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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1917)
4 C THE OMAHA SUND AT BEE: imuvembei. za, mr. i Tnai WOf-JT ' y in qr tut ir OIUM, ii ini STEWART Seed Store Omaha's Leading Seed and Poultry Supply House! QUEEN INCUBATORS PRATT FOODS C. B. ANDREWS and G, E. CONKEY'S PRODUCTS Poultry Tonics, Remedies and MetalwareX See alf these articles at oar Booth, and visit our store at Sixteenth and Capitol Ave., opposite the Post Office. Stewart Seed Store Omaha, Nebraska Come to the Poultry Show anoV Visit Our Booth We Sell "Little Farms" ,You furnish the chickens We furnish the land on our easy monthly payment plan, $10 Cash, $10 a Month For an Acre Farm in . - Benson Gardens, West Benson, Benson Acres, North Side Acres, South Side Acres, Richland Acres. , Four of these" additioiis on paved road, two on jitney, line and two on car line. It is easy to go Into the chicken business. Be a , producer. Do your bit raise poultry garden truck and fruit while holding your position in the city. Never a better time to start Have a self-support-ing home instead of one that you will have to sup port City people are beginning to realize that they should do something to help in this war. No better way than to raise on your own lan8 what you eat and have a surplus to sell. Our salesmen will be glad to show you our n acreage at any time or talk to you about our six little farm additions. ; ( . Write for our printed list HASTINGS &HEYDEN . v - (REALTORS) ,:?. r . 1614 Harney Street Fir Phones, Tyler 50, M. COFFEY PERFECTION STRAIN , Rote Comb Rhode Island Reds See My Entries at the Show RIVERVIEW POULTRY YARDS 2214 5. 11th St ' Omaha. CROWN POINT POULTRY YARDS S. C. W. Leghorns and S. C Reds S. E. MUNSON, Proprietor, 3030 Curtu Ave., Omaha Telephone Colfax 3979. Single Comb White Leghorns Show Birds Bred to Lay 1917 winners of the Blue at the Great Iowa State Fair and Exposition; Nebraska State Fair;, Wyoming State Fair; Royal Stock Show at Kansas City, Mo., Texas State Fair. See Our Display at Poultry Show at Auditorium H,& H. KINLEY Florence, Neb. ' Phone Florence363. Brooder of ' BreoVtoLay Single Coma White Leghorn. Educational Features At the Poultry Show The Omaha Poultry association wai the originator of the idea of hav ing educational exhibits and lecture in connection with the . exhibit of fancy birds. It , installed this feature two years ago on a very small scale and it proved so popular that it has been taken up by almost every show in the country. This year's educational exhibit will occupy 240 feet of floor space as compared with 100 feet at the last show, It includes several pens of birds that have been mated for lay ing and breeding. It will also in elude exhibits of capons weighing 14 to IS pounds, each a chicken about the size of the average turkey. There will be pens, showing the results of feeding different grains and foods with the objects of eg? production and weight ' Several biros will be there that have taken prizes at the laying; contests, including a five year old biddy that layed twenty-six eggs in August There will be a pen of BJack Min orcas which have been mated both ways with epek bird and cockerel, showing the results of these two matings. , A pen that was one of the best five AHLQUISTS Minne Lusa Barred Rocks Win aad Breed Winaera. " Lay and Bread Layers. Look them up at this show. Prices based upon ""quality. Satisfaction guaranteed. Bend for catalogue it will interest you. v AHLQUIST BROS., Bos G. O., Florence, Nob. White Wyandotte Farm Breedera of Whits Wyandottea pf Better Quality Since 1893. Se Our Display at the Omaha Show. We have won the first tan irises since the snow originated n Omaha. Fine birds for " sale that are equal to the best in America. OSCAR L' BOCK Root S, Council Bluff, la. at the Leavenworth Experimental station, White Leghorns, ihe . at tendant explains and answers all questions and shows the feed that was tea thera. A pen of exhibition