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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1918)
Q PART ONE NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO SIXTEEN Bee HE THE WEATHER Fair; Warmer VOL. XLVII NO. 37. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 24, 1918. SEVEN SECTIONS EIGHTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. W FIGUR Omaha Sunday GOVERNMENT TO WILSON SEJME FLEE PETROGRAD: E ON WHEA T -o $2.20 IS WHEAT PRICE FIXED BY PRESIDENT FOR THIS YEAR'S CROP Wilson Takes Definite Action to End Agitation for In crease Which Is Stopping Flow of Cereals to Market; Differential Scale Shows $2.15, Figure for Omaha. (By Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. 23. A price of $2.20 a bushel the same as for last year's crop was fixed by President Wilson to night for the coming season's wheat yield. The price is for No. 1 northern spring wheat at Chicago, with a scale of differentials for other markets. STIMULATE PLANTING. J' in fixing a price now tor ine new crop, which will not be harvested un til June, the president was believed to have had two objects in view. The first was to halt legislation pending in congress to fix prices at from $2.25 to $3, and the other was to stimulate spring planting. The introduction of the price rais ing bills had begun to check the flow of wheat to market and food adminis tration officials feared that mills soon would have to close down. Hoping the legislation would pass, farmers it is declared, have been refusing to sell at the present price of $2.20. In enacting the food law, congress put a guaranteed price of $2 on next season's crop and this has been con strued as a minimum price. To draw wheat to market the president fixed a price of $2.20 on last season's yield and it had this effect until the price raising bills were introduced. Then the flow began to stop. Upset Flour Program. Food administration officials have declared that if the bill passed the government would be forced to raise present prices to the new levels and j that to do so would upset the food administration's flour and bread pro gram. On the basis of No. 1 northern spring wheat and its equivalents, the' president fixed the prices as follows: Chicago. $2.20; Omaha, $2.15; Kan sas City, $2.15; St. Louis, $2.18; Min neapolis, $2.17; Duluth, $2.17; New York, $2.28; Philadelphia, $2.27; Balti more. $2.27; Newport News, $2.27; Charleston, "S. C:, $2.27; . Savannah, :'2.27: Portland, X)rt., $2.05; Seattle, : 2.05: San Francisco, $2.10; Los Angeles, $2.10; Galveston, $2.20; New Orleans, $2.10; Salt Lake City, .$2; ireat Falls, Mont.,. $2; Spokane,-$2;, P.ocatelio Idaho, $2; Fort Worth; Tex., $2.09; Oklahoma City, $2.05; Wichita, Kan., $2.08. Fix Selling Date. The" equivalents of No. 1 northern, lo which the same price applies, are 'o. 1 hard winter, No. 1 red winter, o." 1 durum and No. "1 hard 'white. The wheat must be harvested in the United States during 1918 and sold in the market before June 1. 1919. The president's proclamation states that the action is to meet an emer gency requiring the stimulation of wheat planting. In a statement accompanying his proclamation the president said: "Under the food control act of Au gust 10, 1917, it is my duty to an nounce a guaranteed price for wheat of' the 1918 harvest. I am, therefore, issuing a proclamation setting the price at the principal interior primary markets. It makes no essential altera tion' in the oresent guarantee. It is a continuation of the present prices of wheat with some adjustments arising from . the designation of additional terminal marketing points. Assures Farmers Profit. "This guaranteed price assures the farmer of a reasonable profit even if the war should end within the year and the large stores of grain in those sections of the world that are now cut off from transportation should again come into competition with his prod ucts. To increase the price of wheat above the present figure or to agitate anv increase of price would have the effect of seriously hampering the large operations of the nation and of the al lies by causing the wheat of last year's cmp to be withheld from the market. It would, moreover, dislocate all the present wage levels that have been established after much anxious discussion and would, therefore, cre ate an industrial unrest which would (Continued on Tttge Two, Column On.) The Weather For Nebraska Continued mild tem perature. . T.miwratirM at Omaha lesttrday. j-jour. 5 a. m 1 6 a. m 37 7 a. m 38 8 a. m 40 9 a. m 42 10 a. m 45 11 a. m 30 13 m 63 1 p. m S" 2 p. m 62 3 p. m 65 4 p. m 66 5 p. m 67 6 p. m 65 7 p. m 63 rw.