 Davenport St. . FREE $50.00 SPECIAL AK-SAR-BEN ' OFFER USE THIS FREE $50.00 BRING THIS WITH YOU IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY This coupon is worth $50.00 with a cash deposit on any used car we have in stock. Following is a list of our car bargains: 119184 Roadster, brand new ... .$1,260.00 11918 6 Sedan, rebuilt . . . 1,250.00 119186 Touring, rebuilt and repainted. 1,000.00 119176 Touring, rebuilt and repainted 950.00 119176 Touring, rebuilt and repainted 875.00 11917 4-3 Pass. Roadster, rebuilt and re- i painted . . .. ... . . . . . . . 650.00 1 83 4 Overland Touring . . . . . . . . . 1 17 4 Maxwell Touring . ...... . . . . 4;.; 1 1914 4 Cadillac, a bargain. . 1 1916 Ford Touring . , . . . . 1 1916 Ford Sedan ....... . . . . . 1 3 Pass. Studebaker Roadster Body . . . 450.00 325.00 650V.00 350.00 700.00 175.00 1 Studebaker Winter Top for 16-17-18 v 250.00 These cars will sell for one-third more by next spring. Buy now and save money. This offer is for ten days only. USE IT ON ONE OF OUR USEE CARS THE BONN EY-YAGER AUTO CO. 2550-56 Farnam St. Phone Harney 676 Studebaker Distributors $50.00 IT IS WORTH $50.00 THE SALES POLICIES OF THE USED CAR DEPARTMENT OF THE VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE COMPANY Honest statements. Reliable goods. One price to all. Sacred reputation to sustain. Our guarantee protects you. We teach you to drive free. We send for you if you phone. We demonstrate cars. History of cars furnished. Clear title guaranteed LARGE VOLUME, QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS. Once a customer always a customer. 1915 Maxwell Touring. 1916 Maxwell Touring. 1914 Hudson Sedan. 1912 Reo Touring. 1914 Allen Tourings 1915 Velie Touring. 1915 Chandler Touring. 1916 Mitchell Sedan. 1916 Chalmers Touring. 1913 Buick Roadster. 1918 Overland 85-4 Touring. 1917 Overland 85-6 Touring. 1918 Overland 90 Touring. 1918 Overland 90 Roadster. 1918 Overland 90 Country Club. 1917 Overland,75 B Touring. 1917 Overland 75 B Roadster. 1916 Overland 83 B Touring. 1916 Willys Knight 84-4 Touring. 1915 Overland 82-6 Touring. , 1915 Overland 80 Open Express. 1917 Overland 75 B Panell Express. 1916 Overland 83 B Panell Express--New. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 2406 Leavenworth St. A. J. ALVORD, Mgr. Phone Tyler 2138. Schripps-Booth. EIGHT. 1911 MODEL, JUST LIKE NEW. ONLY BEEN USED THIRTY DAYS. WHITE WIRE WHEELS. ONE EX TRA WHEEL. BATTLESHIP GRAY FINISH. FOUR-INCH TIRE, FOUR DOORS, FOUR-PASSENOER. PRICE, 1,140. PHONE TYLER SO OR WAL NUT . RADIATORS WreckedNind leaky radiator! repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiator on band. Maabed fendera and lamp, repaired like new. New stock ot Ford honeycomb radiators. OMAHA RADITOR AND TIRE WORKS. Cuming 8t Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE at a sacrifice. New J-ton Western Chassis Wisconsin Motor Com bination worm and chain drive. Regular price 15,000, will sell (or 14,000. Terms to suit. Peter Boiler Machine Works, 111 N. Curtis St., Chicago. FOR SALE My 117 seven-passenger Packard touring, mechanically perfect, t new tires. It Interested In high-grade car, same as new, see me. Box 4271, Omaha Bee. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All make. With and without starters. 25 to pick from. Phone D. 1241 or call at 151 Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO. WE ARE THE USED'CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1110 Farnam. ' Harney 414. Service Car Garage, Inc. "THE USED CAR MART" ! W. F. GERKE, MGR. 16th and Leavenworth Sts. Phone Douglas 7000. Good used cars that are right, both mechanically and in price, will be found in our salesrooms. The cars are at all times ready for your inspection and we will be pleased to demonstrate any car that may appeal to you. Call on us and convince yourself that we have some ex ceptionally good bargains. Stutz Roadster. 1917 Oakland Touring. 1917 Studebaker 6 Touring. 