Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4
4 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1917. UNUSUAL COSTUMES WORN ATTHE BALL Maids and Matrons Trip Waltz in Boots of Gold and Satin h at King; Ak-Sar-Bens P; Fete. (Coatlnnrd from Far One.) apple-green costume attracted un usual attention. Evidently the ladies who attended the twenty-third Ak Sar-Ben ball are not suffering from shortage at leather for at none of the twenty-two preceding balls has there been such an array of brilliantly and delicately dressed dancing feet ' Some Beautiful Costumes. Following is a list of those present and the gowns they wore: Armrieln. Mia Both Glrltth town of ftp phlre blue not made over silk meualtnt of the sm thtdt. Aoitln. Mr. I. W. Artistic combination of chiffon In shmlrii of blue and grry, bead ed trimming In blue and grey. Athton, Mm. C. H. Peacock blue chiffon velvet with train; draperln of blue tulle, and bodice of allver lace. Irldoaccnt trim , mint, and illrer flower. Allen, Mrs. Arthur Black tulle snd satin evening gown, trimmed with Jet; round length.' Allen, MIm Mabel Ophelia yellow dancing irocK with Irregular oversklrt of orchid colored tulle, trimmed with silver lace; ullver slipper. . a Alluon, Mrs. C. C Sleeveless gown of orchid georgette and em In: skirt draped to form bustle effect; ilancjng length. Allium, Miss Orsoe Distinctive ,model In pink sstin, made tlghtflttlng and on very severs lines and draped high to the back tt form the new bustle effect Abbott, Mrs. Bay J. Lemon colored aatln gown with over dress of lavender tulle. Lavender aatln bodies trimmed with lav. onder tulle; long aleeves. Pearl and diamond pendant. Adams, Mrs, 4. B. Eiqulnlto gown of white crepe da chine, hand embroidered. Aldose, Mrs, frank II. Clown of pink chif fon satin made round length and elaborately trimmed with allver lace, sil ver lace bodice with elbow sleeves of chif fon. Diamonds. Allen, Mrs. Kdgar. Combination of Spanish anil chnntlllr Isce mads over soft whits atln with Iridescent trimming; entrains. Aobton, Mrs. Charles H. Peacock blue chlf. ton velvet. Hllver lacs bodice draped over blue tulle and Iridescent trimmings. Alvord, Mrs. A. J. !own of satin In the rainbow shades, skirt mnde with stiver lace ovyr-drapcry: sleeveless bodies In rainbow shsdea mads of allk net with liver lacs at tha top; dancing length. A sat In, Mrs. T. W. Blue and gray chiffon over white aatln with blue and gray beaded trimming, made round length. , B evening pearls. Bar evening wrsp was of molt trtmmeff with kit fox. Bridges, Mrs. E, brocaded with sliver; short train; bodice cut low and without ileevea. Bridget, Mrs. J-ee L'ark blue satin com bined wtth Irish lace made dancing length; blue sstin slippers. Blinker, Mrs. Lawrence White satin gown with draperies of white chiffon, the bod Ice trimmed with silver; white satin slip pers; corsage bouquet of orchids. Bryant, Mm, J. A. Pink chiffon made over fleah colored allk, with trimmings of real lace; round lenKth: low cut bodice, fin ished with long tulle aleeves. Burgess, Mrs, Ward Hark brown gown. Boylrs, Mrs. V. W. Bronie embroidered net over cloth of gold; drsped skirt of gold colored velvet and cap sleeves of velvet; trimming of beads. Berry, Mrs. William Black ehkrmeuaa gown trimmed with Cbantllly lace; jet and as. qnln trimming; bodies embroldrrsd In rhlnrstnnes. Berry, Mlaa Maria Olrllah frock of white silk net over silver cloth; skirt draped and caught up with roasbuds. Barker, Mrs. Joseph Smart model of blue tulle trimmed In sllvsr. Bins, Mlas Kdna Turquoise blue Imported silk dancing frock with American Deauty reset. Pesrls. Bliss, Mrs. r. J. Imported black Jtt over allver cloth. Diamond, Brogan, Mrs, J"tikU A. Distinctive model of bright green over gold net, with , beaded net overdrape; dscoltMs and danc ing length. Gold tltpptrs and ermine stole. Haoa, Mrs. Frank, Pink satin with over dress of pink and gtay chiffon; aklrt made v with double .train, Bodtoe of cryttat ' embroidery heavily studded with rhlneatonss and cut very low, gtrdla of flowers. Turquoise blue evening wrap lined with lreaden