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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1917)
'yhiiiiniwm -j r w - - THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 25, 1917. FOR RENT HOUSES South. Martha. 6 rooms $18.00 2-;6 Mason. 10 rooms . 25.00 619 South :th Ave., ( rooms S0.0 1103 Park Ave., 6 r0oms 30.00 A ARMSTRONG WALSH CO. REALTORS. 91' s- lJTHST.. 9 rooms, modern: extra iaMory and toilet on both floors, linen closets, etc. I'tTV TDI'DT HAfinitrv .. "th and Harney Sts. Phone Dour- 78 six rooms, 27U5 S. 2oth St.. 418. Modern mat, (.all Red 3143 7-K. detached, strictly mod.; 3614 Leaven Jjhholeejas. Phone Webster 3580. FClu,REXT Partly modern 5-roora house, 8. 36th St. 6. 25TH ST. 7 rooms, modern. 125.00. E. H. BENNER CO. 8406. Miscellaneous. MODERN HOUSES. 6-r. 2709 Capitol, close In $25.00 6-r. 1478 W irt, good location 28.60 6-r. 1911 S. 29th, excellent condition 26.00 6- r. 1009 N. 49th Ave., Dundee 26.00 -r 3303 Howard, with or without garage. 7- r. 1013 Pierce, close to station.... 25.00 8- r. 4239 Farnam. with garage.... 40.00 12-r. 1705 S. 26th. hot water heat, . water pd; can be subrented Into email apartments 35.75 l-r. 4224 Dewey, across from univer sity. Bleeping porch or sun parlor, garage 40.00 9- r. 1717 Park Ave., oak floors, new electric fixtures 30.00 -r. 2532 Capitol, close In, newly deco rated throughout 40.00 HOUSES MOD. EXCEPT FURNACE 3-r. 3319 Taylor, upstairs, water pd. $ 600 6-r. 2721 Caldwell. In good cond.. 18.00 l-r. 2863 Maple, practically new... 22.60 6-r. 838 S. 21st, close In 17.00 o-r. 838 a. 2lst, clost 6-r. 363 California, 6-r. f'7 X Jlst, wa 6-r. Ilal S. 21st, ch 6-r. tVVVN'. !9th, ve close in 21.00 walking distance.. 21.60 chicken house.... is. oo . verv mod. 25.00 7-r. 25.09 'fe. 20th Ave., good man.. 15.00 7.r. 42:3 Seward, good house 18.00 7- R. 716 S. 28th, close In 20.00 8- r. 1510 Madison Ave., arranged for two families 20.00 PART MODERN HOUSES. 5- r 1203ft S. 11th. close to station 110.00 4- r. 1344 S. 21st, gas, water 10.00 6- r. 3217 Webster, well, lights, sewer 12.60 6- r. 708 S. 62d. well .' 12 00 5- r. 2217 S. 18th, water, gas, toilet.. 16.00 7- r. 4411 N 25th Ave., newly papered throughout 14-00 T-r. 3509 Burdette, with garage.... 16.00 FLATS-MOD. EXCEPT FURNACE. 5- r. 2523 N. 24th, upstair $12.00 4-r. 1411 N. 32d, good flats 10.00 6- r. 607 N. 21st, close In 10.00 -r. 2702eLake, good and clean.... 20 00 SEND ON CALL FOR OUR WEEKLY PRINTED LIST, It will help you get lo cated. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCT. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. HOUSES ALL MODERN. 1861 Martha St.. 6 rms. $13.00 J829 Parker St, 7 rms....... 20.00 18 S. 31st St., t rm 20.00 S527 Charlea St., 10 rms 25.00 2226 Mason St.. 10 rms 25.00 62 iufayette Ave., 8 rms 30.00 S624 JVorih 19th St., 8 rms 25.00 611 IS. 24th Ave., 8 rms 20.00 1103 i-ark Ave., I rms 30.00 80 S. 31st St., rms 30.00 1604-6 Georgia Ave., 8 rms 30.00 2408 St. Mary' Ave., 8 rms 35.00 610 8. 27th St., 7 rms , 85.00 2024 Wirt St., 10 rms 4Q-00 . 4601 Florence Blvd., 7 rms 60. 0 2666 Harney St., 10 rms., garage for cars 0-00 HOUSES PARTLY MODERN. 24S6 S. 20th Ave., 4 rms $10.00 2810 Charles 8t., 5 rms 16.00 4126 Grand Ave., I rms 16.00 4140 N. 48th St., 6 rms 16.00 1822 N. 20th St., 6 rm 16.00 1555 N. 18th St, 6 rms.... 17.00 256$ Pierce St., 9 rms ........ "-00 1K1T TlnVenoort. 9 rms 85.00 FLATS MODERN AND PARTLT MODERN 1611 N. 24th St., 6 rms. $14.00 1064 8. 20th St., 6 rms.. 105S 8. 20th St., 6 rms. 1466 8. 16th St., 7 rms 1823 Wirt St., 4 rms.... 1624 Wirt St., 5 rms... 2623 Cass St., 10 rms... ......... 16.00 17.00 20.00 27.60 81.00 35.00 COMPANY. aAistrc Tyler J 536. f.lfcTRONG-WA&SH. REALTORS, 833 Securities Bldg. HOUSES AND COTTAGES PARTLY MODERN. 4 rooms, 601 Martha St $10.00 5 rooms, 630 South 24th Ave 10.00 rooms. 622 North 17th St 16.00 6 rooms, 5016 North 42d St 16-00 7 rooms, 2506 Pierce St 25.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 1 rooms, 1916 North 27th St. . i ... ..$18.00 7 rooms, 1909 California St 25.00 STRICTLY MODERN. rooms, 623 South 26th St $27.50 8 rooms, 223 Park Ave 80.00 8 rooms, 3901 North 17th St 30.00 7 rooms, 924 South 33d St 85.00 g rooms, 659 South 26th Ave 85.00 8 rooms, 621 South 19th. St 40.00 8 rooms, 112 North 40th St 45.00 9 rooms. 2610 Dewey Ave 36.00 8 rooms, 3716 Lincoln Blvd 40.00 8 rooms, 147 North 31st St.. 65.00 8 rooms, 1306 South 85th Ave 65.00 FLATS. PARTLY MODERN. 4 rooms. 3115 North 24th St 12.50 10 rooms, 705 South 13th St 40.00 HEATED APARTMENTS. 3-room Apt., No. 10, Stoecker, 82$ Bouth 24th St : $26.00 PORTER & SHOTWELL, tOt. South 17th St. Dong. 501$. Offices with Home Builders. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT $25.00 9-R., ?3J8 South 24th St, hot water heat 30.00 6-R., 619 South 24th Ave., modern. 32.60 9-R., 214 South 80th St., modern. 45.00 10-R-, 3008 Farnam St, modern. 60.00 10-R., 8004 Farnam St., modern. 60.00 7-R., (21 North 61st St, modern, new. ' GEORGE & CO., REALTORS, 902 City National Bank Bldg. ' Phone D. 768. 2212 MASON ST., 8 rms., all mod., $31.00. 4112 N. 33d St, 7 rms., all mod., garage, $25.00. 817 S. 25th St., $ rms., part mod., $8.00. 4662 N. 16th St., 5 rms., mod. ex. ht, $16.00. 209 S 13th St., 10 rms., mod. ex. ht, jjA.oo. 141STN. 19th St, ( rms., mod. ex. ht, $18.00. 8568 Sahler St., I rms;, mod. ex. ht, $12.00. M 1609 Locust St., 8 rms., mod. ex. ht, $16.50. 