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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1916, HAPPENINGS IN THEMAGIC CITY Predict Heavy Vote on South Side on the Three Big . Issues. WETS DECLARE RAIN GOOD OMENFOR THEM Voting in Early Houri Marked with the Beit of Spirit Women Workere Out. Busy Men Take Time to Study the WOMEN WORKERS AT 10 cents Law of Land During Evening Hours THE POLLING PLACES VOTERS CROWD THE POLLS Indication! it the polling station! thii morning were for the heaviest tote ever cast on the South Side in any election 'in the history of the Magic City. Ai early at 8: JO o'clock big majority of the stationi were filled with men, the crowds waiting their opportunity being in some cases as high as thirty to forty. Such a crowd at this early hour mark a precedent. From the talk at the polls the big gest vote witkrest on three measure the wet and dry amendment, the presidential election and the candi dacy ot local men. ai every siauon Murphy and Reed talk prevailed with insistence. The candidate for county attorney and for municipal court judge had voluntary worker in all parts of the city, and from the senti ment eminating from Brown Park, West L street and the downtown poll the majority for these two will be overwhelming, lohn L. Kennedy apparently closed a winning fight the last week of the campaign, Hitchcock's vain efforts to cook up artificial sentiment in his direction Sunday among the German democrat seems to have proved a failure, for hi apite of the host of worker the senator had on the street and at the polling station thi morning determined men were open in voicing' their (cntiment a hostile. There are approximately 5,000 vote to be cast on the boutn bide and local oolitical donstert are pre' dieting a full house. the' three great , questions of interest, both local, state and national, are thought to have se cured the presence of every qualified voter. - Packinghouse workmen will be released at some time during the day to vote. : Something like $25,000 Hughe money floated into the Exchange yes terday eariv morn. Farmers and stockmen who had been Itching, for weeks found the impulse too Strong. In fact, so furious was the betting that the few democrats who had held (way with closely held five and ten made their escape. One anxious farmer floated tbout the ancient hall with a fat-looking roll of bill. Someone dared to ask how much there was in the roll and the crowd that had gathered to hear the detail nearly fainted whn he responded, without a flicker of the eye-lash: "Ten thousand dollar. Who want it." Everyone but republican turned to other dutie. ; .- ,, - v GUien Very Low. '-'2 Mike Gillen i reported to be very low at St. Joseph's hospital after a lingering illness of three days. Doc tors reported last evening that he showed ign of being overtaken by pneumonia, which will increase the seriousness of the case. At t o'clock this morning he was still consciout, but very low. . . ftMth Bowline. . DIET OHOCBRT l.gAUUg. Int. Id. Id. Tot. Orient "... .. US lit It IMoti U . I 1H Hark. ...tSl- III HI 4 Hancock 1"' S 171 Mrlflon It 111 111 Ml , Touts ...IIS III lit lit! HAMROCK. lit. Id, 14. Tot. , lit ll Ml III n..i. it hi in Hannoa HI HI HI Loonor Ml HI ' HI McDonald ............ Ill III III ftl 4ft ; ToUl HI 111 l C C. a DILLIAD PARI.OH. , : lol. Id. Id. Till. Tannar ............... Ml ! Ill III H.I! Ill III 111 L(ler Ill III III B.k.r ,. ill III III Konnodr Hi ! Ml 4f tit Of W Totti Handle . ........... 191 IM till ftfltl It II it 14 ut ui mm Total iMtcher ltl HI H ' Patrbr HI 147 111 I0T Chadd ........... ...... Ill 15 IM M rtMWHl .............. Ill HA 111.131 ritrld ............ Ill IH III w US Touif ............ Jit hi t.u MatU CHy Com!, Tho J. P. S. . will mtat with Mra. P. C. Collier. Forty-aavanth und J atrMta, Thuradar at II o'elook, liUncbaoa will k orvod. y Tho woman of th Chiiitlftn church will tnaat all day Wadtiaaday with lira. J, William, llll Bout Twaatytourth ftiroot, to tla comfort, If jro have not already dttd mm plan for yatamatle aavinc, why not batylii today. Tha house h Id aiptni took luued by tha oaring, dtpartmant of tilt Uv luck .Notional bank. South Omaha, U your far tha Mkln and nay halp yn Itart tha MVtng habit. Mlao AHe Brady appears In tha frrftrty Mad .flvfrool pfetaro, "Bought and FaU For," at tha Bmo tonight Oa moo It A iwunrotoua ptotara. Uaual rloaa. Thanh and aovrootatloti or harabo . 