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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1918)
WHAT A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELING TO READ OF VICTORY FOR OUR BOYS AT THE FRONT. FIRST THE WEATHER: For Nebraska: fair and cooler. The unbay Bee Generally In Automobile Display Advertising U the Record of THE OMAHA BEE For the First Six Months of 1918 5 ra. is 1 b. in., ... M ... t ... t ... 1 75 t p. m. 7 . m , IB S p. nu.i S a. m 76 S p. m . m. ...... 10 a. m 11 a. m I? m 78 4 p. in..... iS SI S p. m US' 84 6 p. m... ..... 94 87 1 p. in 91 VOL. XLVIII-NO. -6. .rT-rSyMISt OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 21, 1918. ViiM(irMrti:,ldI,i7itIJi FIVE CENTS. ft JVJ U Omaha 5 J J Srm I I P J mm i i r SOISSONS IN COILS OF ALLIES American Troops One and Half Wile From Center o City; German Reserves Fail to Stop Drive. By Associated Press. Out of the news filtering through the cloud3 of battle hanging over the ensanguined field between the Marne and Soissons there have come two significant reports during the past day. The allies are thun dering at the gates oi Soissons and the Germans are retreat ing across the Marne between Fossoy and Oeuilly. German reserves, rushed up to the western side the Soissons-Cha-teau Thierry-Rheims salient, have slowed down the progress made by the French and Americans, but ap parently have been unable to do more than check it here and there along the front. The advance made by the allies in the first hours of the great counter stroke has not been main - tained, but it is evident that hardly anywhere has the allied thrust been stopped. At Outskirts of Soissons. Reports from the front of battle indicate that the French and Ameri cans have reached the edge of the plateau to-the southwest of Soissons and only a scant mile and a half from the center of the city. South ward along the line, the allies have almost reached tfie Soissons-Chateau Thierry road, a thoroughfare of great strategic importance, while further down toward the Marne they are steadily forging ahead, in spite of de termined resistance. French on Jleel of Hun. -,v ? The report of a German retreat : across the Marne .comes as- confirma l tion of the success of the allied drive : - far to the north. German forces it south of the stream must be extri cated quickly if the German army is to escape from the encircling move ment carried out by the French and Americans. French official reports, state that the Germans are being driven baek south of the Marne, but it is probable that the German retire ment is a hurried retreat ordered by the ; German high command. It ap ' pears likely that the French are mere- ly maintaining steady . pressure agamst the enemy and hurrying his : retreat as much as possible. From the Marne towards Rheims the . French and Italians have ad vanced their lines. Three days ago they were being forced back by the Germans and their present forward movement may indicate that the foe is also retiring from this field as rapidly as possible. Battle Front Extended. The fire of battle is spreading slowly down the line towards Chateau Thierry. There have been reports that the Germans in this region have been removing their heavy guns pre paratory to retiring should the allied drive toward Soissons go on. Military experts say that if the allied wedge south of Soissons goes much further it will force a German retirement at least as far as the Vesle river. German Objectives I Attained, Declares Berlin Statement , Amsterdam, July 20. A semi-offi cial statement received here Irom Berlin"-says the German supreme - army commana naa several aims m iw , d d Unofficial reports said there "Ji ",er"f ewere 1,255 men aboard and if they iTiai lit, t"C vi vtjiii5 vsi i it asserts, was unobserved by the entente allies. The statements goes so far as to claim that the German objectives have been fully attained. The first aims of the Marne cross ing, the semiofficial statement says, were to broaden the bascof attack v for a German blow on both sides f Rheims, and to attack and to hold strong enemy forces. Furthermore the attack on the southern bank of the Marne which was menacing fo " the entente, the statement adds, final- ly unloosed the long expected French counter offensive. This miscarried because a break through has been pre vented. "The task of the German troops fighting on the southern bank of the Marne was thereby entirely fulfilled and the further holding of the line" there was unnecessary. The German . command could now withdraw the troops to the northern bank for fresh important tasks." the message adds. Two Claim Being Held , ' Illegally in Detention Home On ground that she is beingf illeg ally confined in the city , detention home and without her Consent, Lena Heaton, through her attorney, has filed an application for a writ of habeas corpus. Mrs. Carmen Lynne, thorough her attorney, John M. McFarland, has also applied for a writ of habeas cor pus directing Dr. Ernest Manning to produce her in court. She says tnat , she, too, is