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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1918)
The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER Sb owers VOL. XLVII NO. 268. - OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 26, 191814 PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS.' U MANY AMERICANS SUFFER WOUNDS IN BATTLE TO STOP GERMAN RUSH HUNS HURLED BACK TO UNES HELD BEFORE THEY BEGAN PRESENT DRIVE mm op One Hospital Receives 128 U. S. Soldiers from Fighting Lines; Casualties of Marine " ' Brigade Total 278.: v - (By Associated Press.) . Paris, April 25. American soldiers pounded in the great battle now be ing waged are already arriving at the rear. American wounded and sick to the number of 4 28 have reached hospital 25. They are from units engaged in fight ing side by side with French and British in stemming the German advance. ' Hospital 25 is one of the new institutions established behind the line as it stood after the allies stopped the recent German drive in Picardy. Few of the Americans remain at the hospital very long, being taken fur ther, to the rear. Sixteen girl students of Smith college are working in day and night shifts at this point and are operating a well-arranged canteen at the railroad station for the soldiers coming through on the hospital trains. Mrs. Clark, the Misses Justice, Brogan and Scott and Ml. Ralthis and E. W. Lowrey of the American RedQ Cross have rendered notable service at the hospital. MARINES? LOSSES 278. Washington, April 25. Total losses of 278 in the brigade of marines with the American .expeditionary force in France were announced today by Major General Barnett, commandant of the corps, as follows:' Killed m action, 22; died from wounds, 10; died from accidents, 2; wounded in action, 244. All the dead are enlisted men, but eight officers, two captains and six lieutenants, were among the wounded. COMPANY CUT TO PIECES. Five of the enlisted men were slightly wounded, but General Bar- : nett's statement did not show whether the officers and other men were se verely or slightly hurt. Most of the casualties were in one eompany, which, General Barnett said, lost a total of 21 men killed nd 140 wounded out of a personnel of 250. The dates on which the marines were killed and wounded were not made public, nor was it indicated what part of the line the "soldiers 'of the sea" are holding or in what actions they have participated. Such informa tion is withheld for military reasons. Held Front Line Trench. It is known, however, that the ma- ' rines, have been holding a front line trench sector for several weeks, hav ing been moved tip to the battle line tfter doing police duty along the American lines of. communication since they first went to France. with the vanguard of General Pershing's : forces last summer- Today's list was the first marine corps casualty list made public and included all names repotted up to April 23, Since the marines are con sidered an integraf part of the army in France, officials of the corps had expected their casualties to be in cluded in those of the army an nounced by the War department. In quiry, however, developed that such was not the case and the compiling of a complete list was ordered by General Barnett. It was regarded as probable that someof the names an nounced today previously had been is sued by the War department in the regular army lists made public daily. - i List Undergoes Revision. - General Barnett' first announce ment said that the casualties totalled 274, with 34 enlisted men killed and four officers, and 236 enlisted men wounded. Later he made public the names of four additional officers and live enlisted men who had been wounded. When the list of names referred to in General Barnett's first announcement was issued, however, it was found that it contained only 271 names with those of two men duplicated, levying a total of 269. To this was added the nine names of men .... (ConHaned on Page Two, Column One.) The Weather For Nebraska Showers and lder riday; Saturday unsettled and cool; fresh to strong north to northwest vinds. - Hourly Temperature. -- .. T Hour. Veg. Os)fi St ::::::::::!! m & UB 39 jJ J 8 a. m 40 I Ep' 9 a. m 45 .fp 0 a. m 48 Hi 12 ra 53 fa 1 p. m 55 c 2 D. m 58 - 3 n. m 51 f) 4 p. m. .61 5 p. m ...60 6 p. m 9 I 7 p. m 58 i D. in 55 Compnratire Local Record. f. t ' 1918. 1917. -191.- 1915. Highest yesterday..... .61 48 55 - 76 lowest yesterday. ...... 38 40 42 SI )lean temperature 50 44 48 68 Precipitation . 