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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1918)
A' ' SiEtiitfkDAii' Bee PART ONE ; NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 12 " THE WEATHER " Unsettled VOL. XLVH NO. 263. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 20, . 191824 PAGES On Trtlm, it Hottli. Newt 8tdi. Etc.. to. SINGLE CJPY TWO CENTS- lilJLb 1 Cl . , 2 :,- ? DEFEAT OF HUN DRIVE FORESEEN Washington Expects General . Foch Soon to Launch Counter Offensive That May Bring Allies Great Victory. (By Associated Trt.) Washington, April 19. Events on, the western battle front are shaping themselves, officers here believe, not only for defeat of the German drive, but for a counter offensive by General Foch's armies that may open the road to an allied military victory. A wave of optimism swept today over not only American officials, but also the military men of the allied missions in Washington. Some of them think it will be some days yet before General Foch can complete his troop dispositions 4or a great thrust at the enemy, but others look for word that he has struck at any time. 1 NEWS IS CHEERING. The news from the battle front was distinctly cheering. The British lines in the hard-stricken Flanders front were holding firmly. French rein forcements had arrived there, making practically certain that the German drive toward the channel ports from that direction has been defeated. At the same time official announce ment came from Rome that Italian troops were already pouring into France to share in the crucial struggle there. This added to the optimism, for it mfans that the fighting men of France, Italy, Great Britain, America, Belgium, Portugal and the Russian units are being masked under one leader for a "mighty blow when the time -comes. Troops to Push Over Seas. There were many indications today of increased pressure toward getting American troops over seas in time to share fully in the battles this summer on which may rest the final issue. , Secretary Baker conferred for sev- :ral hours with President Wilson, the regular cabinet meeting being can celled to clear the way for the con ference which had to do with both immediate and future steps for ac celerating American participation in the struggle. At his office later Mr. Baker was in conference with Lord Reading, British ambassador. The -subject of their conversation concerned expedit ing the movement of American troops to the theater of war. As to plans for expediting war preparations on this side, Mr. Baker would make no conrmcnt. May Give Ford New Post. The report has been current for many days that William C. Potter, now in charge of signal' corps pro duction, will be elevated to a higher and more authoritative post, with similar duties. It was rumored today, .oo, that Henry Ford might be selected to handle airplane production much in the way that jCharles M. Schhwab has been placed in charge of ship building. From reports of the battle progress, officers pointed to the appearance of French reinforcements in the northern sector of the Flanders line as indi cating more than a defensive meas ure. The troops must have faced hard days of marching to reach their post, but it was said that had the move ment been only to back up the British lines, it would have been more logical and quicker for them to have gone into the south, relieving British divi sions to support their comrades in Flanders. The Weather For Nebraska Fair in west, un settled in east portion Saturday; slightly warmer; Sunday fair and warmer. Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday. Hour. - Veg. 5 a. m 43 6 a. m 42 7 a. m 43 8 a. in 42 9 a. m. . . .' 41 10 a. m 40 11 a. m 39 13 m , 40 1 p. m. 38 2 p. m 36 3 p. m 36 4 p. m 37 6 p. m 36 5 p. m. 35 7 v. m 36 I p. m 4 Comparative T-ocal Record. 1918. 19U. 1816 1915. Highest yesterday .. 43 75 75 82 Lowest yesterday .. 34 45 53 56 Mean temperature .. 38 60 64 69 Precipitation 05 .33 .31 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures , from the normal: Normal temperature ". 31 Deficiency for the day 14 Total excess since March 1 339 Normal precipitation 09 Inch.. Heffclency for the day 04 Inch Total rainfall since March 1. .. .1.26 Inches deficiency since March 1 1.85 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1917.. .38 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1916. .1.32 Inches - KeporU From Stations at 7 P. M. Station and State Temp. High- Raln of Weather. T p. m. est. fall, Theyenne, part cloudy.. 