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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1918)
2 C THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 6, 1918. ANNOUNCEMENTS Osteopaths. OSTEOPATHY for rheumatism, tonellltls. la grippe, pneumonia, diseases of women, 0 young women suffer Ing from anaemia. cnioromi, dysmenorrhea. Dr. Mabel Wes on, 114 Brandeis Bids. Res. phone, H. omce, T. Mrs. J. R, Mustek, sulphur, steam and euoa lypto bathe. 401-S Security Bldg. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Expert VVeldinK of All Metal, H.W.LEVERINO. 1018. lith Bt D. Hit. Piano Tuning and RepairinjrT THATCHER, CHA3. H.. 1101 Harney.' Dour MM, Expert tuning and repairing. Hanoi recant ana rennishea. Estimate free. W. It Delbey, piano tuner Dougla t7f. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and fold, INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO.. tSI Branded Bldg. Douglae 4641. 8TURGE8 8TURGES. U. 8. and foreign patent and trademark!. 130 Bee Bldg Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Barnhart Frg. Co.. HH. Htb St. Removal, br. F, W! Boland, pby.. eur.J U Bee Bldg' Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 1311 Farnara, J. J. Perlght Bsfo Co. Songs. WRITE TUB WORDS FOR A BONO. We write muaio and guarantee publlsn afg eoceptanoe. Submit poemi on war. loe or any subject. Cheater Muslo Cs. 1031 Wlleen Ave., Suite H4, Chicago. Tailors.. n Dledrlck, P. L.. Sit 8. 10th' Tailor. D, 1421. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 10? B. 11th. D. IH Trusses, "CLECO" COMFORT TRUSSES Pitted Perfectly by Experts. , The W. o. Cleveland Co., 1410-11 Barney Bt. Voice Culture. Albert Heberttro Baaeo eantant, teacher of glnflng, technique and repertoire). Bta dlo 481 Securities Bldg. Tyler 2447-J. Weddinar StarioneVr. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co.lTol. Pmtcla 144 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR KALE As I ana subject to the next draft, I will tell my newspaper and Job shop located In the beet town In eastern Nebraska, to the man who will make me " the beat offer in the next 10 days. Equip, went will Invoice at 12,000, and business will run around 13.000 annually. Extra good prices obtained for printing. I paid for my equity 11.400 in on year. Will consider trade for part f mine, and plant will carry balance. Answer. Quick deal, or no deal. Box T, car Omaha Bee. PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAT. ' ROOKS AND ADVICS PRES. Bend skstcb or model for search. ' Highest reference. Best results. Promptnee assured. Watson E. Coleman ItVTZ Pscifle Blag ., . Washington. D. C. 10 A OOOD . saleeman, who will work, I offer half Interest In clean, profitable bus- I was tor exactly half of what I bav put In j enough business lined up and stock on Band to return your lnvestmsnt in tw or three months, leaving your Inter at elear. All that la necessary Is th Urn and effort to go out and get th or ders. Call at 111 Paxton Blk. Monday or Tuesday between t;30 and 1:10, or llilej to 1 :80, j IrOR SALE Clean stock- of general mer. obandls, three years old. In a good county seat town. Stock will Invoice about 111, 000.00 with fixtures. Sales last year 17,. 00.00. Stock located In a new, modern brick building! rent. III per month. If you mesa business write, as w are going to ), , , O. W. BATTER, Orant. Neb. i' PHOTOPLAYS .WANTED. W want photoplay stories by sxperl need aad Inexperienced author. - Sub. mlt la any term technical r non-tech-leal, Originality neoessary, not experi ence. We extend co-operative service to writers and guarantee copyright pfotec tlon to accepted stories. No school. Con solidated Scenario Co. (Inc.), Ill Llasnar ' Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. . SkcOME INDEPENDENT Learn copper facta Millions In dividends being paid monthly, famous Copper King mine of fers wonderful opportunities for small In vestments to become large fortunes. Has already produced 11,000,000 In nonpar, gold and silver, Largs holdings and tremen dous or bodies assures great future. Writs today for particulars. Th Califor nia Co., 141 Humboldt Bldg., Ban Francis- re, vai. OPPORTUNITY for wood worker , for variety lathes and general wood work. Must take charge of shop and have $2,00100 cash to invest in established business. Ability to handle men' necessary. Address box 55Wr umaha Uee. ACTUAL PRODUCTION Four producing wells In Newklrk Field; 14,000 barrels In I months from oar Hesldton Lease, Third less being proven on three sides. Buy with a wlnnsr that's showing resnlts, ' 11.40 share; terms If you like. Writ for blue prints and book of facts. All Amerl can Oil A Pes Co., Oklahoma City. OfcL IUbSTANffX manufacturing sompan) wants purty to establish branch office and manage salesmen: possibilities unlimited lloo to 1600 capital needed; you handle own money; wilt pay expenses to Chicago dm explained. Secretary, 411 & Dearborn, J Chicago. BB INDEPENDENT, Chlropractlo doctors esrn 11,000 to 10,000 yearly; work tor , yourself; this good peylng profession quickly, learned by correspondence; low rates; easy terms; Illustrated book and charts free. American University, 1ST Manlerre Building. Chicago. - BE Independent, Chlropractlo doctors earn . 13.000 to It. 000 yearly; worst tor yourself; this good paying profeesloa quickly lesrned by oorreepondenee; low rates, easy terms; Illustrated book and charts free. American tniveraity, 16T Msnlerre Bldg., Chicago. JJILLINERT stock and fixture f or Tiale In a good prosperous town.- Terms reason able. Must sell at one to work for gov ernment For particulars writs to Box T 141, Omeha Bee. CONFECTIONERY & NOTIONS Good location doing good business. Sick nees reason for selling. Walnut 1701. 