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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1918)
:iu 1 V I f THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1918. 11 FINANCIAL. eal Eatatc. Loans & Mortgages. " TOW RATE8 ; C. a. Carlberg, Ill Brendel Theater Bldg.. Doug. M5. OMAHA HOMES EA6T. NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1U Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1715. LOANS ON CITT PROPERTY W.H.Thomas & Son, Ktclinc Bldg 1109 to llo.SOo MADE promptly. F. D. Weed. Wtad Bldg.. ltth and farnam. Private Moneey, BHOPEN A COMPANY. Doug. 4223. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Arkansas Lands. SEPTEMBER 17TH. Oar next excursion to McQehse, Ark. W. 8. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. TO WHEAT GROWERS. Have several fine tract! of land from 160 acre to a full section, with fall wheat already town, and share of crop ton with land; In Sedwirk and Philip county. Colorado; also Perkins and Cheyenne counties, Nebraska. See C. L. Tate, 651 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg, Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Highly Improved 320-acr ranch In Weld county, Colorado. All kln" of crops grown; H mile from school, church, store and cream sta tion, on mall route and telephone; f mils of railroad, 130 per acre, direct from owner. A. V. Coonrodt, Brigg dale. Colo. WK own several large trai-ts of choice eastern Colorado farm and ranch lands; buy direct from owners; write today for t list, John Lorenx, 31S Denham Bldg., Denver Colo. WHEAT, corn, beans and alfalfa lands', $12.60 to $40, easy terms; plenty of mois ture; hot winds are unknown. Write for list. Farmers1 Land Co. Byers. Colo. IMPROVED quarters, half sections or larger, Lincoln Co., Colo . bargains; easy terms; good crops. Write John L. Maurer, Arriba, Colo. Florida Lands. CORN, HAY AND STOCK LAND. Real corn, Kay, cattle and hog land In section lots and up at bargain prices. Wflhln 10 miles of Armour's big new packing plant at Jacksonville, Florida. Write me for what Armour says of North Florida as an unexcelled stock country. E. A. BENSON, OWNER, Omaha, Neb. Iowa Lands. FINE IOWA FARM. 1(0 acres, 41 miles east of Omaha, all plow land, slightly rolling, well Im proved, owned by widow; must sell; possession any time. 8. R. R. E. MONTGOMERY, 213 City National Bank Bldg. VlNELY Improved quarter section land, western Iowa; $110 acre; great bargain. O. P. BTEBBINS, 1810 Chicago. South Dakota Lands. SEND for new descrlpUv map of South Dakota showing crop production, auto roads, etc. Chas. McCaffree, Cora, of Immigration. Pierre S. D. Minnesota Lands. RAROAIN 240 acres: 40 miles from Minneapolis; 120 acres cultivated; all good corn land; 60 acres fine meadow land: 60 acres pasture; some scattered hard maple In pasture: set build ings; near creamery and store. Price, 147. 60 per acre; 32,600 cash, balance five years i per cent. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska Lands. 7.380 ACRES FOR SALE Alfalfa, wheat, corn and ranch land several hundred acrea will be sown to wheat this fall. (00 acres alfalfa. Several wall Improved lmlgrated ' farms; two good cattle ranches. In very best part of Nebraska where alfalfa yields 2 to 4V4 tons per acre every year- Wet or dry grows better than any weed on earth. Can show you farm after farm that will net the landlord over 140 per acre In rent. You people that own and that Is worth 1200 to $300 pr acre won't believe this and will probably say: "If they had land one-half that good It would be worth twice what they ask for It." If seeing Is believing come and see. We are pricing thla 7,340 acres from 116 to $170 per acre, with a small payment down, an other In March or April, when posses sion Is given, then a small payment each year, as the retiring members of Coxer A Co. would rather carry back their money In this land than to have the cash. The 7,260 acres ara all owned by us. We are selling only In order to settle up a partnership and is subject to sale only. Will not make any change in price, as we have put It down to where It will all sell in 60 days. It is a good buy as a horn or investment All on the U. P. B. R. Cosed Is on the main line of the Union Pacific, 341 miles west of Omaha and Is the greatest alfalfa country la the world. Grows more natural hers than any weed ' wa have. Wet or dry cuts about so much hay every year. Can show you alfalfa 16 U It years old and Is still yielding lots of hay. All that has ever been dona to . it sines it was seeded Is to cut it three . or four and one-half tons per aero every season. If seeing is believing, com and sea. , If you ara Interested in anything de scribed, come and see, don't waste your time by writing, but wlra by number, what piece you ara Interested In, and we will hold it for your Inspection. If you coma and sea any of this and don't find It exactly as described, we will pay oyu for your time and all your ex panses both ways. Reference, Farmers State bank, Coxad, Neb. Address all communication to Nosl Cover, Manager, Cosad, Neb. Write for compute list. Cover A Co., owners. NEB. RANCH FOR SALE 6,360 acres, 30 per eent tillable, all ex cept about 80 acres level to gently roll ing, black loam soil with clay sub-soil just Ilk In eastern. Nebraska; running water; spring and wells; ISO acre al falfa, abundance of natlv hay. 200 acre cultivated; two good houses, water system, plenty of barns, corrals and oth er buildings; bearing orchard and Irri gated garden. All fenced and cross fenced. Price, $20 per acre, clear of In cumbrance, but one-half of oil and mln- eral right reserved. Reasonable terms. This ia a first-class ranch and a money maker. It is worth the price as a ranch and the buyer will get the added profit when the land i wanted for farming purposes. Ha also stands a goond chane of making a large fortune from oil. Wells ara now being bored near this land. J. H. DUMONT & CO., REALTORS. 