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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1918)
1 he Omaha Daily Be-e X THE WEATHER Unsettled V VOL. XLVII. NO. 216. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1918. Vl$i&gX SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. m T TiyTKi u o ' 2 GERMAN PEACE TERMS INCLUDE SLAV TERRITORY Livonia and Esthonia to Be Occupied By German Police, Russ Warships Disarmed and Indemnity Paid In Gold Are Among Humiliating. Demands Made By Germany. BULLETIN. London, Feb. 24. Germany's peace terms have been ac cepted by Nikolai Lenine, the bolsheviki premier, and Leon Trotzky, foreign minister, acting for the central executive of the Soviet. TJhe- announcement is made in a Russian official statement received by wireless. It adds that Russia will send a delegation immediately to Brest-Litovsk. (By Associated Press.) London, Feb. 24. -A Russian wireless government state ment received here tonight says: "Germany will renew the peace negotiations and will con clude peace on the following conditions: "Both to declare the war ended. "All regions west of the line indicated at Brest-Litovsk to the Russian delegation, which formerly belonged to Russia, to be no longer under the territorial protection of Russia. Denounce all claims, o "In the region of Dvinsk this line must be advanced to the eastern fron tier of Courland, '"The former attachment of these regions to the Russian state must in no case involve for them obligations toward Russia. Russia renounces every claim to intervene in the affairs of those regions. "Germany and Austria-Hungary have the intention to define further the fate of these regions in agreement with their populations. "Germany is ready, after the com pletion of Russian demobilization to evacuate the regions which are east of thenbove line. So far -as it is not stated otherwise,. Livonia and Es thonia must immediately be cleared of Russian troops and red guards. Police Baltic States. "Livonia and Estonia will be oc cupied by German 'police until the date when the constitution of the re spective countries shall guarantee their social security and political or der. All inhabitants who were ar rested for political reasons must be released immediately. "Russia will conclude peace with the Ukrainian oeoole's republic. Ufc raine and Finland will be immediately evacuated by Russian troops and red guards. "Russia will do all in its power to secure for Turkey the orderly return of its Anatolian frontiers. ' Russia Kdiser'8 Peace Reply Sealed Goes to Russ Petrograd, Feb. 24. The Bol shevik headquarters has re ceived a wireless message signed by General Hoffman, saying that the German answer had been handed to the courier of the Russian government, who immediately started on his re turn to Petrograd. The mes sage gave no intimation of the contents of the reply. A second wireless message addressed to Leon Trotzky, from the Austrian-Hungarian government, has been received, announcing that Austria-Hun gary is ready with her allies to bring the peace negotiations to a final conclusion. recognizes the annulment of the Turk ish capitulation. "The complete demobilization of the Russian army inclusive of the detach ments newly formed by the present government must be carried out im mediately. Scatter Russ Warships. "Russian warships in the, Black Sea, the Baltic sea and the Arctic ocean must immediately either be sent to Russian harbors and kept there until the conclusian of peace or be dis armed. Warships of the entente which are in the sphere of Russian authority (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) The Weatther For Nebraska: Unsettled. Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday. (J Hour. Deg. rrr ; tj i.m 3 i a. m t O 7 a. m 43 2 a. m 42 T9 a. m 45 10 a. m 48 )T 11 a. m B0 T 12 m 64 E-y 2 p. m 60 Q 3 p. ra 69 4 p. m 69 ) C 6 P. m 6 P. m 67 7 p. m 66 . Comparative I .oral Record. ' 1918. 1917. 1916. 1915. Highest today CO 36 40 34 Lowest today 41 16 - 28 24 Mean temperature .. 60 26 34 29 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Temperatures and precipitation departures from the normal. Normal temperature 2( Excess for the day 24 Total deficiency since March 1, 1917 656 Normal precipitation 03 Inch Deficiency for Jhe day 02 Inch Precipitation since Mar. 1, 1917.23.36 Inches Deficiency since March 1, 1917. . 7.21 Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1916.. 13.07 Inches Deficiency tot cor. period 1911.. .91 Inch C-fSKJ GERMANS ASKED LAND AND GOLD IN FIRST.PARLEY Proposition Laid Down at Brest Litovsk Included Russ Sur render of 160,000 Square Miles of Territory. (By Associated Press. C Petrograd, Feb. 24. The peace terms submitted at the Brest-Litovsk conference by the central powers and at that time rejected by the Rus sians, were as follows: "Russia should surrender 160,000 square miles of territory, having a population of 18,000,000, and pay an indemnity, subsequently modified to 13,000,000,000 rubles. "The. central powers were prepared to return to Russia 7,000 square miles in the Grodno government, province of Lithuania. "Russia should agree not to spread revolutionary propaganda in the cen tral empires. Would Police Cities. "The commercial treaty which was abrogated at the beginning of the war, should be