11.46 WILL start you to a profitable bust ness. Writ or call. W. H. BORCHERDING & CO. ' , III So. 17th Street. , . . WANTED. T lara of an a No. 1 tec tlon (or a good general practitioner of medlsln. Ad- dress Bog T-3. Omaha Bee. CASH grooeries, neat door to school, freeh ' stock, good fixtures, I light living rooms, low rent, prlc reasonabl. CU Bed st. Wanted capable man with tor best business opening In Omaha, Good for , 110,100 a year and up; permanent. B. worwB, m wonsra jpunoing, vnicego. MOTION picture machine (new and re- ouuu . incaiere suppueou uruaoa r urn a. Kxchsnge, 101 S. 14th MOVINCI PICTURE maoJilnes, new and r l built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co., loiNari Bldg. fo GET In or out ot bueinees call en OANOE8TAD. rW Bids. Doug. 1477. HOTEL By March 1. furnishings aad lease tor sal. Box 1(4, Kensington, Kan. BUSINESSES lumUhed and aold. All stales! F. V. Knlest. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. JOE F. GODFREY, leading mds. auctlBeer or miaoie west, wnu rsns ijs. umesa. FOR SALE Bathroom, located In Clark hotel. Hastings. Neb. J. Olsnts. Prop. POWD SALE AND AUCTION CO, 1111 : W O. W Bldg Red ism - Rooming Houses for Sale. ROOiilNa house ot I rooms, close In. full, chp for ch; leaving city. Tyler 3095. SITUATIONS WANTED . POSITION wanted by two girls on ranch or ' tn small town hotel. Box 314. Omaha Be. Male. .IfcXPERT Interpreter desires position, can peak aad writ ssvea languages; food ,: referent. Ad dross 1111 Franklin gtr4. city. - WELL educated registered druggiet wishes employment. Would accept other high arad work. Thirty-two (12) year old. Box 111. Omaha Be. KXPERIENCEU chauffeur wishes position driving private nr. Dg. 4141 Clark Wtltaer. WA1 ."ED PoalUoa as Janitor or fireiuasu vail lo Moes, at Webster till WAJiXJJD A good location to praetio aeilL, tun. Sr. Walloer, Bamptoa, JLs. , SITUATIONS WANTED Male. Ashes and cinder hauling. L. DoUon. R. 7180. Female. COMPETENT stenographer would Ilk home work. Typewriting or clerical. Box III. DAT work wanted by colored girl cooking or cleaning. Web. 111. BUN. WASH, reas. whit woman. D. 7104. COLORED woman wants day work. Web. 110. CO I Xi RED woman wante dey work W. 1740. Laundry and Day Work EXPERIENCED laundress wants family weaning; taken home. Mr. H. Borowsky, 2408 8. 12th st COOKING or cleaning by colored glrL NWeb. sain. ' FIRST-CLASS colored laundreee, with ret! Call D. 1711. FOR a good woman for day work. W. 6171. EX-COT., lady want day work. Web. 1224. NURSING by day, week or nr. call 8. 1246T BUNDLE washing wanted, yalnut 1364, WANTED Day work. Cell Welster 4142. FIRST das day work. Webster 3111. WANTED Day work, no ws Web. 4741. BUNDLE waahlng wanted. Webster 1214. WANTED Day work. Webster 4431. Miscellaneous. POSITION on farm by experienced man and wife, Cummlngs, till Dorcas Bt, city. - HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices, SENIOR accountant, 1100; Junior accountant. 1160; boftkecper, small office, lilt! cost accountant, experienced. Hit; bookkeeper, $86-1100; general office man, I76-I86; traveling salesman, stapl line, Ills and expenses; traveling salesman, young man. experience unnecessary, 174 and expenses. Western Reference h Bond Assti. Originator of th Reference Business. 711 First National Bank Building. ACCOUNTANT," 1201. Bookkeeper, good future, 1121. Bookkeeper, $106, . Bookkeeper, $85, Bookkeeper and typist, ISO.'- Stenographer and elerk, 110. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANT, 1U7 Plrst National Bank Bldg. ACCOUNTANT II 50 I BOOKHIEPKRb IIO-IRO LEDOKR CLERK 171 1 HTENOS , on out Of town 171-10 BOOKKEEPER, BANK. EXP ..,.140 SOT , 131 TUB OANO AOENCT, 100 BKU BLPO WANTED First-class paturn makers at ones. 11.10 for eight hours. Apply Wil liam F. Thomas, Utah Copper Co., tier field, Utah, Arthur Plant. OMAHA government elerk : examination coming, 1100 month; thousands wanted; simple questions free. Franklin Institute, iJept. Z9 u. rincnesier, r. i. WANTED Tounir men over II, experienced ss stock clerk, eto. Skinner atrg. to. 14th and Jackson. ' Professions nd Trades. WANTED LABORERS! WAGES, IIC PER HOUR. , APPLT . WITHER8POOW ENGtER CO., CHICAOO N. W. ELEVATOR COM COUNaC I,UFFS, IOWA. WANTED :' : CARPENTERS WAGES, lOo PER HOUR. APLT ' WTTHBRSPOOH ENOLER CO., CHICAGO s N. W, BLEVATOR CO. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. 100 MEN WANTED AT ONC TO CUT ICS AT SEYMOUR LAKE, RALSTON, NEB,. S7U CENTS PER HOUR MEALS AT !0o AND ' LODOINO FREE TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED FROM SOUTH OMAHA TO B ALSTON AND RETURN, ' CUD AH Y PACKING CO., SOUTH BIDS. WANTED Oirls with telephone switchboard Ing from horn phone. Address, giving experience knd horn phone number. Box lit, Omaha Be. - ; MAN to work this city reflniehlng chan- dellsrs, brass beds, automobiles, by new method. 110 dally without capital or ex panse. Writs Ounmetal Co., tl Elm, De catur, III. PLUMBER to do plumbing In 4 houses and houses ready. Seward Bros., 071 Bran- dels Bldg. D. mtO. WANTEDA-Hld cutter. Good wages. Steady employment. - Dubuiju Tanning e Ron Co., Dubuque, la. BE A DETECTIVE. Exoellent opportunity. good pY travel. Writ C. T. Ludwlg, westover Bldg., Kansas city. Mo. WANTED Good barber to work Saturdays; guaranteed IB; good position tor a good barber. Tin N St. Phone south no. LEARN barber trade, low rate now. Call or writ Barber College. 1134 Douglas SI. EXPERIENCED tailors wanted. Steady JobT aooa pay. 1. opploan, ptortn Bend, Web. WAITED 10 laborers, tSo per ' hour, 10 hour day. Mo. Pae. By., 46th and podge. COLORED man wants Job as porter br JanU tor. i an wenster mil atter :io. Salesmen and Sollcltora. 