00 .00 .T .01 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal: Normal temperature 55 Deficiency fop the day 5 Total excess since March 1 299 Normal precipitation 12 inch Deficiency for the day 12 Inch Total precipitation since March 1 1.35 inches Deficiency sine March 1, 1918 2.44 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1917. '. .68 inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1916.. 1.73 inches Reports From Stations at 7 F. M. Station and Stato Temp. Hl(fh- Rain- of Weather. 7 p.m. est. fall. Cheyenne, cloudy 54 58 T ta.venport, raining- .... 44 50 T Denver, cloudy 66 68 .00 fees Moines,, cloudy ..'.. 60 62 .00 Dodge City, pt. cloudy 64 66 .00 Chicago, raining 42 46 .02 North Platte, cloudy... 64 68 .00 Omaha. cler .7. 68 61 .00 Pftblo, cloudy 72 74 .00 Rapid City, pt. cloudy. 58 70 .00 Bait Lake City, cloudy. 66 68 .00 Banta Te, cloudy 60 66 .00 Sheridan, raining ...... 40 52 .02 Sioux City, clear 62 12 .00 Valtntlne, part cloudy ..76 -,8 .00 T Indicates trace of ptVclpltatlon. ; I A. WELSH. Meteorologist. MUNGER DENIES STATE PROMISED IMMUNITY BATH Mysterious Disappearance of Evidence in Banker's Trial at Tekamah Creates Sens$ tion at Trial. Tekamah, Neb., April 25. (Special.) Because of the mysterious disap pearance of evidence of a very impor tant nature, the state is laboring 'under a handicap in the prosecution of Cashier Elliott of the defunct De catur bank. The trial of the case was resumed this morning. Attorney Munger, for the prosecution, was asked if Mr. El liott had not been promised immunity from prosecution by Attorney Gen eral Barrett for testimony to the ef fect that he took the deposit of Frank lams, horseman of St. Paul, Neb., for $12,000 from the class of preferred claims. Munger replied: "No, not to my knowledge." Asked if the loss of important testi mony was not due to friction in the office of the attorney general, Mr. Munger offered lio reply, observing. "The loss was very unfortunate." Attorney Barrett, formerly assist ant attorney general, was in the city today. He said that he had been brought here as a witness, but he was not placed on the stand Testimony this morning was prin cipally in connection with one deposit of $381.26, which the state contends had been accepted by Elliott fox the bank when he knew the institution was in a failing: condition. State Bank Examiner Touzalin was on the stand most of the morning and he testified that he had made a com plete report of the condition of the bank at the time of the faihire and had attached thereto various papers as evidence of probable fraudulent banking. These are the papers that are alleged to have been lost while in the possession of the Statet Banking board. The defense is contending that the missing evidence should be given to the jury and that the party responsible for its loss should produce it or show why it cannot be produced. Boston Dealers Accept Wool Price Agreement Boston, April 25. Boston wool dealers agreed today to accept the government's proposition fixing the price of wool on hand on the basis "of quotations of July 30 last. The decision was reached at a meeting of the Boston Wool Trade association, at which a committee headed by Presi dent Abraham Koshland, reported on conferences at Washington with the war industries board. Country to Observe Holiday And Speed Sale of Bonds Washington, AprH 25. (Special Telegram.) The White House will "listen in" v hen the big chorus on the court house square sings "Amer ica" at 1 o'clock tom'orrow. Omaha time, or 2 o'clock, Washington time. The Bell Telephone company has made arrangements to connect the White House with Omaha for the celebration. In addition to the presi dent, the listeners at the White House will be Secretary James Tumulty As sistant Secretary of War Crowell and other officials. Washington, April 25. Liberty day will be celebrated tomorrow by the nation with patriotic demonstrations in practically'every city and town to speed the sale of Liberty bonds. Sub scriptions by tomorrow night are. ex pected to be well above $2,000,000,000 or two-thirds of the minimum total. In big cities s.pecial efforts wilhbe made to get banks and corporations Speaker Clark Takes Senator ship Offer Under Consideration Washington, April 25. After a day of congratulations from de mocrats and republicans of both houses and of many conferences with his political and personal in timates. Speaker Clark announced tonight that he would not decide until tomorrow whether he would resign the speaker's chair to accept Governor Gardner's proffer of the senatorship to succeed the late Sen ator Stone of Missouri. MORE AMERICAN WOUNDED FOUND ON TOUL FIELD Soldier Buried Alive Three Days and Trampled Over by Enemy When He Crawled to Surface. (By Associated Press.) With the American