itlk, largs collar and cuffs of lynar fur. Baker, Mrs. BaaJ. 8. Draptd etfeet In . turquolaa georgette crept and mattcse lact of Ivory ahadt; short draped tlttvtt, Pearl. f Barlow, Mrs, Milton T. Charming costume of heavy silk In pais blue with sllvtr I brocade; low Becked and sleeveless, danc ing length. Beard, Mrs. H. I. down of gray georgette crspa, with ribbons of stmt, also Irides cent trimming; dancing length, and sleevsless. Beaton, Mrs. A. eVe-Or!gJnal creation of dark blue tulle, over ahell pink aatln; hlrt watered tffect, with fluffy , aklrt, draped, abort aleevaa of tulle. Orchid and diamonds. Beaton, Mrs. , Charles Artlstlo ' model of peach velvet, with draped short skirt and train: crystal trimming. Hllver tllppert. BUf ham, Mrs, W. W. Old rott crepe elaborately trimmed with real Isot; bod toe cut- low and made with .short sleeves; dancing length. Diamonds. - Black, Mrs. Chart K. Striking toilette of army bin ballnt over blue aatln; bottles ,- , and girdle of allver cloth, ribbons ot allvtr suspended from girdle with small Amer ican beauty rota at tnd of tarh; black aatln slipper embroidered In cut tteel; American beauty hose. Diamonds. Blackwell, Mr. Warren H. Dainty dress ot whtl Isce, with gird I ot pink and esp (leeve ot tullt. Bryaan, Mn, Jesse, (Quest ot Mrs. Frank Slmpaon) Black georgette gown with bead trimming; black aatln slippers. Blakely, Mrs. Huth Handsome gown ' ot black chiffon valvtt Diamonds. ' Barbie), Mrs. M. C Attractive dreaa of black lace over whit satin with skirt of dancing length; ahort alesves. ., Boyr, Mrs. E. I Chlo costume of tur uuolss blut taffeta comblped with tullt ot earn ahadt, trimming pf (equina ; long loot tletvee ot tullt, and short aklrt. Brlnkman, Mrs. C, F. Roa pink tullt ever silver cloth, heavily trimmed with liver and gold embroidery. Bklrt mad dancing length; low cut bodice finished with short sleeve of pink ehltfon; pink satin suppers. Diamonds. Buchanan, Mrs. J. T. Attract W gown ot black chiffon made over black aatln; aklrt mad with full flounce and over aklrt ot Jetted net: low out bodice ot trlootln silver beaded In (ratn; dsnolng length. Bsrklogbam, Mrs. Everett Black chantllly lae over whit satin, short round length skirt, wslst having trtmmlnga of whits and castl sleeve of lac. , Burke, Miss Msbelle, of North Piatt. Neb., out-of-town maid ot honor Pink French satin, draped with allver lae and trim mlnga ot allvtr. Barns, Mrs. Samuel, Jr. Sapphire blue satin, with abort draped skirt, and short sleeves of tulle; trimming ot beads. Barns, Mrs. William Tracy Dainty model of all white aatln and tulle; ahort, draped aklrt, and long sleeves of the tulle. Brow. Mr. Jiorrle Handsome gown ot black velvet combined with ohlffon. ' , Bob?, Mrs. Frank, at Kearney (Quest of .- Mrs. Norrl Brown) Sapphire satin with cloth of gold and lace. . Beam, Mr. J. K., ot Philadelphia, (Quest ot Mrs. P. P. Klrkendall) Silver cloth and black tulle trimmed with sequins; draped skirt long tulle aleeves. Baxter, Mrs. W. F Dainty gown ot tulls ' and aatln In pink with iridescent trim ming; pearls. Ball, Mis Clara, of Paaadena, Cat., (Quest ot Mrs. Isaao Congdon) Artlstlo combina tion of turquoise net and allver lace, bouffant aklrt. silver slippers. Burke, Mia Blanche, of Portland, Or., (Quest ot Mr. John A. McShan) Orchid aatln trimmed with crystal and faahlonsd loos flowing line; sleeves of tulle; long pink and silver ribbon impended from tilver rose at the back. Balrd, Mrs. Claire J. Different tone of brown tulle fashioned over satin with a bodice of iridescent equlns; champagne colored Hipper. ' Bark slow, Mrs. Denies Rose-colored sstin i wtth .cln trimmings, mad dancing length: allver slipper. ! Barrett, Mis Kan Amethyst velvet gown beaded In silver, the bodlo made decollete and trimmed with allver lace: purple aatln Upper and evening wrap ot the asm ahade ot plush trimmed with chinchilla fur. Baoaa, Mm KatberiB (ot Philadelphia, Guest of Mia Virginia Offut and an Out' ; of-Town Maid of Honor) cllmpl rose pink velvet frock with draperies from black to aide to give the bustle effect; bodlo aet off with touches of