reconstituted and ex tended 30 years." Reports reaching Petrograd are to the effect that the newest German demands include the policing of all the principal cities of Russia. The bolshevik authorities are ready to accept the peace terms originally outlined by the central powers, and also to accede to a demand that Rus sia evacuate the small portions of Austrian territory still held, as well as Armenian and all other territory captured from Turkey. A dispatch from Petrograd, under the date of February IS, quoted Leon Trotzky, the bolshevik foreigrV min ister, as declaring in his report upon the ending of the Brest-Litovsk ne gotiations that the German terms in cluded the retention of Poland, Lith uania, Riga and Moon Inland, with an indemnity of $4,000,000,000, presum ably in gold. It will be seen from the foregoing dispatch that the Teu tonic demands, both in territory and indemnity, were much less than those i-jl r rrv--. t ' reported Dy ju. irotZKy. POLITICIANS PONDER OVER City Hall Men Wonder What Bearing Lynch Case Will Have on the Election Campaign. EFFECT OF OUSTER HEARING What effect will the Lynch ouster case have on the city election cam paign, which is beginning to take on a little speed and which will gain momentum as the days grow more in viting for sidewalk discussions? That question was heard more than once during a sight-seeing trip through the municipal monument across from the court house, the scene of the recent upheaval. Some ff the city hall dignitaries and convalescents, when they heard the news of the verdict jn the Clark Lynch suit, became stricken with a pallor which is usually caused b re ceiving bad news from home. Tom O'Connor. Claude Bossie and a few more of the "administration leaders" asseverate that the Lynch ouster suit will have no effect on the city campaign. They made this state ment in luch an optimistic manner MILLION .uLLAR MOTOR GAR SHOW READYTO OPEN First War Time Automobile t Display ih Omaha Most Pre tentious Affair in Annals of History. t - Omaha's 13th annual motor car ex position opens at the Auditorium to day. It continues the remainder of the week. Despite the fact that this will be Omaha's first war-time show, auto mobile men expect it to be the most successful of the series. Neither the manufacturers nor the dealers have permitted war retrenchments to in terfere with their show plans and they declare the exposition opening today will be as large and imposing as though no war was in progress. Many New Models. The auto show this year contains especial significance for the motorist for the. reason that this year as never before manufacturers have made radi cal departures in model, style and design. Even the more conservative manufacturers, who have struggled to maintain similarity of models each year insofar as that was possible, have found it necessary to make con stitutional changes. These changes are not only in body design, but in construction and motor. The 1918 cars are to be. distinctly different from the 1917 cars through out. War has been largely responsible for this. In some instances the war has necessitated these differences. Lower grades of gasoline, for in stance, have forced motor builders to construct engines which do not require high test fuel. In other in stances, the. exigencies of war have so inspired invention that many new improvements have come to light These have been incorporated into the new cars. Million Dollar Display. The Omaha display this year will be truly a "million-dollar" show. The car which will be . displayed.-. are valuSd'at far metre than this sum. Every type of car from sport run about to cabriolet, will be displayed and prices will run from less than $500 to more than $5,000. More than 50 different makes of machines will be exhibited. This year the auto show will be larger than ever for the reason that more space is available. Arrange ments have been made to use part of the new McCaffrey plant adjoining the Auditorium for show purposes. Everything Is Ready. Practically all of the cars to be exhibited at' the show were placed yesterday. Some difficulty was ex perienced in moving six carloads of show cars from Des Moines to Oma ha, because the express companies refused shipment, but persuasion finally was successful and these cars will be here today. Everything will be in readiness by tonight, Manager Clarke Powell promises. . t County Sunday Schools to Meet in Omaha Next Week The annual Douglas county Sunday school convention will be held in Omaha March 8. The meeting will be held at the First Christian church. Prior to the state convention, a number of district conventions are to be held at the various churches in and around Omaha. W. H. Kimberly, state business manager, and Miss Margaret A. Brown, state general secretary, are to attend the convention. Rev. H. Houseman will speak on the "Sunday School and the Boy Scout," and Mrs.' W. T. More will speak on the "Sunday School and the Camp Fire Girl." , Campaign to Cause Strike In Germany Said to Exist Amsterdam, Feb. 24. There are numerous indications in Germany of a very systematic campaign to promote a new general strike, says a Berlin dispatch to the Weser Zei- fr lung oi Bremen. that their wor'ds did not fall within the realms of jocosity. The court house seems to have, a new interest for