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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1918)
-THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1918. LETTERS! CODE FOUND AT DEPOT IN DOOZETRUNIi t 7'- . . FjDlice Suspect Owner in Gate v City to Confer With Alien j-. Enemy Leaders !; ' Here. JOId John Barleycorn, with char acteristic disloyalty to his friends, per formed a catnotic duty July 4r in helping to unearth a man named Win tars, who ia supposed to be a German On the morning of the Fourth a trjjnk arrived at the Union depot that smelled so strongly of booze the at tention of the police was called to it. They seized the trunk. and opened it tip and found that a flask had broken and saturated the contents of the receptacle with the fluid which both cheers and inebriates. In an effort to ascertain the identity of the owner the police went through a number of papers and found a lot of code letters and other documents, welch would indicate the owner, who went tinder three aliases, was either a German spy or an alien enemy., Germans Turn to Vegetarianism, . As Stocks of Meat Are Scarce By Associated Press. Amsterdam. July 5. Until well into Tune of the present year the gravest fears were enieriainea in ocnm iu the failure of German crops owing to the drought in April and May, writes Dr. Dieckmann, in the Taegliche Rundschau, but later the change of weather brought an improvement so that without exaggerated expectations the new cereal year beginning August 1 promises to be better than the last one. , Last year's failure of the fodder crop, the writer adds, caused con siderable shrinkage of live stock which will detrimentally influence cultivation in the coming year. Dr. Dieckmann next points out that potash supplies to German farmers, owing to the shortage of labor and the difficulties of 'transportation, are nearly 100,000 car loads in arrears. Yet large quantities of potash have been sent to the Ukraine, he says, and he thinks this is the worst possi ble policy because Germany must de pend upon foreign grain in the com ing year. It is also doubtful whether the Ukraine can help much as Austria h.s put in a claim for a large part of the Ukraine grain crop. The writer insists that "a full pound of flesh" should be exacted from Roumania, whose crops must be sub jected to the "strictest control." Turning to the meat supplies,' Dr. Dieckmann fears that next year will bring little improvement. lie says a majority of the breeders declare that Germany's stocks of cattle and pigs will taket ten years to recover their normal size. Germans, he concludes, are turning in Greater numbers to vegetarianism, this being conclusively evident in the multiplication of kitchen gardens especially in vicinity of large cities. One Man Arrested. Agents of the government went to w$rk on the ease. and yesterday a iraa named Winters, alleged to be tf owner of the trunk, and who ap pear to be in Omaha under rather suspicious circumstances, was placed uttder arrest by secret service agents, and is being held for investigation. It is assumed the man came here to? meet one of the heads of the Teu tcii spy system operating in this sec tion of the country. . Agents of the Department of Jus tice, when approached in regard to the case, refused to give out any in formation, t saying it is the orders frcra Washington not to say anything a"Mit alien enemy or spy cases for publication. l;:nsit Concessions Refused I Holland by Entente Allies vhe Ilasrue. July ' 5. Washington a i the other entente allied govern- r nts have sent a note to Holland ' f f the purpose of controverting i sements in the Dutch press that t t associated governments contem i te making concessions regarding t "sit over the Limburg railroad. ' he note says this would be con f ry td the agreement made with the 1 ch government, last April which, Je releasing the Netherlands gov i ment from certain engagements r. arding the transit of gravet and i d to. Germany, did not contem I it any concession , regarding e t. isit of military supplies. QUENCHES THE THIRST i Hertford'! Acid PboiphtU tcaipooaful In a kIms of water ry hinr to tht mouth and throat Buy a . Ad. " ! HOUSE VOTES TO TAKE OVER WIRE LINES (Continued From Fag One.) . were Fordn'ey and McLaughlin of Michigan; Sterling of Illinois and Woods of Iowa, all republicans. Can't Pass Before Monday. The