1 BIRKETT COMPANY, 260 Bee Bldg. Doug. 633. S"R.. 1113 BLAINE ST $ 6.00 t r., 1823 N. 17ih 8t, bath and gas.. 12.60 I r.. 616 S. 13th St.. bath and gas.. 17.60 g r., 1110 Farnam St, bath and ga. 16.00 6 r., 919 S. 12th St 12.60 6 r., 1110 N. 23d St 12.60 I p., 2660 Pierce St., modern 22.60 T r.. 2302 S. 31st St. modern 35.00 x 8 r.. 3014 Mason St, modern 30.00 10 r., 1411 N. 17th St., modern 25.00 10 r., 2413 Cass. St., modern........ 40.00 11 T., 1029 S. 30th Ave., modern.... 25.00 ( r, 2918 Fowler Ave., modern 25.00 BENSON & MYERS CO., REALTORS, 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. P. 746. SERVICE FIRST fit oo967 N. 28th Ave., 6-r., for colored. $11.00 1557 N. 17th 4-r., mod. ex. ht jn'oo 1654 N. 16th, 3-r., mod: ex. ht -$22 002719 8. 20th, 7-r., redecorated. 30 00 1314 S. 31st, 7fr vac. Dec. 1. $31.00646 N. 27th, -r., vac. Dec 1. $32 50 2652 Manderson, 7-r., hot water heat and garage. 835 OOi-578 S. 28th St., 3-r., brick flat PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY (Realtors) 637 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. D. 1761. A LARGE modern house with 20 rooms, suitable for rooming and boarding house, excellent location and close In. We have many other houses, flats and apartment houses to rent. Come in and see our rental list. A. P. TUKEY & SON. REALTORS. 620 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 502. All modern, newly decorated, very best location: 301 S. 38th Ave., rm $66.00 3819 Farnam St., 9 rms ....$60.00 tt .... a Q ,mi una sleentna aai zikiuw - ,., nn porch $65.00 414 N. 89th St., 9 rms. and sleeping norch ,150 " THE BYRON REED CO., (REALTORS.) n ?7 212 S. 17th St " at Burt St. 7 rms., mod $26.00 L- a, . ft rms.. mod., newlv iuis - .... decorated ' J'-JJ 3,013 Miami St., 8 rms., mod........ 24.00 S23 8. 40th St., 0 rms., apu, an r.wd. 25.00 6th Ave., 6 rms., mod 25.00 63" 240', -1 a rmm . mnrl 3U.UU 117 CtHcago, 10 rms., mod. ex. ht. 40.00 M'CAGUE wiirAiii, 1506 Dodee St . FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. FOR RENT HOUSES. $18 Six rooms, modern except heat 947 North 25ih Street. $30 Five-room, new, modern bungalow. West Farnam District $40 Eight rooms; close In; oak finish; good garage. $50 New six-room stucco and sleeping porch; In restricted district; Dun dee; Just finished. Phone Douglas 6074. SHULER & CARY, REALTORS, 204 Keellne Bldg. $10 3-R. COTTAGE at 2d and Evans Sts. $15 5-R. cottage, 3304 Franklin St 15 6-R. house, 2S23 Burdette St. 16 5-R. cottage at 2020 Grace St 25 6-R. modern house, 2614 Capitol Ave. 30 8-R. modern house at 8182 Wirt St. 36 8-R. mod. house In Kountxe Place, with good garage. ' W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat'l. Bank. Douglas 1294. g-ROOM apartment, close In $30.00 6416 Leavenworth St., 6 rooms.... 15.00 2023 Locust St, 7 rooms 18.00 611 South 17th St, 7 rooW 18.60 1807 St. Mary's Ave. 2d floor, t rms., partly modern 18.00 FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA. REALTORS. 1 400 First National, Bank Bldg. T. 600. 615 N. 20TH ST., 11 r., modern 136.00 113 N. 25th St, S r mod. ex. heat.. 18.00 209 S. 27th St, r., part modern... 16.00 2014 Bancroft r., part modern... 12.00 3031 Emmet, 6 r., city water 10.00 4530 N. 40th St, 6 r., otty water.... 9.00 3412 Evans, 5 r., well 9.00 CREIGH, SONS COMPANY, Douglas 200. Realtors. 608 Bee Bldg. FOR ROOMING OR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING A large, close-in, 22-room, 8-story brick house for lease. Also a close-in, 1 4-room, 2-story frame. For rental and location call CREIGH, SONS A COMPANY, Douglas 200. Realtors. 508 Bee Bldg. WE want more houses and apartments to rent The fact that we have practically cleared up our big list Is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your place rented ee Payne A Slater Co., Omaha Rental Men, 616 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 1016 CLOSE IN. Easy walking distance, all modern homes: 2716 Capitol Ave., 6 rms $80.00 436 8. 24th, rms $30.00 THE BYRON REED CO., (REALTORS) D. 297. 212 8. 17th St 2423 PINKNEY ST., 8-r., modern. .. .$36.00 614 North 17th St., 9-r. modern.... 30.00 3317 Dewey Ave., 6-r., city water., 12.30 817 North 24th St, 4-r., city water. 12.00 8011 Franklin St, 6-r., city water.. 10.00 1812 Nicholas St., 4-r., city water.. 10.00 1254 H South 15th St., S-r., well.... 7.00 GARVIN BROS., 346 Omaha National Bldg. FOR RENT. .2621 Capitol Ave., 8-r. mod. house, $25.00. 1738 S. 29th St., 7-r. mod. house, $30.00. 1804 Webster., 8-r., mod. except ht.330.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., 205 South ! 18th St. Doug. 722. $26 STRICTLY mod. 6-rm cottage Pratt St. $30 Stpfttly mod. 8-rm. house, Bemls Pk. $12 Mod. ex. ht. 6-rms. 26th and Sprague $13 Modern except heat. South 11th St. Edward F. Williams Co,, Doug. 420. 1919 DOGE ST., 10 rooms modern Good location for rooming house. CITY TRUST COMPANY, 16th and Harney Streets. Phone X. 789. 