the members of the city hall crowd. They look wistfully across to the great temple of justice, where there was once upon a time a gymnasium with shower bath, and they ponder over the hour glass of political fortunes and misfortunes. Anent the city campaign, one hears comments regarding Commissioner Kugcl, who was mentioned several times in the Clark-Lynch suitv"Will Kugel's identifications with Lynch re turn like chickens to roost?" is one of the man queries asked by those who are seeking for information. "Did Kugel receive an immunity bath of the shower bath of 'Johnny's gym' at the court house?" is another question. The city campaign will be a time ill (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) BOLSHEVIKI HELPLESS IN FACE OF GERMAN ONRUSH 7 ' Livonia Completely Overrun With Teuton Armies; Invad ers Near Important Slav City of Reval; Petrograd Threatened By Whirlwind Onslaughts of Kaiser's Legions; Americans Menaced. J (By Anooiatod Freie.) London, Feb. 24. The Germans, according to the latest dispatches from Petrograd, some of which were sent from there last night, are meeting with little or no opposition in their new est invasion of Russia, whose disorganized and scattered army Is taking no notice of the appeal of the bolsheviki to engage in guerilla warfare. GERMANS NEAR REVAL. C Livonia is completely overrun with the German armies, and the Germans are not far from the outskirts of the naval base of Reval, the evacuation of which could hardly be completed, as Petrograd dispatches say the soldiers refused to assist in the work. At Minsk the Germans are astride one of the main routes to Moscow, while "ftrther south Austrians and Ukrainains are on their way to Kiev. Until the Ukrainian peace these Ukrai nian soldiers were prisoners of war, but have since been released and armed by the central powers. Meanwhile the helpless bolsheviki are publishing appeals to the people to resist the invaders and there is talk at Petrograd of convoking the constituent assembly. Some of the agency headquarters say that, units of the German army are refusing to participate in the in vasion, while disorders have been ob served among the Austrians. Urge War Measures. Petrograd dispatches to the Ex change Telegraph company state that it was announced at a meeting of the Soviet that the main factor is the reorganization of detachments of red guards for service at the front. M. Sinovieff, associate of Nikolai Lenine and chairman of the Soviet, reported that it required only 100 Germans to capture Dvinsk. . - He added that the committee re sponsible for the defenses of the city would be tried by a revolutionary tri bunal. Lettish snipers are resisting the German invaders near Walkand and have asked for support from the Sov iet, which has decided to send 2,000 red guards to that region. Three German Groups. Petrograd, Feb. 24. The Germans in their invasion of Russia are ad vancing in three groups, according to a report from the commander-in-chief of the Russian army on the northern front, who says: "The Germftns are advancing with great caution. They are marching in three groups: First, in the Walk re gion; second, in the Reishitsa region, and the third, T)etween these two sec tions. In the Mohilev sector all is quiet;" Embassies May Leave. Washington, Feb. 24. Occupation of Petrograd by Germans, which is now considered imminent, would in volve the flight from that city of 150 Americans, includng 45 members of the diplomatic and consular staffs. Information at the- state department indicates that of the 150 there are 30 women. The number of French and British nationals in the menaced cap ital is larger. Ambassador Francis has not re ported to the department the details of any plan for the departure of na tionals of the co-belligerent govern ments, but it has been assumed that practically all will leave with the al lied diplomats. It was taken for grant ed that Ambassador Francis and the allied- diplomats would go to what ever place in the interior1 the bol sheviki may decide upon as the new headquarters. Nc new instructions were sent to him and none will be. Even the question of leaving the country has been left to his judgment. OMAHA MAN DIES OF PNEUMONIA AT CAMP CODY, N.-M. Funeral services for Sergeant Harry Horan, who died at Camp Cody, will be held at the home of his sister, Mrs. Bessie Patterson, 2716 Charles street, Monday afternoon. Sergeant Horan died of pneumonia after an illness of only two days. He was 35 years old. Sergeant Horan had an enviable military record. During the Spanish American war he enlisted and was sent to the Philippines, where he served six years in the Twenty-second infantry. When the recent Mexican trouble became acute he enlisted again and when the present war started he was numbered among the Fourth Nebraska boys who were sent to Camp Cody. Later, he was transferred to the 127th heavy artillery. Sergeant Horan was born and raised in Omaha, and after his return from the Philippines was a member of the fire deoartment. He is survived by his, wife, whol lives ai -oiu ionn i weniy-sevenin street; a 2-year-old daughter; his mother, Mrs. Mary Horan of Omaha; five sisters, all of whom live in Oma ha, and three brothers. The funeral will be conducted, by the city firemen with an escort from Fort Omaha CHOBAR GUILTY OF MURDER; JURY SAYS LIFE TERM York County Man Who Killed Albert Blender Prostrated at Verdict; Wife Faints in Court Room. York, Neb., Feb. 24.