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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1916)
"Nas- 1 The Omma Sunday GAZINE FA5E SO s fa . r r , ' f . ' at i ' k r ? : Bee Ma y.! "-J--!",',', " I 'rill ' "'""'' t r i tit t rLt r? i a t .rr j r va 7" ' "5 S si ew - 4fa Jr V Mifio H sWm.-w. - L,.Jt4,.irr,T . -. ft ..r nffuf-in-inrrriT -11- -n iiiihhiMm 1 i I wiMiwn'4iinifci wniw sswi ,sisusisasiissa ,ja'ts is iwri ii nriwwii'iiii''"',ii mm ! i Ur. I V ' 1 ' N . , ',..f . Clara Morris Ex plains How Repe tition of Make Believe Love Scenes Creates a Desire to Make Them Real and How the Loneliness of "the Road" Drives Actors and Actresses Into Frequent Matrimony Nat d'oodwin And the I our Leading Ladle Whom He Married from Time to Time. The One on the Kx (rtme Left U No. 1, Eliza Wfatheniby, a IJe witchlnK English A drew Who Appeared with Mr. (oodwln. Next Her U the Btatueftque Maxinc Elliott, for a Time Mn, ftoodwin. Next Her Edna Goodrich and Laxt Margaret Moreland. Mr. Goodwin limxelf, in the Hquare, Wears an Appreciative Exprelon. By Clara Morris WHY Is It that, a leading man a fraquantly marrloa hli Icadlnc lady -for a mora or lwi teudad tlmo? Why to put (he nueallon In another form dooi ataaa lovo an fie quertlr tlnaaom Into real love?, Why do actrMca ana actora marry 10 often? Theio rlddlra hava bnen anked ma. Actor (oik, with their uhuuI Ineonaltit ncy, ara bit rcaontful of llila prying Into their prlvata affalrn, qulio fotKcttlng tha claim they make, when employing the aervlcea of a publicity agent (detectable terml), that the arouHed curlonlty of the publlo la really an luttirraHlou of kindly lutereat and, well worth whilo In the light of that claim they tan only bite their llpa In alienee and make note that, like certain rule, publicity worka both wayi, cuuhIiik much glorifica tion, but also aome bitter vexation. Apropoa of thla auhject of tme lovo, a gray halred devotee of tho play, a flint nlghter of parte, remarked, "I've Jut had a aecond look at Mr. X. and Mme. Ho and So, and they rortalnly give us a charming love acene. I couldn't hplp wondering If er you don't aupposn they? liy Jove, do you Know, id give aomnthlng to underatand the rranon why o many atage lovers develop Into liuneitt, crone-yotir-heart, hope-to-dle real oneH," "Oh, hearken to the man!" I cried do rlalvttly. "The reaaon foraooth! Doeg he then think that ac-iora are aa alike aa the blarutt and cooklea that are all nliaped with the aauie cutter, aod t hut the cauiie la alwaya the aame In theae lova trana formatlona? The reaaon, Indeed I" lie took his hat, and after a long look Into Ita crown he aald, "1 notice you unt il the word 'cause' jimt now Imttead of 'reason' and anemed to emphasize It trongly. Why?" "Ilooauae," I answered with the aweet ami! of a Cheshire cat, "outside of bul oesa few actora are guided by reason, Tbey are moved by Impulne, whim, habit, outside auggeatlou, or by a 'biitich.' They are swayed, even governed, by emotion, but not by reason. That'a where their charming spontaneity of manner comes ' from. Hut remember that when uxed tit relation to actora, reason la simply an upherolvm," When atone memory begsn to circle over pal )esrs. and her and there a face name, a situation started up. I recalled that tru aetilua with the uuctuoua voice, danltng wit and aurrastlo tongue, llun liouclisuU, king of stage managers, wlinse ttieUer bad long been to Vto, Ui lss, and -ride av. And ahat niaU cluui laughter followed uin hi hniubia deviitlun to l imi I hot n.lj ke! r'.uinr luvenport. Marin tKrn, . CosliUn, Julia Marlowe, it-r liltln rlua Wiatb ershv, Mattame Nayhmn. at soma of the women suie who have tailen in love lu earnest after plating at love with a I'1 1st nian The ii!lifltv of m1e atsrs ttka Ue fvoitt prtia !t, but lliere are othera. a II not leVolf ItiM'I'er. WfltUm rer aa'll, Nt t.'uodwin. !v.t I uLin ltdHc te IV-l eil'!,'. K II f, ;!:. i. S i t lS t'ouH O. H 'r l , l, It i!.. rt MIH, wh,i ( . ai , , , (tout i heir U-.t':.g t.i.i..a '4 v-h thef iin'iii t Ih.i .u,i" :r tU-a "ti tr a i.' if i ' t4is : he failed t lh tn Mi l t'i', ,.t ih!nilli4 r,tiHg U t t . wtth th HuHidg tctitea romiua a!tg a'.rcug 14 t.t ! makiag "'i a" t' M ue t ! at tu ui't re ( m t't i u l Ue (-"in t,.m of !., Mn vif,. difctv-4 '.