Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1917, SOCIETY, Page 6, Image 22

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ft 8
The Om'aha Bee
Entered at Omaha poatoffice aa eecond-claga matter.
By Carrier. Br Mill.
Otile and Bunder par Booth, 65o par mr. Ifl oo
mnj vitnoat sunaar m .uij
Ereiilni and SunrUr . 40o 6,00
Biantni without Sunday o " 4.00
tind Ree only " 20o tOO
HiJly and 0undy Bet. three rears In adraooa Ill 0
Bead initios of ehsnee of addnaa or trregulartlf ta dellrarr to Onaba
Rm, Clroulatloa Dapaitmnt.
fUnlt bf draft, axpraai er portal order. Only l-eent atampi takao ta
pmnt of until aoooanta. Pertenal obaea, except oo Omaha and
Mttern xrb.vnja, not accepted.
Omaha Tha Baa Ball nr. 'hlcfo Paople'i Oat BnlMint.
South Omtha Mil N St. New York SM Fifth Are.
Outictl Bluffs 14 N. Mala St. flt. Letile New B'k. of Cnrameros.
tinooln Llttla BuMdini. ytihlnfton 7 nth 8t N. W.
Atfdree. eomnraalcattona relating to nam and editorial Matter M
Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
54,592 Daily Sunday. 50,466
Itmii cIkqIsMoo for the months rabKrlM tod nran to by Dwiaw)
Williams. dreoJMloB Manager.
Subscriber, leaving the city rtould have Hi. Bee mailed
to than. Addreee changed a. olten aa nqunM,
Hng the banner on the outer walll
Unfortunately, thii war crisii is no April fool
joke. ,
IncMentaNy, do your Easter bonnet shopping
A clean arty it the first essential of a Oity
The farmer's "safety first" Is making sure of
the germinating quality of his seed corn.
The backyard vegetable garden and the front
yard posy garden should go band in hand.
April promisee once more to increase its bat
ting average as America's favorite war month.
"Somewhere in the United State" promises
an early drive for a place in the news map of the
Note by reference to the calendar that April
is to give us the first Friday 'the thirteenth of
the year.
Taking into account its career from beginning
to end, the month of March has beea lamblike
enough all right.
Despite the "inhumanity and brutality" of the
Allied blockade, Germany exercises considerable
freedom on the seat. '
For a dead man, ViHa continues to furnish a
surprisingly large lot of newt matter for trans
mission over the wires.
Reports . of shooting scrapes in and about
Chihuahua indicate that Pancho Villa it able to
sit op and dispense hit celebrated brand of nour
All the Big Berthas of the newspaper battery
in vain assail the mute defenses of Colonel House.
As presidential adviser and confidant, tha Texat
colonel hat the Sphinx pushed off tha scenery.
Our Country's Flag.
It is in no spirit of jingoism or vainglory that
Americans today hang out Old Glory to the
breeze If ever a people have shown by their
works their devotion to an ideal that nation is our
own. That Ideal, symbolized by the flag of red
white and blue, is the highest and purest to which
a united people has aspired.
Human liberty, human opportunity, 4iuman
happiness, is our aim; to secure these to all men
is the sum of our purpose, At different times we
have taken up arms in the defense only of
these rights, and have rested at once when
they were established. Under the flag that em
bodies the aspirations of freemen, we have stood
invincible in the cause of mankind.
Today we face a grave crisis; it cannot be
said we have not counted the cost entailed by
firmness for what we hold to be right. Within
the last thirty-two months we not only have had
ample opportunity to observe the dreadful horrors
of modern warfare, but we also have had time in
which to consider our own unpreparedness for
such a struggle. Circumstances have drawn us
very near the vortex, and the portent of the
immediate future seems ominous.
And this is why the flag flying over the homes,
from the business houses, displayed in windows
or worn as part of the dress of the day is so
significant It means Americans are still anim
ated by the spirit that gave birth to that flag,
and appreciate its message to the world. Its
presence is not a menace, nor a boast, but a
pledge to all mankind that the light of liberty,
now shining so clearly throughout the world, will
not be permitted to die down on the altar dedi
cated to it under the Stars and Stripes.
