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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1918)
. ' . I'HE BEE: OMAHA. FKIUAY, AfKIL 5, 1915. f ' NORWEGIANS ARE SUFFERING, SAYS MAJOR HVOSLEF Army Officer and Attache to United States Government Describes Hardships in His Country. RagnvalU Hvoslef. a major in the .Norwegian army and military attache to the United States government, is in Omaha Thursday to inspect the Fqrt Omaha balloon school. Major Hvoslef has the highest praise for the balloon school and is enthusiastic about America. ... "You have- li'ch wonderful re source here; there seems to be an abundance of food. The food short ape is a j?rave problem in Norway. We have had bread cards for a long t-sie and the people are meeting the troubli. which the war haa imposed upon them with a wonderful spirit. 1 be war has brought vt terrible hard ships. The food supply is entirely in adequate and many of my people are oflen underfed, but we are thankful lor our great forests, for we do not luve to hear the added suffering of a u:f! famine, such as Denmark and other neighbors have." Wei! Trained Army. When asked about the Norwegian army the general smiled proudly. 'Small, but well-trained." lie said. He is 45 years old and has been in military life since 1895. He has a son 21 years old in the Norwegian army. 11c is tall and straight and has a boyish appearance. lie has traveled extensively and is familiar with conditions in European countries, including Germany and France. This is his first trip to Amer ica and be is impressed with the vast ncss of the country and its undertak ings. He has permission from the War department to visit war camps. He has been in the aviation camps in T ejsa. was at Fort Sill, Okl.. and will visit the Great Lakes naval training station before he returns to Washing ton, LENROOT'S LEAD SWELLED BY LATE JADGEEEETURNS Milwaukee, Wis., April 4. The lat est, though incomplete, returns from Tuesday's sWto'riat' election give Congressman Irvine L.- Lenroot, re publican, i plurality - of '11,669 over Davie, democrat."'! f ? '': Additional returns reported during '.he night swelled Lenroot's vote to ,148.244. Davie's to 136,575 and cred tcij Bcrger, socialist, Vvith, 103,431. The latter carried seven counties hre the population . was largely 3erman, Marvin B. Rosenberry, present su preme court justice, was re-elected by about 40,000 majority. Daniel W, Hoan, re-elected mayor of Milwaukee, hat plurality of 2,110, according to complete returns. In cluding the holdover aldermen At large, the new council will consist of 24 nonpartisans and 13 socialists. The mayor will have barely enough sup port in the council to prevent the overriding of any vetoes which he may make on measures passed by that body. . Discount Sale j Omaha's Finest Stock of Suits Tailored Suits Fancy Suits Every Suit in April 13th, at One $35.00 Suits $45.00 Suits $49.5Q Suits $60.00 Suits Suits for School Wear Suits Made from Jersey Suits Made from Tncotine Suits Made from Satin - Suits Made from Taffeta Save a Ufa. Boy a Liberty Boil f um TC W D1 A C7TD I STRICTLY "O.K.," ; SAYS ARCHITECT 1 The conclusion that perforated plas tering indicate poor workmanship in the building ol the new annex to tne county hospital is declared to be un warranted and unfair by both Archi tect J. M. l.aclitipall and Arthur M. Moore, one of the contractors erect ing the structure. "The photograph that has been re produced," vays Mr. Nachtigsll, "rep resents not .he majority of the wall space, but a portion about 18 iuche square in a job of approximately 3,000 yards. The first coat in a three-coat job, such as this is, is known as the scratch coat tnd is invariably thin. 1 will assure the taxpayers thar this job will stand any test when it is finished. "As to my neglecting to properly supervise ths job, I have been out there more Jian a doen times, and will continue to go out as often ai I deem necessary to oversee the proper construction of the building. Arthur M. Moore, for Moore broth trs, contractus, says? "You may say for me the plastering done in that building will be a first-class job. No job is completed until it is finished, and this one will bear the closest scrutiny. Mr. Nachtigall has been out many times to oversee the work, and we have acted upon his every sugges tion." . CLEAR WEATHER WILL BRING BIG ITALIAN BATTLE ' i (Continue! Trom Fes On.) under Mackensen have now been placed at our front. To Try Mountain Foute. "Italian aviators report that the Austrian are transferring large bodies of troops from the Piave line to the mountain zonesn. Evidently the Austrian commands has realized the impossibility of breaking through the Italian resistance along the Piave. and regards the mountain line more suited for the invasion of Italy. "Lately the Austrians have under taken the construction of new fortifi cations along the Livenza and the Tageliamento rivers, adopting a new system consisting oi points oi sup port with several bridge heads em ploying in this work Italian prisoners. and the civilian population of the in vaded Italian provinces. Chamber of Commerce Warns Against Smallpox Epidemic The executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce has sent a let ter to members, urging every precau tion against smallpox. The letter says 150 new cases of smallpox have developed in the city in the last three weeks and that the situation it par ticularly grave because of the Marge number of soldiers stationed here. Missouri Flood Waters Are Rapidly Receding Flood waters of the Missouri river are rapidly receding and all danger of an overflow has passed. Some of the gardens and farms on the low lands have been flooded (lightly, but it is believed the water will drain off so that the land can be cropped. Germans Promise Fight ;v Soon Will Begin Again Amsterdam, April 4. German news papers received here assert that the marked dacicase in the fighting in France was made necessary by the bad weather, but that it. soon will begin again. Three Piece Suits our store goes on sale Friday morning, and continues till Saturday, - Third Off the Regular Prices. are $23.34 are...; $30.00 are $33.00 are .