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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1918)
If' xa THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 29, 1918. d Rates f (Cash With Ordsr.) -iper word .. each Imertton X per word (or S consecutive Insertions 10 per word ( or oath additional Insertion Ko ad taken (or leu than a total of r lest than I Ac par day. CHARGE. St par Una (eoanl word to Una) 1 tlm la par Una each time, t consecutive tlmea Ti par Una aach time, JO coneecutlva tlmea SITUATIONS WANTED. lis par lino par waak CAKDS OF THANKS AND FUNEBAL NOTICES. 1(0 par Una aach Iniartlon Contract Rate on Application. For convenience of advertiaera want ada will ba aoeepted at the following offices MAIN OFFICE Bee Butldlna Amu Office 4410 North 20th St. Lake Office IMf North 24th St Vinton Office 1467 South Itth St Park Office Kit Leavenworth St Walnut Office lit North 40th St South 8lde J31I N Bt. Council Blutfi 14 Main St THE BEE will not be reaponalbla (or n one Incorrect Inaertlon of an mant ordered (or more than one mora tr ad vertls time. tree CHB TELEPHONE If you cannot enveniantly bring or atnd your ada to any oflthe above office. Aak for a Want Ad Tatar and y ou will receive the aanv good service aa when delivering your ad In penon. FHOVE TTLEB 1 000. Evenfig Edition 13:01 M. Morning Edlttona .'..10:00 p. M. hday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES ilAYyARD J. Verne, died Saturday moin(ng, Sept 28, aged 28 years. Klin oral services at Hulse & Rlepen'a chslel, 701 8. 16th St., Sunday, Sept. 21, 1 1:10 p. in., under the auspices of Calltol lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M. Plffrs omit flowers, fFwiR Frank O., aged 82 yeara, at his lama residence, Majestic Apartment' mineral Monday morning, 20, at l:o o'clock from the Heafey A Heafey fhMpel, 26th and Farnam Sts., to St. Piter1 church at a. m. Burial at Aly Sepulchre cemetery. Knights of 'Wumbus take notice. KFFOLD Charles F.. Norfolk, Neb., lday, September 27, 1918, age 16 b-eara. Funeral from Croay'a parlor, 2(11 N. 24th St, Sunday, September 29, 1913. at 4 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture& Household Goods. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, gas and coal oil atovea. ruga, bab carriages, trunka, etc. loyal Furn. Co.. 222 N. Itth, ONE cook atuve, one laundry atove, one Royal Acorn base burner, one sanitary couch. Call Wal. S674. ANTIQUE mahogany dresser, 9x12 crex rug. Wal. 1397. FOR SALE Mahogany china cabinet, 1248 So. 10th St. HOOSIER kitchen cabinet. Price, $16.50. Webster 5568. HOUSEHOLD furniture eold cheap; no dealera. 81 S N. 40th. Walnut 1107. WALNUT beds ead. springs and settee t'j sale cheap. Leaving city. Harney 5i . Pianos and Musical Instruments. The Best Place to Buy Good Used Pianos. All used instruments are thor oughly overhauled in. our com pletely equipped reoair depart ment, making it possible for us to guarantee used players, pianos and organs the same high grade instruments. Right now we have some good bargains in pianos as low as $125, others at $165, $195, $215, etc. A. HOSPE CO., 1512 Douglas fit Pianos for Rent, Tuning, Drayaga, Repairing. HOME rlUe., PLAYER OP THE VJUlUittllOCU PIANO FOR SALE Complete aet of Encyclopedia Brltanntca, practically new; In mahog any case; will sacrifice. Call Web. 6673. STER6 EN Peter, aged 15 year, died September 17, 1118. Funeral at home of hie daughter, Mrs. awls Johnson. 1410 Burt street, Sunday, p. ro. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. rhunda Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS , HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Dlreetora 101 Bo. 16th Sjt Phona Doug. 122S hoffman Funeral home. Hoffman quality service costs less 14th and Podge. Dougla 8801. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertakers. 13d-Far. H. 400 lL DODDER CO., Funeral Directors F. L. Hero, Mgr., 23d and turnings Sta Phone ibougUtB tll Autojambulance. SOHN . GENTLEMAN, Undertaker and emblsmer 1411 Farnam St. Har, 892 Births Enoch and Helen Johnson, 1012 tyrtle avenue, boy; Harvey and Elolse lllllken. 1884 South Thirty-fifth street. y; Charles and Jennie Jones, 174 Sonth wtnty-elghth atraet girl; Llngl and ucla Ruaao, 10ft Pierce street, Doy; dgar and Betty Denson, hoapltal, girl; rank and Agnes Severln, 1018 Homer treet, girl; John and Edith Berger, 1320 forth Fifty-third street, girl; Henry and Smraa Moore, Forty-fifth and Harney treet, girl; Edward and Cora Fearman, 8809 Camden avenue, girl. Deaths John S. Walters, 69, 2114 J I treet; Jeanette L. Windham, I, 268 Har ney street. MARRIAGE LICENSES Marriage licensta were Issued to the fol lowing named persona: Name and Addreas. Age. Lymann A. Kroh. Omaha 32 Nettle Llvy, Omaha ....over 18 George W. Abbott, Lincoln, Neh. 46 Clara Halveraon, Lincoln . ... 35 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JfLORISTS. LEEL.LARMON ntella Florist 114 Douglas St. Dotglas 8244. Est 1866. 1621 Harney Flowers shipped everywhere. Ex, A. DONAGHUE paid BATH Careful Florist 1804 Farnam 8t L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. D. 1248. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN offers sympathetic aervlc in suddon sorrow; perpetual care; no assessments;' lota on easy terms. W. 820. Tile largest display of monuments In the United States. FRANK SWOBODA. 