resolution will be sent to the senate tomorrow with leaders there planning its reference to the interstate commerce committee for a study and probable hearing during the recess. Regardless of the recess plans, senate leaders said its adoption by next Mon day, the date for which the strike of operators employed by the Western Union Telegraph company is called, is not possible. Under the present plan wartime prohibition and woman suffrage would go over until congress returns in Au gust, though some leaders thought prohibition advocates might keep con- gree over until next week in a final effort to pass the Norris prohibition amendment to the ?U,UU0,UUU emer gency agricultural appropriation. Denounce Konenkamp.'' Chicago, ' July 5. One thousand Chicago employes of the Western Union Telegraph company announced in resolutions sent to President Wil son today that they are not members of the Commercial Telegraphers union of America, that its president, Sylves ter J. Konenkamp, does not represent them and that they will not heed the call issued by him for a strike next Monday. The resolutions are said to have been signed only by employes with five years or more of experience. ALLIES MAY LAUNCH BIG DRIVE SOON TWELVE BILLION ARMY BILL NOW IS IN FINAL STAGE Senate and House Conferees Reach Complete Agreement; Fort Crook Water Supply Fund Included. By Associated Press. Washington, July 5. Senate and House conferees reached a complete agreement late today on the $12,000, 000,000 army appropriation. Most of the senate amendments including that for organization of a volunteer Slavic legion and to base army draft quotas on the number of men in class one instead of state populations were retained, as was the suddenly develop, tends to keep Ger- house provision giving the president man reserves scattered, The activity of the allied forces puts a wholly new aspect on meeting the forthcoming German effort. The possibilities of feints at remote parts of the line, to cover the development of the real attack until it was well under way, are -believed to be less promising as it is the allies who are now creating diversions. It is regarded probable General Foch will be able to form accurate estimates of the course and strength of the next blow before it is de livered. One advantage of the increasing manpower will be the possiblity of allied thrusts at other points along the line, compelling the shifting of German reserves, ft is believed Gen eral Foch now is in a position to take this means of slowing up the enemy without impairing his own re serves. ' Profiteering in Woolens Must Stop, Board Declares Washington, July 5. Reports of continued speculation in woolens caused the industries board today to send notice to dealers in woolen piece goods that profiteering is detrimental to the public welfare and is contrary to the industrial policy as outlined by the president. In a previous warning the board said drastic action would be taken unless speculation ceased. unlimited authority to increase the army by calls under the draft law. At the suggestion of Provost Mar shal General Crowder, the amendment of Senator McKellar of Tennessee, which the senate had adopted, authorizing the president to promote General Crowder to be a lieutenant ireneral, was dropped from the bill. General Crowder wrote a letter stat ing that credit for. administration of the draft law belonged not to him alone and urged that he be not singled out for recognition. The senate amendment authorizing the president to appoint two major generals "at large designed for General Crozier, chief of ordnance, and Quartermaster General Sharpe, was accepted by the house conferees. The bill carries an appropriation of $59,000 to connect Omaha water mains with Fort Crook. Three Billion Dollar Bill Signed by the President Washington, July 5. President Wilson has signed the $3,000,000,000 sundry civil appropriation bill pro viding for government expenses, in cluding the shipbuilding program dur ing the coming year, and the naval ap propriation bill carrying $1,609,323,000 and authorizing a permanent increase of the navy's enlisted personnel to 131,000 men with 50,000 additional for the war. The Bee's Fund For Free Milk and Ice Remember, we have no solicitors to canvass the city for money for this fund. You must act yourself, by send ing or bringing your contributions to The Bee office. Every cent of its goes to buy pure milk and cooling ice for the helpless ones of helpless families. The fund is in urgent need of every cent it can get. Won't you send yours in NOW. Previously acknowledged $218.75 Mrs. A. Linneman 1-00 J. W. Fead.. 1.00 Total t220.7S Lt.