Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1918, Page 13, Image 13
7 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, APK1L 24, 1U18. 13 HiLP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices FIVE Stenographers. $50-15; Bookkeeper, $15 a wk.: f ile Clerk (uptown office), 145. Typist. $60. Co-Operative Reference Co., 10U City Nat'l Bank. feTENOGRAFHERS. J9D. $35, $76. $65, $50. BooKKeepers, Si"". '", iypisc WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Net. Bank. WANTED Office clerk, must be competent at flfur.n. CL'DAHY PKG. CO., 14lh and Jones Sts. Professions and Trades. . 15 GIRLS WANTED TO HELP WIN THE WA$ Canvas wcrk. Power machines. Experience not necessary. Apply Farelady, Thira Floor. ' Scott-Omaha Tent & Awn- n i lllg JU., 1301 HOWARD ST. WANTED MACHINE GIRLS. Nebraska Tent & Awning Co. 1204 Farnam Street. WANTED A lady uwsseuse at the La Belle Bath Institute. 1 5S Harney Doug "046 TWO LADIES to learn halrdresstng. Madame Wllsnn. 1510, Douglas St. "Professions and Trades. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COM PAN Y offers an exceptional opportunity to several bright, well educated young ladies between ages of 17 and 23 to learn LONG DIS TANCE TELEPHONE WORK. This consists of establishment of telephone connections between Omaha and distant points, such as Chicago, New York, Washington, D.. C, New Orleans, La.; Denver, Colo., and San Francisco, Cal. It is. interesting work, the surround ings are congenial, a liberal salary is paid while learning and. ad vancement is rapid. There is an attractive future for those of abili ty. Apply to MISS CARLSON. 656 BRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING. WANTED Young ladies to .learn telephone operating. , Good wages paid while learning rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St. OIRLl GIRLS! Wanted Twenty-fivs girls to work In pack ing department; $9 per week to start. i ITEN BISCUIT CO., 12th and Capitol Ave. WANTED 20 girls, experience on power sewing machines. Experienced operators can earn from $12 to $15 per week. Light, clean, steady work. Two weeks' guaran tee given new beginners. Omaha Auto Top Co., 709-11 South 15th St. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY EB. APPLY 1908 HARNEY ST. PRESS- Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Lady collector , (single), not afraid 'of work or weather. 22 Arlington block, 1 to 6 o'clock. Household and Domestic. . WANTED White girl for general house work In six-room modern, Dundee home; family of three) no general washing! wages satisfactory; a good home for the right girl; references necessary. Call Walnut 1765. WANTED Girl between 25 and 85 years of age for general housework and to care for IS months old baby. Wages $10 per week. Must bo able to take full " charge and' have city references. Call Colfax 2398. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by widower of 4 children, one without children preferred, but would not object to one small child; would rather have young lady; state wages expected. Box 685, St. Edward, Neb. TO THE GIRL who desires to work in a home where good treatment Is extended and wages fairly good, will do, well by calling Harney 4285 or Harney 2268. GOOD experienced maid for. general house work; no washing or Ironing; good wages and permsnent home for the right party; references required. Harney 6344. Ai ANTED A .motherly woman as house , keeper in family of two. Apply to O. E. . P.inhart at Benos, Council Bluffs, for par ticular. WHITE glri for. general housework; no washing or Ironing; wages $9 per week. Fifty-third Ave. and Dodge St. Tel. Wal. , 772. WHITE girl to assist with light housework) small family. Phone or write Mrs. J. J. C.rabow, 4902 Walnut St., Omaha, Neb. WHITE girl td assist with housework: bouse cleaping crime; good wages snd small fam ily. Call Walnut 3686. SOOs Capitol Ave. -WANTED At once, white girl for general housework; no cooking or washing. Tel ephone Harney 4672. 1335 S. 85th Ave. .WANTED An experienced second girl. Ap ply to Mrs. O. Tl Kountze, 3925. pewey (venue. Han.ey 224. WANTED A tiood cook. No laundry or up stairs work, tood wages. 127 N. 32d Ave. Phone Harney 6678. WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework. Mrs. Ralph Peters, 514 . 8. 40th. Harney 205. . GIRL for general house work; reference required: $8 per week. Mrs. F. F. Cald welL 8511 Harney St. Harney 2390, WANTED Dining room girls at County : Hospital, $25.00, room board and washing. Tel. Harney 652. CAPABLE girl for general housework; two s In family. 604 South 36th Street. Har ney 4356. WANTED A girl or woman to do general housework. Call Tyler 1918; ask for Jesse ' Smith. WHITE girl to asstst with ths housework; small family. (008 Capitol Ave. Walnut 3686. V ANTED A nurse maid 16 or 16. referenos , required. 14$ S. 41st. Harney 5728. Saleswomen and Solicitors. i I , VANTED SALESLADIES. J. R. KINNEY SHOE CO., 206-09 NORTH 16TH ST. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED, WAITRESSES. GOOD PAY. SHORT HOURS, EJP CHANGE RE8TAUSANT, UNION STOCK YARDS, ., SOUTH OMAHA. PHONE SOUTH "3d;. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. . Every day It enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, steuotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branchea. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 1655, 18th and Harney 8t. ""Van Sant School of Business! r Day and Evening Schools. iZt Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douslas 6S90. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. If you fall to find the room yon desire among these ads call at The Bee office for it Room List Glvea complete description of vacant room In ail parts of the city. New lists Issued every ween. LARGE desirable room 'facing Turner Park. Beautiful West Farnam district. Walking distance, 11S . Slst Ave. MODERN furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine. 6uS North 13th fit. Reason able rent MODERN furnished rooms at the Sunshine apartments. 608 N 17th St $2.60 per week. NU'E sleeping room, suitable for two; walk ing distance. Pouglas 5707. 5C3"sr:3'il AVE. Nile light modem room. Tyler 22G2-W. PLEASANT clean, airy, well furnished room, modern. 2813 Pods?. Douglas 8990. CLoSk-Ih large, decorated room, to person witn reference. ,-ojo uuuno oi 813 S. 1TH ST. Close-In, two large nicely furnished rooms. SIX rooms, modern bouse. 1046 S. $15 per month. 20th St.; Housekeeping Rooms. LAR6E, nicely furnished three-room suit; also garage; no children. 3026 Pavenport. MODERN, nicely furnished rooms; beauti ful location; no children. Harney 6654. fifouisBK EKPI NuTiuid sleeping rooms, mod ern. 404 N. 16th. Douglas SG44. i Board and Room. 209 S. 33P, THE BRANSFOKD HOTEL Is a new and modern fireproof building, home surroundings, for refined people; select neighborhood: excellent service. Rooms WantedT TWO or ihrec-rooni apartment; or unfur nished rooms. Statu rent. Box 6337, omaha Bee. FOR RENT HOUSES i "West. Potatoes nClper bushel; lots where you can raise ijiein, only $1 down, $1 per ! week. ELMWOOD GARDENS. 517NiJEK7 701 ".North 50th Street, $40.00. 3019 Marcy, 7 rooms modern, $35.00. John N. Frenzer, Douglas DM. 6Tfi7IrrNt liouseT modern except heat. 3620 Dodge St. Call Mr. Browne. Doug- las 2819. CHICK! CHICK: CHICKENS! Uncle Sam says raise them. W hy not in timwooa Gardens? North. 4 LARGE rooms with bath, second floor, $10. Also barn. 2639 j5ewardStTel Red682. 2?02"jIANbERSON. four-room, strictly mod ern, first floor. Colfax 12j. ELMWOOD-GARDEN lots, $1 down, $1 a week. Payne-Slater Co. South. EGGS 60c per dozen. Raise your chickens in Elmwood Gardens. Start today to morrow may be too late. 5-ROOM Cottage. 2470 South 18th St. $12.60 monthly. H. W. Binder, Douglas 1264. Miscellaneous. 2023 GRACE ST., 8-r mod. house, $20. 1816 Corby St., 6-r., pt. mod. house, $17.50. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., 205 S. 18th St. Douglas 7!2. Realtors. v HOUSES ' IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS & CO.. BEE BLDO, LIST your property for rent or sal with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. Tyler 729. Grow westward with ELMWOOD GAR DENS, which adjoins ELMWOOD PARK. Have a garden and some chickens. Shopen A Co.. Rentals. Douglas 4228 FOR RENTAPARTMENTS West. MONTEREYE Apartments, 146 N. 4ta 8t. 6 rooms, $55.00. t rooms, $35.00. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO. HAMILTON API'S., fireproof; fine lawn and flowers during summer; best location, 24th and Farnam. Prices reasonable. Call D. 1472. 215 N. 25TH Duplex flat. 7 rms., $32.60. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1536. "3:1 Securities Bldg. UNFURNISHED apartment, 6 rooms, 4Sth and Dodge. Shown by appointment. Wal nut 1946. North. BEAUTIFUL, strictly modern, four and five room apartments. Sethlow Ter race, 16th and Yates. Webster 932 and Webster 4328. STEAM heated. Near P. O. Low rent, G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. $20, 6-room apartment, 16th and Locust streets. Call at Wolfs store. South 6-ROOM apartment; strictly mcdern; Jani tor service; desirable location. Doug. 6392. Miscellaneous PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists tn Apartment management SUBLEASE, 3-room apartment, with five room accommodations, $36. Call Harney 2580. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty WAREHOUSE SPACE 39,000 square feet of floor space In the American Hand Sewed Shoe company building, northwest corner 12th and Harney Sts. Hydraulic elevator; steam heat and sprinkler system. GEORGE AND COMPANY DOUGLAS 756. FOR RENT One entire floor In the Brom ley bulldinc, about 60x80 ft.; steam heat, water, elevator; also some good rooms. Cheap rent. I. N. HAMMOND, Agent. 210 S. 13th St. FINE new Htore room and basement at 27tn and Leavenwcrth streets. A Steam heat. For particulars see Conrad Young, 822 Brandels Theater Bldg..- Douglas 1671. MODERN store, 16th near P. O. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Low renL Office and Desk Room WHY experiment? Office In Ths Bee Bldg., and know you ate right. Keystone Inv. Co.. Tyler 131. MOVING AND STORAGE TfrnfiT RENTAL SERVICE lTW- A Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart-, meats Also fer storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. JP RTTF'Ti Express Co., Moving, . J. IYUJ-jJ-S packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Wesx 2748. Doug. 6146. METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St. between 15th and 16th. Phone Tyler 3400. Have your moving handled Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the wsy we do It. Ask to see our dally rental lists. FIREPROOF' WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 S. D'.th. ' Douglas 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West A DANDY HOME ST. JOHNS PARLSH. Eight rooms snd bath, oak finish and strictly modern In every respect, choice lot on Boulevard, . near California St. Price only $5,000 $1,000 down. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nut. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. . REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. . BEMIS PARK HOME. 3716 HAWTHORNE. 