being illegally held. , Human Liberty Bell Photo taken at Camp Dix, New Jersey, by Mole & Thomas, who took the Human Flag photo at Great Lakes Naval station. About a month acjo 25,000 men at the camp were assembled and formed a living embodiment of America's famed Liberty Bell. The width of the bell at the bottom of the picture is 64 feet, while the length of the beam is 368 feet. DEATH TOLL OF SAN DIEGO WILL REACH 72 1,183 of 1,255 Men Aboard Land; 'Several Mines Picked Up in Vicinity of Disaster. By Associated Press. Washington, July 20. The loss of life in the sinking off Fire Island, N Y., yesterday of the U. S. armored cruiser San Diego and the cause of the ship's destruction still were unde termined tonight at the Navy depart ment. Announcement was made that 1,183 men from the ship had been are correct, the loss of life would not exceed 72. The names of three of those missing were announced today. Rear Admiral Palmer, acting secre. tary of the navy, tonight made pub lic detailed account of the destruc tion and .rescue, but it added nothing to previous reports from Captain n. H. Christy and other survivors as to the cause of the sinking1. Belief that the San Diego was a victim of a mine grew among navai officials after the commander of the American patrol boats operating off Fire Island reported his craft picket.' up several mines of foreign" design. Among the survivors, pinion seemed to be equally divided as to whether a submarine or a mine was responsible for the loss of t1ie cruiser (Contlntrd on Page Two, Column Six.) Omahans Will Attend Annual. Master Butchors' Convention Five members of the Omaha Retail Butchens association were electeds delegates to the annual convention of . the United Master Butchers of America, which will be held August 5 to 9 at St. Louis. They are: V. F. Kuncl, J. Reznichek, Axel Mayer. H. Naegele and J.$. Cameron. A big program will feature the con vention this evar. Reports of the greatest importance to the meat handling industry of the country will be made bv the several committees in charge of various details. The head quarters for the convention will be at the Hotel Jefferson. . . . , m$ ' q : , A MAJOR THEODORE ROOSEVELT, JR., SUFFERS WOUND Former President's Eldest Son In Paris Hospital; Quen tin's Death Confirmed by Enemy Aviators. Oyster Bay, N. Y., July 20. Maj. Theodore Roosevelt, jr., has been slightly wounded and taken to a hos pital in Paris, according to a cable message received tonight by his father, Col. Theodore Roosevelt, from his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, jr. Major Roosevelt is the eldest son of Colonel and Mrs. Roosevelt The cablegram was sent from Paris where Mrs. Roosevelt is in a Red Cross hospital. It read: led wounded. Not seriously He is with me. Not any danger.. Nol cause for anxiety." Major Roosevelt was cited for gal l?ntry after having been gassed about three weeks ago. The news of Major Roosevelt's having been wounded followed im mediately the report from Paris that German aviators had dropped a note behind the allied lines confirming fears of the death of Lt. Quentin Roosevelt in an aerial engagement. Capt. Archie Roosevelt is recover ing from wounds. Kermit, a forth son, who served as a captain in the British army in Mesopotamia, recent ly was appointed a captain in the United States army and is now re ported on his way to France. He was decorated by the Brish witn the military cross for gallantry. Lieutenant Convalescing. Lt. M. B. Phipps, who is in Omaha assigned to special work in the Omaha guarterroaster corps, is recuperating irom a severe attack of tonsilitis.and other throat disease for which he has been confined ot the Fort Omaha hospital. Lt. E. D. Sherwood of Washington is in Omaha for an indefinite nerioH assisting four other officers In special worn m me quartermaster corps. JIMS KICK JACKS DOWNSTAIRS TO INSUREHARMONY Mullen Urges All Politics Stand Adjourned Except Democrat ic and Mass Meeting Idea Prevails. Whatever agreement, if any, the "Jims" may have made with the "Jacks" to split the representation of Douglas county- in the democratic state convention at Hastings on a 50-50 basis, it is now a mere "scrap of paper," torn into smithereens by the action of the democratic county committee. The "Jims" had their steam roller out in smooth working action right from the start, and they used it with utter abandon. It all came about when former May or Dahlman, in a motion, proposed in stead of the old ward caucuses, to choose the 165 delegates for Douglas county at a mass convention at the Swedish auditorium at 8 oclock next Saturday night. Elimination of "Jacks." The motion was adopted without a dissenting vote and the result, which will be the elimination of the "Jacks" as a political unit at the convention unless the "Jims" take pity on them, is foregone conclusion. Arthui Mullen, who happened to be presept, presumably as a casual visitor, made a speech in which he commended the county committee men present on the wisdom of their action. He said this was a time when