silver; silver slippers. Blue velvet evening coat lined with white aatln and trimmed with brown fur. , Bradbury, Mrs. W. J. Black toll draped over a foundation of black aatln. the bodlo trimmed with allver; black velvet evening wrap. , Brudeis, Mrs. George One ot the loveliest , gown at tb ball, a Joeet model in Amer ; lean beauty velvet, most becoming to lira. ' Brand tlaT type. It was simply faahlonsd ' in ene-pleee atyl with pleating beginning . at the high waist line and extending to - the back to form the trastis eiieet. Mrs. 1 Brandcla won a wondrful atrial at Carter, Mlas Irene Girlish pink tulle frock, trimmed with sliver; sliver slippers. Pink velvet evening coat with white fox fur collar. Carter, Mrs. K. I Gray chiffon evening gown with Iridescent trimming; round length; gray satin slippers. Black vel vet evening coat lined with pink aatln. Comb. Mrs. Tlnley U Cream net robe, made dancing length; evening coat of brocaded satin metal cloth trimmed with otter fur. Countmaa, Mrs. II. ti. .Simple evening gown of white lace. Crofoot, Mrs. I.adovlc F. Uively pink vel vet evening gown, built on simple lines. Cutler, Mrs. Hugh T. (town of peach tuile over silver lace and sliver riotn. Catton, Mr. Thomas B., ot Ban Francisco, Cel. Black net and aequtns, mane nanc ln length. Corsage bouquet of orchids. Clarke, Mrs, Lools Bhell-ptnk chiffon, made with draped skirt; hoaiee or pearie ana silver passementerie. Large butterfly bow of allver cloth In back. Coad, Mlaa Beatrice Clown of black velvet, made with tlraped aklrt; bodice hand somely embroidered In turquoise and crystals. Crofoot, Mrs. L, F. Lovely pink velvet gown draped on simple lines, witn noaic embroidered with bead In front and long chiffon sleeve of pink. Congdon, Miss Josephine Stunning gown of silver panne velvet built on long atraigm lines; short sleeves of sliver not; diver allDDers: corasge of pink rosebuds. Clarke, Mrs. Henry T., (Former queen of Ak-8ar-Ben) Attrsctlve gown or cresm silk net embroidered In gold; kslrt trimmed with ruffles of nile green satin embroidered In gold. Crelgh, Mrs. A. I. Striking costume of pur ple tulle over satin, sleeveless, wun trim mnlg of gold brsld. Oold IIppers. Cor pse's of Ward roses. Cope, Mrs. C. C, Jr. Combination of pale green and whit aatln, elaborately trimmed with filet lact. Silver allppcrs. Caldwell, Mrs. 8. H. Handsome robe of b ack velvet, very decollete. Carry, Mrs. Frank J. Cream-colored geor gette crepe gown; diamonds. Carlisle, Mrs. Samuel H. Yellow silk, net over yellow aatln; sleeveless bodice or tne net. cut low: diamonds. Cavanaugh, Mrs. M. W. down of black en train; bodice or cut jet wun long tune sleeves diamonds. Chirk, Mrs W. H. Orchid silk combined with cloth of silver; tight lining sleeve less bodice: over-skirt ot sequins. Coo, Mis Louise, of Nebraska City, (Out-of- Town Maid of Honor) American neauiy taffeta trimmed with crystal passe- monterle. Colt, Mrs. J. Clark Stunning gown of pale blue satin, trnnmea wun sequins; uaa touch of American beauty on skirt; angel sleeves of blue tulle: pearls. Cenlln, Mrs, Frank M. Qown of white satin fashioned with court train; ooaict or sequins and made wtth short sleeves ot chiffon; diamonds. Cooler, Mrs. A, J. Green brocaded .crepe trimmed with fur and sllvsr race; snort skirt and sleeveless bodice, with shoulder straps of rlilnestnncs. rawford. Miss Helen Stunning gown of black tulle over yellow tune ana DiacK satin., Straight line effect; bodice of black panne velvet with angel aleeves ot tulle; trimmings of rosebuds. Cunningham, Mrs. , C Coral net over silver cloth: bodice ot silver lace; long drsped sleeve of net with cuff ot silver laes. Ccnnell, Mis Begin Creation of two-toned green satin and el Ivor ciotn, arapen nign In back and klrt caught with French flower; short aleeve of net. Pearls. Calvin, Mis NellTPale blue taffotta brocaded In allver, having bouffant ef fect) sleeves of blue tullt. Claastn, Mr. C. J. Sleeveles gown of taf feta In ahade or yellow; bodice of gold colored olitffon trimmed with beads. Clark, Mr. F. W. Whit nt over atln, full ahort skirt; bodice heavily