$40.00 Suits for Business Wear There are hundreds of women have felt the regular prices' are a chance., House of Menagh Suits NINE BILLION IS WAR COST TO U. S. FOR FIRST YEAR More Than One-Half Goes to Allies; Slow Progress (.' Ship Building Cut: Expense. Washington, April 4. Nine billion dollars is the approximate cost of the United States of one year of war. More than one half has gone in loans to allies and will be repaid eventually; over one third has been spent for the army and military es tablishment: one-tenth for the navy and one-fifteenth for ship building. Just one-sixth of this big war cost has been raised by taxation and other ordinary sources of revenue, and the balance has come from sale of liberty bonds and certificates of indebtedness. Enormous as these war expendi tures may seem to a country whose government in peace times costs be tween $700,000,000 and $800,000,000, they are less than Great Britains and are only about two-thirds of esti mates made by officials less than a year ago. Slow progres of the ship building program and the retarding of the pouring of war supplies are regarded by officials as the chief reasons why expenses did not equal estimates. Under Billion Monthly. Government expenses now are running about a billion dollars a monthn with somewhat less than half going to allies, who spend the greater part of their loans for war supplies in this country. Since the declaration of dar April 6, 1917, the government's actual ex penditures have been more than $9,800,000,000, but about $800,000,000 of this sum would have been spent for normal activities even if the United States had not entered the war. 1 Ordinary expenditures under which the treasurery classifies all outlays for operation of the governmental machinery and war enterprises since the declaration of war, have been approximately $5,084,000,000. Actual payments to allies amounted to about $4,743,000,000. Income from Internal revenue, most of which is represented by war taxes, and from customs and miscellaneous sources, was run up to about $1,535, 000,000 and the two Liberty loans have brought to the treasury a little less than $5,800,000,000. .Small col lections from war savings and thrift stamps in the last four months amount to $140,000,000. There are a number of other minor receipts and expenditures but they do not materially affect the condition of the public coffer. Outlays for redemption of certificates of indebted ness mean little to the government in the long run since certificates represents short time loanspublic borrowings which are repaid, within three months. About $3,200,000,000 of certificates of indebtedness are now outstanding. Council Approves Boost In Pay for City Toilers Superintendent Parks of the street maintenance department recom mended and city council approvel an increase fiom 30 to 36 cents per hour for laborers. Other city commis sioners who employ laborers said that they would allow the same in crease. $75.00 Suits are.. $100.00 Suits arc. $150.00 Suits are. . $200.00 Suits are Suits for Afternoon Wear who enjoy wearing our High Grade Suits, hut hit high er than they can at prices no higher than the CALLS ON COUNCIL TO OBEY CONSTITHTION National Nonr. .rtisa. League Speaker at U: loa Asks Body to Uphold Law azd 7-:rcby Permit Free Speech. (From Staff Corrtpendnt.) Lincoln, April 4. (Special.) Fu ture' state officers of Nebraska will draw their salaries without any qualms of conscience when they make out their vouchers, according to W. T. Mills of California, sent here by the national nonpartisan league to tell members of "the legislature what the league stands for. However very few of the members took the trouble to attend, less than a dozen being present. Secretary Henry Richmond of the council of de fense was present and even clapped his hands sometimes when the speak er said things which suited him. Mr. Mills at times referred to the "Waho oism" of certain interests which were working against the league and re ferred to the state council of defense by saying that the council of defense exists to protect us 1I in our liberties and rights. Upholding Constitution. Mills asked if the council has ar rested or caused the arrest of the ex saloon keeper at Warjoo who openly violated the constitution of the United States and also of the state. "Until they do." he said, "we ar4 waiting to hear from the guardian of thepeace. The men who abducted a representative of the league in your state a short time ago said they did so with the approval of the council of defense. If they lied they should be chastised. If they did not the per sonnel of the state council of defense should be reorganized." He said that the league was an or ganization intended to protect the interests of the farmers. There was no disloyalty in it and it was just as stronp for winning the war as any organization in the United States. But lii!iiitlliitiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiMi:::iii!iiifn!; if' .5 : National League for ! Women's ! i Service I Hats- $1.95 j l 'and i $2.93 I NAVY OR BLACK I i ' The House W IT , I enagH ! i lou tarnam - -i s ffiiliii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:e!iiitniniiiniitiiiiiii;iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii! $50.00 .