8-ROOM house, modern except furnace, large yard. 623 S. 24th Ave. H. 4365. HOUSES In all parts of the city. CREIGH. SONS ft CO.. 608 Bee Bldg 7-ROOM modern house, 720 N. 23d; reas onable rent Phone Red 6283. Some one would like to rent just the kind of room you have vacant. Tell them about it. in the next issue of The Bee. ' FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. ELWOOD OMAHA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL APART MENTS 49th Ave. and Dodge St. This magnificent fireproof build ing will be ready for occupancy De cember 1. If you desire elegance, If you appreciate comfort If you de mand service, then there Is but one choice THE ELWOOD. It has been the endeavor of J. W. Elwood, the owner, to produce com pact, elegant units for the smaller families. Up-to-date conveniences, such as garbage Incinerators, pack age receivers, outside Icing refriger ators, wall safes, Whitney windows, etc., have been Installed, while the building Itself Is built by the most approved system of reinforced con crete construction, faced with beau tiful gray pressed brick, terra cotta trimmed. Let us show you this building and prove our ' statement that It Is "Omaha's most beautiful apart ments." Suite No. 1 Is completely furnished and will be open for in spection every afternoon and eve ning. DRAKE REALTY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 19 W. O. W. Bldg. Tyler 671. THE KINGSBOROUGH. OPEN FOR INSPECTION ' TODAY FROM 3 TO S. READY DECEMBER 1. , Located at 26th and Dodge, Omaha's finest close-in apt, 3 rooms, with 4 -room accommodations. The lightest most con venient small apartments In the city. Fireproof and noiseproof, complete In every detail, with built-in dresser and Murphy bed. Winter rates from $30 to $42.50. Reserve your apartment now. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Realtors, 1622 Farnam. Tyler 644. SQLID COMFORT In the BENBOW, 44th and Dodge, 5 rooms, with the 6-room accommodations, second floor, east and south exposures, de lightful sun parlor, brand new, everything spick and span, HEATED GARAGES ON THE PREMISES. Look It over this aft ernoon, 'it's strictly a high class apart ment Available now. Price, $55 winter. In charge of v PAYNE & SLATER CO 616 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 1016. LOOMI3 APARTMENTS. 10th Ave. and Mason St, six large, airy and comfortable rooms, very conveniently arranged. This apartment has separate entrances and front porch and la located In an excellent neighborhood. GILBERT C. LOOMIS, 105 McCague Bldg.' ' Douglas 870. CHOICE apartment, 6-r. accommodations, 2 In-A-Door beds, Dewey, NEW, 3301 Dewey Ave.; good location; all outside rooms, Nos. 9 and 15; $37.60 summer, $45 winter. - Call Janitor, Harney 1945, tor appoint ment today. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. NEW 6-r. apt-, 115' N. 33d, Idalla, very choice, select residence district; sun par lor; vacuum cleaning system; everything the very latest. Open all day for Inspection. Apt. 10. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614. Harney St. APARTMENTS, all sizes and prices, splen did location. 24th and Farnam. D. 1472. 3328 HARNEY ST. 8 rooms, all mod., $50. E. H. BENNER CO., D. 8406. South. AVALON 3 rooms, no bat,h $.26 See Janitor, 603 South 28th St GARVIN BROS., 345 Omaha National Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 6-rooin apartment, front par lor. $40; 604 So. 34th St., Harney 45 WAYNE 2 rooms, modern, $32.00. See Janitor, 608 8. 28th St. GARVIN BROS., 34 Omu Nat E 'Bldg. FOR RENT APARTMENTS South. HEATED APARTMENTS The Carlyle, 625 South 18th St.. Apt No. 6, having 4 rooms and tile bath, all large comfortable rooms, second floor, south exposure, plenty of sunshine. Front porch, abundance of heat No car fare. $33.60 summer, $42.60 winter. Ekard Court 31st and Jones. Apt Me. 12 having 4 rooms and tile bath, second floor, south exposure. In splendid condi tion. You can't beat these apartments for the money. Ready now. $33.60 sum mer, $37.60 winter. .PAYNE & SLATER CO., 616 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 1016. Miscellaneous. 1814 CHICAGO. 10-r. modern $50.00 214 North 25th, 7-r., modern 40.00 2520 Patrick Ave., 6-r., modern.... 27.50 1214 South 17th St., 6-r.. city water. 12.00 623 South 29th St.. 4-r., city water. 12.00 2214 D St., South Omaha, 4-r, 0. w. 9.00 GARVIN BROS.,. 345 Omaha National Bldg. NICE close in 3-room and bath apart ment In - elegant location. A high class proposition. Renta for $39.60 winter; $33.00 summer. Douglas 3140. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Specialists In Apartment Management. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORES FOR RENT Those beautiful, high-celling stores In the Masonic Bldg, at 19th and Douglas. Can throw two together If desired. , Why ,, do business tn an old, wornout building, when you can have something strictly up to .date for about the same money. HARRISON & MORTON, 915 Omaha National. D. 314. FOR RENT BUILDING. WHOLESALE DISTRICT. Six stories and basement building, northwest corner 12th and Harney Sts., occupied by American Hand-Sewed Shoe company. Possession January 1. , GEORGE AND COMPANY, REALTORS, Phone D. 766. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. ASSEMBLY room 20x28 ft. second floor, Crounso Block, 117 4 North Sixteenth St $20 per month. Conrad Young, 823 Brandels Theater Bldg., Douglas 1671. STORES FOR RENT. $26.002719 Leavenworth street $50.00707 South 16th street. $100.001605 Howard street 20x80 ft, team heat. GEORGE AND COMPANY, REALTORS, Phone P. 766. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. CENTRAL CROSSTOWN TRANSFER Store room, 715 S. 24th. $18 per month. Douglas 1913. Calkins Co., Second Floor wy wat 1 uank Bldg. 616 S. 13TH ST.. 20x44 and 6 rooms above, modern except heat ..