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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1918)
- : : : : : . ; I . w ! A it j! V AUTI-BOLSIIEVIK CHIEF VICTOR IN BATTLE IN SIBERIA General Semenoff Inflicts Se vere Losses on Enemy; Czecho-Slovaks Hold Rail ' road; Move1 West. By Associated Press. i : London, July 20. General Semen' S ' off, the anti-bolshevik leader In eastern 3 Siberia, savs a Tien Tsin dispatch I dated Thursday, has inflictU a sharp I blow with heavy losses in men, . stores and ammunition. The cor t rrvnondent does not SDCcifv his 00 1 . nonents. nor the date and place of is the action. Situation Transitonal. I Vladivostok, Monday. July IS. -The ' present situation in Siberia may be ,; described as transitional from the 1 bolshevik regime to conditions not yet I permitting an accurate diagnosis. The i military situation is as follows: t tli Trnsihrian railroad between Samara and Irktusk. detachments OC cupying Tcheliabinsk, Omsk, Novo Nikolievsk. Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk. The Caecho-Slovak national coun cil at Vladivostok assumes that the Czechs, co-operating with local bodies, have overthrown the bolshevik! in the aforesaid places, but details are not available. It is presumed that the Ctechs are moving toward Irkutsk, as their rear, is secured, .. , Join Red Guards, v It is estimated that 50,000 war pris oners are distributed throughout Si- beria, of whom 35,000 have volun- , tarilv ioined the red guards, or be came engaged in German political propaganda. Of the 14,000 Czechs who reached - Vladivostok, 12,000 are. engaged in active military operations at, Kha- . barovsk. The Czechs today occupied Spasskaia after overcoming stubborn resistance. The Czechs do not support the self- . styled Siberian government and do not take offers of assistance from anti-bolshevik factions Denied Wife Soap, 4 Bathed in Cattle Tank, ' Divorce Bill Alleges 7 The most parsimonious man in Ne braska has been found, according to the divorce petition filed by Mrs. Mar sraret Ericsen of near Mead, Neb. Ericsen was so "close," according t to his wife, that he objected to more thar. two meals a day, he. forbade Iter to use soap, and never went to a church on Sundays because he worked I , all day and he worked to midnight .without taking time to ,come to t meals.'' " VV;- ' , ; ' :, I ; Whenever Mrs. Ericsen's mother I or her other relatives came to visit her, he kept careful account of all I the meals and forced his wife to re turn the visit and eat enough meals S to balance the account, she says. J On one occasion, Mrs. Ericsen's 1 petition recites, he took a bath in the f watering tank tor the cattle in full view, of the house and the woman guests. , ' : !'.-...;''.:: ir Ericsen owns 120 acres of land near Mead, his wife alleges,' worth $24,000. He owns $10,000 worth ? of horses, cattle and farm eauioment. and has $10,000 in three banks, ahe says. ; ivirs. nricsen aamus mat me is Italian Troops and Pack Train on Their Way to Front with Supplies for Army Babies of the Poor Ask For Your Help i mi . i ii i nrr-"-r" "" TJtL , ii.nniwwwiii t m Mr.tA. jlilr -Jy -r;:y I'5 ' . "v PAW p II 1 I I t y u 1 1; jj 1 Bml L' . ' '""'' ''H I WWW not accustomed to farm work. Sh 1 asks an absolute divorce. I JIMS KICK JACKS i DOWNSTAIRS TO (S : . :.r- ' . INSURE HARMONY ;J , (Coatiantf From Paie On.) have adjourned .elections in England I and France. This is no time for Hrm. $ ocrats to be divided on' trifles and personalities. Douglas county can elect the United Statei senator. It has one-seventh of the population of I tne state and pays one-sixth of the taxes jof Nebraska. Omaha in the past 19 years has increased her oopu j lation 100,000 and now has 225.000 f persons within her borders. The J county has 167 votinsr orecincts and I the city has been redistricted into 12 t big wards. The time has come when a businesslike method of handling this vote should be devised." A To accomplish the feat of providing f businesslike method the chair was authorized to name a ommittee of J five to work out a plan and submit ; it to the mass convention next Satur iday.' - i v:vf :i :; j Chairman Piatti named Arthur Mul "Jen chairman of the committee with i James Dahlman, 'Gene O'Sullivan, i-eo nonman and tranlc Weaver as ) the other