( s i t .I,,,., tit V, h i i it l : nil (1 t i t III f 11 h t mri 1 UtM fi' 1 1. iti lh ,.. .(, 1, k . g-,., 1 '' 1.1 lli t t I ' - .l I ,l I I wacksl-, M'N-n t, i:rr, .tm;ti.J (,.. BrtW, m'H ..i..!:' Ut I ; I -f tt Bimlng iii'Ut. tltf I , I r . 11 t.t M. a ..!,. thtt fi'UM'Hri 4' r ttt I . S '11,1 i) h I ,1 V4, a et K a ( t..:(. ,ttg fiutu Ma Individual roller rtialra, enjoyed. n tween magnolU and Jaemlna acanta and 1n tha apell of moonlight In Florida love speedily bloomed. When 1 reached tho age of fifteen I had already heard much of a vary un popular Buffalo manager. One mornlog one actor aald to another; "Lord, man, you'll never consider an offer from old M . You know it will only be for a jack-knife anaaon," Jack knife season! What could that be? for two daya curiosity gnawed at me. Then It was know or din, so I aaked our "old woman." tine was grim, but she answered with: "What does a Jack knife do? ' "Cuts," anld I. What else does It do?" Why, ar oh U opens and closes." "Huh, well that'a what M 'a Jackknlfa seaaona do. They open and close." And to day tha brev ity of some of these 'lghtnlng change mar Hugos Is strongly aug KcMlve of Jackknlfa aessoua. Hut tha permanence of the marriage tie la not the question to day ("thanka be"), but rath er what causes atage lovera to change Into real ones New York Is the per fect, all satisfying Tara ilino uf the actor, but ihouKlt many may be called, few are chosen to remain there, while hundreds are sentenced to "the road," soma even for life Now, we must begin by taking Into consid eration the endless dis comfort, the dull unt farmlty of the weary hours In cars that are all tllke, the camping In hotel that are all alike, the menial Hst lessneaa that cornea of playing bu' one or two pan for long months. Hurring the three or four hours at the the atre, Ufa en route la deadly monotonous. Now, If all wotk and no play makes Jack a dull boy, you may be sure tlim under Ilk circuit) stances ,litl a III be simi larly affected A llUla amusement of soma sort ta essential If on U tiot to die of sheer ennui. In many casea the aureus a altitude of nUud toward thla quea tlon Is bel fipise bv Metrics. uglish poet. .t American Am ha has i' l . 'V, .H.-r rosebuds ru'e ) nut. U'd 'nine ta s'. ii afljr- It, ni this saui flower thai siitiiea lodsv 1 , oi.itro all) ta diiug ' It, i, aturl'y ii.iii!i, t-'iev !!. It f'virt t( tpiiCuumi 1,1 get aaar fjiMH them, n inur thoa fin is th trei'.ei. ..ts r o? l-t.-i i 1 fut , t' strong aitr. tuHi vf ls-1 t.'ois Vi hses tia isi. ter f bu Ina s's'itl la in ntsta tiud- Tha atail- menfal I wlnh I knew spirit enters Into It, and now and then a coldly Tabulating ambition "to bolter oneself," as ft servant girl will sny. Last, but far from leant, ranks tha In aeapahla siiKKtlon of tha pluy's love scenes. All those are causea In tha de velopment of real love from Imitation between star and leading support. Hut the strongest factor, more power ful even than propinquity, Is the fa-t that there la absolutely no one clue, If there la to be any detraction, even any near romance, they muat find It In each other, since they are "dootn'd for a certain term" to work and travel to gelher. Nothing stands still. What doe not advance goes back, and the relations between star and support at the begin- A Photograph of E.II.Sothern and Julia Marlowe in "Komeo and Juliet It Was the Shakespear ian Revival and the Pnaslonatc Love Scene These Two Played That Drew Them at Eaat Into Heal Love and Marriage. J.-A,, V t r 1 t . 