30 s 30 .04 Davenport, cloudy..,.. 36 38 .00 Denver, cloudy 34 36 ' .04 Des Moines, cloudy 42 fl T., Dodge City, rain. ...... 38 42 .04 Lander, cloudy 30 38 .02 North Platte, cloudy... 44 48 .02 tnaha, rain... 34 43 .05 t'uIlo, part cloudy., . .. 38 42 .00 Rapid City, cloudy ..... 36 . .02 Suit Lake City, rain.. 42 63 T. Santa Fe, snow 34 44 .el Sheridan, clear.... 38 38 .20 Sioux City, cloudy 42 42 T. Valentine, cloudy 4n 42 .j ( 1 "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. , U A. WELSH. Meteorologi' 1 Miss Updike to Wed Young Army Man MISS HAZEL UPDIKE Betrothal cards for Miss Hazel Updike and Lieutenant Nathan Reasoner, stationed at Fort Omaha, were issued Friday. Miss Updike is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson B. Updike. 1 The romance is one of the Fort Omaha canteen where Miss Updike is an active Red Cross worker. She attended the Bennett school at Mil brook, N. Y., and was one of the princesses of Ak-Sar-Ben's court at the last coronation ball. Lieutenant Reasoner is a Hastings man and was graduated from the University of Nebraska. No wed ding plans have been announced. SNOW AND COLDER WEATHER AS FAR SOUTH AS TEXAS Slight Dash of Beautiful in Omaha, But Southern States Feel Brunt of Cold Snap. Winter yesterday paid a belated visit into the midwest and southwest and spread snow and falling tempera tures from Nebraska and Kansas into Texas. It also brought, however, generous rainfall over the wheat belt and greatly benefited Nebraska fields. At Dalhart, Tex., it was reported that snow was falling throughout that section and had extended northward into Oklahoma. Fruit growers of that portion of Texas and Oklahoma are said to fear considerable damage wili be done to fruit trees. Rain or snow was reported general ly in Kansas. The heaviest fall was reported from . Salina west to the Colorado line. Slight dashes of snow fell in Omaha during the evening. Minister Refuses to Sing National Anthem; Mob Burns His Church Berkeley, Cal., April 19. The Church of the Living God, a large canvas tabernacle, used by a re ligious sect here, was burned down tonight by a mob of men and boys because the pastor, Josiah Sykee, and his elders refused to lower the American flag at sundown and join with the congregation in singing the national anthem. Coming Next Sunday - - IN . THE OMAHA BEE ' "SHELL-PROOF MACK" A Thrilling, Fighting Story of a Fight ing Yankee, Written By Fight ing Arthur Mack. The American boy who has served seven-, teen months in the trenches, buried alive in ' mud, gassed, .wounded three times in "one day, but he is still able to relate to the read ers of THE BEE a remarkably human story of the great war. Order the Sunday Bee Today and don't miss a single chapter of this grip ing War Story, which really depicts what a soldier goes through "OVER .THERE." AMERICANS HELP CHECK RUSH OF FOE How Engineers Aided British Told in Pershing's Reports; Npl Make Splendid Read ing' Says Baker. (By Associated Press.) Washington, April 19. General Pershing's report of the gallant con duct of American engineer troops with the British fifth army in helping check the German advance in the early days of the great offensive, reached the War department late today and was made public by Secretary Baker. "It will make splendid reading for Americans," said the secretary, -CASUALTIES NUMBER 122. Losses of the period from March 21 to April 3, during which the en gineers consolidated and held a sub sector of the British lines against re peated assaults, were given as two offi cers killed and three wounded; 20 men killed and 52 wounded, and 45 missing. It is believed by the British authori ties that some of those reported miss ing were not captured, but that many were separated from their command and are now with other British or ganizations. Praised by British Officers. General Perishing's report says: I he commanding omcer ot a United States engineers' regiment has received a copy of the following letter, comr.isndinf jjie action of the troops of his regiment: "'I desire to convey to you and ranks under your orders my admira tion of the