- Comparative Loral Rrrord. 1918 1917 1916 1915 HiKhest yesterday 67 21 45 34 Lowest yesterday 37 7 25 28 Mean temperature ... 62 14 35 31 rrerlpitntion 00 T. .00 ' .01 Temperature Hnd precipitation departures from the normal since March 1: Normal temperature 26 Excrm for the day 2 Total deficiency since Mar. 1, 1917 CS0 Normal precipitation 02 Inch Deficiency for the day 02 Inch Total preclp. since Mar. 1. 1917.. 23. 36 Inches Deficiency since Mar. 1, 1917 7.19 Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1916. .13.05 Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1915.. .89 Inch "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist. READ PRICE IS DECLARED TO BE HIGH Chain Store Manager Testifies Omaha Bakers Can Make Fair Profit if Charge is Lowered. The testimony of W. D. Williams, general manager of the Basket Stores, in the food administration inquiry into the cost of making and selling bread, showed that bread can be made and retailed for much less than the prices held to be necessary by Jay Burns of the Jay Burns Baking Company, Peterson and Pegau of the Peterson & Pegau bakery, and a lot of other bakers of Omaha, who testified pre viously. Mr. Williams' testimony showed that, his stores sell the bread at 7Vt cents retail, which is less than the other Omaha bakers are charging at wnoiesaie. . Bakers Say 8 Cent;. The government is asking that the bakers' wholesale, their brsfcd at 7A cents.'. .The majority of the Omaha bakers went before the food admin istration with their records attempt ing to show that they cannot wholesale-it for less than 8 cents. . Mr. Williams , was on the stand be fore Referee Henley in the office of Attorney John W. Parish in the First National bank building 'Saturday aft ernoon. He operates a string of 42 retail stores in Omaha, Council Bluffs and Lincoln and testified that he re tails bread in these stores at 7'A cents per pound loaf. In Lincoln, where the, company operates its own bak ery, Mr. Williams testified the com pany sells an average of 1,500 loaves pef day. "Can you tell the cost of bread de livered at your stores in Omaha and Council Bluffs?" questioned Attorney Parish. "Yes, sir," Mr. Williams, "Six and three-fourths cents per loaf." "And at what price do you retail it?" "We sell for 7'2 cents retail. "At this price do you make a fair profit?" "Yes, sir." "Your company has a bakery in Lincoln?" "Yes, sir." "Can you state the cost of produc tion at your Lincoln bakery?" "Yes, sir. Six and six hundred and forty-six thousands cents per loaf. This includes delivery charges." "Have you raised your price since December?" . "No sir. We were retailing bread for 8 cents in December and reduced our price to 7'2 cents in January." "You are now selling bread for 7y2 cents?" "Yes, sir." "Can you tell the cost of production irrespective of delivery?" "I can tell the cost of delivery and it can be substracted. It cost $109.11 to deliver bread to 11 stores in Lin coln." "What will that make the delivery charges per loaf?" A small fraction less than one-half cent per pound loaf." Mr. Williams was the last witness to be examined during the investiga tion and the transcript of the testi mony will be prepared as rapidly as possible and submitted to State Food Administrator Wattles and be for warded to Food Administrator Hoover. Guests at Grant Street Dancing Party Wind Up in Police Court Misfortune followed Jim Bell. Madge Pearson and William Snell, negroes, when they attended a dance in Grant street on Washington's birthday. In police court Bell was charged with unlawful possession of whisky, and made to pay a fine of $100 and costs. William Snell was fined "for falling down on his job" as floor manager, and Madge Pearson was convicted of being drunk. Bell asserted that Officer Franklin was mistaken in supposing that the bottle of whisky which lay on the floor under his feet belonged to him. He said there were 250 others in NEW HINDENBURG LINE UNDER CONSTRUCTION WILL SHORTEN FRONT ON AMERICAN SECTOR German Forces Ready to Fall Back to New Entrenchments Near Fortress of Metz; Will Straighten' Long Y, Line Around Verdun; Trenchei v - , 1 Are Sea of Mud. ' Ey ARTHUR S. DRAPER, London, Feb. 22. (Special Cable to New' York Tribune and Omaha Bee.) Petain's 