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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1916)
L. I l r w 'J I AnnericSihs Defeat and Scatter Villa The Omaha Daily Bee Advertising is the pen THE WEATHER. Fair rji . jl.i l . fauium inui net; u,r - jNyj in g and selling in motion VOL. XY NO. '247. OMAHA. SATUKDAV MOKX1XU. AlMJlIi 1, UMU-SIXTKKX PAUK-S. Oa Train, at Hotel Raw Stanaa, ate, 5 SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. BEATEN OUTLAWS CARRY WOUNDED CHIEFTAIN AWAY 9 Band V; ' OFFICER GOOD KILLED BY MAN, WHO KILLS SELF Veteran Patrolman is Fatally Shot by Oliver T. Morrell Following POLICEMAN KILLED WHILE MAKING ARREST. AMERICAN JROOPS GERMANY AWAITS AN INVESTIGATION BEFORE REPLYING GERMANS RETURN FRENCH AIR RAID ON THEIR CAMP by dropping bombs on Saloniki. The photo shows the river front in Saloniki. In the foreground is a German "aviatik," brought down by one of the French air scouts. :?J BANDITS . v-- y ula Outlaws Do Not Know of Sol- diers Approacn unxn iney Feel Blow. A I Arreat and an Attempted Escape. h TURNS GUN ON WIFE AND SELF Shoots Wife Three Times, Severely Wounding Her, and Then Takes His Own Life. MORRELL IS AN EX-FIREMAN Police Officer William Good, one of the veterans of the force, was shot and instantly killed by Oliver P., Morrell, 2924 North Twenty fourth street, shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday. Following the murder of the of ficer, Morrell shot and seriously wounded his wife, and then turned the gun on himself, with fatal re sults. The shooting followed the arrest of Morrell by Good. A call was re ceived at police headquarters that a man was beating his wife at 2924 North Twenty-fourth street. Good, the patrolman on the beat, was or dered to investigate and he arrested Mrrcll. Breaks from Officer. He took Morrell to a drug- store on the corner of Twenty-fourth and Blnney streets, from which place he called for the patrol. A minute after Good sum moned the wagon Miorrell broke away from the officers and started to flee. Good set out In pursuit. After a few atepa Morrell stopped, drew a gun and fired at the officer. The bullet struck Good squarely In the mouth, killing- him Instantly. Morrell then went to his home and fired three shots at his wife, striking her in the stomach, cheat and head. She was taken to the Swedish Mission hos pital, where she is reported in a serious condition. Morrell then turned the gun on him self. The bullet went through his hea l and he was dead when the police ar rived' ,...'"' Good was appointed to the Omaha police force, Juno 23, 1902. He was re garded as one of the most reliable offi cers on the force. Me lived at 331i fcpauldlng ' street and is survived by a wife and two children, line was 48 years of age. Morrell was M years of age and for twenty years had been a city fireman. He is survived by three children, each under 7 years of age. According to neighbors of the Morrella tbey had quarreled frequently, particu larly because Morrell was Jealous of his wife. s She had attended a dance Thurs day evening, and the trouble Friday arose over his accusing her of being escorted borne by another man. Sv Hospital Ship Sunk by German Subsea PARIS. March 31. The hospital ship Portugal has been sunk in the Black sea by a German torpedo boat or submarine with a large number of wounded aboard, according to an announcement of the official press bureau tonight. It is said that the Portugal had Red Cross signs conspicuously displayed. Court Orders Sale of .'Frisco System ST. LOUIS; March 31. A decree for the sale of the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad at foreclosure was signed by Circuit Judge Sanborn In the United States district court here today. Tho minimum price was placed at 4o,700,000. The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Saturday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicln- r.t Uy Fair, sllgtly warmer. Trmprratarea at Oman xeaieraay. Hour. 5 a. in... 6 a. m... De-. 3 3!) 7 a. m :." g a. m 40 a. ni 41 lot. in 4.1 II a. in 41 II in 4o 1 n. in 43 2 p. m 4-) t p. m 46 4 p. in " fi P. m 45 p. ni 46 7 p. ni 4S 8 !. ni 44 Caaaparatlva kKi gir4. ISIS. 1916. 114. 191. Hichest yeiterday 4i : 41 1 l'Wfal yeaterday -t 41 40 Mean lemrwrature 42 41 44 60 PreelplUUoii T .if) .JO Temperature and precipitation depar ture a from the normal: Normal temperature 44 lpf trnr v for the dnV Total -xce iilnce Marcli 1 114 Normal precipitation M Inch Ific-ny for the tav 01 1 ii h Total lainfall allies March 1 fb In -h Ielicieiiuv viiue Sliiit li 1 1 "4 Inches Kxcetis for cor. period. 