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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1916. BRINGING UP FATHER Copyright, lfM. Intonation Nwi Strvle Drawn for The Bee by George McManus FOP AAPikir. . SAKE -WHAT ARE TOO TY INC, THAT I WANT 00 TO DO SOMETHING FOR ME AND Dorr WANTOUTO Foft- CET IT I I Oera..e-UA.- -. VANTED ME TO DO SAV-WHAT tD YOU TIE THIS QN ME FlfKER wrs DO Cii MFAki TELL ME YOU FORciOT rnui,i -a& wl THOSF LETTERS? WW I I I ' niiij nil l l -i A! whatVait? Urr 0U DIDN'T -L IE ME. ANT LETTER! CYCLONES LINE DP FOR CORNHUSKERS Ames Tean May Put Nebraska Boy at Left End to Strengthen Line. BACK1TZLD IS"- CRIPPLED Amel. Ia.. Oct. 29 fSnf rial 1 A Nebraska youth from Chadron may get into the Ames-Nebraska game at Lincoln next Saturday. His name is Seidell. The coaches this Week brought him over to the first string from the varsity scrub line to take a try at -Jeft and to see how he works for Jones, the veteran left end, in the phalanx. He hai shown up well and he may be a relief man for the star and crippled regular end.. f The coming week will be a rough one for the Cyclones. Nebraska will get no game given fo them. The team had an off day in the game with Missouri, was not near the team that squelched Kansas, and the coaches are trusting to luck that two off days' don't come in succession. In the scrimmage yesterday Head . Coach Mayser burnt up the backs with criticism. Mayser threatened to get i taxi line on the field to get the men oacx to scrimmage and , he roasted first one man and then an " 1 other. One back tripped himself . catching a forward pass, and Mayser cut him with the keen sarcasm that "the 'ball knocked the boy over." over." I Changes are pending in the : line, it seems sure. Who of the regu- lars will pigeonholed for the Corn husker game it a mystery. The crippled back field men, who are badly needed for the Husker argu ment, are being handled lightly. May- I UUl LIII.UUIIKLU ui lllc 1I1I1IIICU condition of many of his backs. The seat sale for the Ames-Iowa game opens November 6, the Monday .- following the Nebraska game. ' A thousand tickets already have been old. Inquiries and checks have been coming in to Director Clyde Williams, thick and fast, for six months. The , concrete and wooden, stands, seating 10,000, have been put in order for the big state struggle. Speaking Dates of Republicans Oliphant, Army Fullback Thenar H. Aldrlch Oi-tober ig Alma. Henrr J. Allan Tueaday, October 31, Lin. t coin. S p. m. W. B. Andrewe notolwr 10, Antelope coonljr, Orchard, night meeting; SI, Knoa county, Verdal, afternoon meeting; Nln. krara mailt meeting; November I, Verdi gre, p. m.; Wlnnetoon, 4 p. m.;- Crelgh ton, avanlns- mee'tlng; November S, Cum ing oounty, Waat Point: I, Hooper: 4, Cole ridge; . Arapahoe, afternoon mooting; la dlanola avanlnff meeting. w B. Barclay Octobar 10, Maeon City. T:I6 p. mi II, Barwln, 1:10 p. m; Anilay, T:S0 p. m. I. Novambar 1 Cometoek. I: SO p.m.; Sargent. :I0 p. m.; I,' Round Vallay, 1:10 p. m.; Waat Union, T:I0 p. m. S. Lillian echool kouaa 1:10 p. m. Hrokan Bow, I:S0 p. m.j 4, Marna. 1:10 p. m.; Anaalmo, 7:10 p. m. Anena Blgelow . Octobar SO, Grant, night . meeting IB. A. Haetlnge In rherge); II, Im perial, night meeting; Novambar 1. Waune ta, aftarnoon meeting; Pallaada night meet ing; I, Calbertaon, aftarnoon meeting; Tren ton. nlaht meeting: I, Benkleman, night meeting; 4, Arapahoa. Norrte Brown Otcobar 10, Laura! ; No vambar I Cantral City: I, Palmer; IMlab ron; 4. Falrbury; 0. Kaaraay. B. J, Burkatt October 10, Ulyaaei, Sur nrlee, Shelby, Qreaham. night meeting; 11, Fairmont. I a. nv: Kxeter. 10 a. m.; Mllll aji. U a. m ; Ohlowa, 1:10 p. m.; Strang. 1:11 p. ra.l flchlckl.y. 4 p. nv; Oraftone p-.'m.; Novambar If Thayer county, Deahler, ir-a. m.j Byron, I p. m.i Cheater 4 p. m.; Hubball, I p. nv; I, Jafferaon county: I Gage county, Odell. S a. m.; Beatrice, 11:10 p. m. Pniey. 