Iowa is about to abolish the public printery,
while Nebraska moves to annex a like Institution
to the state treasury. Neighborly experience
loses its force in the glow of a batch of protpec-
tive jobs.
The good roadt movement in Europe started
with the need for constantly passable military
highways. Still, we ought to secure good roadt
in this country without first going through that
experience I
Nebraska's projected marble palace h none
too rich to match the luxurious reach of the native
hog. Provisions for modern comfort necessarily
include sculptured decorations emblematic of the
flight of pork from poverty to affluence.
Now we are to have an object lesson of what
the recall is for from the point of view of the
lawyer. When a case goes against him, instead
of an appeal to the higher court, an appeal for
reversal by recall petition is to be made to the
ballot box.
' . '. i .
Warning notes are sounded among the flock
masters of the west to get ready for a speculative
drive of eastern wool buyers. With wool bring
ing double and treble prices at the shearing pent
the speculators may count themselves lucky if
' they get tome of the grease with the wool.
Advertising at a Fighting Force.
Taking time by the forelock and profiting by
the experience of Great Britain in war time, ar
rangements are under way for systematizing and
directing through one channel all government
advertising f national character.' The work
will be in charge of advertising experts under
the direction of an advisory board of the National
Council of Defense. Co-operation of all depart
ments In this particular line insure prompt and
practical results and expert direction at minimum
cost. A vast amount of publicity by the gov
ernment will be necessary if war comet, to arouse
the people and bring home the magnitude of the
task on hand. A half century of comparative
peace and plenty developed a rooted tense of
security which the world war has only partly
, dispelled. The illusion of safety and isolation is
' shot to pieces, likewise the notion that national
service and sacrifice may be evaded. A like false
sense of security, tpringing from its "splendid
isolation," obtained in the United Kingdom dur
ing the early days of the war. The awakening
came like an earthquake shock and none too soon,
'Yet more than a year's time wat needed to or
ganize, concentrate and train the various forces
necessary to give full effect to Britain's fighting
strength. Government publicity, direct and sharp.
proved the most effective means of bringing home
to the people a full realization of their duty.
When the first call for 100,000 men went out, offi
cial publicity brought them. Every medium, from
newspapers to posters, hourly flaunted the coun
try's demands. Advertising under expert direc
tion was potential not alone in raising armies and
. energizing national industrial resources, but also
in rallying the financial strength of the empire.
The last government loan wat the crowning
triumph of British publicity, both in sweeping ex
tent and magnitude of results. With assured com
petent direction and co-operation equally effective
results in this country are assured when the offi
cial bugle call of publicity It sounded.
Making a Bad Mesa Worse.
When the Zimmermann note waa originally
disclosed it evoked in this country an angry out
burst of two different kinds. People looking for
an excuse ta denounce Germany seized upon it
at conclusive proof of double dealing and illy
concealed enmity, while those who felt more or
less sympathy for the German cause refused to
believe in its authenticity and charged that it was
a malicious British invention or forgery.
As The Bee emphasized at the time, the
Americans of German descent and leanings felt
more outraged and humiliated by the acknowledg
ment of the genuineness of the Zimmermann
note, which they had at first refused to credit as
the product of a sane mind, than did any other
class of our citizen!. Giving it the most generous
construction, it was an inexcusable "break" due
either to ignorance or to misconception of con
ditions actually 'existing in this country, coupled
with a reckless disregard of the plight in which
it wat calculated to put German tympathizers
in America.
But now we have a bad mete made worse by
the silly effort of Doctor Zimmermann to justify
his note inviting Mexico to seek an alliance with
Japan and make war upon the United States for
the purpose of stealing and annexing; a slice of
American territory. The German minister has
the brashnest to rise in the Reichstag and assert
that he had warrant for his preposterous pro
posal to covertly set Mexico upon its neighbor,
with which both countries were at tiiat moment
professing sincere friendship, by reason of the
subsequent public proclamation of the United
States inviting atl neutral nationa to join with ut
in protest against the invasion of neutral tea
rights. Such tpecious pleading can hardly find
acceptance in Germany, much lest in the United
If Doctor Zimmermann were wise he would
keep still about hit note to Mexico in the hope
that tilence would help others to forget it.