Army in France,, April 25. -Further details received at headquarters of the engagement around Seickeprey shot that the American troops were outnumbered, in some instances, eight to one. More of the American wounded were found today, one of whom was buried alive for three tdays and had been trampled over by the enemy when he had crawled to the surface, in the belief that he was dead. The American casualties are con siderably less than the first estimates. When hie complete story of this engagement is told the bravery of the regimental chaplains wilf be one of the outstanding features. One of them, Father William J. Farrell of - West Newton, Mass., went to the assistance of a battery when four of the Ameri can gunners were killed Nand carried up ammunition and helped to keep'he gun working all Saturday night. , He was injured, but refused to have his wound dressed Sunday morning until he had carried Myron Dickinson, aged 19, of Bridgeport, Conn., one of his wounded comrades, to a dugout dressing station. Father Michael O'Connor of Boston and Father OsiastBoucher of. New Bedford, Mass., took charge of the cooking and washing and carried on the work of serving; hot soup and food to the soldiers. s Fear Many More Captured. , Washington, v April 25. The num ber of Americans killed in the Ger man attack of April 20 near Seiche prey was less than a dozen, and the number of injured was about 20. These figures, made known today, appear to give support to the German claim that 183 Americans were cap tured, since it previously had been ad mitted that the American casualties were around 200. (By Associated Press.) a to turn in their pledges, held back heretofore for a multitude of busi ness reasons, and local campaign committees sent word tonight that the day's sales undoubtedly would break records for the campaign. In many states a legal holiday has been declared and in otheri arrange ments have been made for business houses and factories to close for part of the day to allow citizens to partici pate in Liberty parades, or to make house to house canvasses for sub scriptions. In Washington, government clerks will be released fromwork to march in a great procession ,-down Penn sylvania avenue. Many high officials had enrolled tonight to march. Subscription reports lagged today, aduing only $108,000,000 to previous reports and making the total $1,898, 785,050. Officials had looked for a much larger figure for today than even the $120,000,000 daily average which must be maintained to reach the $3,000,000,000 by the end of next week, the close of the campaign. a IMMORALITY IMPUTED TO. GERMAN MINISTER. (By Associated Press.) New York, April 25. Count Von Herding, the imperial German chancellor, according to an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Copen hagen, is officially reported to have brought a suit against the Deutsche Zeitung of Berlin for an article published Wednesday in which Dr. Von Kuehlemann, German foreign secretary, and Count Czernin, former Austrian foreign secretary, were attacked. The newspaper asserted that the two statesmen during negotia tions in Bucharest acted in a manner which abased their countries. Secretary Von Kuehlmann, it was represented, was seen often with a well-known member of the underworld, while Count Crernin every evening visited a theater where dancing girls were among the per formers. The Vorwaerts says: "The entire affair is like an intrigue at the court of Louis XIV. The plotters went with their accusations about Dr. Von Kuehlmann's 'immorality' to a very highly placed lady who is well known for her strict moral code, through whose influence they hoped to achieve their object." ' DUTCH HOLD OUT AGAINST HUN DEMAND Chamber Told "Negotiations Are Not Progressing Smooth ly," as Holland Is Unable to Increase Exports. (By Associated Irss.) The Hague, April 25. Replying to questions from members of the first chamber of parliament, Jonkheer J. Loudon, minister of foreign affairs, said today that no ship would sail from Holland until a written . guar antee had ben obtained that there would be no further seizures of ves sels. He said that he had gathered from an interview with John W. Garrett, American minister, yesterday, that the latter supposed that a written as surance had already been given. "The intention was that six ships should remain constantly in the ser vice," he said, " and 1 have reason to assume that that number will be ex tended and that Germany will put no obstacles in the way. I believe it can be assumed that the allied govern ments will observe their obligations regarding the rationing of .Holland. "The negotiations regarding an economic