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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1918)
? i T 4 PAGES 1 TO WantN Ads Markets unday Bee PAGES 1 TO r Want Ads Markets OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6, 1918. SINGLE, COPY FIVE CENTS. H 1 VOL. XLVIII NO. SO. 4 A representative list of any article refer Abstracts of Title. MIDLAND TITLE GUARANTEE AB- 8TRACT CO., 1J14 Faroe ra St. Douglas as6& 8ADLER. 8. M. A SON. lit Keellne Bid. Doug 1326. Title examined and perfected. Adding Machines. DALTON ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINES, 424 Ramge Bldf. Doug. 1441. Architects. NELSON, FREDEIRICK A.. 840-42 Branded Theater Bid Dougla 6200. -Let fis plan your borne. ' Attorneys. DICKINSON, CHAS. T., ' Douglae 1804. . Paxton Bile FISHER. H.. 1411 First Nat Bank Bid. D. 196. Attorney and couniellor at taw. FITZGERALD JAMES M., 1017-20 City Nat Bank Bide Douglas 4608. . . GRAY A BRUMBAUGH. 213-14 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Red 2167. General practice In ' eta te and federal court. HOLDER. E. C. 644 Omaha Natl. Bank Bids. Douglaa 2244. HOWELL, F. 8., 771 Brardela Theater Bids. ' Douglaa 2070. BARER, BENJAMIN 8., 406 Douglaa 482. Bee Bldf. VON DORN, J. E., 400 Paxton Blk.. Doug. S714. Attorney at law. CLAIBORNE. H. H., 613 Paxton Blk. Phone nN l vi. CONNELL. W. J., (34 BEE BLDG. Douglaa MATTERS, THOMAS H.. Lawyer. 262 Om. b nana: aiqg. fougiaa MZ1. Automobiles. GOERNE, FRED, A SON. 6026-6028 & 24th. South 198. Agents for Mack Auto trucks, IF JUCAFFREY MOTOR CO., 10th and How. aril. FlAll"- AKAA VnrA am miA ..n. l-a . Aumoruea agents lor ora cars. M'lNTYRB-HAYWARD. MOTOR CO., 2427 Farnam. Douglas 2406. Steams-Knight and Regal cars. . , SAMPLE-HART MOTOR CO.. 18th and Burt Tyler 613. 100 per cent Ford erv- ice xo r ora owners. Auto Livery. SHERMAN, A. W 2311 N. 24th St Webster aam. auto nvery ana storage. SMITH TAXI CO., Doug. 680, 1417 Farnam. . r unerai care mrnisaed. Al Bmlttt. MgT, Auto Painting. ROESSIG, W. F. 144 a 40th. Har. 1448. we make old autos look like new ones. Auto Repairs. GREENOUQH AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR. tiiu, ju; f arnam. juouglas 2001. HIATT. L. O.. 4615 tt 24th St South 1213. Automobile repairs and garage. v AMERICAN MACIIINH WORKS. 110 fL lift. Doug. 4881. Automobile work, eyL boring. pistons fitted, auto parts made --to order, . .... w. . w u.iui.,uujui1l' r W., 7 - B. 6or. 2Mh mnri Hamey gt old parts raaao new, new parts made, too." p. 2662, BIHLER. ALBERT v.. TNr ins a loti. fD. 8895. Auto repairing and commercial Auto Supplies. TROUP AUTO SUPPLY CO., 1921 Farnam. Douglas 6230. A full line of supplies for . all makes cS cars. " . Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO., 1616 Davenport St Douglas 2914. Auto Tops "ar.d Trimniings ENGLISH, THOS. F., 2318 Harney. Doug las 3786. . Satisfaction guaranteed. The : beet la none- too good. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA EXPRESS CO., : 1417 Chicago. Douglas 3(64. - Moving vane for furniture i ' and piano moving. Careful men. . f OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY, "THE ONLY WAY." Telephone Douglas 295. 14th and Jackson. - WE MOVE, . . Pack, "store, ship "pianos and household goons. MAUGARD STORAGE CO. D. 1496, NEBRASKA TRANSFER CO., 1108 Nicholas. ) Tyler - 4t. Public warehouse. Storing autumoones a specialty. - ' ' FORD TRANSFER CO.. 817 Douglas St Tyler 3. "Always at your service." Foley auto exprkss. 6ms. isth. t. 141. Let u contract to dt hauling for YOU. Banks. COMMERCIAL STATE BANK OF OMAHA, THE. 15U Main. Florence, trior. 303. 4 pet , on time certificate and savings deposits. Protected under Neb. state guarantee taw OMAHA NAT'L BANK. Tyler io: 17tb and f arnam its. A M ERICA N STATE BANK, Ifeth and Far nam. Wead Block. Phone Tyler 80. Benevolent Institutions. CHILD SAVING INSTITUTE, 619 8. 42d. Harney 6511. Supported toy donation. . Biscuit, Manufacturers. ITEN BISCUIT CO., Capitol Ave., 12th to Utb St Douglas 2123. Snow Whits bak ery. Mfrs. of cracKers, canes and cookies. 1 Bottling Works. NATIONAL BOTTLING WORKS, Simon B. Epstein, Pres., 2566-68 Cuming. Douglas 2680. Distributors of ,NON-TOXO." , , Blue Prints. PENG EH, N., 305 Brandeia Theater Bldg. Douglaa 2762. Blue prints that eatlsfy." Books, Stationery. MATHEWS' BOOK STORE. 1620 Harney St. Phone Douglas 1144. Book. Stationery nd Engraving. Bottles. RIEKES. S. & SON, 1613-16 Webster St Tyler 2032-W. Jobber and dealer In bot tle of all kind. Building and Loan Associations. COMMERCIAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSO CIATION. James J. Fltigerald. 4JJ1 8. 24th St. South 192. Loan on real estate. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING A8SOC1A. TION. N. Wi Cor. 16th .nd Dodge. Doug. - las 370. 