$30,00 1418 S. 16th St., 18x60, mod. ex. ht. 23.00 1420 S. 16th St., 18x60, mod. ex. ht. 23.00 BIRKETT & COMPANY, 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. MODERN store and basement; 624 S. 16th St; $70. Nebraska and Wyoming Invest ment Co., 323 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1671. 1726 ST. MARY'S AVE., 18x4O,T40U)E 1219 Farnam St., 18x47, $75.00. 311 8. 13th, 2d fl., 2,300 sq. ft, $85.00. 415 8. 11th, $65.00. ' FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA, ' REALTORS, 400 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Ty. 600. 1409-11 Harney St., 44 feet frontage In the heart of Omaha's best business district CITY TRUST COMPANY. 16th and Harney Sts. Phone Doug. 789, STEAM-HEATED store rooms, 22x44, with full cement basement 120 8. 10th 8t. $26. Call Tyler 470. STORE and basement 2419 Leavenworth St.. $50. JOHN W. ROBBTNS, 1802 FARNAM ST. SMALL store room and basement 1620 Cass. Apply Conrad Young, 322 Brandels iiiemer gunning, uougias led 4718 S. 24TH ST. So. Side., near postofflce. B. H. xjjJINJNfJR CO., D, 8406. STORE room. Sun Theater Bldg. World Keaity, Realtors. D. 6342. 1913 LAKE ST., store room, $16. 1 GARVIN BROS., 845 Omaha Nat Bk. Office and Desk Room. OFFICES. 120 tier mnn(h inH n FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. FIRST TRUST CO.. Agtg. Tyler ,500. JOINT use of siiUe In large office building. t-none uougias 827. CLEAN store with shelves, counters and brick oven and living room, $26. Red 7048. Miscellaneous. ACRE OF GROUND cheap, good place for chickens. For further Information call Colfax 1966. MOVING AND STORAGE GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and moving. 219 N. 11th St Phone Doug las 394. FIDELITY FREE Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. iotn ana Jackson sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Expert services; prompt attention. Your moving, your packing, your storage. Main Office, Central Furniture Store. 17th and Howard. Tel. Doug. 7785. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and . shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 8. 16th. Douglas 4168. Globe Van and Storage ,Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglae 4338. J C REED E5tre Co.. Moving O. J. IXLjLjU Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. OUR BUSINESS IS MOVINO. Large van, two men, $1.60 per hour. MAOOARTVS STORAGE CO Doug 1496 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. FARNAM ST. 47 feet near 38th, facing both Farnam and Harney; 1 fine residences; ene rent lng $75 a month, the other occupied by owner. Owner's sickness compels him to sell. Most of the money can remain on the property. HARRISON & MORTON, (Realtors) 915 Omaha Nat'l. D. $14, 25 ft. Improved, near 21st, $50,000. 56 ft, east of 10th, Improved, $160,000. 10x20 sq. ft, 26th St., $36,000. 66 ft, J 9th St., $66,000. All above on Farnam or adjacent NEW BUNAGLOW REAL EASY TERMS 6 rooms, never occupied, all modern oak finish; paved street; one block to Harney car line; $250 cash, balance same as rent; owner Joined the army and must sell. Inspect and make offer. . GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Douglas 2962. 919-20 City National. NEAR CREIGHTON UNI VERSITY. 6 rooms and sun parlor, hot water heat, three large bedrooms, house comparatively new, everything for comfort, close to two car lines, 68 feet frontage, room for an other house. Located just one block from St. Johns church. If interested call Douglas 685. Something fine. C. G. CARLRERG. 310-313 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WALKING DISTANCE. PRICE ONLY $3,850. Six rooms, hot water heat, strictly mod ern home; lot 60x120; $600 down. A Real Snap. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701 Om. Nat. Bk. BWg. Tyler 496. SIX ROOMS. CLOSE IN. All modern, two-story home near 81st and Farnam. Price cut tor quick sale to $4,260. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO.. Realtors. Douglaa 3140. SIX nice, large rooms, West Farnam dis trict; garage; TAKE $4,600 FOR THIS FINE HOME. You have to see thla to appreciate. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE. 701 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. WEST FARNAM HOME. T rooms, modern, east front, near 15th and Dodge;' very desirable and cheap at $4,000; terms; your rent will pay for It M'CAGUE INVESTMENT! CO. FOR SALK New 7 -room modern house, $6th and Dodge; also sleeping porch and sun parlor, $6,200. Moles, 725 Brandels Bldg. H. 6374. STUCCO house, hot wator heat, double ga rage. West Farnam district; bargain $6,000. Q. P. STEBBINS. 1610 CHlCAOO! North. YOUR LAST CHANCE To get a brand new bungalow like this one, for under existing prices it would be prohibitive to build a house so well and of such select ma terial as were used in this one. The design and arrangements are ideal. Beautiful south front lot, paving all paid; ideal location, near Kountze Park. Price is considerably under value, and terms can be made very easy. Neglecting to see this is the same as neglecting your family. RASP BROS., Realtors 210-12-14 KEELINE BLDG. TYLER 721. HOME FOR $1,650 Near 24th and Grace, large cot tage, modern except heat, barn, lot 33x.l40, always rented at $18.00, must be sold at $500.00 less than was of fered for it 2 years ago. Frice, $1,650.00 for a few days only. Rea sonable terms. A great opportunity for home for man of small means. Bee. 9131. ACREAGE SNAP, WHY PAY RENT? $25 DOWN AND $25 PER MONTH 6-room house, modern except heat; 1H acres of ground, near