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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1916)
Look around Omaha at the firm that advertise. They are the ones that have grown y'rora little concern to great 1 lg one. The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATHER Fair; Cooler. VOL. XL VI NO. 32. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 25, 1916 TEN PAGES TrsiM, at Hotel, SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. KAISER WILLIAM GIVES REASON FOR STAYING AT REAR Emperor of Germany Asserts He Would Be at Front, But That Almighty Has Willed Otherwise. LEAVE MARK ON ENEMY Would Like to Get Into Trenches. TALK ATTRACTS ATTENTION liam during his recent trip to a point the Somme front, says a dispatch to the Wireless press from Berne, made a speech to the German wounded sol diers which is attracting great atten tion in Germany. The emperor is 'quoted as saying: "It is the most poignant grief of my life that I am unable to take a more active part in this war. It is my earnest desire to take my place in the trenches and to deal such blows at our enemies as my age and strength would permit. "I could take my place with the youngest of you and 1 promise that I would leave my mark on the enemy. But 'the inscrutable Almighty has willed otherwise. 'Into my care has been committed by divine destiny the leadership of our country, its armies and its forces on land and sea. "The burden of thinking, deciding onrl luarltnor hae hnon hai-rl i.iinn m nH rs1iitiflr thie T Irnniu that mu L life must not be risked in the foremost " line of battle where my feelings, if unrestricted, vould carry me swiftly, t "Mv life must be conserved care- j . uwiy lor me wenare ui uermany in yurier to carry out the duties assigned J to me by divine appointment." Deutschland Is About Ready to k, TTniW Sp.fl. Baltimore, July 24. A series of (Svents this afternoon at the pier where the merchant submarine Deutschland is berthed, indicated that its departure would not be long de layed. The most significant of these, were the filling of its water tanks - and the stowing below its deck of tlipir,w hprirlinv Bi it was rpmnvpH from the interned North German Lloyd steamer Nickar nearby. Since its arrival two weeks ago the Deutsch land crew has been sleeping aboard the Nickar. Shortly after the water tanks had been filled, heavy blue smoke was , noticed coming from behind the barges that screened the Deutsch land from view, and directly at its stern. The wind blowing from the the odor of fuel oil, and it was evi dent the vessels engines were being tested. The activities were preceded by th saling of th submarine's wire less apparatus by a government radio insnector. This was in accordance ch action at the expiration ot two Aveeks. I No application for clearance papers Iliad been made up to the close of y"business at the custom house today. it was announccu anduKciucius be made, however, for this to be done out of hours. Nomination of T. S. Allen Is Ordered Reported to Senate Washineton. lulv 24. The nomina tion of Thomas S. Allen as United States attorney for Nebraska was or dered favorably reported today by the senate judiciary committee. It ' had be.n held up since last January at tne instance oi oenaiur nuratun Lincoln, July i. a. mien, brother-in-law of William J. Bryan, was appointed United States district attorney for Nebraska to succeed F. S. Howell of Omaha. August 3 last. Senator Hitchcock withheld his en dorsement and asked that confirma tion be held up. The Weather i For Nebraska Warmer north- west portion; Tuesday, probably fair. f IT Nebraskans Meet Today to Prepare for State Campaign THRONG TO ATTEND REPUBLICAN MEET All Ariving at Lincoln Speak Enthusiastically of Chances of Hughes and State Ticket. HALL COUNTY AMBITIOUS UNCHANGH) i ii Hours. DK. ( a. m 75 I a. m t a, m It S a. m 7tl a. m II 10 a. m ii 11 a. m it 12 m 87 1 p. m 8ft 5 p. m 11 3 p. m 4 P. m. 17 6 p. m 16 I p. m 14 7 p. m 13 I p. m (I 1911. 1111. 1114. 1118. , 97 7 10 80 . 12 18 70 CI . 84 74 10 71 . .00 .00 .80 '.00 Highest yesterday. Lowest yesterday.. Mean temperature. PreHnttatlon Tmeperature and prootpltatlon departures frvm the normal: Normal temperature 77 Total excess since March 1 113 Normal precipitation 14 Inch Deficiency for the day 14 Inch Tqtal rainfall since March 1... 1.87 Inches Deficiency since March 1 7-89 1nchea Deficiency for cor. period. 1915. .63 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1914. 1.57 Inches Renorta from Stations at 7 n. m. Station and State Temp. High- juni or weather. lp.HL Cheyenne, cloudy.,,,,, 84 Davenport, clear 14 Denver, cloudy , 88 Dee Moines, clear 12 Dodf ft City, clear , 90 . Lander, cloudy.....,.,, 76 North Platte, cloudy.. 76 ttlmeha, clear... 9r rueoio, clear. 92 11a i.'lty, pt. cloudy., 86 Lake City, cloudy. 76 datita Pe, cloudy 76 Sheridan, pt cloudy.... 86 fcioux City, clear 88 alentlne, pt cloudy... 