1918 Hupmobile Touring. Enger 6 Touring. Scripps-Booth 8 Club Roadster. 1 National Six Touring Moon Touring. Saxon 6 Touring. Buick 6 Touring. Buick Special Roadster. Hupmobile Touring Model K. 1 Packard Touring. 1 Overland Roadster. 1 Hupmobile Roadster. 1 Hupmobile Coupe. 1 Cadillac Sedan. 1 Chevrolet Touring. 1 Buick Touring, Model 31. 1 Overland Touring. 1 Metz Touring. 1 Ford Truck. Fords Roadsters and Tour-' ingrcars 1914, 1916, 1917, 1918.- . Always Open FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 h. p. Mitchell chummy roadster, high speed and pow er. Will accept Ford In Al condition a part payment A bargain. B. E. Frank, Koute t, 75A. Benson, Neb. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES, STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., - 2020 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE My 1917 seven-passenger fackara touring, mechanically perfect, 5 new tires. If interested In high grade car, same as new, see me. Box 4279, Omaha Bee. -i FOR SALE 1917 Dodge touring car In very good condition; owner gone to war. Phone Wal. 2367. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam St FOR SALE: Dodge roadster. Late 17 model Good shape. For particulars, write Box 12. Wann, -Neb. CHALMERS Sedan, almost new, latest model. Owner going to war. Box 3064, Omaha Bee. BARGAINS in "used caVs." ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. "GOOD USED CARS. J GUY L. SMITH. 26th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1970. 1AXWELL roadster, 1916 model, fully equipped; extra tire and tubes. Call Harney 7194 after 0 p. m. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co., 16th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 3600. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam St Douglas 9070. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quirk action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co., 2059 Farnam St. D. 6035. GRANT SIX, 6-passenger touring, driven only 3.000 miles at a bargain. Barnum Smith 2122 Cuming 8 Special ; Ak-Sar-Ben Sale OF USED CARS HUDSON SUPER-SIX TOURING CAR, 7-pas-senger; overhauled and refinished; new tires. TOURING SEDAN, ov erhauled and refinished. New tires; 7-pr.ssenger. HUDSON SIX-FORTY, Touring car, 7-passen-ger; overhauled andre nished, STEARNS KNIGHT EIGHT, touring car, 7 passenger; overhauled and refinished. PEERLESS "6-60"; 7 passenger; extra tires and equipment. SPEEDSTER, 4-passen-ger; overhauled and re finished; six wire wheels, TOURING SEDAN, 7 passenger; overhauled and refinished; new tires. HUDSON Model W Touring Car, 6-passenger; in excellent condition. STUDEBAKER SIX, Touring Sedan, 7-pas-senger; overhauled "and refinished. FRANKLIN COUPE, 3-passenger. SEE THESE SPECIALS GUY L. SMITH 2563 FARNAMSTItRET S. E. Cor. '26th St. Douglas 1970 Auto Exchange Co. 2059 Farnam SPECIALS FOR AK-SAR-BEN WEEK Do you realize that used good cars era getting scarce and hard to find? You can get junk any time, but not GOOD USED CARS. Cars will never be as cheap as they are today and are advancin steadily in price. NOW IS THE PSYCHOLOGICAL MOMENT TO BUY We have something at a price to suit you. The following list is by no means our entire stock of used cars, but gives you some idea of the price range I Hudson Super Six. Cadillac Coupe. Packard Six Touring ...... ,.$800.00 Willys-Knight Roadster, like new 600.00 Velie Six, in fine shape. . 750.00 Buick, light Six Touring 650.00 Dodge Touring 650.00 Chalmers Six Touring, thoroughly overhauled 500.00 Overland light four pass 500.00 Overland Touring, Model 88... 400.00 Studebaker Coupe ... 400.00 Overland Touring .... 325.00 Overland Touring 650.00 Marion Roadster ... 375.00"" Ford Touring 150.00 Ford Roadster 825.00 Our new quarters comprise three floors, all day light illumination, eleven thousand square feet floor space in all ; over one hundred cars on hand. Your inspection is invited. Open Sundays from 9 to 3. ' Auto Exchange Co. 2059 FARNAM STREET. VI V, :.J. -n; v