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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. AUGUST 18, 1916. Nebraska WILL CONFER SOON UVEK MATE mm August 28 Set as Date to Dis cuss Advisability of Tearing East Wing Down. DANGER FROM OLD WALLS Little Tot Saved and Waxes Fat on Milk from Bee's Milk and Ice Fund (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Aug. 17. (Special.) It will be up to the members of the next legislature to determine whether Nebraska is to have a new state house, or whether the present ancient edifice will continue to be the pre historic pile to which visitors to Lin coln may flock and look upon with as much interest as if they were gaz ing at the Egyptian pyramids. ' Governor Morehead today sent let ters to Speaker Jackson of the last house, President of the Senate Phil Kohl, Senator Spirk of Saline and Representative C. Petrus Peterson of Lincoln, asking that they come to Lincoln on August 28 and confer with State Engineer Johnson and his ex cellency as to whether the east wing of the old building shall be torn down, repaired, or allowed to remain in its present condition, a menace to thel ives of the people who work therein. Officials Alarmed. Since the building has begun to set tle again, a great many people have become alarmed lest when represents tive hall is filled this coming winter with all the heavvweights which will compose the lower branch of the legislature that the old .walls will not be strong enough to stand the jars of oratory which will be turned loose, and the building tall. It is said that many citizens who have been wont to hang around the legislative halls for the purpose of advising the members wnat to no, ana have been styled "lobbyists" by un kind and unfair people, are likely to leave the legislature to run things it self and will take no chances of being buried under the crumpling wall by being present. This alone should convince Gover nor Morehead and his bunch of con ferees that, if possible, something It appears to be up to tne gover nor and his band of advisers to say whether the Nebraska legislature is to be advised to protect the lives of the people or carry on a watchful waiting policy until the old wing falls down, thus saving the expense of wrecking it. Youth Injured by Shock At York Will Survive Aurora, Neb., Aug. 17. (Special.) Louis Kaeding, the 13-year-old youth who was injured by contact with the 33,00(tvolt transmission line between Aurora and York, was reported today as improving rapidly in the hospital at York, and it was also stated by the physicians that amputation of his fin gers would probably be unnecessary. Young Kaeding, acting under the im pulse of curiosity, climbed up one of the thirty-foot poles upon which this transmission line runs and touched one of the heavily-charged wires for the purpose of determining whether or not it was hot. He was barefooted and his foot was touching the ground wire, which runs down the pole. That the boy was not killed is regarded as wonderful by electrical expert. Kennedy and Fleharty At Tecumseh Chautauqua --Tecumseh, Neb., Aug. 17. (Spe cial.) Yesterday was political day at principal speakers were John L. Ken nedy of Omaha, candidate for United States senator, for the republicans, and Harry B. Fleharty, city solicitor of Omaha, for the democrats. Both cave snlendid addresses arid both re trained from personalities or remarks that might cause ill feeling. Other attractions rounded out a good pro gram, the music being by the Tecum- i w -i . i i -t' i : c .1 St II jvillliary uanu. iiic iaius ui mc last few days have interfered with the attendance at the Chautauqua, but have been a boon to the agricultur ists. The Chautauqua will continue over next bunday. HYMENEAL. Arnold-Gibble. Falls City, Neb.,' Aug. 17. (Spe cial.) Prof. D. R. Arnold and Miss iva uiodic were marneu at ot. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran church by Rev. S. De Freese, pastor. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibble and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Arnold. For the last two years the groom was the principal of the Verdon High school and has accepted a position as history and athletics teacher in the Beatrice schools. After the ceremony they left for an extended trip to Denver, , Colo., and other places and will re turn to Beatrice to make their home. Ordinance to Repave More Of North Twenty-Fourth An ordinance providing for repay ing of Twenty-fourth street, Patrick avenue to Lake street, was passed bv the city council. It is doubtful wheth er the work will be started this sea son. J """" SJ"' JmK When the baby girl of Mrs. Mary Wittuski, 3201 Burt street, was taken to the dispensary on Dodge street a few months ago it weighed nine and one-half pounds, and the mother did not believe she could raise the tiny creature. A nurse of the Visiting Nurse association of Omaha took up the case, as the nurses have taken up 120 other cases this summer. The nurse visited the home and made provisions for correct clothing, feed ing and bathing. Ihe mother was without sufficient means to buy milk or ice. ihe nurse drew on ine Bees milk and ice fund and from day to day the baby improved. On Wednes day of this week the infant weighed sixteen pounds, a gain of six and one-half pounds since the beginning of summer. This is a typical case of the good that has been done through the milk and ice fund raised by The Bee this summer. What a splendid reward for all the good people who have contributed to this fundi Especially so when it is remembered that this baby is only a "samnlf" nf the fine results and that there are many others like it, rescued from the ouniness of poverty to the healthiness of perfect nutrition. If you haven't sent in your contribu tion yet, "do it now." A Friend '? C. L. D A Prlend (M) M. C 1.00 1.00 Soldiers' Home Notes Grand Inland, Neb., Auk. 17. (Special.) Rev. Clark of Jefferon, Ore., gave a talk In the home chapel Mftnday evening on mlsiilon work and the work o tha Solvation army. Michael Preat, who soma time ago asked for a furlough of sixty days and was de layed In getting away on account of some misunderstanding about his pension papers, has returned tg Burkett, and has been as signed to a co Pin the convalescent hospital. Mrs. Martha Smith Is out on a furlough. John RoMboom, the home florist, has re turned from Oregon, where he has been on a furlough. While In the west he pro cured some very choice plants and aeeda for (lowers In the home green house. Anderson Adams has returned from 'his furlough and reports a moat delightful visit Mrs. Tlllle tftubben and children, who are returning to their home at Omaha after a western trip, will stop at Burkett this week, and visit for a while with Mrs. Stub- ben's father, the quartermaster. War I'pon Pain. Sloan's Liniment prepares you for every emergency. Keep tt handy It's the greatest pain killer ever discovered. At all drug gists. Ho. Advertisement, Notes from Beatrice And Gage County Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 17. (Special.) Doris Hepperlen Buchanan, the 14- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Buchanan, pioneer residents of Beatrice, died last evening. About a year ago she fell and injured her knee, the injury developed into tuber culosis of the bone. Her limb was amputated at the knee, and after she began to recover and move about on crutches she ten ana Druisea mc wound. Another operation was per formed, but the disease nad gained such headway that all efforts to save hrr life were unavailing. Announcement was received here yesterday of the death of Robest L. Gumaer, formerly of this city, which occurred at Crystal Beach, Ontario. Mr. Gumaer was at one time a neavy landowner in Gage county. Miss Jessie Prytle ot this city, formerly county superintendent, has been appointed instructor in the Eng lish department of the Milwaukee State normal, of which Carroll G. Pearse is president. Charles Chester Foreman of Lin coln and Miss Leafy Beatrice Droul-lard-were married here yesterday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Droullard. Two Falls City Men Join