93 est. fall. 86 .00 96 .00 9 .09 96 .00 94 " .00 14 .00 96 .12 97 .00 94 .00 90 .00 10 .42 84' .00 91 .00 98 .00 94 .00 Temperature at Omaha yesterday. Lincoln, July 24. (Special.) There is every indication that the e publican convention tomorrow will be one of the best attended since the inauguration of the primary. Delegates1 began arriving in the city at noon today and all speak enthu siastically of the chances for the election of Hugies and the success of the state ticket in this state. Mack J. Agee, chairman of the Hall county republican committee, with Representative Scudder and two or three other delegates ar ived in the city early. Mr. Agee says that Hall county will have a full delegation at the convention with some extra ones for good measure who will come down just to let the people know that Hall county will make a bid for the repub lican convention two years from now when the proper itme comes. "We have a bis; hall which will seat '500 delegates on the floor and 1,000 more on the stage," said he, "and we are going to have a new hotel; so we will be in tine shape. Strong fo Hushes. The Hall county men feel that it would be a fine thing to send the convention out in the tsate once in a while and give republicans out in the west end a chance to attend. They say that Hall county will give Hughes a big vo teand the state ticket a good DOOSl. Another delegate who is enthusias tic over the prospects for republican success is Harvey Webster of Burt county. "We are going to carry Burt county for the republican ticket by 1,200 ma jority," said Mr. Webster. "I never saw such a feeling of unionism in Burt county in my life," said he. "Everybody who was ever a republi can is back in the party and whoop ing it up for Hughes and Fairbanks and the whole republican ticket." Another member ot the state com mittee who says that republican suc cess in Nebraska is sure, is, Charles McLeod of Stanton. "Our country is democratic," said he, "but Hughes will carry it by a fair majority. Predict G. O. P. Victory. Senator W. H. Reynolds of Chad ron, republican candidate for state treasurer, is here as is also Senator H, P. Sbumway. of Wakefield. . Both are feeling good over the prospects and predict a big republican majority. Chairman C. C. McNish was on the ground eafly and takes a optimistic view of the future. Mr. McNish is not saying very much about the chair manship, but it is known that he would take it and he appears to have a great many friends who believe he should be re-elected. fc.d Beach ot Lincoln, W. G. Ure of Omaha, S. R. McKelvie of Lincoln and Clyde Barn ard of Table Rock, are among those who are mentioned for the place. The arly evening train brought in large numbers of republicans, among them Judge Sutton, W. P. Warner, E. R. Gumey, who lias been selected chairman of the convention; E. T. Westerfield of Scott's Bluff, who never thinks it's too far to go to any state convention; E. M. Pollaril, Harry Byrne, Dan Swanson and others. It has been decided to call the convention about 1:45, in order that delegates on the noon train will be able to get a bite to eat and get to the opening. The convention will then run through without a recess. Bay State Troops Accused of Raid On Mexican Homes El Paso, Tex., July 24. General Francisco Gonzales, commandant it Juarez, formally protested today to General George Bell, jr., command ing tho American forces here, against the co.iduct of the outpost guards of the Ninth Massachusetts infantry who, he said, crossed into Mexican territory yesterday mornint "in vio lation nf Mexican rights," and last night night shot up "without provo cation" a number of homes of Mex icans south of the border. Irish Question is At Acute Stage London, July 24. An acute stage has been reached in the Irish ques tion. Unless the situation suddenly changes doubt is expressed whether the government will be able to intro duce an amending bill this week as had been oromised. The nationalist members of Par liament are holding another meeting today and unless a satisfactory an swer is received trom .Premier As quith, John Redmond, leader of the Irish nationalists, will be asked to press him for a iurthcr statement re garding the intentions of the govern ment. The nationalists insist that the bill shall conform to the terms agreed upon in the settlement, and they say they will have nothing to do with the proposals to make the exclu sion, of the province of Ulster perma nent or to reduce the Irish represen tation in the imperial Parliament pending the final settlement. In addition to the Irish subject, the government will have many questions to engage its attention during the week. Critics of the cabinet will at tempt to prolong the debate on the bill for the appointment of commit tees to investigate the campaigns in the Dardenelles and Mesopotamia, while the introduction ' by Premier Asquith