7 nits, all modern, thot water heat, south front, 50-foot lot, paving ail paid, con venient to car, flue location and close to the new cathedral. This property can be had tor 15.000 on good terms and this price Is less than the actual coat to re produce same. An excellent opportunity for some one to secure a nice home at a bargain price. us show you this property. J, L. HIATT COMPANY QAfi FIRST NATIONAL fUU BANK BLDG. PHONE f?Q TYLER v0 THREE HOMES BEMIS PARK Owner says to cut the price on the three following well located homes In beautiful Betnls park for quick sale: 1013 N. 34th St., 6 rooms. 1220 N. 34th St., 6 rooms. 3421 Lafayette Ave., 6-r. These are all well located and are strictly all modern and not old houses Look them over from the outside and if you are Interested, call us by 'phone, Tyler 60, and we will arrange to show you through the house; $700 cash first pay ment, balance about the same as rent. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St Cottage Home Near Joslyn's 6 rooms, comparatively new, a block from St. Barnabas' church; built by owner now transferred to Chicago. Only $4, $6$. Another one of 6 rooms In this general district for only $7,650 This Is 4260 Douglas St. Owner will show you Inside. HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS, 516 OniRha Nat. Bank. Bldg. Doug. $14. NEARLY NEW SEMI-BUNGALOW. PRICE ONLY $4,650 Seven rooms and bath, oak and white enamel finish, bullt-ln features, dandy run room and sleeping porch. Located on :t dandy lot in the Montclalr addition. A real home for some one. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 dm, Nat. Hank Bldg. Tyler 496. HOOVER says, "FoodWlll Win the War.'1 Start gardening in ELMWOOD GAR DENS. Lots and 1-3 acres. $1.00 DOWN. $1 00 PER WEEK. WEST FARNAM 6-room bungalow, all modern, lot 50x128, fine shads trees. Pries $3,500. C. A. Orlmmal. Phone D. 1615. WEST FARNAM ST. At 819 N. 88th Avs., modern stucco for $6,500. Cost to dupli cate $8,600 or more. Doug. 2947. North. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW $300 DOWN AND $30 A MONTH Five rooms, strictly modern bungalow, located In Miller Park dlstrlot; oak floors tnd oak finish In living room and dining room; colonnade openings; bullt-ln fea tures In kitchen; two large bedrooms and bath; full basement, furnace heat; large corner lot. Price of this property, $8,600. Bargain. Payne Investment Co. 6J7 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1T81. Walnut Hill Home Six rooms, modern, on large lot at 4611 Lafayette Ave., occupied by owner. Place for garden and poultry. $3,000 on pay ment plan. HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS, 916 Omaha National Bank Building. 5 ROOMS MODERN Near 45th and Wirt Sts. Nearly new. This will, be -acant by April 20. Oak finish, built-in seat; very nice fixtures and nicely decorated. Full basement, $3,150 on easy terms. A very liberal discount for cash. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. Evenings Wal nut 3672. HASTING & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney 8t. DANDY COTTAGE BARGAIN PRICE ONLY $2,100. Five rooms and bath, parti modern, choice south front lot, 42x142 feet. $300 down and $20 per month. Near 24th and Larlmore Ave. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. One of the Best Bungalows on the Nort Side. Five rooms and bath, beamed ceilings, fireplace, choice oak finish, full basement, good attic, choice south front lot, with paving all paid; one block to car. Price la $4,360 and Is euro worth the money. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701 om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. 4 ROOMS 2 LOTS Have a four-room house, In good repair, which I will sell on easy payments.1 Has city water and electric lights. Phone Douglas 3628. TO HOME SEEKERS We have a choice personally selected list of cottagris, bungalows and houses In the north part of the city for sale. Free auto service to bona fids homeseekers with $300 or mors In cash. Mltoholl In vestment Co. 24th and Ames. Colfax 217. HOUSE AND GARAGE, $3,500 Square style, rooms and bath, all modern, nice garage, large lot, paving paid, near 16th and Evans Sts.; $850 cash, balance monthly. TEBBENS, THE REALTOR 605 Omaha Nat. Bk. Thone D. 2182. KOUNTZE PLACE Modern t-roora bouse, full basement, iarge lot. close to oar. Price 63,860 Norrls A Norrls. D, 4$7fl. DAYLIGHT saving gives you plently of tlmt to work In your gardens.- ELMWOOD GARDENS. MINNS LU8A homes and lota offer the best opportunity to invest yoor money. Phone Tyler 187 South HANSCOM PARK COTTAGE A comparatively new horns of ( rooms, all modern, on large lot, with good old forest trees In ths yard; well paved street and good surroundings. There ars 4 rooms downstairs, two rooms and bath upstairs. It Is substantial and homelike. Owner leaving the city, will sell at $8,000. Can be shown by appointment. , HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS, 916 Omaha Nat. Bank. Bldg. Dong. Ill $1.00 Down. II 00 per Week, START YOUR WAR GARDEN IN ELMWOOD GARDENS. Miscellaneous. 5-It. BUNGALOW, oak finish and hot water beat, nlco lot. for 82.500. , W. Jl. O'TES. 617 Omaha Nat Bk, Bldg. Doug. 12H. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. BUNGALOW. New, 5-room stucco; oak finish: nicely decorated; fine location: rear car line. Prtfe, $4,000. Terms. $600 cash, balance monthly BENSON & CARM1C11AEL. 64! Paxton Illk WF A R N A M 8 M IT H Co!. Real Estate and Insuiance IMS Fnrnsm St ""in 104 REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty WE WII.L buy your home or business property and pay rash. H. A. WOLF CO.. Elertrto Bldg. Tyler 55. BUSINESS property and investments A. P. TL'KEY and SON. . 620 First National Hank Bldg. M'CAGL'E INVESTMENT CO., Income. Business and Trackage Specialist. 