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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1917)
6 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 2, 1917. .1 i as Res ri PHOTO PLAYS FOR OMAHA DEVOTEES z. and. m Bills for Curre,nl Week Strand Beginning today the Strand Inaug urate its policy of showing Paramount Air craft pictures twice weekly. Jack Pick ford and Louise Huff atart thla policy In Owen Johnson'! well known story. "The Varmint," which lends Itself delightfully to filming. In addition "The Star pangled Banner," a picture made in co-operation wits the U. 8. marine, will also be shown, as well aa the Paths weekly. Tuesday and remainder of the week tha Strand presents Marguerite Clark In "Tha Amazon." based on Mr Ar thur Wing Plnero'a drama of saine name. Thla Is Miss Clark's first appea.ance At the Strand. It la now possible to resetre box seats at the Strand, this practice being put Into effect Sunday also. Hose William Desmond will be seen at the Muse today and Monday In "Master of lls Home," with the scenes set In the aristocratic circles of New York's smart set, and In the mining districts of the far west A thrilling rescue In a mine explo sion liione of the big moments of the story. "His Oool N'erve" Is a whirlwind of joy. A TODAY MONDAY William Desmond "' in "Masterof His Home' Ha wanted a horn and a fc wife not just a bouse with a woman in it "HIS COOL NERVE' Triangla Comedy NEWS WEEKLY Tuesday Wednesday LOUISE GLAUM in , "Golden Rule Kate" TnJr.t' Keystone Comedy Thur.-Frf. Sat. Dorothy Dalton in . "THE 'FLAME OF THE YUKON" M The picture that set the whole world talking. 1 MUSE h 1 fljl .s,, Lmmnm. n III! FREDERICK WARDE "TrfH TODAY I jttW . AND II a"SS"" I rAgffl MO N DAY, 1 lpS Great mm h monday , Dealing With the Divorce Problem in a New and . ' Convincing Way. ITiim:-i3F,a :Mi.- Rnhincnn RriKiiP Omaha's Most Popular Theater. There' a Reason. A New Bill -of Clean and Entertaining , ' Vaudeville ; '-. In Addition to tha Bast Productions of Shadow Land f . N " Featuring ' V s "In the Days of 1860" Presented by . Dorothy Sherman and the 6 Southern Serenade Somatbina; Beautiful and New In the Order of ,GirI Acta - Haley and Haley Snappy Mixed Songs JESSIE PARKER "TWIN BEDS EARLE WILLIAMS " With XORINNE GRIFFITH RAISGRESSION,, t Tie Story of a Strong Man' Fight for His Brother's Honor. ' -'-:-vv- - : .; , .. . . . 'Wm. Fox Comedy and Pathe Weekly Newsv .;iliJi-.:j!l!,l'jiri;,n;jii) News Weekly completes the bill for those two days. Tu'esday and Wednesday the attractions-Ill be "Cfolden Rule Kate," fea turing Eoulse Olaum and William Conklln. It la a clean cut moral and appealing novel story. A Keystone comedy entitled "Thirst." will be on thla program also. For the last three daya of the week the offering will be 'The Flame of the Yukon," with the clever little star, Dorothy Dalton, who gives one of the best performances of her career. Sua Dealing with the divorce problem In La new and convincing way, and at the same time toning a aramauc story in a way which win move any audience, "Pride and the Devil," starring Alma Hanlon, wtll be shown at the Sun today and Monday. On the same program is one of those clever Christie comedies entitled "A Bold, Bad Knight," and the latest war news weekly. On Tuesday and Wednesday Emmy Weh len appears In a five-act Metro wonder play entitled "Miss Robinson Crusoe." Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew furnish the laugh end of the bill In their latest comedy, "Her Eco nomic Independence," and another install ment of Oeaumont's famous world tours Is also shown. On Thursday, Friday and Sat urday Gall Kane Is shown In a soul-stlrring drama In which love batters down Interna tional hatred, entitled "Souls In Pawn." Thlf Isan absorbing drama laid In the days which (preceded the great conflict. The usual good comedy and weekly current events complete the bill. Empress The feature photoplay of the Empress theater for the flrjt four daya of the week, "Transgression," features Earle Williams, supported by a new star which will soon make a mark for herself, Cor Inne Griffith. It Is a story of a strong man's fight for a weakling brother, In which political Intrigue and the evil power of an adventuress Is