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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1918)
2 A - v: " rl " AvL AND RANCH LANDS. J Nebraska Lands. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 29, 1918. Investors and Stockmen, ATTENTION ' . We htve for Ml , ranch of 5.J60 teres that afford an exceptional op portunity for a profitable and sets, In vestment. Tbs mala features are aa follows: " Located in Veitern Neb.,' near U. P. R. f.. Soil and subsoil lllfe eastern Neb. Two houeej. Mr barns cattla shed and corrals; fenced Into one , winter and three aummer paaturea; complete niter system, miming- water, springs ' and yells. 109 acret. cultivated, ISO acres alfal fa, abundance of native hay, fine gar den and orchard. . ,. Will carry COO head in aummer and 00 In winter. Number could be largely increased by seeding- more alfalfa. The Labor Problem Rancli now handled by manager and on - man, with help of one additional man during haying. It Is making money and tha manager would probably ray if desired.- Conditions Which Insure a Large Profit! 90 per cent of the land Is level to gently rolling and could be farmed with tractor. The neighborhood is being rapidly set tled up by farmers and land prices are advancing. one crop or wneat wouia Pty for tha land. I. : A well Is being bored by "Standard" literests S miles from this ranch, t'n 'Jerlylng conditions must be right or ex- lertanced- men would not spend large luma for . leases and drilling. It oil Is found enormous profits will be made. Pfrice and Terms. Pric 120 per acre: reasonable terms. Clear of Incumbrance, but one-halt of oil and mineral rights reserved. J. ft. DUMONT&CO.,v 416-411 Keeline Bldg. Phone D. 63). 160 ACRKS 160. MERRICK COUNTY CARJI AT AUCTION. " WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2, P. M. lOo tha above date at C LARKS, NEB., v.- will sell, at public auction, to tne highest bidder regardless of price, the following described real estate: The northwest quarter of section 12, town ship 18. snnge 4. Merrick County, Neb., containing 160 acres, more or less, ac cording to government aurvey. Located 1ft miles northeast of Havens, and four miles west of Silver Creek, Only 40 rod! from good school, I TERMS 16 per cent of the purchase price I cash day of aale, purchaser to assume f a mortgage of IS 000, dua tn five years, I bearing Interest at 5 per cent an- nually. remainder of purchase price ' - given. Good and sufficient abstract of title ' together with warranty deed de livered to purchaser day of settlement. IMPROVEMENTS Brand new four-room bouse,' atable for 6 horses, a few other outbuildings, two good wells with best of water at depth of SO feet. Build ings all well sheltered by nice largs I grove. About 40 acres In pasture with f ' small afream of running water, IX) acres of nice' meadow, balance under plow. Land lies level, but well drained. Soil good productive black loam. A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY AN 1 A -NUMBER-ONE QUARTER CLOSE TO TOWN, SCHOOL AND CHURCHES. REMEMBER THE LITTLE TOWN OF HAVENS IS JUST STARTING TO GROW, WITH SEVERAL STORES AND A NfeW BANK UNDER CONSTRUC TION. BEING LOCATED ON THE MAIM LINE OF THE U. P. R. R. AND THB LINCOLN HIGHWAY THERE CAN BB NO QUESTION AS TO THE v RAPID ADVANCE IN VALUE OF . LAND NEAR THIS TOWN IN THIS ' RICH AND FERTILE VALLEY For further Information, address NE- BRA3KA REALTY AUCTION CO., Cental City, Neb., or MADS SORGEN- Clarke. Neb., Owner. SMALL FARM NEAR OMAHA. Located iVs miles west of Benson. Has good 4-room house; barn for 10 head of -Cattle and four horsea; doublo corn crib, ' chicken house, 12x24; all buildings are nearly new and nicely painted. Hog house, fenced and cross-fenced, only 40 feet to splendid well that has 23 feet - of water. Seven acres in alfalfa, 2 acres in pasture. Small .bearing orchard. This is a farm that has been worked by owner- and Is In splendid condition 'and elegant quality of land. If you -want one of the best little farm near Omaha you should be sure to look this over. Owner will sell stork and farm machinery and give possession Immedi ately it wanted. Price of farm 112,000 - consisting of 82 acres. Considering the improvements and quality of land this la the beat value near Omaha, HASTING? & HEYDKN. Kit HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER BO. SMALL FARMS. t have several 10 to 40-acre tracts, improved, near growing Omaha; 10 acres, well .Improved, macadam road, adjoining city; 2S acres, macatam road, fair improvements, excellent location; 20 acres, well Improved, mile to city limits, dandy sheep-feeding