6 per cent real estate loan. Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE. WILLIAMS. MOUNT CO.. 23d and xiicKorj. u, ivtj. aurs. or Doners, tanas. smokestacks and oxy-acteylene welding. Billiard Parlors. MONARCH BILLIARD PARLOR, 111 a - 14th St "hone Douglas 8724 Soft drinks and cigar. Jack Broonfleld, Prop. , SUBWAY BILLIARD PARLORS, 204 V & ' 14th Swanson & Ayleaworth. Proprietor. Cigars, tobacco and barber shop. D. 4663. Butter (Wholesale). ALFALFA BUTTER CO.. 120-24 N. 11th 8t Douglas 8903. W W. Richardson. Pres. Cash Registers. MORRlt, CASH AND CREDIT REGISTER 'CO., 21J-J21 CKy Nat'l iBank Bldg Douglas 4408. E. W. Hart, Pres. ' , 1 ( - v eekly Commerci al of the best business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need to the list below. You can depend upon excellent service and values- Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY. 188th Ave, end 8hler St. Colfax 886. Chiropractors. JOTH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Con tinental Blk; new location, 494-496 Bran dele Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpenter. D. 6381. lates ana Restaurants .'. W. C. A. CAFETERI, 17th A St Mary's Av. D. 1428. Houra: 11 a. m. 2 p. m.. p. m., 4:46 p. m. Open to men and women 'EDWARD'S CAFE. 204 N. 16th St D. 2911. Geo. Petros. Prop. Home cooking, com ' btnatlon breakfasts and dinners. CARPENTER CAFE, 1019 N 16th. laa 8606. A sanitary eating place. Doug- CASTLE HOTEL CAFE. Red 7408. 16th and Jone Ste. ALFRED JONES. Prop. Cleaners and Dyers. IMPERIAL DYEING WORKS. Tyler 1022. AND CLEANING 1618 Vinton St. Coal NORTH END COAL A EXPRESS CO.. 2627 Lake. Web. 6036. Transferring trunks and furniture our specialty . High-grade coal. Confectioners. ROGERS' CONFECTIONERY. 24th anfl Farnam Sts, Phone Douglaa 127 WILSON. L. L., 1401 Main St. Florence, Neb Soft drinks, cigars, candy Flor 186. A. B. SWEET SHOP. THE. D. 2920. 16th Jackson. Dainty lunches and tee cream. Fancy and etaple groceries Contractors (Building)-. EUREKA BUILDING AND REPAIRS. 2415 Lake. Webster 3000. Workmanship and service. Prices reasonable. Delicatessen. ALVORD'S DELICATESSEN, 27 Farnam. D: 3464. Picnic lunches a specialty. Department Stores, PHILIPS DEPARTMENT STORE. 24th and O 8ts. South 1869. We sell eery. thing the fastest growing tore In Omaha. Desks. NEBRASKA DESK & REFINISHING CO., 4216 N. 24th. Colfax 1424. It it's about desks let us know. Dentists'. ELSTER, DR. W. B. Phones, Office, Doug. 135 ; Res., CoL 2728. New location, 1023-24 First Nat Bk. Bldg. EADK9. DR. fl V . 91 Pnvlnn Rln..l. u. iyzs. tvot tne cheapest, but the best. DR. G W. TODD, Dentist For porcelain teeth, vi Branaeis Blflg. Doug. 2922. M'KENNEY, DENTISTS. D. 2872. 1824 Farnam.- Crown and bridge work, 34 per lootn; wonaer plates. 86, 18. 110 Detectives. RELIABLE DETECTIVE BUREAU. 216 Ramge Bldg. D. 2066. Investla-ators of criminal and civil suits. Our detective are rename. Drug Stores. SARATOGA DRUG CO.. Colfax 116. , 24th ana Ames. Kodak agency. 24-hour serv ice, iree developing POPE DRUG CO., 1303 Farnam. D. 2672. uen, Agt. WYAIS FAMILY REMEDIES. Drugs (Wholesale & Mfrs.). GERJNG. -'1ENRY R,,' CO. (THE J .... vi o. ma ot. uougiaa nst). rbarma centlcal chemist and drug Mfrs. Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE -4 HAMMERS DRY GOODS CO., iu ana nqwara bis. ooujlas 208. Cloaks, suits, ladle' and men' furnlahlngb. art good, millinery and - draperies A all kinds of fancy and staple Dry Goods. SWENSON BROS.. 206-10-12 S. 10th St. Douglas 6607. Wholesale dry goods. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle euniquteeu. ansa AiienQer. 624 Bee. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising. HENNINtrSON ENGINEERING CO., 1123 ' BKined municipal Im provement engineers; sewer, paving, elec. light, water work, aborslsals. rennrt. ANDERSON & BENNETT, 424 Bee Bldg. uougia 1430. Heating, ventilating and power plants. Engineers and draftsmen Florists. BRANDEIS FLOWER DEPARTMENT. UUUULA8 2020. - Fish (Wholesale). BOOTH FISHERIES CO. 1308 Leavenworth St. Douglaa 626S Electrical Goods. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 218 8. 12th. Douglas 2176. Largest elec trical repair works and contracting corn, pany in the middle west - Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 2614 Martha St. Harney 1C62. Machine, gray Iron, brass. oronze ana aluminum castings. OLSEN & SCH LINGER, 1407 Jackson. . D. 7491, Brass, bronze, and aluminum cast ings. Grocers Wholesale. HUGHES. H. J., CO., I 1201-2-5 Jone St Douglas 1134. NEBRASKA A IOWA MERCANTILE CO.. 1316 Howard. Douglaa 1066. High-grade staple and fant groceries. Farm Implements, WAGNER BRO& CO., ( RETAILERS V Doug. 1222. llth & Jackson Sts. ALL REPAIRS Hotels. DELMAR HOTEL, 219 S. 24th St. Douglas 6463. New, modern, quiet and fireproof rooms and bath, ti and up. In heart of city. 24th and Farnam. . UNION HOTEL, J. M, Armstrong, man ager, 11th and Maun Sts. Douglas 6744. Clean, up-to-date rooms. 