16th, and Dodge Jilt Douglas 415. REAL ESTATE -Investment REAL estate. Investment, house and lots. WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Realtors. Douglas 6342 Sun Theater Hldg. PLANT W A II GAKIENS IN ELM WOOD GARDENS. REAL ESTATETo Exchange FOR SALE OR TRADE For clean slock of general niercnanuie, imiunnic iri ntii'ii; ment stock, 320 acres in Edmunds county. South Dakota. A very fine farm; 100 per cent tillable; lies practically level; casn price, $60 per acre; will carry back $7,500 or pay difference In cash. For further information, write Russell & Llndgreu Co Aberdeen, S. D. WILL trade or sell three Ki'ctions In Weld county. Colo. Will take clear property or encumbered property with some rssh. Minneapolis Rental Co., 305 Palace Hldg., Minneapolis. Minn. 7-ROOM house, modern except heat. Cash value $2,600, will trade for houso In Aberdeen, S. D. O. A. Krlandsun, Het tinger, N. D. WILL take touring car worth $1,600 on 160 acres near Gordon, Sheridan t'o. : laud mostly good black loam: act quickly. D. 1472. GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eastern Neb. farm. Mr. Pease. ?U Bran Th Bldg CLEAR 160-A. unimproved Jones Co.. 8. D., for clear modern house. Seward Broa., 678 Brandels Bldg Douglas S840 PLANT your grapo vines In ELMWOOD GARDENS, On 'i-Acre Tracts. REAL ESTATE Unimproved ELMWOOD GARDEN LOTS. $1 DOWN, $1 A WEEK. PAYNE K- SLATER CO West. HOOVERIZE by buying In ELMWOOD GARDENS. Bring your dollar. It starts you. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN DUNDEE BUNGALOW Nearly new 6 room, all modern bunga low, only two blocks from Dundee ear. Oak finish In two rooms. Full lot. Garage. Pries $4,600. Terms. THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Doug. 297. 212 K. 17th. HIGH and sightly Dundee lots. $876 to $1,150. Essy terms, loans arranged for building purposes. Phone D. 6074, Shuler A Cary. Realtors Benson. DUNDEE SPECIAL IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $5,150 I rooms, modem, oak floors through out; living room, dining room, kitchen and den on the first floor. Including fireplace and bullt-ln bookcases, 4 large bedrooms on the second floor ono a heated sleeping porch; tllo bath, linen closet; one large bedroom on the third floor, heated lavatory. Full cemented basement, good furnace; extra toilet. Full size lot, convenient to car. This will be sold Monday without fall. Terms. GLOVER & SPAIN Douglas 3962. 919-20 City Nattonal. FINE"CORNER ACRE PLOWED 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $275 Down $28.75 Month. In Benson Gardens, one block from Jit ney route and paved road. Furnace, elec trlo lights, well; ground all plowed for crops. Move out on this sere farm, raise what you eat. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Clark. HASTING HEYDEN. 1614 Harney tt. BENSON GARDEN HOME. B-room oak finish all mod. home; lot 86x142; one block from paved street, on Military Ave., for quick sale; $2,260; about $200 cash, balance monthly. See us about this quick. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. Dundee. NEW DUNDEE OAK BUNGALOW 6 rooms on one floor; bookcases, colonnades, sun room; $3,850; only $360 cash, $35 mo. Call days Doug. 8140. Acreage. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. Beautiful corner lot, 42d and Burt streets, paved. An excellent location for contractor or as sn Investment. On ac count of draft must sell. See Mr. Nolot, Fontenelle hotel. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH OR FARM. Widow has 8 five-room bouses, one 7 room, modern house, one 8 -room modern house and 2 modern store-buildings- sll well rented, cm paved streets, close to car lines In Omaha; also $20,000 first mortgages; prices are right and property In first olass condition. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 219 City National Bank Building. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. WISH to buy 6 or 7-room modern house, Hanscom lark; West Farnam or Dundee district preferred. Give description, loca tion, lowest price for cash. Box 4286, Bee. LIST your property with JOHN J. MULVIHILL. 200 Brsndets Theater Bldg. Phons D. 88 MEET me at F D. Weed's Office FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MAY 6TH. Our next excursion to McGehee. Ark. W. 8. FRANK, 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. ONE to twelve sections eastern Colorado ranch. Artesian wells, good ranch build ings, railroad station on land; electric power lino through land; five miles from large city. Will sell In tracts of 160 acres or more. Price $35 per acre. Terms, $5 per acre cash, balance ten annual pay ments 6 per cent. AVII1 consider part cash and trade. Also 5,000 acres of dry farming land I" Crowley county. Colorado, $15 per acre; also New Mexico 60,000-acre ranch, with water rights for 7.000 acres. Address B. H. Tallmadge, Pueblo, Colo. COLORADO offers great opportunities for farmers of moderate' means to secure farm homes on very easy terms. Inform us location desired. For free book and map and special railroad rates write Floyd C. Tallmadge, Colonisation Agent Kans.-CMo. Ry Co., First National Bank Bldg.. Pueblo. Colo. COLORADO LANDS I own knd control 26.000 seres In Cheyenne and Lincoln counties, Colorado. Easy terms. W. J. MORE!! ART. Mankato, Minn. FIFTY QUARTERS eastern ColoradoTan5 for sale from $10 per acre up. Write Henry Hummels, Lincoln, Neb Colorado Lands. LISTEN Old residents who refused to pay $1.26 acre for Eastern Colorado lend 10 years ago are paying $10 to $25 now; Ne braska snd Iowa parties buying largely sine they found could save commissions by buying direct from W. S. Pershing, ex mayor of Llmon, Colo; 1.200 acres sold Ns braaka snd Iowa parties Isst week Minnesota Lands. YOU'LL DO SO MUCH BETTER dealing with a company like ours, that owns the lands It sells, especially a Railroad Company, Interested In getting settlers located along its lines. There Is every reason why we should help you In selec tion, price and terms. Let me write yon. Arnold. Com'r.. II. h 7 R. Railway Co., 607 Wolvin Bldg.. tiuluth, Minn FARM AND RANCH LANDS Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $2.50 cash and $2.60 monthly; no In terest or taxes. Also an Interest In our great development project which within the next few months should psy you ons hundred dollsrs for every dollar you In vest. Highly productive land, close to three big markets; photographs and full Information free. Ml'NGEK. H. $17. N. Y. Life Hldg., Kansas City, Mo. Nebraska Lands NEBRASKA RANCH For Sale or Exchange 1 K0 acres In return! Nebraska. 