1:10 p. m.i Virginia, 4:10 p. m. j Wymore. S p. m. 4, Pawnee county, Lewteton. t:IO a. m.; Armour, 11 a-i m : Burchard, 1:10 p. m.l Btelnauer, S p. m.' Table Bock, 4:10 p. m. Pawnee City, I p. m. Robert W. Devoe Octobar 10, Blair, t p m: II, Fremont, p. m,; November i, Schuyler, I p. m ; J. Columbua, s p. m A. If. HareOctober 10, rilnk; II, Bar trend: Novambar 1. Eu.Ha. evening meet ing; I, Moorerlald; . I, P.rnam. V, Walter V. Hoagland October 10, Spen cer: Octobar II, Uutte; November 1, New port, evening meeting; 1, Aloaworth; I. Gordon; 4, Chadroa. ' A. W. Jaffarla Octobar 10, Decaturi II Logan; November 1, Waterloo; I, Wayne: I, Pierce; 4,tanton. " ' S. R. McKalvie October 10 Otoe oountv Navember I and I, Dodge county Oaarge W. Norrla Octobar loy Cantral City; II, St. Paul; Novambar 1. Broken ' Bow; IN Oothenburg; I, Ccad, Lailngtoa: 4, Grand Uland; 0. Orleana, Uoldrege. C. Pelrue Peteraon Octobar 10 Dlion county, Haokell: II, Knoa county. Canter afternoon meeting; Bloomfleld, evening meeting; Novambar 1. Crafton. afternoon meeting; Wauaa, avanlng meeting; I and 4 Kearney county; I and 0, Phelpa county ' K. II. Pollard October 10, Dorchaatar- II, Webater county, November 1, 1 and I Clay county. O. a Bplllman. Octobar 10 Cumro, evening meeting; II, Oconto aftarnoon meeting: Callaway, evening meeting; November 1 Etna, evening meeting; I, Tallin, evening mooting; I, Arnold, evening meeting; 4 Cliff Table evening meeting. Prank A.' Edgarton October II, Amherat' November 1, Miller; November I, Elk Creek O. N. Andaraon November I, Rlverdalei 4, Plaaaanton. Dave H. Uereer November 4 Auburn. O. K. Byron November I. Colfax county. Henry T. Clarke Novambar 4, Geneva. ' Cr yaw Cold. " Dr. King1 New IMaeovory will cure your cold, It ia anttaeptle and apothlng, kllla the cold germa. . All dnlggiale. Adv. . toLIRHAH.T 2F THE, ARMa, o;iwjr, Oliphant, the all-around athlete and army full back is counted on for much by the sturdy pig-skin warriors when they meet the navy at the , Polo grounds in new York. OLD STYLE GRIDIRON PLAY WILL HOT WIN Old School Method of Advan cing the Ball Not Enough to Take Big Game. CORNELL IS OUTCLASSED 1 CHANGE IN THE MISSOURI VALLEY Conference Race Remains in the Same Status After Saturday's Games.) TEXAS IS ELIMINATED None of the football games played Saturday had any bearing on the Missouri Valley conference race, but wide interest attached to the meeting of Missouri and Oklahoma, in which Missouri continued its winning streak and afforded ground for belief that the team may be a real contended against Nebraska for premier honors. In the far southwest, Texas vir tually was eliminated from considera tion in the state race by losing to Baylor. The Texas Aggies repeated last year's victory over the Haskell Indians. While Oklaho 'masdefcat was the third straight for that team this year, the Norman contingent found solace in considering prospects for victory over Kansas next week. Oklahoma de feated both Kansas and Missouri last year. The game at Norman Saturday also seemed to forecast an heroic struggle between Texas and Missouri the coining Saturday, the first time those two teams have met since 1906, when Missouri triumphed 6 to 5. Texas defeated Oklahoma this year, 21 to 7. Kansas was credited with holding the Kansas Aggies to a scoreless tie, but statistics oi the game show that the farmers outplayed the university men in virtually every department. In what were nothing more than practice affairs, Nebraska defeated Wesleyan 21 to 0. St. Louis found Williama and Vashti an easy victory, 36 to 7. Oklahoma A. and M. defeated the Warrensburg (Mo.) Normals 16 to 7. Washington had more difficulty with the Missouri school of Mines, winning 7 to 6. v Retired Union Pacific , ' Employe Dies in Hospital Hugh Flanagan, 75, of 3912 Burt, retired Union i'acific employe, died in a local hospital yestt?rdi.y from hardening of the arteries. . ALL EYES ARE NOW ON THE BIG GOPHERS Minnesota Scores 236 in Last Four Games to Total of 14 by Opponents. CHICAGO OUT OF RACE Chicago, Oct.- 29. Scoring 236 points in its last four games, as compared with a total of 14 points registered by its opponents, the University ofj Minnesota toot ball eleven appears to be as firmly entrenched in the lead for the "Big Nine" championship that none of the three other contenders is conceded muctuof a chance to dis lodge it. Minnesota made its first start in the western conference, race yesterday, buying Iowa under a 60 to 0 score, and eliminating the Hawkeyes from further consideration. The Gophers from Illinois, next Saturday, should gain another victory. Wisconsin by its 30 to 7 triumph over Chicago, killed the last chances the Maroons had of even finishing close up in the race. Although Wis consin played a tricky game and is conceded to be better than a year ago, critics believe it will have to play in much improved form to hold Minne sota to a close score. Northwestern