1515.. 4iT lu h Kxcess for cor. period, laH.. .13 Inch Reports froai lltlloii at T P. M. Station ud State Tamo. Hlnh- Rain of Weather. T P- in. et, fall 'heyenite. clear 4 I a enporl, cloudy '4 I eiiver. clear 4 le Moinra, cloudy 44 iJodae City, part cloudy 38 North Platte, clear ii Omaha, cloudv 4.V Ui(l t'lty. clear 40 hridn. iart uluody.... 4-i Sioux 'it y, part t'luudy.. 4J V-' I'knr 4 4J .! Ml .til 4H .Oil w . 40 .In i4 . 4 T .02 il .fl 4.' .1U 4 .00 T ini'Kalta trace of precipitation. L, . . SV t-.UII. Lucii uixcvaler. - ;r , f - i ' ' ' S '. ! ' -.: J'-' ." ' " i m lutmm " mrm m "i" .j ; WILLIAM 300D. LONE GERMAN WHO CAPTURED YESSEL CHANGES HIS STORY Man Who Took Possession Matoppo Off New York Says He is German Spy. ' of LOCKED UP SHIPS OFFICERS Smashed Wireless Apparatus, Ter rorized Crew and Searched Safe and Cabins. MAY BE TRIED FOR PIRACY LEWES, Del., March 31. Ernest Schiller, the young German who cap tured the British steamer Matoppo and terrorized Us crew of fifty-six men on Wednesday night shortly efter th ship had sailed out of New York harbor for Vladlvoitock with railroad supplies for the Russian gov ernment, declared today that he was a spy for the German government. Weary from excitement undergone In his efforts to escape from the steamer yesterday after he had held the crew In his power with pistols ell of Wednesday night, he threw himself upon a cot in the Lewes jail early today and sought sleep. "Tea, I am a spy for the German gov ernment," he said. "Tou can beliee It or not- il makea no difference to ire. I a-ot my Instructions from the German government to go aboard the ship and to prevent Its cargo from reaching Ruasla. I could have blown it up, but the captan'a plea for his wife and daugh ter was too much for me and I hadn t the heart to do it. I am ready to take the consequences, but I ask that they keep me ashore Instead of sending me back to the ship for the raptaln to take me in charge." May Be Tried for Piracy. Hchlller had been told that as his dar ing exploit occurred outside the thre mlle limit, he would in all likelihood be aken to British possessions In the West Indies for trial for piracy. Federal au thorltlea and repreaentatlves from the British government came here today to x amino Schiller and to deride what to do with him. - An examination into Pchlller'a mental condition will be made. Thoae who have talked with htm believe he la lrresponxl- ble and that his story of his career 1 not true. Schiller was reluctant to tell his history. I was born In Germany," he said. Never mind the town or my parents' name. I have been in this country one year, in New York three weeks. I was sent ty the German government to England soon after, the war started and at Germany's requent I enlisted In the British navy and was asulgne.T 10 the training ship Conway at Liverpool. want to say right now that there are several thousand (ermana In ln llrlllKh navy. I know what this means to me. it's the Tower of lyindoq if they get me bark to the Matappo. But I won't go. Just bear that In mind. Captain Hlchard Bergner of the Ma toppo, said he la convinced that Schiller Is a former naval otfirer. American Forger New York Officers to Identify Him NEW YORK, March SI. Although I Ahle was Indicted October IJ. 1W, and there Is an Indictment against Charles II. Ahle here charging extortion. Ahle would rather return to New Tork e-vl run his chances before an American court than stay In London under sus picion of being a German spy. Much to the surprise of tho police de partment. Ahle has written from Loa don telling of his predicament and tag ging that the American authorljis cer tify to Scotland Tard that he Is an American rttlsen. Ahl'a letter came to Detective Barney Flood, who sas that six years ago he recognUed the indicted man' on the Ktrand in London. W hen the detective act oa ted hlro at tlia". timo Ahle Indignantly denied ois identilv. Now he writes to remind Flood of the meeting and seek his aid. CHIEF PERMANENTLY CRIPPLED rOLVMBfa, N. M.. March 31. A mesiafcp from Lieutenant Colonel P. C. Cabell, General Pershing's chief of staff, said Villa was carried away In a carriage after the hattle, wounded and with his hip perma nently disabled. Colonel Cabell In his inesoauo con firmed the report lliat American troops under Colonel George A. Podd had de cisively defeated 600 VUllstas. killing 31, Including General Klineo Hernandex. Pablo Ixipex, Villa's lieutenant, who was reported to have been killed In the Co lumbus raid, la stated to have