610 fl'Tfs loiuvd. 3 -room house, burn for 2 horses with hanto: 2 mlU. 1 windmill about 1 OK acres cultivated: S50 acres cut for bay balance well grossed pasture (no bunch grass k Price $15.50 per acre. Owner will take land or Omaha property for ' anil a mortgage back for balance, or will trade for eastern Nebraska farm, convey land clear and pay cash differ ence not over $10,000. Describe property offered tn your first letter. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 4(i-H Keellne Bldg. Douglas 690. (OK SALE Best large body high-grade, medium-priced land In Nsbraaka. Very little money required. C. B adley. Wol bach. Neb nT;kaska farm lands are sure INVESTMENTS. For best lands at best prices write Geo. Antlll. Blair, Neb. WHITE me" for plcTures and prices my farms and ranches In good Old Dawes County. A rah L. Hunaerford. Crawford. Neb RANCHES of all slses and kinds, ess; terms. A. K. Patsman.J01KarbachBJk. WE piow vour garden FREE It you buy in ELMWOOD GARDENS. CHiiicK F"AltM"s7'NTlsoi. 422 Rose Bldg. New York Lands. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, giving descrip tions, terms, prices, etc., on hundreds of farms for sale: free for the asking Square Deal Realty Co., 43 The Florenvc. Syra cuse, N. Y.. T. 'Black, mgr. South Dakota Lands. FOR .SALE OR TRADE For smaller faun or may trade for clean stock of general merchandise, hardware or Implement stouk. one square section Brown county, South Dakota, farm; very highly Im proved; 100 acres under cultivation, bal ance In hay and pasture; all tillable; over $7,000 new buildings. Cash price $100 per acre. Will carry back $26,000 on land or pay difference In fash. Writs Russell & I.lndgren Co., Aberdeen, S. D. Wisconsin Lands. OWN a farm. We have soma of the choicest land In the heart of ths very best sec tion of the Clover Belt of Central Wis consin. Low prices. Easy terms. Write for booklet and map. John 8. Owen Lumber Co.. I wen. Clark County. Wis. Wyoming Lands. WH KATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per a.. Including paid-up Vater rights. Henry Levi & C M. Rylander. 864 Omaha Nat'l FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep It. E. P. ENOWDEN A SON, 42S 8. Douglas 9371. WANTEL --20,000 acres of Kimball and Banner county land. Must be first-class farm land, lrnprovod or unimproved. Ad dress Box Y 467, Omaha Bee. WE have clients who wlYl pay cash for bar gains In western land. Whits & Hoover, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Horses Live Stock Vehicles BBAUTIFUL team mures and horse, dapple gray and cream, silver mans and tall, 6 and 7-year-old, 2,800 " pounds, will sell at great sacrifice for cash. I am unable to care for them. Mrs. Hhears, 2408 Jones St., one block north -1th and Leaven worth. WILL buy honest pair farm mares, 7 years old, 2,700 pounds; true workers and sound. MuBt sell as I have no further use for them. Also 1,300-pound dapple gray mare. 2212 Douglas. BARGAIN FOR CASH 1,200-lb., 6-year-old dapple gray mare, not city broke, will sell reasonable to farmer, also chunky built horse, harness and wagon, suitable fnrgardner.817 8. 23dSt. FOR SALE Young registered Hoisteln bulls of high class. Price right. E. O. Goodlax son, Kimball, S. D. FOR SALE 20 llolstuln cows and hnlfera. Apply F. C. Bliss, 254 Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. POULTRY AND PET STOCK BUFF OrphliiKtun eggs. $1 a Thoroughbred stork. Red 6300. setting. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. TA PER CENT INTEREST. First farm debentures, amply secured, convertible as payment on land or Indi vidual mortgages, at purchaser's option, denominations $100, $500, $1,000 snd up. HARLEY J. HOOKER, 940 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. WIS want 100 mortgages on Omaha resi dences; funds on hand for quirk closing. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 538-40 Keellne Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OR MORE. Ons dollar starts n account. OMAHA LOAN A BLDG ASSOCIATION LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. AL FARM LOANS, CI VI O'OO PAUL PETERSON. O 72 " 164 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDO. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1716. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, 6 and 6 Per Cent. 3. H. DUMONT Co.. Keellne Bldg. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERO. 312 Bran jlels Theater Bldg. D. 686. KC1 MONEY ? CI Of "72 HARRISON & MORTON, O 72 1 919 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. 3100 to 310,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY ranchei to loan i. Klnke on Improved farms and Investment Co., Omaha. Private Money. 8HOPEN A COMPANY. Douglas 4228. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Business Men of Omaha, FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security, $40, 6. mo., H. goods, total, $3.60. Smaller, larger am'ts proportionate rats, 432 Securities Bldg.. 16th. Farnam. Ty, 666. loans or diamonds and jewelry. 1 Vf SMALLER LOANS OO A O w. C. Fl.ATAU, EST. 1893. O 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDO. TY. 960. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS.. Lowest rates. Private loan booths, Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. 6619. Est. 1891 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Bridget Lynch to Mary Devlne, north west corner Twentieth and Dorcas streets, 100x150 1 1 Julia H. Benils to Mary I. France, southeast corner Fourteenth end Capitol avenue, 66x60 0.000 John T. Murray and wife to Solomon Kiits et al, Twinty-flf'h slreet. 100 feet south of Q street east side. 50x160 1.300 August Jourdan and wife to William K. Klvis. X street, 2"0 f-ct north of Twenty-sixth street, south side. 50x128 100 Allen K. Covert to Howard Harvey Co vert et al. northwest corner Thir tieth and MrKlnleyi 66x132 2,500 Charles Ledd Thomas to Barker com pany. Eleventh street, 160 feet north of Browne street, west side, , 100x125 75 Charles Ladd Tbomes to Barker com pany, Ellison avenue, 200 feet w.t of Thirteenth street, south side 80x128 60 Emma M. Knapp and husband to Louis B. Washington, Mspts street, 160 feet west of Twenty-fifth street, south side, 25x120 1,400 Roy M. Keller and wife to Jennie Santa Luca, Spencer street, 100 feet west of Twenty-first street, south side. 60x124 31,500 Minnie Frlsh snd husband to Michael Gosls. W street, 80 feet west of Thlrtv-fourth street, , north side. 48sK i 441 GRAIN ANDPRODOCE Receipts Light, Totaling 105 Cars; Demand for Corn Slow; Oats Strorg and Active. Omaha, April 23. ISIS. Receipts of grain in tho local market were very ll.lit totaling only 105 rsrs. Whest recetpls were 10 cars: corn, 61 cars; oats, 41! cars, and barley, one ear. The spot demand for corn was rather slow. The first sales were made at practi cally unchanged prices, while some of the better classes sold later on at sn advance of 2c. The bulk was generally unchanged to le up. Late strength In tho nearly option caused many sellers to bold off. oats were decidedly stronger and In active demand. hucrs taking this cereal readily. Spot quotations were generally 181'c high er. No. 2 while sold at 87Hc and standard oats at 87WS7SC. No. 3 white brought 87c, while (he sample (trade went at S44i'84Vo. liye was nominally unchanged and barley allghlly stronger. No. 3 and No. 4 barley sold at $1.62m'1.4!, respectively. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to I'T.OOO bu.: oats, 746,000 bu. Primary wheat rocelpts were 1 S3, 000 bu. and shipments 67.000 bu., against receipts of 810.000 bu. and shipments of 774.000 bu. I, st year. Primary corn receipts were JSS.OOft. bu. snd shipments 611,000 bu., against receipts of 684.000 bu, and shipments of 743,000 bu. Isst year. Primary oats receipts were 1. $89,000 bu. and shipments 1,146,000 bu , against receipts of S99.000 bu. and shipments of 1.7:6,000 bu. Isst year. CARLOT RECEIPTS Wheat. Corn. Oats. ChiiSKO 14 306 331 Minneapolis 103 Duluth 4 Omaha 1 Kansas City 7 St Louis 13 61 43 46 10 s: 85 Winnipeg 326 ., These sales were reported today: Corn No. S white, 3-i car. $1.724 No. 4 white. 6 cars. $1.70, No. 6 white. H oar, $1.60; No, 6 while, 2 cars, $1.65; 1 car. $1.64: 1 car. $1.62; 1 car. $1.60; No. 3 yellow, 1 car, $1.66; No. 4 yellow, S-5 car $1.69; 1 ear. $1.51; No. 6 yellow, 1 car, $1 40; 1 car, l 38; No. 3 mixed, 3 cara, $1.63; 1 car, $1.62 No. 4 mixed, t car, $1.58; No. mixed, 1 car. $1.38 sample mixed, 8 cars, $1.05; 2 cars 9; 1 car, 80c. Oats No. 3 ulilte. 1 car. 874c; standard, 1 car, 3 cars, sic; No, 8 white, 8 cars, 87a; sample whits, 4 cara. 84i; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, P6V4o, Barley No. 3, t car, $16!; No, 4 t cars, $1.42. Whest No. 1 hard winter 1 bulkhead. $2.16: No. 2 soft white. 1 car,' $2.10. Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 8 white. $1.7!; No. 4 white. $1.70; No. 6 white, $1.60; No. 6 white, $1.6091.66; No. 2 yellow. $1.66; No. 4 yellow, $l.88tfl.59; No. 5 yellow, $1.60; No. 6 yellow. $1.3,81.40; No. 2 mixed, $1.64: No. 3 mixed. $1.62 1.63 ; No, 4 Mixed, $1.58; No. 6 mixed, $1.60; No. 6 mixed, $1.38; sam ple mixed, 80oijj'$l.85. Oats: No. $ white, 87Hc; standard, 8767Vic; No. 3 white, 87c; sample. St.jjSl'.c. Barley: No. 8, $1.62; No 4, $1.42. Chicago closing prices, furnished Tho Bes by Logan A Bryan, stock snd grain brokers, 816 South Nlxleenth street. Omaha: ArtTcleoliTnn'HTghn'iwTTToss lYest. Corn. 1 II I May 1 27'.s 1 27Vl27H 1 J74127' July 1 47VI I 1S H0V1 '.nH!M7 Oats. I i I May R4fl'S41 85 R3I04T4 Iff 4 83 84 duly 74'u;74',sj 76 Vt 73. ,74 f 731 Pork I May 47 20 i 47 45 147 2 47 45 47 10 Lard I May 24 80 25 15 '24 77 15 16 21 76 July 25 03 26 60 25 02 26 47 26 06 Ribs. May 22 92 23 37 22 87 23 26 22 11 July 23 37 23 77 23 37 28 77 23 $7 CHICAGO GRAIN AND I'ROVIMONS. Cancellation of Embargo on Kastbounil drain Shipments Cunse Advance In Corn, Chicago 111., April 23, Announcement that tho rnsrse grain division of the food administration would recommend cancelling ths embargo on easthouud shipments of grain led to a sharp advance today In the value of corn. Prices closed strung. 9 , . - n ... . i i. i . ,.. 