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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1916)
Look around Omaha at th firms that advertise. They are the ones that have grown from little concerns to great big ones. The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER SHOWERS VOL. XLVI NO. 57. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1916 TWELVE PAGES. On Train, at Hotel, iewn Stand, cte.t 4c. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. HUGHES REACHES WESTERN END OF CAMPAIGN TRIP Republican Nominee for Presi dency Delivers Three Tell ing Addresses in San Francisco. TALKS TO THE WOMEN Asserts He Is for Suffrage and Favors an Amendment to the Constitution. MEETS PARTY LEADERS San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 18. Charles E. Hughes reached his farthest west here today. Before three audiences in this city he spoke of dominant Americanism, prepared ness, and his belief in the need for a protective tariff. Mr. Hughes reached San Francisco at 1 o'clock, went to his hotel through crowds which applauded him along the way, held a reception shortly afterward, and made the first of his addressed before the Union League club at 3 o'clock. He hurried back to the hotel and then addressed a meeting of women voters. Tonight he addressed a mass meeting in the civic auditorium, presided over by William H. Crocker, republican na tional committeeman from California. Meets Party Leaders. Between addresses Mr. Hughes conferred with republican and pro gressive leaders, in the interest of party harmony. The nominee confined his sug gestions to a plea for co-operation among republicans and progressives. In so doing, Mr. Hughes said that he did not propose to interfere in the state's local affairs, but that he wanted all elements of both these parties to work together in the in terest of the national ticket. Among the leaders who conferred with the nominee today were Chester H. Kowell of the republican national campaign committee, who joined the Hughes party yesterday on its way from Portland to this city, Francis V. Kcesling, chairman of the repub lican state central committee, and W. H. Crocker, national committee man. Messrs. Keesling and Crocker met the Hughes train today before it reached San Francisco, and conferred with the nominee en route. On Protective Tariff. In his address before the Union League - tlub, -Mr. Hughes - spoW chiefly of the protective tariff, re iterating his contentions that it was necessary, for upbuilding American industries and that its enactment and enforcement should be entrusted to the republican party. In addressing the women voters, Mr. Hughes repeated his conviction that the suffrage issue should speed ily be decided and the vote granted to women throughout the country by amendment to the federal constitu tion. He reiterated his reasons for wishing this done, assailed the admin istration for waste and extravagance, and declared that under proper lead ership it would be possible for America to achieve all its'ideals. "There is not one of our ideals that is incapable of achievement," Mr. Hughes said. "We can have content ment, we can have peace, we can jiave security, provided we have an unswerving loyalty to the flag, an in telligent co-operation, and those wise policies which will foster our indus tries anil protect our enterprises, and provided further that while we cor. rect abuses we make sure to open the avenues for honorable American achievements throughout the world. "The republican party, reunited and xecomecratcd in tins campaign, stands for those ideals and the method of their attainment, and as a great lib eral party is coming back to its own." Mr. Hughes appeared much rested by his long run of nearly 800 miles from Portland, Ore. He spoke briefly several ' times en route, but not enough to tire his throat. Traffic policemen left their stations to push back the crowd on sidewalks around the Palace hotel, whither Mr. Hughes was taken from the ferry building. The Weather For Nebraska Shower. 11 a nj'. Comparative Local Acord. 1016. 1816. 1914. 1913. Highest yesterday... 9ft t8 9fi 97 LuwfKl yuMardny.... 77 60 78 74 Man temperature. .. BO 64 87 66 I'milj'IMtUm 00 .17 .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation departure! from i In normal: Norma! temperature 74 ttici'tts for the day S Total excess since March 1.. 246 Normal precipitation 11 Inch Dtficlency for the day 11 Inch Total rainfall since March 1....11.32 Inches Deficiency since March 1 9.08 Inches K ccm Ut cor. period. 1915 99 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1914. 4.92 Inches Kvporte Vrntn fftatlotu it 7 p. m, fitatlci. an Slates Temp. High- Raln- of Weatuer. i p. ra. est, tail. Oheynne. clear 78 Davenport, part cloudy. 90 Denver, part cloud?.... 78 Da Moines, clear 90 Dodge City, part cloudy 88 Under, clear.,, 7 North Platte, pu cloudy 86 Omaha, elear 88 Pueblo, olear 90 Kapld Clt). clear 9U fsM Lak Clt, iliir... 