Slith and Curtis, facing on boulevard; barn, chicken house and other necessary buildings; close to school; not far from car line. Priced at $4,000, what the Improvements are worth. v PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., (Realtors) f 637 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. OWNER GONE TO WAR WILL SACRIFICE On Sherman Ave.? 50 ft from the Lo cust St. car line, we have a lot, 76x170, fronting on two atreots, with Improve ments, consisting of a one-story and base ment, nearly new store building, and an old 10-room modern bouse; rent $60; all special taxes paid In full. Property was recently mortgaged for $5,000 at 6 per cent; owner has left for the front and will take $1,000 cash for his equity for Immediate sale. Let us show you, GEORGE & COMPANY Realtors, Pone D. 756. 902 City Nat Bk. Bldg. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW 4805 North 31st Avenue $200 Cash $2J0 Monthly Thla Is on paved street, good lot 5 rooms, all modern except heat. House built 4 years. Would cost nearly the price we are asking for both houses and lot If built today. Our price $2,400. Call Tyler 60 and ak for Mr. ManvlUe. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St OFFER WANTED. 7-ROOM, ALL MODERN. 2629 CALDWELL. Nearly new 7-room modern home, lot 60x138 feet, worth $4,000. Owner will take a lot less. Make an offer. BEDFORD-JOHNSON CO. REALTORS. Douglas 8140. r2C0 Down and $25 a Mo. Six-room, strictly moderr house, located near Kountze Place, newly painted and decorated; east front; paved street; large lot Prleed at $2,400. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Realtors, $37 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. OAK BUNGALOW-NO CASH. Brand new, all modern oak finished bungalow, furnace heat, 6 rooms and bath, large east front corner lot, near boule vard, 3 blocks from Ames Ave. car. Get settled before winter. BEDFORD-JOHNSON CO. REALTORS, 122 Keellne Bldg. Douglas $140. $376 CASH WILL BUY NEW BUNGALOW. A remarkably well built 6-room bunga low,' oak floors throughout built-in fea tures, nicely decorated; full cement base ment; attic; surrounded by new homes; near 27th and Grand Ave. Priced below present cost of building. HT A TT COM P A VT 246-7-9 Omaha Nat. Bk, Bldg, Tyler 60. AFTER loolrlnr at M1NNW. T.tTBA inn xt ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they v backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will come out, today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nafl. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. OWNER 18 SACRIFICING HIS NEW SEMI-BUNGALOW HOME. Seven rooms and bath, oak finish, book eases, buffet, etc.; strictly up-to-date; built by htmsolf for home; would cost $5,000 to duplicate. Price only $4,000. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg, Tyler 496. ' BEMIS PARK. Beautiful 8 -room house for sale In Bemls park; large lot; garage; built for a home. E. H. BENNER CO., D. 8406. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME. Six rooms modern for only $3,200; good size lot with paving paid; property Is clear and can make easy payments. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 126; Realtor. Web. 2688. NO CASH REQUIRED. Brand new oak finished bungalow, $2,860. Will sell for nothing down and $30 per month or will rent for $26. BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO.. REALTORS. Douglas 2140. NEAR SHERMAN AVE. Five-room bungalow; for sale cheap. All modern. E. H. BENNER CO., D. 8408. ONE acre of ground In .fruit, 6-room house, close to Central Park school, very cheap. W. H. GATES, Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1294. NEW, Modern C-room house; paved street Harney car line. All oak. Will sell $250 down. Call D. 2628 days or Wal. 677 FOR SALE, cheap, an 8-room house, all modern. See owner at 1801 Locust St. or 714 City National Bank. South. 1 ONE 6-room and one 4 -room cottage, both on one lot; fine condition; live In one and rent the other. Price for both, $2,760. Very easy terms. No. 2483 S. 20tb St NORRIS 4 NORRIS. 400 Bee Bldg, Phone Douglaa 4270. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. WALKING DISTANCE We have two cottages, one (-room and one 4 -room, both In good condition and a bargain at the price, $2,760. You can live In one and by renting the other make the property pay for Itself. Located 2433 South 20th St. Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Building. Douglas 4279. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. COMFORTABLE HOME. $2,800. Business compels me to move and I offer my home near school, churches, park and car line at a sacrifice 5 rooms and bath, on ground floor. The upstairs can easily be arranged to lot as housekeeping apart ment If desired; everything In first class condition and a compact, comfortable home, all clear of encumbrances and taxes. Will sacrifice for $2,800; on reasonable terms It desired: should be worth $3,600. Address Owner, Box 9034, Bee. Hanscom Park District A strictly modern, 2-story residence with five nice rooms on the first floor and three bedrooms on the second floor; large lot, with paving all paid. Located 2130 South 34th St. In an excellent neighborhood. Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS, i 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4270, 6 ROOMS. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. t 2802 S. 34th St.. 6 rooms. Just In the course of completion, large living room, dining room with built-in buffet, finished In oak, nice kitchen and pantry, rear en try, two bedrooms and aun parlor, bath on 2d floor, full cement basement, furnace, all modern. Price, $4,000; $300 down, bal ance easy payments to good party. C. G. CARLBERG. 310-313 Brandels Theater Bldg. GOOD SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AT 1117 SOUTH 27TH ST. FOR ONLY $3,600 IF SOLD BY JAN. 1. This houso has three rooms and a re ception hall on first floor, with hard wood finish, three sleeping rooms with bath on second floor, hard wood floors upstairs and down, full baaemont, with laundry, furnace heat, paving paid for. W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat Bank. Douglas 129. DEER PARK. BUNGALOW. Five rooms, gas, electrlo lights, water, sewer; will sell cheap; small payment down, balance like rent. , E. H. BENNER CO., Douglas 8406. Miscellaneous. $100.00 CASH1 , This makes the first payment on a good 6,-room house, with gas, electrlo lights, well and cistern. Water and aewer tn the street. This place la near school, stores, car and Fontenells Park. House is In good condition. Address 4717 N. 42d St. $50.00 CASH I Then $10.00 per month. This will buy you a cosy, 4-room cottage at 2617 S. 6th St., a place having city water. It Is bargain on these terms. $100.00 CASH1 Then pay $16.00 per month on 260$ N. 18th St., a good place, having city water, toilet and gas. Only a block from car line. House Is vacant, so you can get Im mediate possession. This Is worth buying. $50.00 CASH1 ', And the balance monthly, buy a small 4-room cottage on a large corner lot lOOx 160. This gives you plenty of ground for a garden, as well as a good place to keep chickens. Location Is 4638 Franklin St Buy this place on these term and you will make money, CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200, Realtors, 608 Bee Bldg. $100.00 CASH-4 ROOMS . $25 MONTH A dandy, brand new bungalow, that will delight you when seen. It is cozy and up-to-date; corner lot, facing east, 46x120. In a Rood, new neighborhood. Near car and schools. Full cemented basement with floor drain and hot and cold water: newly paved.' Call Harney 3556 CLASSY BUNGALOW BARGAIN Five-room stucco bungalow. Classy In side and outside. Oak floors through out Oak finish In living and d!m.,g room. Enamel and mahogany finish In bedrooms. i'rlce $3,860.00, Reasonable terms. BENSON it CARMICHAEL, 642 Paxton Block, Douglas J722. FOR SALK New two story St Louis flat and seven room house In rear, annual 1 rental $1,000. Price 6,800; $1,800 cash, balance per cent, 3. B. ROBINSON, Realtor. 442 Bee Bldg. x ' Doug. (097. LET me ahow yuu my brand new stucco bungalow; finely finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargain at $3,860. Rea sonable terms. Call owner, Douglsa 1712, W. FARNAM SMITH Co., Real batata and Insurance, 1320 Karnam Ht, Doug. 1064. J. J. MULVIH1LL, Realtor. t ' 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. $6. SIX room, hot water heat, garage, paved street, close In, all for $2,700. O. P. STEBBINS, 1610 CHICAGO. R. S. TRUMBULL, 306 1st Nat Bk. Bldg D 1784 REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty WHOLESALE LOCATION $15,000 66x132, close to 16th and Jones. Can get trackage In alley If necessary. Two buildings erected In Immediate vicinity this year. GEORGE AND COMPANY REALTORS, 102 City National Bank Bldg. Phone D. 766. DESIRABLE store rooms; modern front, metal celling, steam beat 624-626 8. 16th. St., slxe $2x60, can be subdivided: low rent Conrad Young, 322 Brandies Theater Building, Douglas 1571. YOUNG & DOHERTY, City Real Estate, Douglaa 1671. 323 Brandels Theater. H. A. WOLF, Realtor, Ware Blk. Specialist In downtown bualncas property Some one would like to rent just the kind of room you have vacant. Tell them about it in the next issue of The Bee. REAL ESTATE Investment INVESTMENTS FARNAM AND HARNEY STSi 142x132 ft., corner Farnam St., partly improved, ?j5,50O. 94 ft. on Farnam St., with SO-ft. frontage on Harney. Large and valuable improvements; income pays 6 per cent net. rnce $5,000, $10,000 cash will handle this. A miehty good buy for a nest egg. 140 ft. on Harney St., near 22d. A cracking good location for auto salesroom or garage. Present im provements bringing in enough to pay taxes and a low rate of interest. Price and terms on application. 60x132 ft., with paved street and paved alley on Harney, east Park Ave. Price $15,000. J. H. Dumont & Co. REALTORS, 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Doug. 690. REAL ESTATE Investment INVESTMENTS ALL GOOD m $7,730 A two-apartment brick flat, exceptionally well built, very close in; the building alone today would cost $8,000 to build; rented cheaply to permanent tenants $780 a year; $3,000 cash will handle. $10,500 Brick store building, corner lot on 24th street, monthly rental $105; an ideal investment; permanent tenants; no trouble to handle; must have $5,000 cash. $14,000 Leavenworth street bus iness property to one tenant, 5-year lease, at $1,500; $5,000 cash will handle. $15,000 Brick flats northwest corner 23d and CapitoJ avenue; three apartments, 7 rooms each; pay 7 per cent net. $15,000 Dodge street corner with improvements; $135 per month to permanent tenants; the rents are low and improvements very good; this is a close-in corner bound to in crease in value; $5,000 cash to handle. $30,000 Brick store building on 24th street; two high-class tenants at $3,000 a year; ground 80x132. $30,000 Full lot with brick im provements, one block of Hotel Rome; right in line for increase in value and- the rents pay $2,650 a year; $8,000 cash will handle. $50,000 High-class apartment house, close-in on Harney street; $4,000 a year net, which is better than 10 per cent net on the equity; would consider desirable smaller property as part payment. GLOVER & SPAIN, (Realtors) Douglas 3962. 