agreement with Germany are delayed by difficulties. I am un able to give information at present as to the stage of the negotiations, but they are not progressing very smoothly, principally because Hol land would be unable to export much more than she is at present." The foreign minister added that he had a written guarantee from Eng land that ships which had left the East Indies since March 23, or might leave in the future, would not be seized. "AMERICAN NAVY ' IS ON ITS TOES," -' ASSERTS DANIELS New York, April 25. Josephus Daniels, secretary of the navy, while in this city tonight to attend the ban quet of the American Newspapers Publishers' association, gave out the following message to the public through the Associated Tress: "The American navy is on its toes. War was declared April 6. We "had destroyers in European waters May 6, more on the 17th, more on the 21st and others later on. The co-operation between Admiral Sims and the four other American admirals and the British U perfect and the results speak for themselves.". Secretary Daniels when asked if he would comment o the British naval exploit in raiding Zeebrugge, said that he did not feel free to make any statement until he had received the official report of the British ad miralty. ! Zeebrugge Blockaded; U-Boats Now Must Use Ostend Route to Sea London, April 25. The Asso ciated Press learns from a high naval source that the operations at Zeebrugge were a complete suc cess, with the result that that the Flanders flotilla now will be obliged to resort to the Ostend route in put ting to sea, from which the British forces can more easily handle the German ships. In addition to the damage done the mole and the German 'guns, material and shipping, the channel has been blocked by the cement ships and a German dredger, was destroyed. The loss of the dredger, together with the blocking up of the channel, must result in the speedy silting up of the waterway and it 'will take at least several weeks to clear the passage. But for a change" in the wind, which cleared away the smoke bank and revealed the presence of the British ships the operations at Os tend probably would have proved as successful as those at Zeebruesfe. Income and Excess Profits Taxes Yield About $3,000,000,000 Washington, April 25. Income and excess profits are now expected to bring about $3,000,000,000 into the treasury in June, or $500,000,000 more than had been estimated be fore returns were filed. Secretary McAdoo announced this today, giv ing the first official information that receipts would exceed previous es timates of $1,226,000,000 for ex cess profits and $1,200,000,000 from, incomes. The taxes are due June 15. FAMOUS LINER OVERTURNS AND SINKS AT DOCK Steamer St. Paul Mysteriously Wrecked While Being Warped Into Pier , After Repairs; Three Workmen Drowned. (By Associated Fross.) X An Atlantic Port, Aijril 25. The American line steamship St. Faul, famous passenger liner, overturned and sank at its pier here today while being warped into a pier preparatory to loading for a trip to Europe. Three workmen were tlrowned. The St. (Paul was not under steam, but was being brought by tugs from a dry dock, where for the last week it had been undergoing repairs. On board at the time were several hun dred men a majority of them em ployes of the dry dock who had been sent with the vessel to complete their work while it was being loaded. The steamer now is lying on its port side wirh about 10 feet of its hull amid ships above the water, and is com pletely submerged both fore and aft. Escape by Climbing Over RaiL A general alar.m was sounded through the ship when it was seen that it was in danger and, as fully ten minutes elapsed before it turned over, it is thought nearly all (he men reached the deck. A large number escaped by simply climbing over the rail and onto the exposed side of the vessel as it came uppermost, while others leaped into the water and were picked up by the tugs. Several possible causes for the ac cident were advanced,, but owing to the uncertainty surrounding it no definite statement was given out and will not be, officials of the line said, until officers of the navy and federal officers and representatives of the company can complete an investiga tion. Twelve men were injured. One of the causes advanced, which was supported by experienced marine men, was that the ship listed so far that water entered open coal ports, this resulting in an overcoming of the center of gravity. Another explana tion offered was that the ship's sea cocks might have been open, either by accident or design. Before leaving the dry dock the navy gun crew, which accompanies