splendid service which you and they rendered. Thanks to the untiring energy of officers, non commissioned officers and men, who have risen to the occasion in a man ner beyond all 'praise, and their gal lantry, much of what nvght othci-w-se have fallen into the, enemy's hands has been saved. '"I should like to add my own ap preciation of the excellent service rendered by the officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the light railroad service of this army directo rate in connection with the present op eration. Will you be good enough to acquit all ranks serving under you of the appreciation t6 their untiring service.' Manned Sector of Line. "Certain units of United States en- ! gineers serving with a British army. between March 21 and April S, while under shell fire, carried out destruc tion of material dumps at Chauline, fell back with British forces to Moreuil, where the commands laid out trench work, then proceeded to Demuin and were assigned a sector of defense line which was constructed and manned by them, thence moved to a position in the line near War-fusee-Abancourt and extending to north side of Boise De Toillauw. The command started for this position on March 27 and occupied it until April 3, during this time the commanding officer of a unit of United States en gineers being in command of the sub sector occupied by his troops. This command was in more or less con-tinunt-s action during its stay in this position. (5n April 3 the command was ordered to fall back to Abbeville." American Army Aviator Meets Death in Battle New York, April 19. Word that Captain James E. Miller, United States aviation corps, previously re ported missing, was killed in action in France, was received here today from the War department by tbe Columbia Trust company, of which he was vice president. Captain Miller, three weeks ago, was sein to drop with his machine behind the German lines. Miller joined the flying serv ice in June, 1917. He was 36 years old. Hines Made General. Washington, April 19, Colonel Frank T. Hines of the general staff, national army, was nominated today by President Wilson to be a brigadier general. J MUST SPEED UP TO REACH - GOAL OF LOAN Washington, April 19. The third Liberty loan campaign will be half over tomorrow and indications are that half of the $3,000,000,000 minimum total will be subscribed. This record, although better than that of the first or second loans does not satisfy treasury officials entire ly, because they actually are aiming at a $5,000,000,000 loan with twenty million subscribers. Pledges will have to roll in much faster in the remaining two "weeks than in the past to pass the higher mark. , The total reported tonight to headquarters here was $1,204, 714,250, an addition of $114,979, 350 within the last day, covering subscriptions received at banks together witn the initial 5 per cent payment up to the close of business last night. , An encouraging element of the figures to date is' the-belief that many millions have been pledged without being secured by these first payments and con sequently have not been count ed by banks. GERMANS CEASE ATTACKS AFTER BITTEtT DEFEAT Terrific Losses Sustained in Thursday's Fighting Necessi tate Reorganization of Battered Forces. (By Associated Frw.) With the British Armies in. France, April 19. Along the northern battle front at noon today the Germans were still resting on their arms after the bitter defeat they suffered yester day in their great drive. Up to that hour they had not recovered suf ficiently to make any further threati in this line and they were rushing the reorganization of their badly ham mered forces. Each successive report gives further confirmation of the terrific losses sus tained by the assulting infantry dur ing yesterday's sanguinary struggle. Between Givenchy and Fcstubert, the ground this morning was strewn with German dead and at many other points on the long front of action ex cessive casualties were inflicted by the British artillery and machine gun fire, wnicn mowed down tne unnappy storm troops in countless numbers. Swim Canal to Surrender. In the neighborhood of Robecq, many Germans threw away their rifles and, swam the canal to the British side to surrender when they could no longer bear up under the stream of machine gun bulltes which -was