trimmed with (ulna: can sleeves ot net. Clarke, Ml Helen Pink satin embroidered In sliver, skirt of allvtr lace, draped with satin; bodice of sliver lace. Coad, Mrs. J. F. -Combination of pink satin and tulle; bodice of sliver lace, draped with tail and ahort aklrt draped; diamonds, Connell, Mr. Balph W. (Mother ot the Ood dess ot Liberty) Handsom gown of or chid faille, skirt trlmmsd with net and sequin. French girdle of lavender and silver; ahort list aleeve. Congdon, Mrs. Isaac Orchid falll em broidered In lf tonea, combined with embroidered ohlffon of - amo shade; hinneil In Inns1 lines. r Cotton, Mis Halcyon, ot Chicago, (Quest of Mr, unsnes . maoai iw rumy. dour allk, having tight fitting bodice, and full hnt aklrt. . Cowell, Mia Mona Fluffy gown of black tullt, long tunt sieeve ana oueu s"" In bright green. Cowell, Mr. Bobert White taffeta em broidered In old roe, with overdress of rose tulle, long sleeves and sash of tulle nd tsssel ornament. Cully, Mr. W. J-Attraotlv gown of spangled rot net ever rots silk, low in ' neck and eleeveless. ColpeUer, Mr. Moshrrr Dtcollett gown of black net over black latin; black btaded allppers. Crelgh, Mr. A. .1, Qown of purpl net over purple satin, gold trimmings; dancing length. Crowley, Mr. Charles F. Peach colored brocaded aatln; aklrt draped over diver petticoat; bodice mad of pink tulle, with elbow sleeves I Culklns, Mr. Mike White voile evening gown made over whit satin; long tulle sleeves. I of Richmond roses. Deep rose velvet eve ning wrap. L. Gown of blsck sstin , Ella. Miss Margery, of Buffalo (Quest of llu.r ahnpr train hAticr. ' -uri . j i . . m . . . . . .ni uniiuuB jneis, IQn im-DI'lOVD siaia of Honor) Lovely black satin evsnjng gown with draperies ot tulle; girdle and trimmings of Jet Fowler, Mrs. B. C Ping crepe meteor gown; draped skirt made round length: bodies of allver lace and seed pearl em- broidery; no sleeves. ; Fitzgerald, Mrs. J. K Brocaded pink silk I with skirt draped with silver lace; bodies i of silver lace, set off with one large pink rose. Frlnk, Mis Hasel, of Newman Grove, out. of-town maid of honor and guest of Mrs. H. B. Whltehouse Girlish model of yellow tulle over silver cloth, waist of yellow tafeta with silver; embroidered girdle. Fry. Mrs. Thomas Black aatln gown with black Jet tunic, en traine; diamonds. Black taffeta wrap lined with white bro cade. Frank, Mrs. Albert, of San Francisco Orchid color cloth of gold; low cut bodice held with metal shoulder straps. Frank, Mis Alleen, of Ban Francisco Dainty gown of blue taffeta, trimmed with a combination of ailk and chiffon of the seme shade. . Fry, Miss Anna Chlo little dres of pals blut satin, with over-dress or white net embroidered in pink and bin. Fry, Miss Daisy Pink chiffon aver whit satin, skirt resembling flower petsls, bodice of xpangled lace. Fry, Miss Elizabeth Danity gown of pink chiffon with draped over-skirt of silk lace. Pink satin bodice, with rap sleeve. Fry, Miss Ethel White embroidered silk net over pale blue satin; draped aklrt, and bodice of satin, trimmed with pink and blue flowers. Grant, Mis Mary Charming pink taffeta dancing frock, trimmed with allver lace; bodice faabloned wtth butterfly aleeves of pink mallne. ' Grlmmel, Mrs. C. A. Black satin gown trimmed with real lace and black net draperies, with touches of turquoise blue on thi bodice. With this Mrs. Grlmmel wors a black velvet evening wrap trimmed with black lynx fur. Grlmmel, Miss Margaretha Lovely orchid stiver cloth gown draped with sliver lace and orchid net, fashioned with a short, fishtail train of the same material; bodice trimmed with French flowers; sliver slippers. H cal George, Mr. C. C. Pink brocaded char meuee with draped full aklrt. Cooilrlcb, Mr. O. H. Striking gownl of sil ver lace, the tunic silver lac draped high In tb back to form the new bustle effect; slevveless bodice cut low. Pearl. Gallagher, Mr. A. M. Turquoise blue satin veiled in taupa net: bodice of gold lace. Gamble, Mrs. J. W. Candled stripe silk taffeta with silver lace bodice, lac filling In pannier over the skirt; dancing length; only ornament one large onyx