Geography in Pictures.
Teaching geography through meant of pic
tures it not exactly, novel, although the plan
adopted in one of the Omaha schools hat tome
elementi of newness. Actual photographs, pro
jected on a screen, are a decided improvement
over the grotesque "cuts" once used to illustrate
text books, and through which tome absurdly
distorted notions were inculcated. Most of ut
would give a good deal if we could view in fact
tome of the monstrosities we imagined at a result
of impressions gained from "Peter Parley" and
hit successors. Modern methods of illustrating
have done away with much of the misinformation
conveyed through the pictures presented, and
children coma away from school with clearer
ideal of the countries and peoples of the globe.
In the scheme for projecting the viewt it is not
clear if the picture supplements the text or the
text the picture, but the result will be good if
between the two tuch co-ordination is reached
as will achieve the purpose of all elementary
teaching, which is primarily to open the mind and
stimulate the imagination of the child. When this
it achieved a proper thirst for knowledge is im
planted, never to be quenched. Any school
method that does not have this in view, or that
falls short of its accomplishment by reason of an
inherent defect, is unworthy.
"Blank Date" in Press Messages.
Newspaper readers already are becoming
familiar with one phase of war operations, that
of concealment of the origin of newa dispatches.
Absence of the name of the point from which
the message it dispatched must not be construed
as exposing the authenticity of the informtaion to
suspicion; rather, it should be accepted as better
proof of the reliability of the report. "Trifles
light as air" are of moment to the military as
well as the jealous mind, and for this reason the
government hat asked the newspapers to be cir
cumspect in their publication of information that
might possess value to a possible enemy. This
does not mean that the quest for newt has been
relaxed; it is the keener if anything, but the pub
lishers of the country have considerable respect
for their Implied obligation to co-operate with the
government in all reasonable defense arrange
ments. Therefore, without in the least harming
the efficiency of the news-gathering and distribut
ing function of the great press association of
which it is a member, The Bee, along with all
other self-respecting newspapers, cheerfully com
pliet with the request from Washington, and
Blank Date appears In itt columni at an indica
tion that important information it thut communi
cated without divulging what it better concealed.
II j, Victor Bosewater
IN HIS TALK to the Rotary club ex-Governor
Carey of Wyoming gave a vivid description
contrasting his first glimpse of Omaha, nearly
fifty years ago, with the Omaha of today. He
said he came west the first time about 1868, if I
recall the date correctly, riding ry rail as far
as Council Bluffs and crossing the river on the
ferry. Having no familiarity with the town and
knowing no one here, he listened to the swarming
mob of hotel runners who were shouting out the
virtues and attractions of their respective hostel
ries and he followed the one who yelled the loud
est and drew the most beautiful word-picture of
the haven of refuge awaiting the weary traveler.