today of a new vote of credit will open a general debate on the con duct of the war. i PLAN A HARMONY MEET AT HASTINGS RETRENCHMENT IS GIVEN A SETBACK ON THEARMY BILL Halt Is Called in the Senate on the Cutting Down of Appro priation Started Last ... SA.tnrrln'.V Even Contest for Chairmo-' -j ship Will Be Settle'' 'r t'NY INCREASES MADE JTe-oonve" 1 W J. BRYiaa AWAY Hastings, Neb., July 24. (Special Telegram.) It must be a harmonious meeting of democrats, according to the party leaders who were among i the early arrivals here today ofr the state convention tomorrow. Even the contest for the chairmanship of the state cent al committee is being de veloped into an amicable pre-conven-tion agreement today. Either A. D. Sprague of York or Louis Langhorst of Elmwood will probably step down from the chair manssip to either secretary or mem bership on the central' committee. Mr. Sprague of Yo' k is said to have refused to continue as secretary in case he is defeated for the chairman ship. Any effort to open the fight be tween the Hitchcock and Bryan fac tions, the leaders say, is pretty apt to be squelched. Big Guns Coming. Senator Hitchcock will arrive to night. Governor Morehead and party have sent wo d that they will arrive on an early train, tomorrow morning. Keith Neville, candidate for governor, was among the early arrivals in the city this morning. Mayor C. W. Bryan of Lincoln is expected tomor row. W. J. Bryan will be unable to attend, since his time is taken up lecturing on the Chautauqua plat form. With the appointment of the com mittee on resolutions adjournment will probably be taken to 7 o clock tomorrow night. The convention tomorrow will be called to order by State Chairman W. H. Thompson of Grand Island promptly at noon. Following the reading of the call M. L. Corn of Clay Center bv ore vious arrangement will be given the honor of the temporary chairman ship. He will immediately launch into tne keynote speech.; '. Edgar Howard of Columbus ar rived early today with three resolu tions that he expects to present to the convcntiop committee. It considera tion is not secured at the committee meeting, Mr. Howard plans to take his resolutions to the floor ot the con vention. the resolutions propose state clanks declaring for a oublic warehouse for farmers and 'state de velopment of water power. The Nquor question will be referred to the people in another Howard resolution. May Go to Floor. One opportunity for a convention tilt will come when contesting dele gations from Douglas county are con sidered by the credentials commit tee, the contest may be carried to the floor. The Jacksonian club of Umaha held an independent mass meeting to elect delegates, while the so-called "Dahlman iriachine" sent an opposing delegation. Arrivals from Omaha claim that peace has been declared and that all who come from that county will be able to find a place in the delegation, the full number not having been made up by those sent from the metropolis by both of the opposing organiza tions. Anti-Preparedness Arguments'! by Norris of Nebraska Arouse Senators. TOWNSEND FLAYS WILSON Bliss Says Reports Are Wholly False Washington, July 24. The full re port of .Major General Tasker H. Bliss, assistant chief of staff, on his inspection of National Guardsmen in the Brownsville district, made public today at the War department, says that inspection of all camps and more than 30,000 men, reports of inefficien cy and bad rations were found to be wholly false. The one-fault General' Bliss found and that he says is already reme diedwas that during the first few days of the mobilization the food lack ed variety. Many of the guardsmen, General Bliss reported, said their ra tions were better than the food they were accustomed to having at home. Torpedo Destroyers Fight Off Belgium London, July 24. Six German tor pedo boat destroyers were engaged in a running fight by British light forces off Schouwen bank yesterday, says an official statement issued by the British admiralty this afternoon. The German vessels were repeatedly hit, but they succeeded in reaching the Belgian coast. Industrial Worker Dies As Result of His Wounds Fairbury, Neb. July 24. (Spe cial.) Normal Peal, the Industrial Worker of the World, who was mor tally shot in a frght with bandits in the Rock Island yards at Fairbury several days ago, finally succumbed last night to his injuries. He died at the Fairbury hospital. Relatives from Cadiz, Ky., reached his bedside shortly after he died. He was sleeping in a box car wtih several other ocm panions, when four "high jack" men attacked them. Five shots were fired, one of which struck Peal in the back and passed through a lung. He lin gered near death's door for several days. The body will be sent to Cadiz. Peal was 22 years old. Fourth Death Among . Babies of Mitchell, S. D. Mitchell, S. D July 24,-(Special.) The fourth death from infantile