sweep ing through them. The British trench mortars also did great execution, throwing their high explosives into dense enemy ranks at close range. The German artillery bombardment about Givenchy and from La Bassee northward along the canal yesterday morning, perhaps, set a new high water mark for intensity. Veterans of many battles declared they had never seen anything like it, although many records have been broken since the offensive began March 21. POLITICAL Mayor Dahlman, Hummel, Wlthnell and Parks to Make Race Together SHRAPNEL Mayor Dahlman and Commissioners Hummel, Parks and Withnell tyve agreed to mkae , the race to gether and to form the nucleus of what will be the administration ticket for the election on May 7. The other candidates on this ticket probably will be Roy N. Towl, Thomas Falconer and Tom Reynolds. The city hall political engineers be lieve, that the perstflinel of their ticket will have been definitely decid ed before today's sun sinks behind the western hills. v "You may state that we will have a full ticket of seven men," stated Tom O'Connor, speaking for the ad- j ministration. Towl, wtio Ts Teing considered by I the administration, is 'on the ticket 'of the antis. Falconer made the pri- m if i - r O in lull fir A n riant1 ontifli'.. inai a av.v. a9 i inuifv'uvii tauui- date and was put over by an organi zation which was devoted exclusively to his cadidacy. Reynolds was high man 06 fne Working Men's Nonparti san and Economic league's primary ticket. Commissioner Jardine will not be on either the administration or aoi tickets. He was elected three years ago as an anti-administration can didate, the late John C. Dre.rel going in with him at that election. The so-called citizens' combination of candidates has decided to make the race with a complement of six men, namely: Harry B. Zimnian, J. Dean Ringer, W. G. Ure, Roy N. Towl. Ed P. Smith and Henry F. Wulf. They could not agree on a seventh candi date to make the ticket a clear-cut anti-administration proposition. Com missioner Jardine, who seems in clined to break away from the city hall alliance, was considered for the seventh place, but he was not taken on. Thomas Falconer, and Cominis- C;nti':rcl on Page Mne. Culumn Two.) HA1G WINS IF HE CAN HOLD LINEjTACT Ludendorff Beaten Unless He Advances, View at Loncfon; Early Resumption of Great , Struggle Expected. By ARTHUR S. DRAPER. Yondon, April 19. (Special Cable gram to New York Tribune and Oma ha Bee.) The news from tht battle front is the best for a month. Since Tuesday the situation has been steadily improving and today Haig is able to report that his lines are intact, that the Germans have stopped their hammering tactics, and that the British hold Che hills cover ing the northward advance ( to the coast. It is safe to say that the first phase of the battle of Armentieres is ended. Ludendorff Taking Stock. Ludendorff is taking stock of the situation and he is finding 'that the great thrust for the coast has losses as well as gains. Great Britain has bucked up. She views the future confidently, she be lieves her gallant forces have weath ered the worst of the hurricane and that death and destruction are what l.iulendorff has gained for his invest ment ot imj.uuu casualties and gigantic supplies of ammunition. lie has driven the British off hard earned Passchendacle Ridge, he has made a deep indentation to the west of Armentieres, he has captured 150, 000 prisoners and a hundred or so guns and forced the destruction of a large quantity of stores, but his effort for a break through has succeeded no better than Haig's long campaign for Passchendacle Ridge. Both fell short of,lheir real ob jective. 