When he subsequently took his bearings, Mr,
Carey found himself in a dingy back room over
a noisy barroom in a wooden shack, so-called
hotel, located somewhere on Farnam below Ninth,
where sleep and quiet were impossible, and the
next day he moved to a more inviting place. The
point is the change in the methods and character
of the receptions which we accord strangers who
come to town. I remember the old passenger
station down on Tenth street, with a wooden
platform in front of it, or behind it, according to
the point of view, against which the hacks and
hotel buses were "parked" and a chalk line down
the middle which was supposed to hold back from
the defenseless traveler the attacking army of
driven, cabbies and hotel cappers mobilized into
action every time a train arrived. Our passenger
depots, Busy as they are now, by comparison are
as tame as a Quaker meeting beside the boister
out hustle and bustle with which they were once
The news of the death in Rome of the famous
American sculptor, Sir Moses Ezekiel, serves to
call attention to the fact that we have here in
Qmaha fine example of this great artist's work
and also makes of more interest his fascinating
life story. He was born in Richmond, Va., and as
a boy served in the cadet corps of the confederate
army, afterwards going to Europe to study sculp
ture, where he soon won high honors. For more
than forty years he lived in Rome and was long
looked up to as the dean of the art colony there,
his studio being constantly a rendezvous for
noted visitors from America as well as a center
of the best music in Rome. The eastern papers
give lists of the important examples of his work
owned in this country, the last one being a statue
of Poe, completed only a few weeks before his
final illness, to be erected in Baltimore. The
piece by Ezekiel here is a bust of the late Aaron
Wise, founder of the Jewish reform movement in
this country, after whom our Wise Memorial hos
pital it named. The bust standi in the entrance
hall to the hospital and is carved life sized in
beautiful Italian marble. It bears the inscrip
tion, "M. Ezekiel, 1906, chiseled by his own
hand." There is a little story back of the pre
sentation of this bust to. the Wise Memorial hos-
fiital which few people know. The daughter of the
ate Rabbi Wise is, the wife of Adolph S. Ochs,
well known publisher of the New York Times.
With her husband she was touring in Italy at the
time my father was there as a delegate for the
United States to the World's Postal congress, all
of them meeting in Rome. Renewing their acquain
tance, they came together socially and reference
was made to the hospital in Omaha and the fact
that in its name it it a memorial to Mrs. Ochs'
father, whereupon the desire was expressed to show
some appreciation of the compliment and right
then and there a commission was given to Sir
Moset Ezekiel to execute the bust, which in due
time was completed and forwarded to its distant
destination on this side of the ocean. I do not
believe, however, that our art lovers yet fully
realize what possession of this fine example of
work by one of the world's master portrait sculp
tors meant lor umana.
Newspaper men are not suooosed to sav much
about libel suits, especially about libel suits
against themselves, for fear of encouraging them.
I put in several daya this last week in attendance
open court for the hearing of a $20,000 libel suit
against The Bee. in which a nromntlv returned
verdict of the jury decided absolutely in our favor,
or, in other words, that the plaintiff had no just
claims to any damaget whatever. I am not going
to discuss this case except to remark that there
are libel suits and libel suits, but that mighty few
of them ever have any merit. When a newspaper
is embroiled in a political tight or starts out to
attack public evils or official corruption, the per
son exposed at fraud or crook often rushes to
court with a libel auit as the only means of de
fense or vindication. These cases are incidentals
of the battle of the fearless newspaper for the
public weal. But where any one feels that he
or the hat suffered an injustice from an article
printed without animus in the ordinary course of
news garnering, me nrsi ana natural ana nonest
thing to do is to come to the newspaper at once
with a request for a correction or the publication
of the other side of the story, which offers the
only way to repair the damage. When the party
who makes out that he is injured flies to courtfor
money balm, rather than for exculpation, it is
a ten-to-one shot that the grievance has been
worked up by a lawyer with a contingent fee in
terest in the possible profits and it is also better
tnan an even break the case will not stand up in
court. The truth is that the news spread out
daily before the readers of the average newspaper,
considering the time pressure and the obstacles in
the way of reporters and the disposition of many
people from whom information must be sought
to exaggerate and distort their stories, is really
a marvel of accuracy and the serious mistakes
remarkably rare as compared with the incitements
to error.
Unfeeling critics too often compare the finsn
cial poverty of the ministerial profession to the
munificent incomes of the sporting worl. Accu
racy requires a reversal of the contrast The top
salary in the base ball world amounts to $50,000
a year on a five-year contract Rev. Sunday't four
months' campaign in Boston and Buffalo netted
over $100,000, practically doubling the base bail
record in half the time. As a revenue producer the
Sunday pulpit runs away with the pennant
People and Events
A nine-hour women's work dav bill is making
progress through the Iowa legislature. Hotels
and towns under 6,000 are exempted, for what
reason, is not aisciosed.