111626 S. 13th. Phone Douglas 1872-6216 SPECIAL NOTICES. v DENTISTRY. The Infirmary of Crelghton university college of dentistry will .reopen on Sep tember 2. All kinds of dental work done under careful supervision of the profes sors. Extractions free. Children's teeth straightened 211' South 18th St. LOST FOUND REWARDS. LOST. ' A 6 hi -karat diamond ring, platinum I setting, on Friday evening, between I and I o'clock, between Loyal Hotel and Fatracree. Liberal reward. Call Wal nut 95. 5MAHA' & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANT. Persons having lost some articles would do well to call at the offices of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail way company to ascertain whether they left It In the street car. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. LOST One week ago Saturday, package containing nightgown, sliver mounted ' comb, silver nallflle, scissors. Call Har ney 5772. Llber) reward. LOST Purse with key and change, In downtown district or maybe Brandels stores. Finder may keep change, but , please return key. Call Walnut 91. LOST Lodge pin with I. O. L. V. In- . Itlala on It Finder call Colfax SS36. Reward. LOST Two 36-Inch Axmlnater rugs. Lib eral reward If returned to Union Out (Ittlng Co. . ON Caas between 15th and 20th Sta. Pair Bifocal classes In Lemere case. Phone Tyler 2507. SWAPPERS COLUMN. CORNER lot In Florence for auto motor . cycle or furniture, or what have you. Phone Florence 601. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. TUB STATE FURNITURE CO. J , WILL PAT " TOCn AK-SAR-BEN EXPENSES. ; To out-state customers within 100 , miles of Omaha, on purchases of 120 or more, we will pay your railroad fare. Heating stoves and ranges, rugs and furniture for the winter. Wa will save yoil 25 to 60 per cent. When In Omaha favor, us with a call. We make a ape ctalty of complete home outfits, also hotels and rooming houses. Railroad - fares refunded to out-of-town buyers within 50 miles of Omaha on purchase of 120 or more. -flTATE FURNITURE CO., 14th and Dodge Sta. Opp. U. P. Bldg. FURNITURE iTllARbWARE BARGAINS Beds, springs, mattresses dressers, chiffoniers, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, rugs and linoleum, trunks and suit caaea, gas stoves and Ice boxes, full lines screen wire poultry net ting, garden tools. 1939-47 North 24th Tei. wib. ist. open till p m A GENUINE BARGAIN A Steinway Grand, ebony case, only slightly used, at a price of one-half the new cost. Call and investigate. A. HOSPE CO., Established 1874. 1513 DouglaASt. Tuning, Moving, Repairing, Rentals. oVomtbhb Gulbransen Z F6R SALE High grade, nearly new household goods, consisting of 1 beau tiful Circassian walnut dresser, cedar chest, 1 heavy brass bed, 2 good velvet -rags, xl2; library table, rockers and many otner thlnfts: leaving city. (12 8. i ttlh St N dealers. X I SILENT Pianos, upright or Grand can be made into modern 88-note player pianos by our special plan, which will not harm the tone, touch or appearance of your piano. Thousands in daily use. Write. Phone or call for details. Easy Payments. A. HOSPE CO., Established 1874. 1513 Douglas St. Tuning, Moving, Repairing, Rentals. of'thb Gulbransen nAl$Z A. HOSPE ft CO., 151 Douglaa have ptanos to rent at 13.60 per month, or will sell on eaay terms. STECK, Chickering, Steinway, Camp, Cable, Hospe, Kingsbury are some of the big snaps nov of- . fered in our Exchange Depart ment. Some priced as low as $125. All in good condition and guar anteed. Easy payments. a. hospe co; Established 1874. 1513 Douglas St. Tuning, Moving, Repairing, Rentals. lulkitnMtfAvi PLATER vruiuicuiocii piano homb OF THE Pianos for Rent At lowest prices. Special rates to those wh6 rent for the season. Six months rent allowed if pur chased. A. HOSPE CO., Established 1874. 1513 Douglas St. okthb Gulbransen pano Piano Tuning Done by experts and guaranteed - by us. Charges reasonable. Spe cial price for yearly contract. Call or phone for particulars. A. HOSPE CO., Established 1874. 1513 DouRlas St. of thb Gulbransen pIno Store 3nd Office Fixtures. UKOCERY and meat fixtures for sale cheap. 14-ft. grocery counter with 47 drawers, hard wood, 8-ft. plate glass on top for dry fruit display. 20-ft. I. shape meat counter, wtth marble top. 1 Hobard, 1 H. P. meat and bone grinder, Hi H. P. Hobard ceffee grinder, 1 Toledo computing scale just like new, 1 fish box, 1 Iron safe, 1 cheese cutter, meat platters, 1 meat block. Must be Bold at once. Tel. Harney 5785. Address,. 2911 Poppleton Ave., Omaha. TiON cars used lumber, 225 and up per M New roofing, 11.26 to 11.75. Doors, 82 up. Electrict motors and machinery. H. Gross Lumber and Wrecking Co., . 21st and Paul streets, Omaha. WE buy. sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co. 11th and Douglaa D. 2724. FOR SALE Hardware stock and fixtures eastern Nebraska. Address Box 463. Omaha Bee. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS, all makes.' sold, rented and repaired. THE W. N. LONO COMPANT, 11H5 Farnam. Tel; P. 3969. ADDINQ "MACHINES, ail makes BsuTght rented and sold. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 1905 FARNAM ST. WE BUY, sell or exchange typewriters; guar, typewriters 110 and up. Write for list. Midland Typewriter Co., 1404 Dodge. ONE 9-column Burroughs adding machine (or sale at a bargain. 