60 cents and up. MILLARD HOTEL, J. Vaako Son, pro prletors, 13th and Douglaa Sts. Douglas 834. "Popular prices." Cafe In connection. MERCHANTS HOTEL 1608 Farnam. Douglas 648. Hospitals. FORD. HOSPITAL. 26th and Dnnirln. si. Douglas 340. -In charge of Dr, Michael J. rwru, surgeon-in-cniei. Tne most eom plete hospital In the west. Groceries and Meats. GROSS, M.. 419 S. 25th Ave Douglas 4285. First-class meats. PUBLIC AND EMPRESS MARKETS. Douglas 2793. Wholesaler, and retSUn , of everything In eatables. Watch for date ui opening in first Natl Bank Bldg. TUCHMAN BROS. Groctrie and meat. 3 (tore. 324 N. 18th; 26tb and Harney 8t. and 26tU and Davenport Sts. WELSH'S GROCERY STORta, 4705 S. 24tb South .130-139. , Everything good to eat. ROSEN BLATT. J., 219 N. 13th. ' uoogias itvs. Fancy -ro.erle and meat. KCHNAUEER & HOFFMA . .08 N 16th Dougla 1420. Staple grocerle and meet. F1NGERLOS, CHAS., 2651 St For staple ana tancy groceries call South 8904 KUNCL, V. F.. 1244 Soutii irth. Douglaa i" ine o meat market In lh rln WISLER. JOHN, 48th and Leavenworth. Walnut 3243. Free delivery WALLACE. WM., South UiO. 6107 8. 21sl St. First-class goods. Rosenblat A Faler, 2802 Sherman Ave. Web. ini. imrnwiiD, quality, nnantlty. service. Halls. DRUID HALLS, 2414-18-16 Ames Ave., for uancs ana loage purposes Hardware. PETERSON A MICKELSON HARDWARE CO, THE, 4916-18 S. 24th St. South Side. rnffnB ooum ill. OMAHA ICE AND COLD 8TORAGS CO.. McCsgue Blk., 16th and Dodge. Douglaa . wnoiesai and retail ice. Ice Machines. BARER ICE MACHINE CO., 19th and Nicholas. J. L. Baker, Pre. F. J. Yette. Bec'y and Treae. Insurance, Fire. NORTH AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.. 100 Be Bldg Douglas 1023. D. M. M'GAHEY, lieneral Agent HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK, 319-2" City Nat'l l)k. Bldg. Doug. 4162. "1 want you to feel at boms In THE HOME." COLUMBIA FIRE UNDERWRlrllRSrTheT 3d floor Merchants Nst. Bk Bldg. D. 460. C. O. Talmage. Mgr Flre underwriters. NAT'L SECURITY FIRE INS CoTTioi Farnam. D. 1683. The only old line fir In. sura nee ;o. or Neo. w. A. George, Pres.; O. A. Danlelson. Sep.; P. J. Zeman. Trees. Jewelers. J. HENRICKSEN, THE. LOYAL JEWELER. jjougias ion. zui N. I6tb St. Institutions. NEAL INSTITUTE. 1602 South 10th Douglas 7666. Junk Dealers. AMERICAN JUNK CO., N. E. corner 12th ann in tea go Bin. Douglas 6402. School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.. ' 1108-13 Nicholas St. Douglaa "Everything for schools." 1913. Real Estate Rentals Insurance. HELD LAND CO., 870 Brandeia Bldg. Doug. as sits, tteai estate, loans and rentals. neai estate, insurarce. rentals, loans. BIRKETT A CO., 260 Bee Bldg. Doug. 683 Labels. EPSTEN LITHOGRAPHING CO., Tyler 1240 .ii o. iiin Bt. Laneis of every descrlp "'. vmmimiura aim qesigners. Lithographers. EPSTEN LITHOGRAPHING CO. 417 So. 12th St Tyler 1240. Fin color- stationery ana labels. Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BROS., 126 Exchange Bldgll Omaha. Blockers am feeder our specialty. Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO., 40th and Leavenwoith. Harney 424. Lumbering Along." , "Just Magnetos. ANDERSON. CARL A.. 141,7 Douglas 2418. Specialists In Bosch lgn. nun Bystems ana Heinse l"ctrlo starter Mirrors and Resilvsring. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO., eoaD. mi uuming St Motorcycles and Bicycles. EXCELSIOR MOTOR CO.. 1618 Canltol Ave. aion esu. i-rice count some, "but Service counts more. i Osteopaths. MRS. J. R. MUSICK, T. 2363. 402 Rose Blk Sulphur, steam and eucalyptlo baths uaraner system Tor reducing weight I ANDERSON, DR. MARY E., 606 Belldg, t-y uija.ia.ei gowp, Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO. soutn 2340. South Omaha. SWIFT CO . floilth nmuka M.k II., awirts premium Ham and Bacons" those four words mean "purity." - Paints, Oils and Class. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO.Douglas 4750 ramam ot. Paper (Wholesale). , BRINN A JENSEN CO., THE, 1112 Harney. nnoiesaie paper and ata tlonery. PRICE1 QUALITY SERVICB. . Physicians and Surgeons. DAVIS. DR. WILLIAM WINDLE,, Physlolan-ond Kurireon. 1120-21-22 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler 7l. CAMPBELL, DR. S. M, Physician and Sur- sroii, mi rarnam m. uougla 1220. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 683 Brandeia. D. 6691, Pipe Repairing. PTPRS "W repalr Wnds.,. Special " attention to mall orders. OMATTA Tnn k nrr nn Printers' Supplies. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLERj 1114 Howard St Douglas 1076. Printers' supplies. . . Seeds. t HENDERSON'S ALFALFA SEED FARMS. Genuine Grimm alfalfa aeed. Stonewall J. Henderson. Prop. Benkelman. Neb. Serum Manufacturers. HAWKEYS SERUM CO... South Omaha. Neb. South 2717. We can't mak all the erum. but we try to make the best Shoe Parlors. EUGENE THOMAS. Ladles' and genfa. Ws specialize In cleaning all kinds of ladle' fancy footwear. Ou work always pleaaes. We call for and deliver. 103 8. 14th St. Shoe Stores. ATKISSON (M. 8.) SHOE CO.. 603 8. 16th St Douglas 4057. High-grade children's T Printers. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. 806 W,h.i.; Sunderland Bldg. Doug. 6080. High grade tnmmerciai printing at reasonable price. OMAHA PRINTING CO., 13th and Farnam. Douglas 846. Printing, stationery and of- 1UIIIHU.O, MARRINER FRINTINO CO., 1201 Howard St Douglas 1069. Successoi to a. L,. yionecypner Commercial prln'i-r DOUGLAS PI.INTINO CO.. 109-11 N. 18tb St unugia B017. fid commercial orlntina EDDY PRINTING CO. I THE. 322 Bee Bldg. Dnnglas 8647. Fine commercial printing. Signs. CLARK, B. M. A St.N, 113-116 S. 16th, 2d floor. Douglas 1378. Signs, show carda and office letterings. Soft Drinks. STEVE COLOMBO TEMPERANCE BAR 1002 Dougla. D. 2399. Merchants lunch. Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY m Tun- ui-.u 00. I7tn. uouglas 805. Office, type writer, architect and engineers' sun. pile. Loos leaf device Storage Batteries. BATRT VIM CO. OF OMAHA, 116 B. 20th ob ruuuc isuusiaa -i6i. we rebuild dead storage batteries to full efficiency. Sporting Goods. TOWNSEND GUN CO.. 1614 Farnam. wougias am. uuiing and camping supplies and outing clothing. t. )V Gui de Store and Office Fixtures. OMAHA F1XTI1RK iiin. 'euddi v ' Douglss 2724. S. W. Corner 11th and Doug Kargesi new ana used store end office fixture houee In America. JOSEPH FIXTURE CO.. 44luT)odg7 Walnut 655. We specialise in etore fronts. etalre, screens and fixtures Odd mlllwork Tailors. LOHRMAN. RELIABLE LADIES' TAILOR, 4J8-46 Paxton Blk. .'. Douglas 1201. Priors risn. soon rignt. iwrieiactloa guaranteed. Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TANK CO.T "i iu Ave. Webster 878. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO. ' '" a 10th St. Douglaa 603. Skylights, steel VP1I'B. "u saivwnmeq sneete. HABERSTROH. W. A. 40J6 Hamilton. Wal. nut 3973. Specialty of repairing old fur- "-- -i"eign years experience. TOUNO HENDERSON CO.. Webster 2287. ..v. minimn Ave, warm air furnace. Tents and Awnings. , NEBRA8KA TENT . iUKlkln 1204 Farnam. D. 8329. When you think ot CTnings tninK or iwuglas 8129. Theaters. PRINCESS THSATER, 1317-19 Dougla. h, uniy nous in Omaha showing first-run pictures for 60. Typewriters and Supplies. MIDLAND TYPEWRITER CO.. 1404 Dodge BU. W.? .b.U5' xchange. rent snd re pair all kinds of typewriters. Guaranteed typewriters, 810 and up. Writ for list LOX MFG. CO., 396 Brandeia Theater Bldg. Tyler 1060-W. X Manufacturer of typewriter ribbon and carbon papers. CNJ.RiL ' TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. rnm. Douglas 4121. Alt makes. Vacuum Cleaners. PURCIPILE, J. I., 1907 Harney. Doug. 2360. -...j. ..vrniiii cleaning. i,a rrance laun dry tablets. Satenla starch. Ask grocer. Violin Instructions. BlIi?H'1S- MI8" MARTHA. ' Dougla 9423. " 'tb St Beginners my specialty. Pleating and Buttons. S,"'8.0"8. PLEATING. HEM. S.a. oUliUN CO.. Doug. S109. Rooms 886-87 Paxton Blk.. 3d floor. Undertakers. HULStfl 4k RIEPEN. 701 8. 16th. D. is2" Ji".!81" nd mblners Personal at. GENTLEMAN. JOHN A., 2624 Leavenworth - ioo. ucensea embaltner. Funeral director. Lady attendant HOFFMAN. LEO A.. Cor. 24th .nA nn.. nn,,.!. . a a a 1 . . . . V". "-V"f.. "l"u"f.,n "nM'nung and "uuin. rnvaia cnaDel. HEAFEY 4 ItEAFEY, 2611 Farnam Har- ...7 . uuusriBKer and emba mere. CROSBY, WILLIS C, 2611-13 N. 24th 8t Windmills and Pumps. S05 co- flt Farnam fit Tyler ffummuii, pump and pump fittings. Wall Paper and Paint. TBTTER-WALL PAPER CO.. 1414 Harney. 77 .. r'v' Paper and in terior decorations. Wholesale and retail. WIEMER, O. L., 2801 Cuming. Don.. 8763 " na retail wall paper and palnta. Also painting and decorating. UhitlaMl. . a , . . - Council Oluffs Directory Banks. COMMERCIAL NAT'L BANK. jjroaaway ana Hcott St. Phon 41. Barber Shops. H0,?'8..BARBER srfop. " W. B'dway. H art Iflflf - T3 . it,. 1 ,. - -- vwiuiswilWII, Obaorv th number ot clean towli me1 vu etaua uuBiomer, Boots and Shoes. PIERCE SHOD rr. iia w. b a .v., Dii,u k uartieia men s shoe. UTStl as. 1 S D T A . '""" -eier ana m, f. Reed' ladle' shoes. Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes. Coal and Ice. DROGB ELEVATOR CO., 620 Tearl St iuuiio iso. caterers to swat and cnM STEIN, J., & SON COAL CO.. yards 12th and Ave. B. Phone 11C. Coal Dealers. O'NEILL BROS.. 123 W. Broadway. '"" . voai. wooa and read. NEW COUNCIL BLUFFS COAL ,ICE CO., -" - ... uiumwir,, roone 7Z. Department Stores. PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT STORE. 818 W. room I,.. Kverythlng to Employment 'Bureaus. BLUFF CITT. 816 tt West Broadway. . wIiaha 111 ,1 , . r . , nre can always niaca mn Florists. GARDINER FLORAL- CO.. 10 Pearl 8t Phon 623. Glass Manufacturers. ii 1 01 Bwrro UL.S8 WORKS, 107 8. I m ob a-non mu. nate, art and wio- now glass. Windshields and mlpmr, I Garages. BOLTON. (L. H.) TOURIST GARAGE, 160- . ... t uwjr. i none ozu. Taxi servlc. storage and repair work. Agent for Reo " viiwruiei can, Groceries and Meats. wiN FLOWER. 212 16th Ave. Phone1 "' whn. you want prompt aervic and Junk Dealers. COUNCIL BLUFFS JUNK CO.. 12th Av. and 6th St. Phone 650 and 4491, J. Katie, man. Prop. Largest wholesale dealer In aorap Iron, rubber and metals. Oldest concern In southwest Iowa. Eat 1894 Correspondence solicited. Lumber. ' v : QUINN (H. A. LUMBER CO.. " 2d and Vln St. Pho:, 137. "Qulnn for duality and Quick Servlc." HOAGLAND A COt, GEO. A.. 724 8. Main St ; Phone 245. Lumber, lln. and cement. Piano Teachers. BELL. MAUDE GRAHAM, Studio 14 Stut "" A-non nano and Harmony. Sweeping Compounds. KONTINENTAL KOMPOtIND ffl. lino b U.I- o. ni ... . v. ruon, ioa. sweeping compound "F. r, ouiuti, mgr. Theaters. Nicholas theater. 647-549 w. B'way! ian class pnoto Pays. Vsudevllla in season. Wall Paper and Paint BORWICK. H., 211 8. Main St Phone 683 We handle tbs beat In wall paper and paint. Want Ad Rates Ne Ad Takes tor Lee Than Two Ma. Uiet CASH WITH ORDER Jo per line i time is per line. or mors consecutive Insertions CHARGE 1 Jo per lln v i tlms ao per tine.. or more oonsecutlve Insertions 7o per lln 30 consecutive Insertions SITI'ATinv tv A VTrn J6o per line : per week CARD OF THANKS AND IT'NERAL NOTICES I0o per lln each Insertion t Minimum cnarge 60 cents.) . a..u Cash With Order (Count Six Words to line) Financial f o per lln 1 time 1 o Pr n S or more Business Chances I 4scutlvs Insertion ft. ... II , ., All Other J So ner Una J ar mora Classifications consecutive Insertions . v (ism tub rvr rpurtwff .... - . venUntly bring or tend In our want ads Ask for Want Ad Taker and you will receive the same good service a when uoiirorins your want aa at tni orrice. PRONE TYLER 1000 WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITIONS 1J:00 M MORNING EDITIONS 10:00 P. M. Contract Rates nn Application INDEX TO WANT ADS Tage. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS...., AUTOMOBILES Automobile Wanted Automobile Livery and Garage..,.,,,. Automobile Tires and Supplies., N BUSINESS CHANCES.... COMMKRCIAL GUIDE.,.,,,,.. ., EDUCATIONAL FARM ANT RANCH LANDS FLORISTS FINANCIAL DEATH NOTICES .' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Household Goods Pianos and Musical Instruments Storea and Office Fixtures.,.,.,.,,,,. Machinery and Engines..,, , Cameras and Kodak Sewing Machines ,, Typewriter Lumber. Building Material,,..', Nurseries, - Seeds , FOR RENT ROOMS Furnlahnd. flnnma Rouaekeeplng Room Board and Rooms FOR RENT APTS A HOUSES, FURN,. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT G ARAOES FOR RENT HOUSES , FOR RENT BUSINESS PROPERTY... FOR KENT SUBURBAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED FKMAf.H HOTELS C 8 HORSES, i.VvE''80CK,'vEiICL'ES., LOST, FOUND, REWARD T MEDICAL ,. I MONEY TO LOAN .' 9 MOVING AND STORAGE 8 PERSONAL J POULTRY AND PET STOCK J REAL ESTATK TMPnnvrcn ia REAL K8TATE UNIMPROVED .,..,,,1-8 REAL E8TATE INVESTMENT ........1-8 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 1-8 REAL ESTATE WANTED 1-8 REAL E8TATE TRACKAGE .1-8 REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROP. ,,..1-8 REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS ,,,,1-8 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson , 8 Council Bluff,,,,, , 1 Dundee 6 Miscellaneous , SITUATIONS WANTED ... . , , . . . " . I SWAPPERS' COLUMN WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished House and Flats , 8 urnianei Rooms and Flats 8 Real, Estate. Loans and Mortgages Clothing and Furs. WANTED TO BUY .......... ' ' 7 CARD OF THANKS. vun Mrn.Liui aimmn nt am i ink... pressed to our relative and friend for the klndnes hown us at th death of our beloved husband, father and grandfather. W pffer our sincere thank for th ex pression f sympathy and th beautiful floral offerings, especially to St. John'a '"" a. A. M., alio Nebraska j-unaisiory no. 1 a: a. 8. R. and to the Kit xrm as cja . , diovjj nepair works WE wish to extend our sincere tliatik to u. man, triBiiaa, umana longs 288, A, F & A. M., A. A. Soottlah nit. A. O. N. M ...1.1110, umana loage ino, let J. o. B, B Snd the TTllnvarlan ...