'lioth are so-called "near vic tories'." Time Haig's Ally. Liidendoiff's troops are further from their bases and are forced to run their communications tlirou&h the barren, shell-torn areas east of Ypres and west of Armentieres. Tihe. is Haig's ally and Luden dorff's groat enemy. The French reserves are now where they are most needed and Lu dendorff has lost some of the initia tive. The Germans are a little nearer the coast, but nothing matters if they are held where they now stand. Ludendorff is beaten unless he ad vances, Haig wins if he holds. No sane person believes the Ger mans have not more powerful blows to deal, no cBserver is so optimistic as to forecast a sudden turning in the tide in favor of the allies. The fighting season has just opened and Ludendorff has figured on a long campaign. Rain, sleet and a bitterly cold wind are driving across the northern plains of France, but when the weather changes, there is sure to be a resumption of operations on" a gigantic scale. In the last great en emy attack between Rebecq and Givenchy on a 10-mile stretch, GO.OOO bayonets were employed, but the British bent them back, exacting a heavy toll and yielding only a- few outpost positions. The same story cortys from the battlcfront south of Keninicl, where the enemy came in waves which were broken before reaching the British lines. f From the hills forming the Armen tieres aniphiteatre the British and French guns are pouring high ex plosives among the enemy forces, a feature Haig emphasized in today's report. , When the'sccond phase begins it is expected Ludendorff will have guns across the Ypres-Comincs canal and will try to develop an enfilading fire upon tht Mount Kemniel positions and the enemy will aim at out-flanking the Ypri-; positions. Burglars Frightened Away. Burglars for the second time in a week last night entered the store of the Powell Supply company, 2051 Farnam street. The combination of the safe was bent but nothing was taken. . Mrs. Charles H. Aull of Omaha New Vide President Genefal of D. A. ?. (Uy 'Amociated Vttm.) Washington, April 19. Election of seven vice presidents, general featured tonight's ' session of the annual continental congress of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion, The new vice presidents, who will hohf office until 1921, are: Mrs. William N. Reynolds, North Carolina; Mrs. Frank B. Hall, Mas- tchusetts; Mrs. Charles H. Aull, ebraska; Mrs. Andrew Fuller Fox, Mississippi; Miss Stella Pickett Hardy, Arkansas; Mrs. Benjamin F. Purcell, Virginia; Mrs.' William A. Guthrie, Indiana. 0 "Johnny" Lynch Reported In Improved Condition Former County Commissioner "Johnny" Lynch, who is ill of pneu- j monia at the home of his mother, 82fj Forest avenue, is reported greatly ini- j lroved OPPOSING ARMIES REST IN DEADLOCK" ON BLOODY FIELDS French Do Not Follow Up Blow Aimed at Apex of FoWr Line in Picardy ; Britons Hold La Batse Front After 4 Fierce Fight; Lowlands Made Nearly . Impassable by Rains. ' - BULLETIN. , . v , i "Amsterdam April 19. German torpedo craft bombarded the coast between Dunkirk and Nieuport behind the allied lines in Flanders yesterday morning, says an official statement . from Berlin today. (By Associated Press.) .- Over the battlefields of France and Flanders, wjiere terrific struggles have been waged almost without intermission since' March 21, there has come what appears to be a lull. , Official reports say that the situation is unchanged, which may Indicate that both sides are exhausted by their exertions in the engagements thathave been fought or that they are busy; btinging up artillery and fresh troops to renew the struggle. - O MflVKMENT T1TTTPTCTIT.T.. ... AMtKIUANo KAIU GERMAN LINE ON BANK MEUSE All Return Safely to Trenches Through Barrage Fire After Inflicting Some Casual ties on Enemy. With the American army in France, April 19. Thirty American infantry men, with the same number of French troops, raided the German line on the right bank of the Meuse this morn ing, inflicting a number of casualties on the enemy. Ihe Americans found the enemy trenches empty, but saw the bodies of several Germans in the American wire, apparently members of a work ing party who had been caught in the American barrage . The enemy laid down a counter barrage soon after the American barrage started, but all the Americans returned safely to their trenches. BURGESS GIVEN CHARGE OF ALL W00UNDUSTRY (From a Staff Correspondent.) Washington. April 19. (Special Telegram.) Ward M. Burgess has come to Washington on a hurry call from Bernard M. ' Baruch to take charge of the woolcn branch of the dry goods and clothing division just created in the war industries board. Mr. Burgess will have general sup ervision of the production and distri bution of the woolen output of the country. II? expects to be in Wash ington for some time and is tempo rarly located at the Shoreham hotel. Mother Hacks Children With Hafchet; Kills Two St. Louis, April 