pitted against the Influence of a good woman. Hipp "Triumph," the photoplay showing at this theator today and Monday, is said by advance reports to be one of the best photoplays that the Bluebird photoplays have released. It Is said to tell a gripping story with a surprise finish. Tuesday and Wednesday, Anita Stewart .In "Clover's Re bellion." Thursday, Alice Joyce and Harry ROHLFF 2S59 Leavenworth Today Only LOUISE GLAUM in "Love or .Justice" Monday MYRTLE GONZALEZ in "The Greater Law" Tuesday VALESKA SURATT in "SHE" Wednesday VIOLA DANA in thread, of Fate'r Thursday BABY MARIE OSBORNE in "Captain "Kiddo" Friday CHARLES RAY ' m "The Clodhopper" ' Saturday CHARLOTTE WALKER in "Mary Lawson' Secret" No. 8 "TH FATAL RING." 1 Rodway and Edfcards The Two Funny Fellows AND COMPANY AT 3 A.M." iJiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iMii'iH-iiiiii iii'iKiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiii'aiiiiiiiiiiim Stars Who Will Shine on Semen for V?Y. SVS " ' l - V I ctr Williams Louise Glaum 3 " 0 i M . tinzonio avcuy ' (Ui t t JJ (APOLLO) Moray In "Her Secret," and the latest chap ter of "The Gray Ghost." Friday and Sat urday Harry Carey In his greatest success ot western classics, "Straight Shooting." Dundee Good photoplays will be shown throughout the week at this popular theater. There will be no show today, but Monday, Gladys Leslie comes In "It Hap pened To Adele." Charles Ray should be seen Thursday In his masterpiece, "The Clodhopper," while Friday we have Joe Welch in his first screen offering, "The Peddler," from his stage play. Grand--CarIyle Blackwelt and June Elvldge are featured here today In "Youth." There are no lagging momonts In this pep picture of New York society life and a Ten nessee river dam construction camp. A good comedy Is also on the same rtel. Mon day. Frederick Wards In "The Fires of Youth." v i Boulevard A notable cast, which Includes Charles Kay, Louise Olaum and Dorothy Dalton, will be the headline attraction at thla theater today, In "The Weaker Sex." It Is a Thomas H Ince production. Monday GRAND THEATER BEAUTIFUL Today CARLYLE BLACKWELL JUNE ELVIGE in ' "YOUTH" Jack Pickford and Louise Huff VARMINT" By Owen Johnson STAR-SPANGLED BANNER Made in Co-operation With U. S. Marines Pathe Weekly TUESDAY MARGUERITE CLARK a nilEUP&57fc? 82cUnd Ksf WlVksIa Underwood NO SHOW TODAY . Monday ' v , . GLADYS LESLIE, in s "IT HAPPENED TO ADELE" ; Friday Only JOE WEIXH In a film sensation f THE PEDDLER" noreno - r - A Peep Into Photoplays Coming Soon Virginia Pearson In Fox Kiddles In Paulina Frederick..., in Vivian Martin In v Herbert (tawllnsonf, in KnthlynKlrkhan In Mae Murray....: in Violet Mersereaa u. in Kitty Gordon i in Jack Vevsreaux in Itessle Love , in Olga Tetrova in Rex Beach's Florence La Badle in Ben Wilson-Neva Gerber in Mary Mile Minter in Gall Kane in William S. Hart In "Wolf Lowry." Tuesday Dorothy Glsh In "The Little Yank." Wed nesday Mabel Taliaferro In "The Dawn of Love." Thursday William CoUrtenay in "Kirk In." Friday Charles Ray i In "The Millionaire Vagrant." Saturday 'Marjorie Rambeau In "The Mirror" and, as an added attraction, Charlie Chaplin. Rohtff Louise Glaum in the featured Tri angle player at this theater today in "Love or Justice." Monday Myrtle Gonzales in "Ths Greater Law." Tuesday Valeska Sur att In "She." Wednesday Viola Dana In "Threads of Fate." Thursday Baby Marie Osborne In a picture that will capture your heart, ."Captain Klddo." Friday Charles Ray In the best picture of his career, "The Clod hopper." Saturday Pearl White in the eighth chapter of "The Fatal Ring" and Charlotte Walker In "Mary Lawson's Secret." Apollo Antonio Moreno and Naomi Chll ders are featured today In a Greater Vitagraph production, "The Devil's Prize." ttonday, Pauline Frederick in "Her Better Self." Tuesday Madam Olga Petrova in "The Undying Flame." Wednesday, Jack Pickford and Louise Huff In "Freckles." Thursday Jack Pickford and Vivian Mar tin In "Giving Becky a Chance." Friday, Maro MacDermott In "The Price of Fame." Saturday, Arthur Ashley in "The Iron Ring" (not a serial). .not a i AlhambrA Enid Bennett Is featured at thla theater today in a Triangle play, "The Girl Glory." It la a clever story of a young madcap that Is