-Col. Frank C. Todd, Commander Gimp Dodge Base Hospital, Is Dead From a Staff Correspondent. Des Moines, July 5. (Special Tele gram.) Word was received here to day of the death in a hospital in Chi cago of Lt.-Col. Frank C. Todd, who has been in command of base hospial at Camp Dodge. Death was due to pneumonia. He contracted a cold while on an inspection trip which later developed into the dread di sease. In civil life he was a prom inent eye, ear and nose specialist and lived in Minneapolis. Navy Air Pilot Is Taken To Prison in Germany Washington, July 5. Ensign George Roe of Scituate, Mass., an aviation pilot in the American navy, has been captured and is imprisoned at Camp Landschut, Germany, the Navy department was advised today by Admiral Sims. Ensign Roe was last heard from in a cablegram from Admiral Sims on June 4. He had made a forced land ing 18 miles off the coast of Holland when his seaplane developed engine trouble. Campaign to Raise War Fund Planned by Y. M. C. Al Washington, July 5. Announce ment that a campaign for a $112,000, 000 fund for the Young Men's Chris tian association war work will begin immediately after the fourth Liberty loan was made today by John R. Mott, international secretary. Railway Wage Board Reaches Agreement On Shopmen's Wages Washington, July 5. Recommenda tions of the railway wage board on the. question of increased pay and working conditions of fcliop men have been completed and forwarded to Director-General McAdoo at San Francisco. This announcement was made tonight by the railroad adminis tration. There was no indication what the decision was. The shop men asked for higher wages than were given them under the original increase ap proved by the director-general. In protest against the award shop men at Alexandria, Va., and Silvis, 111., walked out, but the strikes ended upon promise by Mr. McAdoo to take up the complaint. i .... i Mail Service for Army In France Is Shameful, Says Senator Johnson Washington, July 5. The senate today adopted a tesolution by Sena tor Sutherland of West Virginia, re publican, asking the secretary of war and the postmaster general to ad vise the senate regarding the move ment of mail to and from American troops abroad and the steps being taken to improve the service. Sen ator Johnson of California, repub lican, characterized the present ser vice as "shameful" and said that transportation of mail to the front now requires a month. South Africa Revolution Threatened, Botha Reports Pretoria, July 5. Premier Botha of the Union of South Africa has is sued a statement showing that' ser ious unrest exists in South Africa. Strong police and military measures are being taken to cope with the sit uation. . Premier Botha said that had not prompt and effective military meas ures been taken the situation would have culminated in a grave dis turbance and probably serious loss of life. . The Boer leader added that the government had information pointing to the existence of a movement hav ing for its object the submersion of the constitution by violent methods SENATORS RENEW: FIGHT FOR $2 50 .HEAT MINIMUM Agricultural Appropriation Bill Will Fail to Pass if House Again Rejects Provision on Final Test Today. Washington, July 5. Senators . from wheat-growing states renewed their fight for an increase of the gov'- ; ernment minimum price to $2.30 by blocking efforts to pass an emergency'' . resolution continuing departmental appropriations until the regular appro priation bills could be passed. Senators Norris of Nebraska and Gore of Oklahoma demanded the resd- lution be held up until the house." could vote again on the senate's vhea price amendment to the emergency s agricultural appropriation bill. Senators McCumber of North Da kota and Sterling of South Dakotu supported the increase, the former saying the present prices discriminates against 33,000,000 farmers and the 1aK iter insisting that ttie larmers are - granting a concession in accepting uic government price on wheat. Plans were made today for a vote . . in the house tomorrow on the senate . amendment. Chairman Lever