1 n 7 i v IU 7V- l,K- msnei , Willi .,i 7 T y.. and July 81.49 to $1.49. Oat gained,; ti to lit. and provisions 16 to 47 If 50c. Prospects of the embargo removal more than offset everything bearish regarding corn. As a result, prices scored a swift advance after a decline which had followed the opening. The transient weakness was li rgely due to ths continued liberal re lelpls, and to unfounded reports that Ar gentine corn could he laid down In New York at $1.40 a bushel. Subsequently, however, smallness of rural notices of con signments iitlniited aVteiitlnn, and so loo did briskness of industrial demand. Then came the robust development of strength which followed word that the end of the embargo seemed certain. Activity on the part of New York and Boston export Interests had much to do with the upward swing of ths oats market Besides, Indications pointed to wet, cold weather, unfavorable for the best develop. ment of the rrop. Liberal exports and the fact that lard shipments were materially In excess of last year hoisted provisions. In later dealings, the market scored s further advance owing to liberal exports and to tits fact that shipments of lard were materially In excess of Inst years figures. New York General Market. New York. April 23. Flour unsettled; spring. $10.760111.25; winters, $10.85011.15; Ksnsas $10.90 11 25. Corn Spot, steady; kiln dried No. 8 yel low, $1.65; No. 4 yellow, $1.60; No. I white, $1.65; cost and freight. New York, prompt shipment. oats Spot, firm; natural, 8SKW96o. Hay Quiet; No. 1, nominal: No. 2, $1.50; No. 3, $1 .1001.20; shipping. 90095c. Hogs Steady; slate medium to choice, 1917, 35fgi43c; 1916 nominal; Pacific coast, 1917. 20i23o; 1916, MfylOo. x Hides Firm; Bogota and Central Ameri can, S334o. Leather Firm: hemlock snd ovsrwelghti No. 1. 47c; No. 2, 46c. Pork Steady; mess, $51.0054.00; family, $58.00fl66.00; short clear, $41.00 66 CO. , Lard Strong; middle west, fjs.suij 26.70. Tallow Quiet; city special loose, 18e. Wool Stendy; domestic fleece XXXX Ohio, 66ifj66c. Rice Firm; fancy head, IJ9c; blue rose, 84f8c, New York Produce. New York, April 13. Butter Market steady; receipts, 10,656 tubs; creamery higher than extras, 444i46c: creamery ex tras (92 score), 44c; firsts, 4l(S43c; packing stock, current make, No. 1, 32 (ji33c Eggs Market steady; receipts. 44,273 cases; fresh gathered extras, 38Q38c; storage packed firsts. 3637c; storage, regular packed, extra firsts, 36 37c; storage, firsts, 84 11,36c. Cheese Market steady; receipts, 8,603 boxes; stats held specials, 2426o do, sverage run, 2324c; do, fresh specials, 23c; do, average run. S2&22c. Poultry Alive, firm; old roosters, 27c; young roosters and smooth legged chickens, 35c; turkeys, 20c; fowls. 36c. Dressed, quiet; prices unchanged. Coffee Market. New York. April 23. Spot coffee, easier; Rio 7s, 8 V; Santos 4s, 11c. Few fresh offers were reported In the cost and. freight mar kei, Nulcs o coffee for shipment on the stearer allotted by the government to Ntw Orleans are reported at prices ranging from 9i,c to 9c for Santos 4s, Londn credits. The capacity of this steamer Is about 50,000 bags and It was roeprted this afternoon the full allotment has been sold and that the steamer will sail within 60 days. The offi cial cables reported clearances of 109,000 baits from Santos for New York. Mllrels pri-'S were unchanged at Rio and in the Santos spot market with Santos futures un changed to 25 rels lower. Brazilian port re-t-lpts, 25,000 bags. s F.vitpiintted Apples and Dried Fruits. New York April 13. Evaporated apples. Callfornlns 14 p 15c;-state, t516'c. Prunes, firm; Callfornlas, 714c; Ore. gone, 12ai4ic. Apricots, steady; choice, 17c; extra choice. !; fancy, 19 20c. Peaches, steady; standsrd, llllic: choice, 12 14c; fancy, 13 3 14c. Raisins, quiet; loose muscatels 9 9ic: choice to fancy seeded, 10 5? 11c; seedless, 88c; London layrs, $2.00. New York Dry (foods Market. New York, April 23. Cotton goods and wool goods primary markets here today were dominated largely by the government restrictions and demands and trading at first hand was limited except for Red Cross and government purposes. It- was very large In that respect. Raw silk was higher. New York Bogar. New York, April 23. Sugar Raw, mar ket steady; centrifugal, 6 006c; fine granu lated, 7.43c' NEW YORK STOCKS '- Bullish Tendency Early in Day Gives Way to Drive by Short Interests; Industrials Sell Doyvn. New York April 23. The strength of rails gave promise at the opening of to day's stock market of general Improvement but this proved of brief duration, ths entire list, coppers excepted, later revers ing Its course on steady offerings of lesd ers, especially Industrials. Gains In the metal group and a few spectaltlea were retained In par. but elsewhere pools aban doned their bullish tactics. The lull In ths war, disturbing conditions tn Mexico and several unfavjruhlo statements of earning discouraged public Interest. Incidentally furnishing the shorts with fresh ammunl- -Hon. . , ;V Dealings were on a reduction scale, such i Issues as dlstllUrs securities inspiration and Anaronda Ccppers. Studebaker, Baldwliv ij locomotive and Central Leather contrlbut- ' Ing largely to he turnover. Central Leather made an extreme decline of 4ty points following publication of Its quarterly re port disclosing an enormous shrinkage In earnings and Nevada consolidated coppers' annual report was likewise disappointing. . Persistent pressure against United States Steel, at an extreme loss of a point was " potent factor In the reaction. Offerings of steel were largtst on ths decllns and af fected related issues to sn equal or greater extent. Final prices were at lowest quo tations in th' main. Sales amounted to . 460.000 shares. Bonds were firmer on ths whole than v the stock list, although Liberty Issues varied. French municipals wers aotlvs and strong but Tuklo 6a yielded Hi points. I Total sales (par value) aggregated $5,150, 000. U. B. bonds (old Issuss) wars unchanged on call, registered 4s advancing; c on sales. Number of sales and quotations on leading , stocks: Closing Skies. 600 . 8,600 3.400 1,000 4,700 High. 74 44V. ;9vt 6$Vi 78 Low, Bid, Am. Beet Sugar. . 11 78 H 6414 71 3 H UK iM 77 American Can..., Am. Car & Fndry. Am. Locomotive . Am. 8. & Refng. 76 H Am. Sugar Refng.. 700 105 104 104 Am. Tel. A Tel.... 1300 100 iS'lt '18 83 11 108 . , 11 10 . 