84 Baata re, cleat 73 UherldaB. part rtoady.. 8 atom City, clear . 86 82 Valentin, cloudy....... 89 88 T Indicates trace of Dree tut tat ion. L. A. WEIiSHr Meteorologist. 6 8S 98 1 94 64 74 ENGLAND'S IRISH POUCYIS WRONG Manchester Guardian Tells Cabinet Its Drastic Action Has Alienated Sympathy. FACTOR NEEDED NOW London, Aug. 18. Various influ ences, particularly England's policy toward Ireland, are arousing specula tion and resentment in the United States, says the Manchester Guard ian in a long editorial today. These facts cannot be ignored, it asserts, for the active co-operation of the United States will be necessary if a last ing peace is to be brought about by a league of the "liberal pacific powers of the world." The Guardian suggests the British orders in council, the censorship, the blacklist and interference with neutral mails have tended in some degree to alienate American sympathy from Great Britain and its allies, and con tinues: "But these matters are compara tively unimportant in days such as these and if there were nothing else to be considered, we would be justi fied in concluding that there was no reason to anticipate any sericus change in Anglo-American relations." Economic Conference False Move. Referring to American expressions of opinion in regard to the resolu tions to American expressions of opinion in regard to the resolutions adopted at the economic conference of the entente allies at Paris, at which consideration was given to various proposals, especially regard ing tariff changes, whi;h provoked wide comment i:i America, the Guard ian say j, "There is no doubt that the speculation here implied is injuriously affecting the allied cause in America and the circumstances should not be overlooked in our calculations for the future. But above all other influ ences working against us in America is the memory of the Irish revolt." When the cabinet resisted the first impulse toward clemency, the Guar dian continues, it forgot the immense and troublesome fact of Irish-America, and for that lapse of statesman ship there would seem to be no hope of a speedy remedy. It adds: Neutrality of U. S. Great Asset. "The reign of Sir John Maxwell at Dublin has made an end, perhaps for years to come, of all hope of reconcil ing that large element in the United States, which, until with the home rule act, we began to redeem the past in Ireland, had been by tradition and practice irreconcilable. One of our greatest assets when war broke out was the cordial neutrality of the American people, made possible by the restraint and somewhat reluctant sympathy of American Irish. That we sacrificed, and the toss is likely to color the politics and behavior of th4Jnrtfetf aWtbw4rd as until the end of the war, or until such time as a complete change can be brought about in our Irish policy. "We cannot ignore this fact, much as we may regret it, for the active co operation of the United States is an essential condition to any such league of the liberal pacific powers of the world as alone can give us an assur ance of stable peace." Old Nebraska City Residents Enjoy Day at Home Town Nebraska City, Neb., Aug. 18 Spe cial Telegram.) About three hundred former residents of this city now re siding in Omaha, bringing with them Green's hand arrived here to day to attend the Home Coming fes tivities. The party was under the direction of Robert C. Druesdow and Fred Carey, who have been working on this trip for more than a month. The delegation was met at the train with automobiles furnished by the Business Mens' association and taken for a sight-seeing trip over the residence districts of the city. Dur ing the afternoon the visitors were entertained at the chautauqua grounds. At the conclusion of the address of the day by Judge Sutton of Omaha, republican candidate for governor, and informal reception was held at the park in which home-comers took part. Several of the visitors address ed the large audience, among them being Frank T Ransom of Omaha and Jospeh Blum of Des Moines. All home-comers appeared to have had a most enjoyable time visiting among old friends and renewing old acquaintances. Many of the .visitors remained in the city over night where entertainment was furnished them by the Business Mens' association. Miss Adelaide Kalkman of St. Louis, a singer of note and a former resident of this city, sang several solos. Portugal Will Soon Actively Enter War On Side of Entente Lisbon, Aug. 18. (Via Paris.) Major Norton Mattos, the Portugese minister of war, announced today that Portugal soon will participate m the war, fighting on the side of the en tente allies. The Portugese congress voted td join the entente allies in the war in November, 1914. A Portugese naval commander seized thirty-six German and Austrian vessels in the Tagus river in February, 1916, and the fol lowing March Germany declared war on