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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1918)
THE ' OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 26, 1918.- p8al' 'Pag .Iot Th& inmatai mj Little MiniYMateiP8 - "MmHm5mM B HHH - H - - M - H! - - HH - 1 s 1 w In thris9 IHIive DEAR Busy' Bees: Monsieur Jean is the only name .he told me and I guess it's 'cause I don't know very much French. 1 can say "Bon Jour" and "Bon Soir." which means good day and good night and Monsieur Jean could say so many things in part English' and part French that he tallied this half and half language and he smiled when I said my little "Bon Jour'and asked mv name, "MarVaret." I replied 1 "Oh. Marguerite, he answered. "I have a little friend with the very same name and I love her much, and I hope she is well and smiling like you. I have not seen this little friend for a lonsr. lone time, but what is year to friends? If the heart Is true, friends are the same. Time is noth ing if the heart is true, little Mar garet; and if the heart Is not true 1 ..!! ! - .L. 1. . ( turn nuuunif ii inc aaius. 111 tu"c this way and that way, but to true ' hearts, what of weeks, months. To those whose hearts beat so what is time?"' And Monsieur Jean put his hands that have battled for his be loved Belgium, and, his little friend over his heart, that beat, so loyally and bravely and so true. . - Yes, it's true heart beats, Mensieur Jean, that make all children love you mm, A ., AitHtitf T'a rim h start SBHU J Will VUUIKIJi V WW beats that make friendships lasting. It's true heart beats that make time as nothing. And we can all say to our near ones and dear ones who leave us for i months, and - maybe : years, to protect our country and, our friends. ' .. 'v. ; ', "'- If hearts are true, .what ;tnatters lint? I AiMnnh' ' Home Sweet Home. ;.- . Marie, Eph, , Jr., Victor and Pris cilfa Dixon think there is no place quite like home. These small members of the E. W. Dixon family spent seven'and a half months in California, where they went to school and took part - in all the patriotic work for our Sammies. Marie is quite an expert knitter and the boys know all about sausage bal loons, while little Priscilla can tell 1 soldier's rank as well as daddy. But Tuesday night, .when the ar rived at 426 South Thirty-sixth Street, home seemed a very comfy place, And think of getting a kiss from a grandma you haven't seen all winter longt Grandma Coffman's hugs were regular bear hugs, and her kisses seemed extra sweet to the Dixons for, . "east, west, home's best!". Soon Co to Country. Buddy Nash, who has had a severe case of diptheria, is up and around. Buddy missed his rides in the new Packard sport car that the Nash chil dren like so well more than anything. The car is a soft green and gray and the boys enjoying tpm with father. The Nash family will move to their ' country place when school is out and there the children are planning to have conservation gardens and raise chickens, so that the sick soldiers can have fresh eggs. At Club House. ' Mrs. C. J. Farrott sponsored a children's party at the Prettiest Mile club Saturday night. The club house . was gaywith flags ani the youngsters had a joWy time dancing, Bad Luck. . ' Bernard Hanighen is having all sorts of ills this spring. Now its the mumps nd Bernard is very much put out to think that he can't play . ! Taking a' Man's ? lace . By EDGAR A. GUEST. I'm going to fight the kaiser with a hoe, . . I'm going to beat his legions with a plow, The yellow corn shall flourish, row , ' on row. , To mock the gleaming crown upon ' his brow. I have a brother battling in a trench, I have a cousin serving on the sea, They're fighting with the British and t the French That people world-wide over shall - be free. . .. . And I that am too young to bear a gun i And yet have strength to serve my country's need. Shall do my bit of duty in the sun The warriori for liberty to feed. : I'm going to fight the kaiser with a - drag v And gnnJ his power beneath my rusty disks, , I'm going to live this summer for the ' itg . Though Tar away from glory and its - ,: risks. ;'' :". Until toe Hun acknowledges defeat. Until the world it safe from, Prus sian harm; - . v-. .. -I'll help to make bare acres rich with wheat,.' . , - . 111 daily do a man's work on a farm. s-- . - - - .'v..--. ;' . -. ' ' . 1'-,. T ' ' ." ..