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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1918)
8 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 28, 1918. i ji . ii is n mii it iv N" ii ii ii f i Q - H if n A mm "X - J, ' A I v iKUvi Til- v 7 4iP -'-CTtr Mil 'TT M7r- ip4V Ml! m m I I A NS l Alio Nazimova Makes Blossoms a Background When She Deceives the Monks in Old Russia R est line,' ,EVELATION, the newest play of Alme. Wezimova, is a beautiful story, and wonderfully well acted by the talented Russian. Practically all the inter- in the story centers in "Jo- the vivid mcturesque model of the Latin Quarter of Faris, who In the playing of a miracle finds her own aouL The story of the play is based upon an old monk's legend of l rose bush in the garden or tne monastery which has never bloomed and which Is considered by the monks as a sign of divine displeasure. One lay as a monk prays beside the bush be has a vision of the Holy Mother : arising from it and at the same time notices that the bush is covered with oses. ' Joline. as a model, brings fame to the work of Paul, an artist friend, and they trick the monks to allowing her to enter the garden as a boy, where he paints her as '"f he Madonna of the Rose Bush." A Wonk ' imagines he sees a vision arid faults while -the Silty Tair hurry awav. Later, Jo e. conscience stricken, confesses her part to the father and leaving Paul, vfaaders away alone.' Later, when the American troops go to France, Paul has enlisted and Joline it a Red Cross nurse and saves his life in No Man's Land. It is a nart for which Mme. Alia Kazimova is exceptionally well quali fied. The strongest plays in her - career have been one which called upon highly developed dramatic talents and the more difficult the part the more passionate the interest and ter Williams. vor wrth which she has entered into it.OfAOiiu0J "The Doctor and the Woman " an adaptation of Mary Roberts Rine hart'sfamous novel, "K," will be the feature at the Sun this week. The story, which was one read by mil lions, is of a strange man who comes into a small town and goes to work for the gas company. He falls in love with Sidney Patfe. who rfisrntiracri her boy admirer and goes into hos pital work. A complicated series of events follow, coming to a climax when Dr. Wilson, a prominent young surgeon, is shot at a resort by Joe Drummond, the boy admirer of Sid ney. All hopes of his life are given up when "K" comes to the rescue, periorms a most difficult operation nnJ Li. 1 : f Ti J 4 .... i.u oavca ma wc. n is aisciosea tnat. h is in reality a famoui .has been discouraged to the giving up or ms practice and disappearing because Carlotta Harrison, a iealmn nurse, has been treacherously admin istering the wrong medicines to his patents. -Mildred Harris plays the part of SidnJ3,FIge ,nd True B'dman that of 'K. the mvsterioui hoard,, in Sidney'a house. . William Farnura, who appears this week at the Empress in a picturiza tion of Hall Caine'a well knnwn "The Bondman," is a perfect type of a strong man of the stage. Hand some ana atnietic. it is to his ability to toull off a thrilling rough and lumpie ngnt with the villain that has maae him the hero in ffie n( thousands of lovers of motion pic- iurei in me country today. He is an American idol and possibly justly so, tor iarnum was born upon the rourtn ot July. In his play. "The Bondman." he ! pictured as the chimoion wrestler n( all Iceland, winning the title at an im mense meet held there which attracts tne strongest men from miles an miles, around. The, story of the plav tells of a son oraneisKlBushznati of Jason, who promises upon the death bed of his mother that he will search out his father, who has desert ed her, and mete him out proper re venge. Upon the' death of the father, Jason vows vengeance on his half rother in his place. In Iceland both men are condemned to the mines where Jason, not knowing his .half brother, saves his life. Later, in a most dramatic scene, Jason not only spares the life of his half brother, but goes to death in his place because the girl with whom both are in love prefers the brother. Eroprwt Lov nd bat mind with ach othr to niak a powerful and In- tamely thrllllnr photodrama In William Fox'i MIS version of Hall Caine'a "The Bondman," which will ba ihown at the Empreaa for four dayi. itartlnf today. William Farnum, the atar, doea lome of the beat work of hla acreen career In the plotura. Tha new veralon la more powerful than the old.' It haa been made over Into1 M "r IjDSS! Always A Double Show for the Price of a Picture Show Think It Over 1 Today Monday Tuesday Wednesday The Biggest Little Star in Vaudeville Elutan s Song Birds Rett Howell Trio ' Novelty Aerialists Supreme FERDINAND Mimic and Whistler Ck - J H 111 ! 