Portugal because of this action. The fortugese troops were called to the colors on March 16. Child Labor Bill Passed by the House Without Debate Washington, Aug. 18. The child labor bill was finally passed without debate or record vote today in the house. Senate amendments were ac cepted without change. It now goes to the president. - HURRICANE HITS GULF COAST AND WIRES M DOWN Wind Reaches Velocity of Sev enty Miles Per F 'De stroying P-' 0 guar; v.iRS ARE HIT Military-Camp in Brownsville Wrecked and Soldiers Are Forced to Flee. NO FATALITIES REPORTED Dallas, Tex., Aug. 18. Telegraph companies at 7 o'clock tonight re ported that all wires to Corpus Christi and Brownsville had failed at 6 o'clock owinp to the gulf coast storm. Chances of picking up wires during the night, they said were re mote. Corpus Christi, Tex., Aug. 18. The local weather bureau says the center of the West Indian storm probably will strike here about mid night tonight. The office issued warnings, prepar ing residents for the crest of the storm at midnight tonight, saying that at twelve-mile wind could be ex pected. At 4 o'clock this afternoon the wind had reached a velocity of seventy miles an hour and was carrying every thing movable before it. A heavy sea was running in Corpus Christi bay. In the north beach portion of the city, scores of summer cottages were de molished. Strikes Military Camp. San Antonio, Tex., Aug. 18. A ter rific and destructive wind, according to this report has wrought havoc in Brownsville, and in the military camp. Those troops which took refuge in the court house were the Illinois, Iowa and Virginia regiments. They took two days' rations. All wires to Brownsville are down and communi cation except over the army wireless is impossible. United States soldiers and National Guardsmen stationed at Fort Brown have been driven from their quarters and have taken refuge in the city hall and other public buildings at Browns ville, on account of the gulf coast storm which is striding that section tonight, according to meager reports received over the army wireless at Fort Sam Houston from Fort Brown. El Paso Camp Flooded. El Paso, Tex., Aug. 18. 6ne'soI dier was killed and thousands of other encampted in and near El Paso suffered great discomfort as a result of heavy rains which fell throughout the night. A hot sun toHay began to dry the camps. During the all-night storm Private Charles Johnston, headquarters company, Seventh United States infantry of Chouteau, Mont., was killed in his tent at Fort Bliss by lightning. Other soldiers nearby were stunned. Water ran through the camps of the Massa chusetts, Pennsylvania, South Caro lina and Michigan National Guard camps, practically inundating some tents and ran three feet deep in some of the company streets of the Thirty-first Michigan infantry. Making Predictions- Galveston, Tex., Aug. 18. Indica tions today were that the trop ical disturbance which came into the Gulf of Mexico through the Yuca tan channel Wednesday night would go inland near the mouth of the Rio Grande or on the lower Texas coast. The 7 o'clock reports from the gulf coast weather bureau stations showed Brownsville with the lowest barome ter on the coast, 29.70 with the wind blowing twenty miles an hour from the north. Brownsville, Tex., Aug. 18. Should the tropical hurricane strike the Tex as coast near the mouth of the Rio Grande there would be no danger to the military forces encamped in this vicinity, it was pointed out by the lo cal weather bureau today. Soldiers' camps are well inland. The lower Texas coast is protected by a natural breakwater in the form of Padre and Mustang islands. Summer residents on Padre Island beach opposite Point Isabel, twenty two miles northeast of here, were re moved to the mainland today by a crew of the United States coast guard station at Brazos island, on receipt of news of the tropical storm approach ing the gulf from the West Indies. All fishing vessels also were drawn into Isabel harbor. Barometers here registered 29.50 at 10 a. m.,a fall of ten points since 7 a. m., and was still falling. Heavy Tractor Runs Over Boy's Head; Will Recover Mason City, 111., Aug. 18. Ray mond Lager was only bruised when a heavy gasoline tractor road grader weighing several tons passed over his head and shoulders. The lad's es cape was due to the fact that his head rested in soft sand. War Summary THE RDS81ANH, TEMPORARILY krld up 111 their Gallclaa drive by hnyj counter attaclu, have aiala begun to move for ward. Fetrograd today aanouneee that the Teutonic armlee have failed to throw back General Urumlluff'. armlee and that the Kuiflani ara aval advaaclcf. THE FRENCH LAST NIGHT ru timed their offensive la the Vartlaa ration and, ac cording to Farta dlHpatehee, lucceeded In driving the German from a part of the village of Flearr. TUB GERMANS have made their expected counter move In the Maurepae eector on the Bom me front, but