Naval Training Party Falls City, Neb Aug. 17. (Spe cial.) RoyHeacock and Ross Jones were among the twenty-five civilians who joined the special train at Chi cago Sunday to Norfolk, Va., from which point they sailed Tuesday after noon to get a month's training in the United States navy. This practice voyage is being conducted not merely for the purpose of giving that number a summer vacation at a small ex pense, but to get them in position to be of use to the country in case of need and to scatter information among the people regarding the navy and its ability to protect the nation in time of danger.' The men taken aboard the war vessel for this ma neuver will have to go through the daily tasks that would fall, to them had they enlisted for three years in stead of thirty days. Mr. Heacock is ex-maypr of Falls City and Mr. Jones is one of the chief dispatchers at the Missouri Pacific division office. Community Club at Loomis. Loomis. Neb.. Aug. 17. (Special.) The first regular meeting of the re cently organized Loomis Community club was held Tuesday night of this week. The officers of the hew or ganization are: C. A. Kleist, presi dent; G. F. Carlesson, vice president; J. A. McGuire, secretary; C. V. Mag nuson, treasurer. About the middle of September Johnson & Holm will begin the erec tion of a new business building to re place the one destroyed by fire in November, 1914. The new building will be of brick and 38 by 70 feet in size. Cured of Indigestion After Twenty Years of Suffering. "After suffering for over twenty years with indigestion and having some of the best doctors here tell me there was no cure for me, I think it only right to tell you for the sake of other sufferers as well as to your own satisfaction, that a 25-cent package of Chamberlain's Tablets not only re lieved me, but cured me within two months," writes Jul. Grobien, 508 Henry St., Houston, Tex. Obtaina ble everywhere. Advertisement. Gage County Hog Raisers Organize Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 17. (Special.) At a meeting of farmers held her vatrr4av afternoon, an organization to be known as the Gage County Hog Cholera Control association was per fected by the election 6f these offi F. C. Crocker of Filley; vice president, F. E. James of Wymore; secretary ana treasurer, w. H. Liebers of Beatrice. In addition to these officers a vice president will hr chnaen from each township, who in turn will have nine assistants, mak ing an assistant for every four sec tions of land throughout ijage county. The object of the association will be to co-operate with the government in stamDinfir out hog cholera. All serum used in the county is to be obtained through the organization. Dannebroa Pioneer Dies Suddenly at Picnic Grand Island, Neb., Aug. 17. Ras mus Pedersen, an old resident of Dannebrog, died suddenly while at a picnic to which he had just brought a number of friends. Mr. Pedersen had retired onlv recentlv from a life long experience in farming, had built a large, commodious and modern resi dence in Dannebrog and intended to live in ease for the rest of his days. He leaves a large family. Men Who Robbed Oakdale Bank to be Brought Here The two men who robbed the Oak- dale postoffice and were captured near Nehgh, Neb., Wednesday morn ing, were handed over to the fed eral authorities Thursday, Deputy Marshal Morgan of South Sioux City taking inem in cnarge. They will have a preliminary hear ing before Commissioner Hays at Norfolk, probably today, and will then be brought to Omaha to await the convening of the federal grano iurv. The warrant for their arrest was is sued by David Dickinson of the dis trict attorney s othce ana torwaraea to Deputy Marshal Morgan. Union Men Protest on Prison Labor Work Here Local union No. 297 of hod car riers and common laborers sent the citv council a letter of protest against the employment of prisoners on city work under existing conditions. The communication was referred to Com missioner Jar dine, who has charge of prison labor work. Street Car Men to Hold Picnic at Lake Manawa All of those street car men in Oma ha who can be excused from duty will eniov a picnic at Lake Manawa Sat urday afternoon. Fifteen special cars will carry the street car men and their families irom umana to tne lake re sort Six of the car will be gayly decorated tor the occasion. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. and Mrs. H. jC. Peters of New Terk City ara tha fuesitf of Mr. Peters' brother, Rev. George L. Peters, 2691 Evani street. George Covert, assistant superintendent of transportation for tha Burlington, haa returned from a vacation apant at Steam boat Springs, Colo. George H. Schweera of Pender, Nob., Is spending the day with Prank J. Carey. Mr. ttrhweere reports "everything in fine shape as usual In Cuming county. POSTOFFICE DOPE HAS 211,319 HERE Kvenild Says Figures from Postoffice Shows That Many People in Omaha. MAKES-MAPS OF ALL HOMES Secretary Kvenild of the City Plan ning board is preparing a map which when completed will show the distri bution of 35,221 residences. 3.8J3 store buildings and 212 office buildings in Greater OmahaS'He secured the data from Superintendent Kleffner of the mail delivery department at the post office. The mail carriers compiled the information from their routes. Other maps being prepared m the planning office will show general pop ulation, school population, street car lines, railroad lines ana property, paving, sewers, conduits, city prop erty, congested housing and other features relating to the economic and social welfare of the city. Mr. Kvenild expects io have the maps completed in lOctober. Kmm the Dostoffice data the plan ning hoard's secretary figures the population vot greater una ai Peddler Fined Because His Measure is Short Till McCarthy, a peddler, was ar rested Wednesday because he had on hi .F,i,nn several measures with the hnttnms too close to the top. A half bushel measure was tested and found to be short about a quarter of what it should have contained, due to the tin hntthm hein? Dounded so that it rounded up instead of down. He was fined $1 and costs. Paul Maloni was iust the other way around. His measure was illegally (II Maloni is a taxi driver, licensed to carry five passengers, and he had seven in his car. He had to pay $2.50 and costs. Nebraska Auto Display Will Break Records (Prom a Start Corre spondent. Lincoln, Aug. 17. (Special.) The automobile display at the Nebraska state fair is likely to outshine any previous displays made, not only at tormer state iairs uui thm minMIe wrt. The big machinery hall, 110 feet wide and 430 feet long will be crowded. Already every space in the buildign has been engaged, except seven spaces 20 foot square. Last vr-ar the Nebraska fair had more mtnmnhile disnlavs than even Iowa, hut this vear it is going to far cxcell that of last year. Northwestern Section of State Gets a soaking Good rains in scattered sections of the state, especially in the northwest ern portion, where moisture was needed badly, were reported at local railroad headquarters tor weanes- rlsv nicht. In some districts me rainiau was as hearby as that of the preceding twenty-tour Hours. Alone the Burlington in the north western portion of Nebraska reports j t l.:U- were receiveu 01 suamus man ly welcome showers. Walters Enthusiastic Over Crop Outloik There is plenty of wheat in Ne braska this year and it is of the best quality in the world, according to Frank Walters, general manager of the Northwestern. Mr. waiters unusually enthusiastic over crop con ditions in this state and the middle west, remarkine that during his serv ice with tne iMortnwestern Business has never been better. Did Your Clock Stop? Seems to Have Been Epidemic; Want Eight-Hour Day Did your clock stop today? The reason we ask is that there seems to be a sort of a kind of an npidemie around that's making all the locks stop, or a good many of em anyway. Half a doien quit work over at the federal building. The usually accu rate timepiece in the weather bureau solemnly marked the hour of 10:15 hen time, in his ceaseless flight, had Ireadv arrived at 11 o clock faithful and gentlemanly