birds and the results of their mating. Single Comb White Leghorns.They have produced winners at four shows this fa r. A pen pf heavy laying; strain White Leghorns in a fully equipped and up- to-date house. A mongrel pen and what they can do, fed the same food, and the dif ference between them and well bred birds. ' A pen of Single Comb Rhode Is land Reds and their mating results. - A pen of pheasants, another of wild water fowl and turkeys witn an at tendant telling how to raise them. Four pens from one; of the largest ranches ro the state showing now tney feed and raise their birds for winter laving. A demonstrator caponizlng, with re sults showing how much faster they grow than the ordinary chicken, hatching in incubators and chicks in brooders, anr show the methods to start them right In addition1 to the stock exhibit there will be booths showing many of the new inventions, devices, foods and remedies which are the result of years of experiment in poultry raising and keeping. x -. The association has arranged a series of lectures and has secured some of the best poultry experts in the country. Professor Quisenberry of Kansas Agricultural college will give lectures Monday and Tuesday on poultry raising from a practical stand point. Mr. O. (C Ufford of the Pet ers Milling company will be in at tendance all week and will tell the results of his feeding experiments. He will also have charge of the Peters entries (the birds he has been feeding for some time), Mr. Ufford's experi ence at Ames college, Iowa, fits him for this work. Mr. A. G. Peters of the United States Department of Agriculture is to lecture Thursday afternoon and evening on the poultry project in Con necticut with the government's emer gency extension work. Ha will point out the way to more efficiency in the care and breeding of better poultry ' Poultry Votes, , Careful observation ' has satisfied many poultry keepers that hens will lay mora eggs without the presence of males, '. ' Soma one ,wonld like to rent just the kind of room yon have vacant Tell thera about it in the next issue of The Bee, STOCK FOR SALE EGGS IN SEASON FRED A. MORGAN Breeder f Single Comb Black Minorca ..aa a eeee International Skfl. Com. Black Minorca Club MOO fleeeaa Avon. ( Paoee L-3307, CeuacJ fluffs. RAISE CHICKENS HELP WIN THE WAR ' , USE THE , SURE HATCH INCUBATOR v A perfect uiachine, producing Uarge hatches of healthy, thrifty chicks. . Makes chicken 'raising 'a pleasant and profitable business. - t Call and examine the Sure Hatch on display at 1312 Harney. Prices advance January 1, so do it now. STANDARD CHEMICAL MFG. CO. fs ' . ' '' ' : ' V.' FlockTreatment I I bave personally counted more than 2,000 dead lice under a row o! ten hens, on a roost board painted the night before with Lousy hens will not lay, but they will lay 1 when rid of the vermin. . I AWSft V4 VU - Va4 V W UW lUUUvtat V4SVC fm jS handling chicken troubles, whether lice, mites, roup, colds, bowel complattit or g other ailment. life la too short to doctor each Individual case. LEE'S LICE KILLER has for twenty years stood alone in its easy effectiveness f for ridding chickens of their insect pests, lice and mites. Painted or sprayed g on roosts, it does triple duty: fiets the mites on the roosts. the lice on the bodies of the chickens roosting over them and the leg parasite causing scaly leg. QERMOZONE does more than triple duty in flock treat ment it purifies the yater and the food in the crop. It prevents the drinking contagion from sick to well birds. It keeps the bowels regular and regular bowels mean . health. It counteracts musty or spoiled food. It is a remedy for colds, roup, canker, chicken pox, bowel complaint Then there's LETS EGG MAKER, a finisher as well as a starter ia flock treatment for egg production, and EGG0 HATCH, the great chick itrengthener and shea weekener, which makes 80 better incubator or ben hatchet and chicks that are easier to raise. All lt thaaa m n ..I. f Agm u I. n" - ww vwv vf uviuv.. 