19. Mrs. Kate Skaggs' tonight chopped to death with a hatchet her two children, Leo, S years old, and Mary, 4 years old. She then stuffed cotton in the throats of her two other children, Cora, 9 months old, and Anna May, 3 year old and, hacked them, seriously in juring both. After attacking the children she wroe a note blaming her husband, Pserry Skaggs. She was taken to the observation ward of the city hospital. ' H.Aull "Mr" rirero Correspondents at the front tell of the miserable weather cold and rain and sleet to add to the already known bad condition of the lowlands, which are virtually quagmires, through which the men and materials can be moved only with difficulty. . The opposing armies have ' been fighting in a flat, marshy country . since April 9, and this ground, dim- i cult enough under normal conditions. has been made still more nearly im- t passable by rains and the tempest of , high explosive shells that has blasted roads and fields. . . . , . ' GERMAN THRUST JOILED. ' . It appears, however, that the Ger. . mans have not repeated their thrust along the line running north of Beth une, where they met with a san-: 1 guinary repulse Wednesday and Thursday. They employed about 75,- . 000 men along a line variously re ported to be from six to .10 miles in. -length, but gained little or no ground. The La Bassee canal front is still in v British hands and 'bridges flung ' across it by the Teutons have been swept away by artillery fire. , . French Advance Halts. ' ' The blow aimed by the French at the very apex of the Germanilines in . entlyvlias not been followed up. It is doubted that the allied counter of fensivc when it -came, will launched in this sector. Advices from France would seem to indicate that the blow would be struck at another part of the hattle line. ' . . , ,'o The southern end of the battle ', front in France has shared in the quiet that has enveloped other secy7 tors of the line. Only raiding opera- , tions and artillery duels are reported there. ' '' ' . . Italy Sends Reinforcements, . f An interesting dispatch tells of thi moving of Italian troops to France, This would point to oneMf two de v velopments. Either the Italian front i ' in no particular danger at (fie present '.. moment or else General Foch is call- " ing every available man to swell the army he will hurl at the foe when y the moment for' battle arrives. It is probable, however, that the force of -Italians en route to the French front " is comparatively small. ' ? The German torpedo boat flotilla f has been active along the coast seoi-i tor of the battle line and has shelled t Tinier Inn rtnciHrina tfirA Tkla -'3hi-w foreshadow a German attempt to -' drive westward through Nieuport. t Paris Again Shelled. ; ?' Long-range bombardment of Paris, V had ceased for two days and it wa4 " hoped that the French had found the exact location of a heavy German gun ' and put it out of action. This hope,' however, failed when the bombard- ment of Paris was resumed Friday evening. . - The Turks are continuing their, ad-- " vance and are approaching Kars, the -leading city of one"of the districts ' -given to Turkey under the Brest Litovsk ! treaty. They are already incontrol of Batum, where they cap- ' tured 3,100 men, of whom 600 were officers. " . ; In Italy, Macedonia, Palestne and Mesopotamia no recent fighting has" been reported. . s - . . j Davison Red Cross Party , S . Feted at Bologna,. Itaiyr. Florence, Italy, Thursday, April 'I8i- H. P. Davison, chairman of the-' American Red Cross war council, and his party visited Bologna today. The j., were received at the station by tha. city authorities,, a band and an en. thusiastic crowd. ' , ; General Segato gave a juncheon in: honor of the Americans, Mr. Davison . visited the American Red Crtss build-5 ing and saw the working of the sysf tern of distribution there. : .' The mayor of Florence, where Mr." Davison spoke, yesterday, has issued a decree that his, speech be read, in' all "the schools. General Secco, the'i v military commander, has ordered that ' Mr. Davison's speech be read to all? the troops. . , ,. ' t Sinn Feiner Elected. t London, April 19. Dr. Thomas Mo Carten has been elected without op position to the House of Commom, for the Tullarrfbre division of l:r!ms, count v. Irelahd. He is a SinnFiiig 3f t 3:- -II i.