416-418 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. Buy Direct From Owner. Kimball County Farm, $35 Per Acre. Must sell in thirty days, 640 acres Kimball county, seven miles front U. P. R. Jt. School house on land. (00 acres ran be plowed with tractor. 1(0 acre broken. 100 acres now seeded to fall wheat on sod. Kimball county sod wheat this year went from 26 to 45 ' bushels. This can be verified by com ing hero and seeing wheat threshed now. Will tak one-fifth down, balance fiv years ( per cent. No reasonable terms refused responsible parties. Will sell all or part. Fin well and will. Small house and barn. Land all fenced. Can have section all plowed and seeded for non- resident If desired. Address E. L. Griffith, Bushnell, Neb., or call Frank A. Smith. Douglas (360. NEBRASKA GOLD MINES. Improved 10, fiv mile from Pierce; good land, small building. Price $140 par acre: liberal tsrms. Improved 1(0, fiv mil from Pierce; good level land, fairly good V Improve ments: in German neighborhood, clot to Lutheran church and school. Price, for chort tlm only, till per acre. Pisrc county ba good all-around crop this yar, the same as vrjr year. Com and look u over. W. E. POWERS, f PIERCE, NEB. FARMS ANDRANCHES W have several very attractive prop erties for al In Daw. Key Paha and Brown counties. The are place that w nav personally inspected, and are recommended a being good buy. Send for IUt and photo stating a to jrour wants. Klok In. Co.. Omaha. - FOR SALE. ' Tie B. W. M of i-lt-3. Cheyenne Co., Nb.. 131 acre now In fall wheat, at $60 par aero, am i . va V MERRICK COUNTY. Improved corn, and alfalfa farnuvmt th right price. M. A. . eWtMQi Wa US OMAHA LIVE STOCK Desirable Beeves Sell Steady with Yesterday; Market on Hogs Off Ten to Fif . teen Cents. Omshs. September 18. 1(18. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs.' Sheep. Official Monday 16,940 3.243 (3,064 Official Tuesday ....17,498 8.828 42,800 Estimate Wednesday 13,000 8.000 37,000 Three days this wk. 47.438 20.071 132,864 Same days last week. 36. 917 19.940 126.448 Same days 2 wks ago.46.696 22.947 117.B5S Same days 3 wks ago.39,827 21.938 90.47 Same days yesr ago.. 41, 506 14,918 128,424 Receipts and disposition of live stock at -the Union Stock Yards. South Omsha, Neb, for 24 hours ending at 3 p. m. yes terday: RECEIPTS CARLOAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. M. 4 St. P 16 - 16 Wabash 2 1 Missouri Pacific 9 2 1 Union Pacific 179 30 83 C. A N. W., east.... 16 ' 7 2 C. A N. W., west. 148 .26 46 C. St. P., M. A O..'.: 2 4 C. B. A Q. east.... 4 6 1 C, B. A Q., west.... 139 17 16 C, R. I. A P., east.. 11 6 1 C. R. 1. P., west.. . . 2 Illinois Central 6 1 .. C. G. W 1 1 Totsl receipts ..62 177 160 GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Good Corn Ranges from Un changed to Two Cents Up; Bulk of Oats Half Cent Off; Wheat Firm. DISPOSITION HE .D Cattle Morris Packing Co.. 980 Swift A Co 2,89? Cudahy Packing Co.l,6M Armour A Co 2.080 Swart A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co. 83 S. O. Packing Co. . . Wilson Packing Co.. Htggln Packing Co. Hoffman Bros John Roth A Sons.. Mayerowtcb A Vail. Glassberg P. O'Dea Armour, Sioux City. W. B. Van Sant Co. 201 enton A Van Sant 222 F. P. Lewis 428 Huntzlnger & Oliver 16 J. B. Root & Co.... 232 J. H. Bulla 138 Rosenstock Bros. .. 221 F. O. Kellogg 222 Werthelmer A Degen 218 Ellis A Co Sullivan Bros. . A. Rothschild . Hogs. Sh 807 1.133 1.306 1.632 1 937 2,644 eep. 666 224 ,566 126 73 62 16 20 7 12 1 221 143 38 163 M.-Kan. C. & C. Co. 243 E. Q. Christie 64 Baker 221 Banner Urns. 164 John Harvey 934 Jensen & I.undgren. 26 Dennis & Francis... 171 Cheek A Krebs 78 Other buyers 4,292 29,375 Total 16,533 ' 8.657 36,958 Cattle There were 13,000 cattle again this morning, making receipts 47,000 for the three days, and desirable beeves on the early trade were selling steady with yesterday. Good to choice westerns bringing $15.00 to $17.60 and medium kinds from $12.00 to $14.60. Butcher stock was slow, but steady, choice kinds changing hands at $9 00 to $11.60. with medium kind from $8.28 to $9.00. Stock ers and feeders were steadier to easier. Hogs There were 113 loads here today, estimated at 8,000 head. Few hogs sold early to both shippers and packers at steady prices, but the market soon weak ened gradually slipping downward until shippers were 1015c lower and packers, 1520c lower than yesterday. Bulk of sales was $19.65 19.80. with a top of $20.40. Sheep There were 138 loads of sheep reported tn today, estimated at 37,000 head, making th run for the week, 132, 864 head. Yesterday's late close was th'e weakest time of the day and today's open ing was largely In line with closing prices yesterday. It Is doubtful If feeders would sell above $16.60 tlhs morning and down to $13.60. Fat Iambs market Is generally steady. These prices on feeders show a decline of 60 75c for the week. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $16.7517.50: lambs, fair to good, 114.410 16.76; lamb feeders, $16.2516.75; yearlings, good to choice, I12.5013.25; yearlings', fair to good, 112. 00 ! 13.60 ; yearling feeders, $12.0012.7(; wether feeders, $U.7612.35; ewes, good to choice, $9.25 3 9.75; ewes, fair to good, $9.009.25; ewe feeders, $8.009.25. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves, I17.50g18.40; good to choice beeves, J 16.00 1 7. SS ; fair to good beeves, $13.6015.75; . common to fair beeves, $10.00 13.00; good to choice yearlings, $16.0018.00; fair to good yearlings, $12.00 15.60; common to fair yearlings, $8.50 11.00; choice to prime grass steers, $15.00 17.76; fair to good grass beeves, $12.00 14.50; common to fair grass beeves, $9.00 011.25; Mexican beeves, $9.0011.00; good to choice heifers. 19.75 12.00; good to choice cows. $. 00 1 1. 50 ; fair to good cows, $7. 7608.75; common to fair cows, J6.264T7.25; prime feeders, tl3.603l(.60; good to choice feeders. $10.75013.00; fair to' good feeders, J9.00W10.25; common to fair feeders, $7.008.00; good to choice stockers, $10.00011.60; stock heifers, $7.26 08.75; stock cows, $6.507.75; stork calves, $7.00011.00; veal calves, $7.00 13.75; bulls, stags, etc.. $8.0009.60. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. WRITE me for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In good old Dawes county, Arah L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. VALLEY FARM 360 acres, new buildings, pure spring water, fruit, $30 per acre. Other farms, view free. E. ARTHUR, Box Y-690, Omaha Bee. WE specialize in the sale of Nebraska ranches. White A Hoover, 454 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. 160 ACRES, improved, close In, paved road. Nllson, 423 Securities Bldg. Oregon Land. Irrigation "In th Heart of th Range" The Jordan Valley Project. Malheur County, Oregon'. An empire In the making, land $1.00 per acre plus the cost of the water. You ran file on grazing homestead entries neaiby. Literature and particulars on request. Next excursion September 28. HARLEY J. HOOKER. 30 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Omaha, Neb.. FARM LAND WANTED. FARMS WANTED. Don't U6t your farm with us if you want to keep it. E. P. SNOWDEN & SON, 510 Electric Bldg. Douglas 9371. EXPERIENCED, farmer with plenty of help want to rent a good farm with Itock and machinery. Call D. 3393. Mr. Pease, 211 Brandels Theater Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as secur ity, 340. 6 mo.. H. goods, total. $3.50. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 483 Security Bldg., 16th A Farnam. Ty. 666. LOAN'S OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 1 1 CI SMALLER LOANS O C iyfKf W. C FLATAU. EST. 182. 0 TH FLR. SECURITY BLDG. TY. 150. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleshork, 1514 Dodge. D. (Sit.. Est. 1891. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. REAL" ESTATE TRANSFERS. .3x66 25 Frank R. Senear and wife to W. R. Garrett, Laurel Ave.. 617 ft. w. of 43d St., so. aide. 120x65...... 800 Josle Kroner to Minnie Swan Franklin and . husband, I Pinkney St.. 47 ft. w. of 22d St., no. Ide, 47x120 5,500 Carl Oscar Nelson and wife to Allc MacMahon, Lafayette Ave.. tll.f ft. w. of 36th St., no. aide. 10x141 5,800 M. A. Peas to Ida C. Bngstrora, Emmet St., 1(0 ft. . of Jlst St., no. aide, (0x124 4.000 Richard C. Schlndlsr and wit to John Winkler, t al. Hickory 8t.. 180 .ft . of (th St.. no. side. 70x100 735 William J. -Traver and wife to Domlnlck J. Hughes, S. W. Cor. 16th St and Deer Park Blvd., - (6x130 and other property 4,200 Domlnlck J. Hughes snd wlf to Edward 8. Traver, 8. E. Cor. 34th and Franklin St., (0x120 4,000 W. O. Hatten and wlf to L. Sheet. S. E. Cer. 30th St., and Capitol Ave., $3x100 5,000 Horn Builder Investment Co. to Jessie M. Kane. Camden At., 44 . ft . of 48th St. no. (Id, 40x131 1(0 Lloyd N. Osborne and wlf to Ella F. Kelly, 88th Ave.. 41 ft s. of . Lturel at, east side, 42HU30., tJOO 96 113 20 53 75 1 1 5 119 44 41. No. 3 Omaha, September 18, 1918. Moderate receipts of grain were in evi dence today with 63 cars of wheat, 103 cars of corn, 48 cars of oats, 3 cars of rye and 7 cars of barley. Corn prlcea rsnged from 2c higher to 2c lower, with the good grades selling from unchanged to 2c up. White offerlnga of good quality were steady, while yellow ranged from unchanged to 2c higher. Oood mixed was unchanged. Some off grades showed a decline. Oats were Vc to 1c lower, with the bulk He off. Wheat waa firm, rye 2e to 3c off and barley easier. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipta tbu ) Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat 62 28 28 Corn 103 Oats 4S Rye 3 Barley 7 Shipments (cars) Wheat 243 Corn 44 Oats 63 Rye Barley 9 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago 588 465 Kansas City 66 48 St. Louis ... 93 41 Minneapolis 297 Duluth 195 Winnipeg 256 Corn No. 2 white, 1 car, $1 85. white, 2 cars, $1.83. No. 4 white, 6 cars, $1.78; 1 car. $177. No. 6 white, 1 car, $1.73; 2 cars, $1.72. No. 6 white, 1 car, $1.70; 3 cars. $1 65. Sample white, 1 car, $1.50; 2 cars. $1.42; 1 car, $1.40; 1 car, $1.35; 1 car. $1.20. No. 3 yellow. $1.59; 6 cars. $1.58; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, $1.51; 10 cars, $150; 2-5 car, $1.48. No. 6 yellow, 6 cars, $1.45; 1 Car, $1.43; 10 cars, $1.42. No. 6 yellow, 2 cars, $1.26; 1 car, $1.35. Sample yellow, 2 cars. $1.30; 1 car, $1.25; 3 cars. $1.23; 2 cars. $1.20. No. 4 mixed. 1 car (6 per ceot color), $1.62; 2 cars, $1.60. No 6 mixed. 1 car, $1.38; 1 car, $1.37; t 3-5 cars, $1.35. Sample mixed, 1 car, $1.:'.0; I car, $1.28; 2 cars. $1.22. Oats No. 2 white, 2, cars, 69c. Stand ard, 1 car, 694c. No. 3 white, 27 cars, 68c. No. 4 white. 3 cars, 68c. Rye No. 2, 3 1-5 cars, $1.60. No. 3. 1 car. $1.69; 3-5 car, $1.57. No. 4, 1 car, $1.54. . Barley No. 2, 1 csr, $1.03. No. 3, 3 cars, $1.04; 1 car, $1.02; 1 car, $1.00. No. 4. 1 car, $1.00. ' Wheat No. 1 hard, 3 cars, $2.18V. No. 2 hard, 1 car, $2.16'.; 1 car, $2.16; 6 cars. $2.15Vi: 5 cars, $2.15; 1 car (yellow), $2.13; 2 cars (smutty), $2.13.. No. 3 hard, 4 cars, $2.13; 1 car, $2.12; 4-5 car, $2.11; 1 car (smutty), $2.10; 2 cars (yellow), $2.09; 1 car (smutty), $2.08; 1 car (smut ty), $2.07; 1 car (smutty), $2.06. No. 4 hard, 1 car (smutty), $2.06; 2-3 car (smut ty), $2,05. Sample hard, 1 car (smutty), $1.95. No. 1 northern spring, 2 cars. $2.18; 2-6 car, $2.11; 2 cars (smutty), $2 12. No. 4 northern spring. 1 car, $2.05; 1-3 car (smutty, red), $1.80. No. 1 mixed, 2 cars, $2.16; 2 cars, $2.14. Chicago closing prices furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stocrf and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: a Article. Open. High. Low. Close. Yest'y Corn Sep. .. Oct. .. Nov. . . Oats Sep. .. Oct. .. Nov. . . Pork Sep. . . Oct. ... Nov. .. Lards Sep. . . , Oct. .. Nov, . , Ribs Sep. .. Oct. .. Nov. .. 1 64ll 65i!l 5411 54Vi:l 55i 1 63 1 63 1 51 i,J 1 62il 52H 1 49HU 49V4J1 47ll 491 48 724l 72H 72 73'4 73Vj, 73 74", 74Vi 73V4 I I 40 15 40 821 40 15 40 15 40 85! 40 10 40 161 40 85 40 15 40 65! 39 90 27 02! 27 00 26 87 26 871 26 47 26 52! 23 "70 23 60 23 72 23 67 72V4 7 3 i 74 40 55 40 55 72H 73 39 90 39 90 27 00 26 87 26 47 23 60 23 52 27 02 27 00 26 87 26 85 26 50 26 45 23 70 23 52 23 79 23 52 23 60 23 45 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Killing Frost In Iowa Bullish Factor in Corn Market; Close Unsettled. Chicago, Sept. 18. Likelihood of delay on shipments from the Interior mors than counterbalanced In the corn market to day the bearish Influence of a renewal of peace gossip. The finish was unsettled, varying from half cent decline to c advance, with October, $1.62 W 1.52H and November. $1.4901.49. Oats gained Hc to ho and provisions 2 to 85 cents. A majority of trader finally adopted the opinion that during the next few days a decrease liii the movement of corn from rural points would not be surprising. In this connection, It was said, country rail road agents were not yet familiar with the process required to obtain permits for shipments, and that a falling off in arrivals here might be looked for, tnstesd of the enlarged receipts which yesterday were predicted. Another bullish factor wa a killing frost in northwestern Iowa, but estimates quickly became current that more than 80 per cent of the whole United States crop was now safe from frost, and that within a week 10 per cent additional weuld be out of danger. Bears then msde the most of peace talk until general at tention focussed on the prospect of dim inished supplies. Liberal sale to Georgian Bay ports strengthened oats. Improved cash demand gave an up ward slant to provisions. Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.6601.67; No. 3 yellow, $1.551.60; No. 4 yellow, $1,620 1.65. Oats No. 3 white. 72?4 0 73c; tan dard. 7273lc. Rye No. 2. $1.6301.63Vi. Barley 9Oc0$l. 03. Timothy $7. 00 10. 00. Clover Nominal. Pork' Nominal. Lard $27.10. Ribs $23.45f 23 95. Chicago. Sept. IS. Butter Market higher; creamery, 48067c. Eggs Receipts, 9.730 cases; market un changed. Potatoes Market lower; receipts, (8 cars; Minnesota Early Ohlos, bulk, $2.40 62.45; sacks, (2.5502.60: Wisconsin bulk, $2.3(02.40-,' sacks, $2.50 0 2.(0. Poultry Alive, market unchanged. Kansaa City Live Stock. Kansa City, Mo., Sept. 18. Cattle Receipts, 20,000 head, including 300 south erns; steady; prime fed steers, $18,000 19.40; drfssed beef steers, $11.50017.60; western steers, $10.50 0 16.00; southern, $7.00014.60; cows, 6.23 12.25; heifers, $7.6013.0; stockers- and feeders, $7,500 15.75; bulls, $7.0009.50; calves, $6,500 12.50. Hogs Receipt, 12,000 head; strong; bulk, $19.50020.60; heavy. $20.00020.65; packers and butchers, $19.76020.80; light $19.25020.