members. - The latter was i the only "Jack" recoa-nized. ; v ; i Congressman- Lobeck also present .accidentally on purpose, responded wun a speecn m which he said the president wanted polities' adjourned, but Nebraska to elect a democratic senator ana members of congress. Invited to speak, Frank Weaver Csaid: "Soeakins for mvself and Athora TI will say we have put all differences ',isiae ana win get oetiind the ticket i nominated this fall and elect thm Sail, from United States senator down." 2 It was recommended that John F. Aioriany oe tne temporary chairman of the mass convention. f. : Before adjournment Arthur Mullen called attention to the fact there hart only been eight democratic filings for legislative nominations. "Is there anv jiic present wno would like to sacri- Tce nimseit by tiling for the legisla jture : We need five patriots," he -called. There was comolete silence. 'No volunteer wanted to sacrifice him- Belt, so . a committee was named to ' presort to conscription. iB?!mans to Observe Cwv 1 'Of Freedom DoLpite Hun , Washington, July 20.-r-Belg:an will eieorate their 87th independence day punaay, wora came to tne legation &ere Saturday that the Belgian civi! iiopulation, forbidding open ma ifesta lions of patriotism, will celebrate in Jheir hearts, while the army1 will ob serve the day by- killing as many fcoches as possible. . Brussels was fned $10,000,000 by the Germans the lat time a public celebration v. a? U.S. HAS ABOUT 300,000 MEN IN FIGHTING LINES Number of Trooos Oversees Exceeds1,2O0,O0O, General March Says; Initiative Is Passing to Allies. By Associated Press. Washington, July 20. The high water mark of the German offensive in France has been reached. The init iative is passing to tne amea anu American armies. General March, chief of staff, told the members of the senate military committee. Later he announced that American troop shipments had now exceeded 1,200,000 men, insuring the man power to hold the initiative on the western front, and that 270.000 of these are engaged in the battle now being waged. The direct . objective of Uenerai Foch's counter stroke, General March told newsnaner men in his weekly con ference, is the railway that feeds the German forces in the Chateau Thierry region,; Already, it has been attained, for the French and American forces are either astride the line at certain points or have it under direct fire at short range rendering it unusuable. , Even as General March spoke, un official reports flashed over the cables indicated the German withdrawal from the sector south of the Marne had be gun under the threat of General Man. gin's attacking army in the enemy's rear. ' The withdrawal was foreseen by General March when French and American shells began raining on the railway. i - SIX Division in Battle. The American chief of staff told with with evident satisfaction of the fact six American divisions are battling with the French and for the first time revealed their identity, On the ad vancing lines between Soissons and Chateau Thierry or on those that are pressing the enemy along the Marne front where there is reason to be lieve he Germans may suffer serious losses in men and material before they reach safety are the first, second. third and fourth regulars and the twenty-sixth (New England) and the twenty-eighth (Pennsylvania National guard). Still another division of Amer- '. J ' . v - ... can is wun uenerai uouraua, tne French leader, whip commands east of Rheims where the enemy assault hit against a stone wall defense. Two regiments of American negro troops also are known to be engaged. One is east of Rheims, iwhere the Americans held the right flank of the whole front of attack when the Ger mans assault began, ust as the Amer icans at Chateau Thierry held firm on the left flank. The other is with the FRYING PANS TO JUNK HEAP; Great American Manner of Cooking Tough Steaks it Near Extermination VIVA THE FIRELESS COOKER! A bas the frying pan I Viva the fireless cooker I War is not wholly a curse, it brings some blessings, despite the fact that they are disguised. War conditions are responsible for the decadence of the great American frying pan, the instrument of diatetic anarchy and the foundation of the na tional ailment of dyspepsia. The frying pan is becoming obsolete for the reason it is