-(Special Tele gram.) Louis W. Chobar was found guilty last night of murder in the first degree for killing Albert Blender, near Benedict, November 19, 1917. The jury retired to deliberate at 5 p. m., and returned a verdict at 10:20 o'clock. Life imprisonment was fixed as the sentence. The prisoner was remanded to the custody of the sheriff, J. C. Miller, pending further order of the court. Chobar took the verdict as a severe shock, evidently having expected an acquittal. Mrs. Chobar was carried from the court room in a faint. Chobar's mother of Chillicothe, 111., was here as was Mrs. Chobar's mother from'Ewirrg, Mo - ' MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL IN MATTERS CASE ON TODAY At 10 o'clock this morning, in the Federal building, United States Dis trict Judge Martin j. Wade of Iowa City, will hear the motion for a new trial in the case of the Uited States vs. Thomas H. Matters. John L. Webster, counsel for Mat ters, contends that it is not claimed Matters ever received any money from or misapplied any moneys of the First National bank of Sutton. It is agreed that all Matters received were certificates of deposit. Mr. Luebben, president of the bank, testified these certificates of deposit, which were issued and delivered to Matters, were to be by him negoti ated to obtain money for the bank to keep the bank supplied with money as a going concern. It was a method adopted by the bank to borrow money for its own benefit. After the First National bank of Sutton failed, the bank claimed that Matters had overdrawn his account and owed the bank money on account of some of these certificates of de posit. Matters claimed that he had paid into the bank more than $10,000 above the amount he had drawn out, and that at the close of the bank's business there was owing him from the bank more than $10,000. The government's contention is that M; L. Luebben, president of the bank, had 'no right to issue these certificates of deposit; that Matters knew that fact and, therefore, he had no right to de;.! with them. Matters has been twice convicted. American Red Cross Asks Aid for Chinese Flood Relief Wsahington, Feb. 24. Americans in charge of Red Cross flood relief work in China, have asked the society here through- Ambassador Reinsch at Pek ing, to transmit an additional $75,000. Since the beginning of the floods in China, the Red Cross has expended $125)000 out of the $200,000 appropri ated for that purpose. London Goes on Ration Cards; Poor King George Has One, Too (By Associated Press.) London, Feb. 24. This was the last day on which persons living in London and the immediate adjoining counties could buy meat, mar garine and butter without producing a ration card. When the stores open Monday morning the new plan will be in operation and every one will be compelled to produce a card before making purchases. The newspapers have featured the details of the ration card plan tothe exclusion of other news, giving prominence to the fact that King George has his food and meat cards like every other person in the city. Voluntary rationing died hard. Long lines of people stood before the meat markets and margarine stores today. In most cases thousands sought in vain to get extra supplies to tide them over the still more lean days to come. Bidding farewell to the days of voluntary rationing in these scarcest products and greeting the advent of the first compulsory ration for every one proved to be a more absorbing topic than the latest war news. Every one in London and vicinity has for several days concerned himself with the business of hunting up his ration cards. The last unrationed dinner will be served Sunday. LINER SUNK BY TERRIBLE GALE TAKES BIG TOLL r 0 Feeble Appeal By Wireless. Operator of No Avail to lU Fated Craft; Beating Waves Swallow Prominent Englishmen on Way to New York and Sunny South. (By Associated Press.) St. Johns, N. F., Feb. 24. The Reel Cross line steamer Florizel, bound from this port for Halifax and New York, with' 77 passengers and a crew of 69, was wrecked near Broadcove, 20 miles north of Cape Race, Sunday,. and all on board arej supposed y have perished. Six bodies were washed ashore during the day. y ARMY OFFICER TO PRISON FOR 25 YEARS' TERM Captain David Henkes, Claim ing German Descent, Sent to Penitentiary for Violation of His Oath. (By AMoelated FrM.) New York, Feb. 24. Captain David A. Henkes, 16th infantry, U. S. A., has been sentanced to dismissal from the service and confinement at hard labor for 25 years, by a general court martial held at . Governor's Island. , ' , Henkes, who is German descent endeavored to resign his commission; saying he did not care to fight against relatives and friends. Captain Henkes, who was stationed at San Antonio, Texas, fast May wrote to the secretary of war, urging him to accept the resignation, which he had already submitted, and giving reasons which, he declared, would no longer alow him to serve as an officer of the American army. Parents from Germany., "Further service as a commissioned officer must sooner or later take me to Europe and there bring me in conflict with my relatives and friends, although for the