--- . BUSY' BEE SOCIETY - - 5 - J NOTE Busy Beei will please gtret ShotweU, Busy Bee So ciety Editor, care Bee Office .jMMMMiMMMMMMHiM..i..'"e American sector over mere. 9 . in the June recital that Prof, and Mrs. Borglum give. This recital is eagerly looked forward to, by all the musical children in Omaha, for they know what hours of practice it takes to play well enough to be given a number. Work for Red Cross. A group of boys who are members of troop 5 have been doing their bit for the Ked Lross 111 a novel way. They decorated an automobile with Old Glory, and dressed in their scout suits and went forth with drums and bugles to play patriotic airs. Claude man Grotte and Frank McAnany beat tne drums. Richard Evans, Franklin Patterson, John McAnany and D. L. Diamond acted as buglers. The ear full of boys looked like music box come to life and lots of money was collected by the young scouts for the wounded soldiers Scouts' Meeting Place. , Stag Patrol of troop No. 9 have fitted up a meeting place in John Ink sters' barn, and it's a oonular soot There1 are pennants on the walls and scout books and first aid kits and HMHmWWM-Wwf .Uttla Patriot ' I WW Here Is a youthful patriot, Ruth Sniffen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, H. P. Sniffen, 3216 North Thirty-ninth street. Though she is but 4 years old, Ruth can salute like a regular soldier. 1 f J! TWINKLE and CHUBBINS (Copyright. 111. by Relay Brltton Co.) THE TRAP-Part II. CHAPTER IV. Mrs. Woodchuck and Her Family. BUT Mister Woodchuck had .no need; to . call his family, Tor just as he spoke a chatter, of voices was heard and Mrs. Woodchuch came walking down the path of the garden with several young woodchucks following after her. The lady animal was very fussily dressed, with puffs and ruffles and laces all over her silk gown, and perched upon her head was a broad white hat with long ostrich plumes. She was exceedingly fat, even for a woodchuck, and her head fitted close to her b'odjr, without any neck what ever to separate them. Although it was shady in the garden, she held a lace parasol over her head, and her walk was so mincing and airy that Twinkle almost laughed in her face. The young woodchucks were of sev eral sizes and kinds. One little woodchuck girl rolled before her a doll's baby cab, in which lay a wood chuck' doll made of cloth, in quite a perfect imitation of a real wood chuck. It was "stuffed with some thing soft to make it round and fat, and its eyes were two glass beads sewn upon the face. A big boy wood chuck wore knickerbockers and a Tarn o' Shanter cap nd rolled a hoop: and there were several smaller poyiand girl woodchucks, dressed a H-HH--H---H--H--' gym. John -i patrol leader.-and he often reads the boys letters from his brother Robert, who is fighting with il. A ! a U . 1 If YThe last letter told how he and some companions got tangled up in barbed wire, but were able to get out and back to their trench. John also has another brother, George, -who is in training at Camp Taylor. The members of Stag patrol are Park O'Brien, Abner Marcotte, Dillon McAdams, Jim rollard, timer Risen berg, Roland Holmes and John Ink ster. Born With an Oar in His r it ivioutn v By sticking everlastingly to the one thing he felt he could do best (he started at it at 6 years of age), James A. Ten Eyck was able to row 150 miles (New York to Albany) as a re cent birthday stunt. For nearly IS years he has been trainer and coach of the Syracuse university boat crews. "Jim" Ten Eyck, according to ayecent interviewer, keeps perfectly fit physically. lives simply and exer cises outdoors as much as possible. He performs wonders with the raw material that offers itself for the uni versity crews, putting the new can didates through a grilling tryout on a hike that might tire even an eagle scout. On this hike he watches for three things legs, wind and grit. "Sand" is the prime ingredient with Ten Eyck; staying power. He picks out the "fighters," the fellows who won't give in. He says the famous Ten Eyck stroke is only incidental, it isn't any "stroke," but the man that wins the race. He is a good example of his own recipe for success: Small Boy Father, I have learned to say "thank you," and "if you please," in French. Father I am very glad of it for that's more than you ever learned to say in English. WantdRIen to La ed , Thr Un't a lad but wtnti to grow Manly and true at hart, And very lad would Ilk to know Tna aoorat wa Impart. Ha donn't doalra to alack or ahtrk, Oh. haven't you heard him plead 7 He'll follow a man at play or work I( only the man will lead. Where ara the men to lead today. 