1905 FARNAM ST. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for 16.00. Oliver Agency, 1J)5 Farnam Street. City. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES ' Wa rent, repair, sell needles and parts of all sewing machines. MICK EL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney Sts. Doug. 1663 FREE sewing machine nearly new. Call Monday, 189 Drake Court. Machinery and Engines NINE-INCH lathe, 14-inch lathe. No. 4 punch press, coke heating forge with blower and countershaft 1 phase 3 horse motor, single phase H horse motor, 3 horse gasoline engine, shaft ing, hangers and pulleys, two desks, combination letter and card file, safe. Box 3091, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. AS EXECUTOR of estate of the late Car rie E, Ramge, one of Omaha's pioneers. I am required to sell her large collec tion of oil paintings and water coloVs. I must also sell two solid gold watches and chains. Inspection by appointment Lysle I. Abbott, Executor, 314-17 Mc Cague Bldr. ONE mahogany tobacco case, one plate glats cigar case, also two 6-foot plate glass showcases, one 22-long Winchester rifle. 303 N. 16th St. UIV; me your price on Early Ohio pota toes In carlots, F. O. B. Huron, S. D. I have several carloads for sale. Address B. F. Hays. Huron. S. D. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers" steamed, renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. 1907 Cuming Doug. 24t7. LATEST style Incinerator stove and water heater for kitchen; cheap. Phone Red 8983. SANITARY cot with mattress, fumed oak wrlUng d?sk, small china cabinet and odd chairs. Harney 4407. FOR SALE Baby carriage and stair gates. Walnut IS5. FOR SALE Majestic range; A-l condi tion. 404 Seward St. WANTED TO BUY. has jast returned and will give yon the same rood service that he gave In the past Help win the war Sell your old cloths, shoes, ruga .tools, trunka and buy W. 8 8 W'll call R. s. D. 1032. office D 09? (l)Y A small pony cart I I JENKINS VVANVnU TO Call Walnut 95. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks: used desks bought, aold and trad"d. J. C Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. (144 WE buy waste paper and pay good prices. Phone or write Omaha Paper Stock Co. Douglas 159 BUSINESS CHANCES. WE have a high grade business proposi tion to offer men with business ability In your district' which should net 15.000 to 115.000 annually, unusually attractive " tnulness due to war conditions. Entire proposition backed and guaranteed by old established, well rated firm. 31,000 to 13,000 would finance deal. Addreas President, gth Floor, 20 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. WTANED A grocery or general mer chandise In exchange for 2 very fine Omaha houses, all modern. One house Is Just like new. Price, 311.000; Incum bered for 15,000. Also 140 acres raw land In Koochiching Co., Minn. Price, 24,000. Clear and good title. May con alder clear land Neb. or eastern Colo. 2911' Poppleton Ave., Omaha. i)R SALE Meats and grocery business In a Nebraska town lth 1,400 popula tion; own all b utchor and grocery store equipment; rent building; two acres of land, slaughter house well equipped; reason for selling. Write Omaha Bee. Box 1S5S. BE INDEPENDENT Chiropractic doc tore earn 13.000 to 14,000 yearly; work for yourself; this good paying profes sion quickly learned by correspondence; low rates, eaay terms; Illustrated, Book and Charts free. American University 167 Manlerre Bldg., Chicago. SHOE SHOP FOR SALE. One of the best paying shoe shops for sale with Landis No. 12 outfit also small stock of shoes. This shop has never been for sale before; will give prospective buyer reason for selling. Royal Shoe Shop, Boulder, Colo. CAPITAL PROCURED For new or got g enterprises on com mission by stock house with active sell ing channels. Submit particulars. Se curettes Sales CO., 29 S. LaSalle St, Chi cago. FOR SALE Stock of millinery, notions, small line of ladles' and gents' furnish ings. Invoices about 32,500. Two-story building for sale or rent. Good reasons for selling. Nebraska town of 600. Box Y-696, Omaha Bee. AGENCY or position as representative wanted. Exclusively for New York City. Meritorious goods. Have best references and office. Donahue, 701 Madison Ave., New York City. CAN SHOW YOU an Income of from 26,000 to 110.000 a year on few hundred dollara Invest ment with your services. Daniel Kuhn, 110 Pierce St. WOOD turning factory for sal or rent New, up-to-date machinery and could be used for any other woodworking. Good building, H. Oross, Douglas C398. FOR SALE Hotel at Lakeside; best lo cation lying In center of the Potash Field. See or write me. Andrew Jen sen, Lakeside. Neh. FOR shoemaker, a ebop wltb 7-room dwelling attached on car line, school and stores near; no opposition. Wal. 327. SELL your business or land through F. V Knlest. 213 Bee Bldg., Omaha Neb. FOR SALE Two chairs; barber shop. 2509 N St., South Omaha. ANNOUNCEMENTS. SALE OF USED SEWINO MACHINES MONDAY. II GOOD RELIABLE DROP-HEAD MACHINES, TOUR CHOICB, 111 EACH. NEW HOMES. SINGERS, WHITES. DOMESTICS. ALL GOOD MAKES. EVERY MACHINE GUARANTEED. ALL ATTACHMENTS. MICKEL'S 15TH AND HARNEY DOUGLAS 1971. HOOVERIZE! Save 26 per cent by buy ing clothing and furnishings from D. B. Gross, corner 16th and Chicago. Acordean Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 300-303 Brown Bldg., Phone D. 1936. HiiMSTTfCHTNa. PLEATING, BUTTONS. G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co., 134-7 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 1101 Douglas 3128. Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WATMf THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Packages less than 20 lbs., 15 cents. T. 7453. Awnings. AWNINUS AND PORCH FURNITURE Auto touring tents nd camping supplies. SCOTT-CjMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Billiard Tables. PRIVATE ttableg or parties at Holmes'. Chiropractors Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldjg. D 8461. S"PINOGRAPH, Dr. Edwards. 24th. Farnam Costumes. FULL dress suits" for rent. 109 N. 14th St.. opposite Postofflce John Feldman. Z Dancing Academies. KEEP Dancing Academy, 2424 "Farnam; class and dance every Monday and Thursday. Learn to dance for 15. where learning la a pleasure. Private lessons any time. Ballroom available for par ties. D. 7850. KEEPS Hotel Rome, class and dance ev ery Mon., Thur. and Sat; classes taught to orchestra. Doug. 2681 or Har. 2792. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain, 921 W.O.W. Bldg. Taft a Dental Run., 208 Ruse Bldg.D.2186 Dressmaking. MIS3 STURDY, dregamnklng. Doug. 6396 Film Developing. FILST developed, "roils, 10c; packs, 16c; one-day service. Kaae Studio. Neville Blk. Fixtures and Wiring. nTrPWTM Electric washing machines. J U rVIVilN electric irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St Douglas 3519. Tailors. Dledrlck, P7 L. 218 S. 20th" Tailor. PT 2412. Jewelry. DIAMONDS with privilege to buy back at small profit GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th. Red 4081. Medical. PILES fistula and other rectal dis eases cured witliout surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 "ee Bldg., Omaha. Towel Supplies., Omaha Towel Supply. 297 & 11th. D, Jit ANNOUNCEMENTS. Osteopaths, DR. MABEL ' (14 Brandels Bldg. Res. Harney 4741. , . - WESSON. TeL Tyler 3960. Safes. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. Q A T?17C! J. J. Derlght Safe Co. OAP HlO PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 683 Brandela D. 6691. 8TURGES A ST URGEST-U. 87 and foreign patentsand trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg Wedding Static- ry. WEDDING announcements and printing Douglas Printing Co. Tel Douglas M4 Waters-Barnliart Ptg. Co.. 414 S. 13tb St. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. WANTED Position on road as grocery salesman, or any other good line, or as grocery clerk, out of city preferred. Box 3005, Omaha Bee. BAKER First-class, married. 4th place In draft; state wages and details. Box lzt, worth Platte, Neb. MAN with family, 12 yeara' experience ac counting credits and aalea, wants posi tion. Phone Harney 3493. Female WANTED Alteration work, family mend ing, men's suits and overcoats, neatly re paired. Harney 3234. SECURE your position through Y. W. C7A. employment office. No charges. 17th and St. Mary's Avs. DRESSMAKING and Altering. Dg. 7220. 614 S. 18th. HOUSEKEEPER with 14-year-old girl, wishes position. Box 5066, Omaha Bee. ANY kind of evening work, helping In the carnival. Webster 1391. PRACTICAL nurjlng; confinement cases. Web. 6040. EXP. Dressmaking and alteration work done. Douglas 4901. LADY wliiht-s day work. Call Web. 2561. PLAIN and fancy sewing. Webster 2463? Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4283. WANT day work. Call 5:30 p. m. Mrs. Benjamin, Webater B278! COL. lady wanta cleaning and day work. South 3889. REL. col. woman wants day work. Web. 698. LACE curtains our specialty. Peterson's Laundry. Wslnut 2268. WANT several days' work each week. Webster 6886. DAY WORK, cleaning and Ironing. Call Colfax 1288, mornings and evenings. LACE CURTAINS and bundles neatly laundered. Harney 2922. SANITARY lace curtains laundered, from the finest to the plainest. Web. 5667. BUNDLE waahlnga wanted. Tel. Red 6673. EXP colored woman wanta lay work. Web 1673. CURTAINS laundered, work guar. H. 1130. COL. LADY wants day work, Web. 6994. BUNDLE washing wanted. Colfax 2036. HELP WANTED-MALE. SALESMAN, aalary and commission. Bookkeeper and office manager, 3150, Stenographers, 3100-2110. Office clerks, 180-1100. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Collector and; solicitors for In surance company; guaranteed salary and commission; apply at once National Life Insurance company, U. S. A. 211 Brandels Theater Bldg. S.ores and Offices. Bookkeepers and Accountants Ambitious men who recognize the tre- mendous shortage of "Specialized Brains," and who have some account ing ability, will weleome the Informa tion that a prominent firm of Certified Public Accountants, has made available a sclentlcally simple and Intensely Inter esting home-study training. The short age of Accountants to fill 13,000 to 110, 000 positions, is regarded as a National deficiency, which can only be remedied (as were our military and naval short comings), by intensive training. Accept ed applicants guaranteed satisfaction. In replying give experience, and draft status. Address J. B. Tanner, President, 612 Grant Park Bldg., Chicago. EXPERIENCED Insurance accountant, 1160; manager,-retail cigar store, 1125; bookkeeper, mercantile house, 1160; general office man, 1125; correspondent and clerk, 3100; stock record clerk, 275; office man, assistant In credit depart ment, 1126; traveling salesman, essen tial line, 1125. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N, Originators of the Reference Business, 738 First National Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, grain experience, 1160; bookkeeper, wholesale. 1135; (bookkeep er, good future, 2125; bookkeeper, good, penman, 1100; office clerks, 1100.295, 190, 185, 330; timekeeper, 90 to 21C0; warehouse man, 185. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First Nat'l Bank' Bldg. BOOKKEEPER WANTED. ONE WHO HAS HAD EXPERIENCE, MARRIED MAN PREFERRED; GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR ENERGETIC MAN. ALSO GOOD SALARY TO START. PLEASE STATE EXPER IENCE AND SALARY WHEN AN SWERING. BOX 4273, OMAHA EKK. vcAVTF.ri rierk for tabulation work, ex perlence unnecessary. Bright boy of high school age satisfactory. Apply Rome Hotel, Room liu, Deiween ana 11 Sunday morning. WANTED Assistant window trimmer, man not subject to draft. S. N. Wol bach & Sons, Grand Island, Neb. WANTED Man not subject to draft, to work In Men's Clothing and Furtilshlngs. 6. N. Wolbach & Sons. Grand Island. Neb. titm renl-nhoA nnlesmen wanted at once permanent position; good salary. Pierce Shoe Co., Council Blurts. DRUG CLERK. 10th & Hickory. Professions and Trades. SHIP WORKERS , If you are skilled In the fol lowing lines of work we need you: RIVETERS, HOLDERS-ON. STRUCTURAL IRON WORKERS, HEATERS. BOFLER MAKERS, PIPE COVERER3, SHIP FITTERS. MARINE ERECTORS. MARINE PIPE FITTERS. The Metropolitan (New Tork City) district Is yours from which to choose your home surroundings. Apply SUBMARINE BOAT CORPORATION Employment Office, Newark Bay Shipyard, PORT NEWARK. N. J. ALL-AROUND machinist; light, clean, all new work on textile machinery. Tele phone Sunday Benson (72 or Monday Wal. 1508. A. A. Albrecht A Co.. 4010 Hamilton. '.V ANTED Firat-class tailor. Prefer elder ly man, or one above draft age. Good wages paid to right party. Addreaa May Clothing Store, Cozad Neb, HELP WANTED-MALE. Professions and Trades. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTOR MEN Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor. Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STRRET RAILWAY CO. WANTED Express Handlers Drivers and Chauffeurs. Increased Salaries. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS COMPANY Apply Union or Burlington Station office TWO TINNERS WANTED. APPLY LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 12th AND DAVENPORT WANTED LICENSED NfGHT FIREMAN, LOBBY PORTER, ALSO KITCHEN HELP. HOTEL CONANT, . 16TH AND HARNEY. ,V ANTED Experienced Gordon and cylinder preas feedera; alao boy for er rands. M. F. Shafer Co., 17th and Webster. WANTED Night engineer for flour mill, Elkhorn, Neb.; 60-H. P. Corliss steam plant. Address Updike Milling Co., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Buehelman; steady Job; best of wages. Norfolk Steam Dye Works. Norfolk, Neb. WANTED Experienced washman. Good pay. The Alliance Steam Laundry, Al liance, Neb. 1 CHAUFFEUR, white, to live on place In suburbs. State age, previous experience and references. Address Box 2960, Bee. WANTED Boy to learn printing trade. Apply Composing Room, Bee. LABORERS, 40c and up. Eighth and Dav enport. U P. gate. H. Gross. WANTED Urholsterer for furniture de partment. Box 41405 Bee. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN High Grade Specialty. The McCaskey Reglater Company has a couple of very desirable openings In Nebraska and western Iowa, for men capable of making large earnings In the sals of their products on a very satisfactory commission arrangement wherein the commission Is advanced weekly. The shortage of man power has increased the demand for their systems. Address G. N. Terry, Division Sales Manager, 835 First National Bank Building, Chicago, 111. STOCK and Bond Salesmen If your work Is slow, why not take up Accident In surance, Let us explain our proposition. Mutual Benefit Health & Accident Ass'n, City National Bank Building, Omaha, Neb. SALESMEN for Nebraska. Vacancy Octo ber 1st; permanent position; old house selling staple line on exceptional terms; high commissions, 335 weekly advance. Sales-manager suite, 348 800 Woodward, Detroit. SIDELINE road men and local salesmen, quick-selling article to dealers and Job bers. Tremendous sales In cantonment towns. Pocket sample. Liberal com mission. Randolph Arthur Co., 1114 Lytton Bldg., Chicago. WE CAN USE firat-class salesman; who call on their trade regularly to sell our Seaboard Assortments on a commission basis. IOWA NOVELTT COMPANY, BROADWAY AND FULTON STS., KEO TA, IA. GREAT opportunity for man with car or rig In Nebraska; country work; salary S3& to 350 per week and expenses; liberal allowance for use of car. Address 203C Farnam Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SIDE line, top notch special, responsible house. Pays big commissions promptly. Write today. Samples and sales talks free. No delays. Erickson Company, Des Moines, la WANTED Men who have had experience selling stock. Tour opportunity to make big money. Call 8 to 9 a. m, or 3 to 5 p. m. E. C. Martin, 312 Balrd Bldg. MORNING carriers wanted, Dundee routes for Omaha Bee. Apply Walnut Station, 40th and Cuming. WANTED A boy oveF 17"toiearn trunk and case making. Freling & Stelnle. 