first expelled from a boarding-school and makes things mighty un comfortable for a sister who Is trying to land a titled gentleman at a summer re sort. Monday William Desmond In "The Paws of ths Bear," a gripping story of Wall street. . Suburban Gall Kane is featured here to day In a Mutual production, ''The Upper Crust." Monday Charles Ray In "The Clod hopper, conceded to be ths best work he hss so far given the screen. . . Lothrop Harold Lockwood and May Al- APOLLO Hroe 29th and Leavenworth Today at 2, 3:45, 5:30, 7:15, 9 Antonio Moreno, Naomi Chil ders, in "The Devil's Pride." Monday PAULINE FREDERICK Tuesday OLGA PETROVA Wednesday JACK PICKFORD, LOUISE HUFF, in "FRECKLES." Thursday VIVIAN MARTIN Friday MARC MAC DERMOTT Saturday ARTHUR ASHLEY, in "TfiE IRON RING." (Not a Serial) BOULEVARD :;h72 33d and Leavenworth TodaV " LOUISE GLAUM CHARLES RAY DOROTHY DALTON 'THE WEAKER SEX" Monday WILLIAM S.HART "WOLF LO WRY" - Tuesday DOROTHY GISH 'THE LITTLE YANK" Wednesday MABEL TALIAFERRO THE DAWNOFLOVE" Thursday WILLIAM COURTENEY in "KICK IN" Friday CHARLES RAY in The Millionaire Vagrant" 'Saturday MARJORIE RAMBEAU in 'THE MIRROR" Omaha This Week ''- tGRAND) (MACrtC) "When False Tongues Speak" Fox "The Mikado" Fox "The Show Down" Paramount "The Doa-ale" Paramount "Come Through" Jewell "The Phantom Shotgun" General "The Princess Virtue'' Bluebird "The Girl By the Roadside" Bluebird "Her Hour" World "Grafters" Triangle "Polly Ann" Trinagle "Silent Kellers" Metro "The Auction Block" Goldwin "War and the Woman" Pathe "Th Spindle of Life" Butterfly "Charity Castle" Mutual "The Specter of Suspicion" Mutual llson today In a Metro Wonderplay, "The Masked Rider." Hefcrst-Pathe News and a Mutt and Jeff comedy on the same bill. Monday and Tuesday, Harry Morey and Alice Joyce In "Richard the Brazen," and a Big "V" comedy. Thursday Mary Pick ford in "A Girl of Yesterday." Friday and Saturday, Lionel Barrymore. Alamo Cleo Madison today In "The Woman Who Would Not Pay." William Franey Is also- on the bill In "Out Again In Again." Eddy Polo and Friscilla Dean will be seen also In the fifth chapter of "The Gray Ghost." Monday, Neal Hart In "Squaring It," a comedy, "Move Over," and a Powers' cartoon. Magic- (South Side) Valeska Suratt Is at this theater today In a William Fox play, "Wife No. 2." A good comedy Is on the same bill. Monday, Harry Carey In "Straight Shooting," which -shows some ex cellent horsemanship as well as a story that both thrills and grips. Sticking to the Truth. "Yes, It had come to that a last . Mr. Hlgglns, a kind-hearted soul, sighed as he thought of the years that had passed since Jonas had come to him as gardener. But there was a limit and Jonas had more than reached It. In fact, practically every flower or vegetable that was worth selling Jonas sold and the profit he kept. So he had to go. Behold him now, standing before Mr. Hlg glns In the latter's study, waiting for his wages. When they were paid, instead of leaving the room In silent remorse, Jonas remained standing aa If there were some thing else 'to follow. "What is It, Jonas?" asked Hlgglns at last. "Please, sir, what about a reference, sir?" Hlgglns, as has been stated, was a kindly soul and, though somewhat taken aback, wrote as follows: "To all whom It may concern: Mr. P. F. Hlgglns ft Wllllamstown has much pleasure In stating that the bearer, Jonas Kite, is an expert gardener and during the last eight years has got more out of Mr. Hlgglns' garden than a'ny other man he has 'ever employed." Chicago Herald. Changed Flan of life. After running naked on a secluded isle of the Santa Barbara group for ten years, dur-J me wiuLu miio jit jiveu aa uib ancestors had lived, thousands of years before him on fish, mussels and game killed with a stone hatchet. Christian I. Bayer is now a soldi r of the United States. They told Bayer a decade ago In Burling 4on,v la., he had tuberculosis and his days were numbered. But when he came here to enlist he passed a perfect physical ex amination, and was at once accepted. The life of a cave man had effected a complete cure. He stripped down and showed a body as tanned as his face. I Bayer Is a native of Demark, 89 years old, and weighs 16 pounds. San Francisco Chronicle. ALAMO 24th and