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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1916)
REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE WE TOLD REAL ESTATE t BE WON!,,) 000 TO YOU IN jnst a ywr no tlmt w wrmM rriako Minne Uwa, th fiucet ftMition vver 1vc1ojhmI in Ornrdia. Tbfl dovolop mcDt U nmply nnuwinpf. Nothing1 liko it ha ever born M'-n iromt'l Orrmlit. 11)0 largo watT maiiw aro all In. Tim nmvor ffyfi f'in, lhw fhi'-Ht in Omaha, in U'ing comjAM, The Uns Company an? now laying Hit WiU'S of gas main ami thi month wo will Mart tb paving of jjvury utroot in tb Addition. The Point wo are making i thii: Tlio fan that wo havo Ixronght every lot to pfrrfot grrnlo and iloO buyer havo bought lots in vry block in Iho tract, to that w hav jut n good loU for nale now a wo hal wlu-n wo started and tho J'riccti at proi rnt arc ronmrkaMy Jow, In Ihindr'o you will jay M tin mudi for no but ter lotH. Thorn in't any doubt in tho world but that lhtH lot will double in valuo when tho ImprovcmnntB nre comjdft'd. Our record in otW additions on tlio North Hide abwdutHy proven thin, Opportunity ii waiting for vou in Minne Uwa today. Tomorrow will bo too late. We aro wiling Uk-ko lots for , $550, $600, $650, $700, $750 and $800 and paying for all improvemcntx, i-xcopt paving. Tho paving is to bo awpbaltio concreto of tlio vory hmi gralo. Tho paving and curbing in front of oaoh lot will bo $85, tho lowopt figun over obtained in Omaha. On thin pav. ing the hiyer have tho privilogo of paying it in ten yearly payment with intercut at l''o. FOHTV liouneK aro now in tho eourno of onlruc tiou and mor are being started every day. We aro Hell ing theno lot on monthly payment. Thero in abso lutely no e.xvum for you to continue to pay ront. Buy a lot or two now and whilo you aro pnying for it, it will double in valuo, Harmon will bo on tho ground Sunday afternoon. Come out and fee a eity in tho waking. Charles W. Martin & Co. HAPPY HOLLOW DUNDEE FAIR ACRES THE COMMUNITY BEAUTIFUL First Prize .... $500 2d Prize, $300 - 3d Prize $100 Fourth and Fifth Prizes, $50 Each Tyler J 87. 742 Omaha Natl. Dank Bldg. Announcing Our Removal to 236-7 Omaha National Bank Building ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY Real Estate, Rentals, Loans and Insurance Omaha, Nebraska Phone Douglas 722 West Farnam and Cathedral District Close-in Building Lots A i r 1 1 1 k Un up tnl now ynlng on, t'rfit buj.rt r taking 4rtn IC of till wImth i wia k1vIii Ilia limit nf nimlimto liinnii th op lM imUty of inokliiK niHiiniy uri In on ft borne of whUh be IU be (Tumi mut wht-r the ktitroiiuitlDKii me llil for hi family. Tb lnreHtm U tint (on fr out, i!ihtr 1 It ton lo t,j the builnee Mxttitn. 'I Ii ti't riMtlilcni RxrUmi l)iln I htn lrn'nrly uu the n there l 11 'i rl!rl iiniplrlil Uitill hrtwttru tbl proix-rtx nd the bual iiim tlim. H l!e in th 1'ntli of 1 1 1 u h .t ftrtiwitt i't. Thl U lh Ut of th l'i'ti IpI.ui Turk tract f ibont ISO Ion dnvpl.ij by U ll HI Hi (T tb Ul tfi uuiullio, Prices to $1595 rn cm tv ...... cr. n ... i ...ii Kiiiii.t.r thtt th M r )y lr buihimi tniMrn (. rr, rn wuii-r, i tjka( ( mil,.f iMtruiiHi f,.r tutihWumi bury ,n U t fwMbf thn ibr bl.iv kt trout h V ( rr ii!tinn iit t t.H.M.t Kt iut 1-Uij ntn, t; j nj ( tfvuitt trtt, kit At Mf Sluiler & Cary, Owners, lrB. t Offti Isp tt( t, 1 S4 an t'l f.tint Wwm fha W alnM Ml MU ti(fi', J-t txe.-lHi tM.U t'bit t till ust Do Th Write us a letter, not over 500 words. "Why I would like to live in Dundee, Happy Hollow or Fairacres." The five best letters win the prizes. These prizes will be given as credit on any unsold lot selected by the winners, in Dundee, between 48th Street and 51st Avenue, Farnam and Howard Streets, at our present Low Prices and Very Easy Terms. Then Write the Letter. We Wisli You Success George & Company j This Coupon With Your Letter (Ifortfrt & (Vuipntn, lVj.t, A, Nrttioiml Hank IWilMintf, (Mtmlia. tu I aul'tiut tla- li.,.l l. ttci in rmr l,Ot' luii'l. Pi i n 1 Awarded by a committee not interested in this contest. Right reserved to publish any letters. Vnn mnv i irinnm' Tf rncfc nnfVnnrr fn fin? Go Out to Dundee Today-Look it Over A vty ! 4 City National Bank Blclg. OMAHA Phone Tyler 1000 ml 3 ta rtcshrt fa ust V phi, rin ,m, 1 1 its llj tU0!::;ilarKVQ Content Cw April H. V)U, "nciniilliii ii 1' (1 ""'ll'llll IMIIIIIIM