1and.d lor th klndnea and hettfulnata of Ighboro and fiiand through tha rickMb and daath of thalr feolovod wif and mothor, lira. Britkooa, and alaa for th Mailt I Cut floral triiut ay the c and U sf I.. , O. o. r. and r. o. e. KUWARO ERICK8KN AND SONS. Wanted An offfe hoy; must b at Unt II yean of a; good oftpoH unity. Apply m Vrunanr wane, twutn Btufj. Dataetlr Hiko OHIan la roportod to bo m practically the am ma rendltlafi to yea terday, although h I mark Imorovrd. Un. ! further romplleatioaa t la phyklclan amy no win hvo. Suportor ledgo, Ma. tM, Dogroo of Honor, will tiva uack ball Wdntai1ay vninm Kovambar I. at th Annttrnt Ordtr of United workmen .tempi. maa will trt Wtt, Mra. rrank Bear, 'till Vinton lrt, will entertain th kenfctagtaa e( -South tide Grave, No. II, WotKlmea Circle, Wbtlneadtr afternoon at her hem. . The Ladlea Aid Seelety of t tak' Lutheran Kvancoltcal churrh will tntat at the home of Mra. J. H, Wtne, tin Cask aireei, mursoa. Hoeaaneer , at I a'efceak. Hirst Memorial Men : Will. Keep Open House ' The Men' Brotherhood of the Hint Memorial church will keep open nouie tnis evening wniie they re eetye the flection returns. An mvl lie to receive the returns as the guests oi uc protnernooa. . , Salter Makes Reouest About Rubbish Fires Chief Salter has asked member o the police department not to rln arn.ra1 alarm, in ram nf . ..lkl. fir, htlt in anfinff nnlv . .ll In .It. one district house. The m adrlce I pertinent tor the lay cituen. Tk. OwalMt ria Kiliw. ; snou' UniineBt toe. rivht to la. Mt f aiai Mntly I H ti jam 4. mi a... W takt & All InsiWi-Adr.rtfctniit MAinr VOTES PROTESTED Omaha is wet, meaning that Omaha voted under auspices of , Pluvius. The "wets" aver the weather condi tion were a good omen for them. Greater Omaha jumped into the big election at the stroke of 8 in the morn ing and gave evidence of the wisdom of "do your voting early." Indica tions are there will be approximately 40,000 voir. In the count, The early voting was marked by the best of Spirit, without any disorder to mar the day. The police were not called upon to extend the strong arm of the law over any unrestrained citi zen. ... Each voting orechct wal the scene of a group of workers for the wets and drvs. for the school board (late and for individual candidates. The wets got into the game early and. as a leader said, "We intend to give them both barrels nsht up to o clock this evening." On th other hand, the drvs were on the iob. employers are allowing their men plenty ot time to exercise tneir elec tive franchise. Commissioner's Office Busy. The election commissioner's office was busy ironing out many situations, A citizen called at the office and in sisted that he has lived in Omaha more than twenty years and regis tered the last time on October 2Jo( this year and yet the clerks at his voHng place could not find his name on the books. He was vexed, He sought an attorney, who got the mat ter adjusted. Another man declared he bad been challenged although he had lived at th same address near Seventeenth and Jackson streets for five years and wa dill a bona fide resident at the lame address which he gave when he registered, - Few Women Vote. The women did not congest any of the voting place during the morn ing hour. In the Sixth of the Twelfth only eight women called before noon. Two women voted before noon in th first of the Sixth and the same In the Second of the Sixth. The Third ward voted "just too love v for. anv use." according to prominent women who were work ing In behalf of one of tne school board tlates. Among tnesc women were Mr. Draper Smith, Mrs, F. J, Bin, Mr. J. F. Hyde and Mr. H. C. Sumney Mr Sumriev. who returned lalt Week from West Virginia, where the campaigned 'for suffrage, said she noted a marked Improvement In vot. ing condition in the Third ward. Whv. vini d voU believe It. two vear ago when i worked in thi ward for uffrage I observed a man showing another man how to vot. This time I have not seen anything ot that na ture," (aid Mr. Sutnhey. - ; Quiet In th Third. v . The Third ward lust voted and did dot make much noise about it. They voted for Charles E. Hatthcs and against the prohibition amendment. A strong Hughes vote it expected from this ward, lit the Third precinct of the Third ward nearly half of the vote wa out before the noon hour. The regisirstlon In