Fort St. ' Today: CLEO MADISON in "WOMAN WHO WOULD NOT PAY." EDDY POLO in No. 5 "THE GRAY GHOST." Admission 10 cent Today and Monday DOROTHY PHILLIPS, in "TRIUMPH" Tuesday and Wednesday ANITA STEWART, in "CLOVERS REBELLION" Thursday' Only ALICE JOYCE, in "HER SECRET" No. 8 "THE GRAY GHOST" Friday and Saturday HARRY CAREY, in. STRAIGHT SHOOTING' AGIC SOUTH SIDE TODAY VALESKA SURATT -in- WIFE NO. 2" Mon HARRY CAREY b "STRAIGHT SHOOTING" U BSSBBSBSasSSBBsasBBB Exposures -By KILOWATT- p( AMUEL GOLDFISH, president of the uoiawin fictures corporation, on the IJ eye of the first release of this new or- 'f w UB.O UllllCOBCII 1 II expenditure of more than $1,500,000 before Kun nisi picture is released, ana says that the finished product Justifies every dollar uyoieu. rroving again, mat It Is getting harder and harder to enter this motion pic ture business on a shoestring. We Bfinmintpri laat waalr that It V w " -1. . " . l i, imu urcii rumored that Henry B. Walthal was just muuui in mifa a contract wun me Para-mount-Artcraft company, but It, failed to materialize. He has formed the Henry B. Walthal Pictures company and will make productions of his own that will be released by the Triangle company. He will work in the Paralta coast studio. On account of his excellent work in Her bert Brennon's "The Lone Wolf," Bert Ly tell, who played the title role, is under con tract with this company for some time to come. He will be featured In the next one, but starred In the rest. Paramount is soon to release a serial. Heretofore it has confined itself strictly to features. The name has not been selected for this first serial, but it is understood to "Be "The Twisted Thread," that was a bone of contention between the Balboa company and Pathe. It Is reported this week that Benjamin Chapin ha signed with, the Triangle Dis tributing corporation for the distribution of his Lincoln cycle of pictures. These pictures are the life of Abraham Lincoln, full of hu man Interest and appeal, while the charac terization of this great man as portrayed by Chapin has been lauded by critics as the greatest yet. Robert Van Triarntetn ia nn9Fln t l a mean trick on Santa C!aus He is treas urer or me Jjressier company that is soon to release comedies through Goldwin and has sailed or Norway on business, pleasure and a reindeer hunt. Shooting reindeer Is his favorite summer sport. To decoy a reindeer, he says, you make a noise like a slelghbell and shoot from a blind of Kris Krlngle whiskers. Ths Christie comedies released by the Standard Film corporation are certainly making a hit wherever shown. It Is a hard proposition to find good clean comedies that are funny, but these Christies sure satisfy. George Periolat Is playing a Daddy once more.Thls time he is Oale Kane's Daddy and a well dressed Daddy at that. Here is one man who Is never idle a moment. Each director wants to make use of his services and as often as not he Is appearing in two pictures at once. Jack Kerrigan Is stilt In ths Santa Bar bara hospital and his leg is knitting nicely. Jack feels he must knit something, it being thel fashion these days. v They call (Jrace Cunard's new i home "Canary Cottage," both from the lady's hair and the number of canaries she keeps. Miss Cunard, who Is being featured in flve-reel-ers at the Universal, ,1s particularly tond of the little yellow birds and her parrot is like another "one, for he imitates the canaries pertectiy. Near by the Signal atudios,- where "The Lost Express" Is being produced, is an hon-est-to-goodness swimmln' hole. In off hours the artists wend their way in this direction, headed by Helen Holmes. It Is said they act like a bunch of kids. They better be keerful, as they Signal one another or they might find said Lost Express before the picture Is finished and be out of a job. When Mae Murray becomes a star in Bluebird photoplays, she will be introduced through a series of dance films In which she will demonstrate many of the dances that won her fame before she became a screen queen. Each dance will be accom panied by a chart, fully explaining the steps, thus permitting the fans to become self taught In the newest ballroom dances. These oharts will be given to patrons of theaters on the day the Murray dance