1 J .... V ", 1 V', ' . iff, 'J j U- r f f t "l ' , ;',' tf- ' Jo , ,V 4 ' ' ' ' W'" j s . , ; . if , yn t r ' It I. ! A .- Ui, ''Xh. t ,- f 'it fUUaT' 1 fool -t ur 1 1 1 ' ' "" ' ' J 1 1 1 1 llll' ;' H 4 V 1 I II 1 tf. .lilt "A I ' .' ' ' I I - : mm r- .1 V :: I1 :: ! 1 jf.;, 13 y-.l ; ft": :. , . . V,-: w. 4 Q U 1 c"- -:l i ' i-.-- r ' 1 J . ; -v.' Viii ;;,,'' ;( - ...v.. r' :; . U - - V- ,fl' ' : . ' .!' V ' ' 'r f . ; III k W i.iaar i i- . 1- : - . , x II S ,1 Mll lnfi..l:ir,lfei ll.-1 I ilhjiilllililiilWWiUll"' ""ll'"Hllll"llliH MHH i' w , W,l miWMWmJ , - " '? - r t t v. i.teg cf a season rannot ren.atn 'tn tsi l un.v'' 'tttf-f init adiAina to com. r.ll,li, loii-i.hiii, or Oi ii-iu tai iitii ru nil r ii, iH :1 ii,'t sfi Mi'iios at tii lih In iiiii. I'd u ihi Hfy ir iitt raioua loat t i r ; ip'n.d'ti un ktiotm Id I 'pni H111 t.lo tmasliiailon It (.le.sltig t.i IHe ali.i, tt t t .i ih m 11 inl I i,t (.'ton Tike a '-! f ii.riet beirtnt.. A rather teii.- l -'.t. ter, alix pUnt Nisi no I.-im n for man imoct , eieti lu ti fr (Allure, lie beib-ves blnn!f ma tr of bluisi-lf si.. I HiKtrfi't of h t fi', oit t.n Is to. in. King aH!o-it lit lsil eg 11 111 H till n-.tus' 1 HI O lea.llng w Milieu a r'larnilnf, oiit'i(, . inpniiieti-c, witrni lip-tiii .He roo paulotiael. bl the are w.ii aU d4MgH !'iii-f I'l'Hiit'i-s, ei, on slant, a!i f t of hair, siii ii l.niit d, eloo f 'i ,t I il .li.l. .1 shii.t nixuih, tavis'.tiig coitii !iii..ii. (.. t it Olil of lo.neilienl, Will cltnl t I tit liii lliw'-s, (li g'sitonir of alilih wilt Comei From THIS Marl Doro and Her Bridegroom. Klllott Ueiter, F.njoylng at 1'alm lieach the Krai Honeymoon that Deval oped from the fttage Lovo Heen Shown Here, affect even the aefr, who, mind you, per ftctly understanda tbo modus operandi ol It all. Yet the imagination that makee his hereto stage character real to blm makes ner teauty real, and it Is not with Im punity u ttit man that the aetor, night after night, in rapturous lova-maklng, holds in bis arma this yielding form, gsxes deep Into lovely eyas, and k Using tenderly cheek or lip, as the scene re quires. Boon Ja no longer sees tha woman as jh U, but througu Imagination aees lier a Juliet peraoiilfled. Ills plans are wrecked There Is another Inconsequent marrUg Thaj rare are full of may light. likoaN-i tha hotole. They ara "Imparadls d lu one another's arms," for tha saon, any way, and after that tha deluge, The woman star Is as a goddess In hei wn right, Yet even (he slmon piiro oin bsd leanings toward ih tons of men, u gloried to llilr rondeai enBinn tlul the siasa goddean never caiciie her I'mi. mioii napping, lie Is aUaVs wbleaMsk", and tnire long he will find "gtace Hi all br ateps, heaven In her eve." 'h mi arena will be the one bright spot in IM dull uniformity of ins dsy. IU, lusiesl of tha msiil, will uka charge of 11. handbag of milady, and the real Is as a lal that Is told Mn you sea the perfects natural homag dssll la gatlmr llielr roselools wlillo lliei may, and tha fesirdted lanx for aeaa-t Is potent cause (or His ieiiiuitital smner aaulf l"b actrass almost alaav feds "si.e would l aiku'd. and imt utmui'ilil i.e won," but a few hav lit liHurabl hslut of plating aiitt iiisuti. JUst I i e .t bow nsriow a inai-riii Miey rn rip In eUietatlon In 1 of g possllil 1 oiuUmrs, tll'U IW.f JUI M Id llSt SlIIUII pi' )ou know, If tb iireia ar rot atitipsilie'i.. 1, begin with, ha piwtlc Iiiiim-i, !,nlin t UUat.i. Hi emleilii sm) p4H ol tt' ' lil.llli.l. Slljr ,.lr. i , rt (4 Very apt In )om I' e curiosii v of e pUtrr lli MUrr, and lllH Ifi w.oosii pro). U l.. (...f , , ( ,n S. boisiii.., x-l Um ai ..f , I,, 4. .,. u. Thus a. led l.n m.ii , , tr lo, -SHI) I,M t ...,!,, I, ., jil,,,,, pe..,. wh.i '.ir a' t!ii i,, i,i "1'iisies a -,l ' mini ,, v. eirirsi nuiin.i hi 1, a 1 , (,,,,, ta tii a world car i.ona, .ollig I 'II I I ..,.1 1-r-tMHS'1', t-"s 11 f Ml I i' 1 ,in- Ml I'ltlSUi ICSKK H...I-I11