there should be no factional differ ences amongst democrats and he was satisfied none existed, except in the minds ot some self-seeking persons Mr. Mullen declared the president wanted a democratic senate and con gress to uphold him and if members of .the opposition party were elected it would demoralize the morale of the United States army overseas and help the enemy, because it would be a re pudiation of the president. Power in J)ouelas County. "It would be "better." said he, "if we diH not have this election. They (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) MANY UNDER WIRE TO RUN FOR OFFICE T. A. Hollister Makes Eleventh Hour Filing for Shenff, Backed by Smith- Howell Machine. Filings for the county primary to be held August 20 arrived witha rush at the election commissioner's office yesterday afternoon indicating that there will be several hard-fought con tests. Not many dark horses were I rought out, although the eleventh-hc ur en trants made the filing office remind one of -a rush at a land opening One of the features is the filing ot T. A. Hollister for the rcppublican nomination for sheriff. Mr. Hollis ter filed at 7 p. m., after it was gen erally hclieved that Sheriff Clark would have a clear field for the nom ination. Up to Friday night Mr. Hol lister intended to file for county at torney, but announced his withdrawal. He was promised a deputyship if Boucher should land the job of coun ty attorney. Steere Backs Out. I The Bob-Smith-R. B. Howell-N P. Dodge machine' had importuned Ase! Steere, deputy clerk of the district court, to make the race for sheriff as against Clark, promising appur of the" machine. Mr. Steere, however believed that a certainty is better than an uncertainty, and he declined to become a part of this combina tion. Hollister was brought in ai (Contlnnrd on Fbk Four, Column One. ) Iowa and Nebraska Must Furnish 275 Men on New Call Washington, Jul. 20 A call was issued today by the provost marshal fencral for 10,000 white regiments in 3 states and the district of Columbia, qualified for limited military service. They will entertain between July 29 and August 2, for the Syracuse re cruiting camp at Syracuse, N. Y. Some of the quotas are: Iowa, 200; NebrasVa. 75: North Dakota. 50: J South Dakota, 50 i poiLusm.vioLEm ATTACKF0RCEF0E TO RECR0SS MARNE Whole South Bank Now Held by French; Americans Con tinue to Progress in Face of Stubborn Resistance; More Than 20,000 Prisoners and 400 Guns Captured Since July 18 BULLETIN, London, July 20. "No Germans remain south of the Marne except prisoners and dead." This message is sent by the Reuter correspondent at French headquarters and is timed Saturday evening:. M i By Associated Press. Paris. July 20. "The Germans, violently attacked on their right flank ami south of the Marne," says the .war office an nouncement tonight, "have been compelled to retreat and re cross the river." "The French hold th entire southern bank of the Marne. More than 20,000 prisoners and more than 400 guns have been captured." - ' O The statement reads: U.S. GUNS NOW REACHGERMAN SUPPLY LINES Advance Brings tha Americans Within Artillery Distance of Railroad Junction; Crown Prince's Army in Sack. By Associated tress. With the American Army on the Aisne-Marne Front July 20 The ad vance ' along ?the ' Soissons-Chateau Thierry road has brought the. allies within artillery distance of the junc tion of the railroad serving the Ger mans as a line of communication. The junction already is under fire and unless the desperate attempt which the Germans are making to hold is successful, thousands of the crown . rt i mnce s men may oe cut on ana orced to retreat. The fighting is com paratively light east ot Chateau Thierry, except at the river, where the most stubborn resistance of the Germans was unable to check the allies, who, at one point, moved for ward half a mile. Germans Forced Into Open. Information from beyond Chateau Thierry indicates the beginning of a movement by the Germans that may develop into an effort by the crown prince to extricate his army. The character of the fighting has been radically altered, and the Ger mans have been forced into the open. The trenches run in such a manner as to leave none into which they can fall back, forcing them to depend upon those they hastily construct There has been a marked decrease in Ger man aerial activty and the big guns are less active. The greater part of the German airplanes appear to be used in patrolling their own lines. The French and Americans faueezed the sack in which the Ger- f mans appear to be caught somewhat tighter Saturday. At midday tney had made an average gain of more than a mile along the Chateau-Thierry-Soissons highway while another gain of a similar distance had been made south of the Marne and east of Chateau Thierry. Two Units Take 5,150 Prisoners. The Germans this morning increased their artillery fire to a decree greater than any attained since Thursday. One American unit since Thursday has taken 2,889 prisoners, including 91 officers, while another