8parlnK an hour or two. Teaching the lada the game to play Juat aa a man ahould do" Village and aluma ara calling, "Come," Hera ara th boya. Indeed, Who can tell what they might become If only the men will lend 7, Motor and golf, and winter aport. Fill up the time a lot,, But wouldn't you Ilka to feal you'd taught an a boy a knot Country and home depend on you, Character moat wa need; How nan a lad know what to do If there Un't a man to lead? Where ara the men to lend a hand, Outdlng at boyhood'a aldeT Men who will rise In every land, Bridging tha "Great Divide.'' Nation and flag and tongue unite Joining each claae and creed. Hera ara tha boya who would do right, ' But where are tha men to leadT From London Headquarlere Qaxetta. quite g absurdly, who followed after their mother in a long train. , My dear," said Mister Woodchuck to his wife, "here is a human creature that I captured just outside our front door." . ' "Hugh!" sneered the lady wood chuck, looking at Twinkle in a very haughty way; "why will you bring such an animal into our garden, Leander? It makes me shiver just to look at the horrid tiling 1" a "Oh, mommer!" yelled one of the children, "see how skinny the beast is!" "Hasn't any hair on its face at all," said another, "or on its paws!" "And no sign of a tail!" cried the little woodchuck girl with the doll. "Yes, it's a very strange and re markable creature, said the mother. "Don't touch it, my precious dar lings. It might bite. "You needn't worry," said Twinkle, rather provoked at these speeches. "I wouldn't bite a dirty, greasy wood chuck on any account 1" 'Whool did you hear what she called us, mommer? She says we're greasy and dirty!" shouted the chil dren, and; some of them grabbed peb ble j from the path in their paws, as if to throw them at .Twinkle. "Tut, tutl don't be cruel," said Mister Woodchuck. "Remember the poor creature is a prisoner, and isn't used to good society; and besides that, she's dreaming." "Really V exclaimed Mrs. Wood chuck, locking at the girl curiously. "To be sure," he answered. "Other wise she wouldn't see us dressed in such fancy clothes, nor would we be bigger than she is. The whole thing is unnatural,) my dear, as you must admit." 7 "But we're not dreaming; are we, Daddy?" anxiously asked the boy with the hoop. , - "Certainly not," Mister Woodchuck answered; "so this is a fine oppor tunity for you to study one of those human animals who have always been our worst enemies. You will notice they are very curiously made. Aside from their lack of hair in any place except ahe top of the head, their paws are formed in a strange) manner. Those long slits in them make what are called fingers, and their claws are fat and dull not at all sharp and strong like ours." "I think the beast is ubIv." said Mrs. Woodchuck. "It would give me So many inquiries have been made at The Bee for directions for mak ing stuffed kittens out of old silk stockings, the kittens to be sent to Belgium babies for toys, as reported in The Bee recently, that Miss Leota Holmes, the school teacher who in troduced the idea in Saratoga school kindergarten, was asked to give the directions through this newspaper. "White silk stockings make the prettiest kittens, though any color will do," said Miss Holmes, who brought the idea from Chicago, i "Take 'a stocking and cut off the foot, then cut one end thus: Stitch the top, then turn inside out and stuff with cotton. Tie a ribbon around the neck and another around at the beginning of the tail, thus completing the body. Cut the remainder of the stocking in three parts, thus: and braid for a tail; tie at the end. Use black shoe buttons for eyes and em broider the nose and mouth." 1 Saratoga kindergartens have made four quilts for the Belgian babies, 18 pairs bootees, and a whole regiment of paper dolls that you can dress and undress. This was the first school in the city to finish its allot ment of Red Cross work and send it in to headquarters. Here are the kindergarteners who made this splendid record: Back row. left to right: Frank Mo- :ers 1. Write plainly on one aide of the paper only and number the pagee. 2. ITae pen and Ink, not pencU. 8. Short and pointed article will be given preference. Do not nse over 230 worde. 