1803 Farnam St. Agents and Canvassers. GRASP TIME BY THE FORELOCK. If you will spend some time and In vest some money, this Is your oppor tunity to secure the state rights to an entirely new article of merit that fills an existing sentimental demand. Control of state rights can be obtained on a basis of population. Also an agency proponition that Is both attractive and profitable. Big money can be made quickly from either state rights or agencies. Write or wire at once for full Information. Patriotic Plaque Co., 303 Alaska Bldg., Seattle, Wash. ACCIDENT Insurance Salesmen We are now carrying new members to April 1, 1919, on first quarterly payment Big opportunity for you. Mutual Benefit Health A Accident Ass'n, City National Bank Building. Omaha, Neb., AGENTS This Is a real live one. It's new. Never offered before. Will not Interfere with your present occupation. Each 15c invested will net from 21 to 35. Not a frivolous or catch-penny af fair, but a real business proposition. Particulars free. Baker Sales Agency. 1906 3d St.. Baker, Ore. EARN 310 weekly in your spare time tak ing orders for Goodyear raincoats. Profit In advance. We deliver and collect Sample coat free. Write today for agency. ioodyear Mfg. Company, BUlis Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. ACTIVE Agents Wanted Ladits' and gentlemen can make big money In spare time stUing personal Christmas cards, free outfit; large commission; apply now. Lonsdale & Bartholomew, 58 War ren, New York. HELP WANTED MALE Boys. 50 High' School Boys TO PACK HARD BREAD AFTER SCHOOL, EVENINGS AND SATUR DAYS. MUST BE OVER It YEARS OF AGE. AP PLY LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 12TH AND DAVENPORT. WANTED, BOYS. 1 YEARS OR OLDER. APPLY TO MANAGER SKINNER MFO. CO., 14TH AND JACKSON. WANTED Boy with bicycle, John 5! Bath, Florist, 1804 Farnam Miscellaneous. VMEN .WANTED. GOOD WAGES. STEADY WORK. OMAHA ALFALFA MILLING COMPANY. EAST OMAHA. WANTED I OR 3 MEN FOR FACTORY WORK, ALSO t OR 1 BOYS. OMAHA BOX CO., EAST OMAHA. COOK Man for short order lunch counter In soft drink parlor; must be neat and clean and not subject to draft; state wages wanted. Andy Hansen, Plain view, Neb. WANTED Men 19 to 60 yeara old for general yard work, steady work for good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Stocq Yords Co., South Omaha. EARN 125 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magaztnea. Experience unnecessary. Details free. Press Syn dicate, 189, St. Louis, Mo. WANTED At the Iowa School for the Deaf, an experienced farmer to take charge of farm and dairy. Apply In person. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Household and Domestic. WANTED A housekeeper on farm be. tween 25 and 16 yeara tor bachelor. Bog Y-698, Omaha Bee. WANTED A houaekeepar on farm, ba tween 15 and 36 yeara for bachelor. Box Y-C98. Omaha Bee. WANTED A COMPETENT FLOOR MAID. APPLY CLARKSOM H08PI TAL. WANTED An experienced nurae or gov ernesa Mra. Arthur Gulou. Harney 143 WANTED A girl for housework; no washing or cooking. Harney 2288. WANTED Chambermaid at the Brown Apta., 608 N. Slat St. Red 4960. WANTED A good general girl, Mra. A. i.. Williams, zit a net at. WANTED An experienced nurse. Arthur Gulou. Harney 843. Mrs Trade School. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. Special rates and Inducementa TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1402 Douglas St. Profession and Trades. WANTED Farm hands; steady work; beat wagea. Apply T. J. O'Brien, Hen ahaw hotel. CHICKEN PICKERS WANTED; PLENTY OF WORK; COMB QUICK. SWIFT A CO., IOWA FALLS, IA. BE a detective. Excellent opportunity; good pay; travel. Write C. T. Ludwlg, 875 Westover Bldg., Kanaaa City, Mo. WANTED A colored housefhan. Apply Clarkson Hospital, 2100 Howard St. JANITOR for apt; 150 per month and 3-room apt. Tyler 1812-J. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER and clerk, bank, out-of-town, 1100; stenographer, up-town office, 190-2100; stenographer, small' of fice, up-tewn, 180; stenographer, be ginner, up-town office, 150; atenog rapher, dictaphone operator, up-town of fice, 175; office assistant and typlat, email office, 175; bookkeeper, lumber experience, 1100; stenographer and book keeper, beginner, 15. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N, Originators of the Reference Business, 738 First National Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale, 3136-3133. Bookkeeper, Insurance, 1100. Bookkeeper and office clerk, 385-390. Bookkeeper, good penman, 190-195. Bookkeeper, bank, 385, 390. Stenographers, 1100, 185, 175, 169. Typist and file clerk, 170-176. Typist and offioe clerk, 166-170. Office clerk, good penman, 160. THE MARTI COMPANY, EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, law experience, 1100; stenographer, wholesale, 285; bookkeep er, wholesale, 3100; office clerk, good penman, 180; stenographer, 180, 175, 170, 365, 250; ledger clerk and Burroughs operator, 165; P. B. and op erator, 165; stock clerk, 140. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY 1138 First National Bank Bldg. AGENTS 200 per cent profit. Wonderful little article. Something new; sells like wildfire. Carry right In pocket. Write at once for free sample. E. M. Meltman, 14 Third St., Cincinnati, O. WANTED Collector experienced for Ne braska. Must be single. Good salary to right man. Permanent position. Mr. Becker. 312 Balrd Bldg. Boys. v ANTbt; Boy with aoma experience at printing trade. Apply Composing Room, Bee. GOVERNMENT NEEDS 12,000 women clerks at Washington. Examinations In Omaha In October. Salary 31.200. Ex perience unnecessary. Woman desiring government positions, write for free par ticulars, J C. Leonard (former Civil Service Examiner). 625 Kenols Build ing, Washington WANTED Young women to enroll In our course of office training to learn how to operate Bookkeeping Machines. Easy to learn. Tuition, 240 on m onthly pay ments. Call and see us about It. Phone Douglas 7415. Dworak SchooT of Ac counting, Wead Bldg. 18th and Farnam. WANTED Young lady who writes a neat hand to assist In office work. Apply general office, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 19th and Farnam Sts., 2d Floor. WANTED Competent girl for ledger cierrf; some clerical experience; good salary, ngnt party. Kepiy in own hand Aoaress hox znd. oinana Bee ATTENTION! WOMEN WORKERSI THS MAKINO OF . SHIRTS AND SOLDIERS" SUITS IS A MOST USEFUL WAR WORK FOR WOMEN IF YOU HAVEN'T HAD EXPERIENCE ON ELECTRIC SEWINd MACHINES. WE WILL TEACH YOU, AND GUARANTEE GOOD WAGES WHILE YOU ARB LEARNING. IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCED, WH CAN PLACE YOU IN A GOOD PAYINtJ POSITION IMMEDIATELY. COME IN AND TALK OVER OUR PROPOSITION. ASK FOR MR. EDENS. BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO., 9TH AND HOWARD. MANY GOOD POSITIONS OPEN FOR WOMEN WORKERS. Women are needed to work In factor lei on war contracts; no experience necessary. Experienced stenographers and typists wanted, Applications accepted only from those not regularly employed at present This bureau doea not wish to create new vacancies. Scores of position of varied kinds are open for good workers. Apply at once. No charges ef any kind. . WOMEN'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, MRS. WALKER, MANAGER, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. TYPIST or biller at once, good salary to start Apply in person. GOODRICH DRUG CO., 1308 HARNEY. WANTED Pianist, male or female, who is experienced in playing for motion pic tures. Must be capable. Address Box 59o, Grand Island, Neb. STENOGRAPHERS, 175-385. Bookkeeper, J75-310U. Typist, 365-175. Of. elks. 350- 305. Co-Operative Ref. Co. 1015 City Nat BCKliEEPERSrTl'oT-YiysTwrTlksr 175" 290. Ledger elks, 185-290. Stk. elks, te 85 Co-Oper, Co., 1015 City Nat Bit For bank positions see the Walters CoT 14?4 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Tyler 480 WANTED At once, lady bookkeeper and stenographer. Box Y-7oo, Omaha Bee Girls WANTEn riiPT.n 1 YEARS OLD OR OLDER. APPLY TO MANAGER SKINNER MFG. CO., inu AJNJJ JACKSON. Soleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Ladies to learn barber trade, Special rates and Inducements. TRI-CITY BARKER COLLEGE, 1 402 Douglas St. SALESLADY, neat and refined, for elec trical appliance store. Room 312 Elec tric Building, 15th and Farnam Sts. Household and Pcmestic. WANTED Ten bright capable ladies, to travel, demonstrate and sell well known goods to established dealers 126.00 to 850.00 per week; railroad fare paid; weekly advance for traveling expenses. Address at once Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. 514, Omaha, Neb. EXPERIENCED and capable whito girl for general housework. No washing. Family of three in modern apartment good room with private bath. Telo phone Mrs. H. H. Flh, Harney 2480. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework on farm. Wages 130 per mon.n. Airs. A. r. Swenson, Phone 8710, R. F. D. 4, Bertrand. Neb. A COMPETENT general girl, must be good cook, two in family; beat wagea. Harney 611. WANTED A girl for upstairs work, ref erences required Mrs. L. C Nash. 3807 Burt St. Telephone Walnut 212. WANTLU Oiri lo assist wllh general bouxework and care of children; no washing. Call Harney 2289. WANTED A woman to keep house for a farnv r with two c; l'rin n. Oliver Ander son, R. F. D. 4, Madlnon, Neb. WANTED An efficient woman for house keeper at Child's Saving Institute, 619 So. 4 2d St. A GOOD girl for general housework, three In family; good wagea; Scandinavian preferred. Wal. 3611. WANTED Experienced white cook and second maid; good wagea. reference re quired. St. RegW Apt. 209, Harney 70. WANTED Girl for general housework; email family. Mrs. K II Patterson. 127 N. 40th St. Harney 887. YOUNG girl to help with the housework and cooking; three In family, 125 per month. Walnut 779, WANTED. TWO HUNDRED POWER MA CHINE OPERATORS. Here is an opportunity for the girl who wants to help out on war work for shirts and overalls are needed badly and we can use the services of every operator who can help us clothe Uncle Sam's forces, whether they are in the ranks of labor or right at the front Experienced workers are'deslred The work on the power-driven machines is not hard and Intelligent, capable work ers can command liberal remuneration and permanent positions. You can get wholesome meals at a nominal cost In our cafeteria working conditions are Ideal and hours from 9 a, m, to 5 p. m. Music and library fur nish recreation for your noontimes. Come In and see us about the work we want to tell you about It. We can also use the services of opera tors on Mlna Taylor dresses. The work Is pleasant and surroundings congenial Apply employment department M. E. SMITH & CO.,' 9th and Douglas Sts. Entrance. 