(! t. - ivi 1 urn Kino- nes and beautiful floral tribute during iii-i nines ana aeatn ot our beloved bus band and father , . MRS. FRANK WIRTHSAFTER AND riiji, . WE, wish to express our sincere thank to .no many irionns ior tneir kind expre ; slons of sympathy; also for th beautiful floral remembrances sent at the death of our deae fn.thAt- aiivimi t rni. , " ' - - - b " . iHuiiuauii; nn.l strand. Axel T., David B., Bort U. Jacob uciiiir uowirn 0. jonnson and Mr AHiia, ju. wiison. , . FRATERNAL ORDERS. BANNER Indaa. No 11 V A IT .m !.,.. 11 I - - . " -- - . ... W " ' 1 . Ill-, M 1 1 ineir new otneers Tuesday evening, Jan. am, in meir nan, mn and Farnam. bv one of th lupreme officer. Member of mn vruur are invuea MARRIAGE LICENSES. ( The following license to wed have been Nam and Residence. ' Age George Pohler. Omaha 24 Elisabeth Llnehan, Omaha JO Elmer J. Jacobson, Sioux City, la. ever 21 Ragna Barbee, Slux City. la, ...... over IS BIRTHS ANT) nir.ATWS Births Arthur A. and Lillian FUnt 2802 Dodge street boyj Antonio and . France Bud, 614 Plrc treet boy; Alfio and Maria Pltruzzello, 1209 William street, boy; Be bastlana and Graxla Wlllnxuagl, 1417 South Sixth atreet boy; Salvatore and Francesca wuiuiuie, 4,0a oouin xweirtn street, girt; Smlon and tftrv 1. ti..M sot, "wniora, 1964 south Twolfth treet girt; """ion ana Mary L. Harrold, 2211 North Twentv - ei&rhth Sofl Rody, 1607 California treet girl; Pter '- wwiw 4.III11H, umana, ooy. Death Frank W. Boyer, 46. 4136 Bur dette treet, boy; Walter R. Anderson. 27 iiutuiai; iiiorria juiicneu, 60, 4101 North T.W,n.7,'f?.ur,!h treet: Mary T. Henderson, f" irni, street; red. b, Wagner, 26, hospital. FUNERAL DIRECTORS STACK & FALCONER " Independent Undertakers, 24 & D. 887 E. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Directors J'eri, Mgr., 234 and Cuming St. dougia yt. o ambulance. HULSB dt RIEPEN, undertaker and balmer. 701 8. 16th. Dougla 1226. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker emhlamer. 2H24 Leavenworth D and tut FLORISTS. H K I ' ( 1 a mnh.P .1 Ik. Kl .1 , .1 Teleeratih Tlnllv.rv ....i.iu. , . . . . ...uvi.iiuii, i, o lu position to deliver flower at abort- notic njv.iicr m ine unitea Htate or Canada eg owoovua, r lonsrs. Fontanel 1 Florlata LEE L. LARMON 1814 Dougla St Dt Kfa 8244. LAUtllCHT nmlt. ' . aV''".!. m ' 'iLr b-i iinriH ml i icsii i lowers MK.NUERSON. 1519 FARNAM. , 411 f If E. 3102 THE FERNERY. 601 8. 16th St D. 2986; ROGERS, Flpr'-t, 319 S. I6th. D. 840t BATH. National Florist. 1 804 Farnam ft A DONAOHITE. t2 Harney " Doug ffToT Horses Live Stock Vehicles. tm - v hi.i. . . -rr marked, one bull, all four weeks old; 321 each. Order at once. Burr Oak Farm, MinvQWKtpr, wis., box A. - . HORSES for sale. 1713 Webster Street Bee Want Adi Bring Results. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA & COUIICIL BLUFFS STRF'ST KAJLVt I COMPANY. Persona having lost aom artl would ao well to call u. the office of th Omaha tt Council Bluff Street Railway corona. to ascertain whether they left 't In the atreet car. Many articles each day ar turned In and th company la anxloua to restore tnemtoin rtgntrui owner IF YOU lor anything and will advertise It era jruu win surety recover 11 ir round by an honest person. Ifyou find any thing ot value the honest way ie to ad- vernae Tor tne owner black pocket, book containing eye glasses sd fountain pen and aom other miti-K'Q, ijirr 10-W. LOST A purse with a monogram clasp, con- inuiuis fi in ensnare in iiurgens-IN'aah store Tuny pmurnny attomoon. I'Hone Web. 680. LOST Black handbag, containing about 840 euiu wmm una seys. 110 reward, tall Red SSJ5. i,usr Military, wrist, band watch, near Kin and B streets. South 433. LOST Brown mink muff on S, 26th St. Re ward, 1 none atarney 3(6. FOR SALE Miscellaneous . Furniture end Household Goods. THOUSANDS- OF DoLLAKS WORTH OF FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES. ETC. it,,,. MUST BE SOLD REGARDLKSS OF COST. .. nuu mi rim v noire. Thfl rnotceat hnm, fnrnlihlnn ih.i mnMw can buy. We make a specialty of complete omnia, biso notei ana rooming houses. Railroad fare free to all out-of-town buyera within 60 mile ot Omaha on purchases of 320 or more, STATE FURNITURE CO. Tel. Doug. 1317, Cor. 14th and Dodge Sts., Omaha. "Tou Can Buy It for Less at The State." "OUR CHRISTMAS SAI.K Mahogany candleatlck. elect, lamp, duofolda, chair and table, chiffonier, ultcase. bag and, trunks, china closets. rugs. THE LOYAL FURNITURE CO: 2!8 N. 16th St. Douslaa 4171. ).MAI1A PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses maae irom your own featners, summer and winter aides; cost less and laat longer 1 man counn or pair oeds. Phone us for sample, moj cumins. Douglas 2467 BARGAINS IN STOVES AND FURNITURE! m-u, springs, mattresses, bedding of all klnda, table, chairs, clna and kitchen cabinet, ruga and linoleum. 