1 1 Blackface Comedians PATHE WAR NEWS BILLY WEST, COMEDY U1LL5A1V3 FARMUiii In "The, Dondman1' ' A Magnificent Production of Hall Caine'a Best Known and Most Widely Read Drama No Advance in Prices Bills for Current Week modern form and haa heartaetrlng pull In every foot The new tltlea are much more effective In the light of preeent day motion plcturee. It la a atory ot treat human aaerlflce. Alao on the aame pro cram for the flrat half of the week la a Billy VFeat comedy, "Bright and Early." The photoplay attraction for the laat half of the week will be "Social Qulckaanda," starring Franela X Bushman and Beverly Bayne. The hero, warren Dexter, provea that there la no snobbery about him for refining to be Introduced te the "butterfly," Phyllla Lane, he doea a kindly act for a girl crook, falla In love with her and finally diecovera that Phyllla Lane haa been mas querading .ae the crook all the time and that be haa capitulated to a aoclety bud In aplte of himself. Other numbers on' the bill Include a Charlie Chaplin comedv. "-His Mini nn-Dnl. lar Job," a Mutt and Jeff comedy and the Pathe Newa Weekly. Sua Madge Evana and Johnny Hlnes In "Nelghbore'' tell the-sTory of two families In" a New England town with Madge as tha principal Chirac ter In the part of Clar Issa, an enterprising; human little girl, whose wy are most charming. One family la rich and artlstocratlo and the other Is poor and most democratic, but the two are brought into Intimate contact thrdugh the friendship of two little girl chums. The girls must have their little quarrels and It la through one of theaa that there te brought to a head the love affair between Paul Harding, aon of the rich family, and Ruth Leigh, who teachesascbool. It la the sort of a picture that pleases 'both the old and young people and la charmingly portrayed by Miss Evans. On Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday will be seen Mildred Harrle ln,the nature piay, "me doctor and the Woman a strong dramtlo -storv. written from Mary Roberts Rlnehart'a book, "K," nd on Friday and Saturday comes? Edna Goodrich. BUIto Charles Ray, one of the mosw vh.. w v- i... wt ia ill ic.iuj a i' in j - er la the "Claws of the Hun," the offering at tha Rlalto the flrat four days of this week. Ray playa the aon of a rich muni tion manufacturer who won't let him go to war. but when the aon cleans up a bunch of German plotters right In his own home town, no one Is aa happy as his father who then proudly sends him off to the front to help tight for his country. In addition, the latest government official war pictures will be shown, besides Lyons Moran comedy and Rlalto News. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Jack Plokford and Louise Buff will be seen In '8andy," a typical Plckford production. This la Plckford'a last appearance before the camera for aometlme as he has Joined Unci Sam's fighting forces. Mnee Naiimove tn "Revelation" an In. tense dramatlo play centered upon the old monk's legend ot a rose bush when once the figure of the Madonna was seen In a vision will bs here today until Thursday. "Joline," the little mode) ot the Latin quar ter, la a dynamlo character and Is excellent ly portrayed by Mme. Nazimova, her por trayal of the changing character of the model being a part that appeals strongly to her. The action ot the play leads Joline to give up her friendship with Paul, the painter, and later they meet when she finds him wounded tn No Man's Land, where he Is a member of the American army and she la a Red Cross nurse. Alhambra Alma Rubin In ''The Sphinx" will be the feature here today In mystery drama into which has been woven an In teresting love atory. There will also be shown a Blllle West comedy and the Pathe news. On Monday and Tuesday will be seen J. Warren Kerrigan In "The Turn of a Card," wherein Kerrigan plays the part of a young man ot the west who wins a for tune and a house on Long Island on a lucky turn. Oolng to Long Island he gets settled only to have the daughter of the former owner come, not knowing the new state of affaire. Apollo Earl WlUlama In "A Girl In His House" Is a rich young fallow he says Its his first offense. The young man. Jilted In .love, departs and lives tn far away lands to una bis fortune gone and a strange girl mattress In his house upon his return. On Monday and Tuesday will be seen Norma Talmadge In the plcturlzatton of the strongly dramatlo novel, "By Right of Fur chase." It la a story of America when pioneering was a reality rather than a fic tion and one In which Miss Talmadge makea a splendid heroine. Grand Vivian Martin, In one of the pret tiest stories In which she has been seen on the screen, "The Fair Barbarian," will be here today only. ' Harold Lloyd will also be seen In "Are Crooks Dishonest." .On Monday and Tuesday will be seen Elsie Fer guson In "The Lie." In addition to the tea. ure there will also be shown Fatty Ar buckle In one of his beat successes ot this year, "The Bell Boy." Lothrop Marguerite Clark In "Miss George Washington," has a charming little story based more upon the stories told about the first president than upon his actual EXPOSURES