11 -mile attack Wednesday near the Seille river, in Lorraine, has added interest today with the news the Germans in that part of the front have prepared a new "Hindenburg line." READY TO RETREAT. O It is far in the rear and apparently Tl 1 PTI A RATil TA they are ready to fall back upon the ! I U Ah HI llr N I II fortress of Metz from the St. Mihiel I Hfll I IU IllLll I U salient this spring, as they did from the Noyon salient, further west, a year ago. INCLUDES AMERICAN SECTOR. The part of the line they would give up if this maneuver is carried out includes the sector near Xivray and Seicheprey, held by American troops. The extreme depth of the retreat on the center of the line involved would be 25 miles. The new line selected, running from near Etain, due east of Verdun to near the Rhine-Marne canal, where American troops first went into action, would be about 60 miles long, replacing a tortuous front about 20 miles longer. Metz New Pivot. The new line makes the great fortress of Metz the pivot and gives up all the plain of Woevre. A cor respondent in the field for Le Temps of Paris has just visited this section of the front. From Verdun- to Par roy the French hold all the high ground and look across- the plains to the east. The German lines are in places on the slopes of hills, and others in the valley at the foot of steep declivities. The correspondent was able from the high ground to see what he described as a new "Hindenburg line. Trenches Sea of Mud. "In fact," he says, "the Germans have finished or nearly finished here a Hindenburg line, as elsewhere along the front. From the heights of the Meuse to the Moselle our muddy trenches are opposed by their trenches. equally muddy, but behind their trenches they have built their new Hindenburg line, which cuts off en tirely the St. Mihiel salient. the hall, so "why did he pick on me?" Snell said that in his capacity of floor manager it was essential that he carry a gun to protect himself when he tried to take booze from the customer:. He said he did not know that Bell had any in his possession. "You're fined for taking a job you couldn't swing," said the judge. Madge Pearson protested that it was a broken ankle sustained by fall ing through a skylight in Canada that made her walk "that way," but officers asserted that it was good, old "red eye." A complaint against Siull for carry ing concealed weapons was dismissed. My! How We Have Grown . , t&wp(Dl E FIGHT FOR DEFEAHF BILL Proposal to Eliminate Func tions of Interstate Commerce Commission Denounced by Omaha Shippers. In line with the action of similar or ganizations throughout the country, the Omaha Traffic club has taken steps looking to the defeat of the congres sional plan to curtail the powers of the Interstate Commerce commission by vesting in the president of the United States the authority to initia ate advances ill the rate rules and regulation of common carriers. At its meeting Saturday the Traf fic club took the position that "our system of railway control and rate (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) Statistics on Omaha's Thirteenth Annual Au(o Show Date February 25 to March 2, inclusive. Place Auditorium and An nex to south of Auditorium. Auspices Omaha Automo bile Trade association. Manager Clarke G. Powell. Opens Two p. m. Monday, February 25. Closes Ten thirty p. m. Sat urday, March 2. Hours (After Monday) 9:30 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. Mu3ic Afternoon and eve ning by Oleson's orchestra. Number of Exhibitors Sixty four. Makes of Gasoline Cars Eighty-seven. Makes of Electric Cars Two. Cars on Display Two hun drey and sixty-one. Lowest Priced Car Four hundred and thirty-five dollars. Highest Priced Car Nine thousand dollars. Value of Exhibits Approxi mately $1,000,000. Public Entrance Fifteenth street, between Howard and Jackson. Exits All sides of building. SECOND DRAFT WILL BE CALLED EARLY IN MAY Unofficial News, from . Wash ington Indicates That Prep arations .Are Completed for Raridlingr Another Ariny. - , Washington, Feb. 23. While War department officials reiterate that no date has. definitely been' fixed for the calling of the second draft of the na tional army, all available outward in dications would seem to point to some time during the month of April or at the latest early in May. Such an estimate is based on the known preparations for equipping and housing the men. It is no military secret that equip