the vessel on its trips through the war zone, went aboard the St. Paul. All these men escaped, naval officers said. The St. Paul had no cargo and aside from the damage to the machinery and to her interior furnish ings the loss will be confined to the cost of salvage operations. Tlood of Talk Again Engulfs Senate and Delays Action (By Associated Fress.) Washington, April 25. Critics of the Overman bill renewed today their vigorous opposition to its proposed authority foe the president to reor ganize government agencies and many speeches for and against the measure prevented the expected vote on pending restrictive amendments. A surprise cf the day was the intro duction of a new amendment author izing the president to appoint a single executive officer to control the air craft program, which Senator Over man stated he probably would accept. Senator Wadsworth of New York, republican, offered the new proposal. Senators Thomas of Colorado and Kirbv of Arkansas, democratic mem istralians and English Gain Ground and Take 600 Prisoners; French Lose Hangard; : -Britons Shift Line in North. (By Associated Press.) .. ' The great double German drive, in the Semme and Armentieres sectors, which began Wednesday morning, has developed into a terrific struggle. Th tide of battle has surged to and fro during the last'Wo days, with the decision still in the balance. ' The British, having been forced back out of Villers-Bretonneux, launched a counter attack and swept the Germans' back almost to the lines which were held before the present fighting began. The French have been driven back out of Hanguard-En-Santerre, but are holding their positions close by, while on the line southwest of Ypres the Brit ish have been compelled to withdraw slightly before furious attacks along the ' Meteren-BailleuMVytschaete line. - ' V LARGE FORCES HURLED AGAINST ALLIED LINES French and British Offer Most Desperate Resistance (to At tacks at Hangard and Villers-Bretonneux. - (By Associated rrn.) With the French Army in France, April 25. Attacks by the Germans in Picardy today, if large forces engaged may be taken as an indication, evi dently were intended as the forenun ner of a new thrust towards Amiens. From dawn until night, the enemy threw strong- assaulting columns re peatedly at Hangard, where the fight ing was of the most desperate char acter. , ' .;- Towards evening some of the en emy detachments managed to obtain a footing in Hangar wood, lying about a mile northward of the village, and also in the eastern outskirts of the town itself. Their hold, however, was precarious, for the French abso lutely declined to give way. A little further to the north the Germans attacked the British units holding Villers-Bretonneux. This ap parently was part of the same forward movement. Here also the struggle was of thi fiercest kind. The French fought side by side with the British and sundown found the combatants still at close grips. There were slight fluctuations of the line here as well as other points, but there were no serious retirements. Shells Poured Ino Enemy. The French artillery poured shells almost point blank into the German infantry which, however, appeared to have adopted extended formation dur ing the attack. The enemy infantry battalions now are coming into the fight with the lightest possible equipment. The ma jority of the men do not even carry hand grenades. 1 British Score in Rally. With the British Army in France, April 25. Success in the southern sec tor of the battle front and a long, fierce struggle in the north have fallen to the lot of the allied arms in the contest for vital positions which the Germans have been trying at heavy cost of life to secure. The latest information from the south is that Villers-Bretonneux ap-' parently has been retaken sis a re suit of a brilliant British counter at tack, and not only hjs the town been virtually cleared of the enemy, but a large portion of th original posi tions north and south of it have been reclaimed.' German dead are heaped about the unhappy town and some 700 prisoners are in British camps. In the north Mount Kemmel pas been attacked desperately by a great force of German troops especially trained for mountain warfare. The attempt on Mount Kemmel is another move in the Germans obvious scheme to get control of a chain of hills run ning east and west in this sector and including such elevations as Wyt schaete, Kemmel, Scherpenberg, Mont Rouge, Vidaigne and Mont Descats. This pretentious program has as its object the forcing oT the alHcs to pull back their lines to the north still fur ther. bers of the military , committee, promptly supported it, the