2 TRAVELING HARDWARE .SALESMEN r . . ' for ' J ' Central and Southern Nebraska ; Territories. y Headquarters: Columbus and Fairbury. . Exceptional spportaaltles for mea who have sold th retail hardware trad In these territories. NONB OTHERS CON SIDERED.' If employed now will trr good laduo ment In salary to change, and yeer nam . wlU be wlthhsld U this U your house. . W1r tt you oannot call at ono tor Interview. WESTERN REFERENCE AND BOND ASSOCIATION, 731 First National Bank Bldg. 1241, oni dav In September, XIII Ira Shook oit r...n did it Plersoa of Montgomery started two stores sine August. Hlgglns of I'oughkeepsis started September II; 1,100 patkages first dsy. Studer wrote October 1. "sold 110 on day." Kellog 700 ahead and ot second week. Baker, 1,000 packages In one day. Perrlne, 30 In on month. Recent Michigan customer wrote December 14th, profit 11400." W start you in business. No experience; little cap. ItSf. W furnish everything; teach yon aecret formula; how to succeed. Build a business of your own. . Ths demsnd tor crlspettes Is enormous. A delicious food confection mads without sugar. High prices and war conditions kelp. Profits ; 11,000 month easily possible. W. Z, Long Co., SOS High St., Springfield, O. CALENDAR SALESMAN W are ready to start a salesman over SI la Nebraaka with oar new Un of art calendars, fans aad blotters. Wo want a hustler who wishes to' form a permanent conectlon on th road and who can devote hi whole tlm and attention to our lino. Prices moderate, commissions liberal and paid promptly. Our' new Un I th result of our 10 years experience In this business and enables a salesman to call on all classes of respon sible trade la every city and town In big territory. A splendid opportunity for a . hustler U make a good lnoorae. Writ tor our preposition today. N deposit er bond ro.olr4. Kslsmaxoo Advertising Co.. Kalameaoo, sura. SALESMEN Wasted to present standard medical books to physicians only. W hav Just tssaed and now hav la pre pa ra tion many new hooka that ar meeting with pronounced favor; successful books mean eaooeeaful a!sma: good lnoome: agreeable occupation: permanent, ex clusive ana protected territory. Address, with fullest dstaUs and business rsfs. f. & Ptpplnoott Co, Phnadelphla. Pa. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Our new season for selling 1910 calendars, also fans, pencils, signs, leather and other high grade advertising epeelal- tie lor use during the season of 1918 opened January 1st. Contracts amounting to millions of dollars wilt be placed for this class of goods enuring the next six months and we wish to secure for choice territories several men whose experience and training has fitted them to fill re sponsible positions. If you mean business and are seeking a permanent connection writ PS stating territory deslrsd and give reference in first letter. Shaw Advertising company, Kansas City, Mo. , . SALESMEN WANTED. ! For our famous LA-LA-DT baby swings cradles, and PLA-BEDS, also cretonne specialties. Will only consider experienced salesmen able to cover territory thor oughly, and specialty stores, dry goods, fancy goods, furniture, hardware and spe cialty stores; liberal commission on Initial and recorders. Exclusive territory and con tract to successful salesmen; no objection to handling ours as a strong sideline, Give full details when writing. B. COLE MAN SILVER'S CO., 41 W. Lak St., Chicago. ADD t,IOO to 3,000 to your Income without Interfering with your present occupation by selling ths nationally sdverttsed AJax Chemleal Fire Engltne. Every factory and mill, town and city, store, mine, country estate, etc, is a live Immediate prospect. Under present conditions, business msn realize great necessity for fire protection. Writ now for our proposition. No capital reaulred. A dlsnlf ed. profitable oppor tunlty. AJax Fire Engine Works, Bush Terminal Bldg. 110, Brooklyn, N. T, WANTED Salesmen and dealers as dls. trlct representatives for Marvel Motor Vim Increases automobile power, length ens gasoline mileage 40 per cent, elim inates carbon. A staple necessity that sells Itself. Reserve territory today. , Ad vertlstng co-operation. Here's the easy money proposition you ve been looking for. Motor Product Co., 7201 B. Fifteenth , St., Kansas City, Mo. SALESMEN WANTED To start Immedi ately selling our line of art and 11-sheet business calendars, together with our big line of leather goods, memorandum books and diaries, most complete line of out. door snd dndoor metal signs; also very fine line of other useful specialties. Terms, salary, commission and drawing' account, Established 1870. The Winters Compsny. Springfield, Ohio. CLEAN-CUT AGORESIVE SALESMAN, thoroughly sxperlenced In high elaas sales work, to represent prominent manufac turer. Our proposition embraces salary, expenses and double bonus on sales. Stat age, experience snd past sverage Income to Insure Interview with Sales Manager. Box T 131, car Omaha Bee. . p STOCK SALESMEN. High class oil and agricultural com pany of unusaal merit desires services ot salesmen In 110,000 class; A-l references required. Three Rivers Oil Co., IIS Re serve Bank Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. AGENCY MANAGER to represent us In exclusive territory; commission basis; must finance yourself; device proven meritorious; soms sales msde by malL Agents already appointed making good money. Get our proposition. MEILICKB CALCULATOR COMPANT, 150 N. Clark Bt, Dept. K, Chicago, III. SALESMEN Experienced or Inexperienced. City or traveling. Bend for our free book, "A Knight of th Grip," and list of opening. Immediate employment aervic rendered member. Address nssrsst office, Nsfl Sslrsnens Tr. Assn., Dept. 431, Chi- esgo-Rsn Frsnelseo-Nsw York, &ALE8MEN Bids Un. free pocket ssmples. Patent punehless check. Big seller to restaurants, lunch rooms, hotels, soda fountains. No competition. Also commis sions on re-orders. Standard Check Co., Manufacturers, Transportation Bldg., Chicago. WHOLESALE dry goods house, (an out ot . town house) can use a good