that all faUed linger the French fire, according to the I'arla bulletin. FOi ONE MONTH THEY WILL BE REAL "JACKIES." (Civilian "rookie." standing on one of the big guns aboard the Maine). For one month, more than 2,000 young civilians will lead the life of real United State tailors aboard battleships. Nine hundred young men, many of them still in college, are tailing on the Maine, New Jersey and Kentucky from New York, on the firtt practice cruise for civilian naval rookies. v; Via 1 I ROOKIES .ABOARD THE U.S.S.1AIj Grrn. .run scttrc. SUNDAY ATTACKS B00ZEATLIHC0LN Evangelist Declares Subject of Wet or Dry State Not Political One. URGES ALL TO VOTE RIGHT BULLETIN. "Billy" Sunday addressed an au dience of men that nearly filled the Auditorium last evening, deliver ing his sermon on "booze," full of hot shots st the saloon. He is in fine trim and, in spite of the hot weather, was full of his famous "pep." "Ma" Sunday was with him. The meeting began at 7 o'clock to enable the evangelist to catch a 9 o'clock train for the , east. He spoke for over an hour, and then rushed out into an automobile and a few minutes later was en route for Chicago with his family. (From a Stall Correipondent) Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 18. In his characteristic way "Billy" Sunday spoke to an audience of about 2,000 voters, which nearly filled the Lin coln city auditorium, at noon today. He was introduced by Mayor Bryan and spoke for an hour or more, leav ing on the 1:30 train for Omaha. Away from a church, and speaking on a subject which gave him a greater chance to use his wonderful vocabulary, Mr. Sunday showed a flow of language which indicated that as an anti-saloon speaker he is in a class by himself. He said that he asked no quarter and gave none when fighting the saloon, that whisky was all right in its place, but its place was in hell and not in a man's stomach. This question of making Nebraska a dry state is not a political issue, according to Mr. Sunday, but one in which every man should vote right, irrespective of his political views. "I am going to live long enough to preach the funeral sermon of the booze makers," shouted the speaker, "and you newspaper fellows down there be sure and get that down." Mr. Sunday informed the crowd that the booze interests had voted $150,000 to put "Bill" Sunday out of business, but he defied the whole gang. He closed his speech by jumping on top of his desk, grabbing an American flag and holding it in front of five boys that he had called to the platform, and declared that he proposed to stand between the raw material which the saloon had to have, and stand up for the flag of his country. Closing his speech with a short prayer, Sunday jumped down from the stand and giving the' five news boys $1, told them to divide it. Britons Seize Goods Consigned to Philippines Washingon, Aug. 18. Possibility that the seizure at Hongkong of Aqierican goods on the British steam er Kafuc, from New York to Manila, following a similar seizure of goods on the steamer Chinese Prince and two Spanish vessels, may foreshadow a general interference with American trade with the Philippines, led the State department today to send for full details from the American consul at Hongkong with the view of mak ing a strong protest. The goods on the Kafue were con fiscated by British authorities on the supposition that they were consigned to German firms in the Philippines. W. J. Calhoun Recovering From Paralytic Stroke Chicago, Aug. 18,-William J. Cal houn, former minister to China, who suffered a stroke of paralysis, has progressed so far toward recovery that physicians decided today that he shortly could be removed to his home. ARMY BILL VETOED BY THEPRESIDEHT Executive Takes Exception Exemption of Retired Offi cers from Discipline. SECTION WILL BE DROPPED Washington, Aug. 18. President Wilson today vetoed the army appro priation bill because of exemptions from discipline for retired officers forced into it by house conferees, led by Representative Hay, over the op position of the War department, A new bill will be necessary and may delay adjournment of congress. Representative Hay said he would reintroduce the bill in the house im mediately with the feature to which the president objected eliminated. : Situation is Complicated,'...'; Mr. Hay followed his announcement by reintroducing the bill minus not only the section to which the presi dent objected, but with the whole re vision of the articles of war elimi nated. This threatened to compli cate the situation. There is a broad intimation that the revision which proposed to re move retired officers from the juris diction of court-martials was in the interest of a certain retired officer, who was waiting for i time when he would be immune from discipline to make a public attack on the army. The officer s whose name was men tioned in connection with the report while in service was