cameo. Golden, Mm. J. B. Gown of electric blue tuffeta, skirt made dancing length and draped with blue tulle; sleeveless bodice of tulle: silver ' sllunera. Gllmore, Miss Amy Gorgeous gown of ger anium velvet, draped aklrt and bodice of tulle trimmed with lequtnt; draped tulle sleeves. Gllmore, Mrs. Bobert Handsome creation of black velvet combined with white lace; skirt dancing length, draped sleeves. In itial trimming. Gallagher, Mr. Ben Evening gown of dark blue tulle en train; Iridescent trimming and draped aleeve. Glfford, Miss Anne Chic gown of pale green satin and chiffon, combined with silver cloth; short draped skirt with mall train; short sleeve of chiffon. Goddell, Mis Frances, of Lodl, 111. (Quest of Mlas Keglna Connell) Lucille model of pink aatln, embroidered In gold; harem skirt and tight fitting bodice; pearls. Gallagher, Mrs. Pnl Black tulle made over metal cloth; bodice cut low and long tloeves of tullo; dancing length, George, Mr. J. Edward On ot the love liest costume in the ball room, an apri cot ahad ot velvet trimmed with rhlne stones, the close fitting bodlo fashioned with tulle sleeves In the same ahade; gold ahoes; diamonds. Mrs. George's wrap wa of green velvet and kolinsky fur. Grant, Mis Dorothy Pretty pale blue eve ning gpwn embroidered in gold; butterfly sleeves; dancing length. Grant, Mr. Frank A. (Wife of Colonel Grant) Handsome black gown of soft aatln combined with silver lace. Grant, Mlas Helen Attractive yellow taf feta, embroidered In gold; decollete and dancing length; gold slippers. Grant, rMrs. Joseph ot Seattle, Wash. (Quest of Colonel and Mrs. Grant) Black satin with dranerle of satin and tulle and Jet trimmings. Uarrourt, Mrs. Boyd Pink taffeta nib i lace trimmings. Hartry, Mrs. 11. C. Black taffeta trimmed with black georgette crepe. Henry, Mr. JC C White net over ellver cloth draped with rose silk. Heints, Mrs. G. H. White charmeuse with over-drape of lavender crepe do chine. Hess, Mrs. J. J. Champagne shade crepe de meteor with braided trimming. ) Iloltmaa, Mrs. A. A. Sleeveles gown of Nile irreen satin, the bodice cut square ' and trimmed with silver lace and roses. Brown velvet wrap lined with pink. Cor ssge bouquet of Mrs. Warc rosea. Dia monds. Holsman, Mrs. W. L. Green brocade em broidered In allver. ' Huff, Mr. Lee Lovely Pckln blue chiffon velvet and net, combined with em broidered lace, over gold satin. m liyne. Mis Kena Mac of Peoria, 111. (Guest of Mrs. Bert Fowler) Sapphire blue pussy willow taffeta with trimmings of real lace; low cut bodice mad of lac and no sleeves: skirt dancing length. , Hyson, Mrs. P. C Yellow crepe de meteor with pearl trimming, " Haarmann, Mr. F. Combination of gray crepe de chece and white silk, with long leeve and ahort aklrt. Hayes, Mr. Bobert C Handsome gown of black velvet combined with tulle, with Jet trimming. Hosford, Mri. Wills. rd D. (Former Queen of Ak-Kar-jB-n and Wife of Thla Tear's King) Lovely orchid chiffon eveulng gown. Hubbard, Mis Evelyn, of Rochester, N. T. (Guest of Mrs. J. E. Ludlow) -Dainty orchid tulle flesh-colored satin, trim med In crystals, the skirt extending lightly out .at side. Mis Hubbard's wrap was a green velvet coat lined wtth white aatln and trimmed with ermine. Haarmann, Mrs. John H. Electric blue em broidered chiffon draped over shell pink aatln; trimming ot electric blue .chiffon velvet. Hemphill, Mrs. Wayne G., of Worland (guest of Everett Buckingham) Comlbnatlon of green charmeuse and stiver cloth, trimmed with white lace; sleeveless model. . Hanlghen, Mr. J. J. Qown of black, net with full short aklrt, elaborately trimmed with cut Jet. Howe, Mr. B. C Artistic gown of blue atln and black net, heavily spangled; ahort aklrt. Hamilton, Mr. Clinton B. American beauty satin trimmed wtih gold cloth and black tulle; gold (Upper.