this precinct was J5U. At this voting place two timia women distributing school board ticket were placed t their ease by the men, who furnished umbrellas and told them the animal had all been pMt ill chain. In the Second precinct of the Third 100 Vote of possible J60 were registered at 11:30 a. m. All th departments ot the federal building allowed their men time to vote. In the United States district court Judge Woodrotigh allowed the juror to go home lalt Friday to Vote. Court will open Wednesday. -,. Start wlthjttuh. The Second of the N'lnth started off with a rush, th first hour yield, ing nearly sixty votes. Nine stall) were used. Of the north side ore neta the Sixth of the twelfth wen the morn ing attendance prise with a total of 16ft votlnv. while this Seventh of the Twelfth shewed 132 of a reglttratlon bf 300 having voted before th dinner bell wa rung. . . The orScincts of th4 Sixth Snrl Twelfth werda toted from one-fourth to one-third of the total vote befbre the noon hour. - Few Women Vote Hen. The Vote ' oi the women ori th school board ticket lit the southwest ern part of the City wet very light. By noon the thirteen precinct In thi Section showed from one to dosen women votes aniece. uuitt Brevities an tnrouun tnn end of the city. " Wtt automobile with their white canvas painted in red. With the words "Vote wet," could be een by threes and four in front ol every polling olce. The drVI had fewv if ant: auto mobiles Working, carrying voter to the poll. In front of the Third pre' cinci of the Seventh ward a hand some snmint tax cab drove ut at 11 o'clock and unloaded a lot of wet voters, Across the front, just by way of clearing Itself In the eye ol the law It bore t large llgrt reading not nirea.' ... Not at Well Organised. Dry worker tt various polling places were lamenting the fact that they were pot as well organised as the wets. They were freely discuss ing the fact that the wet have work er at the polls with lilts of all the wet Voters in the oreclneh their rei. dences and business addresses, their politic! and that the wet worker were keeping the list ud to (rate ever minute by checking off every' Man who had ' Voted and lending ear for thosa wno had not. "We'll be doing that thi after noon," Hid a dry , worker at 1507 Park avenue at 1 o'clock when he had had a few hour to Observe the working of this system used by the enetny. . At 2367 South Twenty-ninth street, First precinct of the Second ward, but one woman nd voted at 11 o clock. . - . Wants to Hate. : "I want to b (worn in here to co m th booth with thi fellow.1 shouted a muddy-faced man carrying Somewhere Scott McWilliam heard that most presidents of the United States had studied law. Scott is the elevator man at the postoffice Minding and. of course.. is a rising young man. In fact he spends a big part of the day rising and when his work for the day is over he hastens home, where he opens up his beloved volume of Blackstone and studies law. Nor is Scott McWilliam the only federal emnlove who has asDirations of following in the footsteps of Abe Lincoln. There is Tim Nickerson. who holds the exalted position of chief deputy in the marshal's office. Jim has it on Abe for he can mumble his legal terms by the aid of an electric light bulb instead of a wood fire, John Michaelson is only a man carrier. A s humble pedestrian in Uncle Sam s service, vet he snends most of his spare time in mastering the ins and outs of a legal career. K. a. Kane, stenoKrauher in the postal railway service, is another with a cane. I want to see that this is done right, This fellow can't mark hi own ballot." You can t be (worn in for that purpose, answered Hugh Robertson, judge of election. Well, but this fellow is a brother of mine," persisted he of the cane a ne pusnen torward his blind brother. You II get a square deal, all rieht." replied Robertson; whereupon he sent on democrat ana one republican into the booth with the blind man and left the brother with the cane on the outside. In the Seventh of the Ninth eiuhtv. eight votes had been 'cast at 11:30. twenty-two of which were democrats and aixty-tix of which were repub lican, according to a check' made oy lome of the interested checkers. New Contracts for Players in Majors Chicago, Nov. 7. New contract will be presented to American and National league base ball players when the season for signing comes. according to