been se riously wounded. ttlark at Dunn. Colonel Dodd attacked the Villa camp with 400 members of the Seventh and Tenth cavalry at dawn, completely sur prising the Mexicans and forcing them Immediately on the defensive. A five hour running fiitht follawed and Inst re ports from Colonel lHdd were that the American troopers were close behind the Vlllistss. who were fleeing further Into the mountains. It was Indicated that the Mexican forces were somewhere northwest of the railroad at the last reporta to General Perslilng'a headquarters. Before the bat tle the American forces marched through out the late day and all night, making a march of fifty-five miles through the chill mountain night In seventeen hours. Several Takea Prisoners. Several Villa prisoners were taken in the engagement, the exact number not being Indicated In reports received here. Also a number of Carranxa soldiers, who were being held with the bandits' forces awaiting execution, were liberated and are assisting the American forces In tho pursuit. The Villa flight after the engagement was an utter rout, arms and equipment being thrown away by the Mexicans In their haate. Two maehlne guns, a quan tity of ammunition and supplies were captured by Colonel Dodds' forces. The dead and woundecUaf.'llllstas were lying about the fl?ld over which the Americana fought and Colonel Dodds' re ports said that perhna. the estimate of thirty killed wss low. The names of the Americans wounded were not contlnod In the dispatch, but 1 was reported that none of the men mi in a dangerous condition. 4 Later reporta indicate that Villa ha separated his W men Into small banda each, fleeing in a different direction nnd that the bandit hlrrwelf with a few chosen followers were helnr Jolted, over mountain roads in a light carriage in an attempt to reach a hiding place. entrlea Are Borprlsed. While few details were given in the dlspatchej it was asserted that, despite the arduous mountain march of the Americans, the advance guard crept up through arroyos beyond the Villa out pocts before they were discovered and that tha American Sprinfle d ilflea mowjd the Mexicans down as they sprang from their pallets. Villa, himself, was In a little tent on a knoll In the rear of the encampment and It was asserted took no active part In the engagement, leaving the direction of his troops to General Hernandes. The dispatches did not state definitely that Villa was wounded In the engage ment, but rather intimated that ho bad t een wounded previously and was nursing his injuries at the time of the attack. This Is taken here to mean either that he was wounded, ns has been reported In the attack on Columbus, or In the minor skirmish with the Carransa forces In tho vicinity of Namaqulpa early Inst week. The isolation of the country In which tho engagement was fought and the dif ficulties in communication and trans Hon are iliovtn by the fact that Colonel Dodds' report did not reach the heal qi:arters of General Pershing at Colonla for more than forty-eight hours. Secretly Married Just to Add Spice 8HKNANDOAH, la., March 31. iSimv cial.) To add more spice to the romance, not becaufe of family objections, was the reason Miss Ruth Moaher of IeMars. la., and K. A. Trapp, a reporter for the Houx City Tribune, give for their secret mar riage. The bride, who has been visiting her sinter, Mrs. II. G. Fox six weeks, nur prtsed the family, when she announce J her husbsnd was expected for a vi t The reporter and fiancee eluded their friends and were quietly married bofor he came to Shenandoah. They will re turn to Rloux City Funday to make their home. The bride is the daughter of Dr. Mosher. head of a hospital at LeMars. Held as Spy Asks It la said he Jumped hia ball of His alleged crime Is not an ex'.radlloble offense. A deposition setting forth '.ho fans about Ahle's career is now On its way to London. SEISMIC SHOCK IS FELT AT GEORGETOWN WASHINGTON, March U. Pronounced earth shock's were recorded at George town unlveralty this morning. They be gan at i M a. m , arid continued until 1:30 o'clock, and reached their greatest intensity at .3i o'clock. The disturbance la eatlmtd to have been centered about I.SuO mllea from Washington. Gerard Presents Note to Imperial Government Asking if U Boat Torpedoed the Sussex or Horse Ship. COMMUNICATION IS FRIENDLY Kaiser's Answer Will Be Delayed Until an Inquiry Can Be Made in Case. SOFT PEDAL AT WASHINGTON HKHL1N. aMrch 31. (By Wire less to Tuckerton, N. J.) James W. Gerard, the American ambassiidor, ha, presented to the foreign office his