- f Hlgglns, Mr. IS, A. Rose-colored velvet evening gown worn with silver slippers and a wrap of the same shads trimmed with a seal collar and cuff lUlUard, Mis Laura, ot Pittsburgh, Pa. (Queat of Mia Virginia Offut and an Out-of-Town Mai of Honor) Bouffant danc ing frock of pink chiffon with roe point draperies and short bodice of the chiffon and rose point and touches of sliver. Her wrap wa of pink velvet with pink satin and trimmed with white fox fur. Howe, Miss Marion, Former Queen of Ak-Sar-Ben Dark blue tulle built over a gold cloth foundation, a new note Intro duced In the wide girdle of strawberry colored satin embroidered In gold flowers; decollete bodice of gold cloth covered with blue tulle; gold cloth shoes. meteor dancing frock with mandarin coat Jardlne, Mrs. Buth Pink taffeta dancing frock, with tulle draperies, trimmed wtth stiver; silver slippers; cortege of pink roses: rose-colored wrap lined with white satin and ermine collar and cuffs. Jardlne, Mrs. Walter B Black satin, with overdrape of beaded net; black panne vel vet wrap, llmd with pale blue silk, and fur collar. Klplinger, Mrs. E. E. Silver , cloth wtth fluffy gold tulle draperies caught with French flowers. Kelly, Mr. Jack White chlffcm and se quins with bodice and panel of skirt made of sequins; sliver slipper. Mrs, Kelly carried an old rose ostrich fan. Her wrap wa old rose brocaded satin trimmed with white fur. Kountze, Mrs, Charles T. Lovely whit evening gown of soft velvet, with stiver lace bodice: worn with sliver slippers. Kloke,, Mrs. Robert F. Stunning dreaa of black spangled net over flesh colored satin with ahort train ot blaok satin hung from shoulders, short sleeves. Klplinger, Mrs. O. D.. Beautiful gown of gray georgette crepe having the long, straight effect, bead trimming, short sleeves and skirt of dancing length. Kuhn, Miss Marian Oil Il3h frock of (U ver cloth and sliver lace with short train. Kvenild, Mr. Btrgef Pale blue satin gown Combined with chantllly lace and diver slippers; corsage bouquet of rosebud. . Mrs. Kvenild s wrap wa a sealskin cape. Kemper, Mrs. B. L. Charming toilette ot electric blue georgette -crepe trimmed with gold, short skirt, long loose sleeves KesKler, Mrs. Julius Stunning creation of white lace and black mallne, with trim mlngs of rhlnestones; long, . flowing sleeves; short skirt. Kennedy, Mrs. John L. Handsome gown of roae satin trimmed with silver lac; dla innnds. Kinsier, Mri. ' i. C Lovely gown of pink georgette crepe, draped with real lace. Klrkendall, Mrs. F. P. Elegant costume of black satin and tulle, trimmed with Jet sequins; long sleeves of tulle. Kelley, Mrs. Tom 8. White crepe de chine, with diamonds. fcWjt' VDr'&efnt Co f " " vr A' r Lieben, Mrs. Oscar Blue tulle trimmed with silver lace; tunic of blue tulle with silver lace bodice. Lobeck, Mr. Charles O. Black satin with sequin trimming; black aatln slippers stud ded with sequins. Ludlow, Mrs. J. E. Green and white faf. feta evening gown combined with green georgette crepe, round length. Liver, Mrs. C. B. Dainty dress of gray silk with draped short skirt, trimmings of beads and sliver lace, sleeves three-quarter length. Lord, Mrs, L. M. Chlo . aoitum of pink crepe meteor, short ekirt and tight flu tng bodice embroidered In crystals and sap phlres. 4 Lyman, Mis Herahal Black silk gowat with overdrape of black lace; low cut bodice trimmea wun (equina. Lawrence, Mrs. George W of Bait Lake City. (Quest of Mr. E. E. Calvin) Lovely model 'of pink net, trimmed with se quins; short full skirt Lee, Mrs. George H. White georgette crepe with skirt in narrow plaits, bodice trimmed In beads; draped sTiort sleeves and beaded girdle: diamonds. Lewis, Miss Lorraine of Chicago, (Quest of Mrs. W. H. McCord) Yellow embroidered velvet, combined with silver cloth, high In back - with bustle effect; beaded trimming: corsage of lilies of the valley ana orchids. Luke, Miss Dorothy, of New York, (Guest of miss ustner wnneim and an Out-of-Town Maid of Honor) Exquisite rose-pink vol vet dancing frock. Luke, Mlas Jean, of New York, (Guest of Miss Esther Wilhelm, and Out-of-Town Maid of Honor) Charming frock of palo blue velvet with low cut bodice. Jacobberger, Mrs. II. A. Embroidered gown of white taffeta with trimming of georgette crepe. Judson, Mrs. Frank Stunning gown of gray net, heavily trimmed with' gray sequins. Jewell, Mrs. E. 8. Simple white crepe de Mandelherr, Mrs. J. of Chicago, (Quest