ment. and supplies for men of the sec ond draft will become available soon after April 1, and careful observers look for the first increments to be called soon afterward. The number of men to be called in the first increment has riot yet been determined because the question of housing them has not been disposed of. . There will be room for some of them in camps and cantonments now occupied by troops, and it is possible that additional cantonments may have to be provided. It is also possible that some of the National Guard camps may be used during the period. This phase of the subject is being given careful study, but nothing has been rlc-wlcd. New York Aviator Is Killed on French Front Paris, Feb. 21 Edward J. Lough ran of New Yorkr flying on the French front in a French squadrilla, was killed 10 days ago in an aerial combat. Loughran went across the Genmti Jines and was attacked by fournenfy machines. He flew back to the French lines, where he fell tothe earth and was dead when found. He was buried near Chalons. WOULD-BE DETECTIVE, WITH Erstwhile Sleuth Displays Big Badge, Fin gerprint Paper and Magnifying Glass. 'LOTS EXPERIENCE SEEKS JOB A position as "United States detec tive" was sought by J. Burwil, who wandered into United States' Marshal Flynn's office Saturday morning. He met Deputy Marshal Quinley, whose humorous brain immediately took in the seedy-looking individual in the cardigan coat. "Have you had any experience as a detective?" Quinley asked him. For answer Burwil unbuttoned his coat, sweater and vest and showed a shining badge about a foot in diame ter, decorated with eagles and stars and inscribed "Deputy Chief of Po lice." He also displayed a cheap magn'f in;; glass and a sheet of paper i some finger prints on it. He explained that he had met a "feller" in Portland "who knew how to take the finger prints" and he asked him to teach him this part of the detective art, which the "feller" did, for a consideration of $5. "I'll give you a note to the boss," said Quinley, and he wrote to Rus FOREIGN DIPLOMATS QUIT RUSS CAPITAL TO AVOID CAPTURE Petrograd is Threatened By Rapid Advance of Teutons: Bolshevik Government Reported Fleeing to Point Farther Inland; Francis Cables Plans for Evacuation to Washington. BULLETIN. , Berlin, Feb. 23. In their new invasion of Russian territory the German forces have reached Walk, in Livonia, 90 miles northeast of Riga, it was announced today by the German gen eral staff. In Volhynia the Teuton armies marching from Lutsk have reached the town of Dubno. The official -statement fol lows: "In Esthonia we are pressing eastward. In Livonia. Walk has been occupied. "In Ukraine the forces advancing southward from Lutsk reached Dubno. Elsewhere our operations are taking their course. "The number of prisoners brought in has been increased to two generals, 12 colonels, 433 other officers and 8,770 men." (By Associated Press.) Petrograd, Feb. 23.- The allied embassies will leave Pet rograd in the event that the German advance threatens thei city. They are ready, however, to aid Russia to fight the Ger mans. The embassies are virtually unanimous in a decision not to break relations in any event NATION TO BE PLACED UNDER RATION LAW Compulsory Food Conservation urged by House Agriculture I .Committee; Food Famine Threatens Country. Washington, Feb. 23. Compulsory food conservation is necessary in the opinion of members of the house ag riculture committee, which today sub mitted its report on the bill giving the president power to regulate public eating houses and the distribution and manufacture of foodstuffs. The bill does not directly affect householders. The report recalls that the presi dent has no power to enforce econ omy in consumption under the exist ing food law and that the success of conservation plans depend entirely upon the voluntary co-operation of the people. MANY SLACKERS. The appeals to save food have met with gratifying results, the report says, and adds "but there is a small per cent of people who either will fully or for lack of understanding fails to respond to the call made for patriotic duty." "The food situation as it affects us and our allies," the report continues, "is becoming so critically serious as to warrant the committee in the belief that the necessity is upon us of adopt ing compulsory methods of conserva tion in certain well-defined directions. "It would be foolish for us to shut our ,eyes to the facts; it