11 111 66 (6 17 1 " 19 43 40 66 19 49 14 Am. 2., Lead at S.. 200 14 Anaconda Copper.. 17,600 $5 Atchison 400 88 61 MVi A. O. W. 8. L. Baltimore A Ohio.. i.loo 3,400 400 6$ 14 :ih 6Vs TH 1$ Butts V Sup. Cop. Cal. Petroleum.... Canadian Pacific. 1,000 13814 188 Contral Leather... 88,900 70 H 86 Chesapeake A Ohio 11.300 $64 US 66 1 C, M. ft St. Paul 1.600 Chicago ft N. W C, R. I, A P. otfs. 700 nv. 424 m I7s 07 18 19 48 40 164 86 19 48 Chlno Copper 900 Colo. Fuel A Iron. 800 Corn Prod. Refng.. 7.800 Crucible Steel 8,000 Cub Cans Sugar.. 1,000 Distillers' Security. 16,600 60. 16 Erie 1,000 14 General Electrte (00 141 140 141 -1,100 111 111 113 400 88 18 11 . General Motors.. Ot. N, pfd Ot. N. Ors ctfs.. 3,900 t 11 19 15 12 18 16. 16 - 11 112 15 94 28 11 . 67 . 63 S8 103 18 28 43 63 24 31 61 Illinois Central.. Inspiration Copper. 12,600 61 89 80 Int. M. M. pfd.... 1,800 Intsr. Nickel 1.100 18 18 Inter. Paper 1,800 !7r" 16 16 16 11 II K. C. Southern..., 800 Kennscott Copper,, 1,600 Louis. A Nash .xwell Motors Mex. Petroleum.... 13.400 18 " . 21 'l8 9 14 1 11 'ii 61 Miami Copper 600 Missouri Pacific... 1,300 Montana Power Nevada Copper, ,. 1,400 N. Y. Central 100 N. Y.. N. H. A H Norfolk A West Northern Pacific. 800 Pacific Mall 200 84 10 44 86H 88 81 84 13 29 41 11 81 ii Pennsylvania 1,000 Pittsburgh Coal ,. Ray Con. Copper.. 2,700 Reading 11.100 Hep. Iron A Hteel. 8,100 Shat. Arts. Copper Southern Pacific. 8.800 Studebaker Corp.. 13,000 18 88 38 86 3 Texas Co 800 147 146 14$ Union raolflo 1,100 120 118 111 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 6.800 121 135 , 126 8. Steel 62,600 86 14 94 ' 200 110 110 now 1,400 81 60 80 300 14 11 3 40 If, B. Steel pfd.... Utah Copper...... Western Union...., Wostlngh. Electric. , New York Money. 1 New York, April 11. Mercantile paper Four and six months, 6 per cent. t Stnrllng. slxiy-dsy bills, $4.72; com mercial sixty-day bills on banks $4.7.'; V commercial sixty-day bills. $4.71; demand,"' $4,75 7-16: cables, $4,76 7-16, - Silver Bar, demands, 990( Mexican ' dollsrs, 77c. Bonds Government, Irregular; railroad, firm. Time loans Market steady; sixty days, 6ifr! per cent; ninety - days and six months, 6 06 per cent. Call money Market weaker; high, 1; ' low, 2; ruling rate, 6; closing bid, 1;'' offered at 2: laat loan, 3. U. S. 2s. reg.. 07 at. N. 1st 4s. 11 1 do coupon... 97 III. Cent. ref. 4s 71 . U. 8. 3s, reg.. 91 Int. M. M. 6s.... 11 do coupon.... 89 !. C. 8. ref. 6s 77 U. U. Lib. 3s. 99 U A N. unl. 4s. 11 U. 8. 4s. reg. ..106 M. K. A T 1st 4s 61 ; do coupon... .106 Mo, Pao. gen, 4s 67 Am. For. Sec. 6s 16 Mont. Power 5s 11 ' A. T. A T. clt. 6 92 N. T. C. deb Is 11 Anglo-French 6s. I0N. Pacific 4s.;. 80 Armour A Co 4s 84 do Is 66 Atchison gen. 4s. 67 0. S. L. rsf. 4s. 83 Bal. A O. ov 4s 78 Pao. T. A T. (s. $ . Beth. St. r. 6s 61 Penn. eon. 4s. 16 Cent. Leather 6s 14 do gen. 4s.. 89' Cent. Pao. 1st. 71 Reeding gsn. 4s. It Ches. A O. e. 6s. 79S. L, A V a 61 C. B. A Q. J. 4s 9lS. Pao. cv. 6s... 92 CMASPo.4s 718. Railway is. 11 C. R. I. A P. r. . 4s .65 'Tel. A Pao. 1st 84 Colo. A 8. r. 4s 70Unloa Paclflo 4s. 18 . D. A R. O. ret. 6s 48 U. 8. Robber Is.. 78 , P. of C. 5s, 1911 11 U. B. Btssl 6s.. 17 Erie gen. 4s , 61 Wabash 1st..... 12 1 U. 8. 1st 4s.....6.70French gov't 4i 16 U. S. Lib. Id 4s.98.7l Bid. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts continue heavy on prairie hi?, but lighter on alfalfa. Demand vary quiet, causing market to b la a weak eondltton and prices lowsr 00 all grades of pralri hay. t " Pralrls HaV Choice upland, 317.00;. No. 1 upland, 316.00016.00; No. 1 upland, $10.00 ' O14.00; No. 1 upland, $5.0001.00; No. 1 " mlldland, $15.0016.0O: No, 1, midland, $10.00014.00: No. 1 lowland, $10.00011.00; ' No. 1 lowland, $7.0001.00; No. I lowland. $4.0006.00. Alfalfa Cholc. $21.00; No. 1, 111.00 19.00; standard, $13.00017.00; No. 1, $10.00.'. 12.00; No. I, $7.6O10.00. t, Oat straw, $6.007.60. Wheat straw. $8. 00O010. Chicago Produce. t Chicago, April 11. Butter Unchanged f Eggs 1,0 we r; receipts, 46,665 cases; firsts, 33334c; ordinary firsts, 32 0 31c; at mark,, cases Included, 82033c. Potatoes Lower; receipts, (7 oars; Wis consin, Michigan and Minnesota, bulk, $1.11 tfl .10: do, sacks, 11.26 01.35. Poultry Alive, steady; fowls, 28c. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., April 23. Corn No. I mixed, $1.8401. 17: No. 2 white. $l.721.77c No. 2 yellow, $1.660168; May, $1.27; July. $1.52. Oats No. 2 white, 86$6c; No. 1 mixed, 83&84c. ."' , Ht. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Mo., April 23. Corn No. t, $1.70: No. 2 white, $1.7601-76; June, $1.60, nominal; July, $1.60 bid. Oats No. 2 85c: No. 3 white, 8t!of May. 85c; July, 75o bid. London Money. London, April 23 Money 2 per eenv ; Discount Hales Short bills. 3 per centjj"' 1 three months' bills, 3 9-16 per cent. i-.cvs Silver liar. 40d per ounce ' ' ' '7'? , ;:i-. ; :::iL!:i ,,ir .t.u,:'.,...!! :iilN:':l!l':i!MHI.rilim OIL INVESTORS Investigate before buying stock. The Oil Man. an illustrated bi-monthly paper, contains much valuable infor mation. All fields. Correct quota tions. Don't buy or sell any oil stoek until you writs for confidential re port, correct price and sample copy f The Oil Man, all mailed free. YOU CAN SHARE IN oil profits without buying oil stock or depending upon corporate manage- ment A recent Issue of The Oil Man fells all about Oil Royalties, soms of : them now paying 5 per month on your money, and sending out dividend checks twice every month. Send tot The Oil Man today. Annual sub scription one dollar. Three months' trial ten eents. Sample eegry tMe. Address The Oft Man, 101 GflWtta Bldg.. Tulsa. Okla. MllillllllW!l S1 a-1 I 1 1 3- , SSiislt !:- . f-c, .-'.Mr - li m -V- sat-"" WW"