of Mr. Hugh T cutler) Gown of taune Keor- gette, combined with crepe de chine in the same shade. ijLHi!M4j?jlC On.) ts gMliMlllllllillilliilllllllillllillili IWIHIlil llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllplB Davl, Mr. B. B. Decollet gown of black lace and velvet trimmed with silver lac; round length. . Bar low, Mr. Alfred S. Handsome black net over aatln. made dancing length; black atln Uppers. Oahlraan, Mr. Jame C Hendom eo tum of pearl gray crepon, combined with allver laoe, ahort aklrt and long flowing sleeves. Degen, Ml Hasel Exquisite creation ot aunset aatln, trimmed wtlh tullt and sil ver lace; short slttvts and tklrt ot dancing length Degen, Mrs. Sol Handsome dres of orchid silk with silver trimmings, draped aklrt dancing length: short aleeves. Dunn, Mr. Henry W. Combination mod ot black and white lace, trimmed, wtth black aatln and cut iteel button; long sleeves ot black lace; red rosea. Dwyer, Mrs. T. J. Black allk ntt with bodice of gold eloU and trimming of cut Jet; long sleeve ot net Dale, Mrs. Fred Handsome gown of all over lace, foundation ot cream latin, draped skirt, and bodice, cap leves; pearls. Daugheriy, Mr. Fred, of Delmar, Neb., (For mer Queen of Ak-Bar-Htn) Beautiful gown of orchid aatln with overdress of silver cloth; drapery ot orchid net and trimming of allver and real lace. Davis, Miss Elisabeth (Former Queen ot Ak- Bar-Ben) Dainty frock of pink taffeta embroidered in sliver, fashioned over petti coat of whit lac. Davis, Mrs. F. M. Black velvet trimmed with tull and (equina, aklrt draped with tulle bound In velvet en train, long flowing aleeve ot tulle; diamonds. Davis, Mis Mellora Girlish model ot whit taffeta, trimmed with allver lace; ahort klrt draped high In the buatie effeot. Diets, Mr. Gould Stunning model of silver cloth and silver tulle trimmed with pink rosebud and diver lace. Decherty, Mrs. Charles R. Handsome robe of black pann valvtt, very dtcollttt: Jet trimming. Duffy, Mrs. Joseph Attractive i gown of orchid taffeta combined with orchid net and chiffon; low cut bodlee of allvtr lace; arm bouquet of orchid and lilies of th valley: diver llpnrs. Davidson, Mr. J. E. Handsome dark blue net fashioned over cloth of sllvsr. th tight fitting bodice ot allver cloth draped wtth the blue net; diver dipper; coraag bouquet ef pink rosea Darts, Mrs.1 Thomas Latham, Former Queen of Ak-Sar-Ben Orchid (had ot taffeta trimmed with allver lace and orchid tulle, the bodice set off with touchea of blu velvet ribbon and trimmed with all ver lace: diver dipper. Duval,' Mis Alice Peach colored velvet wtth iridescent trimming; mad decol lete and dancing length; diver dipper. Ml Duval wort a corsage ot lavender aweet pea. Her wrap was a pink satin vnlng coat trimmed with white tog fur. Eastman, Mr. O. T .Coral velvet evening gown, simply trimmed. Fry, Ml Alice Pink dlk ntt over pink aim, trimmed in cbantllly lac. Edwards, Mr. H. O. Exqultlt coatnm ef king blu tull ever diver; long altevt and trimmings ef quins. - EUlngwoed, Mr. D. Kj Black tull over whit satin, with black velvet floating panel from ihoulder to hem In back; dan clng length. Gold-colored velvet wrap with black lynx fur collar and cuff. Eagkr. Mat Mm Black satin with black tull draperies, th bodice trimmed with quins and Uvat lao. Cortagt bouquet Benson & 1 " 4a - r S t It t I PI GW otofQ -of Individual mopb A Demonstration of Our Coat Values- Smart New Winter .Coats $19.75 and $25.00 IN JUSTICE to yourself, be sure and see this collection, of winter coats before purchasing. A display specially ar ranged and priced for Saturday to create lively buying activity. Every coat featured at these moderate prices is a copy of a higher priced model and has all the style character istics of the more expensive coats. Fabrics Developed in wool velour, Burella, Kersey, Bolivia and Heather mixtures. Model Fitted, full, belted and Trench effects. Colors Beetroot, Pekin, green, navy, brown, taupe and black. Trimmings Plain or trimmed with fur, Kermia plush large , fur collars that can be worn flat, sailor fashion, or snugly buttoned until only the eyes are