time being my legal enemies,' "Captain Henkes wrote. "My father came from Ger many. My mother was born here shortly after the arrival of her parents. We have many other rela tives and friends there. "I cannot force myself to the con viction that I am capable of making war on my kindred upon their soil in a manner that would become my duty and station." Captain Henkes soon after had submitted his regisnation, was order expeditionary forces, and from his quarters there, June 29, 1917, wrote to the adjutant general in Washing ton calling attention to the fact that he had resigned and declaring that his battalion commander, the quarter master, and the commanding officer of the southern department had approved his action. Summoned to Court. Again on October 10, while still on duty in, France, Captain Henkes wrote another letter to the adjutant general in which he urged acceptance of his resignation. Captain Henkes was then sum moned before general court martial at Governor Island where he was formally charged with violation of the ninety-fifth article vf war. This charge recited that "having taken an' oath of office in which, among other things, he swore to support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that he would 'bear truth faith and allegiance to the same'" had written th; letter con cerning his resignation. Fort Yeavenworth, Kan., was desig nated as the place cf imprisonment P STRUCK IN BLIZZARD. The steamer struck early this mor. ning while fighting her way through) t blinding bliziard. In a few hours she had pounded to pieces on the rocks and at dusk her hull had settled under the batter ing until she was almost submerged, The bodies washed ashore include those of Joseph Kean and Robert Snow, passengers, and James Long, a sailor. Snow was one of six non-commissioned officers of the Newfoundland regiment who were proceeding to Toronto to join the Royal Flying corps. MILLIONAIRES DROWN. Of the passengers 50 were salo6n and 27 steerage. Among the saloon passengers wers John Shannon Munn, managing di rector of Bowring Bros. Co Ltd., of Liverpool and New York, owners of the steamer; Major Michael Sullivan, commander of the Newfoundland for estry battalion; Thomas McNeil, prin cipal owner of the McMurdo Drug " company of this tity) Fred Smythe, t manager of the Newfoundland Wool- en mills; William Butler, an architect, and his wife, who were on their way to Florida; William Earle, a fish mer chant, bound for Canada on a business trip; Edward Berteau, Robert Snow, Morman Sellers, John Parsons, Ralph Burnham and Alex Ledingham. Soldiers on Board. The last six named were cadets of the Newfoundland regiment who were to have joined the Royal Flying corps at Toronto. Others on the passenger list wers buyers, commercial travelers and a number of women. Accompanying Mr. Munn were his little daughter, 3 years of age, and her nurse. They were on their way to New York to join Mrs. Munn and her father, Sir Edward Bowring, and proceed to Florida with them. The Florizel was a sister of the steamer Stephanio, which was sunk by German submarine U-53 off Nan tucket, October 8, 1916. Left St. John Saturday It had been continued in the service between St. Johns and New York, but since the United States entered the war its movements had not been given publicly. The Florizel sailed from here at 3 o'clock last night with a large num ber of passengers and a cargo which included 10,500 barrels of dry cod fish and herring for New York and 1,200 barrels for Halifax, its only port of call between St. Johns and New York. The hip itself was val ued at $1, 000,000. A blizzard was brewing when it left and it grew worse toward mid night, but abated in the early morn ing hours. Mariners here think it probably put its head seaward tof ward morning, its commander, think thevwind moderated somewhat to ward morning, her commander, think ing he had passed south of Cape Race, turned westward. Sent Wireless Appeal The ship struck in Broad Cove about 5 o'clock. It sent one wireless message of distress, which was re ceived at the Cape Race radio sta tion, saying that it was aground and in imminent danger of destruction. Its apparatus worked haltingly and soon was silent. Nothing further was heard from it, and as the cove is in a remote and sparsely settled district, it was not until late in the forenoon that a res cue party reached the scene. They discovered the Florizel lying wel' in shore and subjected to a merciless, pounding by heavy seas. Some boats could not live in the surf, and efforts to escape from the ship were hopeless. In the absence of life saving equipment, no assist ance could be given from shore. Lashed to Rigging Men could be seen on the bridges signalling for help and some had lashed themselves to the rigging. Gradually under the buffeting, the hull disappeared from view and after a few hours the vessel was almost (Continued on Pas Three, Column Three.) Mysterious Fire Destroys $5,000 Government Horses Kansas, City, Feb. 24. Police of Kansas City, Kan., are investigating the origin of a fire that tonight de stroyed a carload of government horses in the railroad yards there on the theory that incendiarie were re sponsible. Twenty-two animals, esti mated as worth about $5;000, were burned to death. A carload of mules was rescued. v t i -.!