no longer possible cr advisable, for economic reasons, for the Omaha housewife to rush frantically to the tetephone 15 min utes before dinner time and send an S. O. S. order to the butcher to send up a steak or chops right away, quick, throw it into the frying pan, fry it hard and fast and slap it in front of the family, with all its indigestibihty, for laborious mastication. Steaks are steaks and Omaha butchers say a remarkable evolution in family dietetics has taken place here since the war. Housewives are now buying boiling beef, neck; plate attacking forces on the Soissons- Chateau Thierry line. Each division has a fighting strength of 27,000 men and each of the two detached negro . regiments strength of 3,600. The full strength of each division with auxilary unit is 45,000 "men. -v . 5 - Hint t English Drive. " General March told newspaper men that the maximum penetration along the line was ten miles, while the av erage depth of the advance was seven miles. This is further than any advance shown in French official reports and it is possible that uenerai March s state ments are based on information not as yet made public in Paris. General March may have hinted at an Englsh drive against the Grmans during his talk with th newspaper men. He said that the British prefer to wait until the present German offensive is demonstrated a failure and then turn upon the enemy." Italian troops in the Adamello re gion, to the north of Lake Garda, on the Austro-Italian front have broken out in a local action and taken two strong points in the mountain region This gain was made just south of where the Italians attacked late in May and broke the Austrian line. Sues Over Boy' Death. Abram Horwitz. administrator for Imy Greenspun, newsboy kilted at Fifteenth and Dodge streets May 23, has filed suit against the M. A. Dis brow company for $15,000 damages tor the mother and sisters and brother of Greenspun. Greenspun. a lad of 12, was ru over by a Disbrow truck, it is charged. and other "rough" pieces of beef and other meats in place of the more ex pensive porterhouse, sirloin and flank steaks and roasts. They are prepar ing these in fireless cookers, using the European methods of making them more tender, nutritious and pal atable by the introduction of vegeta ble juices and the essences ot savory pot herbs. Doctors join with the butchers in rejoicing over this condition for the reason the saner methods of cooking and dieting is producing better nour ished bodies, as well as making the dollar go.farther in meeting the prob lem of the high cost of living. I he Omaha stomach ts not called upon daily to perform the Herculean task of rapidly assimilating a tough steak or roast and there is less of dyspepsia and chonic stomach diseases. Frying pans are finding their wav to the junk heap, via the; Salvation Army and Red Cross salvage departments. Little hands are stretched out to you. Weak, helpless little forms demand from you the help which you can give without feeling any privation yourself. This help, a dime, a dollar ot more, may mean even life itself to some lit tle under-nourished mite of humanity. If we could send solicitors around, you would all contribute. We can't do this. You must show your own ini tiative. DO IT YOURSELF. Send or bring your contribution to The Bee office now. Know that the health and perhaps the life of some little baby or babies is credited to you. It is a most satis fying feeling, a most delightful feel ing. It alone is "worth the money" and then the money helps these babies besides. There is no other way in which they can be helped. This is the only fund for this purpose in Omaha. Send your contribution RIGHT NOW before you forget. , Every cent of it will go to buy pure milk or cooling ice for the poor little ones who are in great need of these things. Previously reported . $355.00 A friend, Osceola, Neb 5.00 Mrs. A. B. McCreight 1.00 Cash 1.00 Total 5362.00 British Make Gain of Mile and Capture Over 400 Prisoners London, July 20. British troops last night advanced their line on a mile front south of the town of Hebu terne, the war office announced today. As the result of yesterday's oper ations on the Flanders front the Brit tish line was advanced along a breadth of 4,000 yards in the Meteren sector. Meteren and a group of build ings