American unit on the northern front has cap tured 2,261, including 32 officers. Among the prisoners were a col onel and two majors, in one group The firing on both sides increased after daylight, but the allied guns were much more effective as reports from the aviators and observation balloons on the enemy positions came in. There were numerous b-mbing raids by the airmen this morning. lhe northern halt ot the boissons Chateau Thierry line is now beyond Vlerzy, to the east, and there have been bitter struggles in this territory, the allies' big guns command the bridges southeast of Soissons. Thrust in Alsace. With tb '.merican Army in Alsace, July 20 A raid undertaken by the Americans last night southeast of Munster resulted in a penetration of the German lines for a distance of from 500 to 600 meters and the cap ture of five prisoners. . The raid was preceded by effective artillery preparation which lasted 45 minutes. The enemy suffered heavy casualties. American Crew LandeJ Safely. Washington, July 2(1. Safe arrival at an Atlantic port of the steamship San Jacinto, bearing the tntire crew of the American steamer Oostereiik, which was sunk in a collision with the San Jacint j on July 10. about 800 miles from the American coast, was an nounced today by the navy department. "We have not had long to wait for the result of our victorious coun ter offensive. The Germans, violently attacked on their right flank and south of the Marne, have been compelled to retreat and re-cross the river. "We hold the whole south bank of the Marne. Americans Drive Back Enemy. "Between the Aisne and1 the Marne Franco-American troops continue to progress and have driven back the enemy, who is resisting stubbornly. "We have reached Ploisy and Par-cy-Tigny and have passed beyond Strcmv-Rlaniv anil RnTit-5?t AlViiti "Further south we jiold the gener al line of the Priez plateau, northeast of Courchamps. "The number of prisoners e have taken since July 18, xceeds 1 20,000. Over 400 guns have been captured. ; . Aviators Hamper Retreat. ' I'Our aviators, ttdouMirig Iheff-'ac-tivities, in the day and night of the 19th, , multiplied their raids and en gaged in the severest battles against enemy, forces. Fhmco-BritisfTbomb-. ing squadrons, taking the Marne crossings as their principal objec tives, have ceaselessly hampered, and at certain points completely stopped, the enemy supply service, thus play ing an important role in thee onflict which was about to provoke thre re-: treat of the German, troops. "Attacking with machine guns and bombs concentrations of troops which the enemy was preparing for coun ter attacks, and his enemy columns convoys, our aviators inflicted heavy losses. "Between the Marne and Rheims violent combats continue. Franco British troops, attacking vigorously, encountered large forces. Notwith standing the enemy's desperate re sistance, we gained ground in Cour-, ton wood, the Ardre valley and i the direction of St Euphraise. Bomb Troop Assemblages. "On the Marne and also at Oulchy-le-Chateau, Fere-en Tardenois, Fismes and Bazoches and over the whole rear of the battle field, 24 tons of projec tiles were dropped during the day and 28 tonj at night on enemy assem blages of troops and communica tions. , "A violent conflagration broke ont at Vouzires, and several fires were started at Fere-en-Tardenois and the station at Fismes. South of this region explosions were, qbserved at the station at Laon. Simultaneously our infantry airplanes indicated an advance of our troops and tanksbe tween the'Aisne and the Marne and reported the arrival of enemy reserves, and by mllchine gunning the latter directly participated in the battle. "Numerous combats were engard in by our crews in combination w'th the British airmen and achieved rood results. "Twenty-six German airplanes were brought down or disabled and "four captive balloons were set afire. Every where the German aviation service was able to appreciate the dash and superiority of the allied airmen." Berlin Admits Retirement. Berlin, via London, July 20. While edmitting certain gains by the British and also the French, the latter in the Aisne-Marne battle, German head quarters today declared that - the enemy thrusts southwest of Soissons, in thf center of th lin anrt north. west of Chateau Thierry were re pulsed. The German war office adds the German troopswere withdrawn from the south bank of the Marne river ' without being noticed by the enemy." Brit-'sh Take Rossignol Wood. London, July 20. The Germans, under, heavy pressure," have been forced to withdraw from Rossignol wood, between Hetburne ' and Buc quoy and this strategically important position is now in the hands of the British. This announcement was made to night in the official announcement from the war office. Stabel Taken by Italians ' Rome, July 20 Italian troops have wrested from the Austrians Monte Stabel and have completely reoccu pied Corno Di Cavento, in the -Adc-mello region of the mountain front, according to the official statement issued from general headquarters 'today. ,