919-20 City Nafl. HARNEY STREET INVESTMENT Double brick, In first-class repair, welLi rented, located' on Harney St, between 20th and 24th Sts., with a south frontage of 45 feet; paved alley. Income will carry this property and location assures - substantial profit Trice $30,000; $3,700 cash. GEORGE AND COMPANY (Realtors) $02 City National Bank Bldg. Phone D, 766. A REAL INVESTMENT. NEAR 2HTH AND HARNEY BTS. PAYS ABOUT 12 PER CENT GROSS. ' A fine corner 63x104 Improved with pressed brick building consisting of four 4-room apts. and two 6-room arts. Oak floors and finish throughout, strictly mod ern, furnace heat, tenants furnish heat. Property built 3 yrs. ago. Paving paid In full. Price, $17,000 for quick sale. Year ly Income, $1,(26, No aafer place to put your money. H cash. HIATT COMPANY, 245-7-1 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 60. CUM NO STREET. ; In order to close an estate, I offer at a very low price 44 or 23 foot near 29th St You cannot lose on thla proposition. See me for price and terms. a A. GRIMMEL (Realtor), Ph. D. 1615. 141 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATETRACKAGE TRACKAGE. $9x132, brick buildings for sale or for rent; all or part E. H. Banner Co., D, 1406. FINE site on B. A M. R R slxe $6x166; can be bought cheap; terms. ,C A. Grim nasL Phone Douglas 1615. REAL ESTATE To Exchange CLOSE IN LARGE HOUSE 707 Park Ave., tarns lot, large, modern house and barn. This la just around the corner from l'iJK Ave. and Leavenworth. Western land man has taken this In a big farm trade at $11,000 price, but will sell for what It will bring quick. Your chnnce. We have price of $5,600, but owner wired that unless we have quick buyer he will close a trade offered for land. Harrison & Morton, $16 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 314. 720 ACRES, all clear, 300 acres In cultiva tion, In Faulk County, South Dakota. Will exchange for good Income in Omaha. Price $37.(0 per acre. INTER-STATE REALTY CO. $13-14 City , Nat'l liank, Doug. 281. NINE-ROOM, pressed brick bungalow, 2 lots, tn Denver, to exchange for boule In Omaha, O., 2425 Leavenworth St, Omaha, Nob. EASTERN North Dakota and cheap Colo rado lands for sale and exchange, Mueller, 1310 Stout Bt Denver, Colo. HAVE 30 aures, Wheeler county, value $2,600; will trade for equity In city prop erty. Wllaon. $17 S. 16th $200, 7 PER CENT stock. In good Omaha corporation, to trade for Ford, lot or equity In acre, Harney 4663. LOUISIANA Lands. Nlisson, 422 Rose Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved Miscellaneous. LARGE Garden Lots near car line, paved street, $125 to $196. $1 down. Doug. 6074. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. A Real Dundee Bargain $500 Cash Balance Monthly Located at one of the high points in Dundee's good residence district, one-half block to Underwood car line. We have a new two-story seven-room house; large living room, dining room and sun room, all in oak;. three large bedrooms finished in white enamel; oak floors throoughout; large attic; full ce mented basement, with excellent furnace. This place is really a bar gain, and in addition can be pur chased on the very easiest of terms. Let us show this house to you. Im mediate possession. Price $5750. GEORGE AND COMPANY (Realtors) 902 City National Bank Bldg. Phone D. 756. DUNDEE STUCCO HOME This is a very attractive 7-room, 1 2-story, well constructed modern home, nearly new. in excellent con dition, having large livjng room, with brick fireplace, beamed ceiling, attractive dining room with beamed ceiling and solid panel walls; all finished in satin walnut. Very con venient kitchen; 3 good bedrooms, ' tiled bathroom and enclosed sleep ing porch on second floor; full base ment; 13-inch brick wall for founda tion; hot water heat; east front lot; fine shade trees; convenient to car line. Price $8,500; reasonable terms. Must be seen to be appreciated. GEORGE AND COMPANY (Realtors) Doug. 756. 902 City Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. Eine Dundee Corner 3 Lots, 150x130 (Restricted)' Owner will reduce price over one-fourth in order to make quick deal. He needs money and wants action. See my agents. SHULER & CABY, REALTORS, DOUGLAS 6074. KEELINE BLDO. DUNDEE SLX-ROOM PRACTICALLY NEW ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF. Large living room 12x21 ft, beamed celling, dining room with beamed celling: and built-in buffet kitchen and den or bed room on first floor; two nice bed rooms and bath on second floor, all whit enamel finish, oak floor and finish on first floor. Price $4,200; $800 cash, HIATT COMPANY. 246-7- Omaha Nat'l Bk Bldg. Tyler DUNDEE BARGAIN. Two story, six-room' house just com pleted. Oak floors. Enamel and ma hogany finish. Beautifully decorated. Fine quality lighting fixtures. This Is a. beauty outajde and In. Low price for Immediate sale. For appointment to tee this, call owner. Walnut 268$. TWO new five room Dundee bungalows on one floor. Beward Bros., 57$ Brandels) Building. 