(0; . pigs, $17,00019.25. Sheep and Lanbs Receipts, 13,000 head; higher; lambs, $16.00017.60; year lings. $10.5013.50; wethers, $10 000 13.60; ewes, $8.00011.50; stockers and feeders, $7.00017.60. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruit. New York, Sept. 18. Evaporated Apples Dull; atate, 14H016c. Prunes Scaroe; Callfornlas, (ftieue Oregons, 1614 016c. ' Apricots Firm; cholc. 16c; itra choice, lc; fancy, 19Uc. Peaches Firm; standard, 1201214c choice, 13Hc; fancy, 1414c. ' Raisins Strong; loose muscatels, tuc choice to fancy seeded, 1014 4' 11c; seed less, ItteilVic; London layer, $2.00. New York General. New York, Sept. 18. Wheat Spot, steady; No. t red, $2.34 track New York, export to arrive. Corn Spot, steady; No. 1 yellow J1?3?0' ?eUow' 1.7. "St and freight New York. Oats Spot, firm; standard, 82t4c Hay 8trong: No. 1, $1.8(01.(0; No 2 $1.76 0$1.8O; No. 3, $1.6601.70. ' ' Lard Firm; mlddlwet. $22.75023.45. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City. Sept. It. Buttr Cream ery, (4c; flrt, 62c; iscond. 51c; pack ing, 39c. Eggs First. 41c; second. 16c. Poultry Unchanged. Established 1894. NEW YORK STOCKS Reaction From Liquidation Gives Upward Swing to Market; Many Issues Make Advances. New York, Sept. 18. Reaction from the recent heavy liquidation carried some prominent issues steadily upward in the stork market today, presumably on the theory that a generally oversold condi tion existed. Professional buying In vari ous quarters, together with liberal short covering, furnished a foundation which had not been In evidence for some time. An other Influential factor was the grati fying war news. Msny of the stocks advanced 1 to 4 points, some reaching new high ground. The upward swing was preceded shortly after the opening by profit taking from last night's closing advances as there was no confirmation of yesterday's rumors which sent the market up on reports that the German emperor had abdicated. These losses were quickly recovered, active pur chasing of oil stocks, which have been persistently strong of late, Imbuing the general list with strength. French government 5Vis established a new high record at 100. Liberty bonds displayed a good tone and other issues were not essentially changed. Total sales, par value, were $6,700,000. United State bonds (old Issues) were unchanged on call. Sales High Low Close. Am. Beet Sugar.. 400 9'i 69 6 9 American Can 800 44V. 43 44 H Am. Car & Fdry . 400 85Vs S4i 84 Am. Locomotive . 200 65 Si 65 65 W Am. Smelt. & Ref. 1.400 77?, 76 77 Am. Sugar Ref.... 1,300 108 107 107 Vi Am. Tel. & Tel... 900 99 9SH 99 Anaconda Copper. 5,600 67 H 67V 67H Canadian Pacific. 3,000 1631, 160' 162'i 400 67 67 H 67 48A 49 Ches. A Ohio C, M. & St. P. . (00 49 C R I & P ctfs.. 1.400 25 Corn Prod. Ref... 2,100 42 Cuba Cane Sugar. 2.800 30 Gt. Nor. pfd. xd 400 89 Gt. Nor. Ore ctfs. 200 30 Illinois Central Int. M. Mar. pfd.. 17,600 102 101 101 26 41 30 89 25 42 30 89 30 30 95ij K. C. Southern Mo. Pacific Nevada Copper xd. N. Y. Central Nor. Pacific Pennsylvania Southern Pacific. Studebaker Corp.. Texas Co Union Pacific 500 18 600 24 800 73 600 300 600 86 88 87 44 44 18 18 23 24 .... 20 78 88 44 86 86. 73 800 46 45 45 8,600 162 169 162 700 124 124 124 U. S. Steel 57.300 110 108 109 U. S. Steel pfd.... 500 110 110 110 Western Union . . 300 83 83 83 Total sales for the day, 250,000 shares. New York Money. New York. Sept. IS. Mercantile Four months, unchanged. Stirling Unchanged; demand, 7-16;; cables, $4.7055. Francs Unchanged. Guilders Demand, 47c; cables, I,re Demand, $6.37; cables. $6.3 Mexican Dollars Unchanged. Time Loans Strong; unchanged. Call Mono: Strong; unchanged. U. S. 2s, reg. 88 G N 1st 4s U. S. 2s, cou. . 98 'I. C. ref. 4s U. S. 3s, reg. 83 Int. M. M. 6s U. S. 3s, cou. t83 K C S ref. 5s U S. L. 8s 100.18 V A N un. 4s U. S. 4s, reg. 106 MK & T 1st 4s U. S. 4s, cou. 106 M. P. gen. 4s Am. Fr- S. 5s 97 Vs'. Pr. fis A T & T c. 5s 90 N V C deb. (is Anglo-Fr. 5s 94 Nor. Pac. 4s A. A Co. 4s 82 Nor. Pac. 3s 80 O 8 L ref. 4s 76 P T & T Es 88 'P. con. 4s Cen. Lea. Es 94 Pen. gen. 4s On. Tac. 1st 76 Read. gen. 4s C. & O. cv. 6s 79 SL&SF a. (s C B & Q j. 4s 93 S. P. cv. 6s CM & SP c.4s 77 South. Ry. 6s CRI P r. 4s 68 Tex Pac 1st C A S r. 4s 72 Un. Pacific 4s D & RG r. 5s 55 U. 8. Rub. 6s DofC 6s(1931) 94 V. S. Steel 6s Erie gen. 4s 53 Wabash 1st.. Gen. Elec. 6s 97 Fr. Gov. 5s Atch. gen. 4s B A O c. 4s B. Steel r. 5s paper $1.75- 48c. 86 77 99 76 S3 62 57 S7 93 80 67 81 88 92 86 81 Vi 68 60 117 80 86 80 98 91 100 Chicago Live Stock, Chicago, Sept. 18. (United States Bu reau of Murkets.) Cattle Receipts, 16, 000; native steers selling strong, $15,500 18.00; othors slow to lower; western steady to strong; fat cows and heifers 10 to 15c lower; canners, bulls, calves and feeders, st"ady. Beef cattle: good, choice and primo. $16.50019.50; common and medium, $10.00016.50. Butcher sleek: Cows and heifers, $7.65013.75. Canner and cutters, $6.65 07.65. Stock ers and feeders: Good, choice and fancy, $11.00014.06; Inferior, common and med ium, $8.00011.00. Veal calves: Good and choice, $16.60019.(0. Hogs Receipts, 10,000, market fully steady with yesterday's average. Butch ers (20.1520.75, light, $20.40020.85; packing, $19.50020.00; rough, $18 500 19.26; pigs, good to choice, $19.00019.