films are shown, and each week there will be demon strations of a different dance. C. E. Holah announces that he has screen ed for his personal enjoyment the first three episodes of his newest serial, "Seven Pearls." He says that each' episode Is so finished that you can't wait until you see the next one. Everytlme a new shipment of films arrives he Jumps right back to the shipping clerk and ask him If be re ceived another episode of said serial. Hartley McVey, Mrs. Sidney Drew's brother, and formerly Sidney rew'a secre tary at the Metro studio. West Sixty-first street, New York, has completed his techni cal training In aviation at the Boston School of Technology, and has been ordered to Bellville, 111., for his actual training in flying. He hopes soon to join 8. Rankin Drew In France. Alice Joyce, who has appeared in many of the Vttagraph's greatest successes, came from , Kansas City some seven or eight years ago determined to make' good along some line. She first tried being a telephone operator and then posed for artists. She then appeared in extra parts for the Kalem company and then Vitagraph. We are cer tainly glad that she chose the movies, but then she's from the west, no wonder she made good. SEEKING THE MOOTT. By Dick Willis. He is a famed comedian, a genius In his line; He draws his thousands weekly and yet this r man doth pine For other paths to fame; says he, "I know I'd make a name By playing big dramatic roles; I loath this slapstick game!" A well known vampire's sorrowful; she's sick of bad girl parts. Quoth she: "I want to act In roles that reach the children's hearts." And tho' as vamps a tidy fortune this young thing has made, "With half a chance," says she, "I'd put Miss Pickford In the shade!" The movie world adores her for her wist fulness and grace; They love her for her giriishness, her sweet, pathetic face. Her salary Is "out of-slght;" Is she con tent? nay, nay; She'd try her hand at tragedy if she but had her way. A well known handsome leading man with bonds and coin galore, Remarks that "all this hero stuff Is get ting quite a bore." Heroic parts have palled on him and so It seems to me, He thinks he'd shine in "heavy" roles, a villain he would be! And so It goes, Vour artist always yearns for other things: The angel would a devil be, the devil wants gold wings; The Ingenue would be the Lead, the Lead an Ingenue; There's few content with what they nave; 'tis pity, 'tis 'tis trae. ALHAMBRA24"4 Today ENID BENNETT, in "THE GIRL GLORY" Mon WILLIAM DESMOND, in "THE PAWS OF THE BEAR" LOTHROP u,"J Today-" HAROLD LOCKWOOD, in "THE MASKED RIDER" Thur MARY PICKFORD YOUR SUBURBAN THEATER 24th and Amea Telephone Col fa 2841 Today GAIL KANE, in . "THE UPPER CRUST" Monday CHARLES RAY Stagestruck Girl Gives Life , Into This Fine Film Play i In these days of statistics and esti mates the interesting disclosure hai been made by. a wise man with a sharp lead pencil, that nine girls out of ten are,at some time or other in their youth "stage struck." Samuel Hopkins Adams must have -been of a like opinion when he contributed "Triumph" to Collier's. Mr. Adams took for his heroine the belle pf i country town who had made a greal hit with her friends when she played the role of Rosalind in ark amateui performance of "As You Like It." This success insprFed the girl's ambi tion; she visioned the world paying homage to her greatness. She de cided to run away from home (as hun dreds girls have done in real life) Jhat she might dazzle the world through the brilliancy of hersartistry. Bluebird thotopiays at the Hipp thea ter today and Monday wjll reflect in gripping episodes the career of this deluded girl, in presentations of "Triumph," with pretty Dorothy Phil lips playing the role of the country Rosalind. Marguerite Clark to Win 'Em When She Shows at Strand If you were told to make a role both absurdly, swaggeringly masculine, and yet appealingly feminine at the same time, wnat would you "register? ' This was' what little Marguerite Clark, "the sweetest girl in motion pictures." faced when she commenced rehearsals for her latest Paramount picture, "The Amazons." , As "Tommy," the daughter of the marchioness of Castlejordan, she makes the most fascinating hoyden ever caught by the