B. B. Johnson, president oi tne American league. Johnson alto aaid these new contracts will not b the handiwork of David L. l-ulti, president of the Players' fra ternity, attorneys for the major leagues being the only one engaged in the drafting of the contract. president Johnson denied today that the clause in regard to forfei ture of pay by injured . players was incorporated in the present contracts, although he said that those now in force were not satisfactory to the two league. Posed as Dead Man So , Is Not Allowed to Vote In the First precinct of the Eiarhth ward the board refused to allow a man to vote when he gave the name of man who was dead. The man who Intended to vote gave his aire a 20, while the dead man was 58 year of age at time of death. 1 he board would not reveal tha name of the man who tried to vote, but will re port the circumstance to he election Commissioner. Miss Frances Nash to ; Play In Concert Here Mis France Nash will play in Omaha December 4 when she appears on the concert aeries under the man agement of Miss Evelyn McCaffrey at the Metroplitan Club house. This building ha been entirely remodeled and redecorated and Miss McCaffrey has Arranged for a series of six con cert, the first of which will be given novemner it, when Mr. Uscar bea gle, the well known baritone, will sing.' ?.';. Many Queries Indicate Future Prosperity Here Irt the morninsr mail there came to the immigration department of the Burlington eighty-nine letters inquir ing about land price In western Ne braska and Wyoming. As a rule the letter are from farmer of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. This is taken to mean that in the near future there is going to be a rush for the cheao lands in this state and farther west MM lay tor Kftfft, Uhntfoal. Oil... Nnv. T.-Th. itt. of Mm. wa. oraer(l by th. court of appeal. toasr W nay .... to jonn barton A c. of London and N.w Tork, ok colnpen.ntlon tor tha Mlturo ot I1M.IIS worth of vn on arrival in this voumry from Uhlna, twbr I, ills, NATURE never starts any thing she can't finish. Tt bacco ain't any VELVET I naturally aged for two roars. . 1N4 artificial taatbod. NEW TERM FOR TURPIN'S SCHOOL OF DANCING Mondar Evtittnt. November lSth. I p. m. ISipUt ahoU Join thi flrtt Ittioa. Ttnni moat naaoiublo. Advatitiod CUai Tumm. S . m. High chtVol Ubi Sat- m. AiiMBblir ory WtKlneadar venlair. Exetlltat mimic. Private imwii any tune, narnejr !. lata an barriiter aspirations. When his day's work is over he clicks his typewriter at home far into the night and files oodles of notes. Then there is Lloyd Meyers, a clerk in the railway postal service. Patrick Henry had only an unsympathetic British court to talk to, but Lloyd has all the sympathy in the world from hi friends, Whether it is a desire to follow in the footsteps of some of our presi dents or not, the fact remains that these men arc improving their minds by studying law, The class meets Friday evenings in the law office of Hugh A. Meyers. There are others beside those men tioned above, There is Bob Smith, clerk of the district court; Oeorge Mcrchaum. Sydney Smith. Neal har rcl, Mr. Lcvert, Frank Runquist and the Rev. M. O. McLaughlin. The Rev. Mr. McLaughlin is at present president of York college, but in or der not to net behind his barrister-in. dined friends, he is doing his work by mail. Two Rich Families Bid for Homeless, Happy Little Boy Two cood home await Alvin Bushnelt, the 12-year-old lad whom Judge Leslie believes would make a good son for most anyone. Following the statement of Judge Leslie that he would seek a home for the boy in Omaha before sending him to Lincoln to have the state pro vide a legal place tor nun, to live, Omahxns began to Inquire about young Bushnell. Thev found that he was an unusual ly attractive boy well mannered, well educated for a boy of hia years, and of good moral character. They also ascertained that his mother was dead and that his father, in a distant part of the . country, had relinquished all right to him. -Two families well able to take care of Alvin are at the disposal of the boy. The persons making the In quiries -promised to adopt Alvin in the spring, providing he turns out to be a good boy. Judge Leslie will decide upon which family is to take the lad. Wallace Banner Is Made Head of South High Athletic Body At a meting of the athletic asso ciation of the South High school, Wallace