sxperlenced road salesman for western and south western Iowa. To savs ttms give full particulars In your first -Utter, It will be held strlotly confidential. Box T 14401, Omaha Bee, tuG established concern wants at one skill- ful, specialty salesman tor till. Aura II to 10, to handle fast selling moderate priced staple line for general trade. Ex cellent commission contract; 130 weekly advance. G. R. Williams, 1920- Euclid A vs., Cleveland, O. SXLlCSMAN WANTED High grade trave. ling salesman capable ot earning 13,000 and sxpsnses annually. Staple Una to gensrsl merchandise trade. Attractive proposition to dealers. Address Bales Manager, 111 Hearst Bldg., Chicago, WANTED Energetto young man to call on the retail hardware, dry goods ana rurni turs trad with our Un of" Rook-A-By speclslties on commission. Stat experi ence. Th Perfection Mfg. Co., 1701 N. Lefflngw!! Ar St, Louis, mo. tALESilliN Capable specialty man for No braaka. Stapl line on new ana excep tional terms. Vacancy now. Attractlvs commission contract; ISS wkly for sx psnses. Miles F. Blxler Co 111! Oarlln Bldg., Cleveland, O. SALESMAN tor Nebraska for 1011; perma- neni position; oia nous scums ! line on exceptional terms; high commis sion with IIS weekly advance. Bales manager, Suit MS, 101 Woodward, De troit, SALESMEN visiting mfg. snd power plants to sell acid, air, waterproof prick ana metal protective coating. Straight or aid line. Great producer, big commission. Vulcan Fuel Economy Co., 501 Gaff, Bldg., Chicago. ) ' IF you ar out ot a Job and want a high class selling position calling on in nouse wife, a post card will put you In touch with a 140 to 80 a week proposition. Div. M llll, American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lomont, Hi- SALESMEN Do you want to sell th fastest Selling salesboard proposition on in mar ket todayt Consignment proposition. Com mission paid promptly,' IOWA NOVELTY CO.. " Corner Broadway and Fulton Sts.. Seota. la, SXEkSMEN To sell new line patriotlo fold ers, csrds. flag, song books, etc., to stores and advertisers. Quick sales. Pocket samples. 10 for , samples snd proposition. . Hennegan 4k Co., Clncln- tia n. u. SALESMEN. Desirable staple fast selling line for country mercnants. j-ocnei samples. Liberal commission. Good men earn hundred weekly. Address Bos T-141, Omaha Be SALESMAN Our new colored Patriotlo Art Knife Salesboard Just out. (consign ment proposition. Write today. Iowa Novelty Co., Corner Broadway and Fulton Bis.. Keota, la. WANTED Road man tor Nebraska terrl- tory. Prefer on witn auto. uowvr, can use without. Address 101 Strand Bldg., sioux rails, b. jj. SALESMAN calling on hardware and gen- ral store to U factory lln on commis sion. Wabash Manufacturing Co. Terr Haute, Ind. . SIDE LINE SALESMEN A necessity for merchants, Largo demand. Ittxrai com mission. Poekst samples. Wirth Sales booh Co., Dept. 'Alt. Chicago. - Agents and Canvassers. BTOP "herejust out eisen regu lator tor Ford neaaiigbts. netting lixe wlldflr overywher. Gives eplendld light at lo speed keeps bulbs from burning out; works entirely automatically. Need ad on every Ford. Big profit. Listen: Hopkins, Tenn., cleared 114.10 first day. McFarland, Neb,, mad 11,491 in IT week. Silver, Okl, aella II a day, profit 120. - No experience or capital needed. W ahow you how; sales guaranteed. Hurry don't delay, writ now tor epecial Informa tlon bow you can make money. Address Else Instrument Co., I7T Valentin Bldg., Toledo, o. AGENTS WANTED Agent make big prof- Its gelling headlight dimmer and mono gram for automobiles. Dimmer eoet yen 15c you get L Easily applied to any lens. Approved by stats laws. Monogram cost you 14o; you get 11.10. No ex perience necessary. Sample free. Writ today. Dept. 41, American Monogram Co.J 111 Market St., Newark, N. J. f (0 A WEEK to special salesmen to travel by automobile and introduce too-canai-powtr oool oil lantern tor farmers, dairy men, huckstsrs, gardeners, contractors, army camps, ate. Ws furnish ths auto free. Writ for particular. Thomas Mfg. Co., 4811 Drew St., Dayton, O. AGENTS Patriotic pictures. Duty Calls, Pershing In Franc, America W Love Ton, wlldflr sellers; Sample free. Also portraits, frames, pillow tops, changeable signs; big catalogue tree. People'a Por trait. Bta. v., Chicago. AGENTS 201 per cent profit; wonderful - little article; something new;. Mils Ilk wildfire. Carry right tn yoar pocket Writ at ones tor fre sample. & M. . Felunan, Bales Manager, 1004 American Bldg, Cincinnati. Ohio. X RELIABLE PEOPLE WANTED Place Egg ' in tn stereo, appoint agonts; takes of sggs tn baking and cooking, I do. Large package and particulars lOo post paid, korrlssey Co., 4401 Madison, Clil .. cagei. - AGENTSMsk ' war-tlm. profits, build permanent business with eur big line per fumes, creams, extracts, apices, medicines. Catalogue free. Western Laboratories, 1121 YsnBura, Chicago. HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Canvassers. LARGE manufacturer wants representative to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts direct to homes. Writ for free samples. Madison Mills, SOI Broad way, New York. AGENTS 130 to 1100 a week. Free samples. Gold Sign Letters for stores snd office windows. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark, Chicago. GAS fire in coal stoves: from coal olL Cheaper than coal. Agents Bonanxa. Wonder burner (1), Columbus, O. Boys. WANTED Boy for mall and tiling elerk by manufacturing concern, good oppor tunity for advancement. State age and aalary expected. Box No. 126, Omaha Bee. BOY wanted as helper. Omaha Broom Fac tory. 1346 South Twentieth street. Trade Schools. BOTH men and women to learn th barber trade. Special rates. Call or writ. 1401 Dodge. TRI-CITY BAk3ER COLLEGE. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Learn In all weeks, no books: easy to learn; free catalogue. National Auto School. 