former de claring it necessary to clotlie John D. Ryan, yesterday appointed director of aircraft production for the War department, with necessary pow ers to make his work effective. During today's debate under the agreement limiting speeches to half an hour, attacks on the bill were made by Senators Knox of Pennsylvania, Sherman of Illinois and Brandegee of Connecticut, republicans, while it was supported by Senator Fall of New Mexico, republican, and 'Senators Shafrcth of Colorado, Kirby of Ar kansas, Overman of North Carolina and other democrats. U. S. WEN IN BATTLE. Wounded Americans are arriving at a hospital behind the French lines in the somme sector, snowing tnat General Pershing's men are bearing their share of the burden of the great battle. Notwithstanding the frantic prepa rations made by the Germans for, continuation of their drive toward Amiens and the extreme violenct of . the righting, their gains thus far in that region have been very small.. ; Along the from Albert, south to Castel, except at, Hangard-En-San- terre, the Guman assaults have been hurled back by the allied forces,' which are strongly posted on tha higher ground to which, they retired during the st days of the German drive in Picardy. GERMAN GAINS SLIGHT. . It is unofficially reported that four to six German divisions, or from 48.0UO to J.OOO men, have been : hurled at the British and French lines near Ypres. The retirement of the British in ihn sector must have been small, for there are no great gains reportedby Berlin so far. It was rumored Thursday that Mount Kem mel, a dominating height north ol Wulvergheni, had been taken by the enemy, but this has not been con- t firmed. ': J'-1 : V."'. That only slight gains have bee? . made anywhere 'along th two front -under atta;K is proof that the atliei are prepared to defend their positions. , In the last 'hree weeks, the Germans have hurried up heavy cannon to the Sdmme battleground and have marched many fresh divisions, to the points where they have been held for 1 the moment of attack. .Their failure ,to do more than gain almost insignifi cant bits of ground is one of the most encouraging leatures of the fighting that is now going on and which may be looked ur.on as the third phase of the great German offensive. . -r ' - Raiding operatins are reported along the French lines' cast of Mont didier. t , Dutch Ire Excited. It is officially announced at The Hague tint the negotiations between Germany and Holland "are hot prog ressing satisfactorily." The Dutch, foreign minister has declined to give ' the details of th""situa,tion between the two countries, which is admittedly delicate. 1 Winston Spencer Churchill British minister' of munitions, speaking in the House of Commons said that notwith. standing the strain on production and -the losses in arms and materials dur ing the great battles of the lasl month, the 'esses had been made good almost twice over, and that so well had plans been made that the British" can continue the fight at Its great In tensity until next winter. v ; Case Against. Magazine Editors Given to Jury New York, April 25. The case f Max Eastman and others associated with him in the publication-of " the socialist magazine "The Masses," who' have been on trial on a charge of con spiring to defeat the operation of the draft act, went to the jury in the fed eral court here late today. " Today's sessions of the. trial wers occupied in summing up addresses by Morris' Hillquitt, , socialist candidate for mayor in the last municipal elec . tion, and Dudley Field Malone, formerly collector of the'port of New- York, representing the defense, and by Assistant Distriet Attorney Barnes for the government. - ' "A clearing house for nuts", was' a phrase applied to The Masses by -Assistant District Attorney Barnes in his summarizing address. , Eastman was assailed bji Mr. Barnes in his address to the jjury as man without a country who owes no allegiance to any flag save the crim-. so banner of socialism." Photo Engravers Honor Member Entering Army Photo Engravers Union No. 43,' Omaha, gave a smoker last night at the Carlton hotel in honor of William Schmitz who departs with the city's drafted men for Camp Funston today. Brief speeches were made by T. P. Reynolds and T. J. Hiiller of Central j Labor union Patriotic' songs were sung by CarrSmith and L. G. Musk, In honor of Mr. Schmitz the union -will place the jirst star on its service flag- ' , Nevada Over the Top.. .. Reno, Nev., April 25. With sub- -scriptions amounting to $2,660,000 re ported early today, Nevada went over the top on her Liberty Loan allot ment. The state's ouota was $4SA-i 000 . . , - rr