By KILOWATT w GRANDE Si30, SiOO and 9:30 O'clock VIVIAN MARTIN in "A FAIR BARBARIAN" Monday and Tuesday El.U Ferguaon in "Tha Lie" HO wanti s dog, Alas kan malamute, for merly Colonel Peary's sled team; apply Douglas Fairbanks, Hnllvwojd. Cal. The above appeared in the last week's want ad columns or a Los Angeles paper. To help clear mat ters, allow us to explain that Doug las bought two Alaskan dogs, "Rex and "Bob." For Some reason or other they don't get along. Fairbanks presented "Bob" to Charlie Chaplin and two days later he came home. Bill Hart wouldn't have him because the dog insisted upon walking into dramatic scenes. The ad attracted the attention of Gerald and Maurice Geraghty, wta promise to keep the dog tied to their house until he learns to stick close to their nome. "The Silver King," a famous melo drama of the Enghsh stage whicn had a treat run in England and in this country in the '80s, will be 6ne of the features of this year to be presented by the Paramount com William Fox announces that the success of the "Riders of the Purple Sage, has been so great that he has purchased to be produced two more of Zane Grey's novels, "The. Last of the Duanes" 4nd "The Lone Star Ranger." Herjery Lehrman, who trains the animals for the Fox films, recently trained Ethel, one of his pets to jump through a glass .window. The result was that when Ethel escaped recently she proceeded to jump through half a dozen of the windows in Hollywood houses before being captured. John Sunderland, who has been en gaged to appear in "When the Giant Awakes," a new film of the Educa- character. Sunday's program will also have the Pathe news. On Monday and Tuesday J. Warren Kerrigan will be seen In "One Dollar Bid," a new part ot this star. The scenes are laid In Kentucky and show "Ttrby" apparently a ne'er-do-well who will not work and has an Inordinate appetite for whisky sold as a bond slave for the sum of 11. Rohlff Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayna In "With Neatness and Dispatch" have ' a comedy drama with a double star role that Is simply full of action and speed all the way through. On Monday will be seen Julia Sanderson In "The Runaway," a stirring little drama and well acted, and there will also be ahown the eighth episode of the "House of Hate," with Pearl White and Antonio Moreno. Douglas Fair banks In "Matromanlac," which will be shown on Tuesday, has one of the best comedy dramas In which Douglas has ap peared, with plenty ot the real Fairbanks activity In stunts. A LH AM BR A 1?' ALMA REUBIN in "THE SPHINX" Monday and Tuesday J. WARREN KERRIGAN in "THE TURN OF A CARD" ROHLFF Ii" Leavenworth FRANCIS BUSHMAN & BEVERLY BAYNE , IN "WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH" Tueiday DoUglaS Fairbanks In "Matromaniac" htarles Ray The Clavs of the Hun in L 7 " 15-S DOUGLAS 4 TODAY - MONDAY TUESDAY -WEDNESDAY y'liHiiiiiiiiiimffi'i'iiH Mil Me for the'bi iakr! Good-bye!" lie said. But he Ws slopped. - His mothers sobbing .iold him she couldn't liv it he enlisted. His fathpr advised him to leave, the danger to the rest of the' boys." The .doctor said his he'aH was bad.. N But they couldn't keep Him; -from fighting' ihe Germans !x He ' started a wav in. his own home town and cleaned up the Hun plotters. Then he mfide patriots out 01 his family and marcKed away M tional series, has had a real baptism of fire in the world -war. He served in the Belgian army in the defense of Liege and Namur in 1914, served in the British army in German East Africa and has taken up his life again as a motionvpicture actor, only after being invalidedby wounds. In France before the war, Mr. Sutherland work ed with the Gaumont, Pathe and Eclair stock cornpanies. ( The. Fox Film corporation which ships films all over, the world, reports that up to date not one film has been lost, and they have shipped many to Europe. Rap on wood, Foxey. Fatty Arbuckle announces that his company with himself as the leading star will produce 10 feature comedy plays in the coming year, which wili be released through the Paramount corporation. will be started at once and released the end of the summer. Bryant Washburn's debut under hit new contract with Paramount, will b in "Gypsy Trail," by Robert Housem. Ethel Clayton will appear in "Maggie Pepper," the well knows book and stage success, soon under the Paramount management Enrico Caruso, famous grand opera singer, has signed a contract with the Famous Players Lasky corporation, to appear in a series of films. Two 44th and Lothrop , LOTHROP MARGUERITE CLARK "MISS GEORGE WASHINGTON" Monday and Tuesday J. Warren Kerrigan in -ONE DOLLAR BILL." APOLLO 29th and Leavenworth EARLE WILLIAMS in "A' GIRL IN HIS HOUSE" Monday and Tuesday NORMA TALMADGE in "BY RIGHT OF PURCHASE" I dge Evans SUPPORTEDBY JOHNNY HINES IN "NEDGHBORS'lf It's So Pleasant It' Bound to Pleas II Tuesday The Picture You Have Been Waiting For 1 11 1 "THE DOCTOR AHD THE WOMAN" N BC6ININ6 ' a