government's request for Infor mation whether any German subma rine hadtorpedoed the cross-channel steamer Sussex or the British horse ship Englishman. The answer, ac cording to the Overseas News agency, will be delayed for some time 1 11 order to allow the naval authorities to make the necessary investigations. The tenor of the note handed the foreign office hy the ambassador is friendly throughout. Aak Alinnt Third easel. The American embassy In addition to requesting information concern ing the steamers Sussex and English man, also has asked the foreign of fice regarding a third steamer, the Manchester Engineer. It Is reported that nothing is known concerning the loss of the three ships. The Manchester Engineer went to the bottom as the result of an ex plosion while on a trip from Phila delphia to Manchester. The crew, which contained two American ne groes, was saved. Wesley Frost, American consul at Queenstown, re ported that the steamer was tor pedoed. Dlarnaaed by Cabinet. WASHINGTON, March 81. -President Wilvon and his cabinet today ' di" 'used the evidence thus far received by the tftate department In the cas-s of recent disasters to merchant rhlpa carrying American citlsens. In tho absence of Conclusive proof of submarine attacks no action waa taken. It Is understood that the course to be pursued by the United fit ales ahould the Indications be sustained by evidence now being gathered, was considered at length. After the meeting It waa authoritatively Indicated that no step Involving serious consequences was imminent that the ad ministration was determined to proceed only after definite facts were before it, and that there would bo no action unless there waa positive proof that a subma rine commander had acted in violation of the principles of International law. Maw Renuire a Week. Secretary Iiiatnir itiado It clear that he believed six or seven days might elapse ' before the desired Information was re ceived. The press dispatch from Berlin announcing that Ambassador Gerard had presented to the Berlin foreign office an inquiry whether a German submarine had attacked the Suiwea or the British horse ship Kngllshman was read with interest In officlsl circles. . The statement In the dispatch that the reply might be delayed bore out the opinion of officials that all the German submarines on cruisers at the time of the disasters had not reported. It was said at tho .Slate department that no dispatches of Importance regard ing any of the casts under Investigation had been received during the day. Five Zeppelins Raid n . n 1 'J ' Eastern hngianQi ' IONION, April 1. Five Zeppelin air ships raided the eHnlcrn countries oT England last niht, according to an official announcement Junt Ifwucd. Thus far it has been ascertained that about ninety bombs were dropped by the In vaders. NORTH PLATTE MEN IN EAST TO REPRESENT POWER CO. WASHINGTON, March :. I .-pe. inl Telegram. )-M. V. HoHRlaiid and wife and John Halllgan and wife of North Platte are gueats at the lUleiah. Mera. HoaK- land and Halligau are in Washington to represent the attorney general of Ne braska In the suit of the Heaver Itlver Power company againat the fulled ."latca, the atate of NebraAa being one of the Intervenora In the ault, which seeks to determine whether the general government has the right lo collect tolU for the uae of water power ond by a private corporation. Harmony Between the seller and the buyer is what makes busi ness. Nothing equals newspaper advertising as the .means of keeping the merchant and his patron in touch with one another. Advertise in The Dee AVIATION RELAY CHAIN INCOMPLETE Air Craft Carry Messages and .Lighter Freight from Bolder to American Camps. PILOTS ANXIOUS TO DO SCOUTING COLON1A DUB LAN, Chihuahua,' March 27. (By Motor to Columbus, N. M., March 31. A complete chain of aviation relays from tho Ameri can border to the front where American columns are close on Vil la's trail has been established. The main base Is at field headquarters. The advantage of the relay Is that It enables the planes to travel with I fairly light loads from one station to the next. It also serves in part to overcome the problem of altitude which the avtators have faced, by lightening the load of fuel. At pres ent the machines perform important messenger service, carry malls and occasionally a few emergency sup plies. One of them took a small hand mirror more than 100 miles for Important work. It was carried along with a bushel basket full of emergency supplies. All this preparation by the aero squad ron is for more vital