would be cowardly in us to fail to attack the problem of waste in foodstuffs in the most vigorous manner. "The bill is designed to meet a sit uation which is closely allied to con servation. "If wc ship to Europe all of our ex portable surplus of certain foods, there is never going to be more than just enough of such foods available for consumption in the United States. "In order to prevent local shortages, (Continued on Tane Two, Column Four.) sell Ehcrstcin of the bureau of in vestigation as follows: "This man wants a position as United States detective. He has had lots of experience and already has a badge." Armed with this, the candidate went to Ebcrstein's office, down the hall, and presented himself there. He again unbuttoned his coat, sweater and vest and displayed the shining badge, lie again took the paper with the linger prints from his pocketbook and he again showed his magnifying glass. He said he would be willing to start in at $300 a month, hut was told that was a trifle high for a new detective. He expressed a willingness to Start even lowe.. When told that at present the United States detective force is full, with a long list waiting to be ap pointed, he put away his badge, put the "finger prints' back in his pocket book and his magnifying glass in his coat pocket and departed. GOVERNMENT TO MOVE. If Petrograd is actually threatened. the embassy staffs probably will pro- ceed inland with the bolshevik govern ment, wherever it may move, RUSS UNCONCERNED. London, Feb. 23. The inhabitants of Petrograd await coming events with an outward calm, according to the latest dispatches received here, and . continue to pursue their ordinary bus iness life seemingly unconcerned ovrr the great interests at stake. -' The Daily Mail's Petrograd corre spondent,, in a dispatch sent last Thursday, repeats a statement that the majority would welcome the ar rival of the Germans, fearing an out break 6t uncontrolled anarchism with riot and murder. TIRED OF DISORDER. The bulk of the population, the cor respondent says, is tired of revolution, tired of Hunger and disorder and tired of the uncertainty perpetually over hanging them. The only information of current date received here consists of official pronouncements. The Petrograd correspondent of Reuter's Limited sends an official statement that the council of the peo pie's commissaries has appointed a Francis Ready to Leave Petrograd Washington, Feb. 23. Ambassa dor David R. Francis advised the State department today of the in tention of the diplomatic corps in Petrograd to leave the city with the Bolsheviki government if the Germans menace the city. The American ambassador gave no details as to the plans of the diplomatic corps, but added that the soviet government was plan ning to make a defense of the city if necessary. special general staff and has issued a decree reiterating its warning that martial law must be used mercilessly to repress "criminal attempts" and extirpate the counter-revolutionarv element. Measures, it is officially declared, have been taken for the registration and distribution of foodstuffs and of the mobilization of the entire popula tion for defense. The special general staff will appropriate all property re quired for defensive purposes. No Resistance to Germans. An extraordinary session of the cen tral executive committee of 'the sol diers' and workmen's delegates was held Friday evening. M. Sverdioff presided and asked the committee to adopt a resolution expressing con- (Continurd on rage Two, Coltiran Two.) Two Big Nebraska Farm Papc re to Bo Merged By negotiations just completed the Twentieth Century Farmer has been acquired by and will eventually be merged with the Nebraska Farmer. owned and published at Lincoln, by a corporation in which S. R. McKelvie has the chief interest. These two weekly papers are the leadinjr agri cultural publications of the state, the Twentieth Century Farmer having been issued by The Bee Publishing company, under the editorship of Thomas F. Sturgess since 1900, as the successor to the old Weekly Bee. The transfer will be made April' 1, but The Bee Publishing company will continue to print the Twentieth Cen tury Farmer into June for Mr. Mc Kelvie and also after that the con solidated paper until his plant at Lincoln may be ready to take it over. This will enable The Bee organiza tion to concentrate an ettorts upon Ihc Daily and Sunday Bee and make these papers better than ever.