0. UKJQI LUWUB Mill U v,tHJ sute in the United States and in Canada. If not at your town, ri write for agency prices. L. Poultry library FREE MY POULTRY UBRARY rf fi booti 6e7ibi tllafth Lee prodaeU nd teth m how to handle chick eoi la (tie Muct. mo( tKatniv and proBlabl ay, how to dUgnoM intuotly tAtfe trwble Mora (boy really tbffw tick ; how to at and undanund tha watenr are. the dim beak, die. poiorad oomb. ooodtUoo at tha dnmnlnta. eta Gee Endeaoa el Braoklv. N- Y'"y,v f Iw worth SiS-OOi "Mrs. Frank Gable. Havre, Mont, n: inm h i aver law nMna an miwa m. fa.ftMMA.bM mmtt . tmm Bfia.M.Ta(.kann RmimH I Ku.iMMtll m . D i. .L. I. fotyeara, but then are profit pointer ia vow kookai oarer dreamed v ma et.": Tnit PooJtnr Ubrmry (Fhra BookO U free at dwtan or BaaOad -by tutor Jo ttfunpe. Dott pat it off, bat write riiht a. CEO. H. LEE to, U 15-17 Harney SU Omaha, Nb. BlMllgMIl For Best Results Use Bee Want-Ad Columns' ' BUFF ORPINGTONS Wtanirtfa at tie Show 5eeoa rMza ea Pen Flftfc Frls on Cock Bird. EGGS IN SEASON. COCKERELS FOB SALE NOW. $8.00. MKS. 1. IN. VAIL, sete Ma at Phone Colfu 2217. Government to Stimulate The Poultry Industry Your Rovernment and mine has recognized the necessity of raising more and better poultry. With this object in view ifn organization has been established to secure co-opera tion from all the different associations and clubs throughout the country, Mr. Harry Laraon of the animal hus bandry division of the United states Pepartment of Agriculture is - in charge of the general campaign, and C, W, Pugsley, director of extension work of the College of Agriculture, Lincoln. Neb., will direct the cam paign in Nebraska, Mr. A. G. Peters has been appointed by the United States Department of Agriculture to develop the industry in .Nebraska in connection with Mr. Pugsley. Mr. Peters is getting in touch with poultry associations, clubs and with tha individual poultry men through out the state and should by his energy and knowledge help Nebraska to pro duce its share of poultry. ! He has agreed to give two lectures at the coming show, one on Thursday afternoon, the other Thursday eveJ J t Jr i 1 ping, in nis discourses ne wui pui line briefly the government's project, which includes: (a) The breeding of the best laying strains with the object of securing more eggs and good fall and winter laying nens. ' ,(b) Breeding to secure more and neavier Diras jor taDie purposes, (c) The preservation of teat dur ing the laying season for. later use, and the production of infertile eggs after the breeding season, Mr. Peters is particularly interested in the development of back vard noul- try keepers, maintaining that nearly every one should keep half a dozen heft, which, with a very little grain added to the ecrap from the table, wouw supply enough eggs foj two people. ' The entire project has been taken up by, the government in .order to conserve our meat supply, particularly the beef and pork, of which there is a shortage.' - . Th oublic is invited to attend tri lectures on Thursday. They will prove interesting to everyDoay, wnether a poultry raiser or not. s Rememberevery hen you raise is inot ac junxerism. Poultry Facts - Nat It farmer. rm rarolpoe mnA different af to how often the eggs are gatnerea ana as to where they are keDt or how lantt tfiev era liaM K.. enough are to cause a loss of millions Jli . aa oi ooiiars annually tn eggs that eventually turn nnt tn fm nn(!t food. Nebraska alone loses approxi- ratey .uw.uw every year through the' production of fertile eggs, de veloping later into blood rings. This tremendous -waste ran h All thdt is necessary is to remove the aiaaaic 11 inn liic i i i ) n h unnn as rpn i at. etrors are no InnorAr ApnrA in hifr.ii. - B Mwts w tlOVVU- nig purposes, jl very producer ot eggs can nwp in preventing this tremend ous loss; and particularly at this time is it very essential that our national wastes be minimized as much as pos sible. Let everyone help and do his p in every