1839-1847 N. 24th 8t. Wehater 1607. Open till I p. m. FOR SALE Small amount of cash will nandie complete furnishings of modern -room apartment Apartment for rent: best location; walking distance. Phone narney 7jn. i FURNITURE for sale; privilege of rentins "" uungamw, wlln garage. Owner leaving city. Bargain for quick buyer. 7irr joifl-,1. CALL F. B. 8TEI HENSON. HIGH-CLASS MERCHANDISE., Auctioneer. Licensed and bonded Phone Web. 4471. li K 1 ) A. nmttrMMNMii ,.1- .).... ... 1 ' " 1 . . . w, IU, hi 1 u cnaira, Saturday and Monday, from 10 to w. 48 ni, Aiitry ava. RUSH right down and get your share ot all mim 111 mrniture at 1 serine. 609 N. 16th. 'OR SALE Complete set of furniture for t viciroia. t.:si IWVff Ts4 Pianos and Musical Instruments. RAKE OPPORTUNITY For sal. Mv beautiful 11 SO 150 .Is phonograph and reo. . - (.IIUIIU.I m 1 1 If Ml, I rU- ords; guaranteed 16 years; will accept 360) used nnfv 1A 1 v 1 Will ship Co O. D., allow examination and ' V SJ6 4UUIIU wAt "TT' S"LZr IWW!?! VJ trial without ono cent deposit. Jf found paj j Jll . p w vw wajucM WM RANGE, no water back. Harney 2261 or viiiwHi t.aurnrtiia Bt. - Sewing Machines, F A Wonderful Sale of Used Sewing Machines ' It you nood a good sewing machine, her 1 a good chance to' buy a real bar gain, not caheap-John make, but good tandard Singer, White and New Homes, Every one guaranteed. , ' ' ,',').'. , 16 BARGAINS IN ALL. ' READ CAREFULLT TIII,S LIST. Singer, Drop-Head, alt attachmenta.IH.76 White, Rotany Lo, a' great bargain. 16,75 Free, fine drnn.head. haanHfiil ria fl , , , ..... . tree, beautiful caac, good as new.. 19.98 New Home, elegant drop-head...... 18.60 Oakland, drop-head, a fin valu.. 11.76 Western, drop-bead, a fin value.. 11.00 Goodrich, drop-head, a fin value.. 13.00 New Royal, a beautiful J-drawer, only.......... 11.00 Singer Her'., on that' Just as . good as nw, not mark on it, a $50 machine, for. .,,...,.,,,..125.60 Slnp-er Another rar bargain, a $68 machine that Juat llke new. 28.60 White A S6 value, for.,,,..,,.., jo.00 100 New White machines for rent " WB REPAIR ' ' ALL MAKES ' MICKELS' D. 160?, ISth and Harney. SEWING MACHINES ' Wa rent, repair, aeli needles and parts of all sewing machine. MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 16th and Harney Sts. Douax. 1661 Store and Office Fixtures WS HAVE moved to new location. W buy. en ana mag desks, safes, showcases, shelving etc Omaha Fixture Supply Co., B. W. Cor. 11th and Doug. Phon D. J724. FOR SALEMi8ce.laneOU . Store and Office Fixtures. STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE, I am closing out the A. D. Glimore stock snd offer for sale: 6 plate glass floor cases, 8150 plate glass refrigerator, ribbon case, large candy case, 8660'Natlonal cash .register, two root tan nak tak n.vtn. and computing scale. Elgin coffee, mill, 4-ft fireproof aafe, BOWSER oil tank and pump, platform scales, skirt rack. All must bs sold; come and look them over or write for complete description. B. J. NEWLON, Sales Manager, Mondamln. la. UP-TO-DATE fixtures for gents' furnishing store, first-clam condition. Address 616 Rlchards Block. Lincoln, Neb. typewriters and Supplies. ? FOR .RENT Remington. Monarch and Smith Premier typewriters. Sent anywhere Rental applies on purchase. Remington Typewriter company. Nineteenth , and Dougia street. TYPEWRITERS old. rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 8 months for 85. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1906 Farnam. I Guaranteed typewriters, 810 and up. Writ ior nst. aiiuiano iyp. t;o.. m uoags. Miscellaneous. r REDUCE your coal bill; with our lentiflo ran saver process; salt ana one common chemical make coal burn 1-1 longer by consuming waste. Sworn statement of re sults. Complete details; also big II pre mium coupon, ' free. Satisfaction or your money back. B. Krafft, Box 896, Dept. F, pan rranciaco, til. . IX'l.Il'HE spring double platform wagon, single platform, with pole and shafts. In ftrst-clas condition; alao set ot single harness; displaced by auto truck. H. J. HnesJNv jp JjOt ' ' ' ' ' ' SWAPPERS COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME. Trade those articles of furniture, cloth ing, personal belonging. tc, that yon ' have no need of. Get something you can use. Special rtte for ad In Swapper column 26a for a 3-lln adv. 8 day and 80 per anawer for all letter received. Bustnea ads regular rate f WILL TRADE tt I carai diamond ring ror cords. Muat b . In good Vfrtrnla. nii rAnla condition aa ring I a beauty, , Box & C. JSi. Oman nee. ONE 6x7, one 4x5 Seneca view camera for gun or 2x34 enlarger or what have you? J. L, Park Ison, Perclval, la. WASHBURN, mandolin to trad for other , musical instrument valued at 130.00. Box 8. C. 304 Omaha Be. , , F1LM8 developed, 1O0 a roll, one-day serv Ice. Kae Kodak Studio, Neville Blk.. 1 6th and Harney - - . WOULD like to exchange 18 not player piano mualo rolls. Call evening. Lyrlo ' thenter. 