of the , house agriculture committee planned, to ask the house to insist upon it's refusal to accept the - amendment. Should the house again reject the pro-. posal, senators said the resolution continuing the departmental appro priations until the regular annual ap propriation bills are completed would. , be passed tomorrow. , Department Orders. "Wathlngton. July 5. (Special Telegram.. Second Lt. Clyde W. McLaughlin.' veterinary reserve corps, Is relieved from his present duties and will proceed to Fort D- A. Russell. Wyo., and report to the com manding officer In the military service. . Postmastersi appointed In Iowa: Holland. Grundy county, Ben Boldt, jr.. vies Eddie i A. Ltngelbach. resigned; Oakley. I,uca county, Gail H. Mikesell, vice Ralph B Mlkesell, died; Pleananton, Decatur county. Delana D. Davis, vlca William. W:- Moore, resigned. South ' Dakota: Viewfleld. Meade county. Hosea A. Bridgman, vies Joseph G. Pratt. deceased. ' Iowa rural letter carrier appointed: Mile. . route 2, Casslus O. Fellows, Minburn; Johr H. West, Ottumwa, 4; Verdon Reinhard, . X. (Continued From Fsgs One.) i ! ,. of vantage held by him, which would be of value as. a starting place of a new" major thrust, are being re- captured all along the line. The ef fect is to embarrass German prepara tions and officers believe the fact any of these local operations may Jdu,U Save Money onThese Bargains for Saturday r At Beaton's J)POf(gL .. ;ICc Wash' Clbths..,.,.7 lCc Wash Clioths. . V.5ii ; 4Sc Bathing Caps . . 29d CSc Bathing Caps....43 ' IZc Bathing Caps.1. . .53d 0c Rubber Sponges . . 29 v 1 15c Powder Puffs;. ..lit ? 10c Powder Puffs. . . . .8 j 1 2Sc Corlyopsls Talcum Powder .....17J i i 25c Trailing Arbutus Talcum Powder . . . . 17d : 75c Auto Cowries.. ;-.4fld : 75c Ivory Combs . . .27d I $1.25 Ivory Buffers.. 89d ZZe Household Shears, - . . ifi 7 inchv.. Y.Y.254 'i 75c Household Shears, 7 inch ;.v;;.....59d I j Spiral , Incense, burns is 12 hours 'i V.. .'..... 25 j 75c Razor Strops..... 50 'S, :, $1.00 Razor Strops . . . 75d $1.50 Razor Strops. $1.15 Rubber Beard Softener t for ...254 ; Colgate's .Week -End 1 Package . . . i . . . . '. .50 j PERFUMES $2.50 . Mary ' Garden, per oz., at....... 81.69 Djerkiss, per oz. . . 81.00 i Azurea, per oz......89d Also a large line of Amer ican and imported per fumes, worth 50c to $2.00 per oz., Saturday. . .394 Knox Tartar ,.....,.154 15c Lux ............124 12c Palm Olive Soap. . .9 50c Orazin Tooth Paste for ,344 25c Beaton's Vanishing Cream ..I......144 30c Kolynos Tooth Paste for .. ............194 25c Peroxide, 1,4 lb. . . .64 25c Nature's Remedy. 174 25c Remitters' Soap. , . .94 15c, Jergen's Soap, Carna-" . tion, Geranium and Lilac, for J .............94 50c Eatonic ...v. ....394 $1 Hays' Hair Health, 594 SOc Mentholatum ....194 35c Castoria ........244 PHOTO PEPARTMENT Films developed free when prints are ordered. 2Vix3U Prints, each., w 34 2x414 Prints, each..44 Postal Card Size. . . ...64 Postal Card 6 . See our complete line of Picture Frames on second floor, at reasonable prices. 1 Mail Orders Rciv Our Prompt Attention ' Beaton Drug Go. Fifteenth and Farnam. ::3&)dlatt -S Ml go. OFFERS FOR CASH THE FOLLOWING COAL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. ' LI2EMT LUMP 5K; C?2CIALTY NUT $7.70 TVsm riew srs far a sWt thns taly and suMsct tsxhaat without notlc. r'at rats kava alraao aoVaacad ana saea as arasaat supply la sold aur l.M f ' . -.' ..i. Yc:r Crd:r ia-fen. Doug. 530 A Wonderful Sale of Fine Blouses : Those who appreciate lovely blouses will revel in ; this offering of rich Georgettes, delicate lace ef V ( fects and dainty handwork. l It is the sample line of a New York maker whose ; name is ery favorably known throughout the country. The whole assortment arrived only three days ago. . These blouses, about seventy-five altogether, would retail at usual prices, for $22.50 Up to $39.50 Saturday's Price is $14.75 . Both the sale and blouses are extraordinary. Taffeta Special for Only $1.50 a Yard A wide range of the best colors in pure dye taffetas of excellent quality 36 inches wide. A special low price of $1.50 a yard will prevail Saturday. Correct Neckwear Choice Tub Silks Warm weather calls for cool dainty neck fixings and it's a pos itive pleasure to see how well we are prepared to serve. Organdie collars in white, blue and pink. Also matched sets with