visible also button and buckle trims. Linings Full or half lined with satin. Sizes 34 to 44. For Women, Misses and "Little Women." Other coats up to $575.00 $4.00 and $6.00 Taffeta Silk Petticoats - $2.95 and $3.95 THESE extraordinary values are being offered Saturday to emphasize the un usual petticoat values that may be secured in our recently enlarged Petticoat Shop. ,4 It is a new purchase and arrived just in time to be specially displayed and priced for Saturday's selling. ' 'There is a wide range tf lovely colorings, including gray, green, Copenhagen, wisteria, gold, Burgundy and red in changeable and solid tones. . Made with tucked, shirred and scalloped flounce, finished with a narrow ruf fle. In the $3.95 group are petticoats with Jersey tops with pleated and tucked ruffles. We say positively that you cannot duplicate these values in the city. Patticoat Shop Second Floor ' Fashion and Economy Are Combined in These Serge Dresses at $14.75 BECAUSE they are so practical, serviceable and very inexpensive for such smart styles. . Dresses that haven't been in the store more than a few days, 'but already carefully placed on racks so that there will be no delay when you come to view them Sat urday. There are any number of attractive styles fashioned of a splendid quality serge and poplin and combination effects. " Prettily trimmed some braid bound, some with col ore4 embroidery. Every one an exceptional" value at the price quoted. v v f as BBS EXTRA VALUE Attractive Overstuffed Arm Jtj J g Chair or Rocker 1(0). Exactly a Illustrated, Frames are of the popular William and Mary type, done in Brown Mahogany. The pieces are shown in a variety of pretty verdure tapestries suitable for use in VMAa A1AYrir cated, $16.75. Values that cannot be dupli- Mahogany Taboret Just like cut, with 14-inch square f 7ti top, very well finished and built PJ O fjtt oi genuine value mahogany. Extra Roomy Oak Storage Chest A mighty handy piece of fur niture to have in any home Four large drawers and two 3mall-ones at top. Size 20x 38 inches and height 48 inches. lis P 1 0 7) m i Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet A pattern that will not be du plicated and only a limited quanti ty to sell at thi price. f Has white enamel interior, pat ent flour sifter, sliding aluminum top, metal bread and cake box. An all oak case, steam proof finish and many other exclusive Hoosier features. This is a most exceptional value, at.... See our all oak kitchen cabinet, at. . , $16.00 $22.5? Rattania Fiber Rugs Sanitary, washable, seamless, reversible and in excellent pat terns for bedroom, bathroom, nursery or sunroom, in fact, some of the designs are very suitable for dining room or living room use. 9x12 size, price $13.50 1 7-6x10-6 size, price. . . .$10.75 Oval shaped rugs, in 9x12 size, price $13.50 Second Quality, All Fiber Rugs, in 9x12 size, special. .$5.75 Hit and Miss Rag Rugs 27x48-Inch-$1.2S 30x48-Inch - $1.65 These rugs are made from good clean rags with strong thread warp, in bright, cheer ful colors suitable for bath room or nursery. Bt Quality in Blu or Pink and White 24x36, for .$1.15 I 27x54, for $2.00 30x60, for ..$2.50 I 36x63, for ............. $3.50 Drapery Offerings Filet Net Curtains, ivory and Egyptian, small designs, with lace edge, $2.50 pair. Plain Marquisette Curtains, hemstitched, ivory and ecru, $1.50 pair. Silkolines for comfortables, at 14 and 18 yardv Inexpensive Drapery materials, 40S 65 and 85 yard. New and desirable effects in plain and verdure colorings. Bordered Voiles and Marquisettes, at 30. 35d and 50 yard. Effects suit able for bedroom and living room. House Cleaning Specials Battleship Triangle O 'Cedar Floor I.I o p , at $1.00 Mop' set including one small dry mop, one oil mop, one dust cloth and 25c bottle of oil, price, complete49. Golden Star mop set, including one 75c Golden Star mop and $1.00 quart can of Golden Star oil, price for the set, $1.00. Complete line of feather dusters and floor brushes, Johnson's wax and weighted brushes. Ivory Polish, as used on our own furniture for many years, in 25 and 50 bottles. OfoutuaJiXllJI