4. Original etoriea or lettera only will be need. S. Write your name, age and ad dreaa at the top of the tint page. A prlee book will be given each week for the beat contribution. Addreaa au . communication! to Children'! Department, Omaha Bee, Omaha, Jseb. , the shivers to touch its skinny Mian. "I'm glad of that," said Twinkle, indignantly. "You wouldn't have all the shivers, I can tell you I And you're a disagreeable ign'rant creature 1 If you had any manners at all, you'd treat strangers more politely." "Just listen to the thing!" said Mrs. Woodchuck, in a horrified tone. "Isn't it wild, though I" CHAPTER V. Mr. Woodchuck Argues tha Question. "Really," Mister Woodchuck said to his wife, "you should be more con siderate of the little human's feelings. She is quite intelligent and tame, for one of her kfnd, and has a tender heart, I am sure." "I don't see anything intelligent about her," said the girl woodchuck, "I guess I've been to school as much as you have," said Twinkle. v "School! Why, what's that?" "Don't you know what school is?" cried Twinkle, much amused. "We don t have school here." said Mister Woodchuck, as if pround of the fact "Don't you know any geography' asked tne child. . "We haven't any use for it," said Mister Woodchuck; "for we never get far from home, and don t care a rap what state bounds Florida on the south. We don't travel much, and studying geography would be time wasted." "But don't you study arithmetic?" she asked; don t you know how to do sums?" "Why should we?" he returned. "The thing that bothers you humans most, and that's money, is not used by us woodchucks. So we don't need to figure and do sums." "I don't see how you get along without money," said Twinkle, won deringly. "You must have to buy all your fine clothes." "You know very well that wood chucks don't wear clothes, under or dinary circumstances," Mister Wood chuck replied. "It's only because you are dreaming that you see us dressed in this way." "Perhaps that's true, said Twinkle. "But don't talk to me about not be ing intelligent, or not knowing things. If you haven't any schools it's cer tain I know more than your whole family put together!" "About some things, perhaps," ac knowledged Mister Woodchuck. "But tell, me: do you know which kind of red clover is the" best to eat?" . "No." she said. ,v , y"Or how to dig a hole in the ground to live in, with different rooms and passages, so that it slants up hill Leod, William Baxter, Sanford John-Q uu, vniie tiouee, t,nariee wueon, juar lln Smith. Douglae Levi, Harry Phlllipe, Lome Thorp, William Neleon, William Carney, John Faaamone, Byron Barber, Jack Edwarda, William Noyeg, Dean Bryant, Henry Llnd, Samuel WlUlama, Second row: Helen Carlson, Ethel Lee, Francea Folkln, Evelyn Bartlett, Francla Clha, Eleanor Swanaon, Charle Hanson, Earl Halgran. Luctle Ivy, Julia Brick, Lu- ton, Agnea Johnson. First row: Jack DuVal, Leo Chrlatensen, Amelia Bedrit, Marlel Rueeell, Henry Jonoskl, Sarah Kruger. Fern Berry, Haael Field, Dorothy MeAndrews, Lunette Thorn ton, Jaunlta Thorp, Elisabeth Gardner, Qretchen Shrlber, Vivian Crelghton, Vio let Vaughn, Mary Friend and Wilson Scholl man. Temderleat Sm C&Mp Black bugs In tha water Red anta everywhere, Chlggera round our waist line, Sand fleas In our hair But tha dust of cltlea At any coat wa shun, And cry, amid our ttchlngs, "Isn't camping funt" Sand In fried potatcW Apples hard and green. Thickest, strongest cocoa 'Most was ever seen But we eat with relish "Hot dogs" overdone, And say, between the fly bites, "Isn't camping fun?" Water en the tent floor, Mildew everywhere. Wind that howls most dolefully, Cold and foggy air Huddled In a corner Praying for the aun. Writing home to mother, "Isn't camping fun?" By John H. Skeen, In Boy's Life. A Pkcky C&pt&In The captain of the Mary B, He looked his good ship over. "She's sound from stem to stern" said he; "She'll make a fearlesa rover. Bilging and helm and flag and mast, They take their chance In roughest blast; A sailor fit for any sea," The captain said, said he. Oayly tha Mary B. set sail. Tha wind her canvas swelling. But suddenly, a roaring gale -r (There's never any telling)! ' When back aha beat, with aails hung low, Was that the end of all? Oh, not "We'll rig her straight again for sea," Tha captain aald, said he. By NANCY BTRD TURNER. In the Minneapolis Tribune. Their Astonishing Adventures in Nature-Fairyland By LAURA BANCROFT and the rain won't come in and drown you?" "No," said Twinkle. "And could you tell, on the second day of February (which is wood chuck day, you know), whether it's going to be warm weather, or cold, during the next six weeks?" "I don't believe I could," replied the girl. , "Then," said Mister Woodchuck, "there are some things that we know that you don't; and although a wood chuck might not be of much account in one of your schoolrooms, you must forgive me for saying that I think you'd mqke a mighty poor wood chuck." "I think so, tool" said Twinkle, laughing, "And now, little human," he re sumed, after looking at his watch, "it's nearly time for you to wake up: so if we intend to punish you for all the misery your people has inflicted on the woodchucks, we won't have a minute to spare." ', "Don't be in a hurrv." said Twinkle, "I can wait." "She's