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 21.000; market strong to 25c higher, top lambs advancing most; choice and prime, $17.60 18.40; medium and good, $16.00017.50: culls, $10.00013.50. Ewes: Choice snd prime, $11.60012.25; medium and good, $10.25011.50; cull. $4.0008.00. FINE BUSINESS DEALS STIR UP DODGE COUNTY Checks Fly Hither and Thither for Garage and Diamonds and Automobiles; In vestigation Starts. Sheriff Conlon and A. G. Brunrr of Fremont, assisted by Omaha de tectives, are combing the city of Omaha in an effort to find J. -P. O'Brien, one of the most picturesque of the frenzied financiers who have ever visited Dodge county. They want hinr to account for a car he had sold, for numerous bad checks he had floated, and for the purpose of straightening out one of the most curious business muddles that has ever occurred in that thriv ing city. J. P. O'Brien came to Fremont a few days ago and, because of his affability and his apparent prosper ity, soon made many friends. He told a firm of real estate deal ers there, it is alleged, that he had been an adventurer in old Mexico, and despite the unsettled conditions in that revolution-torn country, he had been enabled to amass a fortune. Bank Owes Him Money. O'Brien, in his conference with the real estate nien, exhibited a sight draft drawn on an El Paso, Texas, bank, with telegrams of veri fication, showing that bank indebted to him for more than $14,000. He said he was tir.ed of roving about the country and was anxious to settle down in some enterprising city and engage in business. Fre mont seemed to have the "pep," he explained, and was his ideal of a city in which to retire and still be in harness. The real estate firm happened to know of a good opening. It was the' garage of A. G. Bruner, and they took the man from Mexico to Bru-j ner and it did not take long, to make the deal. O'Brien gave a check drawn on the Bank of Nickerson, Neb., for $10,591, and assumed possession of the place. He showeed his ability as a business man by at once hav ing all of the stocl insured and Bru ner, with the check in his pocket, was looking for new places for in vestment. Advertised Change. O'Brien advertised extensively in the papers, the business change that had been made. Tuesday night he went to the jew elry store of Grover Spangler and bought a diamond ring for $650, giv ing a check on the Commercial Na tional bank for the same. Then he went to a clothing store and pur chased $140 worth of clothes, de ferring payment until later in the evening. Spangler became suspicious of the check in his possession and did not give O'Brien the diamond until he could investigate. He went to the Commercial National and found that O'Brien had been there during the dav and had deposited a check for $7a0, which he claimed he had re ceived in payment for a car pur chased from his newly acquired gar age. I he check was made out by J. C. Ord. As a result of the jew eler s suspicions, it was found that the First National bank, on which the check had been drawn", had no depositor by the name of Ord. Check on Wrong Bank. When confronted by Spangler, O'Brien said there must be some mistake, that Ord had intended to give the check on the Nickerson, Nekr, bank, and the check was re turned to him. Investigation proceeded as a re sult of the transaction and O'Brien, becoming alarmed, went to his gar age and took out a Maxwell car, which he sold at Dodge. Later he returned and got an Allen car which he drove to Omaha and placed in the Service garage, where it was re covered Tuesday night by Detectives Danbaum and Murphy. In the meantime O'Brien managed to hide himself somewhere in the city. Bruner, the former proprietor of the garage, has the check for $10, 591 in his possession and is at sea as to whether he or O'Brien is the owner of the business and he is very anxious to meet the man so as to be able to settle the perplexing question. Only Best Quality of Heavy Beef to Be Supplied Army Washington. Sept. 18. Only heavy weight beef of the best qual ity will be supplied the fighting forces of the United States and the allies, a minimum weight of 575 pounds per head having been es tablished by the food purchase board today in a request to the food administration to make sufficient allotments of beef for military needs. Lighter beef of proper qual ity will be accepted, the board an nounced, only in case of shortage in the heavy weight, in which event no heavy beef is to be diverted to civilian uses. Creighton University Notes. After high mass the students assem bled In the Creighton auditorium, whore they received a hearty welcome from the president of the school. He briefly ad dressed the students, giving some pro limlnary instructions, and urged them to enter upon their year's work with energy and serlousnens. Special mention was made of the work expected of the S. A T C. The army officer who has been de tailed by the government to take charge of the Creighton students' army training corps Is expected In Omaha within th next few days. Registration for the S. A. T. C. prom ises to be very active. Already 150 stu dents ar enrolled In