work which may call the men out to risk their lives at any time. The aero squadron already has done some of the most important work accomplished by the field dlvlalnna. All of the men fee) that they may have an opportunity to participate In the actual chase men have not actual chase of Villa. IiraHle their ventures to date the air- been sent alolt rerkleasly. There Is no good to be accoinpllalied by the loxa of an aviator's life so long aa the sacrifice gains no real benefit for the expedition. U tah for Big hanrr. "hut," the flying men cay, and alaays with emphasis, "If the big chance comes we will go up some, no matter what It coats." One of the aviatora today expreaaed the wish fur a spet lul t pe of mountain flying machine, which could be driven to an altitude of 1 .'..- O feet, earning an observer and a military load. With such machine?." he (aid. "ihu (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) Line of Pershing9 s Now More Than 300 Miles Long COIjONIA ll RI.AN, Chihuahua, March 21. (Hy Aeroplane to i'olumbii. N. M., March 31.1-The line of communications maintained b Sherman In his march to tha sea has been exceeded already In the line tretchd by the American troops southward Into Mexico. This Hue today exceeded X0 milea In length. Kherman finally cut looe from hia line, and that Is precisely what llrlgadier General J. J. Pvrahlng is prepared to do. If necesaary, when the final dash after Villa la ready. The line of this dash Is uncertain, but Indications today pointed strongly to sit uations unexpected a week ago. American troopa, without a railroad, have opened a line directly Into Villas noted hiding places, all in than two e-ka. At the head of this line are col umns guarding aenu-a which Villa might try to use for doubling on his trail, II at ST fc, A , .1 fc ,k ... a . a. a ' GERMANS CAPTURE TOWN NEAR YERDUN ,-. . Teutons Attack Tillage of Malan court torn Three Sides and Drive Out French. ATTACK ON WOOD EEPU1SED AillS. March 31. The Oennans delivered a fierce night attack on three aides of the village of Malan- ccurt, says the French official state ment Issued this morning, and the French retired from the vi'lage proper, which was in ruins, but con tlnue to hold it outskirts. Fierce Infantry fighting lasted for the entire night before the French withdrew from the untenable post tlon in the village of Maleneonrt, the official statement adds. 'The Germans again tried to carry t) assault the position which the French had won back In the Aran- court wood, but they were repulsed East of the Meuse the night was calm. The text of th communication follows: "In the Argonne we have repulsed two (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) Two Aeroplanes Drop Bombs Into a Swiss Village J1KIISK, March 31, -(Via Paris. )-Two aeroplanea of unknown nationality drop ped five large bombs st dawn this nasrn lug on the amall Hiea village of Poren trury, near the French frontier. Some damago to property was caused. Dr. Waite Formally Charged With Murder NEW YOrtK, March SI. The grand jury today returned an Indictment charg ing murder In tho flrat degree against l'r. Arthur Wnrren Walte, accusing him of pnltnning hla father lii-law, John . 1Y inlllionulre drug manufacture of Grand Itup'd. Expedition is while st the front is a body of mn whose Idenlltlea the ieiikorhlp has hidden thus far, but whose exploits are dally filtering back along the long communication line filling the Iroopa preaalng forward from the rear stations with anticipation and maintaining the moat gallant of Ameri can military traditions. In bard campaigning about two doxen of the vanguard troop have dropped from the ranks for hoapital treatment. There is not enough Illness, however, to affect any part of the original strength of the puraulng unlta. Meanwhile the others are said to have hardened to their work as they advanced. If the line of communlcaliona holds up under Uis strain of cross-country tranapoitation. It ap pears that Villa will te hunted w.tlt In cleaned vigor. The men along the route erpreaa no spprehenslon that the line will fall. . T M .. .. w.