cuffs offer one of the most pleasing summer fashions. Collars galore of satin, pique, lace and net in diverse attractive styles. Vestees of lace and organdie are particularly charming. Windsor ties in all shades are 35c, 69c and 75c. Middy Ties, $1, $1.25. Loosely striped effects in interest ing color combinations. Several different qualities. Styles espe cially adapted to shirts for men. Any of the above emerge from frequent tubbings in the most per fect condition. Summer Hats of Georgette The best of mid-season models in Georgette, ma line and combinations of crepe and velvet. New arrivals that afford every one an excellent oppor tunity to choose at a mod erate price., The latest fashions in white, navy and white and black with white. From $5 Up to $12.50 Utopia and Minerva The Two Best Yarns For knitting sweaters there are the following shades: Light gray, dark gray, natural, white and khaki in light, medium and heavy weights. Suitable yarns for any sort of work are ready. Lessons every day 10 to 12. 3 to 5 p. m. . Art NdU Work Towel Sale Heavy bleach Turkish towels only 29c. Fine Turkish towels, guest size, for 25c. Extra heavy bleached Turkish towels 50c. Turkish wash cloths, four for 25c. Linen Section Women's Union Suits At New Low Prices . Lisle union suits, low .' .neck, sleeveless, a quality usually sell ing for $1.25 to $1.50 Saturday 98c v Athletic style union suits made of Secco Silk in flesh and white. A $2.50 suit for $1.98. Center aisle Main Floor THOMPSON.BELDEN The July Apparel Gl Garments of dependable qaulity. Seasonable styles for all occasions sell Saturday for much less than usual. Dresses. Coats. Suits. Skirts Most Omaha women have learned through experi ence that this sale has no equal in money-saving op portunities on clothes of quality. Only our regular stock is offered, garments that have been purchased in the usual Thompson-Belden careful .manner after having passed our rigid inspection service. We do not handle "purchases" from manufacturers of returned and rejected goods. Every Spring and Summer Dress including Georgettes, Scotch and Domestic Ging hams, Voiles, Organdies and Linen, Reduced About One-Third in Price $59.50 Dresses. .$42.50 $39.50 Dresses. .$23.50 $25.00 Dresses. .$18.75 $16.50 Dresses. .$10.75 prices. A Charge Made for Alterations. Suits at these three low prices Saturday, $18.75, $29.50 and $37.50. Every suit new this sea son. Styles are above reproach. No alterations. Spring and summer coats go at decided re ductions. Silk and wool models in excellent taste, as regards mate rials, finish and style. You'll like the new Separate Skirts Reduced One-Third. A small charge for alterations. The Men's Shop For Satisfaction Variety in Shirts . White and colored madras, fibres, silk and linen mixtures and all silk. Soft or stiff cuff styles. Eagle, Arrow and Man hattan. Our selection of Manhattans is particularly large. Splendid patterns and the best of values. Convince yourself by looking. Distinction in Neckwear New bat wing bow ties, light checks, polka dots, figures, stripes and plain shades, 50c to $1.50. Delpark's complete, line of wash neckwear at present low prices, 25c to $1 the tie. Four-in-hands as beautiful as summer silks, grenadines, rumchundas, English twills, plain or figured crepe de chines. Soft Collar Comfort Achieved in Earl and Wilson white crepe de chine collars for 50c These will not turn yellow when washed. Colored silk col lars also 50c. A trulv unlimited selection of soft collar styles in Delpark, Manhattan, Arrow, Earl and Wilson makes. No trouble to find a collar that pleases you, 20c upwards. , " ' Summer Jewelry Soft Collar Pins, 25c, 50c, $1. Soft Cuff Links, 50c to $2. Sterling Belt Chains, any initial, $1. : The Satisfaction Men find in this shop is evidenced by their greatly increased pat ronage. Juit a step to left a you enter. The Better Sort Of Wash Goods Summer cottons are still to be had in adequate se lections of choice patterns and colors. Besides be ing wonderfully attract ive, we are certain that the prices will appeal to you. Reduced Prices on Stylish Pumps and Oxfords Black and gray ldd Ox fords in champagne col ors ; $8.00 val- tfcc OC uesfor - . "vOeSJO Any low heel pump in the entire stock, JM'QC Saturday.,-,-: $7Y? Gray suede and gray kid pumps, $8.00 qualities, Saturday,. $5.95 These are unusually Good Shoe Values.