the college of arts it Is likely that St. John's hall will be converted into barracks to accommodate the students. All members of the S. T! A. C. are re quired to take a count In war alms From th following subjects the student must choose his course: College algebra, biology, chemistry, drawing, economics, English, ethics, French, German, solid geometry, hygiene and sanitation. Inter' national law, military law and govern ment, physios, surveying and trigonometry Friday, September 13, a large number of students, old and new, returned to register for the coming year. They ex pected to begin their routine of studio the following Saturday, but learned that the weekly holiday had been changed from Thursday to Saturday for the con venience of the S. A. T. C. member. First regular classes met Monday morn Ing, September 16. Tuesday, the students attended the annual opening high mass. Officers of the mass were: Rev. Father Kaufman, celebrant; Moonman, subdean, and Prof. O'Leary, S. J., deacon. Prof. Mahoney, S. J., acted as master of cere monies. The sermon wa delivered by the Rev. Father Callangen. LITTLE TROUBLE EXPECTED FROM GRAIN EMBARGO New U. S. Order Finds No Con gestion Here; Ship- ments Equal to Receipts. By order of the U. S. Railroad Administration, and because of lim ited storage capacity, an embargo was placed yesterday on all' grain shipments consigned to Omaha, Council Bluffs, Kansas City, and other points in the grain belt. As a result of the embargo fu ture shipments of grain to these markets will be made on a' permit basis. These permits will be issued ministration. in co-operation with the Food Ad- A specially appointed grain con trol committee will receive these permits, which will be issued to the shipper or the agent at the point of origin of the shipment. Providing storage can be given at destination, the shipper or agent at point of ori gin will be so notified, and the shipment may be made accordingly. While Omaha, theoretically, comes under the provision of the embargo, it actually should have little effect on the movement of grain from the country elevators to this point, ac cording to a statement issued by the Grain Exchange yesterday. "Omaha starts under the new regulations without congestion, while other markets are not so for tunate," says a bulletin issued at the Grain Exchange. According to the bulletin, during the 30-dav oeriod from August 15 to September 15, 7,986 cars of grain were unloaded at this point, and there were 5,777 cars shipped. Heavy shipments are being made from Omaha to interior points, and that there will be ample facilities for handling the regular amounts of grain due this market. is the opinion of Omaha grain men. Army Orders. Washington, 8ept. 3 8. (Special Tele gram.) C'apt. Norrls S. Oliver, Infantry, is relieved from duty as commanding of ficer of the t'nlted State rmy training detachment, Carnegie Institute of Tech nology, Pittsburgh, Pa and Is directed to proceed to Grlnnell college, Iowa, for duty as officer and acting quartermaster of the students' army. First Lt. Edward C. Mylott, medical corps, Is relieved from duty at Camp Orernleaf, CJa., and will proceed to Camp Hodge, Des Moines. Ia. First Lt. Edgsr H. O'Neal, Infantry, Is relieved from duty at army training de tachment at the Iowa state college of agriculture and mechanical arts, Ames, and Is directed to proceed to Iowa state teachers college, Cedar Falls. First Lt. Harold M. Bates,' Infantry, Is relieved from army training detachment at Newark board of education, Newark, N. J., and will proceed to Luther college, Pecorah, and Upper Iowa university, Fa yette, la., for duty as commanding offi cer of the students' army training oorp. Appointment of Pvt. Chester Elijah Kellog, medical department, a first lieu tenant, sanitary corps. Is announced; IJernard Henry Berger, quartermaster corps, as second lieutenant; master Hos pital Sergt. Edwin Angerman, medical department, as second . lieutenant, sani tary corps, United State army. Capt. Frederick DeP. Townsend, avia tion section, signal corps, will prooeed to Fort Omsha. Three Billion Bill Passei. ' Washington, Sept. 18. With lew than an hour's discussion and with out amendment, the house today adopted the general plan ana rates in the war revenue bill iot taxation of war and excess tax profits. eti mated to yield $3,200,000,000 in revenue. Lantson Bros. & Co. E.Lbli.b..d 1874 ; MEMBERS ' New York Stock Exchange New York Cotton Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Stocks Bonds Grain Provisions Cotton,. Careful attention given to invest ment purchases of stocks and bonds. , ' Private'wire to principal markets. We have the "Hutton Du plex" direct private wire, Omaha to New "York. Your business solicited ' '' 402 Grain Exch. Bldg., Omaha. Tel. Douglas 2567. - 'H i . -.1' Monon gahela Valley Traction Company General Mortgage) ' ' 7 Cold Bonds DatW Jalj 1, HIS Dm Ur i m THIS is a well secured and otherwise desirable; investment yielding more than 7.73. You will he interested in the detailed description of this bond. ( Send for Circular OB-181 TheNationalQty , Company . Carrtipondtnl Ofieit in It CUitt Chicago 137 So. La Salle St ftmUShcrt Twm Htlm-Aumtmm SKINNER PACK. I NO COMPANY a a4 99 rt I -I M I a I V EGOS tadi Me - III6-III8' TGl-DouwlKteiiuV St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 18. Cattle Re ceipts, 8.300 head; steady; native beef steers, $11.50 IS. 25; yearling steers and heifers, I9.5016.60; cows, $7.60 12.68; stockers and feeders, I8.SO13.