place, good terms; 20 acres, Improved, ideal laying, good location; 40 acres, nifty, well im , proved, t miles out, excellent location ; tO acres, near Dodge street road, well 4 Improved and a bargain; 60 acres g miles out, but near small town, well Im proved, alfalfa. Range tn price from ' 1115 per acre to 1575. I have several other farms of all slies and all prices. These are all producers. Be a producer, net consumer; loan Uncle Sam aome - of spur money, or fight. ORIN S. MERRILL CO., ' -1015-10K City National Bank Bldg. ,10 A. $2,500. - Just north ef Florence. Comes down t the river road. Adjoining property held at 9400 an acre, Wooded. A droam et beauty this time ef year. View un excelled. HARRISON & MORTON ' REALTORS. Jll Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 814. Nebraska Lands. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. MERRICK COUNTY BARGAIN. 0 ACRES IMPROVED. ICO acres 6 miles from Central City, all Rood, black loam soil; lies level; not a foot of waste; all tine alfalfa land; all under plow except i acres In pasture. This place has 45 acres seeded to wheat and 20 acres In rye. which is looking fine. Price for 10 days only, $100 per acre; about one-half cash, balance good terms. Possession March 1. If you want a real bargain come and see me at once. M. A. Larson, Central City. Neb. 4SU ACRES. Improved Perkins county, Nebraaka farm, all good aoll underlaid with clay subsoil; buildings are new, consisting of large ijarn with cattle shed, hog house, chicken house, well, windmill, cistern, cement cave and summer house. Farm Is fenced and cross-fenced, (SO acrea new land In cultivation, balance native grass but most of It can be farmed. Only two miles to railroad town. Price, $10 per acre; reasonable terms. MINER BRADLEY, Grand Island, Nebraska. AT AUCTION, C60 ACRES 960 CUSTER COUNTY RANCH. FRIDAY, OCT 11 TIT, 2 P. f. One of the best balanced ranches la the stats. Ail hard land well Improved. Close to town and school. Remember this ranch will be sold to the highest bidder regardless of price, on easy terms. For full Information address NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO., Central City, Neb. 14 A., $350 an Acre. Southwest; avallableto Omaha or HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS. 9X8 Omaha Nal'l Bk. Bldp. D. 314. FARMS AND RANCHES We have several very attractive prop erties 'for sale iu Dawes, Kcya, Paha and Brown counties. These are places that we have personally Inspected, and are recommended as being good buys. Send for list and photos stating as to your wants. Kloke lny. Co., Omaha. FOR SALE Choice iOO-acre farm 6 miles from Blair, Neh. Extra good large set imDrovements In fine condition. Land half level, balanco rolling, nearly all fenced hog tlsrht. Price, $210 per acre K. P. Humlahl. Blair, Neb. I HAVE for pale my farm, 160 acres, one Jialf mile from Clarks; good Improve ments, In Plait valley. For further in formation, write to owner, G. R. Romm, Clarkn, Neb. WRITE me fur pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In good old Dawes county, Arab L. Hungerford, Crawford. Neb. VALLEY FARM 360 acres, new buildings, pure sprinst water, fruit, $30 per acre. Other farms, views free. Box Y-6J0. Omsha Bee. LISTEN Well-Improved 40-acre valley - farm, $1,500, terms, others. McGrath Mountain View. Mo. FOR SALE My 320-acre farm southwest of Brunswick, Neh. For particulars see or write J no. Nothem, Brunswick, Neb. ALFALFA whist and corn Irrigated farms and ranches, $15 to $170. Send for list. Cover & Co., Cozad, Neb. ' MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A. LARSON. Central City, Neb. 160 ACRES, improved, close in, paved road. Nllson. 423 Securities Bldg. Oregon Land. Irrigation "In the Heart of the Range" The Jordan Valley Project. Malheur County, Oregon. An empire In the making, land $1.00 per acre plus the cost of the water. You can file on grazing homestead entries nearby Literature and particulars on request. Next excursion September 28. HARLEY J. HOOKER. 40 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. South Dakota Lands. RANCH FOR SALE Meade county, South Dakota; 880 acres; 176 acres alfalfa; best of water; price Includes horses, machinery, tools, etc. Owner going to army. Price, $20 per acre for a quick sale. John P. Everett, Sturgls, S. Dak. FOR SALE 329 acres rich, fine lying, unimproved land In Pine Ridge Agency. South Dakota, about 20 miles north of Gordon, Neb. Wm. J. Leverett, Council Bluffs, la. Miscellaneous. $3,000 Down Secures 16 Cows, 270-Acre Farm and $500 pair horses, driving mare, Hol steln bull, 3 calves, harness, wagons, mowing machine, tedder, ensilage cut ter, harrows, plows, all crops, furniture, all ready to go on making money. Dairy alone paying $170 monthly. 