paralysis occurred this morningThe period of sickness was about four days. j Washington, July 24. The senate today called a halt on wholesale re ductions begun Saturday in the army appropriation bill, voting down re trenchment proposals and approving increases totaling more than $30,000, 000 when sections were reached car rying provisions for ordnance and equipment for the regular army and national guard. Debate on the ordnance sections developed a predominating sentiment that it would be unwise to limit ex penditures for ammunition and guns too closely, despite the lessening of tension in the Mexican situation. Decreases of $36,000,000 ordered Saturday related to transDortation. subsistence, foreign service pay and emergency estimates put into the bill by the house when the Mexican situa tion was critical. Today's increases included. Here Are Increases. For medical supplies, increase from $2,000,000 to $4,500,000; engineers equipment, $1,000,000 to $1,770,00; ordnance stores, $6,000,000 to $11,000, 000; automatic machine guns for regu lar army $3,600,000 to $7,725,000; au tomatic machine guns for national guard, $2,000,000 to $6,586,150; ar mored motor cars, $300,000 to $1,000, 000; field artillery for national guard, $8,000,000,000 to $14,200,000; ammuni tion for national guard field artillery, $8,000,000 to $14,000,000. In the item for small arms ammuni tion, the senate approved a reduction from $5,000,000 to $2,500,000, but sev eral senators said they would insist on another vote on the section before final pasage of the bill. The measure may be passed tomorrow, although several important items remain for consideration, including the $13,281, 666 proposed for aviation, an increase of $10,000,000 over the house appro priation. During the debate today Chairman Chamberlain of the military commit tee aroused by anti-preparedness ar guments by Senator Norris, vehem ently arraigned' senators' who, " he asserted constantly intimated that ad vocates of preparedness were In a conspiracy with munitions makers and others who profit by war. He defend ed the patriotism and honesty of the champions of preparedness in con gress. Senator Townsend assailed on the admiistration of Mexican policy, asserting that the national guard had been called to the border under "false pretenses" and that diplomatic cor respondence had disclosed that there never was any intention of sending state troops into Mexico. British Cabinet Is Unable to Agree on New Home Rule Bill London, July 24. Confirming pub licly the suspicion that the cabinet had been unable to reach a decision in re gard to the home rule amending bill, Premier Asquith in the House of Commons today announced that the government would not introduce any bill of tins kind with regard to . Inch there was no substantial agreement among all parties. This was taken in the lobbies of parliament to mean that home rule had been dropped for the moment and th?t David Lloyd Ucorge s negotiation had come to naught the stumbling block appears to have been the retention in the imper ial parliament of nationalist repre sentatives in undiminished numbers. John Redmond, leader of the nation alists, moved an adjournment of the house to discuss the premier's reply and a lively debate when the regular business ot the house was concluded was anticipated. Double Murder And Suicide in - Park at Chicago Chicago, July 24. The bodies of a man, woman and child found yester day beside a bridle path in Lake For est were identified today as Lloyd A. Lrandall, wife and son Arthur. Identification was made by A. W. Crandall of Chicago, an uncle of the dead man. The uncle said he knew of no reason why Crandall should kill himself and family. Crandall was a timekeeper in the Buick automobile factory at Flint, Mich. Prudential Agents Are Out on Strike New York, July 24. Two thou sand collecting agents of the Pru dential Life Insurance company went on strike today. The walkout fol lowed a mass meeting at which it was said the strike would tie up the company's collecting business as far west as Chicago unless the men's terms were met. Chief among the grievances named was the refusal of the company to confer with the men. Recognition of the International Insurance Asents' union, which is only two weeks old, better pay and "more reasonable hours" are de manded by the striken. THE LEMBERG WHEEL On this map, the heavy line shows the Russian front while the broken line shows the railroads. There are three possible objectives for the Russians in their "Big Push." They may strike for Kovel, north of Lutsk and a vital railroad center; they may strike south over the Carpath ians for Hungary, and they may strike for Lemberg,. y ovwoj!S jC TNS LIPA tv SMMSLAV DELATYN i KOLOMEA REWARDS REACHING LARGE PROPORTIONS Thirteen Thousand Dollars for Arrest and Conviction of Bomb Thowers. MAY BE CLUE IN LETTERS San Francisco, July 24. Rewards reached $13,000 today for the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators of the bomb explosion which killed six persons and injured forty-two in San Francisco's preparedness parade Sat urday, Of those amounts about $1,000 was qffry!tKfeffl6r "Hiranf W. Johnson in the name of the state and $5,000 by the law and order commis sioner of the San Francisco chamber of commerce. Governor Johnson said $1,000 was the maximum he was per mitted to offer under the California statute. - - . - .. The San Francisco board of super visors today authorized the use of $1,000 as a reward, this representing one fifth of the $5,000 offered by Mayor Jas. Rolph jr. yesterday. The mayor said he would pay the remain der out of his own pocket No Additional Arrests Two individuals, one a brother of a victim, the other a friend of one of the dead have offered $1,000 each for the apprehension of the guilty man or persons, The police began today a systematic organization of a bomb plot bureau which is to undertake permanently the handling of the present cases and similar crimes. Numerous witnesses were ques tioned today, but no additional arrests have been made. One man was ar rested Saturday, but the police admit they have no evidence against him. Two letters believed to contain a definite clue to the identity of the assassin were in the possession of the police today. One ot the letters was addressed to James Woods, police commissioner and manager of the St. Francis hotel, and declared his death would be ac complished with poisoned soup be cause of his activities in connection with the parade. The other letter, written to M. Lee, head waiter at the St Francis hotel, begged hiin to poi son Commissioner Woods' soup, re minding him how easy of accomplish ment his position made such an act. The police, under orders of Chief of Police white, would not give out the texts of the letters nor their signa tures, but two of the members of a special bureau of detectives appointed today to run down the person or per sons who exploded the bomb were set at work in a search for the writer of the letters. BRITISH CAPTURE PARTOFPOZIERES Large Seotion of Village Near Guillemont and Part of High Wood Are Occupied. MANY SMALL BATTLES London, July 24. British troops have captured a large part of the vil lage of Fozieres, says the official Brit ish, statement issued this afternoon. They also gained some ground . ear High wood in the direction of Guille mont ' .Jlio.nifiht the statement adv.waaj cuniparauvciy tauu. The statement follows- "Apart from continuous heavy shelling by both sides during the night, comparative calm followed the severe fighting of yesterday. "Yesterday between High wood and Guillemont repeated counter at tacks by the enemy gained for him no advantage and very heavy casual ties were inflicted by our artillery and machine gun fire. "We gained some ground near Hiwh wood and in the direction of (Cg-atliiugnl on Pmum Two Colamo Seven.) Twenty Drowned In Boat Collision on River Near Berlin Copenhagen (Via London), July 4. .twenty persons were drowned when two ferryboats collided with each other on the Spree, near Berlin, on Sunday, according to the Politiken. One of the boats was sunk. Two Men Escape from 7 Jail at Broken Bow Broken Bow, Neb., July 24. (Spe cial Telegram.) Floyd Bothwell and Jean Lemone, awaiting trial here for robbing Drake's Dry Goods store sev eral weeks ago, escaped from the county jail last night and are now at large. The prisoners crawled through an aperture used for passing in food, and left the jail by way of the sheriff's residence. Sheriff Wilson was not at home at the time, but returned shortly after. The country is being scoured. Bothwell is 21 and Le mone 27. Sulzberger Company Changes Its Name Trenton, N. J., July 24. Th Sulz berger and Sons company of America, meat packers, today changed its name to Wilson & Co. It it a New Jersey .corporation and will have a registered office in Jersey City. Thomas E. Wilson is president of the corporation. Carranza Prepares New Laws for Foreigners in Business in Mexico New York, July 24. Radical changes in the laws governing for eigners doing business in Mexico are about to be made by General Car ranza in a series of decrees which later will be included in a new con stitution, according to recent arrivals from Mexico City. The new legislation, it is said, will firovide that all foreign investors be ore entering business in Mexico must agree not to have recourse in any case to any other law than that of Mexico, and that they will not be en titled ot any privileges not enjoyed by Mexicans. It will also provide that foreign capital already invested in Mexico may enjoy the right to be considered foreign and be entitled to the protection of its own government, until the expiration of the concession or agreement that it may have en tered into, provided it is not for a very long period. Another