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, $10.0018.00; beef cows and heifers, J7.S0 15.00 ; natlv calves, S7.7517.25. Hogs Receipts, 19,000 head; lower; lights, $2. 15(5 20.60; pigs, $15.261820.00; mixed and butchers, $20.0020.(i6; good heavy, $20.5020.66; bulk, $20. IBS 20.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,100 head: stiady; lambs, $16.5016.76: ewes. $11.00 12.00; canner and choppers, $5. 009.00. fhiargo Llv Stork. Chicago, 111., Sept. 18. Cattle Receipts, 18,000 hesd; market steady to lower; beef cattle, $10.00 1 9. 60 ; butcher stock, cows and heifers. $7.6513.76; canners and cut ters, $6.657.5; stockers and feeder, $8.0014.00; calves, $18.60019.50. Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; market steady; heavy, $20.15 20.76; light, $20.4020.85; packing, $19.50 20.00; rough. $18.5019.25; pigs. $19.0019.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 21,000 head; 10 to 25 cents higher; no prime lambs here; top western, $18.25; top na tives, $17.50. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la.', Sept. 18. Cattle Re ceipts, 8,000 head; market steady; beef steers, $9.25018.00; canners, $6.0007.60; stockers and feeders, $9.00 14.00 ; calves, $8.0013.50; bulls, stags, etc., $7. 0069.00; cows and heifers, $6.6010.60." Hogs Receipt, 6,000 head; msrket steady to 15 cent lower; light. $19.90 20.15; mixed, $19.70 11.90; heavy, $19.36 St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Sept. II. Cattle Receipts, 3,000 head; market steady; steers, $9.00 calves, $6.00 13.60. Hogs Receipts, 7.009 head; market strong; top, $20.66; bulk of sales, $19.59 T20.40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,500 head; market strong; lambs, $11.0017.25; ewe, $4.50(911.00. New York Cotton Future. New Tork, SepU 18. Cotton Future opened steady; October, 23.96c; December, 83. 28c; January, 33.16c;; March, 32. Sic; May, 33.870. Army Appointments. Washington, Sept. 18. (Special Tele gram.) Th following appointment have been made in th United State army: Arthur G. Anderson. Sioux City; Albert H. Cunningham, Stark Lake; Jay C. Ford, Des Moines; Charles DeWltt Glbbs, Forr Dodge; Wllber R. Oleendun, Leon; Donald M. Rounds, Des Molnea, Ia., first lieutenants, engineering corps. John H. Hamilton, Des Moines; Robert Johnson, Estherville; Archie S. Patterson, Marshall town; Warren L. Porter, Stan wood. Ia. ; Harold A. Langdon, Omaha, econd lieutenants, engineer. Harry Dlcua, Sioux City; David R. Et tlnger, Osceola; Harry L. Wells, West Point, Neb., second lieutenants, Quarter master corp. Harvey E. Hanna, Marlon, la., second lieutenant, motor transport corps. William M. Kelley, Mitchell, 9. D.; Wayne Burbank. Omaha; Vincent Skele ton. Lawler, la., second lieutenants, air service. i"'U!(l!!llll!!l!!lllll!lllll lilllllll!lllllll!l!!!ll!nilll!illllll!llll!llllllllllllll;lIIM lllllllllltlllllll!llllll!llllllllllllllllllUHIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIII!l!llllllllllll!IIUlllllllllllllllll IIIIIUII!!IIUIIIIIIIII!HI!IUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!lllllllllln I " ' " "'" r. , ,i, i , ; n., : ;. ii!llillllllllIIU :MM i 1 1 1 ' I . : , It I r 1 1 1 I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 i I Illl lllllll'lliElllllimiilimiClinilllllllllllSIIIIIIIHillilHMM i i I .Fourth Boost the Liberty Loan if 1 f I i I have (ucceaiful treatment for Rupture with out resorting to painful and uncertain surgi cal operation. I am th only reputable physi cian who will take such uses upon a guarantee to giv satisfactory result. I have devoted more . than 20 year to the exclusive treatment of Hup- fiI.?Vi.. 7.i.Cied th bMt J.reatnlent exUUnee tody. I do not Inject paraf No ewLZtfi. fimUl.iS!I.!r.0U,v TJ" dvnt" i r treatm.nt ere: No los. of time. Bfl $2. wLTl- t chloroform, shock snd bleed poison, and no laying up in a notpitah CaU or write Dr. Wr.v. aos R rm-. om.ha. EIUPTUEIE IHE entire first issue of the securities of the SKIN NER PACKING COMPANY has been' sold. The cqhtract for the plant has been awarded to Collins Bros, of Kansas City. This firm makes a spe cialty of packing-house construction and is just fin ishing a large contract for Swift & Company of Kansas City. No securities of the SKINNER PACK ING COMPANY will be placed on the market until after the coming LIBERTY LOAN, and every effort will be made to put this loan "over the top" in the quickest possible time. Sincerely an4 respectfully SkinnefPackingCompany .-it Books Audited by Arthur Young & Company, Chicago, 111. j Passed by the Capital Issues Committee as not incompatible with the national interest, but without approval of legality, validity MtAttiU .... ...... t . woi ui ur security - ' i I f HmiiiniiaiiiiuimiiiM iHtMnnimmiiiiiiimtiitiiititiiiriufiHHafiirtiitifi.tHiwiHittiiiiiiiMiiiwmitimt MswmiiirwH "I 1 i , t ft 'KM