Some members of the I. W W. in Tfanu
City, in looking about for trouble seemingly, men
tioned "tin soldiers" within earshot of three Mis
souri guardsmen. What they got was a-plenty.
utter in ine aay iwo guardsmen nnisnea tne job
by cleaning out the wind workers' headquarters.
"Why enlist? You have nothing to gain and
Jour life to lose." A public school teacher in
ackson county, Missouri, chalked these words on
the school board, at the same time admonishing
her pupils to weigh the words carefully. School
authorities followed the admonition with such
exactness that the teacher handed in her resigna
tion. Judicial Dogberrya survive the jibes of suc
ceeding generations. San Francisco reports a
modern specimen on the local bench who, having
a clear case of misrepresentation of goods before
him, cheerily dismissed the crookster with the
remark that the buyer, "failing to discount the
hot air of salesmen it at much at fault as the
A report of a Judicial committee made public
in New York notea a marked increase in tha drug
evil in the metropolis. While druggists report a
decreased demand, the number of addicts consti
tute between 20 and 30 per cent of the cases
before the special sessions court. Children victims
ot the habit are reported rare, but from 17 years
up to 24 victims are particularly numerous.
Where the supplies are obtained is mystifying,
but the report indicates that smuggling from
Canada it quite probable, while employes of
wholesalers and manufacturers steal it. Heroin
is the chief saleable dope, and vendors dilute it
and often peddle harmless stuff under fraudulent
labels. The report concludes with the assertion
that present "methods of treatment lead to a
cure and that a clinical cure can first be effected
and custodial after-care absolutely re-establish
the nprniaj health 0t the victim."
Proverb for the Day.
A little tolly now and then Is rel
ished by the best of men.
One Year Ago Today In the War.
Austria claimed success In assault
on Ollka.
British and Germans both reported
repulse of attacks at St. Elol.
Germane captured villages of Vaux
and were stopped In following assault
near Fort Douaumont.
Twenty-eight persons reported killed
and forty-four injured in Zeppelin raid
on England.
Wars of the United Suttee.
War of the revolution 1775-1783
Northwestern Indian wars. 1790-1796
War with France.' 1798-1800
War with Tripoli 1801-1805
Creek Indian war 1813-1814
War of 181J 1812-1815
Bemtnole Indian war 1817-1818
Black Hawk Indian war. .. .1931-1832
Cherokee disturbance 1836-1837
Creek Indian war 1836-1837
Florida Indian war 1835-1843
Aroostook disturbance 1836-1839
War with Mexico 1846-1848
Apache, Navajo and Utah
Indian war 1849-1855
Bemlnole Indian war 1856-1858
War between the states 1861-1865
War with Spain. April-December, 1898
Philippine insurrection issa-isuo
In Omaha Thirty Tears Ago.
Andrew Ttosewater, the retiring city
engineer, tendered a banquet at tne
Millard to his successor and the em
ployes of the department. The menu
was provided by Steward Marriott
and the new city engineer, George W.
Tlllson, presented his predecessor
with a beautiful gold-headed cane
properly engraved.
Two inebriated individuals became
Impressed with the Idea that they
were fencera and crossed swords with
their canes In front of Lehman Co.'s
store, 1312 Farnam, with the result
that one of the canes slipped and
damaged the 10x8 plate glass window
175 wortn.
John Gilbert an exosrtenced plumb
er and pump man of Council Bluffs,
has removed to umana ana locatea on
Fourteenth street between Howard
and Harney.
A. J. Hanscom has sold to S. I
Wylle lots 6 and 6 in block 77, at the
northwestern corner of Capitol ave
nue and Seventeenth street
J. S. Richardson has returned rrom
visit to the Pacific coast While
there he Invested extensively In an
orange grove In the San Diego country.
a. u Alien, wno years ago con
ducted a popular auction establish
ment in this city, has organised the
D. A. Allen Real Estate and Auction
company, to be located at 209 Thir
teenth street.
Rev. David Kerr, new pastor of the
Southwest Presbyterian church, has
entered upon his duties.