Banner, fullback on the foot ball team, wa elected president for the ensuing term. Helen Reed, daughter of William Reed, member of the Board of Education, was elected vice president, Harold Helm, secretary and Dudley Ingram, treas urer. Profs. Cook and Boswell of the faculty, acted as sponsor. The matter of boosting the Coun cil Bluffi and University Place foot ball games, which will be played on the local Luxus floor within the next three weeks was taken up. NThe asso ciation is in debt to the extent of a half hundred dollars or more and stringent methods will have 'to be made to clear up the deficit. The team will journey to Dennison, la., for a game on Thanksgiving. The association now has a membership of about 200. Street Car Hits Auto and George Cleveland is Hurt George Cleveland, Seventeenth and Grace, and James Hovestein, Six teenth and Grant, had their auto ride abruptly ended by a Street car at Fourteenth and - Capitol avenue. Cleveland was hurled front the ma chine and suffered many body bruises and facial lacerations. Hovestein was hot hurt. . - Torchlight Probe of - Balkylfoto Proves Painful By the light of a flaming torch F. A. Slock, Reo hotel, crawled under hi balky automobile at Twenty-second and Cuming, streets. He came from under the machine with his right hand afire. Dr. Charles Shook says the burns are serious. HU Constant Tkraaht. Th.y mot by chano. la Iho mttlna room ot a railway .tatlon, , "My frlond," bs.n tha man with to baf full of tra.ti,, "havo you ov.r reflected on th. .hortn... of Ufa, tho un certainty of all thlnii. bolow, and th. tact that death U Inevitable'" "Havo 1?" ropll.d tho man. eh.arfully, "Wall, I annum .aKy oo. I'm a llfo In atlranoo avotltl" New Tork Ttmoa. exception. ADULT BEGINNERS r antaaa atreeu. , f - Few of the Fairer Sex Vote During Morning Honrs Be cause of Other Duties. AFEAID TO 00 INTO ALL Women' voting wa light for tchoot board candidate during morn ing hour. Unsettled weather and household duties were given as rea sons by women who worked at the polls. Heavy voting was predicted for the afternoon. . Many women came to the wrong precinct polling place and for fear they wouldn't vote women workers escorted them to the right place to vote. "I've walked miles this morning just doing that one thing," said Mrs. C. H. Marley, captain of Eighth ward workers. Mrs. C. B. Coon, stationed at 2220 Farnam atreet, a pool hall and barber shop, reported women would not eti ter this polling place alone. Voting was done in the rear of the pool hall. Men and high school boys as work ers were stationed at certain voting places unpleasant for women work ers. Mrs. Draper Smith, Mrs. H. C. Sumney, Mrs. F.J. Birss and Mrs. J. F. Hyde worked at Third ward polling places. Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey, chairman of the woman's committee to boost the citi zens' ticket of school board candi dates, directed the women worker. Mesdames Halleck Rose, J. H. Du mont, E. M. Fairfield, F. H. Cole, Ed gar Scott, Jdhn Robbins, F. W. Car michael, C. W. Hayes, Brace Fonda, James Richardson, C. V. Warfield, Herbert Roger and Ezra Millard are a few well-known women active .in bringing out the women' vote. In the residence districts women owning automobiles used them in bringing women to vote. Misconduct, Desertion And Cruelty Are Charges Charges of misconduct are made by Claude H. Rohrbough, who has filed suit for divorce against Lula Ethel Rohrbough. - Robert H. Brewer is named de fendant in a suit filed by Lois L. Brewer. Cruelty is alleged. Helen F. Robertson has filed suit against William Robertson, alleging cruelty. Mahton F. Ely has filed suit against Lura S. Ely. seeking a divorce on the grounds of desertion. Prepare Thl$ for a Bad CoughIt's Fine Ckoayly Ba.tlr Mate) bit ' Dow ska Work dmlekly. Tha Attest MM., amin that vnnnev east buy eoetlng only about tme-nf th aa muen aa reaay-maae preparations, can easily be maae up at home. The way it takes hold and conquer digressing cough, throat and chest cold will really make you enthusiastic about it. Any druggist can supply you with iV, ouneea of Plnex 160 cents worth). Pour this into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Shake thoroughly and it is ready for use. The total colt is about M cents ana give you a lull pint a family supply of a most effectual, pleasant tasting remedy. It keep per- It truly astonishing