2 miles to 2 towns. Smooth, machine-worked dark loam fields, meadows cutting 70 tons hay, wire-fenced, spring-watered pas ture for 40 head, estimated more than 1.000 cords wood, 40,000 feet timber, var iety fruit. 7 -room 'house, 3 stock barns, granary, other buildings. To settle, everything goes for $6,600, $3,000 down; 2 nearest farms valued $12,000, $15,000. Details page 17, Strout's Fall Farm catalogue of this and other bargains, east, west, north and south: many with stock; tools: crops; copy free. E. A. STROUT FARM AGENCY, DEPT. 3073. 205 South 18th Street, Omaha, Neb. POULTRY AND PET STOCK Feeder Lambs WILL SELL IN CARLOAD LOTS UP TO 50.000. These are nice, smooth Ram bouillet lambs, averaging 45 lbs. or bet ter. Good young Ramboulllet breeding ewes. AUo young Mexican breeding ewes. High grade Angora goats and Mexican gosts (milch strain.) Will make shipments upon request. For full particulars wire or write. PITMAN LITE STOCK COMPANY, finite 8 and B, Morehouse Block, EL PASO, TEXAS. COMMERCIAL GUIDE A representative list of the best business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need of any article refer to the list below. You can depend upon excellent service and values. uunni mix ini'iuvu ,r Article. $15 South Sixteenth street. tlons which tn the estimation of profes Htonals warranted a setback. War new -.-! Corn Oct. .. CHOICE White Rock cockerels from first and second pen. W. It. Blankenshlp, S425 Drexel. Phone South 3139. WHEAT screenings $2.50 per hundred del. A. W. Wsggner, 801 N. 16th. D. 1142. FOR SALE Pedigreed Boston terrier pup py. Call Harney 649T. BEST Medicine for Chickens, Germozone, at Most Dealers or 1115 Harney. AUTOMOBILES. WILLIS-KNIGHT, late model touring car, perfect mechanical condition, for cash or take in a Ford aedan. Box 4269, Bee. MEEKS AUTO CAR, USED CAR BARGAINS. ;028 FARNAM ST DOUGLAS 6290 QUALITY USED CARS, VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 2400 LEAVENWORTH ST. Automobiles. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. 10th and How ary. Doug. 3500. ord cars and repairs. Authorized agents for Ford cars. M'INTY RE-HAT WARD MOTOR CO., 2427 Farnam. Douglas 2406. Steams-Knight and Regal cars. SAMPLE-HART MOTOR COlSth and Hurt.- Tyler 513. 100 per cent Ford serv Ice to Ford owners. AMERICAN STATE BANK. 18th and Far nam. Wead Block. Phone Tyler 80. Auto Painting. ROESSIG, W. F 144 S. 40lh. We make old autos look like liar. 1448. new ones. Auto Repairs. GRE ENOUGH AUTO RADIATOR RE P A I RINO!2 026 Farnam. Dougas200 1 . AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS, 110 S." 11th. D. 4SSI. Automlle work, cyl. bor ing, pistons fitted, auto parts mads to order. MERTSCHY M KG. & ENGINEERING CO., S. E. Cor. 20th and Harney Sts., old parts made new, new parts mad: too. D. 2552. BARGAIN 1917 Stearns 8, overhauled and repainted, and has 5 good tires. Call Walnut 3853 after 6 p. m. FORD car for sale (1915); in good shape. Phone Colfax 1786. FOR SALE Ford Sedan, fully equipped, good condition. Walnut 1086. 5121 Cass. OAKLAND csr for sale; splendid condh tlon; rate bargain. Call Walnut ISIS. Tires and Supplies. SPECIAL SALE ON NEW AND USED TIRES Flsk, Goodrich, General, Caraprlng, Diamond, Congress, National, Star, Me Graw, Portage, Kent, Lee, Keystone, Goodyear. Mention size and we will send prices. CMAHA RADIATOR & TIRE WORKS. 2064 Farnam St. 1 St 9 Cuming. St. REAL bargains In slightly used tires; new tires at very low prices. G. and G. Tire Co. 2415 Leavenworth st. Tyler 1261-W NEW TIRES AND TUBES ON SALE. Ford tubes. .. .$2 .35132x3 $15.75 30x3 $9 95 33x4 $23 45 30x3 "J, $13,951 34x4, non-skid. $24.75 Firestone, McGrau, Republic, Congreas, Lee Pullman, Fish. Send for circular. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming TIRES AT HALF-PRICE. Write us for particulars. Agents Wanted. 2-ln-l VULCANIZING CO., ISUpavenport. Phone D. 1241. BUY Lee punctureproof pneumatic- tires and eliminate your tire troubple. Powell Supply Co. 2051 Farnam St. Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO.. 15M Davenport St. Douglas 2914. ' Auto Tops and Trimmings. ENGLISH, THOS. F.. 2318 Harney. Doug las 2786. Satisfaction guaranteed. The best Is none too good. Attorneys. FISHER,. H 1418 First, Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1966. Attorney and counsellor at law. FITZGERALD, JAMES M 1017-20 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 4508. i- GRAY & BRUMBAUGH, 313-14 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Red 3157. General prac tlce in state and federal courts. Abstracts of Title. MIDLAND TITLE GUARANTEE & AB STRACT CO., 171 Farnam St. Douglas 2H65. Adding Machines. DALTON ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINES, 42 4 Ramo Bldg. D. A449. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle work guaranteed. i!ls AUender, 624 J:e Bldg. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising IIENNINGSON ENGINEER 1GN CO., 1122 Farnam. D. 8229. Skilled municipal im provement engineers; newer, paving, clec light, water works, appraisals, reports. ANDERSON A BENNETT. 42 4 iiee lld(T Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating and "4ower plants. Engineers and draftsmen. Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTO.N-MITCHELL CO.. 2614 Martha at. Harney 161. Machine, gray frqn, brass, bronze and aluminum castings. OI.SEN SCHL1NGEH. 1407 Jackson. D. 7491. Brass, bronze and aluminum caat-Ings. Hardware. PETERSON & MICHELSON HARDWARE CO.. THE, 4916-18 S. 24tH St., South Side. Phone South 171. Fish (Wholesale.) Corn Market is Weak, with' no . I Oats trices ranging irom un cbnnged to Ten Cents Off Oats Lower. Omaha, Sept. 18. Receipts ef grala tode.y were 16 cara et wheat, 103 cats of corn, 38 cars of oats, 1 car of ry and 1 cars yl barltv. Corn prices ranged from unchanged to 3l cents off. The bulk of the prtces fo good corn rargd from 1 to 6 cents lower whlU some of the off grades went at the extreme decline. The market for this cereal was very dull. Oats wers Vtl cents off and other grains unchanged. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts (cars) Today. Wk. Ago. Tr Ago. Oct. .. Nov. . . Pork Oct. .. Nov. .. Lard- Oct. .. Nov. ,, Ribs Oct. .. Nov. . . upen. iHlgh. Low. jCloae. Yest'y ' continued of a gratifying sort and the r ; . ; ! readiness of investors to take standard 1 41 1 41 1 58HI1 S9H 1 39 VI 40VI 37 , 72 H 73S 40 40 40 80 23 35 23 57 73 I 40 40 40 i0, TlVi 4 15 40 50 2( 55 28 40 1 39 7i 73H 40 SO .. 40 70.. 2 6:l.. 26 12i.. 23 40! 23 42' 23 30 23 SO' 23 37 23 4!! Wheat Corn . Oats . Rye . , Barl y 15 .103 . 18 . 1 10 95 100 70 1 15 41 62 110 38 22 14 BOOTH FIRj ER1ES CO. 1308 Leavenworth St. Douglas 62$. Drug Stores. POPE DRUG CO.. 13 1)2 Farnam. D. 2672. Gen. Agt. NYAL'S FAMILY REMEDIES. Hospitals. FORD HOSPITAL, 20th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 240. In charge of Dr. Michael J. Ford, surgeon-ln-chlef. The most com plete hospital In the west. Hotels. MERCHANTS HOTEL". 1508 Farnam. Douglae f49. Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO., McCague Blk., 15th and Dodge. Douglas 654. Wholesale and retail lea. Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 19th and Nicholas. J. L. Baker, Pres. Live Stock Commission. Baggage and Transfer. r ROSENSTOCK BROS., 126 Exchange Bldg., Omaha. Stockers & feeders our specialty. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY. "THE ONLY WAY." Telephone Doug. 295. 14th and Jackson. FORD tTaNSF'ERCO., 817Douglas St. Tyler 3. "Always at your service.'' FOLEY AUTO EXPRESS. 1007 li Howard. T. 141. Let us contract to do hauling for TOU Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 15o per mile, 35c per hour mlmimum charge. Sundays and holidays, 60c per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 3623. 1314 Howard St. Servise Stations. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; servjci station for Rayfleld carburetors and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards 2616 N. 19th. Webster 1102. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY-D A V I D S O N MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H Roos, the Motorcycle Man. 27th and Leavenworth. TWIN Excelsior "motorcycle, first-class conation; can weoster 6258 after 6:30 P. m. rOR SALE Bycycle In Ai condition, used two months, $25 cash. Box 883, Omaha Bee. NASH TRUCK, 1918 model one-ton, com plete with cab and 60-bu. dump body. Never in use, a bargain. Box 606, Ord. Neb. MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writs Dr. Frank II. Wray, 300 Bee Bldg. Biscuit Manufacturers. ITEN BISCUIT CO., Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th St. Doug. 2123. Snow White bakery. Mfrs. of crackers, cakes and cookies. Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE. WILLIAMS, MOUNT CO., 23d and Hickory. D. 1043. Mfrs. of boilers, tanks, smokestacks; oxy-acetylene Weld. Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO.. 40th and Leavenworth. Harney 424 Lumbering Along." Just Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO., Douglas 25. 