This Day In History.
1743 Richard Butler, who was sec
ond in command of General St. Clair's
ill-fated expedition against the west
ern Indians In 1791, born In Dublin.
Killed In battle, November 4, 1791.
1781 Robert Lucas, governor or
Ohio and afterwards territorial gov
ernor of Iowa, born at Shepherds
town. Va. Died at Iowa Olty. Feb
ruary T.VltSS.
1810 Marriage or Napoieon i ana
Maria Louisa of Austria. -
1815 Prince Bismarck, Germany's
famous "Iron Chancellor,'" born in
Brandenburg. Died at Frledrlchsruh,
fuly 31, 1898.
1843 General John Armstrong, sec
retary of war during the war of 1812,
died at Red Hook, N. Y. Born at Car
lisle. Pa., November 25, 1758.
1848 Illinois adopted a new con
stitution. .
1863 Admiral Farragut passed the
confederate batteries at Grand Gulf,
18(7 Pars universal exhibition
opened by Emperor Napoleon III .
1882 William E. Chandler of New
Hampshire waa appointed secretary of
tne navy.
1885 The Indians besieged Battle
ford, Saskatchewan.
1899 Mataafa's forces in Samoa
attacked the American and British
naval squads.
The Day We Celebrate.
Fred Mete, president of the Home
Real Estate & Investment company,
has an April 1 birthday, being born
here In Omaha In 1863. He was for
merly associated with his father and
brothers in the Metz Brothers' Brew
ing company.
Daniel c. Roper, named by presi
dent Wilson for membership on the
new tariff board, born In Marlboro
county. South Carolina, fifty years ago.
Major Harrison Hall, United States
coast artillery, who commanded the
business men's training camp at
Plattsburg, born in Ohio, forty-one
years ago today.
Right Honorable James William
Lowther, speaker of the British House
of Commons, born sixty-two years ago
Lieutenant General Sir James Will
cocks, one of the noted British com
manders In the present war, born six
ty years ago today.
Charles H. Burke, former congress
man from South Dakota, born In Gen
esee eounty. New York, fifty-six years
ago today.
Claude Cooper, outfielder of the
Philadelphia National league base ball1
team, born at Hale Center, Tex., twenty-four
years ago.
Timely Jottings and Reminders.
Palm Sunday.
France and Italy today put Into ef
fect the "daylight saving" scheme.
The mammoth tabernacle erected In
New Tork for the Billy Sunday meet
ings In that city is to be dedicated to
day. The thlrty-alxth annual Messiah
festival of Bethany college, Llndsborg,
Kan., Is to be opened with Mme. Gain
Curcl aa the attraction.
The Polish Falcons Alliance of
America, representing 48,000 young
men and women of Polish descent,
meets In special convention at Pitta
burgh today to determine the stand
the organization should take In the
present International crisis.
Representatives of the Anti-Saloon
League of America and allied organi
sation are to confer at Washington
today on the legislative program of
the "drys" in the coming extra session
ot congress. National prohibition will
be urged In ease of war.
Storyette of the Day.
Stubbt waa feeling his Vay to the
kitchen stove In the dark when he
fell over the coal scuttle.
"Oh, John,': called Mrs. Stubbs,
sweetly, "I know what you need. You
should get what they have on, bat.
"What's that?" growled Stubbs, aa
ha rubbed hie shins.
"Why. a range finder."
And what Stubbs said about
woman' wit waa plenty.-a-Buftalo
Mlnsaapolla claim, th. champloa haavr
w.libt belt for Baby Kandijak. 1 At the
end of aev.ii daya tha youngster pulled
down twenty-tour pounda.
Out In Oakland, Cal., tha pet anaka of
Ah Tuck, an aged Cnineae gardann, gave
him a midnight awat in tha faca and woke
him up in time to eicapa celestial winga.
His shack waa in flames and burned to the
Salt Lakt boostera are getting behind the
vacant lot planting idea for tha purpose of
pulling potatoes and oniona within ordinary
reach. County commissioners offer much
idle land to cultivators and promise assist
ance in procuring seed.