way. x ms is one way, and the time is about ripe to act You can -secure a maid, stenosr. nher or bookkeeper by using a Bee want AO. C. E. Wilson ,. ' S8Z SPRAGUE STREET . Pbom CeUox TZS. OoMha, Nab. BREEDER, -OP S. C. Black Minorca Stock anj Eg ft For al in Season. jStock for Sale Eggs in Season L. P. REGER K?1f - 1 i K-i x 3 First and third cock, third and fourth hen, first ceckerel, third pullet, first 4119 N. 29th St. ' Phona Colfax 1790 vOnaha Nb.. , Breeder of Exhibition 'and t,"A VUIU kllllgtC VUU1U f Black Minorca 1916 WINNINGS - ; '' '-vlaad fourth pa, second bast pen ia show, champion Minorca mala in show. .".I r Cliftonhurst Poultry Farm Breeders of RHODE ISLAND REDS ' BOTH COMBS I . .. : and 1 Single Comb,. Blue Andalusians. Tell us your wantswe can satisfy - you, lpth in quality and price. - Eight Acres " Devoted to Poultry Our Metto: A square deal, for, everybody. Your money back if not satisfied. ANDY DEEDS, Prop. Tel. Tyler 1910. Sth and CastelUr, . OMAHA POULlR Will Hal MR. A. of United States Depailn Lectures by PROS Demonstrat Exhibition of BeautiLl S. E. MUNSON, rjidaak I Dn RAISING OF Pul PROFIT ANI I URGED BV CI TP Gives Clear Instructions 01 Instructionsfor SaniLib Farm Which Returns Ho By O. C. UFFORD. ' Poultry Extension Departmen M. C. Peters Mill Co. 'You city man or woman becom back yard poultry raiser. Make yalf back yards pay back dollars. Th are many vacant lots and back yal? . not producing this winter; make th productive Give biddy, a chance them and she will help (Mi and h: Uncle Sam. ,r. I don't mean invest a lot of mo in the poultry business; that w wh so many fail. Start in a small v with a few hens, then if your pre! warrant, increase your flock. The high price of feed has couragtd many from, keeping pou and many flocks have been dispo of, put there is sure to be a future .the poultry raiser who will keep flock intact in spite of the prevail! high prices of feed. This mistake that is so comm made, is to keep too large a flocklf unproductive hens; they are crowdrj into a small house and yards and fo expected to lay. Cull your flock clae ly; keep only the pullets or hensjf strong vitality; get rid of those or two years old, unless they are of V ceptional -value for breeding ' stot. Pullets make the best layers; te maximum number of eggi are lid j ' . ii . ii T ouring me puiiet year. ) ' Select Best Layers. ' The average poultry raiser does , have the time to trap nest his bi in order to cull the poor lay Here are a few rules that will g , long way toward selecting the b ;t layers without resorting to the use ,f trap nests. Molt late during the last of S tember, October and November.-- Molt quickly. . " Yellow legged varieties show fa A peaks, legs and toes. J White ear lobed varieties- sh lobes free from creaminessrs. Have good width between pec nones; Dones are thin. Have rough, ragged and fra plumage up until time of raojting. Poor Layers. Molt early in July and August Molt slowly. " Yellow legged varieties show low beak, legs and toes. white ear lobed varieties s lobes that are creamv. Are narrow between pelvic1 bo Dones are thick. Have new and bejt finished plu: in the tali. - , Winter eggs can be secured if chi-. ens of strong vitality are kept; if f( r are comfortably housed and propc y -fed and the object of this article , to point out how this can be don How to House Chickens, j , The first consideration in etan a back yard poultry plant is the ho Usually there is some old outbuild -that can be remodeled, or boxes J old timber hat can be used in c . structing Aie house. I am buildin poultry house eight feet by '12 f using shipping boxes and, when c . pleted it will house ccifortablyi . hens, and has cost me less than $ , I expect to make biddie pay for it -Build a fresh air poultry house; t f 1 i 1 p f I f r i c a s f i; d s n 1 B I 6; I i ii fl E c b o Si b t e Tracts i: -r; d o tl rr b b u o it el ai t( tl E SUli ABLC. rOR KUULTRU p 0lFl:b MAP r 1013-14 City National Bank Buadi ( f t f