eye of the camera, and the tale of her adventures, amus ing and romantic, forms a photoplay seldom equalled in the history of film dom. In boy's clothes Tommy pa rades through the village where he lives, to the scandalization and secret deKght of the villagers, but when it comes to the same antics in London well, you will have to see for your self. Marguerite Clark, in nifty dress suit and gleaming silk hat, will appear at the . Strand theater- Tuesday and the balance of the week in "The Ama zons." You can't afford to miss Mar guerite Clark, in this her funniest pic ture. New York's Great City Hall Plays Part in Strong Feature views or new y nric a itv'a mu nicipal building, the greatest -"structure in the world devoted exclusively to housine the various rlenartmcnta of a municipality, are shown in .transgression,;' the Oreater Vita graph Blue Ribbon feature which is shown at the Emnress theater fnr fbdr days commencing today. The municipal ouuaing, located within a stone's throw of the old city hall, is 500 feet in heieht. cost $i2.nnnnnn and there are more, than 450 rooms or offices in its twenty-four stories. This massive building long ago proved all too smalt to accommodate the increasing demand of the city. "Transgression" tells the story of the mayor ana district attorney of a large city and how they brave political and social ruin to crush a crooked polit ical ringleader whose intrigues reach even within their family circles. How a Sage Brush Siren Was Won by a Minister Louise Glaum as a ruler of a dance hall in Paradise, Nev.. durine the mining days of the early west "is the star of "Golden Rule Kate." a Tri angle play, which will be shown at the Muse theater Tuesday and Wednesday. Like the male famhghters of the screen, Miss GlaumXproves quick on the draw, unscrupulous in dealine ith her enemies, but on the level when it comes to the square-deal law of the land. When a minister opens a church in the town she tells him plainly that she will not permit any competition to her resort. The min ister finally conciliates her and urge! her to attend church. She replies that she will spend Sunday at his "joint" if he'll tend bar for one hout each day at hers." This curious corn pact proves the- turning point in tha life of the sagebrush siren. " Gail Kane' Has Big Job Before Her in This Play Gail Kane as Liane Dore, the beau tiful, young Frenchwoman, who has, sworn to avenge the murder of her husband, mysteriously slain at the door'of his palatial home, and who becomes a spy in behalf of Prince von kondemarck on his assertion that he will reveal to her the murderer of her child's father, is wondefully ef fective in her new Mutual-American production, "Souls in Pawn." the story involves a thrilling series of adventures which display the ac tivities of the enemy spy system in Paris' and France generally, in the period immediately preceding and fol lowing the outbreak of war.. "Souls in Pawn" shows at the Sun Thursday and balance of week. HEARST-PATHt NEWS Sjrnopiis of Events, Covered in Heant Fathe New, Relented Today. MINEOLA. L. I. The 165th U. S. Infantry, made up of the New York "Fighting 69th," holds its first field mass in training camp. OVERBROOKE, PA. The rapid- advance in railroading is emphasized by the installa tion of huge electric locomotives on east ern lines. CHICAGO, ILL. Wartime interest in marks- manship brings out a very large field for the Grand American trap-shooting meet. AN ATLANTIC PORT The German liner. Kronprintessin Cecilie, taken over by the United States, is placed in drydock for thorough overhauling. ATHENS. GREECE The sympathies of the -Greek people in the war are clearly indi cated aa crowds cheer the arrival of French officers. BAYSIDK, L. I. A closely contested tub race is one of the features of the war sports carnival given . by the Bayside - Yacht Club. KNEW YORK CITY Men drafted for the national army, eager to start on their new duties, get preliminary course on Govern or's Island. GLOUCESTER, N. J. Shipyards ar,e fast at taining the pace set by U-boats, and for each ship sank there will be another to take its place. , SACRAMENTO. CAL. The largest wheat crop ever raised in this district ia ready for war needs and the work .of harvest in is rushed.