active in legis lative affairs, was very close to con gressmen framing army bills and un til his retirement was reckoned with as a power in legislation affecting the army. Years' Fight with Hsy. The president's veto of the bill is one of the developments of years of cdhtest between the army and Chair man Hay. The downfall of the con tinental army scheme and substitu tion of the National Guard reorgani zation against the recommendation of the army- officers is attributed to him. . Only the force of President Wilson's interference put the regular army increase in the new reorgani zation bill through the house in the face of Hay's opposition. Recently President Wilson appointed Hay to a judgeship on the court of claims and he now is serving his last term in congress. The War department contends that many features of the army bill were written into it in the conference and never were debated in house or sen ate. Long Contest Probable. Representative Hay . announced that he would seek to repass the bill in the house under a special rule next Tuesday. The articles of war will not be per mitted to get through in this bill again, he declared after, a conference with several members of the military committee The danger of complication and de,!y lies in the fact that Chairman Chamberlain of the senate military committee said that if the house passed the bill without revision of the articles of war the senate proba bly would reinsert them as they were passed ' by the senate. Deutschland Safe In Port at Bremen Geneva, Aug. 18. (Via Paris.) A private telegram, received today in Berjin, via Nucue Richtcr Zeitung, says ' that the German submarine Dcutschlartd arrived safely yesterday at Bremen from the United States. Newport News, Va., Aug. 18. The captain of a Norwegian steamer which arrived in Hampton Roads for bunker coal stated today; he passed, the Deutschland August 10, then eight days out of the Virginia Capes. The Deutschland was under full sail. The captain said he took it for a sailing ship in distress. He received a reply which said it was the Deutschland. The Deutschland . had collapsible masts fore and aft when it lay at its wharf in Baltimore. RUSS ADVANCE IN SEVERAL SECTORS Anstro-Oerman Attempt to Beat Back Drive in Qalicia failure, Says Petrograd. TEUTON LOSSES HEAVY Petrograd, Am, 18. (Via London.) The Austro-Germat. effort to throw back the Russians in Galicia has re sulted in great losses and met with no success, the war office announced today. The Russians have pressed forward in several sectors. The announcement says: "On the front from the Zlota Lipa west to Podhaytse, the enemy re sumed the offensive with considerable forces, without success. The enemy sustained great losses. "On the River Bystritza-Bolotvina, we occupied Lysiets (seven1 miles soutnwest ot stanisiiu; on the west ern bank of the river. In the direc tion of Ardzeluz, our troops occupied a series ot heights. "In the region of Korosmezo (Car. pathians) our troops, continuing their advance, approached the summits of the mountain in the vicinity of Koros mezo. "On the Caucasian front, the Turk ish offensive in the region west of Lake Van was repulsed easily by our troops. In Persia, in the region of Kala Pasova, encounters took place wnii consmeraD:e lurKish lorces. Legalistas Take Carranza Soldiers From Their Train Et Paso, Tex., Aug 18. Sixty revo lutionists held up a passenger train on the Mexican National Railwav on Tuesdav near Acrnae C'kinm ango, taking prisoner the twenty-five carranza Boiaiers comprising the es cort, according to passengers aboard the trajn, which arrived here today. Two baggagemen also were taken cap- ivp. niir Til. rma,nrtr a. ........ . I..IJBIII..I u. wis (.lew and the passengers were unmolested, uicy saiu. The revolutionists, who surrounded the train at a email ttatinn .tnM ... sengers, they said, that they belonged iu a recently organized revolutionary group calling themselves "legalistas." On their hatt thov tunc riM.nn. .1 J L' "W.fc IllfUWU, 111 me red, white and green of Mexico, with '"J, woru icgansta stamped on them The rantnr nf tti ...n. . fected dtlietlv anrl nnirlrlv tl 1 . jnaotti- gers said, no- shots being fired. After uiire 01 me passengers nacl Deen ex amined, the revolutionists started to ward the hills with their captives, the train nroceedintr. Military authorities in Juarez said they received no report of the affair. (ienpral Cvahril avir- ...... .. .....a, general of the Carranza forces, who rc.jruea 10 jjarez today trom a trip alonir the Vfeyirn nnrl Tn.l.,a.. lines to Madera, Chihuahua, reported uic conuuion 01 tne Mexican troops in that section excellent. He added that the "nnlv rlmirl , .1... ............. of American troops on Mexican soil." Congressman Sloan ' Campaigns in Maine (from a Stafr Corrapantlnt.) Washington, Aug. 18. (Special Telegram.) Representative. Sloat having things pretty fairly in shape so far as