Wins, Northwestern ran over the heavy Drake university, winning 40 to 6. Cigrand, one of Northwestern's backtielders, suffered two broken ribs and will be unable to play again this season. Illinois won its first game of the conference season by downing Pur due, 14 to 7, in a rather loosely played contest, rurdue is considered hope lessly out of the running. Results of the international contests the Michigan-Syracuse game, and the clash between Indiana and Tufts were big surprises to close follow ers of western foot ball. The fact that Indiana scored a touchdown on Tufts the only touch down registered against the eastern eleven this season is hailed as a triumph for Coach Steihm's players, for the entered the game with the ex pectation ot being trounced by an ovci whelming score. New York, Oct. 29. Foot ball play was swept through the gridirori gamut from superlative to mediocre and was interspersed with thrills, marked the week end games wherever eastern elevens competed. Almost without exception the com peting elevns showed that another two or three weeks will be required to put the teams on edee for the games which mark. the climax of the season. Still another development or tnc uuy a piay was ine demonstration that no team, however big and power ful, can hope to win from a rival of reasonable strength with an attack based entirely upon the old school methods of advancing the ball. In a broad view of Saturday's contests it will be seen that almost without exception the team which showed an attack equally divided between line plunging and skirting, coupled with a perfected overhead offense, was the One which emerged the victor. Cornell went down before Harvard by a surprisingly one-sided score. With one of the bijgest and most powerful teams that has entered the Cambridge stadium in many seasons and with the wagering 5 to 4 in their favor, the Ithaca players failed com pletely to live up to the expectations of their supporters. 'iji Cornell Outclassed. Outclassed as individuals and ma chine play, Cornell was never in a position where it seriously threatened Harvard. The Cambridge first and second string men worked with in dividual dash .and team harmony, which was completely lacking in the Ithica eleven. Harvard's aggressive ness and generalship appeared to take all the snap and strategic out of the visitors early in the game. The Cor nell eleven was stow and uncertain in runnitfg off its plays and the handling of tht ball was little short of atroc ious. The Crimson showed a Haugh ton gridiron machine that promises o be a worthy rival for both Prince ton and Yale later in the season. Next to the Harvard-Cornell game, chief interest centered in the play of Princeton and of Yale and while- both teams came through to victory, the ! showing of the Tigers was not by any means convincing as that of the Ellis. Princeton managed to win from Dartmouth by the margin of four points, but it was due to the prowess of an individual player, as has frequently been the case in the past. ( ' ' Yale Shows Progress. In defeating Washington and Ieff eraon decisively, Yale made marked progress, for the Pennsylvania com. bination plays a game hard to hdd in check. It is conceded to be one of the most expert in the country in the use of the forward pass. ' Yale while holding the visitors to two touchdowns in this aerial attack, piled up more than, double that score with an offense that embraced both the running and overhead methods of ad vancing the ball. Mulligan Spreads Terror into State On Eve of Big Game THE BEST PLUNGING HALFBACK. GEORGE. W?3ARET, . Bob Maxwell- says so, therefore there can't be any doubt about it. If Bob Maxwell, after twenty years of foot ball, doesn't know a good player when he sees one well, no one does. "The best plunging halfback," is what Bob said about George Mc Laren of Pittsburgh when he saw him in action recently. Bob said he thought McLaren had developed more speed than any other, and ad ded that McLaren hits the line harder than .most men. Altogether, Bob considers the Pittsburgh half back one of the sensations of the season. WEEK'S RESULTS. Central High. 26: York. 0. Grand Island, 34; Kearney, 7. Nebraska City, 14; South High, 6. A new terror has swept state high school foot ball circles. At Beatrice and Lincoln the spell is most felt For Harold Mulligan has demonstrated the infalliability of a hike formation end run that is