trying to get" out of it," ex claimed Mrs. Woodchuck, scornfully. "Don't you let her, Leander." . "Certainly not, my dear," he re plied; "but I havn't decided how to punish her." "Take her to Judge Stoneyheart," said Mrs. Woodchuck. "He will know what to do with her." CHAPTER VI. Twinkle Is Taken to the Judge. At this the woodchuck children all hooted with joy, crying: "Take ner, uaddyl lake her to old Stoney heart! Oh, ray! won't he give it to her, though!" . . . "Who is Judge Stoneyheart?" ask ed Twinkle, a little uneasily. "A highly respected and aged wood chuck who is cousin to my wife's grandfather," was the .reply. "We consider him the wisest and most in telligent of our race; but, while. he is very just in all things the judge never shows any mercy- to evil doers." i "I haven't done anything wrong," said the girl. "But your father has, and much wrong is done us by the other farm ers around here. They fight my peo ple without mercy, and kill, every woodchuck they can possibly catch." Twinkle was silent, for ihe knew this to be true. , "For? my part," continued Mister Woodchuck. "I'm' very sofjt-hearted, and wouldn t even, step on an ant if I could help it. ' Also I am sure you have a kind disposition. ' But you are a human, and ! am a wood chuck; so I think I will take you to ... - :- .. 1 I LSttl -Stories (Prize.) The Patriot Girl. By Lillie M. Dau, Aged 13 Years- R L" F. D. No. 1, Oakland. Ia- During the revolutionary war there lived a girl named Kuby Bates. She owned a beautiful black horse, of which she was very fond. She loved very much to go horseback riding on nice afternoons. One day when she was riding along she met some British soldiers who were looking for some horses for the army. They wanted Ruby to give them her pony, but she would not. She rode swiftly on. When she got to tier home she rode on past left her horse at a neighbor's and walked back. She told her folks what had happened and they told her she had done right. A month later Washington wanted to buy her horse, but she said, "I will give you my horse because you need the money worse than I do." So Washington took her beautiful horse away. But she was glad to help win the war. (Honorable Mention.) AH On Account of a Crow's Nest By Evelyn Reimers, Aged 12 Years, frullerton. Neb. s The boys and girls of the J. T. Club were going to have a picnic. The spot selected was halt a mile out ot town on the banks of Cherry Creek, which were lined thickly with cedar trees. Bob Reynolds, the president of the club, was as daring as he was full of fun, and never missed a chance to play a joke on some one. v Tuesday morning dawned bright and sunny and, the 10 members started off with happy hearts. When they arrived at Cherry Creek some or the boys began to fish, but cob (who was fond of exploring) began looking around to find some thing to do. Out over the creek on a low limb of a cedar tree Bob espied a crow's nest and determined to see what was in it. Up he climbed, and out along the limb, tiH, peering over the nest he old Stoneyheart and let him decide your fate." "Hooray!" yelled the young wood chucks, and away they ran through the paths of the garden, followed slowly by their fat mother, who held the lace parasol over her head as if she feared she would be sunstruck. Twinkle was glad to see them go. She didn't care much for the wood chuck children, they- were so wild and ill-manered, and their mother was even more disagreeable than they were. As for Mister Woodchuck, she did not object to him so much; in fact, she rather liked to talk to him, for his words were polite and his eyes pleasant and kindly. "Now, my dear," he said, "as we are about to leave this garden, where you have been quite secure, I must try to prevent your running away when we are outside the wall. I hope it won't hurt your feelings to become a real prisoner for a few minutes. Then Mister Woodchuck drew from his pocket a leather collar, very much like a dog collar, Twinkle thought, and proceeded to buckle it around the girl's neck. To the collar was at tached a fine chain about six feet long, and the other end of the chain Mister .Woodchuck held in his hand. "Now,, then," said he, "please come along quietly, and don't make a fuss." He led her to the end of the garden and opened a wooden gate in the wall, through which they passed. Outside the garden the ground was nothing but hard, baked earth, without grass or other green thing growing upon it, or any tree or shrub to shade it from the hot sun. And not far away stood a round mound, also of baked earth, which Twinkle at once de cided to be a house, because it had a door and some windows in it. There was no living thing in sight not even a woodchuck and Twinkle didn't care much for the . baked-clay, scenery. ' Mister Woodchuck, holding fast, to the chain, led his prisoner across the barren space to the round mound, where he paused to rap softly upon the door. (Continued Next Sunday) ' What Were They? Small Girl (entertaining her mother's caller) How is your little girl? Caller I am sorry to say, my dear, that I haven't any little girl. Small Girl (after painful pause in conversation) How is your little boy? - Caller My dear, 7 haven't any little boy, either. . Small Girl Then what are yours? The Feople's Home Journal . 