chap who comes around every Tuesday with his little ladder and key to wind the locks in the federal building had gone on his vacation. But inquiry re- Ueeft I'p Yonr Torpid Llvr. To kep your liver active una Dr. Kins'. New Life Ptllfl. They Insure good Indiges tion and relieve cnnsllDatlon. At druactitf I 26c Advertisement. Governor Names Delegates To Criminal Law Meeting (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln. Aug. 17. (Special.) Gov ernor Morehead has appointed H. B Fleharty of Omaha, W. Colby ot Beatrice and 1. J. Doyle ot Lincoln delegates to represent Nebraska the meetinsr ot the American institu tion of Criminal Law which willneet in Chicago, August as. DEATH RECORD. Mr. O'Donovan Rossa. New York. Aug. 17. Mrs. Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa, widow of the Irish patriot and journalist, died at her home here today of heart disease. She was 70 years old. Triad t Meet Kin. and Jailed. London. Auf. 17. Patrick Caltaa-hen, aald to be an Amerloan, waa arrested yesterday on a charge of attempting to force an en trance Into Windsor Castle In an effort to see Kins Geore-a. The man was arrested after a scunie. uriKers assert no was insane ana he was aent to an asylum. Killed br Holdup Men. EmDorta. Kan.. Auk. 17. Walt ravls. sheriff of Lyon county, was shot and killed tontsht In a pistol duel with two alleged holdup men. The slayer escaped In the darkness, but his companion did not at tempt to escape and la held by the offlcera. Indigestion and Constipation. "I recently discovered in Chamber lain s 1 ablets the first medicine give me positive and lasting relit Prior to their use I suffered fre fluently from indigestion and consti pation, writes Mrs. Anna Kadin Spencerport, N. Y. Obtainable erywhere. Advertisement. w t it your eye$t hurt from fail ing tight, consult Phillips The Optician 807-809 BrandeU Bldg. vealed the fact that he had been there as per schedule. "Beats all," said Colonel. Welsh. "The clock up home stopped this morning, too, and my watch stopped. In the United States marshal's of fice the faithful timepiece was also on the blink. Deputy Quinley declared the clock at his house stopped this morning. "Maybe the clocks are striking," volunteered Deputy Grant Yates in a feeble attempt at a joke. (The clocks the federal building never strike At first it was thought that the j except the one in the tower, and that seldom strikes at the right time.) The clock situation grew more se rious as investigation was pushed farther. The clock in the postmaster's office had not only stopped, but it had already been carted off to the repair shop to be overhaued. "Maybe they want the eight-hour j day," said Postmaster Fanning. Maybe it was the humidity. .. Other worthy jokes were sprung, ' but the present shortage in print pa per forbids recording them all. It is stated that the demands of the clocks for the eight-hour day ' refused. New York (lets a Nubmarln. New York, Aug. 17. The aubmarln Holland. America's first undersea boat, be came the properly of the people of the city of New York today. It was presented to a histories) eoctety here by Ir. T. J. Olbbona and his son. Austin F. Olbbons, who pur-i-hseed It from Junk, dealers about to destroy it for Its Iron and steel. No Longer the Kan redro Bout. Kelt Lake city, Utah. Aug. 1 Stock holders of the Belt Lake route, ratified tha proposal to change the official name of Ihe road from Han r-edro. Loa Angelea Salt to Los Angeles & Salt Lake company. Persistent Adve-tising Is the Road to Success. Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Onepackagp proves it 26cat all druggists. TELEPHONE 1614 DOUGLAS" Removal Craelit department has m t d to Main Floor, rear, when Flower De- fiartment former y wat. Store Close Saturday night at 6 o'clock during month of August. final CloanupSalQ fit of Women's, Misses' and Chfldren's Summer Ready-to-Wear Apparel I fOn Sale Friday and Saturday in the Base- ment Department Silk Dresses, made of good quality taffeta, crepe de chine, poplin, etc., with fancy lace and chiffon collars. All the wanted colors of the season, right up-to-date styles. Sizes 16 to 44. Dresses in this lofc worth from ( djC ff $8.50 to $15.00, on sale at PU.wV Silk Poplin Droegoe Made of ex tra fine quality poplin with lace waist effect. Up-to-date styles, in a complete range of sites. Worth 4.60 to $7.60; sale price, 83.00 Lot of Waah Dros. This sea son's styles, made of voiles, lawns, linens, etc.; sizes 36 to 44; dresses actually worth to $8, at. .91.89 Summor Dross.. All UD-to-data styles; good materials, such as linens, lawns, fancy fig ures, etc.; formerly priced to $4.60, at 81.00 SWiria Made of fine rep, pique, ratine, Bedford cords, honeycomb and sport stripe materials; all new up-to-date styles; 11.00 and $1.26 vslues, at 574 1,000 SampU WUa Mads of fancy lawns, voiles, organdies, linens, Jap silks, etc.; sises 86 to 46; 76c and $1 values 50c Woman', and Mi....' Wool Skirt. Made of good double twill serges, rough cloth, mixtures, etc. ; $1.00 and $1.60 values; special, It 69 Women's and MImm' Silk and W.l Suite All this season's rvloa. made of good materials, such as wool poplins, cheviots, mixtures, mohairs, gabardines, etc. Values to $10; some worth even more: Friday for a quick clearance 83.95 Lara. Lot of Girl.' Made of fine chambray, gingham, etc.; about 250 white dresses inciuaea in this lot; 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 values; sale price 50 Middy Suit. Skirt and middy to match; made with good wide, full length skirts of good quality white linene; middies have large blue sailor collars and lace fronts; ages 14 to 20; worth to $1. Friday for 45 Silk P.ttlco.t. In all shades and colors; some have jersey top and measaline bottoms; formerly pric ed to $1.69; great saving at 99 Woman, and Mis... Kimono. In all the wanted patterns; made of extra good quality crepes; val ues to $1.26; sale pries.... 79 Small Lot of Hou.a Dr.sie. Made of fine gingham, chambray, percale, etc.; sizes 36 to 44; $1, $1.25 and $1.39 values, at.. 78 Lot of Kimono.4-Made of fine flowered lawns, cjrepe, etc.; val ues to 50c, at... I... 29 Childron's MiddUa Ages 6 to 14 years; made of good quality white linene with sport stripes, etc.; values to 60c; special. .. .. .21 Woman's and Ml....' Dr.i.inf S.cqua. Made of good quality ererje with large figures, etc.; sizes 86 to 44; actually worth to 76c; on sale 37 Another Lot of Dr.snnf Saeque.. Made of plain crepes, figured lawns, etc.; eut full and ample; sizes 36 to 44; 29c and 89c values; some worth even more; your choice for .19 Children'. Romper, and Drosses. Made of good gingham, chambray, percale, etc.; regular 89c and 60c values; very special 25 Women', and Mi....' Wash Petti coat. Short and full lengths made of good quality gingham regular 39c values; special. .18 Children'. Romper. Cut full ages 2 to 6 years; regular 19c val ues, at 9 Porch and Street Drama Made of fine - materials lawns, linens, ratine, etc.; all this season's styles with fancy sport stripes, etc. every dress worth from $1 to $2; at a give-away price, each. .50 Woman', and Ml....' Auto Coats and Waah Suite Made of fine linene, ratine, etc.; values to $1.60 at a small price Friday and Sat urday for quick clearance. .49 -Women', and Ml....' Draworsr Made of good quality muslin, em broidery and lace trimmed; 29c and 39c values, very special, 21 Corset Cover. Lace and embroid ery trimmed ; well made of good quality muslin; sizes 86 to 44 regular 26c values, pl....l4 Boys' Suit., $2.95 With Two-Pair-PanU A FRIDAY SPECIAL. Real nifty looking suits in the newest styles. Browns, grays and a neat assortment of mixtures, two pairs of pants with each suit, all fully lin ed. Just the suit for school opening. ' Table Cloths, 49c These are 2 yards long, In met range of patterns; good quality linen finished damask; special Friday, each ..49 8c Towels, 6c 250 Domen Good Quality Huck Towele-With pink or blue bor ders; hemmed ends, esch 6 Crash, 9c About 2,000 yard, of Household Cra.h The good and absorbent kind; 5 to 10-yard lengths; spe cially priced, yard ,...;9 Damask, 50c About 25 Piece, of Fall Bleached and Fancy Colored Border Dam- k 64 and 70 inches wide; Fri day, yard 50 10c Napkins, 7c 500 Dosen Mercerised Napkin. Hemmed endB; ready to use; spe cial, each 7 Draperies Five Specials 2,000 Yard, of Voile., Scrim, and Marquisettes 2 to 10-yd. lengths, values to 40; yard 10 1,500 Yard, of 48e Grade Creton ne., per yard 19 60-inch Lace Curtain. 