legislation is concerned (nr the Fourth' district,- and hiving Eaugni up wun nis correspondence and no serious matters of moment pressing in the house, will leave to morrow for a few days campaigning in Maine, under the auspices of both the national and congresional com mittees of the republican party. Mr. Sloan will make his first speech in the Maine campaign at Brunsmith, on Monday, next In connection with the Maine cam paign which, is going to be pushed to the limit by the republicans, ex Congressman W. E. Andrews, of Hastings, will have week or more in the old commonwealth.' his first speaking engagement in the 1916 campaign, being st Dover- August 28. WILSON MAY ASK RAIL DIRECTORS TO THEJEETING If Necessary to Prevent Strike on Railroad, President An nounces Will Make Another Move. . MEETS PRESIDENTS AGAIN Vote of Brotherhood Taken. and Result Told to Chief Executive, FIGURES NOT GIVEN OUT Washington, Aug. 18. President Wilson is determined, it was said au thoritatively late today, to bring the board of directors of the leading rail roads to Washington, if necessary, to prevent a nation-wide railroad strike. He will endeavor, it was said, to se cure an agreement by negotiating with representatives of the employes, the railroad managers and presidents, but if the riearilnrb rnntinnea. the hoards will be summoned. ,f The vote of the employes on Presi dent Wilson's plan was delivered to him personally by the chiefs of the four brotherhoods. A. B. Garretson,' their spokesman, said it would be' given out by the president, and added; that although the employes had re ceived no invitations to return to the' White House they would "tarry" here to await a possible summons. ' The four brotherhood leaders were in conference with the president thirty minutes and said no modification o( as a result of President Wilson's con ference with the railroad presidents. President Back Tomorrow. The railroad presidents agreed to return to the White House tomorrow to further discuss the situation. It was made clear to President Wil son that the railroads were not dis posed to yield the eight-hour day and that they insisted on arbitration. The attitude of the railroad presidents seemed to indicate little chance of the plan proposed by the president being accepted. Several declared the prin ciple of arbitration in industrial dis putes was st stake and must be main tained even at the cost of strike. President Wilson pointed out the dis aster whicowould attend a strike, but the officials only answered that they were willing to arbitrate the questions' at issue. During the conference with President Wilson details were not faben im. ' ' ' ' Statement By Hsls Holden." President Holden of the Burlington, ss spokesman, pointed out that only the committee of managers was au thorized to reach a definite decision, as it represented all the roads. ; a The railroad presidents were with President Wilson less than an hour. As 1'iK left the White House Mr. Holden said he would have no state ment to make for the present. Whether President Wilson wll continue to insist on his plan or sug gest another to both sides was not made clear. Administration officials insist he will continue negotiations until some settlement is reached. Men .Inclu aFfilittterf with the railroad officials said that the managers were willing to accept any kind of arbitra tion, butthat there was no chance for an eight-hour day without investiga tion. The railroad executives told the, president that ss before increasing freight rates they were forced to sub mit to an inquiry before granting an increase in pay they should have a similar inquiry. Stand By Managers. . Thirty-one railroad presidents to day told President Wilson . they stood by the decision of their mana gers' committee that an eight-hour day was impracticable. ' President Wilson refused, to take "no" for an answer to his proposal that they accept the eight-hour day, and asked them to return to the White House tomorrow with their managers for another conference. Just after the railroad presidents left the White House, it became known unofficially that the employes, had voted to accept President Wil son's proposition and that some of the leaders had gone to the White House to tell him so. Meet In Blue Room. - While the railroad employes' com mittee of 640 was thi- afternoon cast ing secret ballots on President Wil son's plan to avert : the threatened strike, the committee of railroad presidents was in . conference with President Wilson in the Blue Room at the White House. ' ; v ' To the presidents, Mr.' Wilson ap pealed to reverse the stand of the managers' committee and accept the (CoatlBoed Pava FlTt, Coin Oh.) Experience has proVen again and again that ' persistent hammering is . what makes a. "steady record on ,the . sales chart. ,:.-' -i-'-i'xti; Keep your Want-Ad running every day 'till you make your sale., , " Call Tyler 1000 1 x for Bee Want-Ads.