1114 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. BR an auto and tractor expert in a few weeks; esrn 190 to 3 a month. Our big free book explains. lis he's Auto School, 3130 Oak St., Kansas City, Mo. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, tot! F Tarn. Miscellaneous. CIVIL service examinations, Omaha, soon. Men desiring government positions, de partmental, postofflce, railway mall, cus toms, write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard, (former government exam iner), 524 Kenols Bldg., Washington. BE A DETECTIVE Oroater opportunities now than ever before; representatives wanted everywhere Hartley Detective Agency, fit. Joseph, Mo. ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help e can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau. 916V4 W Broadway P 431. LABORERS, fur inside In th city; no office fee. Apply 332 8. 10th St. HEi-P WANTED Male and Female. A-l PROPOSITION MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS AGENTS SPARE TIME. BIG MONEY. Make money In your spars time selling "Usalyte" indestructible gas mantles; saves one-third gas; equals the eight of 1 oth ers, and outlasts H dozen of any other make; retails at 15c each, t for 25c. On doxen sent postpaid upon receipt of II to agents, or on consignment It references are satisfactory. J. I. Robin, Mfr. It Patentee, 130th St. A Park Ave., New York CATCH THE KAISER Greatest war game novelty; very fascinating, sold through: agents only, both sexes. Enormous profits. Particulars free. Checkerboard Mfg., Cel., Los Angeles, Cal. MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn the barber trade, can or write tor free catalogue, 110 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb, GOVERNMENT WAR POSITIONS OPEN Clerical woric; men-women warned ; j per month; list free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 137 K. Rochester. N. Y. , WANTED Man and wife cook, white or colored, for hotel In small town. Apply to manager, Blackstone hotel. Telephone Harney 145. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Stores and Offices. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY offers an exceptional opportunity to sev eral bright, welf-educated young la dies between ages of 18 and 22 to learn LONG DISTANCE TELE PHONE work. Those with gram mar school education preferred. In teresting work, congenial surround ings, liberal aalary paid while learn ing. Apply to CHIEF OPERA TORK 656 Brandeis Theater build ing. : v ' STENOGRAPHER and clerk, ISO; stenog rapher and clerk, 166; general office as sistant, soms sxperlence, 150-155; cashlet, small wholesale house, 60; filing clerk, experienced, ISO; stenographer, 7S; stenographer, 80. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. Originators of the Reference Business. 735 First National Bank Building. STENOGRAPHER and general ssslstant wanted for Wyoming bank (no banking experience necessary); salary 11,000 per annum; town of 1,000; also similar posi tions open (but bank experience required) In town of 1,500, N. E. Nebraska, and town ot 1.000, western Iowa. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS COMPANY, 1424 First National Bk. Bldg., Omaha. STENOGRAPHERS, f 90, 16 5, 190, 76, 466, 150. v - Bookkeepers, T5, 185, $100. .J :' File clerk. 35; typist, 165. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First National Bank Bldg.- YARD MANAGER Want a thoroughly re liable, ' young, experienced lumberman to manage a amaii country yard in north western Kansas. Address giving full par ticulars in first letter. P. O. Bog 111, Kansas City, Mo. STENO I5IMJ0 COMPTOMETER OPR yC.IOS TYPIST A.. ,50 CASHIER 3. bd. THE CANO AGENCY. 60 0BEH BLDG. WANTED A stenographeri need not be vrapld, but must be able to spsll ordinary English words. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., general offlo Nineteenth and Farnam. WANTED Elllott-FUher bookkeeping ma chine operator. Must be a steady worker and accurate. Reply giving age, past ex perience, salary expected. Lelghton Sup ply Co., Fort Dodge, Iowa, Professions and Trades. THE Nebraaka Telephone company offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladles to ' learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, opportun ities for advancement, good wages A sal ary Is paid while learning Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other details are specially invited to accompany th applicants. Apply to C F. Lambert, 1807 Douglas St WANTED Registered drug clerk. Reter ences required. HARLST DRUG COM PANT. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED A practical nurss to wait on lady twice every morning. Apply Bupt. Brandele store. LEARN barber trade. -1403 Dodge St. Saleswomer and Solicitors. LADIES 160 a month Introducing our guaranteed hosiery In your spare time. Mrs. Sehurman averages 111 a week with only S hours' work a day. Handsome ssmnle otitftt furnished free. Thomas Mfr. Co.. 4730 Drew St.. Davton. O. ' EXTRAORDINARY position and business In terest to two salesladies with 1450 to 1430 to Invest with services. Box 1100, . Butte. Mont. .- - FIVE bright, capable led lee to travel demonstrate and ssll dealers. III to 1150 per month. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drag Co.. Dept 514. Xrnaha. Neb Household and Domestic WANTED A COMPETENT AND EX. PERIENCED COOK: ALSO A RELIA BLE" AND EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL. MRSAJ, E. SUMMERS, 1414 DEWET AV& CAUU AFTER I P. M. 1L 291. WANTED Experienced second girl; wages 131 per month. Call or telephone only between 10 and 11 a. m., or I and 7 p. m. Mrs. M. G. Colpetxer, 403 South 13th BL Harney 14 GOOD home and wages to middle-aged woman In exchange for help with house work and children. Ma I salesman and away most of time. Box 181. Omaha Be. MIDDLE-AGED wosuan wanted at once to help In kitchen. Geo. E. Stlbbs, Lake View Hhtel, Curtis, Neb. LADY housekeeper wanted, single, with ex perience for hotel with 101 rooms. Box 800, Omaha Pee., COMPETENT whit girl tor general house work: references; beat wage; no wash ing. Hit Iiuxu Wal. 238. - HELP WANTED-FEMALE Household and Domestic. GIRL for general housework, three In fam ily, good wages. Mrs. C. Louis Meyers, 104 8. 