southwest of the village, known as Le Waton, are now held by the British troops. The prisoners taken aggregate 436. Yankee Admirals Get War Crosses From King George London, July 20. King George has approved the award of the grand cross of the order of St. Michael and St. George to Admiral Sims, commander of the American naval forces and has appointed Rear Admiral High Rod n an an honorary knight commander of the order of the bath, Rear Ad miral Joseph Strauss an honorary knight commander of the order of St. Michael and St. George. Jury Fails to Agree New York! July 20. A jury in the federal court here today reported its inability to agree on verdict in the trial of John J. O'Leary for alleged obstruction of justice and was discharged. DEATH TOLL IN LOSS OF CRUISER SAN DIEGO IS 72 (Continued From Pit One.) Many held that an enemy torpedo sank the warship, while as many sub scribed to the theory that the ves sel hit a mine. No reference to the cause of the explosion which was heard aboard the cruiser was con tained in the account of the sinking made public tonight . by Admiral Pal mer. Engine Room Blown In. The statement follower "Fuller particulars received regard ing the sinking of the U. S. S. San Diego show the explosion took place on the port side, just aft of the for ward port engine room bulkhead. The feed tank and circulating pump were blown in, and the port engine wrecked. Full speed ahead was rung and the starboard engine operated until it was stopped by water rising in the engine room. "Machinist's Mate Hawthorne was at the throttle in the port engine room and was blown four feet un der the engine room deck. He got up, closed the throttle on the engine, which had already stopped, and then escaped up the engine rctom ladder. Lieutenant Millen, on watch in the starboard engine room, closed the watertight door to the engine room and gave the necessary instructions to the fire room to protect the boilers. "The ship listed to port heavily so the water entered the gun ports on the gun decks. The vessel listed eight degrees quickly, then hung for seven minutes; then gradually listed, the speed increasing until 35 degrees was reached. At this time the port quarter deck was three feet under water. Then the ship rapidly turned turtle and sank. "Captain Christy went from the bridge down two ladders to the boat deck, slid down a line to the armored belt, then dropped down four feet to the dock keel, which at that time was eight feet above water. From there he jumped into the water. 'The ship was about five minutes in . turning over after she reached 35 degrees heel. No Sign of Torpedo. "No wake of a torpedo was seen, The first thing Captain Christy noticed was, while standing on the wheel house, eight feet above the for ward bridge, he felt and heard a dull explosion. He immediately sounded submarine detense quarters as tne general alarm. "Everything went quietly and ac cording to drill schedule. The cap tain rang full speed ahead, and sent officers to investigate the damage. At the time he thought the ship would not sink. Two motor sailors were ordered rigged out, but not to be lowered until further orders. "At the submarine defense call, the men went quietly to their stations and manned the guns. They stood bv the port euns until they were awash, and by the starboard guns until the list of the ship pointed them up into the air. "When it seemed obvious that the vessel would capsize, the order was given to abandon ship, except the port side gun crew, which were to remain at their stations as long as the guns would bear. Boats were Ordered lowered and two sail boats, one dinghy, one wherry and one punts were launched. The life rafts were launched and the lumber pile on deck was loosed and set adrift. Fifty mess tables and 100 kapok mat tresses were thrown overboard. Aban don ship was completed as the ves sel began to capsize. Men ing and Cheer. "Perfect order was preserved, the men cheering. When on the rafts, they sang 'Star Spangled Banner, and 'My Country, Tis of Thee, cheered for the captain, the executive officer and the ship and cheered when the United States ensign was hoisted on the sail boat. "Two dinghies, with six officers and 21 men pulled to shore, and arrived safely at 1:20 p. m. The steamer Maiden came into sight and picked 1W V 1 