1614 Cuming St. Osteopath s ANDERSON, DR. MARY E., 605 Bee Bldg. Douglas 3996. W V- I m - ..aval Wheat is 28 ! Corn 42 28 6; Oats 43 C5 ; Rye 0 1 11 Barley 1 7 ( RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 140 223 81 Kansas City 19 15 St. Louis 47 66 Minneapolis 609 Duluth 820 Winnipeg 734 Corn No. 2 white: 2 cars, $1.75. No. 3 white: 7 cars, $1.70. No. 4 white: 2 cars, $1.60. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.66; 1 car, $1.52. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.45. Sample white: 1 car, $1.16; 1 car, $1.13. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, $1.64. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.45. No. 5 yellow: 1 (second bill ing), $1.38. No. 6 yellow: 3 cars, $1.22. Sample yellow: 3 cars, $1.15; 1 car, $1.08. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.43. No. 6 mixed: 2 cars, $1.21. Sample mixed; 1 car, $1.18; 1 car, $1.17; 1 car. $1.13. Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 9o. Stand ard: 1 car, 69 He No. 3 white: 2 cars, 69c; 1 car, 69c. Sample white; 1 car, 68ic; 2 cars, 684c. Rye No. 2: 1 car, $1.63. Barley No. 3: 1 car, $1 02; 1 ear, $1.01! 2 cars, $1.00. No. 4: 1 car (barley and corn), $2.17 per cwt.; 2 cars, 98c. Vv heat No. 2 hard: 1 car (smutty), $2.10. No. 1 northern spring: 2 cars, $2.18. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, $2.11. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $2.12. Chicago closing prices furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain DOUGLAS PRINTING CO., 109-11 N. 18th. Douglas 644. Fine commercial printing. EDDY PRINtTnG-CO., 322"BeiH Bldg! Douglas 8647. Fine commercial printing. Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO., THE 307-309 S. 17th. Douglas 805. Office, typewriter, architects' and engineers' supplies. Loose-leaf devices. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, houKht and sold. Inter nat'l Patent Co., 583 Brandeis. D. 6691. Packers. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO., 108-10-12 S. 10th St. Douglas 602. Skylights, steel ceilings and galvanized sheets. I CUDAHY PACKING CO. South 2340. South Omaha. Building and Loan Associations. Paints, Oils and Glass. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSO CIATION, N. W. cor. 15th and Dodge. Doug. 370. 0 per mnt real estate loans. tiAuwp T-iRn PirvT ffi nailer i7r.o 1609 4 Farnam St. Butter (Wholesale). ALFALFA BUTTER CO.. 12U-24 N. 11th st Doug. 3903. W. W. Richardson, Pres. Cash Registers ilORRIL CASH AND CREDIT REGIS ISTER CO., 219-221 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douclas 4403. E. W. Hart, Pres. Chiropractors. 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Continental Blk.; new location, 494-496 Brandeis Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpen ter D. 6381. Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY. 28th Ave. and Sahler St. Colfax 886. Physicians and Surgeons. DAVIS, DR. WILLIAM WINDLE. Physician and Surgeon. 1120-21-22 1st Nat. Bk. Bids-. Tyler 783. CAMPBELL, DR. S. 11., Physician and Surgeon, 1804 Farnam St. Douglas 1220. Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'S DRESS PLEATING, HEMSTITCHING AND BUTTON CO., D. 3109. Rms. 336-37 Paxton Blk., 3d floor. Printers' Supplies. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER 1114 Howard St. Douglas 1076. Printers" supplies. Printers. Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO., 9th and Howard Sts. Douglas W6, Cloaks, suits, ladies' and men's furnishings, art goods, millinery and draperies; all kinds of fancy and staple Dry Goods. Electrical Goods. LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 318 S. 12th. Douglas 2176. Largest elec trical repair works and contracting com pany intheirilddlewest FARM LAND WANTED. WANTED to buy a farm lu ec.steru Ne braska or western Iowa, middle size. muBt be good land, no rock or stump bottom; can pay a fair payment down, or will rent. Priced from $100 to $175 per acre. George Evernham, New Market, la. FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us if yon want to keep It. E. P. 8NOWDEN & SON, 110 Electric Bldg. Douglas 1371. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, jplanos and notes as secur ity, $40. 6 mo.. H. goods, total, $3.50. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 433 Security Bldg., 16th & Farnami Ty. 66$. LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 11 C- SMALLER LOANS ()& 12 lC W. C FLATAU. EST. 1891 10 TH FLR. SECURITY BLDG. TY. 960. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshock, 1514 Dodge. D. 5619 Est. 1891. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. LIVE STOCK VEHICLES. For Sale. DUROC Jersey hogs, best of breeding, good individuals, see them. Morenhouse Brothers, Lincoln Highway, Council Bluffs Phone 21455. 80 ACRE HOME 6 Miles east Neodosha, Wilson County, Kansas; level, well improved, oil all around it. Big snap!! IOWA FARM Well improved quarter, slightly rolling; 45 miles east of Omaha .-S. S. & R. E, MONTGOMERY 213 City Nat'l Bank. " High-Grade Homes Priced Right 13,700, HANSCOM PARK A modern home of seven rooms, besides an enclosed sun porch, with large lot, driveway and garage for two car3. This is not a new house, but has been occupied by owner and kept in good condition, and is a decided bargain at this price; located just a block and a nan irom the Woolwbrth avenue entrance to Haoscom Park. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT, $4,950 'Near 41st and California, we have a well built, two-story frame and stuccq home, practically new; living room arrangement on the first floor, three good sized bedrooms second flosr; good sized attic. Large lot convenient to car and school. Terms. DUNDEE BUNGALOW, $o,2?0 Large living room with built-in bookcases, dining room with built-in buffet, den and kitchen on the 1st floor. Two large bedrooms with large closets, bath 2d floor. Large basement, floor drain, coal bin and fruit cellar. Good garage and driveway. HANSCOM PARK, $6,000 An unusually well built home situated on an east front lot 50x 150. The entire first floor, which consists of four rooms, is finished and floored in quarter-sawed oak; four excellent bedrooms, 2d floor; third floor finished in one room; hot water heat. Good garage and solid cement driveway. This is" a good buy and is thoroughly modern and up-to-date in every way. ' . DUNDEE, $6,000 ' WONDERFUL ARRANGEMENT! Living room, dining room, sun room, demand kitchen on the first floor with oak woodwork and oak floors; three dandy good bedrooms and heated sleeping porch on the second floor; attic for storage. Garage and driveway. This house is everything one might wish in a first-class residence. Reasonable terms. ' DUNDEE, $6,500 Located near Chicago and 50th streets, south front lot. Large living room with fireplace and built-in ybookcases, dining room, den and kitchen on the first floor, three excellent bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath 2d floor. Located on beautiful shady street, between the car lines. GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtors Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. OMAHA PRIXTINO CO., 13th snd Far nam. Douglas 345. Printing, stationery and office furniture. Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TANK CO.. W01 Wllllas Ave. Webster 2711. School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., ling-12 Nicholas St. Douglas 1HJ. "Everything for schools." Tents and Ownings NEBRASKA TENT & AWNING CO.. 1204 Farnam. V. 3329. When you think of tents or awnings, think of Doug. 3392. Undertakers. UULSE & RIEPEN, 701 S. 16th. D. 1226 Undertakers and embalmers. Personal attention Riven to all calls and funerals, Chicago Grain and Proiislone. Chicago, Sept. 28. Big new downward swings In the corn market took place to day unuVr pressure of a general rush to sell. Word that a grand offensive of the I entente forces was. in progres on all fronts gavo fresh Impetus to the bari!h sentiment due to the collapse of Bulgaria. Buying was almost wholly confined to shorts who had profits. Opening prices, which ranged from Ho to l?io lower, wllh October at $1.41 to tl.U, and No vember, tl.JS'ii to $1.40. were followed by a further sharp descent of values. Oats responded only moderately to the break In corn. The fact that arrivals of oats were scanty and that cash demand was good, acted as an offset. After opening unchanged to c lower, with October at lihio to 73c, prices underwent a further sag, but then recovered nearly to sesterday's finish. Official denial that a minimum price on hogs was contemplated had a weaken ing effect on provisions. Tork especially declined. y Corn No. 2 yellow, nominal; No. 3 yel low, nominal: No. 4 yellow, nominal. Oats No. 3 white, 72'4 873c; stand ard. 73Vi(8)t3e. Rye No. 2, nominal. Barley 95c $1 05. Timothy $7. 00g 10.00. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $-'6.85. Ribs $23.12Hf 23.75. hares at csnoeaslone kept the reaet mostly within narrow bounds. Liberty bonds yielded en large offerings. Sale approximated ?2S,000 shares. The Closing was heavy. New York, Sept. St. The activity die. played In yesterday's stock market wal resumed at the opening today, but profit taking brought about recession! In some of the shares which advanced on the re. cent upturn. The oil especially auffsrsl under this selling and United States Steel also met pressure. Railroad lssuee were la brosder demand, with Canadian Paclfle gaining a point. Mercantile Marine pre ferred whs run up 14 points and buying of varlnua low priced specialties waa re turned, International Paper rising a point New York Storks and Bonds. New Tork, Sept. 28. The stork market was more sensitive to pressure today, prices falling under the weight of mingled profit taking and professional selling. Driving In of a considerable portion of a stubborn short Interest, coupled with the fact that quotations have ha da consider able advance, produced technical condi- Kansas C!lj t! Hock. Kansas City, Me., Sept. II CattIe-4. Receipts, 1,000 head; market, steady) steers, $17.(00100; westerns, 111.000 14 50; cows. $(.(O011.TI; helfera, IT.00 12.50; feeders, $12.50918.00; calves. ll.Ot 12.50. Hogs Receipts, l.OOOi market htgberj bulk. llS.dOtfU 60; heavy. $1M91M0 butchers, $18.76011. 76; light, $11,600 19.50; pig. $17.00019.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipt, 1.009 h4 market, steady; lambs, $14,600 U.7I) yearlings, $10.00012.00; wethsr. $9.00(9 11.00; ewes, $8.00010.00. Chicago Ut Stock. Chicago, Sept J 8. Cattle Rsoetpta, 3.000 head; compared with week ago, prim native steers It etnts higher; bulk of common, medium and good native cad western steers, 50 cent to $1 lower; eow stuffs, 75 rents to $1 lower; bulla, 25 to 50 cents lower; calves, $1 lower; stocksr and feeders, 25 to 75 cent lower. Hogs Receipts, 8.000 head: market, 10 centa higher; butchers, $19.60:O?.10j light. $19.60020.00; packing $1l.0 19 36; rough, $11.00018.60; pigs, $11,000 18.60. Sheep and Lambs Reeelpt. 1,000 hsad; compared with a week ago, beat range lambs and fat sheep $0 to 75 cent loweri other killing and feeding lambs, unevenly $1 to $2 lower, medium and common de clining most; feeding and breeding sheep and yearlings, 25 to (0 cents lower. Cotton Futures. New Tork, Sept. 2$. Cotton future closed steady; October, S3. 55c; December 33."Cs; January, 32.82c; March, 12.66o HOFFMAN, LEO A., Cor 24th and Dodge. DouRlaa 3901. Experts In embalming and funeral directing. Private chapel. HEAFEY & HEAFEY. 2611 Farnam. Har ney 265. Undertakers and embalmers. CROSBY, WILLIS C, Phone Webster 47. 2511-13 N. 24th St Wall Paper and Paint. YETTER WALL PAPER CO. 1414 Harney. Phone Douglas 930. Wall paper and In terior decorations. holesale and retail riJBLIC AND EMPRESS MARKETS Douglas 2793. Wholesalers and retailers of everything In eatables. Watch for date of opening In First Natl Bank Bldg. Council Bluffs Directory. Barber Shops. HOOD'S BARBER SHOP. 529 W. B'dway Red 1307. Baths In connection. Observe the number of clean towels used on each customer. Coal and Ice. DROGE ELEVATOR CO.. 620 Pearl St. Phone 2860. Caterers to heat and cold. A Few Classy Places These are all well located, well built, and it will be well worth your while to investigate them. Good houses are scarce and will be more scarce and prices must continue to advance. Now is your final oppor tunity to get a new house at the old price. A brand new two story house, six large rooms with glassed in sleep ing room and breakfast room in addition. Floored attic and full base ment Beautifully finished in oak and enamel and mahogany. A rare bargain at $5,950.00. $5,200.00 buys a nearly new two story house In West Farnam dis trict, has six fine rooms besides glassed in sleeping porch and sunroom. Elegeantly finished and tastily decorated. Worth $1000.00 more than the price. Dundee Stucco bungalow, just completed. Has class Inside and out. 5 elegant rooms and bath on one floor. Fine fireplace in living room. Finely finished, beautifully decorated and complete in every detail. A good buy at $5500.00. New stucco bungalow, 6 dandy fine rooms. Well arranged. Oak floors throughout. Oik and enamel finish. An attractive place at an attractive price, $4950.00. $4,300.00 buys a new and nifty stucco bungalow. A good looker and as good as it looks. Five large light rooms. Complete with "decorating, lighting fixtures, Bhades, screens, etc. You cannot beat this at the price. Here is a dandy bargain in a nearly new five room, modern bunga low. Large rooms. Oak floors. Oak and birch finish. In excellent shape. Good location. Paving paid. Price only $3150.00. Let us put our time against yours and show you these places. From among them you may find just the place you have been looking for. Benson & Carmichael ITf!? gpl. ' 406 North Thirty-ninth Street Attractive new, modern brick, bungalow style. Reception room, living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath on first floor. Three extra large sleeping chambers on second floor. Large basement; hot water heat, built-in buffet, book cases, fire place and also built-in wash tubs. Nice, large lot. Price, $8,000. Small payment down, balance in monthly installments. Call H. A. WOLF CO., or Electric Bldg. Tyler 88, MORRIS MILDER, Owner. 