10 Acres Near Florence . On Paved Road 1 Just out of the city limits of Florence, about 7 miles from the Omaha postofflce. Owner has made a price of $400 per aero It sold by Deo, 1st Will make terms one-fourth cash. HASTINGS k HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER 50. Acreage, DODOE STREET ACREAGE and adjoining land, west of Omaha, la rapidly Increasing In value. We have for sale an exceptionally fine 40 acres, j 30 acres In cultivation, Ilea high, lightly, sloping gently to shaded pasture of t acres, with springs and running water. Fair Improvements, aome fruit Located 6 miles west of city limits, mile from Dodge street on main road. Terms $3,000 cash, balance easy pay men is. 6 MILES WEST OP 24TH 8T. 40 acres, gently rolling with aprtnga and running water, 1$ aores In alfalfa, well, wind mill and cattle sheds, located on West "Q" street road, one mile from paving and Ralston, j 4 miles ts stock yards, a good feeding farm. $$,500 cash, balance annually. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE COMPANY, ' Realtors. 1016 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Dour 50 ACRES y2 Mile From Dodge St. The J. H. WIESE FARM ' Lies nearly level, considerably valley ground. Part of land never broken. No waste ground. 6-room house, good barn, large oow barn,' suitable for dairy use, at $23,600, or $460 per acre, thla Is the cheap eat buy between Dodge St. and the Benson Main St. road, within 1 miles of Oma ha postofflce. - HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER $0. ACREAGE BARGAIN 7,i acres near 41th and Brown, Just over the city limits, but near olty con. venlences; layi high and level; 3 acres of good fruit; balance under cultivation; - 7-room house, barn and chicken bouse; partly fenced, chicken tight Owner will consider a five or six-room house In good locality nearly new. Priced at $7,600. A genuine snap. Can be handled on $1,600 cash or equity In house. Don't fall U f se this. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. ' , (Realtors) j 537 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldr.'B. 17$1. 1 5 2-3 Acres Near Benson With New 4-Room House About 3 acres rich, level garden land, the balance Is In timber and pasture. Has running water, located on mil from paved road and West Benson Jitney serv. Ice. Possession can be given Deo. 1st Very, easy terms. Price $2,800. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONB TYLER $0. FIVE very fine garden lots, close to car line, olose to achool, Just outside the city limit, where you do not have to pay city taxes; an Ideal place to raise pigs, poultry or garden; the owner ha moved to Cali fornia and says sell at once; price $11 each; terms, 60o a week on each lot Call --os, toaay or in the evening. REAL EST ATE WANTED WE CAN SELL or exchange your acre age, wait up today. Mr. Brown. Dour. 2811. INTER-STATE REALTY CO. 1I-14 City National ' WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 6 and 6-room houses and bungalow with 6200 to $600 down. Call Osborne Realty 'a., lyier mi uma. flat. Bank Bldg. LISTING houses to rent or sell on small cash payments; have parties waiting. Western Real Estate. 413 Karbach Blk. t. 3607. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. first mortgages secured by Omaha real estate. $1,600 at 6 pet -value of security... $4,000 $2,200 at 6 pet value of security... 6,300 $600 at 6 pet value of security.... 1,400 $1,800' at 6 pet value of security.,,, 4,000 $1,700 at 6 pet. value of security..,, 4,000 $2,300 at 6 pet. value of security..., $.500 $2,500 at 6 pet value of security..,, 6,000 FIRST MORTGAGES SECURED BY NEBRASKA FARMS. $5,000 at 6Vi pet value of security $10,000 $9,000 at 6Vs pet value of security.. 10,500 $10,000 at 6ls pet. value of security 25,000 $3,200 at 6 pet value of security.... 8,100 E. H. Lougee, Inc. 3J K.fc,fc.L.lJNE BLDG. LEGAL RATES LOANS ".00 $240.00 or mor Essy payment. Utmot privacy. 740 Paxton Bldg. Tel. Doug. tlii. J.UAN UUmrAM x. FARM and city loans, running from flv to twejity yesrs; interest 6 per cent, 6V4 per cent and 6 per cent. PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. $1,200 31 TOE. bearing 6 pet. semi-annually ; secured by mortgage valued at $8,000 Talmadge-Loomls Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg. 8HOPEN A CO., PRIVATE MONEY. H. W. BINDER. ' Money on band for mortgage loan. vuy national uanK Bldg. $1,800 MTGE. bearing 6 pot. semi-annually; secured by mortgage valued at $6,800. Talmadge-Loomls Inv, Co., W.O.W. Bldg. NO DELAY IN CLOSING LOANS, - " . , J i sm-Aimil, o X- IU MJ. 5C1 CITY O LOAN8. GARVIN BROS.. Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. KC MONEY HARRISON A MORTON, i " si umana Wat. Bank Hid OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS, U H. B. CO.. 1010 Omaha Nat'l. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Weed, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam gts. MONEY to loan on Improved farina and rncnes. M0K9 investment Co., Omaha. LOW RATES C. Q. CARLBERG. 112 Bran oeis i neater mag, v. ess LOANS ON CITY PROPERTT W. H. THOMAB A SON Keelln Bldg. Stocks and Bonds. HIGH-CLASS Wyoming oil Investment In proven oil fields. Well driller now at worn. . inn vi&i, uma na uee. KAKM AND RANCH LANDS Alabama Lands. $40 ACRES Oklahoma land to exchange fol . land in eastern Neb. G., HZi Leavenworth, St, Oma - i V I.