TV- -1 up ou omccrs ana men. inc sicamci Bossom reached the scene 20 minutes later and picked up 708 officers and men. ihe steamship s. r; jones came up and took aboard 78 men. These three steamers searched the entire vicinity for survivors until 3 p. m. A fourth steamer came up later, but so far as is known did not pick up any survivors. These three steamers took the survivors to New York where they were taken on board a, United States ship, on which every provision had been made for their reception. They were given food and clothing. American Red Cross representatives were on hand when the men arrived and distributed 1,200 blankets, comfort kits, sweaters, 8 ox, pajamas and watch caps. Army em barkation officers assisted in every way in transferring the men from the steamer." Road Maintainer Being Operated West cf Millard A road maintainer, a type of blade grader with special features, which is manufactured at Havelock, Neb., is being run over the road from Lin coln to Millard, and another is headed west from Lincoln to Hastings. C. II.-Roper of Lincoln, president of the Omaha-Lincoln-Denver Roid association, telephoned this morning that the maintainer, being towed by truck, would reach Millard at about 1 o'clock. A party of Omaha road boosters went from the Commercial club at noon to meet the maintainer at Millard. This consisted of Pres ident W. B. Cheek of the Omaha Auto club, J. E. George, County Sur veyor Adams, L, A. Higgins, editor of The Motorist, a representative of the Rotary club, and others. Banks Make Gams New York, July 20. The actual condition of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shows that they hold $74,405,620 reserves in excess of legal requirements. This is an increase of $18,144,150 from last week. I GOOD XSSSA BAD Good and Bad Dentistry Is found at most all prices, and it is not so much a question of price as it is of skill, experience and honesty. ' As a business proposition we protect our dentistry with a reliable guarantee an honest agreement to "make good" on any work that isn't satisfactory; and you know any firm whose guarantee is of. value, is going to try to make its work, "so good" that it won't require, any protection These low prices subject to an early advance: Bit Silvar M I Bt 22-k Gold d A I HilMt BriJ.. A s ..V1 Crown........'?1 I Work, per tooth.. - RubW Plates, $8 and $10 Filling nwxx r l..-rrmYrinniUmrJ.uuu.1 WqKEN M Y Dentists 1324 Farnara Street CORNER FOURTEENTH AND FARNAM 1 B THOMPSON.BELDEN Gfhe fashion Cenier Jor WomQt -oa 1 First Aetimira hwninigs Tmww Maintaining Quality The difficulties have, at times, seemed unsuf mount able, but we are happy to tell that all have been suc cessfully overcome. Thomp-son-Belden standards will in no way be lowered. The same dependable merchan dise this fall you have been accustomed to for thirty-two years. Quality is Economy Hosiery Novelties Beautiful white silk hose with black clocks and the reverse of black silk with white clockings. Very effect ive when worn wiih dainty summery frocks, $2.50, $3.50 and $4. Lovely lace hose in white and black for $9.50 and $5.50. Autumn's New Footwear Styles A good selection of charming Fall Footwear is awaiting your coming. Fine shoes in brown, light'gray. dark gray and black kid are favored above all others. These are all lace models, of unusual distinction. Spats in colors, recent arrivals you can't help admiring. The newest fashions for Fall $2 ,50-$ 5 The Initial Exhibit Of Women's Apparel For Autumn 1918 This announcement will be appreciated by women who find it desirable to select new styles thus early in the season. To every woman the thoughts of seeing the latest fashions will be undeniably interesting. Suits, Dresses, Coats carefully chosen for distinctiveness of style, excellence of work manship and quality of materials. Never was a new season accorded such an opening of truly beautiful garments. Early Fall Millinery It's a distinct pleas are to announce this advance showing of attractive hat fash ions for Fall. A com prehensive display will be ready for your viewing tomorrow. A correct interpreta tion of the newest modes in the favored colors of the coming season, black, brown, taupe and navy. . T M A $10, $12.50, $15 to $25 pY jh ,ui y , u . m,,. -,: !!ini,' hkmi.m "ui,. .k jwumtmummamima Ii 1 L