14th. Harney till, WANTED First-class general girl, highest wsges. reference required, two In family. Harney 411. WANTED A girl for general housework, good wages. , Apply 4110 Cass St. WANTED A roald for general housework. 120 S. list Ave., or phone H. 4733. Trade Schools.. WANTED Ladles lo learn barber trad Bpeclal rates snd Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. M;cei;aneou$. CIVIL service examination An Omaha soon. Women desiring clerkships, postofflce, government departments, stenogrsphersr writs for free particulars to J. C. Leon ard (former government examiner), 521 Kenols Bldg, Washington. LADY To represent large manufacturer, distributing circulars snd taking orders for ''Zanol'" nonalcobollo flavors, 13 to 14 a day at th start; no experience necessary. Writs today. E. M. Feltman, Sales Mgr., 1044 3d St., Cincinnati. Ohio. HELP meet huge demand for knitted goods. Industrious persons provided with profit sble steady home employment. No ex perience or canvassing. Goods rates of pay. Wheeler Ine., 337 Madison. Chlcsgo. EARN 125 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magaxines. Experience un- . necessary; details free. Press Syndicate, 189, fit. Louis, Mo. ' WANTED Nurses to enter training school In state Institution. Apply Orthopedic hosnltal. Lincoln. Neb. EDUCATIONAL GO TO SCHOOL AND ' DO YOUR BIT The government is urging young women and the younger men, as a patriotic duty, to take training courses in typewriting and stenog raphy, or in telegraphy. Boyles " college is devoting all of its facili ties, day and night, to give in record time the training its courses af ford in supplying the kind of office skill that the government is calling for. ' $1,100 TO $1,200 a year is the iaitial salary now paid by the government to stenograph ers. Also there is a demand from private employers, a demand many times greater than can be supplied from railroads, business houses, banks and professional men for all kinds of office assistants. You can afford to lose no time in starting preparation. Day school and night ichooL Catalogue free. Call, phone or write t Phone Douglas 1565. BOYLES COLLEGE 18th and Harney Sts. Omaha. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL, Every day i enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit Ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer. clsi and English branch. Catalog frea BOYLES COLLEGE, Douglas 11(1. 18th and Barney Sts Van Sant School of Buslne Day and Evening Schools. 121 Omaha National Bank Bids. Douglas lilt. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERSI If you fall to find ths room you desire among these ada call at The Bee office lor a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms in all parts of ths city. Now lists Issued every week. MODERN furnished rooms st ths Sunshine apartments, equipped for light housekeep ing; hot and cold water. For men only Low rate. ' ' Office. 80S N. iTth Bt. BEAUTIFULLY furnished .room k modern home, hot snd fsld water; furnace heat. 2581 Harney 8t. Phone Douglas 6741. FOR RENT A strictly modern furnished room; every convenience; breakfast served. 1203 Plnkney St. Web. 4171. BEAUTIFUL front room. In exclusive Apt, or on car line, very desirable Harney X 4710. NICELY furnished room, steam heated apartment, walking distance. Phono D. 8111. DUNDEE Pleasant warm front room with bath, one-half block from Farnam Dun dee oar line. Breakfast Is desired. Wal nwt 1428. 1411 SEWARD ST. Furnished rooms with furnace heat, comfortable. Webster 4444. TWO warm, modern rooms, running water, reasonable. JSIl Grafs wenster oiisj, i FURNISHED rooms, modern, call Web ster 3113, 1234 Pratt STEAM-HEATED room II wk., also apt. with kltchenets ogden Hotel co Blum, DOUGLAS 3214, furnished rooms by week or day; well heated. Reasonable. Red 6tti. SbziLY furnished room. Private home Phone Harney 8085, 151S Georgia Ave. 1411 SEWARD St Furnished rooms with furnace heat Webster 4444. NICELY furnished, strictly modern home. Hot water beat. Harney m. Housekeeping Rooms. UANSCOM PARK district a large front room, with kitchenette; strictly modern; on ths car line. Harney 136Z, COZILY furnished front room, southern x- posurs, for light housekeeping. Wear ear una. i&sa Harney bc 11 8T ST.. 1103 B. Two lovely housekeep ing rooms, reasonable. Harney 1141. LARGE front rooms faolng south, tor light housekeeping or sleeping. 3671 Harney Bt. I UNFURNISHED basement rooms, modern , except beat, 10 1431 Davenport Bt. Board and Rooms. FOB, TWO Large warm rm., private, mod. home, good board, horn privilege. Har ney llll. COZY room with board. Modern. Private family. Reasonable. H. 1140. llll Jones. - Hotels. CLAREMONT INN, 17 th and Jackson. Transient guest, $1 per day. Permanent guest. 15 week. Doug. 1731. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms, heat and light furnished. 3671 Harney street v TWO modern front rooms. 1121 . Vinton. Douglas 4211 - STRICTLY modern unfurnished room, in Hanscom Park district H. 1301. Rooms Wanted. WANTED Young lady roomer and boarder; everything modern. Walnut 1234. WANTED Room-male by young lady. Box T 840. Omaha Bee. . liscellaneoua. LARUE, well furnished room, within walk- ing distance. Tyler 1741 W, FOR RENT FURNISHED Houses. t-R. 4531 Military; new, mod. ex. furnace, nicely furn.. III. I-R. 1801 Lincoln Blvd., strictly . mod.; very choice, 14150. ; HASTINGS A HEYPEN. 