1617 Vinton. WANTED TO BUY ' JENKINSX" ,or usir an teed, ... 1 a'l-Mli ihiu, m.i ImiI. l,.w. . ... 1 rase, I will rail and pay best price Doug. 2636; Re. Doug. 8033. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desk, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1307 Farnam. JO. J 146. DIAMONDS 4 carats and upward, bought from responslbl parties. Albert Edbolru -14-. 1 : jeweiry, flTTl P.T .OT T-ITMri AND 8HOI- :9. Ii . t o. f 5 x 1 r THE HIOHKST PRICES. DOUOLAS 60S1 WANTED to buy, a side car for Indian motorcycle, I .....a 1 iii .'Minilf Utrej, uv.i Hot. B.d,-. Box 346, Omaha Be. I .1 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS HARNESS, SADDLH8 AND fRUNKs7W max mem ourselves; sell them direct to consumer.- Why pay, two profit for In ferior food, when you nan get high grade good at first ooetf ALFRED CORNISH A CO .-1210 Faramn St . Ylmahn Wih . MWNTTtOPIS SPIRITUAL CHURCH, '8319 n. inn, nev. cna o. smith, pastor. Serv Ice Sunday and Tuesday evening at t, Prlvat eonaultstlon dally. Tyler 33S4. . Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. sldo. knife, sunburst box pleating, covered , buttons, sit Slse and styles hemstitching, plcot edging, ays let cut work, buttonhole, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 300-308 Brown Bldg. Dougla 1926. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button m m-T i-axion Blk. Douglas 8109, r r . " Baths. ,i ... CENTRAL-Bath Institute; eleotrlo and plain Dame; roaasage ui ail Kind; expert at tendants. 1608 Harney, Dougla 7097. MASSEUSE bath, manicuring, physical cult. Mia Walker, 214 Neville Blk. Baffflraora and Rnr REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANS1 win nam every millg ior you., Package less than 20 lb IS cents. Doug. 7463. THE ONLYWAYw'w'.S TtlM OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. , Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 37th and Martha 6t. Cameras and Kodaks. FOR SALE Williamson ,"D Lux" motion , piuiur camera, tripoa, magaitnes and carrying case'; all In splendid shap. Btcf fens, car Rinehart-Steffen Studio, 100 ' S. 18th St . ' i .' v. ,' Carpenters and Contractors. LE8SARD A SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1682. : Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 6461. " Chiropodist. ' i Carrie J. Burford, 626Paton Blk. R. 46s Dancing Academy. --y---.-. i- T)a T iivp School. Popular Ballroom C ... Dnccs Clas Monday Ev. 111 8. 18th. Phone Walnut 1037. KEEP Dancing Academy, private leaaona. clause for adult and children. D. T660. ' Detectives. BUTTON Detective Agency (Inc.) "W Get Results." 629 World-Herald Bids-.. Paul Sutton, Mgr. . OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 100 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Tyler 3610. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Blk. Evidence aeenreo in an esses, Tyler 1196. S. D. JOLLY. 613 Paxton. Red 1186. " Dressmaking. Dressmaking, Mlaa Sturdy. Dougla 6396, TERRT Dressmaking Co., 20th and Farnam! Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No. pain. 921 W. O. W. Bid! DR. TEFFT, th well known Omaha des iiai, ua movea 10 4tli Rrandela AU, ' Taft's Dent Rm., 208 Rose Bldg. D. 2186. Fixtures and Wiring. rTTtT'TT Electrlo waahlns machinea. M U AWXVAIV electric Iron and reading amps, za.a turning Bt. Doug. 2619. Historical Costumes. The largeat stock of theatrical snd masque, rade costumes In the country for rent or ale. Theo. Lleben A Son. 1614 Howard.. Household Specialties. C F, ADAMS, 623 S. 16th. D. 2007. Under new - management W want -to see old . friends and meet new. Open Sat evening. Tour credit I good. Agent wanted. Insurance. NATION'L AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COl 913-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2819. Jewelry. TV A Hf fiXTriCJ W Day beat nrloe with AmiUUitW prlvleie ta buv haea at small profit. GROSS. 403 N. 16th St LARS EN JEWELRY STORE, 304 H N."l6tS hi i-none nea Lowest cash price. Lumber and Building Material. SAVE HALF on beam, column, brick. " h! pros i.umoer ana wreck. Co. Web. 3884. Masseur MISS BARTLETT, masseuse at the Central Bath Institute. 1606 Ha.-ney. Doug. 7097. Pianos for Rent 68.60 per mo A Hoepe Co.. 1618 Dougla.' , Di.. w: j ti...? 11 Plumbinar anrl Heatinir TOPP A CO.. 171 Tlatoa street, PlumUasT na ouiiil smew repair, worst sss pecialty. oil irar tarta, Xjrlsf XXiSt