2Vi yds. long; per pair 98 25 Piece, of 36-ia. Etamlne and Scrim, per yard 9 One Big Lot of Estra Heavy Por tt.r.a Fringe top and bottom values to $6.00; pair. .81.98 Smyrna Rugs 21-inch Mottled Smyrna Rug worth 65c 39 26-inch Mottled Smyrna Rug worth $1.50 79 30-inch Mottled Smyrna Rug worth $2.50 98 Rubber Door Mat. Regular 75c values, at 49 Coco Door Mat. No. 1, fine brush, for 50 Rag Rugs 24x36 Hit-and-Mi.. Ruga, 55c values, at 39 25x50 Hlt-and-Mi.. Ruga, 86c val ues, at 59 25x36 Plain Color Ruga, 75c val ues, at 49 Atlantic Bath' Rug. Guaranteed washable; nice assortment of col ors in blue and white, pink and white and brown and white. Six. 27xB4, regular price $2.60, at 81.35 Size 80x60, regular price, $3.00, at 81.65 Ginghams, Shirtings, Muslins, Etc. Thousand, of Yard, of Longcloth, Cambric and Mu.lin Remnants Long, serviceable lengths; worth to 12ttc; on sale, yd 7M 36-in. Drau Percale Light and dark colors; some are slightly im perfect; special Friday, yd., 6M 2T.lnch Dre.. Gingham. Neat stripes, checks and plaids; lengths to 20 yards; 10c and 12V4c values. per yard , 8 H 32 and 36-Inch Engliah Shirting Good assortment of sport and pin stripes; regularly worth 19c; on bargain square Fri., yd., 12 Good Standard Apron Ginrham In all the wanted checks; lengths to 16 yards; on sale Friday, per yard, at ...6M Hundred, of Yard, of Dre Print. Light and dark colors; snecial for our Friday sale, yard. .3H Good Grade Pillow Tubing In lengths up to 20 yards 36-inch width, yard.. 13 H 45-inch width, yard. . , .15 Unbleached Mu.lin Off the bolt; special for Friday only, yd., 5H Notions Coat and Pants Hanger., special, each .4 Women', and Children's Ho.e Supporter., per pair 6 Fa.t Colored Wa.h Edging, per yard, at Darning Cotton, spl., spool... la 50s Notion Boxes, Fri., ea., 10 Large Pieces of Elastic, 2 for 5 Win Hair Pin. 6 pkgs. for. .5 Bias Tape, Rick-Rack and Tape., per bolt 4 Betsy Row Crochet Cotton, per ball, at ...6 Extra Strong, ea., 10 Pearl Button, l.p.cial, card...l 200-Yd. Spool. Thread, 2 for 5 Safety Pin., 4 cards for 5 One Big Lot of Droning Comb., each 10 Knitting Cotton, sale price, per ball, at 3 100-Yd. Spool, of Sewing Silk, per spool 3H In.ide Skirt Baiting, yard.... 5 Linen Tape, sale price, bolt ... 4 Shoes Low Priced 150 Pair. Women'. White Canva. Shoe, and Slipper. Lace and but ton styles; high and low heels; to clear out quickly, pair 39 Children'. Barefoot Sandal. Made of tan Russia calfskin with leather soles; $1.25 values; Friday at 89 Children's Patent and Dull Mary Jane Pump. All solid leather; sizes to 2 ..98 Little Cent.' Lace Shoe. Made of black calfskin; all solid; sizes to 13 81.25 Cleanup of All Men's Oxfords Tan and black calfskin; button and lace styles; English and high toe lasts; very special, per pair, t 81.00 Wash Goods Remnants Remnant, and Full Bolt, of Print ed and Woven Fabric. 40 and 45 inches wide; regularly sold to 35c a yard; as long as lot lasts, per yard ...10 Remnant, of Silk and Cotton Dre Material, in Brocade., Dots, Tub Silk. Plain shades of pink, light blue, black, white, etc.; 24 and 36 inches wide ; special, Friday per yard : . 15 Remnant, of Sport Stripee--In eV good assortment of colors and styles; 36 ins. wide; regular 36c ' valuo222iIla5riiLi2ii Underwear Women'. Fine Gauxe Vast ' Some with wing sleeves; worth to 15c; sale price 85s Women's Fine Ribbed Union Suits Cuff and lace knee styles; 35c valueg, at 25 Hosiery - Men's Cotton Seamlais Socks In colon black, tan and gray: 10c quality, per pair. . 7M Women'. Fiber Silk Boot Hess Black and a few colors; seconds oScjualityair. 15 Handkershiefs Women'. Fine Cotton Handker chief. Worth to 5c, at. . . ,1u4 Man's White Cotton Handker chiefs 5c values, at...,..,. 2 -