Buffalo is resting up from the atrenuous
fag of the Sunday campaign, fully confident
of being saved. The campaign cost SliO.000,
excluaiv. of Mr. Sunday's goodby check for
$42,204. Attendance went over the million
mark and trail hitters totaled about 98.000.
The New York public library loaned 10,
1211,682 books last year, and purchased 218.
479 volumes. Children alone took out
8,796,808 books. Sixty-three reading clubs
for children war. maintained and th. at
tendance totaled 61,814. The library has
forty-four branchea in Greater New York.
San Francisco sports a fine collection of
municipal automobilea. Every jobholder of
the aalaried claaa has a ear at command
and the way they dig Into tha traaaury ia
a caution. Becently s delegation of munici
pal chauffeura asked the creation of the
office of "chief chauffeur," with s aalary of
18,000 a year attached. Strange to aay, the
authoritiea turned down th. reuueat without
an apology.
Lord Byron.
The name of commonwealth la past and gone
O'er the three fraction, of th. groaning
Venice la crushed and Holland deign, to own
A acepter, and endures the purple robe;
If th. free Swltzer yet beatrldes alone
Hla chalnleaa mountalna, 'tt. but for a
For tyranny of late I. cunntng grown,
And In It. own good aeason tramplea down
The sparkle, of our aahea. One great clime.
Whose vlgoroua offaprtng by dividing ocean
Are kept apart and nursed in the devotion
Of freedom, which their fathers fought for.
Bequeathed heritage of heart and hand, ;
And proud dtatlnctlon from each other land,
Whose sons must bow them at a monarch's
A. if his senseless scepter were a wand I
Full of the magic ot exploded science 1
Still one great clime. In full and free de- 1
T.t rear, her ereat, nnconquered and sub
lime, Above the far Atlantic! She ha. taught
Her Esau brethren that the haughty flag.
The floating fence of Alblon'a feebler crag.
May atrlke to thoae whose red right hands
have bought
Rlghta cheaply earned with blood. Still.
till, forever
Better, though each man's life blood were a
That It should flow, and overflow, than
creep t
Through thousand lasy channel, in our
Damned like tha dull canal with locks and
And moving, like a elck man in his aleep.
Three pacea, and then faltering; better be
Where the extinguished Spartans .till are
free '
Tn their proud charnel of Thermopylae,
Than stagnate in our marah or o'er the
Ply, and on. current to the ocean add.
One spirit to the soula our fathera had.
On. freeman more. America, to (heel
Th engagement mar b match,
but It le alow in It h tint Hymen 'a torch."
"I auppoa tha lover In queitlon cannot
bring hla courage to tha ecratch." Balti
more American.
Queer! e Tour. Sena tor Longwlnd la a vary
noted itateeman. la he not?
Dreerie One of the noted. He enn pull
all the old jokes -and anecdotes of the last
century and get away with It. Puck.
"I wonder what Smith meant by hit
double-edged remark ?"
What was it?"
"He aald if I wanted to get a dog badly,
he would give ma a- pointer." Baltimore
i Do wot uke To $MtE,wr
Wr sue vat. qet we cwm$.
MW $HNU. Ito?
"What's that electrical device yoo hava
on your folding bed?"
"That rings an alarm belt whenever the
bed doublea up."
"Where's the bell?"
"At the undertaker's." Boston Transcript.
Mra.Toungwlfe My husband ts a very
Influential man In politics.
Friend Tou don't say!
Mrs. Toung wife Yes, George baa voted
In two presidential elections, and both times
It has gone the way George voted. Judge.
"Thoy spend their money faster than they
malto It."
Well, that's no trick nowadays." De
troit Fr&e Frees.'
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have set a new standard of piano tone quality, more
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! Though necessarily higher in price than any other
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cellence. We are also exclusive distributors for Kranich & Bach,
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1513-1515 Douglas Street
15,500 MEN
Sovereign Clerk.
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