$66.66 .$100.00 $133.33 Suits for Sport Wear M I Suits Made from Serge Suits Made from Twills afford. Here is your ordinary store asks. it wanted the big profiteering interests to use theri profits in helping the United States win the war. He said they should be compelled to do their par!. He said that the league had swept everything in the Dakotas and would do the same thing in Nebraska. He wanted, state officers to know that in the future state officers of Nebraska would draw their salaries without having their conciences troubled when they drew their salaries. April 6 to Be Legal Holiday in Chicago Chicago, April 4. Saturday. April 6, will be a legal holiday in Chicago, as marking not only the first anni versary of the entry of the United States into the war, but also the open ing ofithe third Liberty loan drive. A monster parade and many patriotic demonstrations are planned. .3 THOMPSON.BE1JDEN - CO. CJhe fashion Center fir Beautiful Tailored Suits Offered at Popular Prices An extensive showing featuring a variety of handsome new models that are fashionable. Fabrics, colors and quality of tailoring are good to a satisfying degree. Three of the styles are described. A smart Eton jacket suit Ar v. r It & ' i New Parasols and Umbrellas Ready For Spring Rains 11 Youll probably like th6 "Two in One" Parasol be cause its both rain and sun iiroof. It comes in good ooking plaids, stripes and solid shades, in nearly every imaginable Color. Fancy borders too if preferred. Made with loop and rings for the arm. If Childrens Parasols - are in Stock So are School Um brellas for boys and girls. 7 Suit Case Umbrellas the smallest one Made. $3 and $4.50 To the left as you enter There's a better job ahead that will only be yours when you have earned it. Business of today is overburdened with -mediocrity, but there are hundreds of bigger, better jobs ahead for the men who are qualified to fill them. When you feel that you, are. qualified to hold that better job ahead, you owe it to yourself to study the daily changing want ads under the heading of "Help Wanted". When someone tells you, "the good jobs are" never advertised", just show him the "Help Wanted" columns. There will in all probability ' be several jobs advertised that he cannot fill When you meet a man who says it "can't be done," who blames everything but himself, you find a man who not only has failed, but he admits it. Go afterthat better job by watching the want ads. "Keep Your Eye on The Bee" Improving Every Day FRENCH SEIZE TUIDTV nCDMAMC ! i ma 1 1 uLiuimiiu IN NIGHT RAID Hot Artillery Duels Occur on Front North of Montdidier; Teuton Attacks Near Rheims Fail. Taris, April 4. Heavy artillery fighting occurred last night on the front north of Montdidier, the war office announces. In raids in Cham. of shepherd plaid in black and white. The jacket and skirt are trimmed with .mo hair braid. A gabardine vest is included. 50 U Men's wear Serge in blue ,has been used to good effect m a nana tailored model that is severely plain, but ia pleasantly relieved by but tons and a silk collar. The skirt has two flJQjr pockets. Price P00 T Another taijored suit has a long flare jacket with French cross belt. Both jacket and skirt have two pockets. The material is Vs 4fl $39.50 navy serge. Price No Extra Charge for Alterations Ready to Wear A great variety of clever models for shopping, motpr ing and general wear. Large, medium and small sizes, all developed in new colors and along fashionable lines. The straight sailor is always popular, likewise the three-cornered effect. The only trimming is the silk rib bon band and the tailored bow. New and Inexpensive Priced $1.95 to $2.95 That Better pagne and on the Verdun front tl.ej French took prisoners and also cap tured two machine guns. The statement says: "The artillery fighting became very violent during the night in the region north of Montdidier. ''Northwest of Rheims, in the Champagne, and on the left bank of the Meuse (Verdun front) French troops penetrated German trenches at several points, bringing back 3C prisoners and two machine guns. German raids east of Rheims, in Avocourt wood, and north of St Die were without success." Ex-Congressman Cook Dies. Oshkosh, Wis., April 4. S. A Cook, 79, ex-congressman and pio neer paper manufacturer ot jvieenan .... r .r , . , , x i. Wis., aiea at his home at Neenal this morning. wometP Seasonable Wearables For the Baby. Gauze Cotton or lisle Vests. Low reck with short or without sleeves and high neck lone sleeve styles All sizes 33c and 50c Knit Waists 35c and 50c Oie lot of Infante Cotton shirts and Cotton or Wool bands will be disposed of at old prices Not all sizes. 20c 25c 35c 50c Third floor Gingham Dresses The popularity of gingham gives added Interest to these distinct ively stylish new dresses. It will be well worth your while to see them Friday $5 $5.95 $6.50 $6.95 In the Basement Jewelry Novelties Inexpensive but in good taste are these rhinestone studded bar and crescent pins. Beauty pins and lingerie clasps of gold and silver. Sterling hat pins and pearl earrings. At the Notion Section Toilet Requisites Powder Puff Vanity bags with Euff and Mirror 15c ash Brow Ine 50c Glycerine Bath Soap 3 for 25c Rlt dye soap 10c 1 Basement Millinery 00 Millinery i THE HOUSE OF MENAGH The Store for Gentlewomen. 1613 Farnam Street.