provision is designated to fix a uniform period for all the long or unlimited contracts, leases or con cessions in which foreign capital is interested and that at the end of this period they will be considered subject only to the authority of the Mexican government, deprived of the right of appeal for protection to their respec tive governments. These measures, it is understood, are to be incorporated in the Mexican constitution, when the constitutional assembly meets in Queretaro in the near future, and it is the belief of First Chief Carranza and his advisers that they will suffice to avoid the danger of complications with European pow ers and as a natural sequel will lift from the United States the respon sibility of defending the territorial in tegrity of Mexico against the possi bility of seizure of lands or proper ties by any foreign nation in order to pay the claims of their nationals. RUSS MAKE BIG DENT IN TEUTON LINE NEAR RIGA Germans Driven Back Twelve Miles at One Point in Great Battle Near the Baltio Sea. FIGHT LASTS FOUR DAYS Russians Are Consolidating the Ground Gained and Teutons Awaiting Reinforcements. ITALIANS ARE ADVANCING Loudon, July 24. The -' Germans have been driven back twelve miles at one point on the Riga front, ac cording to a Reuter'a dispatch from Petrograd. Progress for the Rus-- sians is claimed on a front running from the gulf of Riga to Uxkull, a distance of more than thirty miles, the greatest advance being made along the coast line. The dispatch says that lighting went on without pause for four days prior to Sunday. It has now halted, as the Russians require time to con solidate the ground they have gained and the Germans are waiting rein forcements being brought from other v sectors of the eastern front Italians Attack Cimont Rome, July 24. (Via London.) Italian attacks in the Astico region to gain possession of Monte Cimont are making good progress, says the Italian official statement,' issued to day. The Austrian defenses just be low the summit were captured yes terday. Tire statement says: "In the Astico region our attacks to gain possession of Monte Cimont are making good progress. Yesterday we captured the enemy's defenses just below the summit. "On the Cette Communl plateau two attacks launched against trenches we had taken July 22 were repulsed. "Between Cismon and Aviso we completed the occupation of the up per Trevignolo and St Pelligrino val leys, taking the summit of Monte Stradone and new positions on the slopes of Cima De Bocche." Turks Near Sues Canal. Constantinople, July 24. (Vis London.) A defeat of British cavalry detachments by Turkish forces east of Suez, near the canal, is announced by army headquarters in today's offi cial Biaicmcni. xnc onum itcu in wards the canal, pursued by the Turks. ; t mr.- , . ' British detachments advancing east of Katia, thirty miles from the canal, were driven oft by Turkish skirmish ers. A further retreat of Russian forces in Persia, under Turkish pressure, is reported in today's official war office statement, which says: "In Pertia, Russian forces which fled in disorder eastward, attempted to offer resistance thirty kilometers east of Pzandoz. We pursued them. The enemy, unable to offer battle, was obliged to withdraw towards the frontier. . . 1 "In the district of Pomana our ad vance detachments drove off enemy detachments." Proposes to Have 1 Mails Carried by Warships of U. S". Washington, July 24. Senator Husting, who led the movement for investigation of the telegraphic nrnnaaanrli-. wtiirh r-1 wmI, ann deluged congress with demands for atiiun io warn Americans on armed ships, received evidence today of an- n t tl r nri-knatranfta Ki ,-, r, nrnani-J to ask congress to order American mans carried Dy warsmps, to escape British detention. Dnrnmpnts whtrfi Srnatnr I?,, !,- received show that the (propaganda purports io De losterea Dy tne Ameri can Steamship Ticket Agent's asso ciation At 305 RrnflHurav N-,u Va1 and that forms of telegrams to be sent to congress on July 14 had been distributed throughout the country. A rnnv nf rirrtitnp ttr mmn by the association was received today U.. C u..-.: T. : -jj . ujr Ljcimiui nusung. i ix ftaaresseo. to "batiks, bankers and money for- W9rftr" r( th TTnl- C... .-J -" -I w. ,..v wuti.u uiain siiiu shows the following to be officers of uie i icxet Agents association. Jacob Markel, president; Richard Ruttkay, treasurer, and Morris Engel, vice president; N. C. Herr, vice presi dent; Karl Schenk, secretary; Walter d. nouna, vice president. Iowa Regiment 4 At Brownsville Brownsville, Tex, July 24. The Third regiment of Iowa infantry ar rived here this afternoon. Week After Week This Amazing Record Continues 1,335 MORE PAID Want-Ads for the week ending July 22 than the same week a year ago. Bee Want-Ads have been In creasing by more than 1,000 . paid ads each week since March 6, 1916. , Qultu aoi