1414 Harney St FOR RENT HOUSES - West l-ROOM Two baths. Wsst Farnam dis trict. 145. Phono Douglas l4T. WEST FARNAM 111 N. 18th Ave. S tma. two baths, 143. Pouglss 1147, 108 SOUTH 41ST, hot water plant Ml. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 114. North. ' HOUSES FOR RENT fill Capitol Ave., l-r., all mod. flat SI. 1731 Hamilton, t-r. part mod., garage.tll. Rasp Bros., :i Keelln Bldg, Tyler Til. ,1". FOR RENTHOUSES N North. 11 ROOMS FREB RENT TO JAN. 10TH. This Is a good modern, 11 room, brick house, suitable for a rooming or board' Ing house on ear line. Reasonable rent Address 111 N. 20th St. CREIGH, SONS COMPANY, Doug. 100. REALTORS. 104 Bee Bldg. MODERN oak finished bungalow near Miller para. .' per montn, iieaiora-jonnsion la. Douglas 1140. 7-ROOM, all modern, hot water heat 1340 N. 35th Ave. Colfax 320.. Miscellaneous. PORTER A SHOTWELL. 202 South 17th St. Doug. C013. HOUSES AND COTTAGES, PARTLY MODERN. I-R. 501 Martha St 110.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. I-R. 5th and Pacific $10.00 5-R. 3315 Ohio St 15.00 ,7-R. 5011 North 42d St 11.00 I-R. 2734 Caldwell St 22.50 7-R. 1711 California St 24 00 7-R. 1101 California St 26.00 STRICTLY MODERN. I-R. 4537 Franklin St....; 121.00 5-R. 423 Dorcas St 25.00 8-R. 223 Park Ave... 30.00 8-R. Itn North 17th St 80.00 7- R. 124 South 33d St 35.00 I-R. 1512 North 40th 8t 16.00 8- R. 563 South 26th Ave 35.00 8-R. 421 South 19th St 40.00 lR. Ill North 40th St 45.00 I-R. 2410 Dewey Ave 36.00 I-R. 3714 Lincoln Blvd 40.00 8-R. 130 South 17th Ave 40.00 I-R. 526 South 24th Ave 40.00 FLATS, PARTLY MODERN. 4-R. 3115 North 14th St $12.60 4-R 604 South 18th 81... 14.60 10-R. 70S South 13th St... 40.00 HEATED APARTMENTS. 4-R. Apt 8, Stoecker, 823 8 24th.. $32.50 I-R. Apt, 145 North 34th St 65.00 PARTLY MODERN. 4-R. 1411 Carter Lake Blvd $13.00 $36.003710 Masoi St., 4 mis., modern, Field club district ' $30.00 1504 S. 25th Ave., 4 rms., modern, excellent neighborhood. $20.00704 N. 80th St, I rms., modern, Harney car line. $1$. 00 3831 Franklin St., 7 rms., mod ern except heat. FLATS $14,002310 Cuming St." 2d floor. T rm., modern except heat $11.00111 N. 24th Bt., 3d floor, T rm., newly decorated. $17.002920 Leavenworth St., 6 rms.. modem except heat. We have a list of large houses suitable - tor boarding and rooming, also a number of furnished houses. Call us in regard to these. A. P. TUKEY & SON REALTORS. 120 1st Nafl Bk. Bldg. Phone Doug. 503. HOUSES ALL MODERN. 1821 Fatter St., 7 rms. $20 8527 Charles St., 10 rms 26 2224 Mason St., 10 rms 25 3533 Lafayette Ave.. I rms 30 1101 Park Ave., I, rms 30 809 8. 31st St., 8Tms. 30 1604-4 Georgia Ave., 8 rms. '. 30 2408 St Mary's Ave., 8 rms 36 610 8. 27th St... 8 rms 35 4601 Florence Blvd., 7 rms 40 618 Park Ave., 7 rms. 40 122 S. 26th Bt, 14 rms 10 6011 Capitol Ave., 7 rms. 45 1668 Harney St. 10 rms 80 HOUSES PARTLY MODERN 1436 6. 20th Ave., 4 rms ...$10 2810 Charles Bt, 5 rms 15 4126 Grand Ave., 6 rms 11 4140 N. 48th St, I rms 18 1821 N. 10th St., 6 rms 16 186S N. lith Bt, S rms, 17 1562 Plercs St., 1 rms 25 1817 Davenport, I rm 36 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., REALTORS. Tyler 1534. 83 Securities Bldg. ROOMS 2013 Clark street, $10.00. 4 Rooms llll Blaine street, $6.'0. I Booms 616 South 13th street $17.50. 5 Rooms 111 South 13th street, $12.50, t Room 1110 Farnam' street. $11.00. S Rooms 1110 North 23d street $12.60. I Rooms 3014 Mason street, mod., 130.00. I Rooms 931 North 24th street, mod., 125. ( Rooms 2918 Fowler Ave., mod., $25. 10 Rooms 1411 North 17th street, mod ern, 125.00. 10 Rooms 2411 Cass street modern, 44 II Rooms 1021 South 10th avenue, mod : ern, 121.00. BENSON & MTERS CO., Realtors, 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 741. llll MASON ST., I rms., all mod., $31.00. ' 4011 Ixard St., 7 rms., all mod., $35.00. 408 N. Hth St.. I rms., mod. ex. ht, $31.60. - 101 a lith St, 10 rms., mod. ex. ht, $31. 1881 Fowler Ave., S rms., mod. ex. ht, $11.00. 1411 N. 19th Bt, I rm., mod. ex. ht, $11. 1404 Military Ave., I rms., mod. ex. ht, $13,00. $421 Jackson St, 4 rms mod. ex. ht, $13. 817 S. 16th 8t I rms., part mod., 18.00. BIRKETT COMPANY, 150 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. 113 N. 26TH ST. 6-r., modern $23.50 1701 Castelar, 6-r., mod. ex. heat.... 14.60 209 8. 27th St, 6-r., part mod.... 13.50 2014 Bancroft, 6-r., part modem.. 11.00 . 241S S. 6th St. 4-r.. city water .... 7.50 4630 N. 40th. St., S-r., city water.. 9.00 1413 vans, 5-r, well. 9.00 4801 Charles. 6-r., well 10.00 1814 Ohio, l-r.. wall 1.00 CREIGH. SONS ft COMPANT, Dong. 100. REALTORS. 508 Bee Bldg. 116.00 6-R. cottage at 8304 Franklin St $20.00 6-R. mod. house at 1507 St Mary's Av. $22.50 7-R. mod. houss at 1807 Lotbrop St $30.00 I-R. mod. nous. i'. llll Wirt St $10.00 -R. mod. house at "533 N. 18th St - W. H. GATES, . 647 Omaha National Bank Bldg. P. 1294. I Realtor. Web. 24j, FOR RENT. T-room modern bouse with large lot had trees and shrubs; 2H blocks from street car. $30. Large modern house in West Farnara district; I bedrooms on second floor snd two on third floor; I bathrooms. $80. W. H. DUMONT CO.. Realtors. 411-18 Keellna Bldg. Phone Dong. 410. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. $30.00 9-r, 110 8. 80th St. modern. $31.60 9-r., 114 a 10th St., modern. 145.90 10-r., 30QI Farnam St, modem. $60.006120 Burt St, hot water heat gar age. $50.00 10-r., 1004 Farnam Bt, modern. . $51.00621 N. 61st street . GEORGE A COMPANT. WE WANT more bouses and apartments to rent The fact that we hare practically cleared up our big list Is conclusive proof ot ths efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your place rented eeo Payne Slater Co., Omaha Rental Men. 611 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016. FOR RENT Bouses, cottages, and apartments. PORTER 8HOTWELU 101 B. 17th Bt. Doug. lOlt Offices with Hems Builders. FOR RENT Modern 3-room apartment; furniture tor sal. Small amount of cash will handle tt; best location; walking dls tance. Harney 6728. BOUSES In all parts of the olty. CREIGH. SONS A CO.. 101 Be Bldg 4711 & 24TH ST. S. Side. Near postofflce, E. H. Benner Co.. P. 1406. PAY your r nt only to Shopen 4 Co, Realtors. Doug. 4221 ' -r" R. a TRUMBULL. .101 1st Net Bk. Bid. D. 1714. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO; FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage snd moving, til N. 11th St Phone Doug. la 194. FIDELITY 6f?rvicb FREE , Phoo Douglaa 188 for complete Hat ot vacant house snd spart. menta Alas for storage, moving. 11th and Jackson 8ta METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Expert services, prompt attention. Tow moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office. Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howsrd. TeL Doug. T78I. ' FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked room for household goods and pianos: moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA TAN AND STORAGE CO.. 101 a 14th- Douglas 4141. Globe Van and' Storage Co. For real aervic tn moving,, packing and ' storing call Tyler 110 or Douglas 4111 C. REED iSSK & Packing UT Psrnsnt t Web 74 POULTRY AND PET STOCK COCKERELS for sals. A tew choice Sllvei Laced Wyandotte and Black ' Lengthen cockerel. Jill Binoey Bt Webster 2716. t RENT A. rtKTMENTS West. ONE APT. LEFT, in Fuifvisw. Dunde, 704 N. 10th; has 4 rooi with S-r. ae. J oommodation. 1n-a-daor bed and dres Ing room: 8. E. corner: Just completed; H blk. to car and stores. See this today. $60. HASTINGS A HKYDK.V. 1814 Harney St MOVE TO THE HAMILTON-Fireproof. right down-town; plfnly of heat; ons t six rooms: reasonable. D. 1472 North COLLEGE TERRACE Located southeast corner Twenty-third and California streets. To be completed January 10. Will con sist of ,15 apartments, practically all facing the street, giving plenty of sunlight to all rooms. Fire proof construction throughout, ex terior of Roman brick, making on of the most handsome buildings in the close-in, walking distance dis trict. Each apartment will consist of an unusually large Jiving room, with Murphy-door beds, a, large dressing room, bath room having tiled floors and fix tures of latest design; breakfast room with built-in table and seats, kitchen containing all the labor sav ing devices, steel white enamel cab inets, icebox and gas range, one piece sink, etc. Excellent janitor service hat been provided. Hot water summer and winter, Kern garbage incinera tors, and a smokeless heating sys tem, will all' be appreciated. , X The apartments will rent for $35 and $40 summer, and $40 and $4S winter. Although:' not quite com plete, several apartments have al ready been rented, proving their im mediate popularity. ) OSBORNE REALTY CO., RENTAL AGENTS. 761-2-3 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. Tyler 49fj, VERY CHOICE APARTMENT, , 145 North 14th St. Desirable five-room apartment In ex cellent location and first-class In every detail. Call us for further Information. PORTER A SHflTWRI.T. - 101 South 17th St Phone Doug. 6013. S-ROOM and bath, modern, bested apart- mepi in reimea restaence district. 2121 North 20th St Special price to party with out children. Vacant January 8. Phone Webster 6893. - 3-ROOM strictly modern 1st class apart. ' ment Btrehlow Terrace. Call Web Stsr 133. NEW 4-room heated apt, second floor, cori ner, porcn, light nice rooms; winter. 112.60... Maple Court. 18 Maple. D. 1803. f South. I ROOMS 420 South 35th Av., with heal and Janitor service, and large, privatt basement Winter, 143.60; summer, 137.60, -BENSON A MYERS CO., Realtors, 414 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. D 744. Miscellaneous CLOSE-IN t-r. flat walking dlst 607 N. 21. moaern ex. nesi no carfare. 121.60. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney Bt, PETERS TRUST COMPANT Specialist InApartment Management. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. STORES FOR RENT Th large store room In the pew Un onto building will soon bs ready, Douglai and lith Sts. We are receiving applieae tlon now. This I a clean, attractive lo cation, and especially desirable tor shop! csterlng to ladles trade. Room at 111 N. 16th St, good for cloth Ing, gents' furnishings- or lunch room. HAR&SON & MORTON, (REALTORS.) j III Omaha National Bank Bldg. f ' STORES FOR RENT.- I 21.001711 Leavenworth Street I 50.00707 South lith Street I 70.00617 South lith Street I 71.00611 South 11th Strut. $100.001501 Howard Street, 26x11 ft team heat ' GEORGE AND COMPANY. FOR RENT A Building WholesalrDistricl American Hand Bowed shos Co. build, tng; northwest corner 12th and Ham. Streets; about 11,000 squar feet GEORGE & COMPANY . DOWNTOWN STORE. NortnVest eorner lith and Howard. X60, wih basement Wilt remodel to t and lease for long term. THE BYRON REED CO- Phone Doug 197. Ill a ITth. ill a 13TH ST. 20x44 and I rms. abovj, mod. X. ht, '131.41. BIRKETT A COMPANT, 150 Bee Bldg. Doug. lit. MODERN store room witn basement tt. 16th Bt. $40. Nebraska A Wyoming Investment Co., 121 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglas 1571. MODERN store and basement: 434 a llttt St; $76. Nebraska and Wyoming Invest-. ' ment Co., 121 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglss 1671. YOUNG AT City Real &ate. Douglas 1171. Its Brands Theater. H- A. WOLF. Realtor. War Blk Specialist ta downtown bnslneee property 8TORJ3 room. Sun Toaster Bldg. World xtasriy. .rt-aitors. p 34l v Office and Desk Room. OFFICES. 120 per month and un. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUM. FIRST TRUST CO- Agt. Tyler It. You can secure a maid, stesocrs pher or bookkeeper by wo a pea Want At 1 I -