just as dominating and destructive as the speeding Chamber lain was to any of the teams Nebraska met last year. The Central coach has built up a powerful offense around Morearty, Smith and Maxwell and has developed this play from an apparently ineffec tive formation in three weeks' time. The phenomenal way Captain More arty and Halfback Smith made their way through a scattered field Satur day in the game with York means that Omaha's bid for the state cham pionship has doubled. While Central startled the eastern district, Grand Island doggedly claimed its own on foreign ground. Defeating Grant Parsons' Kearney eleven by a score of 34 to 7 is no mean job. Coach Harding still has a fighting bunch and the game with York next Saturday will produce an other light on his team's standing in the conference. In Jones, fighting end, he has a man of all-state timber, while Davies, fullback, and Odum, tackle, are not to b forgotten. York, ' nn thf. ntner henit hee nliu.jl all n( I its hard games and is readv to pile up a few wins, beginning with Aurora November 11. York meets North Platte Thanksgiving day. Nebraska City, undefeated this sea son, handed the short end of a 14 to 7 score to Coach Patteon's South High spunks at Nebraska City Fri day. As usual, the Souths neglected to work after they had garnered a touchdown in the first few minutes of play, and consequently were forced to bit the dust. Smith, speedy colored end on the Steven's combination, is undoubtedly of all-star calibre. His playing. last year was a sensation and he isn't going far astray this year. Cambridge and Harvard both won overwhelming victories from Beaver City and Clay Center. Beaver City was the champs of the southwest dis trict last year. Cambridge has a strong eleven and will probably play her schedule through without a de feat. Alliance is also another team that has not been defeated by a Nebraska team. Gothenberg and Lexington, two strong eleven's, have sufefred defeat against Nebraska productions and 'so are eliminated from recognition. Both teams boost men of all-star timber, however Memberihlp la Join the Swappere' Club, free. Call at Bee office. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT Evry Kind PrlfcM Vary Low Over five hundred machines to select from. Rent applied on purchase. . Central Typewriter Exchange, Inc. - 1905 Famam St 7 Phoae Dcuglaa 4121. Coursing Meet to Be Held in Omaha Last of the Week Omaha's second annual coursing meet will be held this week at the Douglas county fair grounds. Events will be staged Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons. Omaha's first coursing meet was held last year and proved popular. If the event is a success this year the national futurity stake will be held in this city in 1917. The Omaha Coursing club is conducting the event. The following kennels will be represented: Morian, Barta and Thornburg, Fair bury; W. B. Flack, Grand Island; Gal beth Brothers, Madden and Shanek, Superior; Ostendorf and Hammer, Bison, Okl.; Andred and Pease, Beat rice; Scott and Aschner, Sutton; Avery and Jones, San Francisco; Life and Segatc, Beatrice; Kuse and Cook, Cook, Neb.; W. S. Moonlight, Eureka, Kan.; J. E. Wright, Grand Island; C. S. Root, New Richland, Minn.; N. S. Salisbury. Wichita, Kan.: Virgin and Srak, Utica; Ragan and Wood worth, Utica; Paben and Van Winkle, Talmage; Dudley, Waddel and Ober land, Clay Center, Kan.; Bryant and Everson, Alma, Kan.; Holmes, Thies sen and Barden, Wymore; J. S. Peo ples, Wichita; Viox and Misegadia, Talmage., Nothing Satisfies Like "PIPER" The long, brisk hike through the woods gives you the biggest kind of a tobacco hunger. Then 'Is the time you just hanker for" tobacco in its most appetizing, satisfying form for the comfort, pleasure and refreshing zest of a tasty, juicy chew of "PIPER." PIPER Hbidsieck CHEWING TOBACCO "PIPER" is made of the wortd's -highest grade' chewing leaf-ripe, mellow White Burley, care fully Selected and fully aged. Its wonderfully sweet, fruity, spicy flavor is different from any other tobacco the exclusive and unique "PIPER" flavor is thoroughly pressed through the plug, so that every chew is delicious and lasting. Try a cut of "PIPER" and judge it for yourself. 5c and 10c Everywhere t TBI AMKUCAN TOBACCO COMPaXT mnnyBrooki WHISKEY eMI.MW- m mm ewwaaa I mm ir era- sysri- errrrtii ,r I? GROTTE BROTHERS CO. General Distributers Omaha, Nebraska 1II,J .. Efflkj m i