how quietly it acta, penetrating through every air passage of the throat and lungs loosens and raises the phlegm, soothes and heals the inflamed or swollen throat mem branes, and gradually but surely the annoying throat tickle and dreaded court will disappear entirely. Nothing ttetter lor nronenltis, spasmodic, croup, whooping cough or bronchial asthma. Plnex la a snecial and hlchlv concen trated compound of genuine Korway pins extract, combined with guaiacol aad ia knows the world over for its prompt healing effect on the throat membranes. Avoid disappointment bv asking your druggist for ''2 ounces bf Plnex" with full directions and don't accept any thing else. A guarantee of absolute sat isfaction or money promptly refunded goes with this preparation) The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind, Such an easy way to heal my skin! " I never worry If I have a little rash or other eruption break out I just put on a bit of . Ointment. That take out the Itch ing and burning instantly, and soon clean the trouble away, I learned of Resinol Ointment through our doc tor prescribing It for my brother. Tom had been almost frantic with eczema for months but that ointment healed hit ikin like magic" ttonlaol Odtment and RmImI Soap an to 4 by.tloniRl.ta, t'oralrteumnlaof ob,wiito H BtM. K Rnlool, Biltiinora, at. Safety First Indigestion, constipation, blUoUsneM and many ailment ot the dlgethnt organ are often the source of serious fllnesa. At the first sign of disordered condition take the reliable family remedy that h always dependable BEECHAM'S PELLS tanwl Sola of Aw MoAcla h tho Wont, gala oifcoio, hmm, tOo, Mo. Resinol QOCIALTEA BISCUIT , O t crisp, slightly sweetened V I biscuit that adds a pleasing and 1 I fitting touch to the after- I V noon or evening refreshment Equally agreeable with ices or warm drinks. NATIONAL BISCUIT J k. COMPANY . jg : B Guided fry -s imectanfc mother is welfare of the future child. In exer. doing caution be ence of hundred "Mother's Friend" vere raftering and X taummi a I o.,a- tj Iturttism LJr r. -.TmiJi recovery. It ia easily applied and it influence over tha effected ligament 1 soothing and beneficial. Get it at any druggist Bead for th free book on Mother hood. Address "The Bradlleld Segnlator Co., 209 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Commerce Range Demon stration Every Day This Week at the Central Have Us Figure Three room furnished complete; pailor, dining room and kitchen ette and bed room, only , $90 Our Low Rent, on account of our Location, Out of the High Rent District, Low Operating Expense, due to care ful organization of our working forces, and our Enormous Purchasing Power enable us to save you many dollars on every purchase. We are interested in your purchases after you have them in your home that they fulfill our guarantee of future satisfaction. Our store is filled with seasonable merchandise that will please you in the high quality and enormous selection of style and any article you purchase you can, as usual, make your own terms. Our new policy, Lower Regular Prices, will pleas you.' All-Year All-Steel Through Train In. Chicago 11.55 pm Daily Pennsylvania Lines Via Cincinnati and L. & N. R. R. Through Knoxvill and Atlanta to Jacksonville ?OF AflrffctllofO (TsVoul foAltiO& i'taTC RotwJ'l'lfc kktu call on W. H. ROWLAND, T. P. AfL, 224-22S CIW Notional Bon Bolulftu, Am Cooslou 20Q3. OMAHA, HtiL Scenic Route Read Bee Want Ads for Profit- Use Them essential to thft . guided by the expert. who nave found a way to eliminate lnmr roar own rapid We are lerving free biscuits and coffee. Come and nee the Com. mere Range in active operation and let oa explain In detail how thi range, built of pure grey cast pig iron and cold rolled steel with mill board asbestos interlining, makes leas fuel expense and greater baking and cooking re sults. These ranges sell for $19.50, $24.60, $29.30, $32.50, $35.00, $39.50, $48.00, $53.00. Placed in - your home on thirty days' . free ' trial. -- . " Our mammoth stove department . contains just tho kind of range, cook stove or heater you desire, and, as. usual, you maka your own torma. '. Your Furniture Bill Four rooms famished complete ; parlor, dining room, bed room f"ok.,........$135 Let ua show yam through our emtirei itora, vn though you do, not doilro to buy t protemt. nBSfaoay GiMand mm to the South for Quick Results