1 By Little Folks say four white eggs. He thought it would be great fun to drop an egg in the water and frighten the boys. He stretched out his arm to get the egg, when crack, and down with a splash went Bob, eggs and all into tne stream. - The boys and girls quickly gather ed on the bank and laughed and jeered at Bob as he slowly waded to the shore with little streams of water trickling down his face. "Although this is the Joljy Time Club," remarked Bob on his way home, "I didn't nave a very jolly time today. 1 1 A Little French Girl. By Annette Lieb, Aged 12, 2821 North Twenty-fourth Street, Omaha. A little girl named Madelon lives in the heart of France. Madelon's daddy has gone off to the front, while she and her mother must stay at home and work hard for food. Medelon does not complain, how ever, and helps her mother Uke a good, brave little girl. ' One day as' Madelon was on her way to school she passed the wharves and heard a loud cheering. She at once ran to where ' she thought the cheering came from and found a great crowd of men; women and children shouting vehemently and waving American and French nags. She did not understand why the peo ple were cheering so loud for, so she asked a man timidly, "Would .yoij ' please tell me why you are all cheer- I 1 I C 1 3U IUUU 1UI I The man said nothing, but lifted Madelon on his shoulder. She looked out on the water and guess what she saw? Three huge ships, with American flags proudly floating above them. In these ships were men dressed m khaki colored uniforms. Then Madelon started to cheer and shout, too. "Americans 1 Americans!" she cried, and so they were. They had come across the ocean tu help France and other allies to win , this terrible war against Germany for freedom and right. -1 - Madelon knew all this and so did the rest of the people; that is why they cheered. They also knew that the American soldiers had but one thought and that was, "Hoch. der kaiser." ' Trying to Do Her Bit. 1 By Lolita Barman, Aged 9 Years, 610 bouth Third Street, Nortoilc, Neb. I am a little girl 9 years old. I go to school every day. I am in the Third B. I am trying to do my bit to help win the war. I own four war stamps, We have a knitting class at school and I have knitted four squares for the comforters. The pupils in my room own ovef $300 worth of thrift stamps. I have a baby brother and his nams is La Verne. We have a mamma rab bit and she has seven little ones. - - I hope to see my letter in print k Goodby Busy Bees. . 1 My First Letter. - By Anita Crabb, Aged 8 Years, 4015 . North 1 hirty-tourth Avenue. Dear Busy Bees: I am going to tell you about our school. We have. 38 children in our school- We are , making some envelopes for ' our mother, I have half of mine done.' We are very nearly through with our book. We will have a new one in a. little while. Well, Busy Bees, I will, write again soon. Gqpdby. Harry's Thrift Stamps." By Sammy Miceli, Aged 12 Years, ' 619 Pierce Street. Omaha, Neb. One day Harry went to school and -the teacher was telling the children to buy thrift stamps. Harry was a poor boy, but after school he went to secure a job 'and he found it in a drug store. He got $5 a week- So ' in one week he bought a war saving stamp, after three months he bought a Liberty bond, and that is the way Harry earned his money. I hope to see my letter in print; goodby, Busy Bees. ' V Helping Uncle Sam. By , Margaret Kennedy, . Aged 12 "... Years. Valley, Neb. We are working for Uncle Sammy, Helping to win the war, ' Every single hour is spent Making the kaiser sore. We can make old Kaiser Bill ' Jump from off his seat. When our Sammies get "over there," Then hard times he ll meet. He will have to kis Old Glory Till he's black and blue; y,' And all the world will then have peace, . , . f . Just as it use te do. . ..." -,v But this cannot be done t Unlets we do our "bit," you see; We'll all have to buy our Liberty. - bonds To make our country free, f ' Y 1. .