-i Dodd'a Cavalry Sweeps Down Con tinental Divide on Bandit Clan, Scattering- It Like Chaff Before the Blast. VILLA IN TENT NURSES HURTS Thirty-One Mexicans Slain While American Force Suffers but Four Injured. SENDS THRILL ALONG BORDER EL PASO, Tex., March al. Four hundred American cavalrymen, under the command of Colonel George A. Dodd, whirling down from the granite slopes of the great conti nental divide, hare fallen like a thunderbolt on the main body of Francisco Villa's bandits at the San Oeronlmo ranch, scattering them like rhaff In the wind and driving the bandit chief, wounded and crippled, to seek a hiding place in the moun tains over which he has ruled for so many years. Villa was hurried from danger In a carriage. The battle opened at 8 o'clock In the evening of March 29, Thrill Alan Border. The news of tho brilliant exploit of tha American troopers wss flaahed over tha Mexican wlrea Into J u ares today and sent a thrill along the border. For seven teen hours the veteran Colonel Podd and his picked rulers of the Seventh and Tenth cavalry drove down the valley of the Santa Maria river. At the end of fifty-five mils ride they biyst upon tha unsuspecting V Mist a. camp, where 500 bandits wore celebrating the maaaacre of 173 Carranslstas two dsys previously at Guerrero. Villa, shot through tha leg and with one hip shat tered, was hurried from the soene barely In time to eescape the onslaught of the soldiers of the north. The bandits mads a brief but hopeless stand before the fierce charge of Colonel Dodd and his troopers. Then they broke and fled, leaving thirty-one dend on the field, including their commander. Gen eral Ellseo ' Hernandes. Two machine guns, a rurji-r of horses, rifles, amttit-"a nltlon and equipment fell Into the hand of the victors. Fowr Americana Hart. . Among the known wounded is Tablo tapes. Villa's lieutenant in the Columbus raid. The American casualties were four privates wounded. Ths American soldiers did not linger on the field of victory. For flra hours they drove the enemy before them into the wilderness of mountain peak, desert and canyon, where roads or even trails are unknown and where a misstep means death to horse and rider. They halted only after the chase had led them tea miles from the baUletield and tha fugitives were scattered far and wide in little bands of half a dosen men each. Villa's oareer has endod. His power has been broken, ills death or caputre is only a queatlon of days, perhaps only hours, such is the Inevitable conclusion reached here, aa little by little the details of "Dodd s ride" seep serosa the border. It seems Impossible that the crippled, de feated bandit can long remain hidden, even in the mountainous wastes in whlcli be hae sought refuge. or ! Victory. The scene of Colonel Podd s victory Is) a broad valley lying at the head of tha Rio Banta Maria. On the west, ftse tba barren foot hills of the continental divide and to the east Is a trail, mads famoua by'Vllla. which leads through the Lagun De Castllla district to the ill-fated Bants, Ysabel. It was at the latter place that Vlila killed eighteen American mlninat im-n. a crime which sent a thrill of horror throughout tho United States and marked the beginning of what many be lieve to be the end of his blood stained laieer. It was toward Hanta Ysabel that be was. believed to be heading when the trcnpeis of the CnlWd Mates swept down from the north upon his camp. Front the meager details which have reached here frcm Mexican and American tr 11 tnry tour.i-s Col'n'l Dodd s men made their way unnoticed through arroyoe, or deep gulches, which split the foot hl'.l In all directions, and were almost in the camp before the alarm was given. Villa lu Ills Teat. Villa Is roptrlcd to nave teen In a small tent nurnlng his injuries when the orasU of ll e merlcan vo l-)s awoke the bandits to panic stricken action. The extraordinary bold the bandit chief ha over his follower is shown by tha fact that their first thought was to sava him. I'nable to walk or -ride he waa hurriedly placed in. a 1'ght wagon and) driven over the rough trails to some secret lair. While thrity-one of the bandits are known to have been killed, it la said, that the number may have been considerably larger. Nothing la yet known aa to tha number of wounded, although it is prs sumably in proportion to the dead. Thirty Killed. WASHINGTON. D. C. March J!. General I'erahlng. through General Fun ston, reported loJay to the War depart mant that he had found General Villa with MM troops near ouerrero. General I'rrahlng's report ssld thirty Mexicans wore killed and four Anii lean privates injured, but nono serloualy. Two machine guns, many cavalry horses and much ammunition was captured by the Americans. The attaek was a sur prise on the Villa forces and culminated In a running right, in which they were driven ten miles Into the mountains northeast of the railway, where they separated Into small band. General Kunston'a dispatrh from Fort (ConUimedon"FageTwo Col uioiTbne f