523 Park Ave. Harney 1886 642 PAXTON BLOCK, DOUGLAS 1722 GOOD HOMES PRICED RIGHT $2,800. Bungalow, five rooms and bath. Hardwood floors. All modern. South front lot, paved street, paving paid. Near 17th and Laird on good street. Nice homes all around. Price cut to $150 from last quotation. IT MUST BE SOLD. OWNER GONE TO WAR. $3,100. Fine quares two story house on beautiful lot southwest of Hanscom Park. Oak woodwork and floors. Fine bath and furnace. Dandy home in a district where you can keep a cow and chickens and have a real war garden. It will cost you less to live here than it does now. Reasonable terms and easy payments. $5,000. South of Miller Park. 7 rooms, practically new. Thd best built, best arranged and finished home for the money in, the district, present owner built the house by day labor. Two sons have gone to war and their mother is now alone e feels she must sell. $5,750. West Farnam. Only one-half block from car line. T rooms. Beautiful quarter-sawed oak finish and floors. In direct lighting fixtures. Dandy east front lot, paved street and alley. Paving paid in full. House alone would cost con siderable more to built even in normal times than the pries asked. Location one of the best in the city. You must ses this fine home to appreciate its fine value. $5,750. Just listed. Must be sold to close an estate. Square type of house with large rooms, one bedroom and toilet on first floor, three bedrooms and bath .above. Unusually good closet and pantry space. Oak woodwork, oak floors upstairs and down. Only one block from Hanscom Park and surround ed by fine homes. Lot 50x142. These are all good substantial places, priced to sell st far lees than their real values. We have others. See us first. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tyler 1536 No. 333 Securities Bldg. HOMES FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY It is cheaper for you to buy a house well and warmly built than to rent a house that is hard to heat. 3002 S. 34th St., 5-room stucco bungalow, large living room clear across entire front, dining room with built-in buffet, two large bed rooms with ample closet room, nice kitchen with pantry. Cellar under entire house. Attic over entire house. Price $3750; $200 cash, balance $35 a month. 2825 S. 34th St., 5 rooms all modern. Price $3750. $3d0 cash, bal ance $35 per month. 3051 S. 84th St., 5-room cottage, all modern. Price, $3600. 3059 S. 34th St., 5-room two story dwelling, lower floor finished in oak. Price; $3750. $300 cash, balance $35 per month. 3083 S. 34th St., 4 rooms and bath; strictly modern, finished in oak; corner lot. Price $2800. $100 cash, balance $25 per month. This is a dandy. 3059 S. 33d St., 5-room cottage, exceptionally well planned, lower floor finished in oak. Pri $3850. $300 cash, balance $35 per month. 3060 S. 33d St, 5-room brand new cottage. Price $3750. Very easy payments. C. G. CARLBERG, Realtor 312 BRANDEIS TH. BLDtG. MR. FARMER: The three Essentials for Sure Crops ' RICH SOIL-SUNSHINE-and WATER The farmer in the rainfall country gets a good crop if it rains. The farmer in an irrigated country gets a good crop every year he has water when his crops need it. Without irrigation profitable farming is an uncertainty one crop lost means two years lost. Living in a community thickly .settled with good homes, less than a quarter of a mile apart close to a good town with fine roads, schools, and climate is ideal. This, combined with the certainty of a good crop each and every year, makes fanning a pleasure. You can farm 160 acres of irri gated land with less work than you Colorado Farms Co., 524 First National Bank Building, can farm 160 acres in a rainfall country this is a fact. Let us prove it. The next five years promise great returns as regards price and de mands for farm products. The scientific farmer can make big money by raising big crops. The only certain method is irriga tion. It is the last word in scientific farming. Fifty bushels of wheat, five tons alfalfa and seventeen tons sugar beets is the average production per acre. Improved farms "sell for less than Nebraska land. . All we can ask is let us show you. Logan County Farms Telephone Tyler 36'