25 WOMEN WANTED AT ONCE. Hand work. Experience unnec essary. Apply Mr. Gilliams, 1612 Harney St. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT AND AWNING CO. WANTED AT ONCE. 40 power sewing machine operators to work on CO-ZEE rsdlator and hood covers .Steady employment. Exper ienced operators ran earn 115 to 120 per week. Apply to forelady, OMAHA AUTO TOP CO., 709-11 So. 16th St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trade. WANTED Yonnf Uit to learn telephone oper ating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid ad vancement, permanent po sitions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT. 1807 Doug las St GIRLS! GIRLS! You can find enjoyable and profi table employment at our bakerj packing hard bread which we ar making for our soldier boys. APPLY AT ONCE. LOOSE-WILES B SCUIT CO., 12th AND DAVENPORT WANTED. EXPERIENCED SALES PEOPLE FOR THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS! O LOVES, ILKS, AND ALL READY TO WEAR. APPLT - & UPT. BRANDEIS STORES. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Chambermaids, best wagea In Omaha. Apply to housekeeper. BLACKSTONB HOTEL, 1 S0TH AND FARNAM. WANTED White maid for chamber work. Oood wages and pleasant working con. ditions. I'hone D. 2787 or apply In person, HOTEL FLATIRON. . DINING ROOM GIRL WANTED. APi PLY CLARKSON HOSPITAL. YOUNO lady for dental assistant, 212 City ivauonai tianx Bldg. Hotels and Restaurants. TWO good excellent glrla for glaasea. silver and dishes, wanted at once at the Flatlron Cafe, 1720 St. Marys. Miscellaneous. 50 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS t TO PACK HARD BREAD AFTER SCHOOL, EVENINGS AND SATUR DAYS. MUST BE OVER 18 YEARS OF AGE. AP PLY LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 12TH AND DAVENPORT. WANTED Wheatland Hospital, Wheat land, Wyo. sMudent nurses. Require ments: Gilt-edged references as to character, good health, good sense; soma high school training desirable. Two months probation. Remuneration: three years curetul and thorough training In all branches of nursing in one of the best hospitals In the west; room, board and laundry; 215.00 per month during probation; 220.00 per month for balance of first year; 125.00 second year; 130.04 third year. Jmmdeiate application ne cessary. Class limited to 10. " WANTED Young women to learn the op tical trade. Good salary while learning. Excellent chance, for advancement. Ap ply Taylor Jenkins Optical Co., 615 Brandels Theater Bldg. HELP WANTED. Male or Female. MAN and viitt; white, without children. In private residence close to city; garden ing, chore., cooking, general housework; excellent quarters, high wsges; no aga limit: excellent winter job. Address Box 2902, Bee. WANTED Stenographer, man or woman, prefur ono who can play piano 'to ac company gymnasium class marches. Apply to Physical Director, Y. M. C. A. WANTED A second cook, msie or female. and two dishwashers, female. 114 So. 15th St WANTED Men, ladies and b oy leara barber tra le; big demand; wagea whlla learning: strictly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodge St Trl-City Barber College Phonejk 2147. MOr.ER llarber College wanta young men, and ladle s to learn the barber trade.' Call or write for free catalogue, lift S !4th St.. Omaha. Neb. I WANTED Three boys or girls for mes senger work in bank; muat ba neat In appearance; good ealary. Doug. 224. liL'Sl.MiSS men may aecure desired help through tie Y. W. C. A. List your" nt;eds wllh their employment bureau. Tel. Doug. 1248. 0 w ; : 1 " EDUCATIONAL VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Day school for women; hours 1:10 ta 1, permitting afternoon employment; rooma open for atudy from 8 to 4:10, ex cept Saturdays; eater any Monday morning. Evening? school for men and women; reopena September 2; aesslons Tuesday! and Fridays from 6:16 to 9:16; ante any Tuesday evening. The government and all employers need many thousands of office workers; educated women and men not eligible for other forme of government employ ment must respond to the call at once I do not think ACT Second floor Omaha National Bank Building. Douglas iS'jO. ' Omaha Neb. UOVLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Intensive training for office workers. Courses In Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Stenotypy. Typewrlttng. Railroad and Wlrelcsa Telegraphy. Comptometry, Ma chine Bookkeeping and all Engllah branchca Students admltt-d any day. Catalogue free. Telephone Douglaa 15t5 18th and Harney Sta. Omaha, Neb. RELIABLE AUTO SCHOOL. Best elcctrldhl and self-starter courses. Easily learned No books. Free catalog. National Auto School, 2814 North 20th St. Omaha, Neb. EARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit- mg, i;ay ana nignt classes. Omaha Shorthand College, Re- Hldg.. D. 4618. t FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. Warm I CLEAN Warm heautlfiiiiv fhi.i. room In private home, near car line. I Harney 1212, ' X X X